pg. .. g_¢ no .—-a _ _.C°LE¥3%.Wfi§Q.Q¥-,TV§$‘{2éY§.{V:¢F§T”?& l1.9.?i.l." C W:’1..Ti.s'1f‘1i‘:131_*1*1’ci:_r~l:H' ""1~zTJMBEn'gi_'q‘ _ _l§sIi3Yoci< WILL §°;g,g;gK,g,Yg,gggES EBELGIUM TRIES fMrs.’iiopnereoo,’é%, soy. Work-, ;\iEw J,i‘13jui;T;§1$j“. ,_ _rr..;1.........i.... y : DIVIDII\G $0,000 C(.)n.':l:§':1t':l:":T|;:% T0 HARMONIZE: sleep, Cereals ‘and Milk Aid Life? PREMIER 13 10 . 9 ..'.i.. rr—_ go r... ao ; ESTATE FILE o, o‘Z.'1';.'2'..... r.... 1.. -my . THE ENI‘ENTEju..’l.T:“...l§.‘§.’...".if"“1.’i.‘;.“'..‘i§r.l.°.i’.l=2..'?';‘.‘..i..f‘°,‘:l..:'.;‘,,:“;:,’,;‘°_",;' ‘;{,;:,j BE Y AM AMOKO P» lilo ' - light theae da}'I- he - - . ‘(V 0 ‘ a 4. n i . g T 3 moon are . 3‘ ., r ninetyeaeventh birthday Sunday. ; She will not begin a continued story,’ 0'' Pl‘-35“ G3 Slde " "" "______ James William Sh!-yock,l‘l*"l finer" '4 "“‘ "°‘ ‘° “"“""':Reply to British Note?’ "“" “"' "" ""‘ ''‘‘’'°‘’ ‘’‘‘’‘’°““’‘ "'° ml‘ ‘°''" ‘'°'" W . . o la . -__._.._ E ro}‘c‘.i 1... .‘ . ibut ml! nimble marry to “mkethe , era-y or me and ham: oeiuieri r u r r th u. ~ -i. Was Head of Government E of ‘ml .50 u:‘l‘w l""‘l ;‘°"‘§z° 15$» Brother of Dewaaed, rgoes tinxle.” an rt-tun: I deal of; Makes Effort to Re- ;T1'tl't'l»8 nor bmernee' sea to darken ltna‘lI‘ha':;:ne(l, inc :hec:arl‘i‘:‘ - 1913 d 1914 N 13 work change II temp:-atngg.‘ ; Is the lP"°6°° -ill“ "°“'- A Smre Peace .the dI)‘8. enloya uch hour to the ters. She reads the daily papers In ‘ an :- a- A tia] Basia _ .__._.... __ 9 W , _ It all has to do with the prepari-7 _ fullest , assiduously. and although she may val Scandal Caused - _ , 3 For Ilisaoori: Fair tonight and Beneficiary. gtiona for an old _fiddlera' contest._ofg Re]at}on5_ _Mn. McPhen_son came from her forget by the end of the day what F .l . S 1'“ “"95 dillll! — the old southland variety. in whichlfig __ ‘:lK:l'lll;|d born: :2 Scontliandh at tge she has read. if rhr is reminded by ' ' ‘ - ' ' ’ the Pick of the old fiddler: alnolllg . S N D °. "9'-‘Gil }'- W a 5 e ma e :. word or two she is able to recall ‘ “ “ ‘l * s r Ti?’ 1: A ' o.'. 2.... —.-.r;.- .......i.... ..__ ' senor. more -or or -on “‘ ._...._° ECREASE-ii’..?..§": "W -2"? 2:" 3".” W i “"0 ’“”“"‘” "°DA" Q ~ ' ‘ l ' ° ‘ . 'n‘n." "h ° .\. .b 1: '. ' .. '' u ml an 9’. c ‘pressure waves. that give ua our'Nephews and N1e% Getixf ‘mum’ for an °""“"‘°“"Says Discreet Conversa- men, and thinks he? in cisri-‘lno3:sfuiu:u-trnmjru tlu-l;'u~rluM\‘lll-merger-2 Selection (_‘ mg: 5 ;‘5’¢l’t3"°e ' °’ sute ."""'°’ """"‘ "‘ ’°""""" 37:00‘) Eadl — D0Cl1° ‘ 'l?lle contest will be held at llc-l lions Between Minis- in: alone not at all rcmarluble. she sic-nally uses it cane Illlcll rho -. - 0 ” as . ur‘ will Work Against ‘'4'? developed -than usually is the: ' K. M" ‘ 8 .. k Se “mu; , thinks with pleasure of her .-o,-rrg.-lo...-. ...,,i.i,._. .,. ,..,m, ., M W ,. prise—Count Uchida 7 « . ‘cue in late summer. and are trnrel-' mellt W88 Drawn '~ """ . ‘ °“ °° " : ters Might Take - and tell. of the many atte-itionr. all. She ii.-rr it than ii d - -‘ Th€.m- ' ~ "'3 "°"° '‘'l“'!-- A low ; U June 14 .5‘ 1' :3" X; -‘°' u’; ",,,'od"'9,,', -° place of Notes which she received {ruin her fellow .. Wt:ll pick it tlp nn\n":a.ndmthcn’."".) Exlmmd to B9 T; - 5 3:‘ ‘ vdjq.