DC . _ A _ I ‘N’ .“ ._ _,_.,.g...,.-‘—.a¢¢--op-a..»¢<'—..o - no‘ " ’ ' v ‘. ‘ - .— . ,. .. .. . _ _ p _ V _ V .. .\-...,.. ' . ‘ . .7 2 “ , ‘. . ‘ 1 » . ’ ’ ‘ r -c Q " cLAssg:1;1Ei)» Abs . Six for 5: In Word. —o.~-¢— ’o,¢}‘L[‘.ent a Word 3 Day. ’ ' Colcmlain lb:-oufilfl. A-gr-elation of MW 105 Matthews: street, I """"‘ V come and scent. 4; 0'‘ If. interested _\v.2 . F0 RlCNll‘—Ncv.' 6-roam brirlz l3!-ITIKEIOW. class in, easy rent. Xim.-- room house. fine condition. one block vrnjnnt-11 nml hat for its aim the" u tt truudulrnt and mislead- ng. ‘flue Col - n’ . ' 131:‘ Am- _ 0_ ca :1 to _ ....-_y truthful Wain ad. and um l . C0» . Guitar Building. in‘.-3 l‘.r:\i71;2 its Ittrutitm calla! lo Phone 1620 9,. u‘ 3_ 5_ mt not conforming to the of honesty. —-. r-n. rt - - t:.u«‘.n.'\l.¢ u u HOUSE FOR RE2s"l'.—Eight-r6om house at 405 Mathews street. If in- - te:estcd come gmdlsice it. W 2241’. i""1-isii-i}o''Iiiir:r~i‘i'‘“ ‘, , . . ' FOP R!-I.\'T-——Thc -'-x-ro ~. ‘ 3- W‘. '\ l “'1.” 1 0 do dre”m‘kmg' ldc-r.cc~ at 1413 Ilotifiltl-lid C.-it .l’liunt~ H12. .. ntf. 550 n . month until Sept:-nilzer 1. 1923. Apply to J. (3. Bald». F01: m:.~;r—1 -llzn st“-’L'l“.ll A. houses on North :v.r.d $‘n~:th sid-:'l'u.~ -12-tf ‘;_l.\"2 Ill)-—lC;.'goc:'éct:cc-d waitress. ix: -.-..-::~uu at The Palms. 4345.. )2 1.1.1» -— Dressmuking‘. " o 3" ' o ‘ I9 i 3 ; ‘G: wmqhnce. Prices ru8on_ t“(:!‘.t. \.p(z'.tl1t.s l\('.hl_- L0,. ll‘.uzn incl V;-5 1'. 0. Fnddis. 716 Wiest -“-- " “- 1-~==-~ i$t!‘C‘i*l-;Z‘i‘-W-“ 533 Rear » F42" 7 FOR Rl‘Il\''l‘ —- FiIx'ni.s":‘.(.l -"J - ”,.iV,ca(h_:_ wamcdon the Mi!“ 2:90.‘ ‘.21 beautiful home near \\'l‘.Ett- "1"" ' C - - ~. yr 1-‘J ... - - .. .. , so-.xr'::. ‘.“~--at experienced reader m"""“" "’“.‘” ‘‘‘u‘'‘ r‘'‘‘'' lf““ ' 'or v. -11 Rd person desiring to ’'‘"m‘ l‘Iv’ l‘-l_.\'”'lK water and !~.:?-.: 5 . ‘M ‘ - Avpryby ‘cum, Mb bill and corms: for lt0t.l.~t_'. l’l2o-.2: J O ‘E ; 1,,‘ . v‘ fltatior-4 and c>:p(-ri- 1620 °r 1163' F‘i“"'*f _ » 4. " '_o r- . V " ‘ :_ 7: 7% 7hAh ' ._ - cm... ,3 Manages, ' FOR SALE ;,u_:' ‘ Address ; )[i5_<’(\ut]fil1,‘%l'|lBh‘.b.l3. )‘0. . ‘ . _ ___ , . ' " . ' A "W ‘ —”' FOR S.-'tl.l§—-l’l‘l.-'iR:~‘. J. ', _l l’“‘!‘f HELP WANTED S('h\'.'ttl)t‘. Phone l:3.\‘Zl Rod. S15-St! ' .._\"1"§ 1i.—(‘ulorcd dining car ’ . I -n-"'-. FOR s.s.Lr:—'rm-In,-. five gallon iron kettle; new: m-vu hot-n used. Call 55, or inquire at Nlissoufinn Office. ;;.-.1 .‘~lt'4'})lK‘.l.' cur portcr.~. RETTLI.‘ '.1..:'.L""('..>iLl’)'. We train \..,__ . frat. \‘.'!'i'.c €723‘- -zs-:.—.':r. t)2.::zl*.:i. Nola. -ll» ,- .