. I -.'.....':.: --,.,v‘.l‘v.~........ k. .- _ _.‘,, __.,__.. ...._..__,__,J_ . , V ‘ _ 7‘ H _:,_ _'_ _ _ . ' ‘ . ’ ‘I I"T'"2:-,..—r:,(‘,‘ <1... I’... J’_,-_ 3.‘... _ . .l-’._... ‘‘ ‘.;l" .17‘ “. I’ '.V._" ,.'€;>-‘Fig '&'.‘l “ —“r'.'i"" “ _’.I‘"’ ‘'''‘‘.‘;-:a''‘‘‘ ."‘ ;‘ ' _ ;‘ .<. .——: ‘ET A I X . -~... —_ . — '.\_-I , "“ ’ ' "" ‘ Vl.'_-‘rill: '- “‘__ ‘ A ~i =7‘; 5* !§; .fi~;?§‘#«¢*.&-itemiiv =a .1-VU” — . .. ~ . .: . . in‘ . ‘ ‘ - ‘ ' " .' .",. .°_‘ _“' ' Qv-~04 - '-1' ‘.._- -.W‘,,_ ,E._', , * ‘ ' ' - _ . V , ‘: ‘ ;"."f‘.3?-"'.'§£§~,.;)».~;.:':',:3£‘~;';r¥5: . . g . ; . . -‘ ‘ ~ - - .‘ ;f"." "‘f"."€:"““i' .~‘.:.‘i __‘_._jf "“"f"‘f""'V"""""'::T'":"'“'"7'” ' "‘""v'-~--""‘ -“‘:"*"'-"; _:.;._‘.f,'.:.‘_‘...‘;-'- ,‘,‘.’_l“"_‘;_" _'_"_“‘_;:”" f’ ‘ ‘ -’ '”“~‘ “” ‘ ‘- 7___ -_____ . . . . __’___.__.__._7. V_.,__ ‘ __ _ _. ,_. . . .- A . , ; :.t'.?'?‘;’'‘‘;’=:'jV*ff,f';~ ‘. > 3;-‘l~’.‘.'.‘l""‘_ ‘_'§5‘,'j-:§’.f ":"""'!“ ‘O 3‘ -ii lull‘: UR o r . .... ~« -_____ '_“‘__‘ _ r’ T 1 V av -"-»“‘ - -‘-— -~‘-~ ' -- ‘- T.‘-‘~."= " ~.‘ ‘ "‘ . ' l 7-‘. ‘r ' ‘l’ " ~ ' ""5: fig“: I ' . l ' ":..i if‘ ['2' ""l:'l’l’l "' ftionfiivgillmhold ii mectmil §Tl‘8-:)?‘.10Cl(" Miller and listen (in to Nashville. .113)’ 3“ l"l¢'*'¢3l VT “"3 ‘P"“5b-"l“"l““ w~‘”fi.n'i. ‘mam. 4' ‘ " ' ' * ‘ A’. Endeavor will be‘ tomorrow night at the Y. M. C. A. Dan Walter Miller and John H.‘ "wh - ;,._. . . Finished our-.1 633.3 luv ‘ . . .. _ 9‘, ..i , . , ' » v . '- v‘ ‘ .-. ‘ A T __§at§:80Yo'.clock in the evening. The Auditorium. Estes went to .\‘ash\°illc. Ten:i.. to- . Try a..)b'asourian W801 Id- 4-: urn . ' .A- 9\ve"Wddi"“-stat-Shun-‘cl-v**“'*-. m Boone Cgunt wooing‘ service will be Ill 7-so Babb‘ ll ll \1 -- i ll aw ‘ ' -___.._~- . » ........._._..- i - ,"°*,,,,."..‘? fut ’."'~ .I:Mt'_§n‘1I°¢°meM‘-. . l ,, '. 3 ; .y'v'- cliiirhes niI|l~'Ia‘6“°°'" 'P"°‘¢**°*‘*-" '- 3 ii " 3'1”, -.‘_-v. .,.,;.t 3 o'clock Monday at ll in chi-isiiui Science ‘;~ -ii,-.cani..g .,._.,...._,:,i.oI £3.09 tut Britain may bavc.‘l'orm.¢:ti0Il!h-10 hm, the-$;..—‘f‘,u‘ _1onh5d -or”-niiedifitatc cc 113.18 _ _ To , .3‘ bh I Th be ih _ _V , ‘_ . éf . _,. > ,. Siail In roan}; ".7: .130 _!-00 “mam, ‘he “.m.m -hm “.55, ..