‘ dufin‘ the. ' P ' Cgumhncan Q ‘ M”: f It . ' -"'3;¢l"'3”°;l,hl-139 Il'llP- She has made many friends dur- Chosen- ~ ‘ '3" 59"‘: ll“!!! Illllith {mind I", ‘m 1 R . ' 0 *“""“ rs. c err-on has never been in: her long life time who remem- -—-~————— , , ,r _ , , . e o euben Shryock. "7 ‘6]""9r and Pr--e. . . . . i more rre-. . ,'r¢xgg mm g go nun" -_ , Among the old fiddler: of the -. ‘mo __ . . g . (.1 h . h H» ‘ _~h_ l h _ ., or warm r . 3;-...: : DELPHI‘. All‘. 28.-Johaithey continue this morning owl’ ‘c oped colony who will talne tnrt in the _h;_’o’;"y 2’ ttufififigh feeplifiigox can 1?:-t i:.;i:: wlvlliatfl it ‘ :l|t'l\l):3 :¢r- lttflr. fl’: rfmtlho.-h‘ini‘.: ‘3jl';:l"(‘}°:r:-L: T0lv{l0.".:uc. 28.-—Count Gumbel ‘‘‘f..' t ol_ the Uuitedfthe Iiaaiualppiand north of the com 1“; '‘:,,.d. ' "L nfcontest are: Lafayette Harshall.1_“°u_ nude .1: each to bridge the mu, x.m»,,, pm. 8,", en, phyed “Hum. M S.‘ Lnuik who is We nffamanioko has been selected pre- ' ‘ dill" 'wwktm e‘hu“h.d «.tflk..ohi°' i . ‘sh:-yoek left!‘ ‘ea,tat I ‘W Rkqurd Baum,’ Fancy‘. June“! ° la and restore “ 33730 of cards. Not that she at- the :~ur\'l\'nt‘h of the Titanic dis"a.<- ml" °{ J'p'"° “u"°°di“‘ mm“ X" -I l ' '2'" in . 5°“! 59" ‘ah’; A dominates west 0f‘n‘.‘tet’ egounui . 0 "mro"-‘n3'“;- £3330“ ShN'l°5' ‘Ml TV?‘ huinon’ to the ‘meme tachcs any thoughts of evil to card tor. .\lra. Roi-1-rt: hm given Mrs. w‘ by H" "hail." h°dy' ll” cam’ .1?’ neartheanthracltere-rtheliasisaipplandasusualtheas-‘ 3‘ i’ ' - "°’vl° "- ' ' v - ccordnx to the will. lir. Shry- . . . ‘ games. but she decided, eh — ‘.1’ M 1.‘; H! _ -__,- -H‘, M it was oll'iciall)' announced today. lad?’ :::.':Vi‘hen she was a young girl ‘to \$‘lfll(‘llc:';I‘("%x"ll'.'% llrxiilitingvfrdlm En: Th" ‘°l“'“°" °f "‘"l'"‘°l‘°- 'h° ‘Cram! and peraomlly direct the walk-iaociated weather la clear and line. 0‘. ‘ t consider, the “me h” ‘r, Na)‘ and has kept her resolve. She land when the .-hill sunk. It was in p"m'" °f J'l‘”‘ ‘" 19“ :3: ; . hf 165.000 hard nilucfilrlfflae Present tyve wlllvvtflail two or ullhleldvu “.000 ‘O his brothel’. Baxm-rs LOOT WAREROESB Y3- Shryock. and SLOW o . - " l‘'‘’ l" """"“"‘ “"- 3"""° 4' sister Urn. Elizabeth Threlkeld \'ine Men 2...... Wm. szooouirzred for a runner in the procedure wrnds her time reading and !‘¢'“‘lllfI- a. suitcase which was i-ickr-d up. ‘-. ""” ‘ f"""“" '5‘ .1 I, ,.,,_;_“'”"‘""""f 3 Iornint thermometer rendingaibmh of “In”? (.onm’,_ “am. of “quot you reparations. llcnigbc-fin lenrrned to sew . \\ hen ask:-ll to recommend a rec» “’i"‘_:‘li':-'T:.l';;‘l“E."‘:,l"(l:‘b"'.' RRISBURG. pm. An‘. ’wc-re about -50 degrees along the Anothfl. bmth". J‘-mu ‘yimum u. v..ii..4 y-....._ . Th.‘ pmuem has “cached ‘I point on h To kwden iu e Wlls old for long life and good health. nu "(mm h the choke . ,. a. co.‘ op"‘mut°d.".'¢:noflhfrtl bofllcr. and about l0 dc-lshfyock. of Boom. County. fluivfl‘ (‘}{[CA(;(), Aug, §,_..xm(- [,.n."kfl.c friend‘). ‘ad dixnet convefi U:>3: O Irectlons from‘ her .lr.\. McPherson answered unhcsi- ‘:.m.mOko.‘ “nut go" in 19“ _ . . re Pine in the'7‘"” .h"h" m“'"'i""l5' {"7 """'7'- ll? acres of land in Callaway Colin. ill!‘ 10dll)’_ll°l¢‘-l llll l-lll'N' “'ll~¢llN'-_'3?ll-£10.03 between allied ministcnégnwn Err“! loitxlrr bl’ fhp lining!" am‘, “he th-might Work’ as the result of a naval acandal. an. p"‘.,mkm_ ne‘o“.“o'u. ‘r600 tulle! Ilrozrcnsing southward. 2”. ‘N, u“. '-emgindff of the ogtatei it the \\ nkem nml M('l.aUl!hhl|.