‘ it _ ..lcil, t7:80 o'ebcl: ton it it Mrs —- h&ouet8du:im.a tuemo. e. _ ..... ~.. »- ------~-0 --<- 2 . .,~ -.. .‘.._‘. - V 3.13:‘, Pffn-i 55-"7 °m°f' ;mu"dfi‘ ‘ ’o i ii . '4'“ "°“'°°"* . ° I ma solllaavosasnnsal 1'” 3°-9 Gm: com. -on ‘. [L 3." ~ . _ M.’ ' ‘fl. JOB!) C07!!! '1. C. siiiii Alpha _ t.4s;,’.,'..A.,., om, :0ntario, formerly ‘of Columbia. out ,;m.,.,,, 0, mm. ma Alphaichi win with :W Auxnst 21 Mr and h ML hnghter‘ I fie W M ml Val make ml!‘ MOIIIC _ ? 'l‘avernat’6:80 touigyt in 1.. ‘in Columbia on their from _ . , ' of Evsnston. 111.. took place at! “"3 *'‘°°*W-'‘. . ‘ ‘ oo‘t-Jock Saturday niahtin, the I-‘irsti 3:5‘: ¢1‘“h: 01 the World. and .0,“ 3,." 1-05;“, 9'“ "°‘”‘°° in V"r:oibtyltei;i'tan Chara: of sotir :hoo;ph.a 5”.’ ° ’‘‘'°.“'‘‘‘‘ “'°"‘”‘. iat Stqshenafloll . ta“ 0 9V . - I V . ' h i - ceremony was Preceded hr. A..n°n°.'f" “"°"" ‘"1 5° 5°15’ ‘st?p,1::asMc:1'leg'till1'~’m,“‘st. Louis Saturday. ' nev is .- -—— ~—--—— _ Miss Chrystal Askew and Miss Columbia in a’liazcl McClure of Beta went to St. Louis Saturday. Mrs. J! Russell Clinkscalcs. 3 ‘ Roth West Broadway. entertained this af- should attend to the matter at once." moon with four tables of bridge. he said. i e . o . . V.‘ ' - v i e . *. no-FEB 1! IC-‘$1-dsghnflar 'tliecitye6iin-,i I J 1251- ? : Ooflee, Ma ’ 5 . Deal'and Mrs. Pul- jler Brown of Philadelphia. Pa. Miss Lulu "Moss Robnett and Miss whom they on = Margaret Owens were ' guests Saturday night at the Pi Kappa Al-A dinner rday. Parks the G'mm" PM (:5 than service. Ciel .- .— . . . - (f . " za-_a ;.vy‘v av:I4tIYo‘ ‘I. ‘., ~. ,_‘ , ,_ . “VV -;s‘v—i" ’».".J:i..".s'.'.‘Z..~‘.i.3.t£ie“" “'3 i “L 7””-‘i .-“ ‘ ‘ L - ii . -233 $1)‘ -“ 24"‘. '.—._i - -"1-_-,‘a.a. 4...- _ _ ' 1'-5?" °_.“_‘L~"§3‘I ' '. lg?-~-.5’.-I‘ . ' A of V the v Any Day Any Evening __. __. _._. _..-_ a‘... ..—‘e _.p. .—— — — I Make Girls Happy ,When T « They Need Glasses A ann of to...» _.—e... -.—. n-o.oq-—.... —. §-....- -.. . ‘j t Mr. ._.,--.... CE F0 *::*.'*‘--i'.:.=--=~..*-....'-*s~= "* ii ‘ ;benefits of this insurance.” ‘ Ifiafll TD - WAR {Mast Meet Pbyllal Requirements‘ . ' ‘ J “° W“ i“ W M DANCE WELL {is eligible. regardless of the length? iof time since his insurance has lap-l -$30,000 ‘Since OCL 1 by U’ ‘for. one lapsed month and for the‘ MRS. S. Bureau Here—Total .current month is sufficient to rein- pg... 20“; ‘ - state Quota. 1 ___________ PRINTING CONTRACT ‘University of Missouri for the two .years commencing November , Be Held Tomorrow 1923. will be received until 10 a. "1 Agricultural specifications. address Edward Building-_ ‘Brown. Business Manager, Colum- ;bia. Missouri. States Veterans’ Bureou hos ni,,-,or all bids.