- L, ‘ _ » ' l _ . i ‘ THE c LUMBIA {I ' r v » I _. . W, o _ __, _I‘I1_S50. R153?» «‘l0?\DA\. SEPTEMBER 17, 1923 New '1‘ t ° FARM!-IRS woiutixc. AT 2 ‘ J ‘ " 'i i” ‘ ‘ ‘ “ — —— ~ -~—+-‘ _. ~ - - 5-‘GR-rs ON FARM ‘VD. Y N w _ “omen Students Meet Thursday. 2 l .:.§ I, > E w . L. . I . .l. A. SECRETARX The women students of the Uni- ‘ EISUND AR R . nave 3 gm‘... 0. ,, "‘,,,,,,,,, 1.-,,,,,_ vcrsity will hold their rim meet- ing gazinea ' t u /- ::',' ‘ ‘ " ' 5 Use Searchlight: and Auto- "12 Of the year at 5 o'clock Thur.» Phone 392 Will Call 3‘ n /’:'\“‘:\ \' t the W‘ ‘*5 i nt(§:|1‘€A2B“' . , «spiritual needs. for the kingdom of '“°b'l‘-'__H°“"l¢l‘”‘- g_‘:3' _‘’‘'°"'“3 "‘ “"3 Um‘'"5iU’ 5”‘ : KLASS COM. C0. h‘;O%‘ *""ti>\‘: ~ ".1" l A '—_ ' " I‘ ' o I < _ ~ , 4. . " « ' 1!" “ The °m"‘¢ 5°“ heaven belon s to them. ....-..i..i- M i. . . 0 . ionum ' - ' 7.“ ‘ "Testament inl d‘ th ' . 3 . " "“ “““"*"~ ’ ' ° - .. e I A ___———— pm," “:3 ,0: ‘;h‘e“§im fime“°b':_: DDcn1inxG“:(§h “:19 msurrvftzon. NEW YORK. Sc-pi. l7.~—Thc - -~~ —— — - - - -- - _ “" IT.-l-‘iv: . Y , . . , ‘ . . , ' ,‘ I _ ‘u ’ Massachusetts Republi- transla't'ed and rewritten in “Amcri- “:33: 0 sp 5 "am an“ final: spcdrtgfid 12,22, 1:31:15: “$159: ‘ ‘ab \-3:.‘ .. ll 1 cans L00l{ Favorably ‘°'"I‘)°:°‘ r J h d (N “And the angel said to the women; It extends at least sixteen hours in \‘\‘:‘‘.x ‘‘ assem- .‘. ' ‘ ‘ 0 o 9‘ 0 no ' ' ' ' . . ' ‘ ,\-, “ “ . = on Candidacy ta NE‘-i‘.......°.°°“‘.. .i."°°“,..m....,.. .i ‘on new not 3* am Wow W '9°'“.";,°5 “"2 W“ ~~ ...:" U»- _r_ _% ; k the Unipenity of Chkago. in m-_ ‘hill 5'01! _l'rc looking for Jesus who 12108 etc!) _ our o /the tnenty -four. _ — . “f thirty-\_ . 1 _ 0 (-9 5, nmmced 1 t’ f h k “,5 ,_.,.m.,5ed_ R9 ,3 not he,-,_._ up Farmers in the fxorthuest and in \:~ _ __.____A ‘He w°rkCO:lg)i:hlt;!&c(;s the gar‘; has rise" as he said he wouid_ come the grain states of the Middle West e 0 e \ s of ‘ =~=r i . . . ' V ,‘ . nay“: ‘ ‘he public in the human 0‘ “cry. and see the place ‘where he was ly- 2;-:r'(I‘3tl‘?'“;1!:E aitndnight‘ U§ll'kl)gl‘U';l‘(‘tC()i!' ,‘ than aruutf ! _______ 5, H C. ':ini:.:_ Ibo; go quickly; and utie Id lug lights uirguide the ::i;noni. e ' ' -‘ ~ ° ‘ K‘ ' “ 9" v 8“ n |D(‘l’(‘8!c acrea e as to insun adcl- "" "“-" “ll” '9 ’““'"‘u“’.‘ “l ' cliu (ll. politics with an eagle eye popularize me “Oh Book so that it 1-janh_ _ R V ‘M Y ,4 (- a H. E mm.