_ .. ,2 ' ~ . _ THE.COLqIf3IA msgountw. ~WEDNESDA'Y,_0C'l‘9BERti‘}4:~1923-4” L. _ ”I.}.JI.'.a we {or the use or thie‘LA)ll: 1='.m.s T0 worn: oi.n w.uz.m-:1.icsnmm; muss snow AT. nmiinovsn Dodge cm start in cold \~'g3=th ft-,5_\m,_.. Mm 3.0,, new i. 3; {.54 ‘.... ‘i,-.in.a..;42,.;unit-gusty situated about nine miles vinm rrs .\lJ-.1)!-JD MOST (()I.LE('I‘I;l) m n. u. T. L. ---———-—- er. 'la>l9r (autumn ad». r . ,,,,,.,.,,. ;>m,,;,;L. Tmmu , - - v v -_._..... —.—. -—-—- Bandits Kill Mun and \\°ife‘—ClIauf- , - . g . I . .' 2 . * ~ ’ It: in‘: poor cuitivatedifnym Boom-ille. “'9 found it c-l_t'° Q0 ‘,1 mcflridan Conga‘ WM‘ “dd ‘hdicznc Ca" and Gm‘ (.ar_ . r E ml ‘ D. If you are not nadmg .mvt.-‘t I .. 1- ; - J‘ ’. V 1 . ' "\:: 4" ~. { ‘ “ a ‘ Be” ‘ of thc \‘a|'lI u- llI1‘l‘llI‘lL','5. __ . ‘ '_ o ‘ . $5.21!”; .lT. llLITl.t‘(‘ $.‘.b.UIl\l§ .“lt"’\l'.-’ \~"(-(,'- ;‘ " _;,.]‘”' H ‘Fun "I mm “:'‘H” ' nun" l‘ ,1 l I . ‘ Tbi ocumc-nt.~ are an t'o?liit\’.~: '0~" momm. innhvd mm flu ‘Hm- Brynn. l’lu-lira .'-.n'l t§.'i.v-.iih- f.‘ull :-I \ ' ' I ' l I I’ , ' I!” -v'”''“ 1 ' " I "I. “l” 7:77’) i ll ‘\ i Ame!” 33,“. 35' ]fi39_ “:1”""'l'f°r“'b(“.'_“:_"mi"fltwfhf "_‘_'ux‘§3~;’ 35,000. \\'hi-ii ziium flit’.-u.—;--zz i.‘ Ele .\I;.!cTu-d 'lln~£r l~In‘:r'ne~r- and if’ '1 .m‘” "“‘“w 2!”? in-‘ll '1 ‘ I it‘ "_-z . "i ‘ ‘- “I left home» on .\la,\' 2-‘. mid un'l"RL’ " I ' ’?"'°”‘. ‘"'x‘".““ l"‘m"“ the nmlzer the sun} ‘ 5;,-_:(ifI -.- Hull’ II--—e 50 Well. 'I'm._ '‘’.’..M “W". 1"“. Mm" l ~ . ' ‘the lwcntt‘-(“filth "'ri\"t ‘t’ Fin‘- In tho “n ‘I’ r“u'Wv ‘hm!’ Nd" ml txttzu-im.pu~I\ .'1L'tu-ml 2 'l"l'm t-"7 'l‘\“.. -n‘1I.i’Ii ri~. H1-.| 3A-- - .. , .- I'll‘ 1'11"” f‘ *.''‘.'‘I': .':l — ' " . . ... 7.: c L . ‘ _. , ' ~ ‘. ‘A L . . . .~ u_ V V ‘ . ‘. . .' ... . . . . ... .« _ I ‘ : A my‘. L‘"u"1.‘-I on ‘u-en- :.1i“({“i!"]U“‘l}::gfi;‘lf’;£vx"“;.\l§.. LlP‘I’.K""‘“ ‘flail’? Ul 'o'3llU'. ill!’ lTl'\(‘.'}Ilt‘t‘l I!) lit’ .ll!' l fl’.\_l-3 '_f-_ v~‘. H 'g‘:”]->~|i‘p ‘ I,-:‘- ‘V ‘1 . -3-‘I §"'I "i ' ‘ ' -‘ I . -- ‘ ‘ ‘ *" '- -I ' ' '. - < .— ' ~!v;:'. -_. vt".r.‘.