“ -“‘~ ‘ " “ " H ' I ~ - .. . » .0 -’-’- ' a .'- " ‘ ' ' l‘ ‘J ‘i .' r " l . ~ .1 l I ‘ 4 ' ___ _ _ __ __ \,_.,_‘... ._ .. . ,. . . ‘ ' i ', , . . , . - ‘ - , . ‘ 7 . . H _. _ .-O-‘|l9‘..T'.,vf_-_-, " v .1, ~ _ . _ _ 1;‘ _ _. _,« ‘. . .__:l .- ._ , .- I D \ " - _- -7. ~ .~ " “ . - -<0 - ' . ‘..l'.‘.- ‘J’ ‘.7 .. '2-N‘-"l. ~.. "5 t- - -A -' - “ - ‘," V. s~~ _ ‘ . " - , . . I - THE COLUMB Miééou ?r.U1«:snAY OC'l‘0l3ER 16 .1923 ‘ ‘ " . ~ ~~‘ * "‘ * o ‘""'""' ““ - -z . r r I ,5 0,... ,.,.,,,. ......, s7.4o@} Illinois sens sate Bonus Rondo Stoomoher from F-rota... —" ..:' ‘ t . . . - .- , 7 Y’ , _ ' . 13031‘, ‘ ebowell; “The Chinese Ni t.in8ale."'3 0€l°¢k lv°m°"WW 3“¢m°°_“ “'1” , ’ _ - ; , h d terd '. __ * '5 ? cuovaa-ssrnciiiur l“""-i‘“"n""“w”""mm'l'J°n§§m sArunoAi'by Vachel Lindsay"; “£2: andincod mu. ncocriptioo-of their ex-.3730: m°“"”'! ‘7-.7°@‘7’°' “"."‘~"’ """“‘ """‘. 0 16 C we W '3 5 T f it c No‘uAL'm 3-]';‘|‘B'I0W W. W.n‘C;awford; ‘and treasurer... . ‘ls.tircs» bv 548.’, Le, flute;-glperiences of the past summer willZ$7.l5@87i853 light r; SPRlNGl;lfill_.D._ ct.” 31.; H L. -————I % . Nwr. “°"""""’ Oiaraeter r... ' J‘ » -- -‘h~M .C.W.G .. -h'%"5; cki sows :6 :Pt¢r:'l‘h‘estateo mots 33'” " Production in of the orgaiiinfion is Dean G.‘D. _wm T‘g.‘:l" 311?‘? 0 :“%:i::‘et‘;‘n 3:301" °{"5'vR°l’°_f“$i“’;§{.:_°‘fl;n°':.a%{°r:" Mn. M'::";e:e:' |;6.;;@‘i;_§5; bulk ’7m@730_ .000_oo0 in some, bogus ponds to 1 A at J‘ “'7 39""! 'Y‘."".A°a'n..‘ ' -Ed"’g"R.wg°nr'ku‘h mzghcehg 53‘ H‘“‘l°"' ‘More Harvard Poets" ahd "Uni-=who was in Mexico Cit)’. Mexico.‘ Sheep-—ReceilJtl 3.000: m|Tk:6t2§5. the Glllflfltl’ C0- "f 5°“ 3°“ f°' Interwoven‘ ‘ ' “3‘“"'“' ‘ . PWL 9"’ ° ‘ ’" --—---—'—- ~ - ' n ' V b h was in t 60 ms lower ewes$3.50@ : 815,027,150. _ _ A _. . . okhhom. A,,t},°;om._ .a.nd Mrs. Jesse \ renc . w o o ce . _ , l -——-- . . J h o. Neihardt. will and legs“! °‘, . 4 - .50; ll b. -————- 3 Clover seed i;m ‘fr, ‘Hie present mem bl!’ 0‘ “*9 l°' dre; ltlbe University lamb‘? 5" “tel h ‘The U""'°""y °.f!e3u£h°Pm;fA'3' 5????’th:h§.~($:l3fa;)'::t:.?c:h§fmh;€::. Esta" ‘3 woo ‘m ‘ W, s. Gentry Marries Mrs. Norman. 3 - ' . “*9 P'°d°°u°” “I.” cal organization is fifteen. These uni any Angigm-gum, Jegge Hang! 0085'." “'88 COMP! Y - . . . C‘ b ' ' ' ' ‘V S G . 5,4 . . . ;d_ and _ lg ‘ some years. The October coodil’-l9“ ‘mgmbcrl are attempting to get into n 0-dock 3.m,.d.y mowing, Paxton at the request of Presi- 8‘3ffil’lbeF°d9::i°:d°f “ Omflts U 5. st. Loni‘ cuh Gui“. Mn;.-A!;nie°;}O';;-nun. Bf COL Hose L . is 60 cent of normal. indicating be r ' ' 1'1 ‘dent Stratton -D. Brooks who was W‘ W" M - . . ,. , g _ Per 1 ‘I touch with the fifty former mem 78 Mr. Neihardt has fauna in the i e _ . 