___. __. .._.____ -__..._._4__ a “‘.‘.v:-V‘ l -'7 ',l>_‘,'..rcr.r"". ' rm ::~.t3.n': F012 $.~\.t.l*'.—-llcnnm:tun No. L T)'[‘t'\\'TlI(‘!‘ in :.:ood condition $27.51}. -cl. -l4‘.--33. \\.'m1~ n.\‘ ll.-‘.I.\'l-ZS-—.-'\n_\ onc “-',;;;.,g 2. cu‘. \’.‘n-.);l for half. cnll .-~- ~ 1".. - . oats. one-h:~.lt' lmllé hnrtl; u.‘ liinton. Bil. uicl; rah» ¢lo_.irorl. l’lu~no t‘-‘J2 T01 .\lis=souri Ave. ‘ - - a . H w .- --”~‘£~;‘~'-'-:._.i .“':i’;‘“:?‘ 5. RF ‘L FgT‘T_E ..t r’. ...~.L...:- \v...0.l t\uo.l lio..itt.. 4: an -' D2C;L‘.’ Cl 1;r.olt-um. ..:1:*.zt-..r_\‘ couch. ___..--.._ -—-—:—-— -———-j:—?iI2- ,— -- u - .- '—"' H V _ ‘ _ l’l‘.n".«. l...‘-.~. (.1-1-.".. .‘-l l-‘Y-la. ]-1:1: > ~. ..l.——-:..;:l:'.-room ll0U. _. _ ._ *Y T on .u_:lu-‘ ;. -auc. A lL1}'fI2llll- \\ (-atl1- I-(ll. .K-.\.Lr.—lu.-avg; \~.'.mcr coat . or.‘ .1t-.;l'.‘ ~ :~. l’l:-.-; v— 27;’. \‘.':th rxicomi fur coll:-.r'.,also um-tht-r ‘ W 4-1-ll‘-. (‘out and llrmrzi :ui: with fur trim- *‘ mim::~'; price rt-zisnnublc. ~A Box I). care .\lis- Ilolstc-in heifers: P26-tf Pontiac hcad sired by Richlxznrl sc Ian. Butter-Boy. who. ' .‘ -- ' lltll‘. >.-\l.l~.—~.\ mw u-room mod- 1 p ‘ | flwk N.‘ t(otl>(‘. cm .-‘.n-xcu bungalow. lmrdwood _ _ _____ ___b__ . fr-<1: - 1-3 air hm t 50x171- rm: .<.\!.r.—n..1n.n :1-. .-.. Soutln t ::'t.'1, in-:12‘ (nrant School. 3u,.._f.;;,1‘ J. t','_ it.-gm.’ -,::;7 .-...,; ,,,,3 Tl"§';*ltHl§t‘ 2 .i‘.'-brct-n. -if. ,1,.(.,(.-_ ° ;»;; ;-_._ c—-o——- —-—— ———~——~-—--— -——-— ___, ____ I ' F01: I »-lludt-rn humzalow. 6 FUR .\'.§l.!'I-~0:;a- n.n';u ‘.~':t;c ;:‘=l- zmd lat-;il»;F;a<: roo.. . llzird wool polrct twill suit. size 2;;-. in :'<-mi ;-.E:c:l h:i.~cmcnt-, «—or.«'litScm. ch-5;:-.cd zmvl p‘.(-.~:=c.«l; or.- .-‘.ppl;.' to S. I‘.. E.»-tea. tui'.'}' loluc nl!- vxool tric:)tim- Air‘:-.-9 -7 X‘...;.t2;«.l1t- :l)‘t‘l‘.3t'. Phone 1711». size 4'3: also .~u.'=*.L- lmrzrzsln-4 ‘n otlw. lf -10-4."). ('l0li‘.l:‘.{.'. lz:-guir. t l“vI'.‘ ~"‘:-.v1tl1"»"* nvcnuc. ~'.‘-.l.lf--—.‘Zt-\\' .3 r« (-211 l.~un';::— -1‘ .; ;r:2:'z~li. tplctitlul l»::::c- f;.1';::icu :.:‘.«l ;.'.t-..~': $300 down: : ltnlllll. O 1-*tRNI'rt:m~: rot: .-‘.x1.1; FOR .\'.~\I.l?-Piano. li('tlt‘0u!r!.- din - _--,,,.L.‘,m ;u,,,H._ g,-.';:,¢.; 9500 mt: room, ll\‘lll§.' room, sun porch ~ * n l;llt'llt§‘n furnit urc. 1:506 I-3:-at L..u..—.-. .".ILllll -m.-. s::. 3r0=w“‘=-:’- "-=i1U‘- ,_.. ., , ..,.__d - . - :.< !’.c:-.“\' C . ”h< no ‘.2 ' . ""' *“".‘ ""‘“.“".”" . . ‘ H l V’ .4 gr P01’. .\:\l.l‘.—l p:'.-.511: p.;i?m. sm- -a -~ I. :.;-:‘xn:.:.~. and nmttrv.s~ 1 :,'l'.’ l)(-cl.a \‘.'i'.tl .3 I_-',_.§;(~;u;{jf-‘:1 },.,,m in ~r(-5. kitchen culxnt-it l-ookcurrc xmv. \-_-, , , 1.,;.._;..,; “vgty, H”. in. writing dc-sl: combined. \\’a;-li.s'.:m»l (‘_i,_L. ,_ ‘ .1 :..,....'_h. _\'._.-_,- ;, 1}“. Lilly)‘ irl.-d ‘.‘.’.‘.h n;:;ttrcss ztzzd do1il.'.-c 1:‘ t ‘ H”, ,(.,_. _w_.;_ \.;}M[ 3 bed with sprin::.< and nmttn-.~;:=. A‘. \\'nbnsh Yard.- _:._p,, hum. good l'!‘01i- Scurloclt's Storage. ll-Gtf. _¢ _ —. C for £3"-n-‘.5 and and I)nrl$ rodltl. 1. ‘t ~ 1‘.tl:.t!l:,' ‘ tr-~ 3;:-2 .. I‘ij.'nn llt .1113’ (*0... 2113- - ** '* H t';:".r.r* Ifulltlinzr. 'l’l‘.onc l620 or LOST. AND FOUND . .. ,___ A.’ FOl:’.\'Il——.-K ‘rs:-.11’ of ',.’l1l.N‘.*t‘.*'. Own- Fm: .\'Al.l'I—~Four room house 0 vr m=«.\' 1:-*1‘-v =~‘:=!-iv by C:-llinr: at ‘M-H; .v_,.‘.,,-_; 13,.“ mo‘; 52.000, win the .-‘.li.ss-nurizm ufiicc. idcntif_\'v.n;: gait-_.. (._-‘;- (W. (51-51 pa}-m¢m_ and payim: for ti-E;-' :'.'(l\‘(‘.'ll!~'t'fnt‘tlf‘. O -ll-t.. -xx um hou.-c. modern except .:*.:‘:-::‘.z‘.ll p:ij.'mcnt down. ‘i . I on !‘.l .lp\llu‘¢_7.".lU\\_~. Sll'lCll}' l)l"Ck L,l0\.l.‘. “.;.h “.',,iu_ ‘firth: . In . .. .- . ill" 1- 'r.; :—.2.?t.' «_‘c»v.'n. . V .- .. . ; 1:2". Finder ]vlc:1.~=(- :hone 0.") between ’ l . rm lmt-l: laousc. one bloc}; 8 ’“ l (E ,._‘_’\W__;H Q_ ,5“ m. ur. .; 1. m. or return to ‘ "° “" ' Mir‘:-ourian office. it-wnrcl. --3:1tf. l‘lj~'l"!‘. lit-ally C0. ‘ '-3‘-['33-l3"3 Guitar Bullillflfl LOS'l‘—-llclta Gamma pledge pin. P?‘0::c l-"-‘.30. Phone 1255-Black. B-37tf. Ll-1)}: .<‘-Ll-;_.P.cauv_ifu] R-rcom. LOST-A lu-own lcnthc-3' puvrlcet ’."'5"1!.\' "“*tl!'X‘l‘a lloulic. Oflli “OOH bl” book in L'ni\’cr:l:l(‘ll_\' nzmlt-tn house 5.”, ‘ p , coat. :5 «ix: touch:-llc avcnuc: will sell -!-i-‘.6. LOST---.\ t»li;;.“vr~n-l rim! and :: Tho- L':‘.'.. \‘.'v !.;r':- other tzlacc-5. $l'!‘.llllt‘l‘ ml ‘:.r::c"- 1!" you want propc-rt.\' tn vruxt ruz: «-.1 (tn;-.~;. Lilwrnl ru- t" L? . t_'.':‘t-3‘ & i7r;i.~‘ic:. Phone ward for uturn. Nu qUL'.*li(:llS.'1."l‘l‘.A‘.'l£ll OR ST0l.lI\'_— ;_ . _ , A_.’.__-_, - '1 (ll: 2".-K Ll‘: OR TR.‘.l)?.—A lrotrl -1:-.m‘. lmn.-t. rfuzith -.*“.«l('. close in. innit : '4: will trade for good vcirl‘-l.\' Tho party is Ln(.\\‘n who u.~'r~i:~'tc':’.u:;!1t;-'. one «>'.' the- ‘.\‘:l:~ .~'.;r;xz"_.t-. .- rnl. Si.-vny is p't:t:‘~.;:in;: un :'t.‘:lF'~.:r t.‘!'£: >'ut:Ird..y zm-.l t:.l.i::;: ."It-lr::.-l;;l'.~ place in ll:-~ \':tli.-jc run-. Xv»: 4-izlj.‘ is '.'.n' !;::~- nl :11’.-at-T»; un- ll i".£:ll‘.,'l-bl‘ Illa‘ Tlawl‘ llzw-1'3» t‘: ::l:n.I l"rmn it -,';.:n;t.: ut j.n‘.i:- l‘..