—A v. 3181911 330.000 insurance for World , . ” 1. no Chilly Morning Heaters ‘ This brings the tots] of re-in.;tricity. Good Emergency Heaters. statements to about $100,000. half l\'es'man Hardware Co. of the quota set for the Boone Couns 3- 904 Broadway. Phone 234. atlv. gceivcd applications for reinstate.-' You are missing opportunities if ,1 '.ments to the sum of $28,000, the ap- you are not reading and using Mis- ‘-plicans to present thcfngelvog go. sourian want ads. . I IS meet the physical requirements; ’ Private Lessons by Appointment Only sad The payment of the premiums‘: Sealed bids on printing for the“*“ Physical Examination to .m.. Monday. October 22. 1923. For E. i The local ‘of’ the United: The right is reserved to reject any d —-42 rig to H. A. Miller, co-o.-din-\.:Heatcrs for Coal, Oil, Gas and Elcc-. 1)’ Quarters The offise has re-. ll'l0l'l'0\\« for physicltl examination.‘ Try Dugh Shel“! ‘g:a‘;;1’i;c for Sale _..-..._..._.......... .._. insurance. M . Miller said hat _ _ , . were won“ pmhbly be more msm,_ are ;.'I‘0l.llll.l to your refraction by my ownequipmcnt lll my own lnl.-ur:itoi'y. All git]. xvnrit their glasses to looi» lflgzlll on lll('Y‘.l. with them and that is the service I can gave them. The fraim-.~. Eat a bowl of Jacl.'.~: chilli or drink a cup of 1 good coffee:-—tht-n 1 ug: Pt‘ -_..—.—-no-—.e-—.....o.__.¢ v .... manv of the veterans have been al-J 9 'i°"i“§ “ti? l""°mli;_m3fi° 13959 :l°ckpr:&”f:l_{°rldun;:.0:_‘:1; are flit:-ii here and they must lie sati.~facto!':v' before the)‘ are ) 9 cc or an ex- '_ V ’_ ‘ , d,1' .. _d_ < e aid that if Dodo, “ind. l‘.ll.l‘l(‘l‘ mil $:l\(‘ " “"1 ssell's services can he seemed 5'0“ °°‘"“$’° ‘° {‘‘°‘' “W Dr. R. A. Walters ~ again for some day next month ‘‘'“‘';h‘'‘'. ‘h" 31”)’ cre is no doubt but that the Boone 51‘{"’|C0 Mid ROW} {"04 ""“‘ County quota of $200,000 will l)l'lnl35 UH‘ 50%‘ ’~” ii‘-*‘ . ‘ . » _ . Soho‘-1.;_ 01"! ().\ll'.TI{l9'l' A.\l) (ll'TlCl.\.\' 9 lintrancc (ln till: Sin-ct Office Over (iillaepic Drug (’u. to All Former Service .\len. Mr. Miller emphasized the {act J ack’s Shack ureau trainees. but to all {0l"lllt'l" service men who have no physical disabilities traceable to other cau<- , l I “it is important that the men who 06 are ' lc for reinstatcnient 1 l a Knickerettes “ A man may be reinstat- go :——:—_ ;2.::_ .¢... .. —.-.—~v~— . ....-.—.-..- ¢_ I ms were received in ‘ha Psi houhe. . coyodonio; Loin Q"-hobo“. spring“ _ -————-——— ed.'no matter what his physical con-"f ; g 3. main d,-oging room Md fie. W” A dinner dance will bi.