1 C°m_Ju]y 785“. December 73%, umbia were mnmed [Mt _c_,m,.d,, i‘ 1.2ml;ushels piznlamiv-‘_’:; who are now in lleld ‘Sort. f the and character of the fur t.rasi‘lerL.and ‘thtglt l:‘;sid¢;nt “gag M . o“,_yqo_ 2 ,,},;u’,_ 44@46l"c; No_ anem'oon by the Rm,‘ A_ w_ pm“ _ . ’ °° d9“u‘ » ‘The iiadrennial‘ erenceo J kedf t. uis'pu is n ‘ n _ .. ' _ ‘. r ' ‘ 5‘ ‘ ‘°' '°°" "m "°‘ "‘ ”"'°'h°" ‘M t° internvgionat Stutlznt V°'°"W’iri:.:h:>1:: and tlrglinditions as poetry by both faculty and student.-sj ‘3 "m°'.i3*@‘:ccr' 1.l§§i‘c“me 43% 1°" “M “N” ‘M 8‘ M Sm“ g ‘ 1' “W duflwuy °f hum” be‘ movement will be held at Indianapo- r genmfidy hemgc ,5 those of gncieut, ‘for several years back. ' ‘ P . t T I: as “do; 23'@:i:l}t:::t_Jeftl;-n 81.08%‘ ‘December ‘Road. - I “‘“‘° °‘ ° "'3 'lis from December 28 to January 1. cm,“ g sandimvian 533., ; ' ' "C95 0 “'"“"-“ ‘V ' " f ' ' ' ' ‘."_ l ' :;eEfi!fi.teI‘f§lt;lt:;Id Jewell The local organisation will be rep‘r‘e- In ..-ml: gen‘ 0‘ Hugh Gnu» wd ‘MEAT-(LRl.\(. B00ls'l.__BT 011‘ K); . bxuititlfir. 2;)l.lttE::lelt-::$l.%P.‘ga-‘ red No 1 $1 18@$1 19' HOSPITALS 1 t f ayes o D°P‘“' . d w_ '_ Tm.” ~ » - "7 -. -2 : ' .. -. . -, . -~ - -_ - .. l J mmt °f Agfiurmm ‘ad suu Eztgotd. S:.‘lnthi§h¢?onl"e'l-ence ll?0tit fifiiustoaigrtlliftwo installiilirgittlglilf hllilconege o§'3¢‘;:,ul.t£u;;r;le.k no‘ “hbcans. 1b.. 5 to Cc: sweet corn. d¢;§.._:'o.52. €l.l«l‘@l$;.11§3@I“°l- 11;” s{,'fiz(a,). ''—"r P rk M m rid 4 J V—‘‘" Board of Agriculture. - . . . , A ‘ , _ ? ., 15 to l"c; sweet potatoes. ..I 1.1 ; .'o. . . _- - 3 - - - a er e o Alfalfa seed yields two bushels ::'°ng:’m’:f':f‘:{,‘o‘::“§°;o;’:o,f:::ft:,‘l “P‘°k °f "‘° V3523‘ ",'{d;,'S., M: J: '”“’."""’°l".' °°“°‘°°‘ i""‘~"""?“'.:>‘c‘;N1i-inh potzltoes. bu.. 75¢ to $l.O0:'8l.08. f Those ndnnittcd 5-cstcrdny wore: . . P" ‘mi Vim °"ly "mo ' 0; over the world. An’! Christian or- zqrrloicucllfanratterloflthese harllllnizers 4:::c'in'fnn:::%?:au;:‘;f_m‘nl: d’::::turnips. bu $1.00 to .25: let!-11"» Wheat. hltt‘d— N0-‘l Sanford (f'31‘“"‘é Sig"? :)‘;“""nl‘;:"; Upholstenng : 91000 b1l3h¢13- H‘"n,Y °" niuti ' h‘ t nd dc] tut: - - 3‘ -° }, '1-; 9 doz.. heads. 75c to 91.00; green on-98l.l0@$l.ll; No. 3, 1. Ja.- - - 4 -"net.h 1.. OX. urc ar “.9 nso ? [Yer cent of the hlisaourl I111 gould cfihfsdswlintlgi theaidsdurffl lfigfigl-:‘t)il¢!)'ensuf‘:(';Ylll1e";'l’ll¢' 8523;: blxlllhrleelbutchenlm. as the com" d‘'‘..5 ‘p"ions. doz.. hunches.‘-l(l to 75c; all-INO. 4 $1.05. ‘Louis S. Barter. William Arn1- we cmphy an and q L. ‘‘‘''“'3' i‘ cut hr —'——————-' )1‘,-sends" "proud." '8 lssuilm {me of ch'm° “M pies. bu.. 50¢ to $1.50: ripe toma- --1-“ strong and Nancy Readint: were (lino nu" ‘ha an the _, Soybeans are 85 per cent normal BROOKS SPEAKS TO BANDE ' .'