‘t'. l'l M1 Tn: ’.llt'l litultl‘. ll'.'t"\‘ l. :‘» £113: in u‘.:ntt- ',‘(,Il‘.~l«.l(‘Y'Itltl'.‘ cl::t:".:-'- in inc lirrt t‘l'."-‘t.‘l’. ‘.‘.:i.-' \'s'_'\l.. .'-, ft--.t' of 1l‘.4- ling ~12‘ stit: - :'i'.\'lYlL‘ till ‘.'.'\‘ll .".!"l ' ~l:icc cl "‘ t'«-'.'.~r:1'~. Ir r‘\'.:x.'d-. 1:, l:;;:‘l.ll-Jltl. l‘30:.:§ zttrl \\'lti‘..‘- ' -1 . l‘-l.L_\' ::-gznitt. llrme 4.‘! .l;x_\’ fut‘ ‘Hwy! '.::u.. ',:r:-sir. zx '.u;:.- j.‘t-»t - ' g .:?.-1 '4 :~l‘|1‘t' tl.; .-\tm.- :_';~'.~.-.c. Elia i:‘.x1-.'t:E l»L' i-* .~'.iLi t:‘~'.:':n’..‘n;; xim, Lu’ '.‘J j,‘.~‘.-;.!’.u*' arr 21}. ‘ .t- will .?:.;. ‘‘.\'lti'.'.''‘.‘:l‘‘. ‘ r~ -~ 3.I.-:~ «. ;; .11‘: ‘.':Lll‘l‘.'l' .<':'s:xv‘r ll-~ 9- ‘ -L l»-.-- ': ». 5.-cl M-"7. ruu:"r.l;.‘ 1'1 ~~ till".- ” T l:‘.t' Tlfltv.‘ l" 't:".'.‘ - dc:-.4’ ~ ‘-11 \l'-3-1‘- .1 l{0O.\lS FOR RENT ‘*5 ' , 7 ‘ ,i'. ‘tar loll‘-lllt. ~'.-«or ‘.:;v.'ult_\' \vuI‘:4':z. -3"“ ?;i;_‘_}~1 rlllglll :l“U(‘l. L -l-l--ll’. _.a..,.______.....____. ._a._____..__ 1"‘ ll? lli‘..‘-"T--'l‘\‘. u ";‘:'nf~l‘.mi tum".- !E;'::t l1'_)l‘>(‘l\t1'Zx.§K. ll‘.' .‘l1'\\':.I‘l iI.t.:‘l. l‘i.v-:10 llfil llml. ‘ll -l‘l--l5 _. _.__...__...-.._...._.____.._.__.- 3-‘(Iii Ill-II\'fl'—T\\'o dc.=ir;lb‘.t- un- ed !’0Ol"l]> for litrht lioust-l~;L-1~p- 11:21:}.-"ll ,. .,‘~ It! :1 z::(mtli. Lib bu. To zth Pt. ‘ 3!-ltf. F0311 lLl’.I\"I'-—l"urn?~ht-ti ron:~.i.~‘ at 1' 9:4 ‘~l::‘.'. E:-.-ws .-'troct. l’hr.»:u- lit’. '2- LIl:~.a ; l-3-ltf. 11:1 .~’.i‘t-t'°.. l"&‘:li l‘.V..‘."l'~Tv.n l..r';t. t'lcI‘.l‘.. :~r-_v I‘~;-i-Zt‘.:~ f:-."3r': up-‘.2 p!t-:-.~'.;.' (. :v:lT.~_ht: .~‘tv.::m lu-at ::.::-l m-.\;: .131 tamm lxziving: cnntinumzs lust .'1’,t'?'. 'Tl't"t-- 4-pi:~t'. l J,‘ i" l‘n'n:::l\\‘;:_\'. l‘lH2m' .-»1;;-\\‘lx".- vv 3:; I!-.'1<‘" nloulalv room for boys. .\'o. G \\'uml.~u:x \\':i_\', om-5l*.:tif block (-:is;‘. of X1.-ff lie-ll. l“l.nnc 1:0-SH. ~l-3115. Rom: AND no.um lifltlll .\f\'l3 ll“.-\lll) —lr{uoz'.'.~.r tor hn_\-s; lm:;:‘Il and room for {tin-l:.. 12-IT I';uj.;ir.. l"r.om- 1143 \’s'hlt4:. ihf.‘-'.f. ARll—-For buys and Good food at low prices. $09 South Sixth street. Phone 702 Green. S 7-tf. USED C.-ut'S"FOR OSMALE O l-‘OR :~'.~\.l..“I—l3uic}: six cylirzvlc-r. l'.'i-‘v men}--l. in t:m.--l (‘n::«l;1.<.:i. \'.'ill svl.l m: l.l»¢-zzal tt-rn:~'. 'hum- ‘.'l:' I-1‘ l.'28U. uftrr ti tv. in. llulctt ('0. ll-3111;‘. ' ‘O :msct«:LLANEoU,s ' \\':\:\'TEl)~-5t'!.ii*(;—!' ‘wants at room mutc. l:1nv:”l’honc 1234-Gt-(-t-n. i ‘ Loom: NOTICES ACACIA LODGE. No. 602 A. F’ & A u-1 in l'ni\'er:'n'.::ni:1j. Still. ,ll\C' 1-:v l!\ l;:tf'nvl- Tlzt‘ ll-ll pa F’ V! '1:-,'.. l‘.:t- l'i;;. «-. l‘t‘_': lzzuwl _mi:~. ;.. ‘E ."z.'L.