Devon!-q . .ou-—- News .... - ° _ - ‘flu’ ' “““ "a. ]t|Tcir:q‘:,x”p.¢:;_“t°he:l.b]: 31:‘ mmchwhly nun won“ fly moiqnuuon mmrdiy "2'?’ 1"’? m°d_‘. Each day a record of the scores - _* ,_ L‘ —--— . _ .. T“_-". — ‘ ‘ ‘ V V as “, ° ‘ .1 an . “nu “. 3 . . ‘k¢Plo 3° 0"‘ UK‘ ¢h“dl’¢'“ 03" Wm‘ Secretary of State Fair Association . . - .A lllilflllvlllalaorenllt. Wl1entlieWorldWarended,pnr~ Th fth v . . , - - A ’ ‘“''°' ° ° ' ‘“°" ‘S l"'“’‘ pete against each other and against s - ‘ - . _ . u » . end-. Out I-i::urc.-.. ‘ AGAIN . There la no phaae of our oduca- suit aq were skimming the ",5 no the point: A; much .3 ac their own prewous ‘cows’ “P Twcmv Third Am“, Missom i 'l‘be-‘wilsvirflvf Emile-“'03-1-‘non um ahonld be given more at- airat 140 mileunhour. - designer produce.” . . -- . .‘ . .- ‘_ , t - A . ‘ ""113 {OWN "W-"'1’*l ‘Ml 3| fillml I‘: Mate l-air x~linvi:< xi not profit to §- 3“ ““'°"- l’ ‘l'''‘’‘‘ ''‘“'‘° 75’ hntlou llllan our teacher-trainlnx L“‘, 9°” 3”‘ Aw“ "l ' '9'“? Pm“? ‘‘ 2“ "9" “' l'°°’-1° of ambition," said Mr. M:-Anaw. date or over $15,000, according to ii Greeo-ltallan quarrel. I0 I00‘ Y9‘ flyodmtjxtonglmnt, the ‘tug, 1; is M371‘ '35:: P3333‘ u’°l’hY “C93 9‘ ‘cording to Lieutenant Williams, ‘is ocwmch is needed go, bcncficjul ex", k_t.wl_ “_“,i\.(,d Md"). by D_ gr-_ \.'um“_ wholly settled: the Info-Slay-Italian . ha, 3,.‘ am“ who win gm,-¢ charge % ”:';s:“wee‘k “ "fiche" field uni “ °°'“f°"‘u° " 53“ “ l°°,ciae. Before. when calinlicnics were \-er, mnnng.-r of the White Eagle 1 9‘““"'l 5" lietun to be eetllflla of the young people of the state will . “land we mu,‘ Wu "1’ u, i"“u°°9‘ "b°“‘he7°“ f°" ""3 ‘used, the boys and srlrls merely dram Dnii-,v. from W. 1), smith, 2-tccrctary ' andalreuly a new danger ‘appears. ‘.¢.g5.;,. u-‘fining ma gt 5, being‘ ' 2‘ ‘9'.nd’l“"'“° um‘ f°‘W,ged through the mo\'ement.~'. moving oi thr fair ustmcillliun. 2 .- -- up.sueeenivelyto2445- 9- - Irnakeathetlierfeelaeifhiaheartum huh d ho”. _ -- .. g This tlflii 30%! in itIh“u”d1m‘p,,,w.,-flu“ mg ‘before f-man’. in on, «gen-35¢ hm-gt ofgwen uw,.‘n’bdnx{°med down ‘moi " . “ 9" “m3 ‘l “ "‘l_ fib-‘i In his lc-1.1-., Mr. .\mith_ also isa)s i h i a‘ 3. it la a mistake to permit an un- speed “with the wind” to 268 mlloslhia boots. ’ ‘git-ir!‘::o.n:'uxini‘l citijrfissoiiicmiliriii’ . . ve 11315} . fill. . ‘A llalned. inefficient teacher to enteruin hour. ‘i pretsure is‘ something ter- dusm‘u.s_ they “mm, "3. mo and fmmd‘n'mm_rP any flaw {air an _ ; rian :ora_rmaent_toreaaloat'Illldead an gghoiblroorn to train the, child's. _1183 l-ht? Dflximnm 500" !'¢I¢h0d- ride. It feels as if a giant hand h.,.d_»- 'mb;u or ,,uMin,,._. (,1 NJ to tho“. of» 1 ‘ma 4-om-"mfllfia in 3“ "3533 ‘"1 Iltllltl alllfl direct hill ¢fl'0Ti8- M070 ifhrphne de”‘n°u'm huh ‘‘ 7°“ Jwere pressing down on your CNSSL After the children have lJ(!