-1,3,“;-‘ ' ‘in, boot. :the front ranlcof all the hengvol I’ Fl5l|€1'_' ll)?» . C “l8 9} “I” First Church of Chnst..Scicutlst.‘ ' » """““‘°"“"9-‘I-‘"" ‘.3 3...‘ 1- 3 ' . na‘ . vm, '-“M .d"e!°p°d' is the". ‘ ' wqrlfiin this Staté-,7 She now (1838,) Stud!’ 13 “The Cm” ‘"6 ‘,m¢‘Tl¢8'8 will hold services in’ the \’irgin'::i' A ~. ~» 9;,-,2? on our‘?-asnmt on.‘ e Em‘ e‘r‘"u'sh°d in I888 ma now. om 0‘-inumbera more than foul}? hul¥l|’€1 ,- - . cu - - C“... Mum: ’°.‘."!" $,“‘°'.".! C°“§'°t-*5-9+ . ._ . _ _ .-. -_. '2 :1 1.5. dew“ ~ 11'i‘mui. a week... l‘L:‘iIo""“"'""":':‘:::?::::::::;.1: «=vo-oi:oionc.' Nor wan:-e -«‘si- *."°'*1-°f.?C°‘"°*W;‘§;d""m't“,.*:;,'°’;,.;,,.m_,,‘,“““"“,,,,,,,,,;_.,,_- gamma ."'I‘he*J°-'I=h student.-. Conzreira- (Continuen==6n’inté'=I!£=I=.3‘-._1. + ..«‘~ .-.~ :9... f-tin the slant. on ti-~_ ‘f1“°“_° "‘°*’f f;‘,’,’,‘,‘,’§§f“,',,,.,j., d,3,,.,,° 3,. c.,.~o1 whoni «heain county..i:1-..zg.- ~ ~~~- » e- - “WT "3, if the £;34:aigJ'_.§houl;- ‘I; ' i use ‘0‘doHi. _ 3 1(-;r.g‘g;lom.oi_‘ Heaven by prac- r~-»i ms ct--«w°== ii is 3». two-*= we I. o. o. it row or mm iv-.mcBrw-= wd Rim C-ie~i..a.i......i“‘“'..i .......“‘°“....io .......i1 STEPHENS BIBLE CLAV “sS¥=‘==~;+‘i=+ ‘ “°°‘."?~'=~’??**93l*‘1i~““° “°“"*‘ “ :-.~.::cy. 'l'l:c history of tnternationaltwill lay cornerstone of :i new as elders, -.Th¢.t0tll ntembenhipjthé ‘peopie then and the Jlugwi , _ _ _ I ‘ ,;;~__~,:6_,_,>_',.,___,_’. f__ ,.“.ee"K'_ mgdp .,_ ’ ' ii-lalimi.-; in the past has been noth- build“!!! U115 “-'¢‘t‘l<- \'i’81.'.fifl¢('flp the sisters be1!|l_’l!|'33|'; ' gs," ,1-zldcr Thomas -M.‘ Allen; i- ~‘ ' —< . " . _ .1- V '. n i V ' . . . _ , _ 1 , “ll-' '""'“' um" 3°°"‘ uaficg‘ “'7. Girlia from-ZEI-liliill —(‘ollei:c run :1 ’°nw'xh;rhc h‘;m":;:"ti:'°:came from Fayette Count)‘. Ken-'_ _ 5. ._ ‘ , A 1.. A"? .“'€"u_a }‘,9l1gl(’_nl“t 01 mu) l'3ln“cK' of ‘)0\Vcro~f0r am’ Qtand 0" ‘hp “vi!” ‘:5 0 0 8 l . ltuékyv in—«. 6| " “'*““ "' 3 "“'"’“""' """"" ""’ ‘ ' “' ‘I -‘_f‘It‘ K‘ . - ' ( 2 ~ - . ‘ ‘ (1888) and has now a membel:h1P“."n,on what is now called 0)e.'[u'o3. " ’ ‘ ’ ' ‘ _ ‘.‘ill°"5i 501' ‘t8l§“¢$81Qfl 305 filfllllfl streetbf Tarltio this week. . , , ‘ ‘ .. . ;1.-' L . . In 4 . Dean Wu/lei’ WilIi(mz.