\- " -T . .''~- A ,< v,‘ -my r * ~ s - —v_-_ 3,-_-_ p-¢- ~~ —~—T.~ T—‘¢.e.— A do o ' ‘ ‘ ' ' " " ' T ~ . -"-." ‘1- \. o ai help: an T.:. ‘vs T‘ "."' - ‘ -o-v-:-- a -. no. T's" " " s o . > I- v ‘ -~L4‘—J.n‘vt-:a.o-fiiianbk-t-IIupt.n‘L~—il>un;.q‘u[3"".‘.&‘ ' ' " ': hl‘ "“ " ‘ ‘ ‘ “ = ' ml "I ' o - ' .i.._._. _ ___._._ _____ __ '‘'' “% a '3_c__ »~—a . -..____.._._.__...-..__j.._..._.__..__,__ -‘T"._-‘. ,. _ "". .fi_‘ 3-? ‘elf ‘ e-’_'_'5.' —_'“".: .v:"'_'h'.“,«f‘Q"' ' "‘-<2’ ' ’ ""‘ ——. ‘sr .-"'7i'l.’5"1Qf~'?-5*-"' *-- T -§;_»,~'r‘. . - ‘:_' ;. . '..e.. _ . - , ‘ ' T '-°"*.""T"fS.*§.,,.,, *6iT"""‘ -~T 7n.o..n‘o winat.tiieT.d:ana~T TT T done? _'i ’ T ~ T ..... -, -9 ;, ‘!'.3!.’.*’.l!!w*D‘=1°rT:r°rin.--iiii-” 1.999 ‘._V.l~°st.!*l¢..,'. ._W' " . !=.-.-... Banisaa. orb.‘ ‘ ET A campaign» or mcniheaahipnin ¢,_;hg_’43_., 9 u, 3“. 1&2”. B, E“ '5 the '.l;ittie»!‘hcates\t‘.is~~..-.llix-’>oon- Circuit Court. ,- at u _ .. .-...;..._ mm H, TT lT‘IiTéT1\TIéTit}§éTIT1TiTilTiTéTTTFi'élz'i'12’}‘5S12If1‘t'~T *..,_;.—,- * ‘g ' " ,‘ aTlt\T'iisda 3.2.; ‘_,j Ffiaocasir cnnasiiax-i~ IIONTBI n a r -: riiaakssiving Week Chosen for Plays Quarter for C.TH.S. ? ., . , §:,",°;‘:',_,:fl“m.’_'§';:;b:;"_'l‘”,,,{.”l . , cashed furtriin- - T -rod.-aaaient. l l~'n"‘“‘3--7T‘““|aITllrIldTITlI1T.ivIlthc ~-Golumbia will bsbia ha “As soon at the hsiahi ' T ‘ mg‘ "*9 T u-' AIBTBSTQT "l'he:°inter-class TTThocltT T mes? 2 . . ..... .. .-. S&ooiT TT TT T .T‘ T ‘l -. ‘ pm’ " L ' - -' I.‘ p e-um: “Ba a”‘h.nd-.L _,_,"_d‘,',m‘ h “H ‘nah’: (firing, . , - r v*"d.;e‘n-tV°{»5.‘~'£:.h§;° _,vesai11t»h0yabapdpatternad-afi;eré:hLoaeofi’ptllh .;s copleted.. the o-tattle DR’ 8 COLE * ’ .5‘, ‘ P “ ‘. lg ‘_"I‘*'~"l T. ‘ . . T- ao.C—One inote oi... l'PTi!'it until the team Om“ °f, U“.""°"“y' Ph°“°T Csn be seen at Scuriocii ware. captain is selected. it is not like-‘ .. ”‘ ‘pp°""-mem‘ B “"3" T. - ly that captains will be selected un-j ,,,,d ' ‘ ‘til hrtti bef th . ' TTT or 3;“, 'sAJ‘E'_on° “W h‘_“° ‘“‘T oyearmtlie tgarrens ienfyfm:-.’lect.T ‘ P th J B.i'°°' ‘Wm “m3 d" 38"“ 3°°d class yell leaders. The girls have fll‘°”u °¢"““"‘ - conditiomcleanodand - uni-.i.iiTineaid.naTa_tiTaTt A. vrr{ann¢ .; ’ ‘. ,; ..';. : - 4.. .—._.. ... -. e . . . I - D : one 4 1;‘ ' 31-, but f th ‘ ~ - - G I extnfi . Plath to V ‘gins Products _in Columbia. A'nIVY blue hll- wool tricotine dress ;‘,T.:.u:,T ee,t,u:,,‘::::,',T° :,-$.31, hTocke; i . The city .op¢in.,,¢¢ on whkh the v"‘°.°‘ “her . . a u liglill mfl . ‘ln:l°°" ‘°"“‘"‘.'-" “'° *" "“"lIiI!'43:I1Io0omehsrsninIin other i will need yell leaders % = ‘ A‘ states-that "’° ”“"°“ ""“" "'°""‘ “‘ "'°' “ “ iii.-i Broadway riiona sis. ,hgitiea The nationally advertised ‘¢i,g,1,,,_ twain ., 1502 cmthom. ‘“' ' ' 1 ' "° "‘°'»0rs'Inlu\ion.. he feels sure that his! Aniuinsraaroa-s Nos-ics . 