‘.ii of lll;l1t.Z‘§. '..‘Jt‘!i t‘lt'.".\'l ¢:.;".;'.'r: of thv lx. ‘fn(;'.l.:1ll tcztm. Smith _ Ila.-.-.<:uri ‘.'rc;-hlnnn _\'c;n'. l‘('l!‘.1.f on tin: l;n;:t-bull and ' f']‘..'.".h~' ;..-' wt-ll as ftmtloull. L'x2i’~*t-r.~lt_\' ix'a1:=..-an .-;:cul;.- of uI‘.t.' la.’ the most pr-uniis-in: .\'n~.i'.h pl:-.;.'.~‘ at full- .1H i'.:~ !:-'.-}‘lilZ‘ r.;u'.. l Tim .l;:;»h:r.-. i.— proud of liliitrwlf U‘-1'!‘ ll.-— “mural ‘.i(‘lm§" H .\'-lam-'r.:i at‘-l '.~- ;-.i2~.-;:-.l_\' V . L‘.l ‘.«-n‘.‘n-r.~‘ :u.«l 1h'v~3;:r.;: :ll‘0'l'..'l_\ :3 ‘_c»,n1. H‘. \:lll\'}' (l1;:i‘i[nt~.;.~l:ilo. ",I1vl\‘I‘.L t:'.'.r'.::;:- ‘.---:'.1 ‘In: hilltop ' l...\\H';',(_‘,' ‘gill:-'.t'.'.-. 'l‘lu- ’l'.-'.;(-r.~ .:.:t- ll.\' tr’. ."‘.'.'."*tl;;_‘ \\'li‘£'lI '.1'll.~ '~- .. :rn-:1‘. -.>.'.m:t hm -tron: :1 -.~-»:n- .¢‘vv r ' " ".;',“ ' l;n"‘.v‘l:t ‘ llltl ~, 1;-_ .1’ 1'. M .ut«! l‘-l:~.t‘l: \-.:ll l‘.'. _:::—..j on THIS GI-’.IDIROI\'Sl .‘lv.::ic.-'-nta ll:-spitnl l.l.~l Back. With all cripplt-s !'«"t1}t‘ttt‘(l tn the --rguz;-l tv.~:‘ lht f this rc:i.w'i .'\i.ni'.c-.-«eta l:;i.~ >l3lI".t‘Il a-.1 \‘»'0fl{Utll.~‘ it-r i'..~' ms: Big: Ten trairzac .\‘aturd:i,\'. Ram-3.-* llc-tclcmim: l’assim: tinmc. K.m—;-.- i« 1':-fl"«'!l'.”.l’.ln|.' on an :u.-rml ntt:Lc'r; lll ywrzu-taco. in-r.~ :ll‘.!'!lJtslc ll‘.‘.‘I" in:il:ilit_v tn -rr on Xcl_n‘:;>l.u lilfl wt-cl; tn the {um the-it‘ pit:-Sin}! gumc had 2:0: l .~.-;. tl(‘\’t.‘lt\}'.‘I‘fl. ll::r\‘:x'd Start». lntensivc l’rncticc. lr.‘.t-:'.~in- \\'ul‘l; ‘ llzirvurd :’v::I;.' for the llartnmuth ;:1t!n(- hat»: ‘r--:1 .=".:irt¢-cl In thv cont-luuy «tall i{«-rnxii was not injuznul liadly in lllt‘ llt-l_\‘ Crnt‘.-: [.{(:lY‘t.' and \\'Lt.- able tn start at Center. Prai.-:c:l by Coach. (‘norm-ll Team ' ’ from his chz::".scu-r- (4. 2 ant: :1\'.’:l‘.‘ ' mct‘ ll‘.t' tlt‘{l‘{ll of Culxratc. ‘~ lU.'Lll Eu.» .-1.-.!'t--J vrurl; fur tha- :: big: ;::;:m- mth llzzrtmuuth. Yale Linc-l'p (‘hanxu-d. U«"ttin;: ready for Brown, (_‘.n:ich T.-ul .l-gm-s has made sue.-\'t:-rul chang- o.- in the ‘alc var.-it_\' team. Blair :4 ;-lzu-cd Miller at tackle and Riche- .-..n was sent lxztcl: tu quarter. Ste- ‘.'m1. was mot U’) o O’ll¢.-um‘:- pl;-.:c in the lvaclzfxcld. ‘ttiotrc Dame 1921 Schedule Planned. ; .\'ntrc- Dame will mt-ct the’ Arm ' :.‘l‘.l|l E‘rinc(-tun on . ‘students god 1 . I There is an en:-ourn::in¢:,;.wi_ll “also perform man)‘ up -usaalga Ate.- IS ..' l WORKING HARD FOR M .U. CAME Coach Datvson Sent His Men Through Still‘ Three--Hour Drill Yesterday. B.