:C,"_ .. -...... --¢ .—_ ..-..s s.» -- —__...._...-~-... , _ ' :+.News.zof Columlfa if ‘in Columbia jfor the game. ary ‘lhyloréwaa also a guest. Mrs. I Mr. ' at thctl ‘Watson was formerly assistant reg- i _istrar oivouliy, 1 ) _ Society‘ editor’: telephone. 820.? Please call between 9 and 12 o'clock.‘ -15 (‘llnrcli Council’ , to Entertain . 111- Women's Council of the '. Christian Church will entertain with’ :i jubilee tea next Tuesday afternoon‘ at the home of Mrs. S. H. Sltvlnsolll 401 Christian Collette avenue. A ail- ver offering will be taken to add to, ihc golden jubilee gift in which tht’, council is‘ 14' inc» A “'0 , fi'iclids of the church have been in-‘ vitcd. The’ regular section meetings of the council were held Friday after- The northeast section met Mrs. lklln Hult!.._I209 East 'P.rnmiWa_\': the southeast . l(‘(‘tl0!l xtith .\lr.-2. G. W. Lawhorn. 1207 Uni- ' vg-rs'it_v avenue; the northwest sec- Thillv avenue. e usual mission- ;m_.- programs were followed by short . lmsiiicss meetings. Dinner Dance b . Members of the Columbia Coun- try (‘lull entertained with a dinner dance ‘Saturday night. _ J. +3. S_\'ltc.~' had the followlnt! gut-sts: .\lt'.~‘. l. 0. lltvckndfiyo “T5- (;o,-omor Smith. of St. Louis. Dr- and Mrs. Dudley nolm.-at. John \'m.a-l-rink. and Joseph Somt‘r\'ille- Mr. and Mrs. Barton Rohnett en- ioriniiied Mr. and Mrs. Overton "Ulllll'll and Gould Still-gee: of Se- nf (‘n\'('ll8. (i8l.. ',;ut'?~l>‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Ta_v r. John N. Modern Compositions in (‘ullcge The joint recital given by Miss Dorothy Lord and Mrs. Tyra Green. of the Christian College faculty. at the college yesterday afternoon was won attended by the music-loving public of Columbia. ‘ A number of the selections played and sung by Miss Lord and Mrs. (irt-en‘ were compositions by modern tomposors. _ .\f Green's accompaniments were played by George Williston. who appeared in ii recital at Chris- tian College two weeks ago. He is also a member of the musical facul- ty of the college. Fortnightly Club to Meet Wednesday Th? Fortnightly Club will hold its ' Hall at 3 be their guests. Quarlcs. head of the music depart- ment of the University. will lecture at the meeting on "How to Listen to '_ r-. Symphony.” and Miss Jesse Hyle will give a short talk on "Apple Day." Major Wood Honors "Cal. and Mrs. Barnes Major 0. S. Wood entertained at dinner at the Country Club Saturday of his house guests. Col. and Mrs. J. B. Barnes of Kempcr Military Academy. The guests were: Capt. and Mrs. W. C. ‘versity avenue, to give a Hallow- _li¢-stcsses at a Hallowe‘cn party’ . x %_A __ ' - _ Hugh O'Neill. Robert Boyland. J .3 SOCIAL CALENDAR ‘P. Estes. Hiram Johnson. Richard A i ,» -‘Quisonberry. Edmonda Mackey. 'Omer Avery, A. B. Drescher. and; ‘A. K. M of rthe Sigma Nu house left Columbia this morning to at-; ‘tend e Kempcr-Culver game in‘ -Boonville this afternoon. . A Miss Susan Mendenhall, dean of women at Stephens College. chape-‘ uey Stephen: at 7:80 o'clock at - * fry ned ttsy erwood. Clara Mae ’.‘i°.‘2.‘°3‘.3I;. i.‘.";.°.‘: o..£'.‘;‘.Z3.'.I‘:‘.; new who saw -of-r«;lin; and Mrs. J. N. Belcilcr. row“ '0 30° e y 0 M e“ ‘the Kcmper-Culver football game given n 12 ddock “ Hum. this afternoon and the Military Hop Kiwanis Club to have luncheon tomght‘ ‘‘ 12310 °'¢l°°k ‘ll ‘'19 _D'“l'~‘l Mr. and Mrs. John Beasley. who 30001‘ . 