-rscor: SEVEN ' t The News In the Field of Sport ,*e:°uri:-;......ivr.*:=_ »=:»«'-’-"-2: .. l cone ye-d ' ‘ trustee. all of their right. tltle and hater- ’ P. jcLvAss§';;1B§D Ajfis . , 'cent.aTWond a Day. _ for a Word.‘ ' LEGAL NOTICISS est in and to the following described real 5 ! 9 o - -‘.. _ ifmm all reportg, ig ‘bout whgtnv ooh y ha, 1 bee bbo estate. lying. being and situate in Boom- ; ,,:‘.0.Tx:..u. Ilaaourlau u_e un- 31-EAm3]{1p I ~ s E Conch Henry is expecting to meet; fa: of ‘tluea qingfm. llnatllutau elghl C°‘=3:>'- Hi-v-oufi. to-wit: ex.» ‘ '''‘’’‘''' . ooodouon-d 3, 7 , nor was fractional quarter o a A out in hnnsns this week muIa1nu"r£rs notice ,,,,,,,,,,,i,,, mm W, ,,,,,, “M .3 o, V H ‘d Adwnbiu‘ flung‘, filghfi . the t\\'(? 19817.13 hI\-Q played xuk, h hon”, . . _ leading Pacmc S S E':;lteta Ccoctguillmnd TIGER RU‘, 8 SET R RD; S YE since 1914, Missouri has won but mluistratlon an Se 5:3 T?" 15.3. ',_';,’;:?;."':.o,'"‘:,‘::,n"‘ ,',"“:::; :'.u':“';", . — —_ . O, ‘ a A ‘ ; o a s - ‘ a . ., . ‘ . ’ . -.I-;- J:'“"’ "' ‘V0 KQWWS. alld lied two other con- H‘-'35‘-“ d°°'”°d- "°" ‘"'’"d m m‘ m" Elia: Wheat: .' I‘ drid Claltn Number .3 fr udulent and ml-lIad~ for the Mediterranean Cruise of G8 1 . . T“ 1 ‘ ‘ - . , deralgned » . . ‘W I“ .' "Rd .d."_.,u,h‘. N cgjgg. ,day'; one 0‘ the ocean trips B F"-g figgsoufi Men C70.‘ To’: Be“ 18515. The Aggxes l1R\9 taken tllc M Q” P"::“lh£°::.‘h °¢:;go¢‘;’;m0(c“::rl:v‘r lioizllll. dficnbrj as follovku: bqinnlng at .‘ *9]! .. 9&7 fin’ . 1 L f 0 ‘ fefil. , y’ _ ’ the n-outhcint corner of QM NFC ‘HRH .* flinourllli. ll of the .e‘3on_ {from New 079 In flU0llE!lL Iourl. All persons having Clllml again-I «mi Q I , ‘uh? Al$('llt‘bh. GlI‘Q'U‘|'C” ‘y k J ' .‘ ‘ _ _ when five Kflssoufl cros t V The scores of the former gun-‘es II“ Eatate II’! requlred KO Qihlbll 15953 t m. - -.,., 5‘ -.'on' ‘he mu b. o‘ I] In I g 0 ‘ __?-T ' V I v “" - ' A 0. mm . w , .4, “.4 .m or anuary 14 farce range from S d St M ‘N k _s-coun 1') fouwn M manna m Mmhmmw mum‘ sold cum a chain; thence 57 1! “',,,,.. luring to attention and to $800 up. Passenger; limited to 500 80011 nng en 01‘ men crossed the finish line Satur-‘Each Week Carries Head_ ‘ . _ , six month: after the date of ma Lmm. “.““" """. "" “".‘".°,‘ ‘m’ "" '°'“h _ ' \’ flgavertlnenwnt rnott eironfwmlngblln and Boone County gets.‘ quota 0; out in the Contest day ‘ahead of the firgt Nehru“. 1, A _ _191?““Ml~‘-‘°“Y'l- 133 5371385 Al? or tho‘ may he pn-clodn! from any hem-2.. hm.