-\CI(I-‘lE3Ll) IN SHAPE Highly Season to Date—Wi1l Try to Stage a Comeback. Unsatisfactory .“|nrl;'.l t..v tl‘.’- .\’u-~<~ur'.tn. l.lI\TC()l.N. .\’cb.. Oct. 3l.—'\\'iti ll l~‘;;l:i;.' u:~.~;:tx:-'f:tctn:‘;* 5l'.’t:'-«ill \ at.-. i“.-- l"«l!il’.lZ‘l_1'7'. ‘.t't-"t- awn’ llllul'._'.'ll :v stiff lll'.t'Y‘-llhlll‘ drill l;'..-«t nlpl.‘-. by I".-ucii Fred ll:t\'.'.=uzI. in tin-i‘ ;~.:;«;-'. cu ll)? 13;»; .\l|..=-out‘: ',:.um_ in t.‘-»!::'.;:loi:~. :-’;ztux'.S;i_\' aftcrmmu. —. ll:*.\‘~;u.'t is 'n:1\'int: vsith in this vlzun V-:t~‘ lac-;;in:: ::r: of ":1 1-.': on. l.u..~t ya-:ir’. ill‘-l!lL‘;lIl'.‘ l.nc \‘.’x:‘.l :udxl(-uly ln pit-cu-.:, \'.'1i.I tiw lust‘ thruu;:h ;:r.':d- ur.'.i«,n «if :»i:: of '.l~.z- t-igh! r-.-gulnr ll‘.L'Il i:‘. 111-: ling. '\\'it'n the tftlllft’ llnc «ll.-orgztnitt--.1. l)u\v:'m2 .-ct out at am, ln'f{lilIll."._‘Y of tl:c- >1-;:;«.:: to fill l:('«l‘.‘: \\'ltll .~(.'}llHV- -‘rim: 1in«- h:n'in;: 5 lead ~h:ip<- by ll‘uLll)lt‘ t : t“ it-i-1: lo 2". Zn. ..-.1-«t :1 l’l‘llLl‘.l21llHI‘l :'.l~n. lie \-.-u~ nlrlv to -:.«-;m but none man fr-pm this list. to Slklll tn the t‘-\‘u n-5:- ulnm \“l‘m rt-n‘.:::nu-.l there. Will‘: four utht-r \'.'§(‘.'t‘.l:'lt'.‘- l)::\\‘.~'on ht-~ l‘.-rt: hard put filling: them \\.tli L’ zmu-uvn‘. 1:2;-:1 ;.ud L't’lllll}.' them in ' for '.l‘.-.' \t';l~<.vn :-cllt--.lulr. Hun- Zv-|~;ui~'.. ‘.'.’g!‘L‘ ll fl lilas:.t-:1, lr-,U-pound from lhc .~‘cctm«.l line r;ln‘.~’. :m«' ll'.l\\'.ntl liu: inst.-rtml Rltodvs. \\'¢".!'. llutch’-mu, nzul 313.1-rs ty fill ti‘.-. l;'vlt'.. I .A.;',’§::;j irttn lit" >‘:':1S!vt‘. \‘.":‘..‘1 ll! i1':ir1.-; ;‘:nm- 14.’. ill.‘ .\'(-l.vr::.'l:; imam in :: '‘TL’l "...;.‘. t‘::;u'.:xi". l.x-\\= elk-3:. hurt ‘..l ‘- 2;‘. tfann-. hats ll)ll\ ac-r (Ll. \~.‘!:*!;- the wltult ~qu;1d \"f‘ 1".‘-II‘ var it--'~: «ii.--hr.-.'Irt('n' .d b_\‘ t?‘t- ‘n;.\'y du-fun. (Il;3:ihumz: ft-ll tn: ll‘.-'; .‘\'t‘lIl’:I‘l{1l fit-lul. but Kan- . :u l.ir:«~-in l.v'. S;.tux‘rln\'. :-n:i lrufnvr I: ll«»mr-~::.min-, y]'n\'.'-‘l. toll-~\\"!n;_' un we-~'pi-~inu~ are-'1 ';;,,’ til '..‘1~ '.:ulium. '~iu- .l&t.\‘l1:|’-‘-‘l-.'.'l'~ fntmlit H'- .:.‘N ,7-'. -’yn 13 It'll] §3.u.~l:«r t- .5 t.ind.-till and firm-h ml 1.. arm .1 .K(‘\'i‘t"l"‘ 110 11 \'~'?*‘ the clcrpc-<1 humiliation tlw .\'t-hz‘u:-- ?::m_~ hzwc trzkcn from Kansas in )‘t'ZLl’~‘. lulu: llv '.\‘i‘,:'. :(-cm.-t in fit into» L-xccrtiori of Capt:-.:n llilfllty. !‘.'icl;fit-ld 113- :\\‘im:~ into action t!~.,.- 3:: - Z :lllt‘In.‘4l bx-1-n t'nr;r~t‘.x-r_ -4;. c-- Simpzmn hm: lwcv-rs :1! -t . ;u. It It :1 all has ‘.- '. r I... -~ toxin: ‘.