‘mi[ht take the place of notes with. il 5 in hp ";.'dn::: E ‘mg °‘°}':° ‘ ‘"7931’ _‘_'"‘l mm‘ ‘"“"" ‘ Bum Kn‘, V,” bud“ ma”. Wm, .~“_uu,M of an, wflmum “my: llightraysz A bit rough in spots ‘fin. an hqufiu M... been mu}... ,wrir0hutl.xi*. ;:uvcrnnwnl bonded. and out there being an actual (‘u!lfl‘l"t’D(‘(‘.;\_?§a e 5; °1:°m.moul"m§ '‘‘;"h_l '3 “H 07 l"lll!¢‘.\ TM)’ fun MW‘ ham" till“ Nlrcde lllllww Worltlnc con-i°"""""""' ml “’ "‘.’°"' . ' lllr. Shryock l-«inc-llml 37~°°° “"“l""'. "M" ""°"'"°" ‘""".' ""““' "°‘° ’‘‘'l‘l' . . ’.~*.-oilirnd ller rnlendirr iima; 1:: l‘ll'tt"l ‘h":'lcr but-¢iw1r‘l(.tn ‘ll - “x “xiii-mm. '‘i’‘'‘““‘'"‘ E‘ in?! with the miners D'"' '°’ “""‘““’““ "'*l“"“ “'"“.apim- to tlm-0 nephews and lw°~'ll°l“‘ l“Ill°' '"l°"'°‘° ""° *3?‘ “°"“"“ “"" tee: as mending can hf. ii... l."r‘t(it- oi tliiil-Ill"Si-vi-nflkxtfell.“riiillt'l>eiiill*'h: ml" Glmwms 1“ GIVE 11,, amnion pl“-,d u,,;,¢.u.|,,,f‘Pl'l'|'-ill‘? )'l‘3ll'l’-ll)’. 79: l0W¢'lll l‘“t.nio:cc!I. Ruben J. Shryoclt. Boone The men .W‘0l'l(0(l from midniglttnot consent to any further reduction - - - - -ting: is a source of ride Sh- - d a d h ' lSTEnE8.nxG P‘oc.Au .2 f‘. 3]“. gm-gmor 5,, . u,,,,_hom.4lll¢lllo 90; lll'¢'1‘lll3_-l"»l°"o 033- 0"’ County. Ward and Willard Shryock. until dawn carrying: an-iiy the Ii-riahersharcs in payments from Ger: ll ' ' "" " " ""l’5' -~——- ; gt-{be;vm,;g_tl-e executive cl:-vnt-er‘;’,°,:;'.‘,,:.'f,‘;'.,,§,"‘:,".‘;'.“° *““ '°‘‘'*’‘~ 59‘ gg <‘-3;-w-d>'xf;t=gng'_h;n1 mu‘; W M" -ll ;;';‘=;;,,:d":.;;v;;o‘;fl;l;,';.;m;;,;';'; ~ —~i ' —= ~ ‘ ~ o ~ “""§?.'.....*".'2’.'..'.".‘~§.".':.';‘.._.;..""" " ' . o - -_ , 9 of . o _ * '*' , .’ rfifi w 1 _ ' ' -y M aria?" cl’;:-g3-ngounty. In addition to the?CHI(: . lproportion as (:1-rr.,:.,,’,.‘»,,,,',.,.. W/ILL A. 1'. lselaon \\ill ‘roar. ."‘* "".'°i“‘.""”””'""' ‘- °;" . .. , ._ -- . - .1 AIR PLANNED OF LABOR WA.R......B ROAD TRAVSFIER DAIL EIRE+\:\'\‘ *°.I:‘°..::.;"'Z:I _ equal _ _ parties in brief separate conferences 7"!‘ fl?“ 94: 3h1l‘_S“'°°k{°“'"°l_lll:“~":;. ’(‘g’|_ ‘sum. grid ueni, Richter in C 1 __.....-- _- Thursday. said that the program this afternoon. a - S" -- ‘~ - 8W3)‘ Ollll 3'» _¢' 8"“ 1’ 0 - ‘ , _ ; A5, 1.,“ .3; r "um... , V _~ 7. “. r S’ will cover subjects of intoroat to all rinrlioi conferrod with the min-, ' _~ _ sold within one year. nccordini: to Attempt, to Assassinate: ., ,,’,, fl,’ m e Sl‘?°kh°ld°"" ll ‘ml I “l” Cf’5g"‘ff °~ P79 "lellt mm Km.m_ W "M i, 5” M“, en’ rcpreaentatiirea late yesterday. Be Con-"nub, the will. _ Leader Results in - ---. --- M3lnt9nan('0 Of Irlsh 1' 1'90 State) planned with special reference to ; Thlnia his program: '- '. 0 — . .. A lllllf bl'0lllt‘r. Edwin 5lll')'0§‘k. , . or llnlt:ul Pro-:1. Assured Leadq Race local fruit farmer». Regardless of ]. To gu-Qftgin (he utmogt ggch nlty Beglnnlng now living in Kentucky. is to l’¢'(‘fl\'('_ Near Pan1c_ DIEGO. Cal... A02. 29.-- ..—t“'~”‘ ‘ ' wh“he.r or no‘ the ‘n'“ "0 aide will concede. Sep 8 $5. The children of a dead brother,‘ ____fl ____L_ Roar-in‘: through the air Inner Orv: The mockhome.” of the Blmkfoo‘ M “MM P ~. -4 kn... hm, omhud, or only . f“ 2. To communicate this informa- 3'30 "Vllll "1 l\1'mUl'k)'- 3"‘ l0 '‘‘’l"’ ""l"" P"""' Dmgo B." ‘ad the ‘bores 0‘ zuu-cl association will hold in ir.ect- Dl-‘BUN. llflllllll. Alllt. 