‘ {mm 3.0“. to ‘Wm. brought “dings will be “tbumbw-om” instead of. _, ,Pwu_ ‘O we mm “C rmorsf pd yield. e necessary plo\\-mg . . . . . , r. C . f d . . t Ad. . ‘.1 0‘ we fiinumiun ‘hora _ .“5he”_ worn " “when the angel“ left ‘hem mm-Eould be (306166 on man)’ ‘farms of OUTSCS Or .ACa emit‘ Credlt . "T'ht'N"-' 3 fathefintcrrstiniz s¢n8- ' d 1; .. ‘ 1, i ‘.1 '°"‘ " _‘° - “'95 '4“ “S5 "W" Circus (' ‘d W ii nah -...i Hi.'. who .-aid that no ar- v ‘ ';' M Senator David 1. Walsh. Democrat. r°’.‘.d5' _ _ _ happened ‘hm the lord hag told Us . lowed \\’hcrv weather conditions have ,.,.,,. M _,. mink.‘ _\-‘_._...ml ‘D0,-ml . . . . _ 3 _ would have been a wry hard mm to " u, path” ,3, Hc,“.en_ 30“, “Mm dm‘ humedhwrc gmd fauna made papld h8,u.S,i,m ,M.(.55a,:‘.‘ MINT MN d‘._mm(_d In “grit. m l‘01~ iiifoiniatiitii ,-ugzmliiii: 1-.»rn~..<. ctc.. apply to the college office. i i beat next year and consequently the :““‘5:°'3 °f’“‘°~d G""‘_“5 ‘N13!’ b“'3I:‘Kl£‘(:!:lxl:)vll.‘Tu¢‘f0l,)l1tl-fgienbflt; int: in the manger. When th0)'.sn'\\' me -fnlmlu ‘hm? lsmco ‘the war bk- m"< Hmnmm "M" "M "f ll‘; 1”’ I .»“‘° do us to S l C 11 ‘ 5, io in o . ~. ooi e or res. ‘ _ _. , . ~ 3 .: -. ‘ * ' - - - i. , t 3 l lIlt'lll‘.‘l't'YYl.\' to be forcordaiiied. there 53:; lt"5hl'|‘(J'fll 1310 c\:iltone._ ’ J :1:.::‘l";“‘:t:‘llgtuttlild-'£":.}:::= “‘lh" “.5 hm... hm] U, u,—._. nu. ,...-n in Hit’ ‘N H \ O - 5.‘. is a feeling that with gVL!a_\§3u~hu-_ - “_ “"5 l‘5(‘l'lP l0_" 0- l-‘$15 '_ __ .__ ' _ _, _ titiim.-l wliilc they \\t'rt' ;i\':iilnblc. Ti) ;i .‘-li.~.~.«iiii-iim ‘.‘~.'llll ad. ~ a p y . t .. siclls man runnin for t res‘. “°“"‘"‘K °“ “W “""°" “‘ dull ""'lh shmhlfil‘ mm mom" ‘mi .31”) "um .__._...-.__. ..— l‘u\ l“. President ‘ 2~ '~' P - - d -11 lh-vl tl Id and ml‘- « ‘ .Jcnc}.' the ‘owl fickfl Wm be helped in the form of newspaper narrative. R __‘- ‘“ "“ l ' T." hnmcnsely' Everybody in Mum‘. “\rl'l'i,' h ' ' t b Doctor (‘oodc cod covers the (if : ‘ ‘ cliusetts seems to be pleased that _ '3" l "5 3°‘ "‘ ° “W ‘“ l_‘° f ho }: ‘fph N t I ‘W . a man from New England is in the wmd “mm d°w“' All‘! we "5"," ‘" .”-°’;:. ° ‘.0 t 0 Tho“ cs “,:;c'; T . xi “.hm_ House and 1 h(,”c‘.(. M,‘ COOL the-“boat fell before him and saidzm llilpl-t'l‘l‘1.(‘Qlll1“(‘l:.‘ . dc] Eur. .' ail _ .'