\'l'.it'lt \-vii? :5‘: 1' ‘ a- ---I - ~';.u- *- " .\'t-hratku. An inn-re t-r.-3 :3 -_' out in . (.1. . ".- Mhultc is com-l“.in,': tln .~\' '. h'~rricr.~. Vllllt llol- F n: ‘- -* trained for four _\(‘!t2‘- n ' v -‘ *1‘ win '- he 1* :1< at Fl ~.- I1}, x_ whom he (l('\’t'l0“C.l mm V - ~ ('l’l.'ll1tDlv-I‘. hur.'lu-:- flu l-..v ‘ft or .\li.~'.-'uuri tt-um. .\'iinf:'l,nnI'l .\lissutIri win from .\':-ln‘:t:l.'e. 1~‘:ri‘ sun's s~qu:1d :-tunds n flutul «marin- \';tilf-_\’ uf winningr thc .\l L» uuri c-lntnmiom-liip. Sini;-suns: L-as _\' VT‘ r mm as '.':i."c‘,3~ \‘.‘.ll '1..- uym '_'_'.'. ~- ft * ‘: 0 ’ll‘.«- .\. Tin «--.ur.~t- i.- in fall’ t'un(li'.i1m illlti. '.\‘('l'p nu mc-rc l»'.-[Wet-1‘. rum’ ;.v~vi in \t S:-..tt1r4ln}'. slmulcl I~'- in tip-‘min .«r.:-.;u- for t'r.I- dun! run ~.'.':th tlw t'-u:'nhu~-§t- 1 .,-,._:. !~[‘lll;t'\l ~li«-‘N Wlll lit‘ \\'nt’!e .’:.~‘ Il‘|' ' ‘ tin -~ 2: - " if ’.l:v- ll4«'tltl,“~ * THE sow) WIN. " I 1a1~:'maRsI1A1>i«: 44.; .1. I .n'A,".. I n movement. tor:_:-.1-rl interschuol ml‘- lc-tics has been rtnrted’ in l‘.l{.'l‘. rchool.-z. Miss _ rm-22's athletics _ . . '.' ,”,*' j ‘ . .8335 in r!-‘Pl!-tn tlmp. "Yes. vwzhflw :\;;.I ( u;.t‘Jl 1lt~.!ll_\' lb 0!ll.l-.num._-mus requests u_bout such .wox_l;. \- I . ,*.] -N “ ’ lllut we do not advise it in woxzu-nk "ht ' T‘JO1‘t (omlng ‘athletics. Our purposc in tent-liim: liklllltl. nthlt-tit‘> in thc UI1i\'v!‘sit_\' llul. Mar)‘ McKee. dirt-cor of \~.r.- o ‘v‘. €v':. --mil; xm» l‘t.x~’) gwttuilres rc- but to In-rinzr into play (‘\t'l'}‘ gnl In *-"1: 1 '.‘_u he ':‘i:r~r.-a lltv dz-partmcnt. We are \\.»rLmg - ‘ Th. r.-. 1-1.. to-.:~i. ll'£"l!')' is to\v.':ird~ the development. f tl tn‘ 2 ncm tilting‘ Inu~.-0-. Inter onllcxriutc ntltlt-tu~ 5 .1 i ~.:-v ll» tcnm must nu-t—.:.~xu'il}‘ be lixnitcd tu tl '.‘ i . ‘V! » ur-litx » than ll la-u. -'u°' in.-«tzmcv in the lluiw-r-|t.\ ‘ . : .- « .--ma ..:nl Int; wc hzno four lirx-lu-_\' tn-uni.--fn-:.lr ‘ -‘ . - n.’ u-ll Asap ntcn. supivumon-, junior aunl .-(-nx-~x. H We had ilizcr.-clmltwtic ullllrllcz ': - in «Oil lh-(l‘.t'l‘lll$! V-‘c vmulcl lmvc _nm- lc-um and Hlll‘-.‘ ~~. « . . -m . em ;. t'n-ac an vlevcn gtirl.-2 c--ulul play, \'.‘hil«- Lt» 2'. . .'u'.'.'t IIIK’ is \‘.c- we forty-fum'. ‘ ‘ " ll“-"'3 “T...' :11--xv :.:2rl.\ pl:l‘_lll‘.L’. zuul th- 35- ‘ma fl;-“' rm-‘c t‘l!(L!‘a c-— int‘ ‘t-.'mn'.n:: :1 nlacv mv ' “C '‘‘J''- 81 ll-‘U31. ti:r- ~.n.on- «girls. \'~'tll lw inn-x» 2-‘ “Z” t-stud in :1 :vmrt. Wt» \\';uit t'\’Cl'j\ '-V mrl in "em lfuin-I.-it) lu luv intu- -li‘ n: tn! 1:; Ct‘? mun nl))'.