§’Bible Class — 1 O 350. - ' ' . . I 0 2 mus“ more ohm unwst than just‘ ' Tht I-‘ulton—*i‘t; ‘Ego! expo t 0f“Be.ur Creel. Eliurch situated‘ .:b¢1:"":i°' yizfmhgh bexfgiltmlrenll ” - _ _ . , . ‘ _ ‘>0 5 .' Ci 0 ~. V . ' I 9 ._ ‘ lll.l_ . . .,. ‘, Th‘ ,m"m°‘ of-"f'.“. smm"mw' have the n ncir steam plant lseing some three or ;our'iniles north of pg-¢'.._-,1-.9; in the section of the.coun-l 1‘ aw‘ ‘"""'""‘ °f n ”°1"’“'] Mr“. .°r on-cted in usliy (‘liri"tmn< Columbia an’d7'now called Antibcligu-y {mm whigh be “mg, 1-1;; mm-" ' riled ' - ’ " " ' ' ' ‘ A Frecliécture on Christian‘Science , by . Mr. John C. Ldthrop, C. SIB.’ ’ i "l “ "’l57“l"53 l"’“"°».h“"" d'°‘ -~ -- km: next. ' A record of it is stilling go uiuoufi w” m epoch in age? ll , il~e-cuuits-i-.- of nations. D“°l‘ l‘““5"3 °" S|"'l"‘~' m"“" preserved: ‘June 6. 1824. we the \fll°lhi3t.gj-)7 of at gt]-giggling churches V of Broolilin. Mass. . C02 i T]1gaffe ‘Mil the \\‘l>fld lb 1!0\'¢'m§‘d l'.\“.‘""‘,Sh°"l C'.'°°k i" “W "'_‘'i'‘"-‘; "I dcrsugncd sul-scrlbcrs being call!-4'01 an‘ 4.3», . ~, A member of the Board of L('(‘tsll‘t'5lllp of the Mother Church. . .‘ . ' -} i-pen iliplonnicy, by the xvi.-shes til’ 'l°p_l'“ ha‘? b‘'‘”.‘ "9"." 1~'“°‘l -*"““‘ 5"” upun to 4-ximiine in the faith andl «ML Mien mu also Om,'0f,,_he”_' 11“. First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston. Mass. ‘ .5". A t . ' . (1. 777. the nia_n_3'_rxit_hcr than the fe\\‘.'waré .d‘y' ___. H ‘ ; iibiliiy of the Brethren living on and ;mwefl ""1 true” friends 0, “kn . will continue to be held. Secret in-’ ""l‘he Mule, Saddle Horse and (‘om “F""'- B‘_’_’"f C"°°k "'°"h 9‘ C°]""'l"i-iouri University, located at Colum-- irigue has been the ‘root of great Show which was to, lie lic-lil nt .\lc- bi“) d"-""“‘l‘ ‘° l" "°°’""‘“‘°d° “° bin. To his life-long ,and.; greatly ._ Sunday afternoon. October 21 2:30 o'c:lock at the Cozy The~ atre on Broadway. ‘ l I >2 "::?.'" The Public ls (‘ordially’ln\'itId; '-f-7‘ 1'-*3‘;-'-" l Tof)ictOcf. 21 l‘ ’ - . ~ . . . l them to be sound of faith and? - - , - 1 pm a fihu d be done aw”. ‘ugh Crcdic last Saturda} was held to- fi"‘_._>_ _ , , ,_ _ ' , beloved friend the Hon. James 5.. :.—__: ~:~--~n---- ; “ \ ‘ - ’ ‘ ,, L-V u"'g;aam?l_ 1.‘ I d”._ _ po.«:¢.2~.