_ . _ . . .1] bebulletinr. covering the problems Ohm‘... 15. :2, to ';c- green tofnatooghl. Enacted Honey la in Demand. mjgged yesterday. Lloyd Gtlttlllk , , ._ fit upon the largest acreige ever har- ———————-— | ‘W Umwrmt} wt‘?!-uses WI ' 'h°m° butchering ‘ml wring M b “Soc ' $100‘. ‘ N1 75C *0; \\" h b tock scarce and highland Paul Wisegarvcr were dismiss- “id °”'"”“ 3°"‘l¢¢- We vested The ero has been cut iin-."C°'0P°"“°" 1' W5“ c°"m""‘m'p°."d°d frllm 10 °d°ck' Sflumay meats. ll‘-hr‘. la‘: rd. Ecltlfiirbih) to Go’. ‘ ‘cl hcomi San incrcasinr: demtmd "d ‘hi-“ "‘°"‘l“3° M“ ‘ {an "M or “— . b.d(-audition; with ‘good mg.‘ President Bays in Talk. morning until the close of the lec-_ com 19“, directions are We“ $ -~-’- mu» 3 3. ~- ' 1 P711‘? ‘ "9 5 _ _____,__ ‘ad ‘-,|om.,_ ‘ ‘R’ ' p I P -6 ts t D B 1‘ guns . .9 , . R ' cabbage. lb.. 2‘.‘.-c, pumpkins. lb.. 11‘. reported at Portland. 0113.. {Of 03‘ . port in Shelbrand Linn countit;s...“) l::ile:ngpc‘l.ll{’:: (‘>3 ‘.bmi;¢:‘)w¢: Kasai; . ' H fwith illustrations showing: the pm- carrots lb 3 to “H bee"; doz_..tmcmd honey some fancy Payeuo BOOM, (Gum). ~ tgood' er t - ~ i . : ‘ v‘ ' r ‘:1 .-' « - - - . .- - .«. ' d - .°~ff.‘;;’;.‘;‘.‘.‘.‘.“’:..2’.”$.“{.'. o.. §.'.'..o.':'-ncn cm by no members or ow?-°“‘°“S ‘”«‘:'.- °*""""‘S.°*‘.‘3.".’i§ ..f.?‘.‘.““.‘.“.’.°‘.‘..$’.2‘.‘i.“r .?.i'.::ii.‘:. .*»9"c*w~‘- :—";'= ‘mp’ °,*;'°'~;"“'..:,‘;‘:.~**°c*1;‘.f"°-r°;"d;=;;:;*,;°3;:;:,..,t:;;;,,,‘3.?*.’§;.f:“:;;..::{,:‘3.'t"“:;-, P8t'k€1fFttt’ttttl1rel at-est. — The crop in the Soothe-=tl”"“"’“"" “d” Bwd‘ §“““ “'- 3°“°' 0' Albany Chosen int: and curing or beef and Exten- 7“ f” 1.83 '—°.m' "' U ” ' M Md“ quot 3 u. Lucas and baby. and Mrs. 1.. E. sections is not yet mi! t° h'*"’°'*- .3”. “’°‘."’ °f ""3 ""“’ ‘“‘ “’"""". President of Miuottri Prom sion scrvicc Circuliir No. 42 giver: ’°°““'”‘ "' ‘.1-.. .-- "’ ”°"" ' y n ‘ GT3“! “WWW “85P”°.‘"l"mlph!ymg hut’ .Th€ work» of ' man. D°1°g“l’“ to the M’“°un.Pre§“ coml‘l(-to directions for butcherini! I-Last St. l.0lllh l.i\‘(-stocls. - - i ’ ‘- 7 . ¢0nStd¢TlblY Mile!’ 03331 1181 3'93!’ u'°"' ""“ ‘“d‘°‘“"'° °f “’h‘“ h°.Association's annual convention hairs. Both of these circulars ma)‘ i:t- l.'ni1rl vu- ? and indicate sliirhtly above tweltti'--‘‘°“'d ‘*0 °‘S€“'h"°- The Plover who _st. Louis last Week elected Asa be obtained free by azldressifllr the r<.a'r1o.\'.:ti. STOCK Y.-‘UZDS. m.. _ ) 7. four_ bushels peracre. The yield _V~‘l8?‘"°3_‘° b1‘ ',’‘°l°’’‘‘ ‘" “"3 _b3“dr l‘ Butler, editor of the Albany Capital.]Co"(.m. of A‘_.,.icu1m,-e_ Oct, 1fl——R<-t-eipts 6,000; murke, . twenty busllels last year. llilletgworking against the best ml?"