r ..._us..;:-..-_‘-x':.-‘rt:-\-I-*4 «--‘I -...._ -_- ..:.~-—--_-,v.a.-_.--_.-.~-i.-.~.. .....~_ . rs. .a';a~;. ' -0‘ .. " -~ . 'f- ’ _ 5*‘ . vi \ ‘.';:‘iE’. " ‘-* cnanaa.n..eas.ss.e...snsu-l ,, mu-mi, mug, .1. .....‘ ‘“c"" ‘ llisarmsweresgn-eadoutlike l’lf!3¢| Ones l.,-. .I i ‘ edive. 3'5 “'9 ¢''3¢k3__l''>‘t5¢ C9l'§wings. His headwas thrown nid an observant £reshmanV.,,dh;,d,.,g{. “That's because . ,_ rward. - '¢5l'¢'“ ‘I“‘i"3 °‘_'u"’"h ltwouldtrulyhavehenagraceful “°1“‘**'°“- iswandive but ferthefactthathis‘ together they "Fteetwere held . ‘.5935’: old. not .ooi>hoI-0" vmudlv displayed his yere spread out like his hands. . A . He Ins accurate. for he hit the However. one thing the sophomore . ex,“ cm“, of an ,,g¢¢n._ ‘ l’¢"h‘P'i V“ u‘“ if one of the mud puddles on Lowry 1'5. know they had been much older they 5 , '01!“ W3 5”’ 5°” ¢"‘d‘°d- ‘Hie-xhibition although it was not ad- ‘ llttttbflili durinz 0"? T038“ vertised beforehand. Everybody ‘ F :. .7;s‘t2_;ssss§p Si’ M0 .'g 3 en. Granite is shaped in blocks today and fitted together with mortar. but i 5 arlon I u rd movement. The -. .. . of raw sugar to within 1 cent of - 5:, E mm’ paw” °°‘l°"°d W s.iiALi.£i?".ii3‘13§ofi1:s Klan factions.” according to a mes- R3''*9¢3 3'5 L W’ "*3 ‘5 hi‘ smiled. showing their enjoyment. but at the time of old King Tut. they ,,.,bo¢,- lgughed .10.“: be 18 “lid ‘O48!!! “WY '1'" The diver arose. spit mud out of ' ose l-ll! l!'|¢5¢|1l-|'W0l|l4 hi“; l~h0|18l|l ll" ing near. left the scene. $8 iii result a shoddy piece of workman- ———_- ~--- ——-~ ship. They chiseled thdr pylons, l'lt0Sl'EC1'l\E STUDENT ‘I -:=s=si5'§.§ts:2 '=,z.=:-9-' E . .§r ”"" .333; out of huge stones. E‘ lt is in the temples which stand the pyramids and are inde- E obelislts, and usually their columns 5555 M557‘. Coxcfissloxs cusc l-‘rosn listing and 82.000 for ‘ Defraynient of Expense ls Request. spensible part of the mystic religion __ __ 0 ‘hf WY!’ ‘lull “W” "9 The University of Missouri has oil found immense columns as much as .,.,ce;,.,d hhoufinds of hm“, iii twelve feet in diametaerand as high . 3‘ ‘°"°"'-Y f°°‘- tance to its halls. but so far as is The obelislts and pylons guard the iii ii -- .._4—u.—-—. _ gateways to the temples. The pylons (.(.h.(.d in which the whoa; are often fifty feet thick and the make remarkabk whee“-whs the driveway for only twent highest obelisk reaches 108 feet. Some of the majestic statues are sixty and seventy feet high and eacl; one is carved out of a single stone. 1;,,-(.,. in om. of the New Eng TN’? “CD5 5115‘ Oulfilde '3"? ¢'"' states, and from all indications is "‘“°°-" l'° we "~'“‘l’l°" ‘"5 h“"'° living there at the prescrit time and ch‘ 1. ‘)9 ll‘ ‘be u‘°‘-"“"‘d5 ‘:1 probably will continue to live there The President's house and grounds Outdoor even to compare favorably with the ‘ ' at the -.. - ' 9° "*5 “'9'” l’““i- for some time to come. preservation of Egyptian architec- Obc of the secrets ofthe wonderful Th‘. getter is addressed ‘0 «M55, souri University" and was received ‘titre is that they never mortarcd 8‘ the “.