‘"!.. T Mk I _:”:b.:m M ‘H m '5 7 “rd-I n‘t,- n ‘ ‘ v I ‘en I . I‘ L rou‘ .2 ‘ U ’ Q A up: mo‘ mo 5. For inmrmatwn um ‘owl rc_ _ h runner, they act a rt;-cord for the U18 l'.l.I‘8Ctl0IlS——Ames- t1<‘1\H‘I'h #11" hour of nine o'clock in the ‘ A ,,——————--—-:————"—'—"- LOST Ph- B - . 'A P H . rs. KO’ . " lp Onon 1922.. Mi,-_5om-3 10. Kong‘. A‘,_ day of Not-nub:-r I923. -Wrtnoolf’ tad Hvv o'clock in the afternoon WOOD 0.\' llAL\'ES-—Any oge —-Gamma l eta "pin. _Th T_ ——-j '_ - H" bebraskn mun nus in third place _ _ __V__ - ‘fies H ' ' " - fghgflh ;_ ;u1.._ g,.,.m,, uf um do). at (hr Mn». front door . - t wood for ho" can Hazel Coley. Phone 1460. C4.-52. 9 ‘K°"5 3"‘ "°“ 3-‘ml? “'~ ’ and three Missouri men strung out 151' - - . . ' ' rx-1.10-1:-2:41 - ' {hr rogrtlurl-c. C:-lumbia. Illsaouri. pro "hm: to cu ' ‘ made plans to humble the Kansas .o,_.om1 '8‘-dq bohgod h- 0 th mum“ ‘auel 5°h'~‘du1‘~'5 “"5 *‘ “ ’""'*" -.--_..._..._.._ __ tn '0 I in. ..1....- .:...¢.».b..¢ no; .... - I317 °' SW E’. J’ C°‘“' ombhnul FOUND-rslffil’ Pill-A OWN?‘ may Aggies at Manliattan Saturday. A Book .,t),.(.u.i. Zimm(_l:_;;an " U; 3'98!‘ ‘seem to ‘hold nothing but (‘L'L\'Ell l)El-‘EATS KE.\ll’l-Ill "“’T'”3 0' 7'“3T33'~" 5513- U-1" M'J-ad-‘ar u.~.»u=.n. n. in.» niche-t bid- ‘fie north of llmton. ‘ A have “mo by paying fo,.‘oaro and Vida”. over the wildcau woum Vcbraskn m_'m was pu“'cd byurheadlézzknltractions every xve-;k_ and In» A SCORE or ‘Z T“ 0 wifihrzlltil Elna-llunnil 11:1,}; If .g..‘,'a1r:.f‘;,;«h.‘:..‘..;:;.!:£::ui<:mr;ot:h:ndul’n:n. ‘ :_Z.—————- -' --r-'~—'j~— 3d\'¢m3emen[‘ phone 151(;_ 50 pl 9 the -1“ _ f the boot ‘ , ‘ ’ ‘ . . ' . ' 8 110 exception, wit three __ _ —— ——:-— _ . oi‘ C”. .n ". ‘_’ “d‘° " - '7 ‘P “ " “" " " \_" _ _ _ ‘ ' ° REAL ESTATE‘ l LOST ' Left th 1] ( “fig” i“ u:§e\r":‘1?°s) one 0 ‘‘ ::dgfo‘tl1!;llh\r?d:($ccl?::l:‘’bihl:dthf.;dl"ant? ‘innllles 0! major importance “mu”! Dlnsplnfl dsllyemhr ‘pmismfi w r J” dm] 0! W H nod much H L‘ “ma. Tum“ ,...———-——é —— — " {th e ,- , - ‘ _ "On e ’ - d_ 2 - ~I¢me an unc m ---._-.e_ . FOR SALE-—A Jnodern 8-room 1,! h on e mg 0 - L: ,C°”h G“""I Hen’? d‘d 9°‘ l’°r' mar and; Pittcnger. who finished! om 8 ey U" 1..-he Mibsoun Line Plun es ’ ' . north eac era one raincoat. Find mm his finoflnn men tosflmma e _ . gt: a at Manhattan will probablv 3 ' . W” °" thmhmh ‘me’ Dulnue 9!‘ M8880 llh0l1é 170. 50 , W J‘ ft. 8 Th ;, h ,‘fIT5l and 9960715 SUM}? f1“.