(‘0lllt" the‘ ‘iii-*~ou'i \"i"tc Fiuir . Ii “"3 ,i"““".‘°¢5°"l'§- Al ‘M “W9 -and tnoril specialization and supervi- 7i{.y°u.”k mew’ Thcy~ap“t “'0: the ""7 uh Wt °t y°“'” ‘proficient at the contest. there willi . H i l i l 1 I : time Serbian hastening to take Id'¢n of uuhem in their gniningiggiyghgfigru “Ii ts}? 3:: .'t pniient‘ '5' ”‘_d be matches where schools conipi-ti’ I solicit your .\‘Ul)S(‘l'l[ltl0l'l§‘ for L “""“° °f ‘hi’ n" t'''''l°“ ‘"1 i‘ 350014 5‘? ¢D¢0|1!'|lt°d- ‘nut m°,'nh_p ’ . ' i t ‘ nan “Chou” ‘re fi‘h“"3"‘.against schools for the Fright-st .-\l.I. niaynzini-s. Now is. the time '3 hreexriorted beaieady eongrecatinx ? And um um___we“. they fiwituofldw E;r::’)‘°°_']n“g"§':‘e‘1‘.’;e(‘;l ha:'_tl¢0!‘cs. These will urobably lie held to 5ul\:iCl’ll,~(‘.! A nizii:nziii_t1-I help (100,. 0, I borduhgm. “P, 2 figured.‘ t an‘ the N‘. an. an‘ . ' . in a \v . _ _ . you; your :tl l‘~(~rlplli).'1 wi e [1 inc. posedly for the purpoae of invading‘. ' INj.AND OF Missal-‘ml cnt type: o:‘;lrpI|o' "mp: capable 4;‘; he. :p1m.,,un‘¢hq1»“?enb:;lut:mm mu‘ um . The contests in which the boys (-11- htiss Jczuilc ll;;t'|‘i'.<,r 1103 _F.nst .‘ um ‘L 4 . Zip um Cums! or tel‘ ‘PC: f:0ll:ll‘ll’ll‘0\\~. “g'3'flI'!(‘l dash. BrUU(l\\'3:‘.- l'll0l‘.(.' lb“‘l."".‘d\', 1: 3¢_e1n§ an; 1);; Bflhu pow.-en“ Ahout‘250 former students of the will do 440 miles an hour—bettzr Wright model. will triumph at St. raimmfi him 3}-"ha?" -8?,‘ Ipufluii .1 , V-, .-,1 i.‘ 0., an... ' ,1“. deufmined an; ",9" ‘houid b¢;.Chill, Qollege zittend- than 7.3 miles. a minute. . Louis is a question that is keenly ikignfng liiip .Nl{Ll{lg:1‘ll:.' ‘F ubjforl:|‘G.::1;.:C):‘:,‘d{._ '~ ' no peace. The world will never for-rgmdrl “anal pmmc m l""”5 Qty A‘ “mi 130"“. they concede‘ mu‘ htaafin‘ .‘Vi‘fi°" ?"u‘“’i“""' 1" other 1-xi.-xciscis suited to llltlll. _____,___,_____' F ' ...... . - -..._.... get the fire that kindled from the. Y’ ___ __ r_rus_;'h‘nd'n hi": Q33“. iorwguld was . C‘3.';t.i” phm m ‘hie?’ Lieu‘ As the scores muitt he kept i~ar.-- ii“ _ ',', ‘l ' M 4'.’ ml“ "33" °f “"793 ‘I 5°75“ in Elma‘ Hlrt. former postmaster ?(:‘e;.°,r‘.‘:c°fen?i::, tionoh.‘ “".i"§:“ Tathcg hm 266' fully. a teacher is lll(‘l(' to !.llI\I‘Y’u'l\‘t' l9l«l. ‘Phone events must never be It Eldon. died at his home Sunday which {he p0“.m.._fur_“.cig£t mug dd "av - 3-“be ,§c:f'2::A93u‘?" till’ tho Pill." at 3" ll"l¢'~‘- % duplicated under any circnmstancea.'¢"¢"in8- can be vastly increased and the re- hour ovirr a kilometer coutguliliitti ~ ’ V i ‘ It iacleariy up to the diplomats of’ The mm, “_a\_ {Wm Ah ' sist:inc(- of wings and struts and the toast figures on the Wright. mix]- FL Sin‘(;()?iS$3fi".:()l?.