1 ' _ L - ‘T "'°“°“‘ ’"“’° "°°“"‘°"’§-mm wii.i. axiiiarr GOLF i>iiizasT fliflhtf offer until‘ YOU tel WI, " WANTED 10 BU‘-YT ;Blflh to Show Cups Won in Tour-l 'tion-it‘: diflor-ent.~ Flint T T nainent by Champions. ' ‘gains and samples are free. ANTED To BUY‘-.S'”'u w°°d‘ The cups which were awarded for T ' '3, today. J R.»Watkins Co.‘ m_‘°“‘ 1312 wh"’°' H““3'lthe championship golf tournament 93, K sllATCil)'. M0. G42-T T ' . h id t the Country Club the first A M _ T n _ g D,‘ an s i A . WA‘N'l‘ED-+‘I'o buy a Ford camp; segumber no ready. They Wm. . ‘ . at the time. After submit. T. H,‘hh,,du." wpporud by or an um ‘” "mud mm n’ ma‘; --""""""' ' 825 down and a suit of clothes for . . . . . T- T. tint this evidence the attorney for :1, am, . u; 1.1., 5. -WANTED--Colored man or w0- f . ‘be. on .exhibltton.at Victor Barth T . ° ' ’ 9-um ‘“''3”" .n‘- °‘ ‘'3' P‘‘‘‘‘- "4 “ ’ ° "°‘ . irst payment. Reasonable terins.! . cur Dmmlut ls rAs‘l'. its wincns the defendant -argued that the on-. . . . use for ($39731 W°"k- Ph°"° 38°‘-P1,“, 1515 or dd“ cu. to Juk»s;Clothing Co., next week after which 1,0 pomms Am, ,5 5 ,.E,;-,-_ 5 mcmyj dim". wu.7”t‘ h°wn.£flm_db' Mr. Harrison is a son of. Charles htiuk for Mam“. PKD ‘gold suck. . Mc40.‘2.;th;hy,.‘§‘i'1 1; to Tl.heuT'eln::IlI’;; iiicii. HE is A JUNIOR IN sciiooi._ :.ml 3'“ mminmny bein‘_vi°l"_ed1llamsona1’r°hoC‘¢:nii::o‘<‘>rzIh!‘1:)sed and; .m_ M an d om“, nu -"*""""—- A . ' ' "T:_ -. . - “VT ‘'03: " _.,, _, ,- _‘_ -__,-______ nu. , d"°°"a , -_ ' " 0"”? .a. coieanaa. l . WANTED. — Dmsmkmx-g ‘A FURNITURE FOR SALE ‘Ti>ionshii=- 1. M. Barnett was the ’ _ . b,:mW‘:‘,‘;:°:":fi:'m"°"“';_fh“"“‘&':n sand, This hand LI well known; Am... of’ c.,,.,,_ ,.,.‘,‘;"I,'."§.’.‘.’.‘,.‘°.'. "gr. experience. Prices reason--_ ;nm,,,,_,,p. w_ 1)_ A. Wegtfgll won f0? the freshman Nam 0'"! >81}?-. y owe‘ drive“ 3 vthroughoiit the state.and has beenioet. c-is.:o.27. .3. Hrs. r. o. I-‘addis. 7ieFwie‘etI, roa sALi-:—i>iano, bedroom, din-lconsolation. Dr. .1. D. Elliit’ won the t":;'>fn';t§:i:‘;°;;*i:;““§§f";{:&.'“"'C‘ity money mic: how?‘ r" a feature of many Missouri fairer i N0m1—é;—;‘:—L-;—u—;Luzm ‘ 698 Red. « - ~ * - - ‘d ' 1 . -‘ - --7-—-.’— . '* « .u“"'§T’g'T1TT’TT3 "*1--—------""-—‘_"'T—z"" 9 Ta?! ‘:l°t!crliT8l:‘v;:grtfi:1o1°l'E."‘!h06uT' ‘Tm °§:'L°.1{ii'.'.e7’§ AD!:2T‘:8d i:i)“(!:Tln::T Tl)3T:95l’°"L'l-h to the Varsity next yesrwwdo ‘"55 0190 Will Imtfmi-e-the 535°C‘-“'”°"5 "‘C0R*’03~‘\TE4 Notice it hereby given out the undcr~T T is «based _ hr, vehicle shall operate at ,a street i,.nd.wm . r dug-' . . gptcrioction in-excess of dghi mile. in the mtg ‘go i‘2_V‘9‘°°°‘b°m twem: Notice is none» given. that iettm ot ad ur Watts and yT . ..Hns'hs pg-gag out_..., _ A . . ingue . ' , idorakuod on tobsr . 