‘: -- - " . .' v--_ ‘ 2 ' ‘ ‘ uunmnh I Mmnded the raw “’ur°-it \V(~dne-‘duv the filth duv I I' lam. ll“ '""”‘"“' “‘l”'* "1 ‘h‘‘ "‘“‘l-‘- M" 35*‘ ~“-““'~1‘-.\' 1‘I'-.“!‘!":.'- ll“? ‘:1 17"‘! { ~ I .2‘! ‘it H m'\“mI'- “H (uh ’ 7- .‘ . ,l_l . . ~--..‘ r” ”' d 3 D1 ' wd "V i bcamiml mnlflmld ran" in.«tant‘° Jonetliurrruidi in‘ ilit infirm‘: dl"““""“’-*' 7»""'=‘- 317!‘ Hit. ~-‘.2: mi-sl*v-"=i*“£':~e-‘ ;;.~;~i.-i.i§— ‘‘ I "('”N”w” ' 'T' t‘.»‘«.~.v. M 4, ’ ii ti .” = .:_ . w-_.e-" I « 9 ' . i- . s . l - i v I . '19! ' .' .' ' 'l ,,~.v I. 3. _ i » _ between Ben l*r::n'p;mi and I)ul.er . .. . mt: .z.u: tilt‘ ll’Ll.‘ll lizmivnzz it - 7. :-i-.- i ' W " ‘ )‘ T‘ I ‘ l"‘ ' .- = . . I \/ ‘V. I ,. - A eountv uf halllu-. on >ttIttt‘lI:t\' (lie I-1 ‘ , C H ‘- ,‘ \- , III _‘ , _ . ‘I1. ,_., 9 i; U”, hf -1.“. I... _ , 3 : w -_. » . A MKS! F ‘ Ltllllfn. four mile ’l}t‘nt.~. l-umn(-.~ eight}; ‘luv of Jun‘_ 1 Favt I'u W‘ 'll'- " ‘'9’. ''~ ‘ i ‘“ "J “- :-1:; lung.’ mi-'° Ii! thug» ‘.:t'l1l\- ,' I. ‘I " " “ "' U , L .' . ' ‘ _,. : '5 cut. ‘'00 9 ram‘. On June 23. gut to Jd'f- ' ‘ ' l‘nur new Iomil-.'~ .*.'-‘.'i- In--.>:~, .-;A;.:o~u \':;l;::.«l I-i-9-1: ‘um! 1'51‘ :.‘..-i..r. l :1- J‘ ' ' . l ' ‘V - Th Monday the tenth cl.-i_v nf June; at Columbia in the euut:t_\‘ of B(l:.ll3t' nn Thtlnzviay the thirteenth day I4)ll1I.‘.\ll.-.~h'.II‘I llilxlr I -'lltL:t' ?'l»r;r:_\‘. s‘;-..i1_\‘ ilu ieii: l.‘:l.r' nit}: l‘l.H in he)‘ .‘ll'tI "."l.'6-tzh-.1 -I-2‘ .Ir\\i;~l1 >3-~ lU.'.'.'-‘I. li§- l.I1l"..t'_"~‘ zmii gulf 5;» 4-. - U . . . ' .. _ -i. n. ' _ 9'». '._ i..i .r Ti‘ . I- Jum, In ('alh“.a\. “,1 \1.,m{..\. the 1-31 I--It. I‘-j t.1c l..\. .\1*i--i I ti‘. .I.. . ., tn 1 l .3‘. 1. '.!.~. A. j V I ' ' . .' I ‘ " A: ' " ‘ I -V ‘ v ’ H "' .-i I ->; r -V. I 11' "i- ‘0"\. . . ‘ ." se\.(_n‘(_(_“.‘h day Hf Jun“. and ‘.1 iflxn, I lI.!. I N. All: 2_\ .13.", ... flit II-slit, t.li.:l I.llUU_..li tl.l‘ I‘ ., I,'\{ .\ I ' nl'.i'h: "Tlw .'\[)1»?Il|:» ( l‘{'1“l_' E4.‘ -i! the tinnwg l‘-"rt-:~ tin’ . l ’ ' . - _ “ .~l' ‘ 1 - .. . . ’ .‘ ' "‘"”“:" I‘ “"" I :‘v"1 w. . 