\'_3’1"'d'f‘be of the most interest inasmuch a-I ’ ”““ fiation. hob 522130 feet. Liberal o - 3:»: 1‘ Y a m0°"- 9 PPS mt?» In the lead. The fifth Missoungghe mm, 3,... m,.,}. mu matched‘ Culver Military Academy defeated ’ 0 ,. gm. Address Box D, care Ml; LOET-1?Gabardine raincoat in W“: h;€]f?ee:‘l:8:£:l hplifils mun. Edda (_om5no£.d behind z§m.“md we winner of mu tame stands’ Kempcr Military School yesterday, 1‘ §'- ‘organ, P%- Nell’ a today. Finder please re- "_ ’ ‘ - 5 ‘5 ‘_‘° ' mcrman until within in few yards of good chance { _- - at Boonvillc by a score of 12 to 0 in‘ g E ‘ __.__ ° - . an Lincoln. scrimmaged against the , , . . . . . ° “”"""K ‘be - - ' ‘ “ . Ion men. men: ‘° ”'“°‘"""* “;‘:;;:;. mono ::‘.:..:“,:’.:. 2:1.‘:;;:::.“r::::.':‘:.*:°::3.:"::.%’;::* - . ls ;- pdem stucco bungalow. South. have much success. In the second qt o t 1.” I M. . _ 1“ 10"" 15 Mother game whose A touchdown in the om-1y pan of the t C ‘ f: 400 down. Weathers’ LOST-—-A gold wrist. watch. octn- string line were nearly all of the I ‘f“d Ehef"-f_ 3‘ H" W’: .""“°t"}:" importance cannot be over-exaggen oooond qoutor by Boom“ put Coho, ' ‘any Co, Phone 272. gon shape,-link bracelet. on \\'ednv=- forwards who did not get into the gfiilgi) ‘in: bi)? h“4f!'f:’c"“ull‘0:¢;T ti: ated, and ‘the result of which will in we had. The afmmpt for Ron‘ ‘ ' . _ dg)_'_11:g_h_t..__l:honefi_1V§§9.W_V 48-50. game against.l\'ebmska. or ‘hick in the field °T':):;_br3i“1' mean considerable m the standings. fai]ed_ Coho,-S other touchdown‘ P ,{ .1‘ H 4) .o on Colnmblg ___...__.._._______,___ _____ :_‘__ 7 Th \. .t ' ' . _ ht . _ . - r get Drake, {he undefeated ‘Yancy team ‘ . ed EL 10" (‘ti (rs \ . _ WANTED To RENT c ans: 3 was gnen :1 lg the mxth Mmsoon rounor who" bum N b _ came lll thz third quarter when - 1 WW1" 1“ 3 l°“‘ ""9 °‘ ml‘-"' worl:out.and signal practice on the - t do be ' f h ‘'8 e '“k‘ '" ti" °°"{°"“°° Wemmer caught a forward pass over‘ ll" t‘ f t l it ~ ] 1 I ' I . “.L,a._ho,.s Roan). Co. phone WANTED Three .gcnuemen dc armlen’ dd“ field Rom“ Field ul‘atn(()Yt1hC0;l:l(l. phfcatiisc-shoantb: Insist yeanfoes against Ames in Des tho goo; um. Kemp” mccwded int Rig!) U‘ run 8 in (is A (3010 .lll( ‘L. '- __ I V- . I . a ‘ I ).v ‘u it 0 . ’ .. , V. 0 V‘ a ‘ ' . ox‘ . .“ u 3' “ 51' sire a small furnished apartment or was not used in order to get it lll counted for each team. "me in I-figireesnce atiszgrplziyas glcgalgma 3]: placing the ball on (_ulvcrs 3')'ard . dlawr “"”"‘ Anti-fluze solutions -. RR _g_.