33--rlolflll {mil "‘°“ ‘hi’ l"°""'“ l‘ l’u“”°d i 'aII ‘ “on to name’ ‘we um" -he but The r ‘ A—--~—~1 Co it P _ "in. ” “ch. ‘ CHICAGD. Aug. 23'4.—An attempt-the Pacific. their giant l.iberty eri- 8“ rd’ t d. ‘an _ t (.osm_o‘.e' preside". of the 1,3,), to meet their needs. according to E: '0l"hO:c:tlll an impartial basin of at Hanging opennrtmgg o):d°:: R0)‘ Aahloclt of Stephen: and Auto assassinate Vlilliam I-‘osterptina luttinz on over)‘ cylinder. CaPr.Vt';:‘ is“w :0 °{°‘:_:‘r'(‘k:j" by‘"‘:';“o Fr” Sm". h” been "__Nected w p,-o{,,;,0,. ‘f‘]b¢n_ l . 4 . . . .6. Spencer of Columbia were name-d,radical labor leader. anda nesrlnnrclbowcli H. Smith and Lieut. John an‘ mghww Commifihn omlim the D." l_:"_"n"' “cording ‘O the 11,, ,.,,,.”.;,,¢ “bed”, ,0‘. kn“ i-‘rlday morninx. beptember 8. ac E‘ *- *° v *° W M" "“= Words»: m or mm mm ".1" .. r i... i:.“:.:..'.:'“.:::" .:::.:::: %.?°°..‘;'::‘ ' ‘°:'.:; we «rm be or ;'°°*- :.'::::.....""= _ Impartial aolutlon and say. “Take it: - ; 0 ll - '_*'° W - ~ ‘I , ,- "‘° , " y - , ' - . ’._. - _ 09¢‘ -004‘. W1 . - or leave the state of Penna lvanlau" mfnndfle (:'°mm""'ly Ch.b'comb were witnesses to the wilhlxunmen by police today. y been in the air twenty-ciirht T “""‘f°m"‘ we .m””°°t “Ta”? !°€.u°" , - 5 ization. pruning. cultivation of fruit I y under whose aus ~ces the {air will . . ~ 0 .. . .o the state according to Dr L \\ (oxzrolc l<‘d 0" Cflllllllllllf - . . “*3” “.5”; you 59313‘ lb. held 9' lwhi h was drawn up June 14. 1923. a Three men entered Carmenr Hall‘; at 9:0: a m At that time ‘ ' ' ' ' Returns um‘ um ‘nemum mdi_ trees and “none; of (run. pug-1; ~ - .\'ewman a member of the commit— . CF90‘! "@758 hid 509" broken. ' J . ' . v ‘ t d U‘ ‘ 0.,“ ‘M mmumr of succeed beat under conditions hero of 2”». 3.000. 3500 n 4” cc sent to effernon City yesterday. it e n (8 - a d . - , , V ~ will be some of the subjocta dis- . ab 1‘. They wok ‘I d rho other members of the commit- home affair». Mulcah). minister of I be c aster was a resazng a-:¢ ._, —---—-— . ' . --'"--"'—“‘— ‘ 1* l‘ : ~ ' ' ' dub WI! Ofllltlb t’ R_ w d t ‘ _. NEW t'ORK&i:u;. 2s..’_i-zsiatilirh-‘ed in odidiier. 1921. to meet the'MOVE gI,",°°,:,'I.,,,",,,‘;,,,,,,'.’,,"",’,¢7’,,,,° .,,,;,,,,,*. ri meat of fuel buting orgaulta--community needs an organized 5 "mm mwuso union. ‘mi 5 ‘ -1: were Benton Botner and H. 1..-‘lefenae. and Ma_c2\'c-ill. minister of N _ M: We ‘1'.i..":.“' "*=....~:: -".:~~-v~ SM ‘.2 ** 2.2;: IMPROVE VISIONi5-‘m .. o... ......::*!=~ ~.:..~:::::.: °‘ r — ... M ‘M ~»"=?‘»?-*lr-l'=~°- l"" for pom--l Ill ll‘ - conduct-6.0 mm’ M0 . “ ‘ .ed downa fire esca . - I .- .,.. ......,.. °l mt , ""10 00}! it Ml . .0 ” ‘ . .-oi the Missouri la is auuaap. Gil VII recommended (0337 II 3.3” aehool Ill|'VO!.' . ’ ‘ . The bun“, whgtzul .boug;b¢h7Q,]; . of Lace 3)! the comauttae until thf '(l)Y:‘_$1:(‘:‘:?L'A‘,E';.t Jvffenon (joy. "mg on an -up _vomlIttlns tlw,-ll‘l*° brousht severe! .-ve-km ofmnhnb-«Nation 5 Eyesight .Condt- l of the labor leader of the 1919 rue; 1,», ,0 ,,...,,.,, .00 ,,__,, G, W unh'~~1ocltholders meeting ne._n .m_ur- _;_; ‘ rnarhcting of’ fruits. A. 9.. Boloa 4-r1,‘!'ederal final Administrator Wad-lat prominence to spank to the com-2 tions to Be Rev l,g,-,1‘... 11... audtmu, of which may ,1 W ed by Shawn‘: 0“ {ad while ay. Doctor hewman said. . (;m.",M, "yd, 5,3,‘ “, gm“ “ rm ‘in. M, .993, 5",.