1 \s' " . ' 7 7- I ‘ - re Cm‘ 0! Jtqlhnn “H Tl”. (0) -E; llenfq" “In-1-.'¢‘:': étfwl lmt ~ “Ii wt‘ H-i " ll)!‘ "‘.‘!l'-' lrlwli .';l!lI‘1l 5'~ ' I--'\TE?‘l ill‘. 1l(_.'-‘v. . I ‘ I. ferso City. On the third at’ Jum- the missiuners being all free and -A the)‘ ntered upon the d:.~eh:ir;:e uf tien. After shin!‘ eun.-ulta- L; twt-n:ie'.h day «if June. and that ’ H1 A _ . I. - | w . 1:, - _ 7 _ 4- I ._A_ .~*2i::ii‘;.' zmw '.t‘m .':1:it {ii-.-1, 'l".~!'1I-" i i ,3. .. 1*.’ .. “I ‘J l“ 6 ' I'*',r :i x;_l>l.~.; 14;». in» I-i‘ig\' l;i- "'l~»l‘.P!l t.‘ 1: i. H‘ . »— I 4., 7 ‘-‘-O “‘;‘—--~ - ~ -~. .... «-.- - -.--4--aw.-v vim"-r-'J"'c.'r".-':*-‘I T .v::."r- .-in-rr:.'t'5~lit.S"‘ "'i""Q1!I$II»"¢l'*21IlI6.1-an-=1:-i=.-'v~i"-AIr:.:Ii F3)-"' vs 3 2;- I .4 5 '1 n E f E" 1: w 1. t ' , ‘ ‘ 1, ‘I ,. Wilcox e In nu. rexuiy n (.0: iver . . Iv _ __ A . arty -. their ids. We therefore prneeeded f'}:_':_:_:3u"_ :;::fi,f"r”‘:r(;,_‘l:1rL:'“f.fd_:::i ‘I ' ‘ . ,H- 4 (arc- p‘... U U _ _x, _ - n ' ‘ne Col!!1I_\’ and mac-rtained “ t ‘in " —‘ I’! .\lu l'In.~iIuu tu llezir Spca|ter.~. ..., ..,..- i.,..;..gh. ,-ind :i;«:~ v‘:i~I - ,.. 3 l I 3 ’ ' . " ,. .‘ . _ we “,3 " thC_\' i'N'0I1ld make HO in Xltal’, apf. H” ‘t .7 I l _ ‘ ' _\lu }<:}|~i[i.g'_ 13;)“ ;,n-(-( “1 1'-.‘ji thr n|'_i~ I‘.-1v)i"_L*vl iluif qlt-:11]. ‘\J ""‘!cr ( ll-‘l‘”:'.c‘. '6 ‘ ‘A ‘. __., _ . _. ~ -" -~. . >. , ' I 3‘. , ' bliss ] eountyl. upon which the eon1ms-i.1 .~' l'.« > ‘‘.L‘'.’.'. t: ' gum yr “rd Cone“. in cfinnecuon ready tn net. the COD1fltlS:\tont'l'> pro-V Regular prices ’ A .'!i3;)I, 31].’. ._;,'jq' :.'()L! [H ‘L'g;i_. _‘_i"._';‘;j'L;T_:_f'(‘ vi _ gidy. ] ‘ml’ '1'-" 0‘ land "'Tt'r<'d us as '‘‘’°‘’‘‘‘’ 3“ ."“""’.l’“""’“""‘ "3 "“‘ ""“"‘ Fiufi'~' lllar.;.'«:t.~ 7 l'T‘i\'21lP l.(5>0I1.‘~‘. am: 2 llnurr" l‘l£.L".lt'L‘ l'I!.'.(‘iY"._ an .\;r, . izw 01)p.'~‘: :im§= v. Hotter a M‘ .L:'li‘-erSi‘}.. Roc‘,i‘.- ‘Z; Hf. sflllne. rll[~.\~ Citllpd Upttn lhb {“nr“r_“:1l" l“un‘hil-‘I (U'nf“Pt“ . V . . l . lg‘ 0f I-ITU1 Count)‘ imd lh" dcrl: ‘J ti“: (loyal). cliun Mr mlor-' (lend tn. liirvi; at. . . l7ut' :\'IlIHll.'i!l‘lI'l.l* Iiull IH".'i—\'» l"tv- o ' ‘ll-' 7- 1 - ll ' ' I I l‘ '- . ‘-- '-— Robe?