(.r,_.ur).vs officm ii‘ ""2 The latte rubber companies o ' 3005 has been ‘laid to llaple s “W!” “°"’5 '~°K'~‘u“"'- If ‘he? “'9” ‘ Will you excuse from hazing?" l"‘"ldl“‘ ‘°“‘°ufl“3 “’° “"1" ‘O be |.i his first question. He next asks cut from one piece of stone. they fr“. $2.000 ahmumy to defrhy the ‘h’ bl°°k5 l°3°"‘°r “°l"h°“t expenses of tuition. board. “room- "’° ' Th” l’5'”“”ld5 “"-'7“ °°“' ing singlv," clothing furnishings, structed in this fashion. In some of travel aha hook,“ «.0 ;s to he 3 sw_ the most excellentcxaniples of this dc,“ M hnssouri Uhi,..en.h}._ sort of workmanship. even today one “_ can scarcely find where the stones are joined by feeling over the top. It is not detectible by sight and a thin knife blade cannot be forced be- m“m,‘._ tween them. . 5*“ ‘m “EL” '8 NEEDED s1'L'i)£x"r"’i>oEé‘.« sw.i.\' mvi-: »ceeded“_production by 50 to 100 per But the L'iiappreciati\*e Gallery Laughs-—l’ool Was a I’ ddle. pelt Banks Clear $401,000,000. One mud puddle near the curbing. d “Columbia needs a field fdr air- the st-cretary'.~z office. ._... one board lying near the mu “M. lmpwvemm we 5’ '5 center of the board making it into a see-saw, one student standing on the end of the board nearest the puddle ‘and about to jump over the puddle. ' °"' b°“'y“'°i‘M "udem 5‘°P’i"3 °“ contest conducted by the home eco- the 9?" cm! °‘ “"3 b°“-d ‘_" lb“ noniics department -cf the Agricul-1 ewe“ m°m°m‘ ‘" more ll. ‘be tural Extension Service of the Uni- tale of a tragedy. ' 2 The “udcm wh° W” ‘bun l° 'i"ho cunt:-st, \hlll’.'l‘l was started . _ last spring. i: to improve the effi- 9”“? into .""~‘ mt ‘nd d°"°‘~',"‘l“d m cit-neg" in the‘ kitchens. Prizes will‘. '‘ tlhnuugg‘ K “S crlafiguh dw¢-N'_ . it given to the owner of the kitchen ‘ °°u "M “I ’ 55¢‘-}’"‘f° that has made the biggest improve- . - lhanlt tr women in-or h-vvelrork‘ iloderal reserve hank credits. n 18 l. ; Boston bank clearings. moo. — « in! jump over the mud puddle -was cata- .Jw¢ 9 ‘ "°“"“"k°‘;tl:h,air. and this felon-‘s feet jcamc ‘would ‘be resumed immedi- have landing fields for the a “mm mm ..___._._.. Z 7 l’ri\'ate Sh. poimedmm ant ‘Rh I.“ ‘he, Foster 8. llailey was elected all- h N‘ 1 RAZZE!t8_ ~fs'i.'EE"r_ Tirriczns win’ Alternate With Student C 7"“ ‘“‘°PP°‘‘°dv H‘“°Y ham’: The officersof the Raaaers for ————* __ a __ this year are: President. I. l-Z.Slate:<_ ‘ ' " was elected ,.ec,,_.u,.).. gm of senior women. spoke on the l. P°d‘“°- °“° ‘am 51°"? “"4" W in». Essie .\i. lleyle and Miss Frn Clark left for Johnson. Clay, Saline and Knox counties yesterday even- ing for final inspection of kitchens entered in the kitchen improvement vcrsitv. s A‘ . . . n Ma and .“p.°d ". 0'“ of .h" e"" “ county seat. while crowds were still getting into his car which was stand- U The Klansincn have not paraded in the county’ since early last in-ck, when the county board's action fore- fore the student will consent to en- l to l. The writer of this unusual letter adopted the aggressive Jack Demp- sey form of attack in his letter and concluded with a knockout blow by asking when he will receive Thc answer to the letter. if any has been sent. was not disclosed in KlT('li i~:.\"s” no ma" l.\’Sl'ECTEl) To Give Prints to the One Show ing, Beauty 1°l'l\‘l lourilain H-ms ‘-5-a. .-‘_ ‘.‘p.‘. _ - ,‘ I in that it is nccessujy tn - . -.1 th» l -t f ' th... e hands to the-_ feet svl1flgin‘nu'1 '" ,2 1“ fl "_‘°_'f ‘ time-. The “'Iltl