“ ",4 box hull “ ‘ °‘"'f‘”°°° °f"°"“"°".'lI"‘““lW- -‘W9l’l‘ W07ll¢'ll- 103995 ‘O ll’ {Ml tianxrferring gasoline. ‘ ":'n'° °l""l°" °{ "*9 "“‘-'°"‘-" °l Three-Day Convention in parking demonstration. jfl (lid? I'Ill'¢QfltIdVC' 9&7“. The fill’ ll given by the chill Wllll. ' Su1'\'ey, “Grouting and crowding to n weal: -0 - .-_-.-._ --- l ‘l°‘~'kl"°ld9"-" ll’ 3dd°d- "55 0"‘ Iiuuiaii (‘it). There will he an exhibit fllgphyl eastern states hate. ' co-operation of the department A ________, 3. y_ -l'lG(:t.\‘ \\'lGGl.\' FIGHT O.\""hcy do not can to turn the-_gra\-cl _ .. . .~l . { m thawing the injury of lnaoct and mo-aw“ inf rural life in the University. in A nation-‘wide survey of eyesight Foster rtillcd the riot with an im- S d. so;-—f-—-A— t_ _ a; mid 0"?!’ t0 ill! lute lllllll lh1_')'.C -;‘l"’ltl)f Ilhéfill d'l“""‘0':"';:r Odfilfunzus dlaeaaes injurious to frulta SCRAN-ION. 4;‘. Au‘ z3‘_D..-an effort to exhibit “In ff"-'l|dl)' conditions in American educationjpnsrioned sp _- . is me they "3 9"‘ _°" ""°'"' "‘_‘ ° fllt‘ Sm’? llllll UN l-‘olllmlf-‘ll0I_l_ Will F°l;l"l_ lll ‘l’:"’:_n‘d" ‘he flcuomrand vegetables. These will be la- mud {or cod be" h ,0 M.” an competition" the of the and industry has been undertakcn;w¢-re shooting nt. They were paid ;31o°90.000 “0l’flI OT Sl°¢l~- , ‘til’; W02‘ on l':lt'l‘li"~‘:.\" hm ‘ll;-; ‘_:’m‘;::(_ |_(_“hdd in “ms” (.m,'l"l€"lN."'l‘l Vi" ll? “R7011! ea. '.‘.“ duh" M" nm”».{arma in that community, and‘ to the Eyesight Conservation Coun-‘gunmen. he sa . _ .Lr‘lFt:l§dP!l;s§‘-. Tenn Au %-..(‘0|!"l ban rout '2 way i roug {mm Thursday ‘umN.:w ‘O S“_ plain . Dried and pagan-gd gpgcf. udwonu "den. nun.‘ ,,3o.,"'atimulate better Itflcultur-e._ live-Icil of America. it is announced at‘ I-outer finished his talk. ‘Th-e ‘bank for mmgfl of‘ Pitély. °._';"' "' h- . O." f .h Urdu‘. _¢_(,',u,mt'x.; 1‘ ‘Mm,'m: .h0,u_.,""‘°“’ M l’l‘“‘ ‘“"‘9‘°‘ ‘"1 5° .1 ‘R loan‘ fit” on “P d stock production and social life "Lille national headquarters of the.” Um". pr’.-‘— —- — w_ 1. M m 5 _ 1 mm"! "I it soon as t e sta.e su >urni: Mm.\.'m wwmem the had Md";-. mm no um; mo“. '50 .9, ran, an “mud” min” ‘N “mu. ufthc community. ,:~ council in how or . 1 TFRRF HAUTF Ind Aug 28.__ I8!) 8 1‘ llllltll _ed _ ufficient aaaurance that it ml] _ R ‘ rt R“ M“ m.n_h_ may familiarize themaelvea with A The entire count)‘ is invited to the As to industry. the aim at the W ‘ ‘ " " ’ ’Cl‘""‘°° s'“”d°’'’‘ *“ “m "“° mamllln the travel road. the stock- """ " “' “' ° N k’ 90¢“ P98“- Hf I‘ III)’ "lac ‘h.f. . . _ - - , ; F°5t¢l'o "dial lc3d9r- 3‘ {edgy-g] gouft I-‘ridny_ older‘ til" 9. will be 'ufi‘i- A. C. Brady. senior \\'Il‘d('fl3 Fran -..-.._..,,________, ,_ 50 I I0“! 3“ ll °‘ mum‘ :n‘r.‘hcP;:£:::g._“iig‘::»;‘Qn‘{:.g]':§";gtm:nd§ ‘mills otf, 3:? c§unciclm?;'l""l‘°m * ‘_“°“'d'_b° ““”i," f"°d Saunders. unable to pay back the -;,,d i" m”wdfl,::g5 it» helcom Enzles, junior warden; Robert Gal-ihliaa Riley Wed: Charla. N, M 0'." - A ori la f la th ' to diacloae the relation l)ctween'de-zthne shots m cmuzo 1"“ m'.rht’"° :mml°l"‘ he l’°"'°“'°d l° 53'“ W“! tinned. l"h"' huh “H9”: 3' K‘ ‘“°C‘b°" .11". "“"l“‘° °f uh“ u“"'l°' W l'E€¢lVQd {VOID “IQ mines I! K’ rt nxbupdieu or!‘ we "36 .236‘. ‘active vifion and the efficicnc’. 0flrl‘°9d hen‘ (07 3 confenuef wllh 8"‘ st;-eet_ rgggnfly. was to gngwgr u)_ “At the punch‘ “me hoavv ‘.0.’ inside 9‘-(°nlltl('l: (‘hnrlcs \\'ll(‘(I!.,R|lt')' and 5'. Cook took ‘-i'g'*delivered to 501871‘ "39 ll“ .n . n M9 ‘:1 arm“: .“ ‘fig we n“ion.‘,mim°m 0‘ workers‘ Augcne \'. Debs today. With Foster Mm for m “counting of $2,000,000 ‘ruck, M, mnnjni 0.1;, nu,‘ mud Ralph Compton, Q. (‘. Owens, Johnlplace at 2 o'clock Sunday night at 'r orders in two weeks into. 7"’ ll" ““ wk . di“ ' ,0 cam,” ., 3, ,,,,,.,.,,,_.d ,0 ,,..._.,,‘wcre Alex-ruler ll_°w=t- the ml :n-orui of stock tiled in behalf or ,3‘. mm 0,, ghcuw, M, mine, no-car»-rt. i:. .\l. Linden)‘. A. B.;uie Broadway ueuiodir: Church. . _____.__. ' GM Pl;§?{ “V th“ hlilgn be “in ‘M Sim hm been mm byipresident or the United Mine Work- ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,._ . ‘O égmmm‘ Wm“! M wnmm cooir, John Kelly. 1. v. Sappinzton.'The Rev. J. 11. Randolph oaieiaied. 13 N“) w"‘''‘ 33 lupuovan nhlrwn. wwlllc 9!; s';ea‘l:er; the school to measure the extent of5::r§;:'::.'a:b:n?n8:;t:r:;g°l:3'v Tl’°r:!"’°°’5' “'i“":‘ “id “M V”: care maintained by the association. §‘":‘:i"’;_rS'm Dllnm ‘ad Gmm‘lrn:’;;°ksi:m:: --——--_-—— , ,' , o -. ’ . . _ ',prepa to prove tat a stoc . - -_ ‘ll - _ A - _ . ‘.“"l 3"” w° “° wlh” “' 8"’ 9°"'°"'"“’°"' _"’d °°"“*'”‘ °f ‘M’ '$::c:"fi°£t:‘htro.:;fi:; "uh .“ed“°.road organization committee. _u.,m,ur;.,,,, carried on in his mm; .l?°":?;telw:;:l1£:::o1°':;: ::';;:_ 'l'l.e golden rule degree will be avenue. She III a graduate of Co- « not end Worln 0 mlll *°l'll'- “lll ' buéllell film " ‘’ an refused to disclose the nature had been for the benefit of the stock-. " . .. confemd at 8 o'clock Fridny after-‘lumbln Rich School. and emailed .- W. W. Wilson was appointed to: ‘ ll“-’ 1”‘ °‘'‘-'”‘ ”‘ ‘ll’ l"i d‘5'- _]?h° E’.'“.“l‘l Eh°,““':;”°"u£‘:““; of the conference. home,-s_ and am; he Md mg pg-ofiugd p°‘‘‘''bl° "’ ml’ °‘ " noon. August 31. by the cncamp-[the Univeruity for two you-a. _ fly, qperinteud the improvement of the 11'’ °°mml"1"-‘5 l0 IHTIDSG 139- Cl I fl|f‘v¢)ohlll| 08 9 8 M?‘ ’ .— ——_--———— pawmn). from "1, of gun, VggAL1-y SALE8 To-[AL “Ago ment lodge. ' _Cook in the son of Ilr. and Hill. J. ' . mm, ,0“, mm“ mm, m... ;,,l,ieiir are: . _ the mean vroznmf drvce 3 ‘ll-ZLL(')Vi can tint.‘ mu: . - ' .. At least Qlflll thousand odd !-‘_el- P. cook. mo Paris road. ur. and - ‘ Lynda‘ farm to the northwest corner! Gmml commlttte 0'' f-lr—l’mf- “l°Pl°'l bl’ ll" 50"‘ ° "°°l°"-- INION ME!\ I.\ s1‘. t.ous_!ii.u. u.o\n .l0.\ES LEAVES 80-Acre I-‘ann Sold to Joe 11. Lynn: low: from Missouri. ' nsas. he-iblra. Cool: will reside with Mr. ‘- ‘ .fg."n§¢ g_.[-1."-1.¢;;'. {um ‘log-pgiclll ‘Moore chairman. with 0VeII.h” *9‘ ‘ml ‘° "°"‘-"l 9"’ ‘"9" °f -———- l for $4,300. -braska. lowa, Oklahoma and Al‘-‘,Cook'a . in 3.‘? I mu‘. nfiadu hylfloweu of (M. g,,;.,.,,.,“,. ., .d\-§,¢,-;;incorre-ct vision upon pnoduction. lt_Boycott Ia Called Off and Com- Willmfite stationed at Fort _Learen~; R“! nu“ ‘aunts for y”mr_bhn“$ an expected '0 ."md_ llnjor Jones has been relieved of ~¢-qm r 1 r t . . . E. M. Calvin. Mrs. w. 8. Hero. arr. W-lent wages or as me use his mm by Md J D W “on. M mm,’ m ' ' ' ‘ 4: U C. Crane. .: - - f goggles. cost of eye protection - pt‘); 10 afizm 0. W. Thetaaen and Mrs. L. 1.. Hunt._‘’ 83‘ CHHTK . . The t . I 8' n1.‘ ‘ddmm or feature of the aeration will he a 3000!