4'50 £0’ ,u'°md“m”' P”! “gag J‘5°"’,°" 9"’ i‘ 5°?‘ hwd H» the Probate Court of Boone County. ll» 1 “ " . 9 “Y 1‘ €59 59'" of 190 piooeuaccordingto Mr. Har- souri. an persons having eiauno ‘ not 1 . #0 ‘lion! declared thlt‘ they ‘#3:: dwm Denvgg bu . boy.’ and oftaaid Patate are required to exhibit than ‘M more ‘Inn mu ‘nae: ‘eventy-fi‘_e . flex‘ W‘ m .Tf0f IUOVIICO ‘D 13 Administrator Wlfllh J -HALE HELP WANTED ;o....o...,.. . n.31t{. T Tn. ,,..........T. on, which was W" '.f.'.‘."$.-.‘.‘i."oi’..‘ {‘T§1‘.§..‘“ '?§‘T.....o"‘” "“‘..".i2’n'.’.‘ Tn...‘ A!-we-Iu«r-I emu-can serneelfifr: o.......'*'°""*f :‘..."'°..*"..".‘T'...:'. f.%,‘..'.:......"‘ “; T #390: 33"‘ {hibifion 3-ith the other cups. ey n‘(T n 2 en 0 nth ‘ ‘peed 0 not‘ The ‘K,-icuitul-‘I extenfion 3e‘,.\._,¢xecul.ria at the next Term of the robot. figgtfon, good nddresa,.o\'er.thix-ty»'k_ bedlwnh want‘ ‘ad m tu_es_ ____A fschool experience behind them, and more than eight miles an hour ,atl . ‘Court of Boone County. Ihaourl. to be hol year! of Ice. who have eiiaraete:-'..,_ Huh”, “mm books“: mdjricnn scours ARE ntsr more than one red-jcrseyed fresh- strect int2rIectiom:TT another city ”',";,eC‘{:'.,."‘°,,,f’,:k",‘,',f,*°"‘,‘"'°,;‘_‘“"" " °‘.”“"“"* "‘ '“" °°""“T" °‘ “" "" gfisbility; $6,000Tto $l0,000.a ycar.,|¢,mnz_d°.k wombined’ ‘.“h,u,,d': . -—,—-— _ ‘ man promises to make an M man ruling putsthe limit of speed be-vi P at f M: . t ‘:5 "g i .4" °' ’'°"'’'’'' 1”" xggpccial experience necessary: but 5,1 with mtmu ‘ad doume : Lgnezinghto U“ atchm l\£nsSasA scnd fight bud for his pm“. "em you, tvreui corner-;..at twenty mi1e,.pu_.°°,°¢,rpo. £3; undesrsotig “om prgffilif no“ :°.1_-.r‘r8la‘cilla A. Allen. Executrix. "'m;.my_¢ou,,_ge .nd15g}§,gg, 3, bedqfl“ "fiat. “id In me“. At In -— _nco II I! ~ - - .- ____ hour. It is not our intention to go, . . ° _‘ 7' ‘ad. “Wu Bmdi.Bm.“hun_com,,scm_l°ck.. sun“. wflnm Yuds; Harry_Lansing and alien Ll;i1- All 0.“. the Vane}. the midgmph out and arrest every automobile :hp:T:8':°l€M§::::::_‘e8 A“ "used bi pay, 406 Ridge T Arcade. I.aIIsaa...,,d pm, mu!‘ D_6u. ' coin. assistants on the T189!‘ 00“ ' has come in as a means of easeeingvv driver that exceeds these limits, but, 3' - ‘ ‘._._ _....__ an. no. 8 39.44. Elginfifif-sg:::"f}fe>'°;‘:r;‘::>’ otit.¢t»_r-ton«xli)og:time.«. _'riiore}"n 1:..- tIi1l:3ch°‘aurst‘mt‘t:1r;'istbrc¢;i:lg‘l(i)t'; bl: ! h3:;°r<:::i3is1:-°$- gimiigg 173;. COAL &WOOD L ’ WANTED—Boy,to deliver on net? - ' — ' 3 1plnyed at Lincoln and Manhattan. Sui :own“t(:B:ln; tgrigrot: ,ho'n beybnd. . nuomue donb¢_'scrvice. there are about three hun-f Call ' E ulsr route for the St. Louis Post. LOST—-Small gold wrist watch: Lnrising is scouting the Kansa§- as the ban goes back and forth on ‘ th‘g‘1h¢.d.