\u.;__3ooom-oi 5.,-oom two_ rooms ‘in desirable residential 300d °°'fl3‘“3’£l {:7 the H031"-‘C0m"l8 oigmh ohood of “,9 la“ two Nob,.a5_ "e both idle: ""‘“° ll1no.;“:jarly in the fourth quarter butv c9‘'9T3 . High test gasoline a ‘cl; bungalow. well located; owner section-business man — exce e_nt- f~5‘"‘_‘° ““ ‘ ‘f °_"‘“' Aka runners. . ‘ . Missouri.‘ chance of winning from M the l’""°h ‘O W‘ ‘N’ ha“ “ "ldshleld W1lJt'!‘5 .\lotor Oil rim, mo.“ 5-mun payment down; references. C. Brandt, Daniel No serious injuries have developed couch Robert 1, smmoon ,5 wen the Attic Wilden“ “es fimi an ' 8CT0SS- visors Storage at by mom)!‘ weathers Roan), §0Oll.(.:_:I:£L\'_C_rll_._ “PA--1:!-_tf.N-front the Cornhusker game and the p133;-ed with the showing ' in e .gen_ “ecu! ‘Pb? Pk, 3 The game ivas marred by frequent. (-o_ phone 2';-_g_ W-49.51 ”—““““““"" ‘ ”*’—~ “‘* ““‘ squad WI" b9 in UFHOP t'0nd|ll0Y1 {OT team nnd immediately started point-‘la t e Manhmm { rd “ mg fumbles by both teams but was hard - .._————‘ ’ ———- ROOMS FOR RENT the next game. Fowler. the Tiger’; in‘ them for the Missouri vanolhkgown mmughou: th‘;"{;u fought. Culver displayed a superior. . FOR .8’.-\LE_—!\ew 6-roorn.house:. FOR RF\,T_,rw0 “mi h d to mg punttng ace. IS expected to be |n'o,-o,..__.-_ mum,-y nm which .,-,-51159 hc1d[Aggies are Mm" , . rte passing machine and an ability to gar University; 8500 down: rest.‘ l. ht ‘h’ R . 1:908! 9 ‘ condition for the time. He has at Lawrence, Knn., Nclvembcr 17. mam but th . E m. “"5 h':‘l“‘ " gain through l{emper'.< line. The 0 ‘ by month. Weathers Realty C0. g’ (£3 P °uB° °°pm3' ‘wan been on the sidelines since the mes» . - ' b e" ‘”‘‘'‘‘‘"g "“‘° ""3 '5 game ended with the ball in Culver's _. . ,. n. 272.. W-49-51 °a hone 113‘ Red‘ T “' game with an injured knee. Fow- 83 STATE H[(;HWAY MEN 20:13:’ rifzleg flonfd h';‘i‘::(':f"§h'i”"" 3:13‘; possession on her own 40-yard line. 1° R‘ ‘th St’ ' Phmm 363 . --Fl SALE_A new 6_m°m mod__ yo}? REN1-___Roon8. fo, boys; lers return to the lino-up Will mean TO ATTEND HOMLCOMIXNG coming “um. I - 7‘ ~ - i---‘r--—— . ‘ “ Y ' ” 1 1}; 1; ——-——-—— If you are not rcadm and usm “[1 T bl 7 close in. 411 South Fifth street. "‘ ° ° 9 ’"“- - - ~ - - . . _ “ 3 9“ "1 70“ ¢‘—C8“ [8 -: cco b al w hardwood ’ . - ~15 W18 0 . . B. H. lieprueier. Um.-I Engineer. to While the A es have never ‘:1 ~ - -l Ph 1339 Red 48 51 Coach Lincoln reported that the gm ° ‘55°‘""“" “W” “d3 50“ ‘We ""3 - ot air heat. but 501171. °"° ' " ' . ‘ h. . Giv Department Vacation placed very high in Valley football sing opportunities ' . Garth. neat‘ Grant School . . Aggms haw 0 fine “gm t ‘S 5w?’ With Pay November 10. ' ' . .