‘ mu. 0 fed rumhincd wood. W 9 .fl\1l.Uflll as to that lHd.~ \\'ct‘e .n‘.Il(lC "e“'h.ful to {mi _ ' ’ ’ ' ‘ " ” -' »*I.'l'..'.'} .. . '.i I.».._ .'1;_‘.;(-_; A.; '- - __; .‘~“'f _ ; Mlffif and t ‘_ fir elixiifle si‘o5 far or ‘n'1(.ndcd to 1)‘. n)'u(.‘(. ‘o.‘,bmlq.t}}oI “‘:.i; av!‘ \‘U'~'v. f ‘J ‘ . V . 3111111‘ Ila“ ‘ ‘ 'rU(.‘Sd1l:_' Kllld a-ll‘Jl-V-fill}. l':\'I.'- &- .)p— f .3 (u -‘H -- V ‘ ‘ - ‘ ’ , .. . ROM "ti (.r"’gl. ‘if t A L111‘-ers‘t}. ‘Vlthfn: v"I _\ . U. 31 L ‘-\\.lt' .4 AP} 7' 3 : }l4o:_ll¢.Xll. . . . V . . . . . . . . , . . tr)‘. “ ‘i IE finding Yhv Well-imm'<-\°ed farm «if». ‘"1"’. “ ”"°‘;"' _1:l“’ am‘ f’“?"""'f“‘ "‘ ;_;,,,.,{;3,.,.,, M3,“. 3.. _. . _ T?-5-izieh -:fi'.«r;‘7.«;;:.i . . . . _ . . . . . . .-“L "fa ' I. . "ed in ;n*.,_. Reno”! wim mlm, um”, ngsi“ wrltmi.’ :m<...~.t..-.eil that bttllnv ( uun» ‘Elk Md W6"! or ‘- > - . A , - ' * -~ Mr; I - 1 - I 4 ‘_‘_‘ s,"' ' _ _'. “ . - n duncgiof imp0rt‘nct. I valued the 1% had matte nu effort an; that nus Rmtthi C ‘ . i( ‘ W _,.[n(:“ \\ I}: Q (,;1_._]ng ‘ 4 _ l . ‘ . A _ iii 1”. state I. 1.,” ‘ ‘2"mm and fin, ”,!k,ge “.i'h’:I}1‘tl.% \\-(-r\..)nAt1~ndetl 10 l\(- ()fTt‘l'\~ll [U (_h‘‘”'‘;‘ .:tI.)x‘:tl.Ir ((‘]¢.|‘¢J~ } ‘T’ i’ L] ’] I ‘ ‘ 1‘ Fifi’: mm. g adjoining }._-‘wen’, tmdxm‘, L‘ mzium.-.-.:i=ner.~. " * ‘I - ‘A -1- ‘- -'1-~ -" I‘ . .. 4.1-. K‘; 01: Iiitf ; ZlI‘;P_(;,_ Q,\j._1'--_ .I_‘-'_2_""," 1-._~:_ _ _ . . , .5 r nude 5‘ 3131.-'.,o(i(i_fl.,“-Md r'.,n9g,. “On 'lTl'lUl‘.s(l8,\'. June. 4:, hg:::‘v_ tin. Il.t'I.. mu. 1'01‘ and COUTICOUS Treutmcnt ._;,;-in,_;‘ 0,7,1-W‘. ,.3.MFm ' _ ‘Chelan is 100 {cm in gemnh and :35“. m. mmim.s.~:nner.- met at l'2uum'xli¢-. all I’!miw 1.3.. During the S3d'h0lll', Call H "— ‘“ — V “-r 4“ -\- ; - '« ~ ‘3 KYINIUII sixty 1'! WW with sir7"Wn-* and p'TI‘Z,""" - . 1. , .. . . -3!}-irlch c<~rr.fu1'i (-l1;1ll'e ‘ 1.‘. ‘ 3"" ii 0 set on columns in front. "_ ""'““" """°_"“ lb“ “H” i . ' . [ “mm . Pen 55", “ Cohflnbi. the bids are reeeivetl _{rrm any _ .31‘) c0?