. idgc will carry the state by an over ‘Ou ".0 ('°"m"‘.y Om] 5 Mm‘ t ‘ill’! ’ :3 1" _ ‘"_'d {ho r:|u_rI‘H"1'_ wh‘.hnmg mm)-0m}.__in fact a sweep :l'hc llcatitudt->3 begin: . trait: latlt‘ . ‘i.¢..«c‘ar} a‘! “it i it o ‘ ,-‘p K” big ‘I ‘hm “'3 Mcxinhavp Blessed are they who feel their sh-iui N. !‘\\\!'lll.{l'2 rcqucn ,\. . had over Bryan. do ._“_ :_ _: A ‘ ad; . ._ . — » LT! — ' , : i “’°°“9 "°‘°“°d bi’ “"l*" T0 iioui l'.\!s'..\.\tI-:Rl(‘.-\.\' which now has more than :'.,oon,ooi Tuesdal Q “Naturally the people of Mass:i- RED CROSS (.0\.!_.ERl_.\.(.!_. ,m.,,,i,(.,,_ ‘vednesday : ‘,5. ‘h“’:_‘"‘ "‘°ul_d “_k° 1° 5”‘ Jul: _ . 4. ‘ Amcricaii Red ('I'o,~'> chapters on if ;- puo nan nomination go to o n '. _ '_ _’_' _ 1,.,,d. . H-_.h,i - _. 5 . ‘ \\T(~cw.~. Secretary of War. if he “"°“°s ""7"" “m 8° Mum": indtlh 5.-\(!“::‘1:‘l,t‘X'i\8‘l'ld ‘iii .l(li:-mAlnIi:ricz?n t ' 7’; wants it. There's a feeling that when ‘ °l B'-'“"_ "_‘‘‘“h Ad‘ ‘land pmscwmns of the “.(_St nw ; ’ S”;m';.r “f"lihn:m:; ‘\§r'uwcck§. (“S voc“c§ Thm ‘cu’. :li(~.~. \s°ht-r(- their stead)’ lrrowtli lia: ‘ .. irccc ion in 1 . c :1 er an crc _ V """‘ “' , _ .. ,_, N , , ' 3 an iimlt-served defeat. It would l.,. lb‘ bmtal “'l'['.“‘ “Cm th ‘yul lmn M 0“ ll”) .3 ‘ pm-tic justice to it-.~:torc him if he ll -“-Slll-\(}T0.\'.—-With a view tu l ' _ i _ _ gf wants the senntorship. l‘l’0"l0ll"l~' lmlll." l’('l“'°l~‘“ ""3 W‘ $10,000 IN PRIZES TO 1115 "Q "The friends of Lguih ('u0]idg(» tions Of .\'Ol'1l1 and S0lllh .'\l'llC!'l('lt ) . v V. ' ‘. pndui that h(- vi-in be a candidate and of raising the health standard _ I rebented Joseph 31' Schenck 1“ E . for the ltc-publium nunginaijon, gnd if the vvez-'tern‘hcir.isphcrc. the first Carlot Division of Exhibit in Kamas . . - 1 that William M. Butler. Republican .f’an~Amei-ican Red Cross conference City Expected to Be One of I - , ' -.‘-. iiational-coniniittccmaii from .\lnssn- Will bt‘ hcld in Buenos Alrcs. .\'o- l.nrl3¢‘51 lfl 1' 5- ls Store 5 Fcatunn‘; " cliusetts, will be another." -'t‘mlJ0!‘ 35 10 l3€‘(‘t‘tt‘-her 5. 1'-"335. " ‘ ‘i ’” . 1 Tll(‘!'(‘ ll‘ T10 telling Wllflt ll'lC 8lll- The Arncricgn Red Cross cxpcftg 1. 515” T‘ u;‘anC:1?'003. ‘go. 0‘: : ‘_ tude of President Coolidge would to plav an important rt at the "0 .m t 0 rm. “Him” 3. 1 r l"' l"“‘“d lb‘? 5°l°Cll°“ Of 3 R‘3PUb' conference. (‘ol. Ernest P. Bickncll. Amcflmn RO'v"- L-we Mock Show ’ on ' liczin ll4)llllllt?t' for United States Scn- ‘,gu..ch.h-mun in charge of {0.