~ing tlu abilitius dot‘ vlteellinf Rollins. of Columbia. are we indeb- —, ———» I ::_‘__;:.._:,_‘.__7.]](_? ' _. - V - , . _ .—--—--————~ ‘ ‘" ‘'"l”' "W '‘°“’‘‘' “ 6° ' ° h“'~' ted for that magnificent institution.“ .1-.!""'-'."""""""'~—~'—" . '-~ . . - . LI» _* _ '_ _ "’ ' ' " ”""""“' ‘ ' n ’ .' f " ' ” _" " _ O. C. Stoutz. manager of il-o I-‘ul. tll('l‘t'fut‘t‘ pronounced them a church which ha done ‘ad ‘S am doing. - - - . . . . -. - ‘ 2 - - ~:- --n ,~:*-:4--:-2-.-—.;-:-:: . B 13833 (‘ahnrno-‘S ' ton Creamery Con .li:Is Salli out and of Jesus Christ.‘ no much for Miuwuriv‘ “ms rand ""——" ‘ , ':’...:_;..-:._ :, *"~' '--*---’-‘_' __ Tlii has been so much talk will more to Columbia to .\mrk at (ghurd, in goiumbg. 91 Ye.rg. 01¢ aaugmem _ ="*”'"‘ "-""“‘ 5”‘ ‘’“’‘‘"°-'*‘' °°“‘“"“'° "‘"“° "““‘“°“' “'l"ni~ cliurvli in Columbia. by far “He was one ot'~th¢ tirst—.ad‘\‘oc‘atacs i UNIVERSITY MEN AND’! ...—_...o.-- q—.— ...~.-___.¢-— -— O-—~ .“"_"‘ . ‘F “' “"'" ‘° '°°“ “‘ ‘‘‘° The The Dclmar_Tele]iliiin(- ii. the most prominent clmdvin the for equal educational facilities for :tI"m‘!‘=1,1 29,10 NM‘ ‘Will 150-53“ chmge win he the {gut ..,fg-3“. g,,*cu~.int3-. was organized in‘ 1832. with we young women of Missouri, and - u:i1l-iii '_t'.'ill generally be thrnughout'3¢_- Louis to bc given u,,;fi,.d §_,.n-gm. only six members on the‘ list. The_ jam; bgfdg-¢ it was the polii.-y of the r. es W the couiiti'.\'. - in the merger of the lines then‘-. Vllllfifb l-"'1"? "fll‘i(“}“Jl‘°fl'* 'lh°’*°- University to admit young ladies The National City Bank of New , C De -—— —~~ * f h. t»'l"}'lf‘t-'_~ _“fl1“'_ lb‘? l°¢1|l-lb" 0{_to its claluses, ho. orith se\'eral“oth- _ _ (Rn . . ‘York ripurts encouraging chanitcs .‘ ' . ‘Fer ”°_w ".""l°“°' ", l " lht‘-‘~*—m'.c l.nn‘cr-’i!.\' lb"! 11 8"i'_R'» era. founded Christian College. Social Chrlshanny at ii-‘thi-‘wot-lvl iaitiu-tion It points outlp"7“ .‘h'lW"(;‘l3 if‘-‘-2'.‘-c']‘\“‘l’°" \';h”:ip°d m‘"‘-‘' l'‘"'''‘‘'‘-‘‘“‘ “W '“““'~‘“lf‘“' The book 001118111!‘ “$903.0” 01' ._ ‘ ’ ' . . . ‘ ' . st . on n,\‘. ll!‘t'lllIV‘l‘l orn- attracted 13)‘ ll"? 8' thcr counties in Missouri. together that the ltnllzui-Greek imlimuliii';:cf?r;?rd°‘ -80 “E0 R _.,.'