~”:t':il tll‘\'t‘lu]i- '5 :t‘lll. ‘ ‘in “"3 "ll - ovm'.:- :ul\i.~x1l,vlt'. llt)\\‘I’\'t".‘_ i ’3‘- in It: «lor"t-rrnt rla-.~'u_-.a of tlllrl‘l't'hl "A1 "'~'-"“-'1~.'T‘- :~L'llUlIl: 111415‘ Wu‘ :.uut§u~:'. And it \\‘|ll ‘ I 113‘ K-’t‘IH‘. nu: PF!-\'t.’ lll‘lTlll1t"ll1ll In 1111- izirlsi 1-: if . zit‘.-l will in ¢l¢~'r:z:".nu-vat pt‘u\i1lt'tl lllo} rules‘ ut‘ .' 11'!“ I‘;-alt,-x';2z«~. 1.-Ur .-,'ux't:v.i~xm’liip ;m- well carrier! 2‘. ~'.i"- \'."Yn :9. out ' ’ - l - 3 l..:-' ‘tn l)(‘ lI]lt'.".l'I*I l. 41.1"“? .‘.".it"', ."'.11l ll!‘ 1. .' I 3 i, ‘,...,.j,3.%f.’:. LEGAL ZVOTICES l :s--- ‘:1 ‘1‘.l‘:’l'l lit-It:-r .\ll;illt,‘, \.."'1 L‘ \‘.‘.'l» .l }\ . l:\;'.rlj-‘ l t‘t*c- Aun]_\'|5-rR‘1~uR-5 _\-of“-3 ;.-,‘ .- 3' :f-;« }'t__ l,«pu§- guntu “jib .‘-'n-tire is ht-rt-luv f|\‘t'D. that let: I od- 3" . VH1 .m;_in and in minidr ‘- on thr }‘.~tntr of Amanda llnrlu-< d«-~a- . no-re grant In the um ‘ _ alt‘! arruul cm [hr Cxh day uf (kl ll? 1"‘! " "~"" 1541'.‘ 1 '-Vlll !l."1I‘.>&lltl_\° l-;.' llir l'rvl-alt Court of Ito:-no Count)‘. Mi - ' . -' ‘ fill ::..Z~tlI’.c of lficluar-t A , W‘ _ I; fl. V - _._ ~’'\‘I''4 4*‘ ' ulll ill!‘ I-‘inn! . ttlc-rm-n' “ ' "if" " " Int" --I lwr are-cunt. with and |-‘,.1.x.- . ..._,- ' 1 .tl' in" ' l1'.lli’ll'. ll‘-1' v\u‘t.lrl' ht‘.‘.l I’ - I "If .'.‘\oli.1l. nu ~l4\ .‘.‘0'. t-l"“.|l.nl1 tl(’]1:ll"t- l--qr: -f liar-'1 (uzntr ill:-wuri. tn I-o lml ‘t ‘ -‘ m“: 1.‘ ‘_ q‘H,J Ur. ulun 1.: (‘ol In .1 in suiltl County. on {hr 12.. vb“... bl‘ ‘. I‘ V “H. 4 ) of .--npgnln-r l'J‘.‘.l. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ !‘ri~ril1u A. Allen. I.u'rut.rlx. - ': ' l:¢.‘(‘t'llll_\‘ I 11.--.,1»«-IT-:1-31 ‘ '.'otr- umdtu'l(*(l lttsl \\’t".‘l6 set pmgranx. but will give an cxtcnd- _ list of stunt.-a. 2«lr.l'l‘opperwein's stunts include iucte 19-tlu.- objects. _ In-ction'1r)"thc aid at a Imrmr. othcr un- . I v t yq‘ -' 1 il«=*,lli!‘Ii. '2tzs:m..*.-a |IHlillllt'lflllIi3Jlll171lldLiilEll$’l;Li3lllilllIll' c-A I'Vzrm Overcoat The all-wool, hea'6y weight overcoat" that protects you from the chilling winds and stormy cold weather, means much to your comfort during the winter months, and its’ utility is your reason for buying. But you willwantastylishlookingcoatwithallthe advantages of good and fab- rics that add to its smartness and outward - ' appearance. Campus Tog: is a standard of quality and value which you will like. , W'e guarantee-our clothes CEASo &B_nos. . CZIOAOO NEWYORK , 1' 1*". ‘V0-"-'-kl "l.".“‘”V" - '. H“ 7"? ‘4— . I‘; 3-" : L.» i"r."u'. “’_.“LL'L}!lli |u"r'd'.'l’z .——j.¢- in the llnivt-r.