(H F“ ‘_. l ; . \ ---~7:-r , .urope to Intervene and see that no mom. 3 . . ' ‘ - landing-gair done away with. They el have been withheld. Wri t (ll'- ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ " 7’ ' " '9-5"‘-i‘ . . . 0.. to Leaicnorth. l\xm.. was _ . 1 Kl! __ 1 4 i . international conflict is atarted. Let‘dg;igngu_-d 3; pa ofihc nagcg Park umfk he ""1 °.h°9"° ‘he int“? ‘lat’ Mcret. however. Of l‘rofc.~..~.tirs and Students Compote ., _ - ii i . Bulgui. M" my (am of gm.cm_ ‘runway at a Good R0865 A85~’-cin- "‘“""°' Bl“ Just what. the future ithe fact that they are not afraid of for Driving: Space on l’ni- ..' -. T men, mu she duh,” hm by mm” meeting in wcswn today speed moi-iel \\lll loolt like they are the Curtias plane. ,».,»,.-in 1,;,,k_.,_ 2... W git » ‘ ; "M33718 Ill’ OM powcf bc: ‘ I..’''''* , ' _-.-.' .. .. “T7. .__-_- ,_,,,, _ ,___ - _ ,____ v ' ’_‘:"‘f“:‘_“"r"‘—-—- N _. F . ‘ _ ’ ""' ‘ g' §.“‘u! mama no use -am:-se or new n.’;‘.‘.”‘.'. ’}‘.3.“.“.'.‘i.‘.~’.‘. ’.'i‘2.‘.‘i'i“.5’.:f.’.. ‘:23; ' ' f ()0 C ...-“.3. 3.1‘: ’...:i‘;.’.‘.‘. ‘.’3.:’.“ ‘1‘.’;‘;. ::f.“f g‘ 5* “°mP°"”'Y V’?:'‘'‘°9‘fl-_ ‘ pautloxnigle he was drivint! was de- O cnth d:i.\’ thou shult'xiln.V Rolf" n-§;ni.«: 1; ‘ um: WAY ro manna rmcs l§:..i§.,, "K i,,.t,3i'l °?,Si°X°.i“::.'.'§ Foundation for S3 in ivelanh.-35::fliliii.nii"m}L"J"i§Wmi;ii * . *- i u1i‘:oit isifilong ago’; ogs much ,3uflc]'cd . broken calla; 1,on¢_ . H C th I ,1 ‘ D y g the uppeuraiiw of the liniis Ii‘; n s coun a ‘n umpcnry --~-——,-— _ _ _ 4.~ shvwt-(l an fllllltlylllll ‘ toward stricken Japan. and nttheaej 13¢ my, E_'-{-1-B_:1,(.,,c;; hf 1,". to ownership is unafiefted by the heldtthiinaiiice tlienlfanc>hndThogc;’u." . -.... ._. ...... ' -;i§ :1;-¢Unitcd States have taken theiAnge|e3, who 'spo[.;9 before the gen‘. place in or upon which it is found. found in any of the g\‘at‘iou'I'ori::l)n~ H“ h‘ “ RIC“ ‘RI 9 '.-I W I .. -oral assembly ot'.the Church’ f th- P°"5°“ “'50 59¢?‘ 8" N'l»l¢l€ 03 ‘ht 111903 598181104 T it ' ' ‘. ;‘ .‘. ‘ ' V‘ ‘ i‘ ‘ . {ll 11",, 115,; we ;,,,“cau;h" ‘M zghnmne in gun“ Cm. (min is under no 3,“; duty to ‘we hm in ‘ “evict i’or‘hceeb$rti:)znm“o;:;‘T| Violin Soloist and Teacher ‘ % “ll ammo;-hood between men. ‘wgevening, declare that -.-,.r,- few the article up to the trainlaan or tlieownerof the safe had overloolce-d’ “*9” "7 E“|=°“° G"°"°"“'3- ‘N’ Lil which. idansu MW in time‘ put churches would be reliiitiously able "9" *0 K"-'1' lll5_nI7Ilc. nor is he oh- it for years. that it had assumed the .-"“’“' 3”‘ " i V \ been derided by “me ekann“ us the receive Christ vi-cu. lie in rem", llged to make inquires among the status of lost property and since the "'°"' 16" l ' 1 ‘lg pmvéd triumph“-t over we to earth today. . nf:mta3 lo‘!!! (;w_nership;"I;h}e: owner of the sale could not.provt- T..:;...._._..._ cloud of hate and tear. It is pi Link Shatter. 