- ,,,,_.,,,,.,,,., 2349-9...“ -r-.,_ FOR RE1~'r—on«.- furnished roomymuch boxer than their Igm sears _;___..__ o » - . . - - - . - e . Wu _ 359 blocks from White Campus.'team which defeated thcT1gc-rs here. The fact that R_ L_ am. ammni ‘ . _‘: Board 8 “'CCk. .AYlthOfl_\'l}lC Stfiled that and S\\'3YtZ. 3-(ucog-def’ gvatcheg the n‘0\~egnen[3 0f ‘ IDAK on Columbia property. No street. Phone 1341 Green. the two Aggibs passers, are still in Migsouri alumni, and ,, ugephom. ' ' ' ' . 43-50 159 1i“°‘“P¥ Clemenls fllld -‘\’1ll"9v conversation last Friday with C. L. rals. See us for full informa- also veterans. complete ‘hi’ l“l¢k' Brewer, director of athletics, will tisn. Columbia Insurance and Rent- FOR RE‘-\'T‘ThT°'3 700"” TOT fi01d- The lint‘ 58 "01 quill‘ 85 508"! result in the returning to Columbia al.-lgency. 90:’: Broadway. C 46-51. Kids: 508115 70!‘ b0l-‘S- OM‘ 51091‘ 85 the Tiller‘ “MN TN‘ Alfliit‘-‘» h‘’“'- on Homecoming of eighty-three Uni- rom University. 311 Waugh street. ever. have two ends who weigh \-9;-gigy nmmni from Jefferson Cit)-_ 'll|lll I FOR S-‘*1-E“‘jB°°“ll{"1 '10??? ‘in Phone 1831 White. B 48-50. about 180 pounds. are fast, rongy.:v~ho are now’ connected with ghej r; "deflul location with .0 - _ _ _ , ,. and can catch P99-“'9‘- State Highway Commision. came of $180 a month. Now is the FOR RE1‘T“0“‘~‘ ’°°"‘ 3‘ "1" \”" ____a A Jefferson City paper last week time to buy: can see just what aginia avenue. Phone 890 48-50’ _ 1 Phi‘? Wm d0- A130 Mi"? lZ_0°d P70?‘ ' P. and Down the Fleld meicr, chief engineer of the High- . crties to exchange for farms and 61:08!‘ tlzggig-l:R<:oms flog boy:u1)1§ way Commission. was driving to Co- ‘. vis::'vcrx=n. Flynn Realty Co.. 203- °“ ' 9 "~‘_9‘- °“° , .. ' Iumbia for the flébttska onf" :05 Guitar Building. Phone 1520 or_R°d' A 43-50: tog_T"§d:fm"f$';': fiomngamoftffii Saturday. A map dramfwaa pre-l ‘ um‘ 4" ROOMS FOR REN'I‘—1-‘urnished’ secret practice ban yesterday to see I"“'°d f°' him 3°"'e"‘1 mil” °“l °" I 1 - ' 0 “'50? rooms on first floor for light house-’ the interesting scrimmage between ?;““.‘I'T:l:;*(:“:1inimC::m‘;1’31d:h‘:.“m‘:;:i‘:h contained the item that B. H. Picp- I.-op. _q.“‘E___pom. mom home on‘ keeping. Phone 1913 White or the hsecond-string Varsity und the Columbia. . l‘l'°d l‘“’°'~‘l3 lllrltfi 101: $2.000- “'1” H 3_‘4_' men-a amp” mnmmngm Approaching -'1 turn in the road. — “kc C” ‘W airs‘ l’“.‘T:§“t- t‘ RENT__]='m-nished rooms gt_ _____V l‘ioplno.~i(-r's car was suddenly .— “"r "~""'°°.