‘ Tonto. to recognize and hire union drive:-av, Nude “ 2:30 ddock s.mrd.y ‘L ' ‘E “ “ovum . Tu 9“ J1,” prepared a questionnaire de-T pany Withdraws‘ Its ' . _ . Ii. I-Kan. for Next tear. 3' ' _ . w." be u u. .l..hird.Re'i_: New c.'¢.g. at g_ 0, 1', C, " .. . the County com. l“5f‘",'f 3...; uflnzzllton ?i:;unm::.lrined to show increaae in individ- _o Suit. mi. Lloyd 8. Jones. who has been.d‘:?l _‘°b‘:l’l°‘f‘t.‘9;3°°-°d'°lj€":;,““ ‘° "3' ',‘,‘,”;'j’,°';’,m,I,,. and (,,,,..,,,,i,,, am ; Capt. James Coghlan, who .m i,. ' Tu"‘7'“"“ ’°”°M ufin‘ m a“‘~ ' ° - I ff doc in acci- --—~------ . connected with the University 3. 0.: ' 5 "l 831! ) 1' men - attached 10 the Univeni R. 0 ' 0- donated 896.60 toward”"- 3‘ 1* D°“3l"- u"‘ 3- wllnm. 9'. °"""‘:°' mu.’ Br untied Plan. ' .. . I-r’s office. One farm was sold and B°°“”‘° °‘ ll“ ‘"3’ ""~"‘d‘”°*" ‘V ' T’ . l “in an‘ A_ hm” ‘ad 35,.” Rod. dents. increase in production and de- ST LOU” Aug 28_§t Louis; I. C. for four years. left this morn-. he “mind” of the u ’ ‘he pmgnm of the Rehab,’ °,.lC. for the next four nan. arrived ' D l"'|"°'°“‘°"‘ ‘'5' ‘ad’ on vcf.Rn"lin" crease in spoilage. The extent . ‘b " kéd if -; 1: with Mrs. Jones and two chil-‘ ‘ " . pm" ) con- women's branch of are or-4,5 ‘rmiin Columbia today from Fort Bon- ‘«3°"‘3"°9 "ml ll.” ’°u°7'°f 9*’ ' - ’ color blindness the number of blind "5"" '3'‘ m" ’ mqucmi loan for Fort Leavenworth. Kan..‘ “led °{ C", 1°“ “Pd homes’ be oved to th a ‘llllllo 30- 3! ll l¢°°l||Pl|Ilod b — un.non."” 9.‘ we Comflllflfll‘ Oll lTTlll¢¢'fll1'llU— . ' .1! “H, b“ d brick bombandments. was ended o~. h B .11 be u. ed f Joe D. Lynos has purchased the "‘ , ° "“°","' 1" 7 [_ .“'"*- ‘ad '”_nm;uu,.w, g,dm,,,_ chum”, 1; -r_ in one eye. the num rto 5 n . day when the Yellow Cab Commnylw ere e vi 3 tion or‘my_‘c" {um of C. A. Burma A_pnl,1,¢ megfin‘ .111 3}“ 91",; ra. Cochlan and until daughter-_. 2‘ :,_w, ‘,’::''',,,T, 9,, ',,,,,,,,,_ -win... 1. 1-; Burke. 1. R. Mellowa)‘. 5°"? '°" ‘ll’-' ‘° °" ‘.°°“'°""' xigned an ngreeniern with the union? '°" Iror 34,300. J. iv. wiiiu-rider roid °" "ll" "W" °’ ’“'*°" 3‘- “"°"” ‘"'°" "' ''’'‘l'‘'‘'‘‘ '‘ "’° 9"“ l , ' ' ‘ "r . The boycott against the Yellow’ The consideration 1 ltr. Frame flare Daagbtar. service, and total number of eye in- ,, . ,, . ., . eggndqg-{f_ ' g.-_.,-noon, s.,,;.ml,¢ 1 ___._ "Co :3 fleecrlsbof lb; llsnttdale mm m mm °bJ.mim_ -abs_ in theform or a strike which: _______T iwaa 33.000. W. 14. Scott roid ltll Gov r Arum’ M Ma‘ ‘M: A men and a lien: pound daugh- Detaila of Start» llllllllllllr ll_ Il'¢- . N3 to . - TR fionmm Ms been "M precipitated the war twenty rnon'tha.s(tno()[,s 11) 33 |1ssPE(‘|"£ at the corner of Third and.‘ °"*'°ba I ‘h bu“-ter, Rosa Elvira, was your to If, 11313-500 Boat; Arrive. \'- Fflflllflill '-'ll-‘¢°llN'Ild1'll1- "INN " qn” ago. was called off by the union. ‘Walnut stroeta to P. P. and W. W. ' ‘ """‘ ° 9 ° °"- and Mrs. B. ll..l-‘ratne. % . Redniai?'aecretary. A. Barnes, nnd,°§ll '0 ‘ll?’ lllllllllllflll ‘"5 °°_"“l“'l" -nu. “mm”. ,.m,d,.“. in ;35o_ooo' Dr. North Will Examine County‘ *0“ (0,. ‘two give a speech of welcome. ".0". .1‘m,d. . an I’. "* °°";,';'.,.......r.r. no. A. an»... ,«-I s»-ubl.ehm«;t;,.l-led -== we « - ~ ¢ 2- gm: 9-n-nu-— 0 -—.-———— , .;;;~m.°=~;;;-;;w- «em 0;»; to -no.4 ir...“l‘..... .....