3'" D13 Stlfmtmd live near Ashland. entertained a Spneth is to make a in number of Columbia ‘friends at din-' “fi"°V’9°¢n P"? “PP” l nor yesterday. Their guests were 331"?" W 3°“l°“ 5‘~‘h°°l 5 ‘ll? Mr. and Mrs. Jack Braselton. Mr. P*|"’“l‘T"‘°h¢'3‘ 559°¢‘l35°“- and Mrs. W. L. Pcarman, Mr. and 3173- 5- 5- 599“ I‘. 503 3-0115!!! ‘Mrs. J. M. McAdams and Mr. and l street. to entertain with'a bridge party in honor a ‘ Mrs. W. G. Harrison of Winterha\'en. Fla. Tuesday Club to meet at 2:30 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. auditor- Mrai. C. H. Vaughn. al agricultural sorority. announce the pledging of Misses Mary Gentry, Isabelle Tinet. Louise Tinet. Maude Pittingcr. Martha Hensley. Madge-7 ]Bor.arth. Mary True Lacy, and Mrs.‘ *Marion Wa e. y , Mrs. w. G’. ltari7is_oo. who is the . . . . guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Spen- hr ?!:::B:’ofCtl::T:’e8f1::?3::: Wécr. will be a guest at the Rollins t3b'l It fnulllll. -‘". . . a Lion: (Cola: to (give ll. luncheon itomgm mu‘ 3" “Id M79“ 5- Syd- at 1?. o'clock ill Hai'rs'l ium. Mrs; P. F. Anderson. 1609 Uni- 1-‘en party from 7 to 9 o'clock in honor of her daughter. Winifred. Wednuda élzurst" at the end of Rollins street. The Kappa Sigma fraternity cu- tertained the following guests at dinner Sunday: Misses Myrtle Wolf, Miss Jeanne llibbard to be the fjmny .C]-.01-n_ Hilda }{umm¢-|' vi.-. honor guest at a Hallowe'en par- ‘inn }{a,.,.i,._ D“, ty from 5 to 8 o'clock given by d,-ed 5m,.g¢,,-__ and want upon, her mother. Mrs. ii. W. Hibbard. '...._ t . _ 1307 Wilson avenue. W 1). Club members to be the at the rock quarry for their fam- ‘lies. Week-end guests at the ‘Alpha Comm 0 house were Edtvard Crosby of Kansas City. Os- car Stoutz of Fulton. Elmer Knit-' meycr. of Carrolton. IIl.. Raynfond at the home of Miss Mildred. Miss Lucile and Miss Margaret Maxsvc . mag,» :(‘i-aig of Huntsville. and Edward Rotary Club to have luncheon Dill Of Chicago. 1"- at 12 o'clock at the Daniel Boone 3 "- Tavern. ' Theta Sigma Phi to meet at Harris’ at 12 o'clock for lunch- Autumn decorations, leaves, corn ‘cabs and corn stalks will be used to'_ decorate the ballroom of the Knights ‘if Columbus Student Home for a. will Beta Phi Alumnae Club "“‘ “*3 ‘ °‘ "‘°"‘-"“"'~"’ 7- meeting to be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the borne of Lbc ch‘p°m"s' 4 Mrs. J. H. Coursault. 212 Hicks- . 1 Alpha Gamma ‘Rliojlnnounccs the I n\‘L'|'IUl'- ;pledging of C. S. Maddox of Lin- E1. 0"! suit to meet at 7'-30 nous and eorge Peckhan of St. (i'(‘l0(‘l( at T\\'llll{l'll Hall. Louis, . rlday Kappa Alpha Theta to enter- tain at 9 o'clock with a dance at their chapter house in honor of their pledgcs.. Sigma .\'u fraternity members to be hosts at a dinner dance. » ' and I ' Misses l’raiices 'l‘:*dford. Virginia ;Pcrric and Marjorie Woodhcad. all -80 ay . Alpha Gamma Delta sorority to give a dance at 9 o'clock in honor of their pledges. . Alpha Tau Omega members to be hosts at‘ a dance at their chapter house. Kappa Sigma fraternity to en- tertain with an informal dance. .. -.4L..... ..-.__ We Thank You! fal Askew. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunckcl. Scars. William xiall Jr.. and Warren J Capt. R. J. King of Missouri Mili- _B1-own of St. Louis. Mrs. . tary Academy. Capt. John Miss Mary Hatton and Miss Emily Corbin. Mrs. A. F. Neate Entertains at Te ‘ .2-‘cl . -‘h-*- A- F- New‘. 