_1i~: .. '1‘ I’ ~ ’ Fit“ 1 “we "en pnK_Wd(_d m Cnmnmm eot:int‘y{nnil fillh;;1(-olT'l.l1t§5.*l(ifl(-r.\' are (tmorcd) . 0 in 300 Count‘. nd fl .- - ‘ u_\' in urine. t ereu. t int nu t'ur'.li- 7 . f _ _ ~ , - . . ‘.3 I , _ . and e mink ¢'“\:,.s fmfit: er or .~-applezncntal bids shall he r¢-- B19“ and Ll) 10 Dale I'“"CI'dI 1"I0mC- ll Ullllvl ; ».I.- L-':l.".‘CI..(v 4‘ t il l - i; _;.. - g angle: ' ' 1 '9 ’ ‘. ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ - , .- u‘ ‘ 1 r , o — . ' ’ - moi» the bid: of said county tu- °°"“’- _ 14 North bixtli bt. . (1-‘ '1 -‘,~'»~-:-<-' '-'21.-» . !:~ ‘\\i\\“ ‘~.- 1 . 5 Wm ,, gather with 300 at'rl*r~ of land tiller» §°°m""°' J_""f".l" 1559‘ I l A :;l_Igl [(~ _~.;w_~* ~ i,-3 l fresh“ 5 ed as late including Columbia Col- _" ""'""“‘*"°"“"" ‘"7 .-""~‘“~"‘l“-" ' ‘ I; from 4 I e. e College is in plain brick e,x""m"°d 3 "I"! of l’”“”'*' lmld “{ ..-.—.....—_..—... ..--.- .....- ... @...—......-.--...-._.. .._....__...... M the bufldm M‘ by 3,; {Wt M-lh 1-our eighty acres deeded by Henry — ' — on Gm ms. The site nfll-red has \vuo_.-l, ._ A dude water ad twin or three eligible .~'itu-,. * ‘ on wt 50 'd *= $ Rewaz E ‘-{ill Iw paid to I1Il:\' pvzwn '.li;i: lni:'._::~. mi .»\;.*‘.r..":«~l‘.'.li- l1:.» - 4,3];-5_l _ ‘ i.‘:;.‘.t.r tu n;_~.‘ Slluf‘ ‘.l‘.:-I J car.:;«.'. l1F.E'.\ll!. lillflvill’. u:- lll.L‘l°lI.li. _‘.-is Ella" rullvfl; In Calla“ . I.--_unt,x' nndi Done Right , w_ 4; nm“a,_0r >.m_‘_iuii“' " “ A "“"‘—— __ ...- ..;........... ‘ - « . Mrs fottqd the (‘nllawegians in :4 high Take It ‘ sgatie oi! ex:-itement and up to the To 1.0 inst. it wigs doubtful what mean.-i. ‘ 4 of prontss wuuld he made up to the: C 1 b‘ ‘i ” ‘X ' 011111 I8 Pflfltlng C0. v..i;. .~.«.-i;.~ T\.'I:i:E (‘()Pl’Ei: <"m:'-: 2 i;. :;i:i I ir.I:rH~l;‘ f ;i v.r:t'.wi .'TLl."..".‘Lll1I1' and SCZIIIIO Iii,-1:-I li:’.r.-I.-n! la" "7 l'IlIl1(I!I 833003 .'f0!' (‘allege purposes. ‘..".20 um ol‘ the land is .n the woods. the When You Wantsome balance in .-nizit-niinni I min.