-'5‘3'presldent for the coming year. 1. r-’* "“ «today to 's[fL)n(v- ,.mg\.(. hm; Steer... \ ' will bolzarvesled for seed mostly inlot the °rzom=otto_o- “1t_tsthe§omo‘ Other ollicers chosen are: \'icc- \\'ll.l. mu; ox v.i(:.i1‘io.\'s=s., 75 $,,‘.._-,. "\.',..,,;,,,. .,...,.. mt DO 0“ 1(n01U"' E the North Control °°°t'“e' '"“'!"‘ °""5"';""‘ °‘."‘.°'."”“'d P“""'d?’“‘ president. Ralph E. Stout. Rooms; 1, . h I, (‘.‘l*,;“m“‘ M it;-ifc-l~«.~ 'c.ezim gergocgobzr were cinm the twelve on the nom- ° "° "° ° “"""° “""" Pnccd to Sell! ' ‘:9. and Prof. Sam B. S ir ', o t e {mung commmem ~ ~ ('0llt’£’0 of AK!"§¢U1W1'¢ }'°3l¢"43}'- I The Christian Endeavcr of Cclum- , O 1 _ F t . .‘ The new courses in the agricu - his was well represented at the con- ‘ W » See spccla s in out ,as ’ . t:::1:l engineering department eon-‘vention. The delegates were: Llay- e “7i1wW .. . ‘ T . (cm the care of tools and the gen» nard Knieger. president of the lo-~ ‘ ' t 3 cral construction of farm buildings. cal organization. .\1r. and Mrs. J. t 1 . methods of repairing farm n_tachtn- Grant Frye. Miss I-Iva Davis, Miss. ant . , p ‘ cry and equipment, farm buildings Sylvia Davis. Miss Flay Inst. Miss 1 by 0 O. and their equipment. and the stud}; .:\lar1y Cqrowson, Glenwood Baker and V fth i’l. tan .'t‘€}' - : :pem:i°‘;':f°'f'§° igfignigts for "in" 7a_ _ . X01!" '1 ivodaivnrozu/re/ii.nro 15 N. 7th Phone 353 1); f _ - APPOl.\'T.\lENTS ARE MADE , - ?l'h:r:l.udy Of breeds and breeding - ' '“ mm I'll'3:ld'¢\'a_\'. phone 234. and the feeding of dairy cattle have Members of the ll. 0. T. C. Bugle ; been added to the dairy husbandry and Drum Corps Announced. Values In Suits and ‘- o , tion. will preside. I-‘OUND l:_8l‘0RE WINDOWS Ligit-suit; land.’ d_ W I m X',i"2_ ‘ i-mold;-rut.‘ Ponlarn Bluffl ‘ . - 10.2 (Tents Plus 1-(‘ent Tax . ,: , .- (6 w 3," V .; _ if W5 - ' ‘fa’ "fo "9" 0 '. nit-ricaii, an iiirry cnman. I‘ rhtri3i;m::i“:el’E.fl¢:"en1“n I git in the lint‘-erisity, gave a short paminmon Ne“.s_ . . N G Lu‘ Yen‘. talk on the influence of the best; The other din.cw,,, am _y_ F_ gun ' ‘ G d E A A A ‘grades of music. The Universitylof {ho Maryvme Tribune. C. 1“ H0, ‘ I‘ or Sale by Ctlltltttllltl 5-5:???“ 37° "°‘‘' “"'b‘"‘d ‘mm "W "m“dp°lm Cf ‘he hart of.the Holden Progress. H. J. JOHN N. TAYLOR GARAGE ‘ minded that this is the season of“. O. C. was discussed by Mai Biwton or the pnric Appeal and llallowe'cn. the time of spooka"and‘0~ S. “cod. Imrrrnoe Ddtuth rvokochcrict w. Four or the Missouri 0 witches when “the goblins '11 K0‘ “f W133‘ lb" l""?d "‘_‘‘‘‘"t i” ll” 5”‘ Trades Unionist. ' S you if you don't watch out." and dfttt In the Utlt\’t’t'r'It}’- t that 'rhanksizivinir Do)‘ is rapidly" Paul Howard twtod as to=tstm=t==-}‘"'l'3-V 3*ll'3l:.