70 years old, of and 3-he‘:-,¢gm:;fe¢;‘;,,‘jlgcg_§,,': ;§:.¢‘:;‘ pug thcthmoney in ihc ‘. flllendid illustration of - the teach- i8p"l“3h°ld- “'5” ""5 "°“'~""‘-‘d "3 l“"“-'amonz the passengers he hrgaqehes 'I?llc‘qucat0i!t1J:eoI tliurietl til::::uT-:-fin; l inc: of the firat Helper. These two;b°°" '““"d°“‘d.l'3f F¢‘l*_Y'U3|Y_I-', 1103? his obligation of making ii rcason- another matter. for ' reasurc 0‘ .- -.— «:- eountriea could have been 55’ Fred Miller. I8 alive and able ctfort to replace the article to does not as-mime the statusoof 1°31’ “ l “ 1‘:- and gun-0,-inc "ch 09,". ,-md>l“'°3 "fl," 0*‘~'¢°l'*- ‘l f"*5 8"NjUflC"d its owner is ii question forthe judzclproperty. The law in this case in - "N N3 if mime, would in" ‘mum the sllfld} )ti:§Khl;n1;.\r'n\:nll£;_n Sit‘ réxlht. or jury to decide: it in a question of jthat the fortune belongs to the own. 5p slightest compassion. But the same cannon 3 cl 0 . Mr "3" "“"°’ "W "“’- “"1 Cornell-‘erof the iwropcrty upon which it is . " Vllalflll. ll! time of pace, gundg _ . ._._______.___._.. uh Roam Jr‘ lf°n“d' ‘ ?°-db’ '~° lend every vouiblc -id in;ARCH IS SYMBOL _ ""* t ~ -~~ —-—~ ii?"-‘“*~~' ‘*~*~- bl: glfiethcvrent of'a eataetlu-ophe to one‘. OF SERVICE FOR L, [1, ,5, TESTS. Dodge Special Motor Oil for. \ d illi- ¢lD- ’ ' ' - Dodge oars. 'l‘aylor’s Gnru:re.—Adv. : n 1 g;;. ,1 = « - NATION’S F41? 'l!ER\‘ . ~~— . ‘ ~ 1 « 4 - I ~ I‘ i.\\.u.i~-1. w’ p _, .»-.3. 3 c:?DdoRQBAD “ A . [X m Containing Eaa:%:atiohlaIwm“ (llfficial Strtcment of the F'inun- "E.-.1’ nu ueaon ipno ea r, massive are as junt ‘on com- cia Condition of the PEOPIJ2 ‘L jqa in a speech, .i.,.i.,;,, um ,,,_p,,,c,_ plcted. connecting the old and on f°' ‘ii’ BANK or ROCHEPORT ut Roche— Rev E3" . ha goygg-amgn‘7'un 5' at pmpbew Agriculture huildingn. It is The mental test with its P011. State of Missouri. at the clone ' "__‘ pin” to one am 5"‘. by iwwgatérasimto liyways Cl):-"lht‘: pritcnftitxgr as a panacea ‘of busineaa on the 14th day of Scp- _ An‘,-ic.n& an an,‘ is 0-, 0,“, "3 5» 18 8 arm 0_ .0!’ ran '0 i iciencyia again umber. 1923. published in the Co- i, m--»-- ~ .“:‘.*°.*:..:.’*:..f.°:L°*;°..°I.:::=':;i'"«;:5":- .. . « . ”*=*°""'.'"- = 3113113 tef “ i It is Without question that Anieri- lo! hliaaouri. in particular and to formnof hiv ls iiid ‘he isntlalifd lflilq published tilt Columbia‘ . "1 oil! have helped a great deal in farmers of the nation in’ general. .tcrcstin;z game cspgignyc pg-up‘ fig‘-3;; S¢vp{gn‘:ba- m1!;;;n' on c 26 day of ' bringing the island tnita pffient; Hundreds of arches have been by Prof. W. ii. P)le the School , R . . ' ' atagc pf development in C\'E1’y,ling d in centers of beautiful cities’ of Education in the r'ii1?crsit}- for Lon“; ‘mi difiztlztuun I speak at the ' . . f ' _ ‘ _ - -'-' e ° V of lttfit at the present it t$_." we” ‘rgtgmewgrc h;i:tdiiii;“dBiti(t :l‘l‘tld:l’lll:’])0bL of [mating High School doubpcdl). good on per_ _ -. . PW 1» e eetherithe Filipinos: . ., . H . —. , zonal or collateral .... ..