{A.ngu“ did mg ,,.ioi.wjdred co~operative livestock shipping , mfluh in jug;-njn‘g, A1” boy; to:Phone 1113. W. 42 {Nebraska game and Lincoln is man, flew . Smdem °rgmiu_ thug it i, the duty ogasaociations in the suite. ' liistruc-. 22o8.muk 6°.’ wan“ A. ggsunday Pong Apply back door‘ _ . incoming e game between the uons are profiting bv using me thetjun to uhhoid we 1....» :tions and the necessary blanks for: ~——— minge inn. . T- T ‘ T 42. U°3T—1-"80 Wioife 83¢” Y"“"Kansas Aggies and Amos. '43,, h «g,,,,,eS~~ ,0‘, mung d,_._ -' ' ‘A - incorporating are being sent to each: W... - . --..___ _T . .. . , - ____7 _‘_ med glasses. Reward if returned to. _ ———————-~——— meted uenmries L'IKB8, COMEDY‘ $0NG~of the associations. When an as-4 *“*““‘ _ :. [ALE HI-1,LP'WANTnD—We of- W. H. Leave]. 6 Watson place, To Welcome Football Team lltzinitn. ‘ ‘ 1 M 3?‘, d 8“ d Isocistion signifies that it wishes to: _ _ . . - . . _ _. , ' fgyou gnjaopportunity to snake Ph0ne.1391 Black. 42-43.. L§“'l'°“°° ‘M D°I'¥“‘h'_ Sm em.-7::-T--‘T—'~ T #7 *""T”—-—T—‘—‘-——“ “.'nu ‘otfi " ! 0"“ n ° incorporate, a representative of the - . . . z ‘ . L Q . ,. . -’ -neywith6utnnrinvcItment—rw tP’°*"“°"‘ °‘ “W U“‘"-'"“‘"- h°s‘BAPTlS’l‘S IN STATE M!-1E'l'lNG .. H" 3"‘ "° “'1 ..'College of Acriculture attends theg « ET : .330,-1‘ in spa. gfi..,¢- 5.7. . LOST—A silver wrist wntcluiurged that. regardless of the out- Go ege Lite is s.Dream Lfe jar“ megfing True D. Horse is; 1 4 T iii, i ' .1 1 position fig,"-:'...'_g¢m¢ gg Black band. Phone 1550. 4243.,‘ come of the Missouri-St. Louis Uni-[Church ls Thriving. Reports at~:“°“‘dw:° "_“d°th‘ ‘t‘i"‘,1“Tdi‘:d£°l' assisting Mr.TITiensley in the work. . ‘ ‘ T - ' . ' . v .5 ~ , . T T tong .39.”, ' . ,\eisit_s football game, as man? s uh. . Poplar Bluff Indicate. 13° D8 glee chop nitliln hr; ' ‘T _ ' .d‘,mincom,;._ _ ‘smith LOST—A- pair tortoise rimmed .dents as possible at the “abas Am,mxinmu,]_‘. five hmdmd pep It!‘ » . I‘ 9 WI _ )0 _I-I1~o caoosg 0133513115 xox-_ 1V hue”. 1320 Man glasses at Hall Theatre. 'Fl'ldI)'i5l.1lllOn at 1:30 oclock Sunday to mm from an puma of we state “_.i-ectioch _ Ii of C<:o<;{iirnun31)_n 5.il'lglngTll)!el," ii Squ‘.‘T;.‘;_E._.com« ed 0'; . Ci“. "(L ‘T’ night. Phone 1362 Red. W 42 .welcome the team home.‘ He ha. (tended the (.;ghty_nimh mum‘! WU1" 98¢ Sufi "3 1' P03 i '—-*—*T _ ._, ' p°i"‘°d ‘mt that, ‘he feelmg °f the meeting of the Missouri Baptist T ‘ fir.“ . Twelve nemhcn‘ , . . WOOD ON HALVES-TKny"°é'n¢ PINPOST-'J¢*¢l°d Gflnmfi Phlfstudent bod)’ W111 P13)‘ 8 .§1'°3';t(‘,enem1 Association this week ,;.° 1 WP“? °"'¢’--P’°‘°‘"~°d<-‘"7 The final tryouts for the \ai-sityj . piscssamefllzritrclui-e“ Alpha; part in the scores 'or thejMiss_ou_ri: Eophtnhff; ‘ I . 5 - - . Run 131: or we .1;_ 3. c°.t,_ °,,¢.i,.u‘ Delta ‘£3. Phone 985 Black. Mew-42i{ootball games this year. . ’ . B I 'n“'°3“’* °f B"“"“ -_.