-.i this ’ PRINTING I “l"rrIth tbenw we procet-(led tn a\ time n deed or subscri tions had‘ been p cscnted in legal tponn. June. phone 431 80‘ ‘valmllv - ‘ ' ed 1, 4 «L-il.i~.r-. T;.'n-t- I":i;~pci' (‘ores are en-n ;;I1.‘£l€H‘.'.0(‘Ll :i:::xii2.~". «inm- County, The ,3“. (.0m3im.d 153. : ' ‘ :.—.;i- I-_‘.‘ t‘UllI.‘IUll. I4-‘. mt-.tell you ulmut tlax-1:2. N’!-'98 ‘I-5.l0Iflifllt the town of Fulton. :‘ i ’ ’" » - I v ' gnret It waga high (illegible) nnd poor n—“ Do You Belon 21 X, 291] 51 N ‘ah «:49 Browi Vidgrc Imd the unly prospect for wa- TYPEWRITERS RENTED ' To that flu.-‘N’ of l‘l1(‘l)gl-»,,‘. .. . . .-... ' H‘ J‘ "M ' ' tivfs teniffroni .«in.: wells Whirl! is the’ ALL MAKES ,,,.,,.» or .,,g. W .. “ .,.t‘ . \ only ncipul water used in the \'i- .3“. ;...n.i‘ “.5-l-» U CNN‘. 1"” Mr‘ einity the site. ii-aiuedinismi.-i 3 Months. 8750 Up “.,,k..,",:.°, .,.“M"‘ ' "” ”“"“°' -------——» < - —- ~ ’“““‘ at $7 0. This munty in point of F573‘ 39335‘ 5PPII¢! 0“ PIN“ l I I I I A t .. I 1- I l’ L - —-—------—~—-- "er 1 -soil an water is not equal to that, Chase. Balance .35 PCT Month. Treatment “V Ill 1111' I - grit!" ' fth-ah ‘ '3. '3 " v-- ,, 7 1 --_- " ‘ I‘ ;mm__d_‘*l' ‘’ ‘ f‘ "' “’“"‘"“ “""° “mm: Supplies . prone '1 our Condition ' table. “Fl-out thence in.-nnnn niu.-. mud.‘ The Sunshine Agency 01' I Will Not Charge Things You Bake Your- M, and rain We nude our way to Jeff“-- Pbom. 692-Rd. 3* C 4 .. with ' son,[fvCLt}‘. Cole Count)’. and on. Pelnhertou Hull 0" 3 en!» Sell ‘ h ‘_ Jam fia, gugjy-pd«1he bjd of (gage I Right here in (’ul':mm:i II‘.!-Iv _¢'tll‘ . . . dz: 1 ' . . _ _ ¢1.,,_L.,,, of W.“ ,_.h,”,, I ,,_...”, m...m.d _\‘nu \‘»'l>‘.l) to be cSI)t‘t‘li1ll}' guuil. for l _ I . ‘‘'‘‘‘‘ . Tm‘ ¢'Xct'.~-‘ \‘~l'I!.'Ilt nm1’u:hi-i.< who M‘-.»1‘_'~' woman is naturalI,\' -Ilrouil ‘ g . ‘"""’ ”"d"‘" “°l"l“- . i of her reputatiun as it Cuuli. L E T - . . -’ ' .'l'he ' ‘Vii! T V — - . . ‘ New Under“ood Typeurllers 1:0!‘ 'I’l1iiL)In'seieiitil$E.£3}.~‘lil:l'd and ‘ Gm“! fluur 15 Hm pl-‘mt NI- — Let us demonstrate the Rcxnjpgton-portabie v1-).pe‘,“.mg 8‘u's'¢‘.'1¥ Ilflllih. l havi. mg}: -.;.,.m , quisite of good baked gtrods. Np "“"‘* -' _ «‘ .