. V ‘ , _ . °_ , . _ 0 . And no Iuadgidévffcc‘ "mm the war. as in 0 ice. il fur thocducation of Ii:-irgidgic blohfifilpxlltiflorgf ‘;;-stir: :1 k(*’,'_ it xv“; hifexéco “..'\fu-r ‘((31119 ‘V.’-gr}: (‘hfistlflfl COL lCnd 00 the libral")' of U10‘ 4 ““‘"_' ‘”"‘l‘U’° ‘l‘”d‘h' ‘°l'u.""° Tl‘°lm,m ‘A thousma p,_.o!:gg-I-he horse. -loge mis founded. thiit young ladies College of the Un‘iversit,v. as he I _ ‘ ' _ _ ’_ 9i1=Im~h.dc\‘Ul°Pm°Dt “"85 °n15'8d°- '- - i t i-njoy i-quiiliy with the men feels it should be of interest to hlethodist student Or anization . lwere shown under electric lights mestic political change and caueed __ __ . A ' tht-‘facilities of a liberal educatlon.'t.h.at division. _ ‘ . _ L E R11"-phy on change on the mxirltct situation. ‘ “'illi!m1 lllfth. Organizer of the '.l'hi.~ college -*:.'as~t'rom itslounding 2 5,. far as n.‘a1-[o¢a1 buiginegg co"- ‘Missouri Farmers Association. mnnnized ling.‘ n l|Oill’d of trustees, a ,. . . . _ If-h t :30. B (.S' n . ,gmm.L. ‘,1. 'com.fl.m.d ‘he 1-m.mu.‘spol<0 before the chan1l)er'nf (‘0‘l1l- in:i;oi'it_\ I-l \\‘l1UllI hmo: been niem- 2:“ ‘snug -2 51,10 _.Po$:' but ".‘!‘.:\_.vUi s a?___i..’ d‘,u,n.__:_ in . - -0 Th _\meitce in Mt-xicii lust l‘l“,‘.ll'*‘tll.}‘ hers of the (‘him-li of Christ, and ,, . : ‘,. . .. ' .. . \ -—-§ - ‘ ll“ "'~7°°§flm 71- C P0 . i . - Heart. The ¢\('l'llllg sermon “Ill be an ~——- .--‘itlon of atriculture is ilI1Proviii£ln°0n' ti 'lMi1-‘I mmnufl "T ‘he chumh m on “What God Sees." ’ Yr ‘ . i . . . “ "i 7“. , (rum ita.- . . . :3"r?‘.':-°°""."~°"' °;‘,l".""" W‘ b;""‘b3v;fhl: J£‘;fu’;‘f' ‘l‘3‘;‘1"°“3;'""':‘ ‘;"r""" Early Church in... Well Known Men c,,,,,,;,;,§,;,,; ~ -,~. "' " . .. .~: . - " . 1’ H‘ ' in H‘ .. -. . . . . . . . ' . H! c ,',’2lllt< rice ‘IN. ttcr . 5 (‘«liimhi.i (l1‘J!'(ll has for mam Mu,um_,.§ In Lowr... unit . H «Tie no of the Church 74?“ in a University City” i ' ' DR. D. E.'l‘HOMAS ’ - -.~ ’ . .. ‘.-iii: ‘ii i1.;i-.- '\\'.ie».«_-'.~.. ., . "“"‘ ‘.‘.."_“ ".“’"”"‘ “"'.°' 7'“ 'a1m.°ni\:r:i‘l\'u,l\:-in iuii ‘:l:hlll'l‘~.t'{'|\~:}\flr“ mu»-:»«-=* W‘ 1=*W- 0‘ "W" Church school at 9:45 »o'cioci-2 ‘if ‘h"“3_““r5 crops *5 “'9” abvelmomm " ‘A ‘ ‘ “' ,‘'‘'—* ?——"—' Sunday morning. Special attention‘ lad ."€.I|r .