014 C°l_l¢r~'° W Jloulder. (‘olo.; no Shook. Marshall; 1 mac. cntcrtained at tell this after- _c-ch"... Bash“. }.~a_‘.eu,,. pcmbeflon noon for her house guest. Miss Emi- l(;m.dm,_ Ron‘. p ly Gibbs of Mexico. Many fricndwnmn ‘mi Tmnwwn called and-enjoyed the delightful in- 55,)" Ci.” and Cave Johnsam Mexico_ | formality of the occasion. Miss Gibbs is Mrs. !\’eatc's,njcce. and has been a frequent visitol"‘i'ii -the 1-‘arm William. Mountain Grove; Miss Max- T Linc Mcstaddcn. V ;llrown. Blackwell; N. E. Attcrberry.‘ .Kirksville; E. Brown. Boulder. Colo.; l)i'. Sigmund Spaeth. national mu- ‘_H_ ’ .-ic critic. will speak at the meeting “mm Lim.o1n_ gob Columbia for a number of years. .S.S.Spai-ililio M“ . Talk to Tuesday Club 9 e.’P.lake was chiiperon. ovcr the week-end were: Herbert , Rhodes. Lincoln. .\'eh.; Richard Rus-? ' omer. Guests at the Sigma Nu housi- Philadelphia; J. H. H Smith. Harold‘ Willis. Jcfl’cr- ‘ N, -_..... L The dinner guests yesterday at House were: 'ss St. Clair; Roy’ Atlanta and C. Mr. Ross was G. Crawford. of the Tuesday Club in the Y. M. (‘. sun, wN.k,,_.nd gm...“ of the yam, U A. auditorium at 2:30 o'clock innrrmv. ‘°' .7Housc. Mrs. C. M. Snecd will be the lead» ;. er. She will review the "Life Christ." by Papini. will be given by Mrs. Ida Branhamw -..._.._._.. —._ The members of the Pi Kappa Saturday night. .\I isses J oliallcllo Current events fGeorge Reese of Kansas City. ‘T. Noonan of Webb City. Miss Mo-‘ dena Noonan. Miss Catherine Arrea- _ dale. Miss Margaret Madorie. ' "Th" {’”°""i"" °"‘°"‘"‘°d ‘Via’ ‘ l‘;Dorothy Wclden and Miss Margaret dinner dance at their chapter house =_.P".k$_ — 'lhe guests werezi i Hunt. Margaretf l l 1 . Dinner guests yesterday at the of lSigma Phi Epsilon house were: Mrs. Mrs. I85 ————-:g—-:- ‘ Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr en-i Pmvers. Madelene Bergman. Mildred 'tcrtained at 9 o'clock breakfast yes- . Ford. Lucille Peek. Mary Deal. Mil- terday morning dred Coffey. Frances Hulsc. Chrys- ._l‘:ay E. Watson of Joplin. who were foi- Mr. and Mrs.; Mrs. l-‘rank Sweeney will c Dorn-Cloney Laundry and Dry Cleaning~Co. of Rayner. were guests'at the} Delta Gamma sol-ority house over: the week-end. . ‘ Mrs. A. G. Spence street. will entertain eleven tables“ of her friends at bridge in honor of. Mrs. W. G. Harrison of Winter-hav-I en. I-‘la.. who is her house guest. at: 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. ; Mrs. H. W. Hibbard. 1307 Wilson, avenue. will entertain from 5 to 8' o'clock Wednesday evening in honor? of her daughter. Jeanne, with a Kal- lowe'cn party.’ There, will be ten. guests. ' Dinner guests at the Sigma Nu house yesterday were Misaes Mar-‘ garet Nixon and Annabelle Sum- mers of Boonville. Helen Clinton. Jean Logan and Frances Duysing. Delta Theta Phi fraternity enter- tained the following guests at din- ner yesterday: Katherine Britton. Ella Britton. Virginia Morgan "and Floyd Stayton. A after Kansas City this mo in ' here for the past visiting fricndil wee ’. A Miss Helen . Men-gel Top Kan..- were dinner guests ,' at the Alpha Gamma Rho house’ yesterday. a guest of her son, James. at the. lulnbia sax ‘ity. \ - ~ A -A i Mrs. I-‘. 1.. Johnson of St. Louis: will arrive tomorrow to be the guest for several davs of house. Misses Annabelle Summers. Lau- ra Estelle Myer and Marjory Quick returned home last night after: spending the week-end at the Delta Delta Delta house. Raymond Miller of St. Louis ar- livcd Saturday for it visit with his.‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Miller.‘ on the Fulton gravel road. The pledges of the Kappa Alpha fraternity will entertain with a ‘ house dance on the evening of De- cmbcr 7. Mrs. W. Emmett Smith. 1321, Wilson avenue, entertained at 1‘ o'clock luncheon today. There were eight guests. , ; 3 Mrs. M. R Wise. Phi Delta Phi chnpcron. went to Mexico this morn- We wish to thank the many Co-. lumbia and Boone County people" who visited our laundry last; Week. We assure you that it was. a pleasure to show you this mod? Ni ii»! erttlalllldry plant at work and to‘ . better acquaint you with the many services we offer. ‘ of Kansas was waiting for xi train at (‘ity and Miss Naomi Pollard oft urn to Columbia tomorrow. J. E. Sykes. Rollins street. Miss gfild. Ill.. returned to her ho 5‘. a tcr attending the marriage 0 Mia: Virginia Bauer. . . i.ot‘ls in-"613" A'I'l'lRE 0" ._..____ lqu Ifallowe'en Decorations Proved De-lis composed ‘ "lttive to (‘.ity‘oi Visitors. . . 1 When students of ~ the Univeraitylthc work. It meets Item to St. Louis to the football-. Anita Metcalt’. of Greens» J‘ J_ Oppenheimer. ,m° ‘°;,_tlic department of ,social science is. .cilgue~ ti program’ some political. economic or social; caguc there? 1 of all these classes and {other students who are interested in . CTOBER 29 1923 ''—f-'‘‘--'—--- ' . _ __..._ of Kan-ucity. aadlars Witeiaanl toirisltrelativca. iln-s.wisewi11folni.s L ‘ ~ Studies Current Problems. may or POLITICS: h‘ _ _ _ _ ...__ istepllens League of Women Voters: . Miss Catherine Lindsey and Miss: lnene Theling of Poplar Bluff were; I _ The League of Women Voters at 502 Rollins ‘the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.: Stephens College is a no . ‘ ll-class ac- tivity to promote the political edu cation of women, according to Dean ‘considered a division of the I jand twice a month has cation. The general I once a month. Each class in l The functions of the league in the game with St. Louis University thelcollege are to inform the students downtown business sec on sccmedlon political questions and problems. 10 be all decorated for Missouri. The to develop ability to handle the work xct that all the window decorations ' of an organization of this kind and combinations of black and orange to make possible actual participation or black and gold were in reali tyiin the civic affairs of the canipus. due to the nearness of Hallowe’en.'The league in .\'li'phei'.'= did not detract from the thrill thcyithe same relation to the t"ivi.- Asso- “ll M 5001111: the colors so much in ciation of the college as the Colum- bia and state league.-. ll:l\'o.' ln the evidence. mm a superficial E. R. Keller Talks to B:alictball Men. the last week. the Kahoka basketball squad. “ ---~—- ‘He gave a drill in basketball funda- - "M C9011!‘ R9091‘. Who has b9(‘n'll}l1('nl6lls. He spoke of the merits ofd, _ _ y ._ _ _ _ t c nivcrsity and said that he be W9.‘ 51005903 "1 thctf home StIm0- Sigma Phi Epsilon house. left 'Co-pllevcd that greater u¢},1,.m. h,,n,,,.9 today for her home in luin-jpconld be gainvd here than in unv other lllll\'t'P~'ll.}'. Executive lloard Pto_Meet. _ There will be tl met-ting of the y Sweeney \m_ . ' her dautthtcl‘. ‘Executive Board of the University . ' ' -‘larlznrct. at the henna -'\lDl\1tThl‘U1 in the office of E. Lansing Ray at . St. Louis_Friday. permanently. sat)’ '.