--.‘£‘ I-‘0UND—A pair of glasses. Own-1 Eer may. have same by calling ati {the Missourian office. identifyingf 'lT‘HA'_IT‘ HIGH POWEREIT5 VARSIT1T’ Eicitr I WILL no mam STUFF 1 - 3?; AT g _ . o T i 7%,‘. U.i.v.i~.§E.T..‘...‘fi-‘...‘3'\. ‘T‘f~¢"” 1- Te; . T ‘E , . T T '35“... the ,\uitda:.of ..which Wcrfliday. November 1, in the auditorium; ’ 4 ~ the First Baptist Church, Miss nm of the univenity ‘ad no‘. pm . . ' r . . _ . , preliminary squad. members of last Up’ and Down the Fleld B:TTTT?lT§,_aTTg pm?‘-Tdfim Jain“ ‘an’ .°‘f'h""‘ Cdfimbu l.]m"t'~?Year's..fi-ashmsn and varsit.y.debat-l ,. A ‘ ' 0° 0 " op ens 0 en “en 33133 59" Y°1’k- Th? ""15"? Wl3'ing squads and allwho have taken‘ _ .-.u-or v - -,.,.. -. .... —-....._. . _. . _ . mi’ _ , Columbia's representatives. “me by G‘ rd 8“; cl of _. . . -: 5 2 FOR RI-ZNT—Eight-room house,"“‘d P851118 for 9118 ld‘°"l>’5°"‘°’“-, Monday the Tigers will start ‘_ _ ‘ ’ Y1 ‘ I0 _I. 888 _ Tin inter-collegiate debates are, . no... r ‘v _ ‘ ’ ,n b- V. . ; * lolllatthews street. If interested “‘'“-I_ practice for Nebrasl:i—proba_bl_3lrl “if:n”§‘{!:_:';"(‘:dE‘:‘l:’f;nl"i';°hh°:r:'m“3~glh “hag; ”°“T ‘ busmc" mm m;°h3‘:’_l" ’T°f' "1fR:S“';Ie:;'7'°t;’:t' Tghhfit ' ‘ SIR‘./iCL L .l'.Tcl< , ,‘,. \’,'f& — _ ‘ .24tf,f . '. h hrd t ttetcsmwi _ ° - _ “*3” ' ' _~ iquesion I8 0V . . k '* ‘ . A i ‘T T , _ coleand see it. W mlsclljoflab LoS.r__:A . of !°ng1:;‘; :;hiSesseaa;;:)1!>1one’!II_he Comhuskers bliss Burrall. Doctor Smith iras. Aecordingto the plan onthnedby 13.3.5 sum, of. Amm“ Should? _ -_T :63. z 2‘ J‘: 1; _H‘._}.L. " _. . -. ‘. . . “ FDR SALE—-A modern T8-room! i “ova ‘nth whne ‘ntcbihave a big: team and ii speedy one. we OE me. yspcakers‘. .115 subjediufi‘ Lee’ ‘.11 we ”n".m’°.d dun“: Em-9’ ‘he Petmulcnt C°‘“'t °‘ 1"'l THE 7 34 nonae on the south side. Desirable ' sTTTTTT TTTdpT§wT phone 55 'I°"°°.,’.§‘m.e Missoiiriline will have to func- §°1*f"3:“ S‘‘;°‘‘‘''‘[‘J°’-‘£ 0;‘ 91¢ the our m-l;d¢1-u*f'°d ""0 mrsternationnl Justice.” The try-out: T -T T R -.- IS ~ v o - * 1»: I H ‘ , a. in. an p. m. or reurn ‘ . . . ii n a e ate nive t)'."«gro ps: . classaongs, state win ' t 1 ' .min t mnini THE Q; °TLAtTiT.iTnto;To2‘iT3:: flT)T,eLear:Ti uiaTi‘“”°““‘"‘ 9‘“°‘: “°'“"‘- -32“-;:.°¢'L;:.: 232?‘? n::§p°....§"iion- ilT"T Reports bit the executive mo-:..o.‘l.. Christian College songs and’apeeeTi:TTnaiToTd 2 tTiTine::iTninntT:ee ienot-.! ,R‘E: ‘ .1 _ i.~.~ - . T]: sourian. T Pas-it-= 1,031-__D.m~ gm,” pied‘. ,,g,g1~ieia-aaka is to he stopped. The for- ;9‘ the WWW" were swenT-wd,hesrt-and toll; noses.-_: jtai on .sides assigned by Professor? «VIC» LYoNs.])oc MILLER GANG , .,; ____l . 