‘ 21"“ field; Hayward Foreman. Columbia: D"“‘°" W95“ ‘_‘ ‘hi’ 1:““"°l‘°““’ dition. provided this condition cairl, ! § rcrved in the English --parlor. The‘ 3‘ “"3 000""! Club; _ Lester Vonderschmidt. Craig; izob-.>‘°5*°"!*5' ‘'‘‘°''-' ’‘‘°'‘ B°"“°° T“"‘" be m°°d_1°_h_i-i_ War §m'i°°- but if ‘t , _ r 5 9, duomu-o‘n, wen hm“, ‘mi ‘mpg u.Mem.bue1ra of. enter- on F,-fig,’ chgmcothfi ‘and Miss Helen Crane. he has ddisabilitgcs lwhigh l'l!l\"‘(‘ been t; AFC‘ ll1lllSllLlll_\' llillltllal among, I 1 ‘ 3 . A ;_ in wt an In our: . -- —-~ —— . , . . - acquire since is ( isc urge .e can~ ~ ; -. _ - _ , . 9 u:1n‘hc:un'.”i‘,iné “M Wang Mi“: V About forty members of the Bur- bu’TF‘R “ ..S_l.‘_‘ChER TOO not be accepted as an insurance the. L0-Cile llilb ftlll. Ideal ’ ittibytwheelcr. president of the so- P. t 1. G, gm g;’l;CIl'“ b';“:‘_fd”‘°d " ,‘h°-Yellow Color Does Not Daunt Her risk. The veteran who lets his prc- \ 1-nk1ng, golfing and playing ;I’ ‘ - - _Du R . - ,. _ raerniy Ives ,roa o nnyee aymornin. ip gm‘ 1 _ , _ , - i, '- . I 12"" _ .39, °§fh:;,:;,',:°”b’,,of,‘;'; gsioooiigitt Picnic Robert Closser presided and short Univm';ty '2: °Miw::,i ,...,,,,¢,, ‘ ‘ y 3 around. Vie ate featuring. 77. a the 9 . Mary Helen Corngin; Thelma aiecui-s ””°""’°"‘ °' .’“""‘ .°‘‘.‘'‘.‘‘‘‘ 531"‘ “““ ‘‘°." "‘‘‘‘°.‘’’ M” ‘7‘’”‘‘’ 8"" have again scored against the men _ ‘E5 §‘~“‘ _ _ , 3 kmckerettes in Corduroys, wool gr , ML . 1”“ Man, Lem“. ,P°wd”n_ Rab}. gave a moonlight picnic Saturdoy :11.’ Lonnie mgpin. Mr. Hibbard and of we Uni‘.e,.s3u._ This time we). Clll.\ESE llA.\D LAl..\DBl f jersnv and Serge. The c0l.du_ E, be fin‘ i ‘chm-(.r' may Sam C,.ew3_ Mud’. _night near Rollins ‘ Springs. The . ayna am. have 1,3; two mgrks——agaln§l the - 0 140113304 It ' ~. _ .. g. my, . Davis. Eulene Willingham, Lois '-““P°""“ ‘E’?-'"~'_= MW -’°‘“'“°" 5- m,,,,,_., m,,;.,;’,‘{];,;_, Mp,“ Kw, ,,,..,, myo,,_. ,.,,g,. .;,,o_ , ros Cher-ry—Between 7th & stii 1'o_\'s 1n navy and brown, the - _ nu __ Mum, and ‘men n‘ - _ Ned, Mrs. Virgil D. Becker. Mrs. J. . -A _ t . ' m¢_ b ‘ bu . 0 - h and - . -' . , w..G hm. d 3;, w 0,,‘ . D3 KIPP8 1l0I|5¢.Jester¢8> "'~"'° For the past fer’ 3'08”. ll-t 4+ _1ers-vs in enna, navy tter 1. Th“ f““i'i)' ~m°mb¢1’5 iflifiimfi ' u ‘n. 3 "1-1 ' Lu Misses Katherine. Wilabn, i-‘railees-sight of rain, brother has piflled ‘ and " ? ‘l'‘'°’°h‘! ml" mP°“‘v M'”“«cmc can,-,d:.b:.:;l°d-;£‘]:";?,nnt'Jennings. Moi Lee McPherson.-out that bright yellow slicker. of ‘ ‘prior’ ** brown‘ ’ i ‘T “ " am! ‘*5 K“th°"" ~ ' ' H9151 L Ml! I-I'll!!! Enflllnd 871d which he is so proud and assured ” . , inc Blanton. The seniors assistinz ° m n°“'"° ‘ad Fry’ “L A] d ' ' ' v ' ' ' ' " ; . . . _ ' f go.’ in‘ 3“ BGTNW3 - himself that this is one thing no A , 3 be m Priced at $12.50 ans 3 5 Louise Evans. Mary Smith. Blzatrice "aft? ‘Ii‘°°k;°°d'n “;;“"°l‘ Gordon, Mrs. A. F. Neate and MT8.'L‘::erk:i:::rs“aslli:irl.: tzicicfords arid‘ . ‘ .