\'L' to fit. glasses. obsc-rvation.'city and state government.-. - half the cars in St. Louis seemed to. urnish constructive ntlvicv in polit- .. ._ , Mrs. J. H. Wheat and Miss Eula be hearing signs saying “Bcat Miz- i Members of Agricolae. profession- Penn Wheat returned to their home Fott." ‘ f in He was asked to address ‘:0 and sends mvmscmmi Keller cmphacizcd the im 1 mrf Sm“ conventions. cod " _ p"'."“""" representatives worn Svlil in R sporumanxhm “ml fa" Vial" national convention a Office over Gillaspic Drug ostcr clean elections. pr0_lzt'n ’,°""°"' cusslon of campus problems The i“h"k" league was organiz three years ves to the t Des Try a Mi2'c:‘ip- The lenses are accurately ground .\U on can assure }‘0ur.\(‘lf of ti ."'l'.llll‘\' llI'.'ll and better eyesight if you come in (Hill It‘. n:«.- ff: _\‘ut1r Dr. R. A. Walters Optometrist and Optician. Entrance On 8th street Columbia Printing Co. 804 .Walnut Phone 431 TYPEWBITERS RENTED ‘ ALL MAKES 3 Itoaths. $7.30 up First Rental Applies on Par- : thaac. Balance 85 Per Month. ‘ Writing Supplies The simiilno Agency Phone. 692-Bed. Penbcrtoa Ball _— __-.. «If»__ What a flight of imaginatioli the suggestion of these two‘1et- ter.-. Lord Duiisaliy has W1'i'(‘t(:l‘. zibotit them one Ofiilis nluvrat is llam- Slcill and entertainiiig ill".m‘.zl.-'. The Dramatic Arts Club will pro,‘- >’t‘l'll this on NOVCl'l'll)L':' 7 as the '[ir.-'*. at-f four draliiatic i3ll’t't‘l'iitlll— l‘.lv-‘lll.1 to lie _s:ivell illidm lll':’ll' Ill- 's‘t't“.l(»1‘l for till.-' fall zlllti \‘.'ll‘IlC'i’ .~'r:t~«v!I. .-‘i :4‘.-'r1.~ul’l *.lt'lx;ei \fl’H‘l ’_>.-'l\‘t‘ _mll ‘1‘ul‘ll' red letter on-l‘.ili;_r-2 mi \=.‘illt(=l"s L’.:ll‘.‘!‘l(lZil‘. .~ .. ,. is t_‘ . Four Performances “ll? ("olumhia Theater ' . p . Iiovcmbcr 7 “THE P.lV.~\.I.S:,” Coffer-Mil_1ci° Palyers January 30 ' THE DRAMATICS ARTS CLUB. THE ST. LOUIS PLAYERS The Dramatic Arts Club Sale of Season Tickets For Members, Thursday, November ] General Sale Friday, Nov. 2 $4.00 TAYLOR’S MISSOURI sroiua lot a Reminder’ e'=:: Goods for Dances and Parties. ‘I; ago...‘ Everything and Best Assortment of Novelties for HaIlowe‘en ever shown‘ here. V for the Mystical and Mysterious IlaIlowe'cn. *. 9 5 .. . JOE JLANOUSEK ART"SHOP . Virginia Building Battery to ' Service At 24 Cox Bros. . y ‘ Battery U R Phone A Jack Daily’s SERVICE » Cleaning . - .1, i G Altering Phone 18 22 s. Ninth F. P. Miller Planing Mill South Eighth St. ‘ Doca first clan wood work: 1 old furniture repaired and re- ! flnlahed. Try us. Phone 134 I ! New Underwood Typewriters For Rent’ Let us: (lt_‘lllt|l‘lSll'8l.8 the Remington Portable T)’pt:\t’l’ll(:l‘ -—the world's best portable. . National Typist: Association Reading Typewriter Exchange, Agents. 804 Hillcrest Phone. 1750 9. . _‘ _,___ ._ ....-....- .- See us for farm bargains and list your farms with ur. We .'4l1l°.‘:.‘l. We are agent for Equitable ‘Joint Stock Land Bank. The ideal farm loan. Come In and talk It over. . ~ . E. A. STBOIIT FARM AGENCY. INC. I.ar::cr«t Real Estate Organlation in the World ,.—-__r iv. B. l'Al.Ml-ZR ai~:Al.n' COMPAN 1‘ Room :i_z-1: Eacbaué Beak Building T¢|=#|-°-= 15.“ Columbia. Miaiouri ha:-e inquiries for farm: every day. We can trade your farm- for city property and other property in western or southern . 1 i-- .. O4 ._ — 1’ 5‘. .-1 ‘ - . . ._ra.§_ ’ , . ——gg_-——_.__...- a