8-2%! ward pass "my be “Nessa”, to :it was shown that there are 1.885. .flrs 1...: is jiartacularly inter-pA,,d¢,,on_ A mud of twelve .19-, :3 _ V . p ___é H,» ; . _ 9; FOR SAL!-3—New I5-room, strletl Tphme 1285'Bhck‘ ' make my large gain, through th¢_.::TB3Pl-33‘ °hm‘°b°5 5? “"3 533“ W“-bested T53 the 015-1193!" 001188 Ind haters will be chosen. The squad stucco bungalow. South} LOST-—A brown leather pocket big visitors. May there be no addi- ‘ ‘°“‘] m°mb°“1“P 01 230:0“-‘ the «folk ‘I038! 35¢ Wm °°039¢l§will compete-in inter-collegiate and ‘ aid; 5,000, 400 down. Weathers’.book in University Library. Reward- tions to the "crutch" squad added ‘T591’? GT0 1.560 Sunday Ichoolli weekly Pl‘l¢l-3¢*4lIl335¢ 0315" ‘l-“qextension debates. 1488. B41 _. Rd _ 1 45. . {with an attendance of 180,000 anddant body is familiar: with such. . ——————-—— i ,'_T_ ._ _fl °° p"°"° 272' ;P"°“° T T T , ‘°"‘f' __ be there are goo B. Y. P. U. orcan§..,aon¢a.aa: Annie Laurie. 1.ovea.oid;i.i'rri.a THEATER no aeori-:i~ig " 3 I5. ..:.‘°.’:.E:;'£:’.*?.':.".:.: ?,:“:::‘:.‘.= R°°"-“J “B “W ...‘:i;::‘ :%*.*::":.....*=.:::’°:.t..:';..“'.;’;:°:.':wi:.:.::*;:..::.‘:.’:::..°°::.'iEzizt «on... o...-—-—«.. o. o... . , ‘ est Weathers Realty Co. phone‘ ROOMS roa RENT—Furnished iijest cunpus Auxieuc League be- urapiutions of all erodes in womgeinoed is the practices and a_iao 00-: 9* He-b°"I':{PmD'_lf;°-tg y _ -.1-A :7; ' w.51_ room; on first floor for ugh; hougen gins to rival the \alley Conference i ens departments, an increase of 791g:-cup of the but negro melodies. . The P°1:P°5° 0‘ um ‘i at '2 T i 3 k .. keeping. Phone 1913 White or 534. for local interest. Today the first over last year. f Lee has a contralto voice, is to furnish healthy anigsemzitd or , . t FDR SAL!-3—A new 6-room 1nod- H 37-tf.E!‘€ZU18!'1Y Scheduled iramc 15 to NT *———j—"—‘*~* ‘land is also an- accompanist. She is children. according to in T Y! .T r L 3. p . I T— EIIIT stucco bungalow, hardwood Idecided between the engineer-inglmlss ELLA ‘- 90335 BACK,Tai1.alumna of the University of Wheat, owner of__the Little Theater.‘ r :0 . floors, hot air but, Log 501171. FOR RENT—'I‘wo furnished rooms and commerce. teams. Then jour-;s- In T“ ‘ 'MlI00llti and a member of Phi “Once in a_ while a motion. pin! it ‘ ~ 71.’ South Garth. near Grant School. for light housekeeping. 119 Stewart; nallsm and 18W 188_m5 ‘V111 Pill)"; 9“ 9° t° ‘M. T°'d'°"l3¢‘| KIPI-W °'P°°_l‘"V *9’ °h“d"” °°m°' t° 0°’; .» Ta; _ Telephone 2349-Green. T-ti. Road. Phone 1131 Red. T 40-dsgwhile Tigers battle lumsas Antics} _“ M°°‘“'3_ ‘“ _"°“ “”''‘‘v T,_.__ V ‘ A lninbia. Still less treat! 7 Y I: p r . W; .. '. . L ————-——— _ November 3. November 17. the; Miss Ella Victoria Dobba has:re~.1 STEPHENS COLLEGE gclnld’I play Vb!“ hf!‘ “*3 WP‘ :. , := ‘- FOR SAl.E—Modern bung-aloq, 6 FOR. REN'I‘—'I‘wo desirable tm- date of the Washington game, tlie'tnrned from Fort Wayne, Ind.