__l_he worldvs best portable‘ ‘ K :3!‘ 'l'lri((».~‘(« wxhu \\'t?;‘(' :00 lfu-avg.’ ‘nave mutter huw éklllcd .‘,\»ol.l 1113." be» I I _ ‘ _.. ~e. -nae;-4.. am tie t t rs: ' . "i' ., ' .. . . ‘ ‘ _ V‘: . T L lg into mus-.4-le. The thin iii:-n uI:.slT ‘on $3" t.ha‘.L good I.u(,k unhsfx I ' ' b National 'l‘:_'msts Associ ° - In}-n._I-fuiiz UlA'_‘I.Y1 xi-t-inn and made ‘"9 f'l°“’-f-*' “I~'h_*~. That 6 “'11? It Private Bath in Every Room Typewriter E h . . oter rum .-nl. men u.to health '_ . reall} pa}: to ash I01‘ H-ll’ Flour. V V __ . . _ 8 T X0 ange, Agents... m-en 3' . . C. I . -, ' 80' nmcrest ‘ . -, Phone 1750 This is the .-cu.~‘on for colds. If I l A I anng h I -I; 1 . . ' ' A iyou ache all l')\'t’,l‘—-l'I(’l1d stopped up, ' . I ' I F o ; a. ~ _ . : . _ ‘___._. and feel sick at ‘your :-iomnch, _ tee Morning ' V. ‘ ‘ ’ - —"‘-‘ --.....,~fr-77-7 , '_ I ' ' I ‘ . I _ ~ ‘ I I I - .. I . ? ‘°“ N°f,"{,‘-S“°”‘B““‘ I l MIILING &1=11;vA'rbR co ‘ I T : " . an L assage. ‘ ‘ . - _ Better than medicine. and remem-i " - ‘:33 I Buarwtec every treatment: . ROOMS wrm BATH - 1 5 ulflzxrvou. or ,\-on dorm P3)‘ me :§m}nn}‘Ll1?:$‘1[m;m?f$f1 +=*...f'r-i.c_aN1=.:; 9- % ' 1 31.50 and Up mmmt’ vh1TFU'-Ir.” _ Washed, Poiisheaagna ;§imonized. pars and Delivereil; _ }- Antwonx Gvaagnarnmn ’ Q ,l5.North6flirSt.i I * ‘ l;’lkine«2308; 51-72 -5 4 ' 1 _. ' 5 ’_ ’. ‘x. lxlh Office Hours--9\a. at. to 12 noon .5 . .;’?_ ‘lcs '.,.-.‘."‘? . ‘3'."./"'-3‘: ‘ I A I . - ill” 4 J i --2 i J -I " .. " - D II. to 7.80 p. ‘-1 . Pic, A." ~.1J.g;“..;,‘” I 4 _ nu... mi s > . « ' ctr: M r‘°"~~~ :. Ladies by Appoingnuu. ' '1‘ ; ._~uuI..-unit lI::~A4-mg! , us-wan: - V ~ on ~=- — " .-V-*-I-FL»; :ir—.'—:-=.4:’:~':* .; Peter James f I ---~--=--»—"-“-:- ‘ i .. . . \ \ , ____ ; I Irgima Building. . g 1 l .-p‘ ' ~ . f ; In I ‘ ' i , . ..-. ‘ ° = s . ‘ .. « ~ 1 ‘ 3 i . ' ‘ I. ' -I I ‘ -- I ;'. ' 2 ..«,: A. .. -.-i_+ A. .\ g 4 ~.. }.3i‘»... .—;.‘IsiL§n'it.‘;.‘na.5..-.,.:i.52552.»;.::,i:.;:...i..L‘.-1‘1..1£.;.:;---.;£:..L..,...;. . .. . " ’ T . ’ / . l ‘