“‘ °“”°' " °"‘ ‘W9 409 Matthews street. Phone 1372. The nightly trot around the field .~u,.pv°d by a man who stepped into . , C1050 177: 57119“ lmymem 69'?‘ B1._¢k_ R-34tf. and into the gymnasium has grown the‘ro:zd. and handed the highway . a 0‘ 5-l'00m bl1YlKB10Wo 8tY'1¢t ‘ ' _ R,-odu311y earner with {he shorten- cngmeer two complimentary tickets: modern: $300 down. 1-9}! P.ENT—'l‘wo. desirable un- ing of tho dn}.s_ Last night the to the :\°¢.1,m‘.-.L;;. ‘range. piopmogo,-. Eight-room brick PODSE, one block furnished rooms for 1185! h0l150k°°P' , squad headed for thy showe,-3 gh0r[- was so elated at the splendid show. .> of Lnivcrsity at $7.450. ‘lug. $30 a month. 108 S. Tenth St. 1). ‘no, 530 had rolled by_ ing of the Tigers in their game that _ Flynn Realty Co. - ‘ - f V —_~..-.— I ll’) talking with Mr. Brewer after 203.205 Guitar Building A V _ _'I'hxs gum}: Sntunlay with the the game he said: f___r_ _Pl_1one_1_629. t . FOR RF--;‘bT—Th‘*"° l‘"’i1'° :4l’5m“”5 hnnsas Aggics is an important bat- --Do you know what 1-,“ going to -- ‘Av-4 - ~ Tggglfisfll 5 B 93:! : loll" ~ ‘ “P546 tlc. lt'pr0babl'y means a serious 314- go‘; pm going to oi“. ovo”. mm, . ANIE 1 851 T08 VH1}- I 0m 1 _- back In the.Vull_cy race for the A2’ in the Highway Department a va- A l3¢'k- H50‘-71 gies. for it is quite probable that the onion No,,~¢.mbe,. 10_ with {on pay_ \l'A.\"l‘ED—'l‘ Bu —-An electric . . . _ , lan. :\ddre.=xs 33: C are of Mlssou- I-‘OR RE.\'T——Desirable room for ““_"”' °”“_';‘f”'3“5 ""5 3°“ """ 3?‘ “"5 “"'¥“ "“‘"‘ ‘*" ‘" "0"" lW~‘* “>1 - ‘$52. one or two bow‘ “on ‘O both mom. '1 9 1| P( (‘M P€‘!‘C'~‘Yll~'Il~’€‘. 0!’ 9 (‘olumbm lo .~'c(- that superb team —'-_’ ot water heat. 811 Rollins street. V50 FORPPNT _ § Phone 1042 White. elimination of Missouri as (‘bani-4,13}-." pionship contenders. It is hard to A sped“; do1;.,-My lotto, this _—._ . _ ..——. visualise the champions this ‘year mo,-mm, from tho }{j,_.}-,w,,y Depart. _ * Fog pray’;-_.(;AgA(;]-;_ 911‘ FOR RENT-—Room in down town '~\'ilh W0 sramvs in_the left column. mo.-nt brought a check for $216. nndx _ Lo;-,7 st phone 179_ R-13gf_ studio for music or art teachers. $"h1Ch “'00” be Ml-*‘f0U“5 P051110" on order for thirty-nine bleacher. +_____ a phone 1103 or 153), 17.50-11 m case of n lose to Ix. -1. C. :-.nd forty—four box seats for the . FOR RENT—l-light-room house. —? _ _ I . _. '. h Oklah Mi.~..~:ouri-Oklahoma game. The 405 Matthews street. If interested‘ FOR REI‘T"‘F“V""‘h“d 9'0"‘ iwnsab ‘am?’ 100’ ‘?“. °' t’igh'ty-three former Misourians are come and seei W-34tf.