£i... .. o... ’l”'l““l"l “ll” ° ‘”°""' ‘ tanned by loss of business and prop- DR “- AL horns. deputy state Two ngxvgg woflan Ll|.l.ED' 3"’ "' ml” "'°" °"°d‘ ‘refill! of laaourl. Ir. Patna la 4 -no-noon‘ t the Boom COW»! ' roux caxcsran sum - - . . . i - - __.._ . -—-~—-—-——-- . i 1*‘: co. I“. «hm ‘hm NE“ J . The council will alaoendeattoroto ,3”. des.m‘.u9n u,d.w.° m imam, health ‘commissioner. exopectxm: “yum.” ‘uh’ h A"u.ut ‘amt oath. Run“. ‘,9. .3 uuu..“°, in .5. cab‘. d .1 inaugurating the newstudent &d.Ghot to Death While Fifty Police ‘5°" “‘°d‘:l“‘ §.‘;°”i‘n" faikllfi ‘-ton restmnmi: umon cabs from ‘:"." "‘"'.l" “"" ‘:3 " " of nun" ,. 9.3,, . ' C.” W C Dumkd ‘M N, Al"l¢ll3!lll"¢- - mu.‘ being’ ma to p sun )0 _ - ki 1 _ o inspecbon o coun . . . - . . . race 1 ..____...____ .1... mm “gun. hunted r-.f..'".' “Mt '*°" ‘'‘‘° ".“"~'.”°°" "9" wifbzrpgmizf §iZ§°'...e iulrnani"’°°‘* 9"‘“‘°’- 3? "l" "““"'° mt°l.’!;l?l:‘V€"R'rColo.. A as 1'lIc,und'“-."a* " °”'“°" '" owl ’ " an" F". M 1"‘ Q in .5. comma-.‘ NEW _YORK. Aug. 28.—-“Kid” L Inanently or tem_porIn.l_5' disabled be- war a 10 r am it-nu” mtheaanitary conditions of the achoola 11¢. .— _Christia'n Church hotpltal in hair: g_ 1-_ v.,uu. . hr.‘ . ad“ . - ° I riea andwhether P’ “n andalsoexaminetheachool chil- "““""”““°'°"'“’l"8lI(51i fll»'¢llf'D¢'¢ll51'l'|»‘l-°¢l!¢°N- eyeinb: 'Inadet ‘h°muk'“‘°“dfi"°“‘°d'°"dre anarlrtznantharelliulodvolioeto-at-Ine hi'swna-khereincivninctlonflwu '”u.‘..u.“ '’ um c:da;"‘"°‘°”°‘“¢°‘“‘°°“"‘“’>"h° an-rm‘ ‘ed uied-r.!ewiuii1ieii.orc liowillalao "''°'' °'’‘'"''“‘‘‘' nu-ug-;_;g out the Nation SIICU 9 0? n-red nu.‘ for O ‘ e be acooiupam on - - - o ' y‘; 5' .5" ¢ .5. 3‘, head and eyes 7’ °°”d°“°"' ‘M trip by Charles suo °f "' 35999‘? luuwul? ill I . coach football. . p ’.u.“’_ 1,. .‘., ‘n. . of industrial workers as prepared °m’°“' l’‘"‘' ‘M’ ‘"5 ma ‘"3’ perintendent of ‘the county acbools. "9’ "'l’°°" ""1 '3 3"” "”’ """ 3 on W a u, V-fig ‘ fsundudk -n, which wasaoceptedtoday bya _____________ covic.18.wercfottndshottodeath 7.'oRaral8chaala . ‘ b’th°U's'B"u°° ‘ ~oteoftbemen. IinJoneata'l'eachiaAr-kanaas. inthea|IlrtsnantaofIrs.UcGlone. A ,6 ‘f , a‘*7“°‘l‘l“um’- ' ' ""’°""‘“°"- “ "Pl" , ~--———— Hiss Dorothy who complete‘ Friends said the two women .,.,,."j',"f3,,, ’,,_.,,' '"°",,,,,,’,'”,,_,," "':',i . * oonditiot": of BAINKERS 70 N337 3397- "led the requirements for the B. Sgfearodaforeigoaewholired narby “main u, gage, 1.; x.,g5,.n_:l - 4 hon ta to Part llortgnge Convention to Be °‘ ‘”‘l 'l’‘’ “”'“u"d ‘h"‘- ,?hunty superintendent of aehooh.‘ ' o *" ''°‘‘°¢. 7"’ “°°'°' °°"""“ “°"' day. has been appointed an nngiisir nun on nrualrrn cnaaoa _d,‘',_'‘',, 3:, ,,’,,""" ‘}',,",'{,""",,_,l 0 ""5" N °{. r M of R.“ -?j-—:- ‘ M ' aaooooooooaooooomu. j V ted American ‘Both the Farm lortgace Bankers Arno» pg;-g_ ;,g__g,,. eh. an, at 19z3_u_.[.... (jg, flu .1. 15."; 5, °'’“’. 8'9"" - ‘Kart ......,.......$%O mnssoctznfoundthatundue-eieiionoilti-erie.wi1iireireidrhds'ui..;.,...;..;.. , ,,..g..... , ‘ Cadaflarbyerllearas. I‘. '- - ..‘%". . ,;‘ 3!. IA&}'‘................ PhI£pIh............... in considerable ynr18at.n\:'est Baden. Ind, septen-,u.4.,,.-0,4 Cone‘, n gt a_,.;¢._Aa,u..a.apr—. 19 ' ’ r i my I 00Oveeooooooahih-cone.‘ ' ad fix-,._ ;._. . ( , .r._-"' ‘ U _ _,.. _ ' ‘ v— \ , ,_ ~.- v_. - e. n" e.'- "ls" y" "t .1» ~.~ .- o - I ‘ , 3 ,- '. , . r l