*'~"*l*;‘§ l"‘”7"“'. department. and a laboratory course’ The R. O. '1‘. C. headquarters an- in the identification and judging of nounces the appointment of the fol- Overcoats at the important varieties of fruit to ‘ lowing men as members of the bugle the horticultural department. In corps: Bugler.-2, H. J. Anderson. C. O. I poultry husbandry the two new Williams. S. P. Compton. G. G. Hod. . courses are poultry judging and son. S. H. Fergzuson. C. H. Hahn, J. L poultry production. I’. Leggctt. B M. King. Homer Swan- ‘ The short course is divided into son and E. H. Noll. Two vacancies 1 l’.‘.‘o tc.'n'.s. the first from October still remain, and will be filfcd within _ 29 to December 21. the second from the next few days. They Are Winners January 2 to Febfiiary 24. The following men were namel on ._-—————-—-——--——~- the drum corps: M. H. Conally. T. IN’. TO HAVE I-‘IVE-MINUTE TAUSS DcArman. B. smith. A. M. Bunt- ’ ‘ ling. Roger Wil‘.iams..E. B. Sullivan, - ”“’°"§;I“f';:"Mf;’f‘1'{’;—,:§_,?°“‘°“ fit H. Young. L :<. Wolf, H. B. Hol-é The P::cnt_.n_uhe“ Assoéinfion man. D. Robertson. and I-‘. M, we Baum Schoo‘ Wm meet athlcnge. 'lwo v_acanci_(-s also exist for the Schoo‘ building u 3 ddock drummers. which will be filled llllS~ Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dot Sat- ‘V l‘ pington. president of the organiza- Always the Right Price ee . Robert Compton. §.ltltl('21l laand leader, will act as izistnictor for this. The subject under discussion will ‘"‘“' bc: “What are we furnishing our‘ - - . ._. , _ —-__— children in the way of entertain-. - ‘ merit at home that will take ‘the; « Think of Us As Your _ Automobile Dealer . HL L0! dillercnt members of the associa-. tion. -‘ , Mrs. T. Newton Karts will dis-; cuss stamp collecting. bicycles and radio outfits; Mrs. J. F. O|lver,willt V ..Ls.A talk about games. candy pulls and. ‘ conversation at meals: Mrs. Moss; _ Edwards will discuss playmates and ; MAN h h. ‘ . y _ ° _ ,,,- - ,1 , 3..., z_ 3, gm“. ag lb doctor his a J L willrgltlrlallel-fteacquu play space; . lawyer, hisbanker, hit; gro- f ’ . e s ‘ . . ‘ i Hlli will tIlk§ ‘ cer__in fact he is accustom, * - ' of the odmhw 0‘ mil"! ‘l°“d'.f ed to refer in that W3 to eve ' September brings with It a gentle re- You like to grasp a pen like this. It's ‘H-karat gold. Ti with the hardest? and Mrs. J. Clark Waldron will tour, Y W . . . P . on outings for children, cunpam; one to whom he gives the 10 al minder that Fall and VVinter are just ‘ ' ::_§’ fi‘fe'd"“"‘l’;°l .{‘.'