- . to Lemmon. Mary“ Frances Hawk, and W 9 °'"‘° - ' "e ‘ ' J. B. Heberling went to Mexico to-' ma}; , other .'ruc1e8 Law fluhhm. For Rent . 1; gen, , Norma McCullough. ‘R°b‘ H‘."P°"- M"? Eu"! C"°"' day to attend the convention of the b ) h f Bob. ‘ M I id ' Miss Burrall 'lI{t'et1fnal1Btlr9l‘f‘l.ll.)‘}[Bell'tlb:t.Fry' Ah“ B‘r.’Kin"8 D‘ughu’" wh_i°h kn“ ‘°'rwo:rlilr(obnet.‘m:d mm 3 O a ' Danigg P if 5- 3.’ Tea Yesterday . -" ti”. ___. ___. P : And then came the rain in lllll 1/ / ; I1 '. ;. Miss Jessic-_Burrail- entertainedclli 0011?! S°|’0|’il.\‘ 1! The dinner guests at the Phi‘i:loom and discomfort which as Call or Phone 333 - - ‘ ‘ i_ ' ‘T with :1 re. from 3 to 5 o'clock soo-IEntertained at Ten "Kappa Psi house yesterday were: for more than a week. But c . ' V 9' 3 day afternoon in south Hon in’ Mrs. E. B. Brsnsnn and Mrs. Al-"I Mr. and Mrs. Wilse Robinson. Jr.. women were undaunted and they Mrs. Robert I. ‘Simpson ; ; honor of Juliet Mother, oonogo fonso Johnson entertained the mem- and Misses Addie Whitlow, Dorothy now have bright yellow slielicrs 1 ' " ‘% L0!'T(‘Np0fldCl'lt and young noinan's bet‘! Imd 9194898 OT 010 Chi C_lm8ttIl‘Toler. Marjorie Wiggans and Caro-ljustlike brothers. . '_ _A " director of the woman's mis5iongry.80l‘0l'll)' Ill 108 )'?8i¢f‘dIY ¢‘’€mn8 33 line Collins. 1 “‘ ‘T *’ ‘ ' ‘ "” P A J T77 ' V 7 ' l Llngon fluxiligf} of the Sguthcrn the home Of hlffl. BTIYISOYI. Glen’: Mi8‘es Bobo A For B k t V V I ' Baptist Coiwcntion; nd Vi 1 'wood avenue. _ p _ - . ttractive ieces in as e s. . i . »“ 4 any Beagle. girls‘ religious director ?\):'? other guests were; Mrs, Houston ‘M C‘rm°“ H“l°31"°{§"°ph°"" :3ndil'0M» Sillrk Guflrdfiu Sh°V°l ‘"5? I llllé the State of the Baptist Church. '- "1: Force Miss Sara Lockwood, Mn. " *3‘ ""°" ii" “'°‘’ '°'‘ 1'“°*‘‘‘‘ ,Poker Sets and Grates. Arena)’ AB is 1' 910.912 ‘ -. ' Those who assisted Miss Burrall°l-‘dward 'E "Brown Mr and Mrs '°f D°"- J°hm°"' 12‘ Smnh Garth ‘G35 R8Y|K°3- ‘ .ua l . 4. ' Id; were: Helen Sesmer, Virginia l‘llll.‘\\'ood Sapp. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. m'°""°' _i _ ___ * N9‘"""l “"’d""’° C°- d Wlthout I _ V_ . fi_ Grace ll arner. Evelyn ‘Jackson, Simpson. Alfonso Johnson. E. B. Miss um." punk mmruined the' 904 Broadway Phone 234. a \. Extravagancetv Broadway §_ . 1‘°"0ibl- Burrall. Mary Alice Boid- Itransonn Miss Ida Rhea Pearson of congnnuom] smdem_s- nub with; ' _ ll 3“ ~' cnmand Louiise !