~ at-eraxre. As a result the ‘ I is called to the cl*l8;s -for-zehtudanta 'n finziiiciiil condition of the fnrmi-i‘ is‘. 1110'lll(‘Tt‘lldllli~~0f-'31. J-‘-sugili l‘..'l\'I.‘ lntereatlnx aitltoithciomcntii bf brttei-.aiid he’ has 8"?§ter imrchas-fsubscribed to a $5,000 fund in uidi-r program will be made tomorrow. 9- ' int: than a_y¢:u_ag.,_ 1,, an to stage an nir 8ll0\\'. Ono of tho ' ‘a ‘Method ’ .ervice of worship ecu o'cl9¢l~.i int‘ ' ~ , I ll. .‘f°‘.‘“"‘eS of the .shm~.~ will lie zm :i‘r The Sunday st-hitol meets at 9:30. 1):’. D. E. Thomas will discuss “The; -iwodilinsz. ‘ ' D bi ' .. ' ' ' ' ‘I _ ‘ . . "'"‘”-3” ”’.a"-'°‘:.‘3‘-."§v ""3-("'19 -“° r. f‘hnrlcs’A. l'.‘tlwbod‘will ’speal:’l‘n8_k oi the ciiun-ii in a Univer- -—---« --—— «~- ' «Ill ".\‘uviiil ('hristi:inity" to a union sit)‘ City." Special invitai.ion‘ii< (-2-; ‘i , §V-7 r X‘ g().\u§1*|“.\';; 1*” _,\(~1~ Am“-T Vv'oincn'.~' Christian A.~.weiaiinii l~.;.'- !l!0.‘t'llll',.' or" the University tint-n‘:~' tended to L"niversit_\' fll‘O‘lt'ESOT$,. 7- -‘ H -. 7. - . ._ . ’ . V j _'_‘ ’ A p..i,_c fight ‘._.uS‘lu_m in Ameri- c§tahlisht*d ii sulnhi-iidiiuarii-r.» in mid l.'iiiver.~iiy womcn'.~ t-lnsiws. Dr. _and students. ' A A i ,--‘ I K‘ - 1" Dlbcuss This bublect . ~ . b . ca. ,h‘;':._ -55n~,,m.,._ Au .¢"m.mou._ 5‘-""5315 Clllj. This office :x to ta‘_.c‘ Ma lluhzinrmii ll'8t‘llt'$ a class forf The Conirri.-gat.ional‘Stuilent Club, . ‘ crowd M“_mk‘d_ mu‘ mu°fi“_mc iw care-I of.the_x\-ark fornmrly olnzu, :v-_ t.llYl~lIllll'l (allege girl: and ‘Mrs. L.-will meet at the home rot. Doctor. . V V V ‘cm.’ ,_H' k l , h ‘ Th St. nun Ind 1):: his. l.. .\l-.irph_\° a class for stcirhc-nsaand Mrs. Thomas. 803 \irginlii.ave_-3 11:00 A, LO“ RY HALL . l - . _ " “'L’ “" 9"‘ l" '* ° °°“ '~“l- 9 i'i.lli~v.e .~tudt-nt.~:. nuc, at'6:30 o‘clocl:. where Bliss l.il- . . s _ _ i _ _ 1- ,' . .° .1 , , bentem )‘:l ,1 mg» min 1 cl; gen e le- fiuu. r¢‘“.;pg_o m,_,um..d toward 3 mg]- Through q-if coiiiiiiuii vil.I:~ clay. t 11 ox-1.).-i: the Rev‘. M.-T. llaw lian Funk of the English. -d0P‘“’l' . . - .. .Uni_versit)’ People Invited . . i . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . minder that Fall and Winter are Just 15°“ ‘l"“‘“~,'*‘- . be‘. Il)1iu"";" "E m'‘" pa”; will priaehon ‘Money and (Tluirac~ mom of the University will act n..