‘ ';to,do for children in the Little _ : * . ‘ r the where she spoke twice before-;Q ~ A . “ g. * rooms and breakfast room. Hatdohrphh-d 1'0°D|1°f358hU100l¢1I°¢l>- two winning eleven: pin 1 i . y _ wood floors: mu ained basement: ‘as. $30 a month 108 8. T¢11£14st~]championship. The chief trouble offnortheast division of the Indiana A _ A I _ _ Hr. and -Hrs.-vl.-A: Wilcox ,°‘i T’ VT“ T ' ‘ T ' T paved street, App1y to s, 11,» Bugs, 5 the coaches of the division teams isistste Teachers’ Association. Herlngnlbl areovisiting their dauh-I p I 137 gouchcue .‘.enue_ ph°n."1-119. ——.— _ lgetting enough men out for practice. subjects. were. “The Place of ID- [.33 Min flax-tha Wilcox, this week- Mghgh ‘ E ‘O45. FOR BENT—Furnished rooms at; . ———— , ;dustry in Primary Education," and end; . . .. .. . — #———-.409TlhtthewI street. -Phone 1372-»; T The" *‘T‘1°‘~-W‘ W‘ ‘>9 3‘”d:“Self-Directed Activities in rain.‘ 1(iaa.nesa.TBnatton.ot Pecnlian: T . TFOR SALE-—Four_room_honse on Bl.¢k~ R‘3“-if , _ ,_____, - __ ink for Citizenship." T iflg,‘ a grgduabeniistcgfima in 1920,i T‘ Q - flfl There s Nothiiig g :_ Try a few hdles of golf‘ one of” tlfefie T snappy mornings and how it puts‘ the Q ole’ tingle into your veins. I ‘ CLUBS FROTMT s2TtTo :15. x We've just received a newaliiiiment. ‘V ma 9':-o. paved street;lg1gelot;$2,000. will _ ‘ my e1T,T .T o On her way hom , Mist Dobleiisvisitins her.sioter..Miu.lhri°ri¢* take car for first payment; .-.. L irwgfitmswgugisfieugt {ma 0:. 1;,.;e:tyocT;T‘.ea_iT_ Xistopped in Chicago fifr a meeting of ifiratton. for the lug‘ Miss -Brat-fl 3|?‘-'93-T00"! house. !n0_d¢1‘l| 933°!“ nah-‘ht. “um hut. ‘ad nut ‘msuwu-t_ S 39_42_‘the advisory board of the Nationalitofliil 30' 9* '°h°°1' ‘ ’ 1 ; at Bseuliar. - ~ ‘T ' FOR SALE--1921 model Fordl Ilsa Jessie Burrail returneddfrcgn, - - . i 9 - ‘ ‘ - . toting: in good condition Starter Iou are missing opporhtiunities if her trip toy.Po r Blufl an L Bihlo ha‘? C1080 in: 810311 PC3599‘ 1,“), room. “fin: continua“, ho‘ Council or Primary Education. 1%" 6"T°°'“ b‘““'l°" 'm°uy'watei-. These rooms aredesirable in “mm; $300 6° “ block every.vay. Suitable (or business -4*-tr-outdo -.3‘; “-'n|_-- -4 n-.-..-...- T:T - . I am; ‘ ,1 will b ‘otITiTi‘tTiTiT:eTT::TiTt: :tTTT:T7 TTTTTTTTTT WT °°“""'°' ’°‘""T'°"”'T Wm ""‘ ““"lTrtTT:Txik TgiT:i,:tueiTiTTT Phone ieTTr7T§T.Tiir‘i:iTT:T:.T:TvTTt.T;itTTTi:dTTnTTT TTTTTT TTTTTT m T in mm. TTTT 4 T ' ‘ ' * nhhcd. ; rates reason- T ‘ - r ‘ *"~-*‘*~ -i . 0 riynn aeaity co. . mt gum M . _m,_ can be seen at 302 Ripley St. T . . , , . 203.205 Guitar aniidina _______$ 1 FOR sAw_Bm ‘ix 1. ad . T ~ ~ ~ '°‘ - - Sat-terlee 3 - eiiona 1cao_.,_,- ma ar:ii'r—'ruo very desirablellfls mod in “ii .