(.',K,, lmd Bnwd ASs°“mm_n'“ in me C9“. ‘-3 "W7 l“ M5 ml“ -‘l0l“- l—75u3“}' *‘ ipc-rations. will represent the :{lilt'I'- ‘.Sg"\m'l“" “;..lT ii,l;m1x._':.,.l.wn5M ( “L 9 ' In-psident is consulted about such '. R d C Th» ' at‘ z - ‘ “Wm H. ‘ u h ' nu’ ' ' _ lti[I!I1f!:h 3; r. \\'Jil.~on had ni‘uch ltd) do ::ll:llllv.\F mi‘: ‘judgterc .‘l’:)llY‘lsOBl&tl‘,l(::l WT“; {"312 I . wt 1- . 4.-\v cr.~¢'}' M.-iin orin pi'i- paync. chairman of the Amcritgm * -‘ . ' 5 ' I ~ lll:ll'lt‘." when he was in the White Red Cross and chairman of the A"‘“"“""‘ R°-‘'‘'*‘- “" ‘hi’ ’“‘”‘“5~"' .«-wu-~.-«. 7' e i , ll mac and while .\li'. llarding t-' i . , _ mem l-“ Rolnll l0 1| RN83 tlflil 05 * ‘'u*”‘‘‘_’'--r'-..‘»7‘ ‘*1 Q w:”dI~" ”‘f"‘m°‘! {mm l'““"{°r:":""' tl))i('mlrl((i*d0ér(‘):~iJs" (grcoitliliezf Illfzmtugt lltvulilc and cXP‘i‘nsc in making the ' W" i ""‘I«..—- _V in (lhio his ('lu.~t‘ friend.- did purtici- ‘end the Blycn S A. " ‘ .8 5° “ ‘ (‘arlot Show the largest and best in " pate in the l‘.t2‘.’. primaries thcre. 0 Th ,dl 0‘; ‘ 11"”, bc3;Odnb(', 1’0U"lT.\'- E‘v’0t'.\' lN‘¢Cd0!‘ 81111 'fh.r_ h ‘. . .. be t 1k 1- '9 '39‘ .". 9"? 09303 '4‘ F05‘-‘ feeder of live stock should take ud- . r l\’:-elm“:-(tau:-‘n‘i:i:z to ctnhr “Sc-nail; m°\henw;: ”';,°"“h°“j“ L:“"°-‘"1071’ xantagc of the opportunity of 5.1-0 ‘ Played by , , h . h, d d , d I _ C3 35 1'" 0519"} 3" t'"€0Ul'8l:- mg demonstrated in the Carlot Show " 3,‘; :“':;:",n_\ ffolingrigriru al:;:J_ ell; 5.‘ 7-he Amerlffin l’-fd C70“. the work of the master breeder and . ciate.-I to vote for the federal reserve ‘ “ll - ~.aS.8cvcml uni“ 9°-Orlcrauld feeder’ from an Sections 0 th“ act when the Democrats were ln‘%‘3::‘h‘ts s‘c:t§;n(:n:an.‘za:°n.3 m ‘hr 321:‘ ‘W0 pl‘.-fducling .muntr¥’ t'nt‘ll!‘Ul of Congress and otherwise 5 . . ll‘ l." Wm“ _"m' "W W‘ ’" “"7” l’"z"‘°‘ 0 ' —F _-T ( fihnwinz M‘ indCp(_ndcm_(_ of “non .cnal assistance in times of disas- {cred for short fed. long fed and No. 2454 0‘. co . l which was viidcl." "°'“’“t'nt;-d on at ter. such as the earthquake in Chile. feeder cattle. fat an feeder swine. 75¢ reverse side : the “mu Mr. “-Wk.‘ is also mm It is to further this concord of pur- fat and feeder sheep nd lambs B'EBE__Fo‘\_,I. t ‘ .- !_.idcn_d as ‘he mom likely Successor. p Sctulltlhaclloil and Ate build ti; 3 {ltH\\'ll; p0Ss1ll)lc for. ascarload ' r0 .i to Secretary of the Treasury A d - ' U“ C0 "we "' mane?