(‘?!r_-ait. Be‘_1'§Mexico and Bryan Wilson of Mexi- ,, bug” mm," ,1 the home of M,.,;_ _ - . ‘ ' ' '55 ‘ ‘ 9" P" W‘ . K9 00- V. D .. omas last night. Sixtv- ''—'k ‘. “Y i made short talks about Y W C A ‘ t ‘ ' ~ '- _ ‘ . ‘ — ‘~ '- - _ _ _ _.guests were present. 3 ' ,-_ . o - work. The guest list included the Dorothy \\ Aitaker and Viviennt ,_____,~_ _ - e _ E ,' g Baptist girls and members of the_Hargis were the dinner guests of‘ Acceptance of the Ninth and ' ‘ _ . . _ it Harshe Circle of the Baptist Church. the Phi Beta Pi hcuse Sunday. Fifth street paving will be consid- S L ‘B 5 g ‘H “w of M 7 ' g___ ‘ - V . .' _i_”. V M ‘ M A PM P‘ - ' V ‘_ :3] I K I ‘A . : . “ ‘-'T'_;“ No Approvals :3 o 0 Exchange lg‘ /" _ . ' . - -, {.3 Additional purchases added to our great stock to " \ ‘A T . 1 ' 1"/.~. ._ .. . . . -. L. * /' his i . *:. meet the demand for these fine coats at this unusually 3 -*i ‘‘ ‘low price. p g L. ' ... . s y-.q.a =O0N'l‘IN ALL ii.-_,;4."‘s fl , No Returns mtsssss, SKIRTS. The cool sun-shiny day ei-ally for everyone was agreeably surprised to 1fyou_ Bargain if Saturday brought many We never“ urge however. galrsgains for you. All $18 to 325 lists _at _' if“ .°' vdepax-t:ne§t,too.hasmanyunusual THIS WEEK, 0FFERlNG VERY UNBSUAL VALUES IN‘ cons. SUITS, HOSIERY, FURS, BLOUSES, SWEA'l‘ERS,'ls‘l‘C purchasers to our store and find such wonderful values at have,not shared in .the Feast let us suggest look you will purchase. asedlib- ,, such low prices. Materials 5 ' Styles ' Straightline Loose Backs O -‘ h‘. .0 a'-. ’ A A DEPOSl'l"lI0l\:DS .—s{ 1 ‘s w - . . ‘ , . a- _. -1. " ,. ' ‘. . ., .. ; » _ u "i ‘_ ‘ . is‘ i I * V‘ _‘ ‘O. _ . . a‘. . . A ....--t. E. . - .. . ' ’. .i,..~ I V,_ , . ., . . W ‘- . _.. ...~.u 2 . «so -= ~« ~.-~iy * . .. V .:'3~.:.. . . , t N r A ._ .~ .. . . .‘6”‘.‘?7.‘:-14¢’ ‘ at ' ' V" '. Z‘ ,‘ ~ 9 V L . h‘! ‘ -91 ' - . _ a I -- ,‘- O‘-I! -<.“'.‘. ._y- ‘of . ‘-. ‘ . . '- .. 1 l " ' . I". ‘: --("9' 3"‘. ":‘x“r.‘§ -:b;‘—~'J'. . : I I _ . . ;.___. . I A __ .3 , . V _ . ' _ _ -..::,.‘ . ._ ‘_ .— - tw... . . . " -,g,'_'a.....».‘.'-~.o.._ . .. ‘~ .~ ,.'.e.-.«.- .:-2 ‘-7.’ ..«.- ~. eww¢w..--~ ‘art. "3"": E‘. .- ‘ .---' ~ ‘.- 1-’ ' -~ --14>-= - ‘A .t . '; _-= -v — ,.-: .- _ ‘ . ‘._ _« _r W’ I . ; _‘.: . ‘ _-.- <5. _ 9 _.“. _,‘‘.J . _... . a ' _ F, _‘ _ ,. .-- - ._ 2 .. - i a. , I.“ ' _"' _ o‘ ‘ i : ‘ . - . ~_ ‘ .,. .' — . .~' . j. ' t 3'1‘ Q‘ " \L' pa‘ flu - ~ ~ r ' " "‘e" «2‘..- ~ . "". fl - t‘. ‘ '~" ‘ " ' g. , _. __ ‘ 4 ._ _ ‘ \ ’) .. -V.‘ ,. I _ _._ . . _ ___ ..,_ {"3 . ._ . ' -...' '-, .- -,..-~- __'.- -.. ;, .- .*- '- ‘, .. 8- ‘ ~--