~ A _ “ '01. . .. Sm .l(‘.\‘08. e as oun xi -.m;.- n _.. _ _ ‘_ be; I h_,l b 'd- ~ _ . . vcasnrifccititflv nihdfrzier hfworghm .°l'““'“‘"“= W‘ Km“ -"W ‘*1 "‘"l".::'ill ll£l\'(‘ been called gsdasc 0 s 1‘ ‘m t '0 mm M 1:. \g..um;i._.. (5.1. of gmphcn; holy communion: 9:30. Sunday . _ x". .3’. ‘ ‘haw ' " H " "' "L ilnfi ttht ugh‘ e1‘\ n]O1e’D1..On]pt than 1t I . l " l l k ' ac \\'l )8 3 ‘Cl’. A ' “ .‘‘5In.'1’l°‘'i'’g l’°°l’l°°" Th“ l’ -- - --- (‘Ollt"'l‘ will have charge of the Elk ° “A ‘In —- k " " I A " ‘I ‘ ‘ 2 i . , “-¢n_ QB,“ it hardifi. seems d,_.,;,.ub1,_." J. ll. McGee of near Piiris has re- w #13‘ I in . It .5” 5 ~- aermon_ by the rector. 5 p. m.. ‘ ' " " ' ’ -‘ § ' ‘ , _ ’ ' i cently _pick_bd om tu‘t-llty gallons-let, by Q‘ ‘;f,'c§:.‘,’_,‘_"'“.,'3;,,_. “ °- meetings of the Brotherhood of St. a J P _ I __'_' O ~ We offer sunieiliiiig new in the only graded flint Wrnéjbplc or a nation should’ _ subject is. . ...._..---. l . , _ ‘ °‘ 3"*"b"'r*°9‘ ‘mm his °Wl~="- "Why lc’ Ediicatton"? i.i.onieon'-‘E““'°“' ‘“" “‘° ‘’‘“‘‘‘‘°"* °‘ ‘*"‘ “ l Boone tounty Coal sold in Lolumbia. Six-1i'ii:]_L ., $1,“. ‘ . °. . ' ;. . _ _V ,H... 5 ‘, "_‘ 3 ‘ 7 ._ -_ ' i unsdo 8oc;":‘;_‘;;’::c;;‘.e’ ho pro 8lrawlll'!’y_[\8lCl‘l. llll“llt(‘." I.‘:“'.nhIn“ 3..-in give u piafio so!O. 6 P. 01.. Open ‘D0039 for fitllt ~. ‘ I " ‘ ‘ : . ) ‘ C‘,-Q c‘).{1 I ,. tunitx us tl ' t t’ “I i an{1(’)m:qir-"vmml of 105 gnuous he has PM“! Talia; HIP i I be made bv Freda Wfi ‘dents. The‘ 7:30 p. in. service as ' . Pl l v - n __ f , l ' ‘ _ ~ ‘ as‘-" ' . -' “5 °*‘""““°° 0*’ '1' ‘ ' l" " . " ‘ if . ‘ . . ' - ‘ c ~' in . . r . . tone —I;'i U1'(llU '1 10115: e — ‘ nu. dircdhm "I conquering the tmnflahice car)‘ ‘P1533 "W V i1mm___ (_mh(.n_,.L.. “mks aha‘ Sudkiusual on talk third Sunda} in t t V _ f ) 1 _ V_ . which. M if undefeated‘ threaten’ Tn“ im.._.§t;gauon.0f ;,(,'_”.m “Ins, 3:11! Lontt. Miss Farnham will con.. "'“""~‘ dfl}\40 (_‘0'|irl§U.au':.oes wiii '' ' ' _.‘,..5°§"lBI“nptircs-and _Il]|ll'.‘§I->l0‘*l'3.75.: _ ;. ' ‘ _ ‘tn. student will hold I social 3 ‘ -4' - a . 0 ‘ K . ~ C -.__ no rs"j,‘..“. _ ‘.‘7_.‘..° ’> 1 .