“ “ ° ,°" °' can ° “’ Wm 720003 . . ' .. . W. Menu" in N30 he cwr dc_Ci2e:(t‘:‘Cro=q organization that it will send for. hhntnnrns to win $600.00 and '§::a:£ 3112:‘ fllugng F°“C‘I;:l5 lab‘? $u’vf‘ retire from liulilic life. Mr. Mellon ""‘"~‘~“'"““"‘°-* ‘° W‘ 3"°"°-* A"‘°—“ ,-“~‘*"»" ‘° “'"‘ ““"’-°”- _ 3°“ ’‘°“' ° ‘ ° “ ‘ i i_. Valued highly by Pwsidcm CUOL‘t'0lll('l‘(?lll’(‘. carlnad of fat SWlll(' may win ‘ . ‘‘‘‘~'‘' “"‘?‘.**’““.‘“">‘ °“°'>'."°.d>' "M T*“‘“.‘ """"”‘.°",“““"" “‘" "“‘.“'“‘ f::;f;‘23 M " ”"‘°“d "‘ °"""" THE WORLD'S TRUEST REPRODUCTIONS . the administration would dislike tot" dflml ‘ht’ “Mk 0f ‘N’ America!‘ ‘ '. ' . . . i we him ,-mi,-p. but he 1.,“ been N . Red Cross throughout the United {"1 ”'”'m" gal" of L“l°l (“,”1" ' 1 I-sented at times as desirous of lcav- States. including the cstablishmciit “I‘'' M h°]‘},_,"" Thursday m°m"‘“' us.--iiw arduous tasks of public or.=of more than 1.000 Public hmlllll "““""“"” -"' ‘"“‘ .‘°°“.°' "“*"” _ ‘ ' fire for ll lcss active life, 119 ha;.-- nurses; service to the disabled vet. Siwuld 1"‘ ‘‘,l "W ""‘*'‘‘'d(' M ‘hm large busint-ss interest! to super trans and in the army and iiav_v ho..- "mo U.’ awn‘ thmnscliiw 0‘. the 0”" vise which have not been getting Vitals: home hygiene and care of the ponunny of .purch3mng h1gh'd"°’ his time and attention. Probably no‘.-sick; first aid and life-sawing and feeders at thi"‘: 531°‘ man has rnadc bigger sacrifices to the spread of the Junior Red ('ro.~s.. Try 3 gm55,,u,-33,, Wm“ my Scnc the gu\'c‘nment,"' _ Secretary (‘lose to i’re-sident A “_”i ” I-’ r _ Mr. Weeks is close to the new ,0 , l‘rc:~ident. of course. as they were . .- as:s'ociatcd in Massachusetts politics ‘ --—:-———»— -————- _-_. , . . and would be. so in any cabinet post.’ h i '2 But he originally would have pre., k ferred the secret.arys_hip of the. . ' 3 ‘ *, treasury when M.r. Harding selected I 0 I 3 6 ' him for secretary of war. Mr. Weeks ,1 yo l was ‘a n er before he xvent into ‘ _ ? ‘ politics There is also the possibil- IDXDCTICHCC ' : ity that Mr \\ eeks might aspire to _- ' the leadership of the Senate if he teat-lies a lot of the tliings that a ) , p ,2 lolurncd to that body. There is no millcr has to know lll‘ order to pro- S a . ' iergintt’ tihlt Senator Henry Caléot duce a flour that is diflerent anld " 93:‘ T" _ _. l . . ‘ _ , , _ ' ' _ : -~ - 3’-_ , ,,:;b§:u?iudc:,m ,.:__ ‘f it ltakfis ‘tl 3'7rS(_"“fl"}((i"§m“_ ll play Mary I‘ii_riicr. the poor but beautiful shop v 50"‘ V’ I ; fin - , - - - T “ l*‘fi". 