‘7°°"" °”° bl°°k {mm oilh" °“"‘l’“" t‘ Should either chmmnc the coming in :1 body. and ask for —‘““"' “Y°- 8 “'“‘5°“ P13°°- Pholle 1573- ‘\.O0nors .Or Check the T,nyhuwk'.Bar' stats in one group. There are near- | FOR RENT.‘ h‘"° 3°"‘”"l’ . A P49-54 ""3 “"5 °3fl3‘“°q“"'°d ham‘ of lv one hundred former University‘ houses for rent—north and h , tieing which Conference teams have 0" Missouri Students now connected Iide. Wcathers‘Realty Co. Phone‘ I-‘OR RENT—Two large, clean. 50 l!€'M=f811>' lfllwn UP. Amcfi 0!’ with the mghwa). Commission 272. . W-49-5l;airy rooms facing east; plenty of Dwkt‘ W1" 10l’Pl¢‘ from “W 1°36’ no p;(.pm(.5,.,- is o fo,.mo, Mi»: ‘—~ . '9, 1' ht; [£3 1-, t d t {O crship. Washington may have V . . . . HOUSE FOR RENT—Elg‘ht-room b:'£h)groouf h:“.ingcacor‘1itninu<,>‘1f: ho‘. found someone her Pilcc-r Boar can '(.’u{: house at 405 Math°w'.'b’°°t' m’ water. These rooms are desirable in -“HP UP 031 in DFUT)‘. \\'h0m UK’ 31- ['ni\.(,rsi,_\. {mm 1904 m 1908. ms‘ - COl'!l(' and aeett. over: “.ny_ Suitable buiiggesg lK‘:l.ll.‘3Ill’lS H.991.“ ' ](1‘(,mc was forlncrly in Applemn “ ‘ ‘ " ‘ coupe or young men. ‘i rcn ur- , ‘ 7‘ ' , .ity. FOR SALE nishcd or unfurnished; rates reason- ' 1;?‘ "_1p.t:-Ml;::.}:‘1iu‘:r}:e'n‘::: -— ‘—~ —— - 1]-‘QR SAL]-j.__p}-j_.\Rs_ J, 1;_ able. Phone 626. -—l9t . fgzrhfs 't‘;°e”t;:i‘:i‘m'::m‘1‘ji'n‘ pgrw- SlG.\l.-‘l .\'l' WINS THE CUP‘ sd"""“l’°- m‘°"‘° 1333-3“: 54550 FOR REN.r_.rwo very dainme ing Missouri. passed lh|3i!'_-W8)' Phi Kappa Dgented in Final Gatae [(31-1~LE FOR 'sALE_Twonty_ moms. turd wood floors. hot water across the field in the last minutes _‘ (13,. 9 (O 1 i 5 . k ; = , I _ h of play to win over the Bengals 7 to sigma Nu defeated phi gov”; hzngtgleff "C03" gouemnizmgufiz gt’ 907 college name’ 31-;7?€z.5. Last year the “ildcats were the Sunday by a goon. of 9 to 1, mu’ m . shifty, clever type of team that is_wizming the championship in the: -+unm Office. FOR RENT—Very attractive‘1'l8b1'~‘ 8‘ .m08t 871)’ "$01119!!! 10 OW?" Pan-Hellenic baseball series. Brock. FOR SALE-—Lovely. gray reedroom with sleeping porch. Phone lb? SUTPTIBE box and Score. And that. pitcher. Thrclkeld. shortstop, and baby buggy, fine condition; also 1712.33‘; 1,243, __ o A———— 0‘Bryen. first baseman, were e, thug on 1 t y high chgjg-_‘ 1 P " . . . .- outstanding stars for the winning! “"9 V“ V «.51 T Roous FOR BEN-I-__Fumkh°d 1918 model. In good condition. Willi“ ‘ Pho 820 \\"h' - un- i . - — . he fie‘ 7°03“ 0“ 11”‘ fl°°" ‘°" “gm h‘°“u° sen on ‘men! tel-ul1