$54,ou7.:;2 third annual Chris- C“ k°°p the ‘°"°""""‘ i“ ':I(':l0n'cs T “mod m The °i""fl.°f P'°f°"”‘°' P3'i°"“°"’;.lA>ans. real estate M12500 siinpe it the: !|.'!'-_ let alone. Bat mail to tiiceS°brui;Iyii;“;; todasmdcni: °'"d"“‘ ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' “ “mi” t’ St (1 1 C0 _‘“''‘‘'''°'*W 30! 07 aw-tumult-isf-There vraa ancient Rome’ with mice determine the niciital nuance: oriR°“ .°"”“° “’“"""“ um A u en n- “°N°|=Ni>o¢:9i_xntri'inordai- alone.:»tnaeterly huilt arch built in honor the students. Before inking the b°'3'°’ """"""" “ ‘°°°°-°° “film tftherroerméf t-heveovlcid "8 triumphant gladiators and test the students are instructed to F°""w" mi fixtures”. “Dom gregation lheniaelvee--la politics, in lndustryiP""' '5“! its artistic relic. dc-,regard it in the same light aa they Dubiitom °u’°.' b"““‘ ‘M ’ and in an “mg; on .df‘,,'_I'riomphe erected ‘to the braverir.-s would some athletic contest; to C‘ has; subject tocheck 18,101.22 .3 “IL u h . pouafilvhhcnwryéofflul; finch soldiein. 'and'more'r('- work as hard and fast as they can;'C‘:h on ' ’ ’ ‘ ' ' "_' 28”’ A pop], and ‘mag’. ‘fly v.n§,}€’c‘;y w:"?c:;8ul.>;iiltviii;u:-.r:o- 12::-ggéligg. rely entirely upon their own ROM. snwyr mfgfitggro _ . cal experiencgaa long as‘ me vicmflom adumuw‘ The-um hm been Com “ed , coin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._\ 1,130.82 . °"""°3‘ l‘ N13 5! outsiders. thoutlfof Uncle Sam‘: doughboys “over ei ht in P m “I ——~'—'- they may have onder ad pnigrua..7there." . ififmgrfflom ::fu:°;;'° 1?‘, Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396.89-1.80 - ' 0" l-5° °"|°" hind if 00! In 7"‘ "‘’l‘. i" ll!‘ White rumpus. entertaining. Professor Pyle ‘std: 1-ilbil along to clothe job thoiiuetvu. lky"‘°'e"" his -3990 built with I dif- the test by main; . short 3,0,}. Capital stock paid A“ 1 d is h ,,,., m,k,,,,!,,,,,_ ‘mum u..lf¢'atIt ldcali That idea! came ahoutahout a gamed island. When the Surplus fund .......... .. 6.00000 " " 9“ W 0 ' iiopenit evunumyfto ,g.._¢ *'°"'.. :59 Itllmrherc e. The story is finiahed the student is told Undivided profi . not 3.29&75 . ‘mun-nut. .060‘ ‘ utarehlmfuflmdedidatedd tothe moat humble to open the pamphlet and aiswer Individual deposits subject l belong or prefer ha ' ‘ , "-"""°'-'—'Km’“ll\If‘t‘--v as correctly as he can in nu ’ cheek . . . . . . . . . . . . . cuaninieat is to a extent - . . P 0 - 49370.05 . a notation the worth of vrh h - W * 1 '° ‘.§‘.I°.fi“:’.§"i..‘..Y’:.‘.°.5‘.,“Ti.'.’°?.:.“-“ . " "' “'.?..”.—.