3”’ 0“ m ’ "*3 “ . Jail liccaiisc of a t'l'llllt' of which 2-‘hes intinccnt—turI'l'B! V quished the. Democratic leadership . 1,, UN, it to product. 3 flour (hat 13 _ ' ‘_ p 7% because of the strain of the job. Mr. _ . ' ,. , tutors and makes thcm—im> and I18)-— — . 1‘ . . . outstandingly supci ior——..i 00!‘ '. “ct-ks if re-elected to the Senate, . , . - * . ~ such as ll-I . for instance. - 5 would be recognized in any ntest _ , W ,ll S . l lor leadership as eminently desir- . The fact that “-0 1,3". been It S a e a 3 E '5'“ sevciitv-three years‘ in the busineas ’ .0 SohM ll '1 ’- - - - ‘. ‘ i mum‘)n°eh“"‘f.fs°si§f‘°i:i‘tfs A fighting ‘streak in a furious drama of ad- exp1am§ hon ma h8\e learned to Actresses C1-y.to play: T g ix-fun. long we ,,;,g,i,,,s mm “M ve_nture—You ll hat:e_ to step fast to keep up ml" ""3 "elm 0"“ , i mi. mu be seeking Mr Coolidge‘: with Mix and “Tony ’ in this speed romance. Also A truly great American play of today. It's about folks like us who do Pd‘! c as well as influence in dectd- . the best we can. And we all know that young and pretty girls who are ‘ i ‘F1! upon a candidate for the Reptile . __ poor walk a perilous patli—thcse days--"before they find themselves safe 1 . . . PATHE NEWS . . : ,’“"‘ "°'“""'"°"‘ A d in the sanctuary of some good man 5 arms. _‘ é so-. " MIIIING HEVATOROO - » The Fashion p.......... ......i..... AESOP’S FABLES C’ ° NOrma’s H ere! I; Went of Kansas City‘: Fall Pesti al, 0 i O 5. will be held in Convention Hall Scp- . p _ ' _ . . I or , _ i H ' ' temher ..o-26. t will be the best: A150 .~ .. 5 . ; set. according to the style expertr _, , e , l. r‘ ‘ Who have examined t e 600 gal’-' J0‘!!! S “The d,’ ‘ E‘ ments that“ will be shown this year.‘ _ u . .- ,, rry _ ' t 3; or e 285 contestants. sicytixv. 0 In A California Romance . _ _‘ . -_ -« Q‘; ; fem seii.-§:ui_ who seem best amid. a . Note—Adimssion for this engagement d'I$5‘i- .. . oweart 1-gowns. nlcleltinklk ! . _ _ . § . _ wet ml “mic Wm °°mbm.‘m Vi _ Matinee, 30¢, Evenings, 30c and 40:. _ i - .. W 2 = ' i ‘ , v‘ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘— . ‘Ad ‘ *“ « 2 " _ ’ ..‘‘‘~)f'.' 1-. l