°"‘w°5l-; _T T - . . g _, . _ . * --—————-mro-m-.h-rd.-oodxioor-.hotv-iv-r,,,,, ,,,,°§',_,‘°°"°‘,’,,,"°‘;,,, + ~ T . T; r o CouleyatMarylaud.T ' FORRENT - heat. 90? Coilsco avenue. Phone T °." """""' °”° 1 °'; _ ' ' _ ‘- ' _ i T _ -T «________,22,_ _ w7_“_il§__80._after6p.ni.HulettCo._I_i_-_3gf_.* M -T . - in A y + ‘T pox gggq-1-_.(;A3,g(;3, 911 , . . T——---——-——--——————————— “"""' """“_“6s ' - A ‘-T' —. ‘- ~- ‘T . —T -‘ T -. v’. Iiowry St. Phone 170. R-18tf. FOR RENT-—Very attractive‘ MISCEI‘!-‘ANE0 » " - _ ' 4 'TH' I \ A « $5”oiI2’w“dféi, . ‘T i —-——.————————————. vi a] .Pho « - '. _ “USE F03 KEN,-___E;,h,.I,f..u,;,‘*;9l‘;';_1 ll“ °‘*|*“¢ P°'°“- bug. WANTED-—Sent:r 1:” university, house at 405 Mathews street. -- 1; R°‘° retested come and see it. W22-tf.: aooiis roa REN'l‘—Furnished 1% P50” 125“°'°°“-___§°23_..L‘-' rooms on first floor for light house»? IDDGE NOTICES T ¢Tlé‘$f0“r'&‘é‘ Séfiébn T aiT‘e1aidhef6rel‘¥1o§’when‘ T, fyoii, ‘V FOR REN'I’—'l‘he seven-room 1'88’. kggfin‘ 1108 E B'.°‘d"y Phone. . T . c 0 a . I T T ' T . T . T‘ ‘. ‘T - . . . . ' ‘ A. gfiuefio :tmi°4:& dk ioiswhiteor IMTT ACACIAAE !l_a0‘l‘)(E.£o. cos Z in W-..u M‘ . Wm be "M u “,,’c‘°nflm M,.,,.¢g.,3.. 934- APP1)’ W 3- 3- 3855- 4341 300‘ P03 33NT-V¢fY 3935"’ " T '. .. :.I..l|ld ... . T . distortomyshopthatIcannotBllPAIR,_RDOOBE,orRBB'UlLD.-p _ e M30 '00!” 1°’ We N°~ 5: ’ Stated oonunnnieationa. Jarnafiadiatof _8rociaiiat. . o T‘ FOR SALE .'f°t'$r°'n.l."' TT sods. J-Sltf T°”"" °°t‘ 1*’ "‘ 7°3°T .T-- 2 « ‘T T w ‘ - . - vi "“"‘*"..‘.Z.‘?“o.....“‘?"i“... ...... noon an noann 1 "’ “‘'=~ * 3‘) vi;d‘“’‘9*= .5. ;:m.—; A $25,006; BOND - . . . TT . ~ 9 s 9 or . ‘ ' 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ ‘; ' ' . aw-we .. .....* ‘w T- -now mm,,,,.,.- .' °“ .T.......w~ -v.._..m:i:=..°.2.':.'*...°"*'....T"'*i+.'.:m:.T _ , I _ _ . ~m_ . , ,aaaidanoa _. 1 . yo here. -. - T. ._ T T. _ Phoqa.£IT'”‘u¢. uflhuu‘ lThu7mG”.T.h7-l1.T AL r ‘ - g ‘e in’ . .':I.‘oT;‘.'." :‘T,*'‘‘‘ ‘‘ ""T“T'T’. T '3 ~""""“ T‘ byecllision. ., ‘T , '., ‘t " :'..:T asnew. = ,i:..'.' 2.. ..'.—T. , . ~- - ; _ . s "’ ’ T4 T bctv stso A:u.and4:sor.si.' ‘T ' T ‘ "’ * " . "‘ -T T ;_°'° ‘ 1:41.42 ussn Eros sans ; mvmswsiaouoosnoo . ,_ ,. T. - ~_ ,5‘ 3-.T'°T!'~ Ii.JtG$BBLB. ; _ fi -'~9j _ I ._“. o" ' -' __ ‘ ' T _ ' A __!7oas_ai.E—neavy winter coat can-1'08‘-suit: on 1'nanE—;cand1soa»ss. Opposite ahaalist - T T ~ My . 5 -e‘* ‘u ‘ T ' - .- ‘ «'3_‘ T T . v i T . a TT ' T T ' T T. . T T,‘ . T ‘A: ‘ '. ' _ a . .. _i _ . T 2 T. T. , T ‘.Ti~ T T " T. ‘ K T. :T T; if _ ..;.,T ,2 . t 0‘:T:-41;;i,%oo,;.§;a.ir.g..T;..*TiTiTTT...i noise‘ 0 T T35‘ . I'i;~.'-t§.‘;‘-..-T.}i~.FTa-%.2.;».l;;.:_~tT-.1.-i.e».'.:‘§?si»e4T§?-.1.iii‘ 1~.'.T..T.'~ ‘~T . ‘.-' .1: '. ;T . ;. rfirfi-3‘-T T " ~’~"~*"" "=""‘f“-‘~- " ‘ ' ' ‘ .