°°'‘’''°'‘” °‘ "°’ i Ch ° t’ 11 Ch ll ‘ ' - . . _ jug t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 .00 - _1”'*'°“'**“.*'Pl"l“f 'I'-i°°- finite , Ilfigzmbobc tlymthc Usually it is not until that * . ' us in i “re '1‘. . . ,. 53°“ . ~ . .°_T the arch that the student becomes conscious} T .- . . . . . . .. 395,394,39- ahvud. , it baa the at uni. M we or i'5w:_;boi oi the ieuiun suite his mental iacnl- {suicot Missouri. County of Boone“ are invited Thurs- vatllt tlfi ldtlative of the pop]; Ill’1¢l|lNlR- 0!! ties are in. u_; ‘ , _ ‘ ui’ooi'a on: _ Y 1'05 vrodnctsfoihthe Anotherte8t-haatodowk.hthe- We.!"l"edUcKeeaaviee-puaidcnt,'i... .v - . .. J T; -1 relationship of words. A nutnherfand _R. It. Ravtlinga n. lama d. day evening at M0’ . paeglaaietaldtoio"-aoqhilu-!£s‘l - "'“"» '{"'°°'°"¢fi*¢°°e8-tN:lvemaad‘the=uIdhaa.ouuin¢nn,a.‘g.1.n.ni7 -c °‘‘'‘*''P''i'- “ ' ‘- :!_-~.-Lam which iicspe-in. its rrect rd i"""" “"‘ “" ""‘°"°°* "6 Alltster’s. ‘ . 1 ~ - - ‘° '°. ~13 Q‘|5¢H!I8lIhSlblc.=tl1letotheheat-of ‘ ' ....... ...._, ‘...........':;-:.:-.‘:.e.':-..:.v*!..:.‘--.*:**....=l....~. .... .....- ..,.i ~ ’ .. it . u l_ .V I -' ‘ Lnniiornnna nu. An- ggfiw «to input: the oivliulw-I 43-_’|l.»RAWl1NG8. Caaller. ‘ . i lgotolianaaacit . .*"°"'¢**°-tinvolvu1iI-efil-;snioa-nnanaia- Tlk 3‘. sworn to helore C Jaltauuuar uf“, 9!“‘.""".l"'|‘“"“':"1'.‘.l°l'.m&.thh24thda!ot8epeua‘ iiena. . .8‘ i . _ 1' “W”! Vililnl: mm. .".‘""‘4.‘i'_"~ hundred and t1r‘enty- /;...-_.:- - l . ’ niuoi-tag rim, "?"':'*;* "'2'ndlIll||lB_\ "|Io- '- "' On Sale at Heibels . iollotrlj ‘Friday- M“ F1 “ - : ‘ ‘ - . - ‘ . i V’, “:A. ill.‘ 3* - "7 ""’V '~_ ' ‘I. I‘ i . 2,7 i ‘-3;‘ - . I l:.'.-'l' , -‘n_“l:\-‘f-:_‘:g“ b - * H V 2' , , e A.” _" W” 11‘; -~ vs‘ __ .‘_.H ' 4» .: r‘ v-__ _ ‘ ' '3 . * e 4 . “° ""‘””“’"""”‘“"‘”"""’" ;""°‘,'"'”" A". . _ 1. " ., ' . “mu. . - - ~ ‘ * ~ - — -< = '7'!-"IP11! AND sixrn GRADES tende - to —r d hall before they» coat. nr.a'rr.ns . _ _ I. my ‘ '1 ‘ [J 3 iuY3|C E ‘ 3; E1. Coil};-rs he'll out‘ King Bce. Cole's Hot; mdre! Beta!” § 3r0tira’Vflu'l§ , ‘ - ‘ _ ' ‘, V - _ - - ‘ , - '_ ‘s '. K- I AL DULKHO -0&2, imumpted by lining droppiiigzlllast. etc. Guaranteed sound an xi ll¢t‘c- H0359: Furniture Co. ° ' Than at Pfesen {NW £1350; ‘vi }n;:I¢t5°ni05°fl annnnuy nhout on their heads. slant ~ '- ‘ ._ _ -—-—-— '————_'__ ._’ . , - i - _ are I m rrd-= n i,,i..nnpi.- who really didn't. think" “"”"" . _ 2 .8: United frees. (Dan:-i:‘.it tut.) .' 'to;aay. No doubt it til ‘“m:‘_‘_‘ c°'“°““‘° in mid-iron shot would reach the D’. P. L Kin“-“L Dentin ' 3.. ’ ‘ Q} . "NEW YOIIL-—liov fast can If fife!’ more Wide‘! 1'0!!! “I6 The new ,y;u_.m of physicai ;n,'K|'€t‘!1- _ _ Bucscher & Buescher f-‘" :_:i:_; airplane go? The Wl'llm'h"°a"‘0 IP00‘ Phil‘ _°‘ ‘°dl!_ than‘ st mm for an. fifth ‘ma S‘-nu Costumes were \‘.'.I!