°°"’ “'°“3' '°"“"°' '""‘ b“”°“E8"“° °‘ "":i‘°"' "if mg _ ’ g - - ~ . ‘ . - 3-_ . I Is. __ can uy. xpei-ts s t s» v sting _ Militia lzcfle Stewart will play a? gfigrgggggegfign 0‘ responsibility . aiound the cornei. So—1_s your Coal bin _/, Tu, M, w_,,, sigmmm pm i,,’.o,,- i. the fincstuiade. ‘Aye ic 3 i can‘ piano solo l 3' ‘ . empty? Better look into it. tlcrtoryoolltgn-ytof ltaerzrrfiiois prompt}; Another big ides.—cli d in . .. “"""““"""’ 7. - - . _ ng. ou . are a ouc purse, shirt-I t, ._ k,.the .: "M ““"._.,B.‘.‘l'_° “EC”; H3§§o‘:%::e¥:{“§nt‘:_h5?1l a”dk3"t"Y° y Give us a ring and order that Goal to- i that flexible point to paper and the ink Signature pmflfiiizltiuh The pucntcd fr ' Officers to Head Uaiversityg t ‘ ch f . 18 mar e In day_ And 1-ernernber the prices now are ‘“"u ‘uh 3°“? u''°°Kl‘t° » cap-cotidtrnction assures Ulla. ' . r ‘ Ofttlitflllfllf TH! 7083-‘ l_ * 3“ 33hl0D that more and more . ’ . . The Wahl Comb Feed regulates the flow band you see around the can prevent! 3 J W t The following oisecn were elect-g of our townsmen xvillthink of us e lo.“' and the dehvery more prompt than 1t r roperfortly th-ttlne ink nc§r aoodi. The 8l’"W°8- Q l ‘ 2 _ _‘ ‘:5 “ ‘ '*:°°“"¢ °‘ “* “NW”: ~ as _here to give them constant, 4 Wm be later" i - t ‘ tnko-it-city iocoormoom There are hi-o‘l:iir sizes at 3-: and ss- J .1 ‘ bmdal :'°l"‘""’ 3'“! “F: “kn: sausfactoryi P9750931 8€l'V'lce. ; * , . , And the everlasting nib-—it's a marvel. onefor men, one {or women. _ or tho , . , . .4 I i g y We offer sotnethlng new in the only It suits itself to any writing style. Just Wahl Signature Pea. Otlier Wabl Paul. . . 3 . . , ‘ . y l3oone Coal sold in] UOl&ll1T)llJla. Six-inch t aeeins mac for your hand. It is heavy from 32.50 up; ; ; , jjj % e .. r at :. map, in map, egg coa an ar screenings. : . n.d.t.u..u s A 5,111]; wA§{Loo an - i I N _ _ , 7 - . i .. » . .~. ° ° - -9 “'9 l _ i -c,.; - 2 i .° - o l Phone 1237 or quotations. 2 * i ..- ~ 4. 4 -HUDSON-ES. t . e t ~ iil.?- 1' Aadnepalrwuk I ' ~ . - ~ »‘ *' ’?'l¥ ’”_, ., . -jo— ' 5 3 B1tlt?l.d00tl§ialCo.. », NM Sm g V . ltirn. for vliltg Sf" . " .; . . ran‘ _ ,3, V Motor ;-. I ‘ l5N.7l_ii_-St. J K . p‘;..,._.3.;3 ; \ ' _I vs’ : . . l-;. I - 's.. .._- - .._.l‘ . . ‘Vs a 1,’ _ - , v . - h . . c b . I §¢j ' .» -. r .1 o . . . - ~ * ' ‘ _ - . ‘ A , " ' ’ - — . ‘*1 .- t r -_< ' .~ ' . .\¢ :4 ' .3 . ~ ' ‘ ' .«.\ ' - - .- .~ «‘-«. ‘~ . . . .' . .. < . , , ' .'. .. - «I. ...-' - . - ‘~» -. s-.---~ ' ~ . . ‘<' ' ' ‘ « . ' ’ . —‘ . .- - - - - ’.. - ~ - - .. ‘. - . -. E - ‘. - .. ~ '. ~.- - ‘ ’. .. ‘ .' ’f'.~ ,'. ‘_ ._ .._“ .\ ~_ A .. .t, _‘ A-. , ‘:0 __ _' . . _ . M. _‘ pf . ‘ u -_’ —« 5...... _' ._\ ._._._ 1’ _. T‘ c.. y ‘ ...._ 1. . .2 “_ ..«v‘ _, ', .., . V > _. . , V .. _. ‘(J _ J I, _. . > . ., .- --_. . ' _ . fie». ._._,‘.......-..,,',--.:.....-...[...__..fi.-. _ , ,-._