‘K'd. Some wore (East for extractions. Plates to c‘"mu.RAC1-Q38 ‘ when they were IIHQ ‘Cid!’ filflnflge pruent bullet dtlllzgaitfrom the 01.0” Columbia “hook is y ltniclzt-rs. some _ white ti all work i‘.'“1m"u""d' ' flillI!r"Bld1..'- ‘"7 ‘ I . crude machine. 9'9 1* toanding guess that Hrdtaan nope‘ ‘ _ daywould’travdfi0ni&a%ho(:;l t be updior-o-ninin_g_seiioo1n m‘s“‘“| l‘:*!':uh";'::m°'°"" ' llped in their efforts to prc- muy did ‘8 ma“ ‘M fire! ho?-kite plane W miles whichheaet-lmu¢.di: , the prod ¢“°'“J. wininms. at Ilitehell Pit.-ld..tbe . h‘ ‘co When one tallta of dying 440,-pewisor hourorevenat attainedb by-'u‘° i getting un rdingto Formerly um Au°'d i in these grades. but now more natur- callsthenicu \\'ert- uscd¥'°""” Mu‘ .or'P.ooai 23, golft-i ti about their perspiri dirty al exercise is provided by contest: $15.00“ l,'m:‘,|.i;s Axxul-NCED an ‘my spwndidw. u_ annelin. and others played in street Frank llcAnnw, the su- °l°“'°“ of the new method. There were golfers with without hats. nndl _- lt1l!1dl£el'L‘llie'§i rig brows. “LIFETIME” . 715A Broadway, Phone Phone office 1979. Res. ing at 6:15 an ing every day, Apple Pickers‘ Wanted At Riverview Orchards Pay 5c per bushel. Apples are abundant. Pickers earn from $3 to $5 a day. Truck. leaves Tiger Transfer Company (1 Y. except Saturday. at 12:30 noon. 61). m. Transpo phones 141722 and rI4F12. Riverview Orchards V McBaine, Missouri Truck returns at rtation free. Tele- every morn- M. C. A. Build- T5‘. tairi Pen hap Its large, smooth, writing point, unconditionally guaranteed, makes carbon copies better‘ an more easily than the hardest (3 cannot describe its lead. ‘ and the charm that, coines using it, but you yourself by a trial at one of the better pen counters. ctsheafler Pen and Pencilapd t i ‘genuine "comfort in nwraiine Pen-I-‘laid .i .- “LIFE Long Short Models 45 at $5 .00 ia the heat pen in the world aell-, ing for less than $8.75. Stodent’s Special No. ' 22 gives unequalled value at‘ $3.75 “Propel.-Revel-Expel.’? f.P.¢.nCi_l if .—t_he World’: Beat, and . _. ,- _to “Lifetime” will end your ' _ .1: in $1.00 to -350.00. _ c - 5 I. Q-. ». n‘. ‘ o to ~. _a (‘E - i - lor'- Foum ‘ ' E STUDENT who as never enjoyed oun- piness has not used a Sheafler “LIFETIME.” want you to try it-——a light, well i balanced pen in spite of its size and unusual ink capacity. tr; 3... . mi‘. 'flMlI”-$ A. +'rH_s.e-ia!:1'1'5r:ntio 1-:_ -- -. - : Atnns r.v£hv'wi§£aa::.' i -!a _.__,li ffi 1 l B - s . _ I . I . r- ‘ .. aa...‘....fl_‘__.__ _-. ;‘_,_ - 0" ‘aw .a‘ An; £4 I! . - f r’ . * .i.‘ o ' ‘ 9" _. -. J-_'.A.$.._.n.‘..'._.:.o._.'.‘aL_-.._._i[‘ A '. V .. -.:.'{ni.'~_ -..~ 3.75 .. . I'v. '- . "--.1 9 ‘#154; l.I.....\.-L 'a‘an'.".i . ‘I . _ . _ ., n. , 1 .- _ , ‘ . enn.__ -no.4 '01‘ ‘*6 .\'..‘- ‘.,',m~A. imitiiig. . l,’.en.U 1’ ;. I 2 er. 1’