I 4. f preciation every year. Now we ‘_ _ _ - buyal-'ord for 8380. Why shouldlft Ylflbts It f0_l't!’-{W0 d¢KY¢€8 below ‘he "193 ff’? 3 M18501!“ mud on l_ people bu’. ‘ new C3, eve‘). ya, the perpendicular for the left turn “'88 ‘m. I intend to equip my 1' when the can now ”,p,.0‘immes um and straight out for the stop, are so 0.8?‘ with steel overhead’ structure 0 ‘ depreciation the)‘ formerly had to universally disregarded in Colum-‘Similar to that used On 910 CM! 2 i ' _ ‘~ ' . ' - . . . ii - my?” V . . bin. and so often mixed up by drivers thlt P18)’ auto polo so that when l S ._ =, V ' __ T" ' tr . _____ _ that when correctly given the. man get stuck I can get out. turn my ‘ _ _ _‘ . 7" A -- __ __ j. . , . e —*M"""_ I _ "I I l"°2’",d mu ;“’l:J"“‘l":’_“ ll‘; 5‘3“’.l{ ‘mg "3; °''‘] ‘he 5dl'~‘°‘ binds Ind thus 3 "A : , ' ‘- "I « C?It9s d e | 0- . . _' ‘ an is cons oo'in 0 mos ou 0 t ho , ‘ ' V‘ .- ' “ 1 - A’ " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ‘any kind of maylneuversgrt-ggrdless road Dl'0[Z:I|.l':'lnu(‘OI'l'i(‘:cl.O thhmiiesdiili M 4 5-: I I a " - of the signal used by the man ahead. I believe this is the onlv solution ' l‘ .. ' -=1 V‘. ’— -' - kd fl Will H. Smith et al to Jas J. and ;An9weZ'hre€flutiOn hm reffiud towooardrsainy day troubles 0'; Mifioun Talm in on I I I ' Q I I l I .—- - i.enmw.coxi.i .It6-H ‘Ito .°°‘"'.‘"“ °'5“‘°5“"=“ rerun’ « ~ . tr Add-Columbia. arid‘ dzive IlY‘l‘\'xl)l1€X€:3“ b°mg.madc hgs gwsed gt 19.5: "‘"“““‘**—- T’-9“ bat‘ M W. P," L“ 5 ‘mi "Sewing at“: two accidents within the last year. Ford Has New Plant in Canada. We“ m_ right In mhuegu on, E_ pt ,0‘ 6 7: _ and has forced the fire department DE’I'ROl'I‘.—-Ford Motor Company “in 3*“ “Km cc Ella V. Elkin to Sidney Hartley. 2° §‘°" t"§c;“.i“ :’“" u“'°“9hf “"3 '3 0g;'£3“T“'l“ °°¢1IP)' their new I 05 . . . W I Cl’! Fg'.“m‘32S‘:bd' of eclllhelflfis gerioulsn dlclciflientthkeep mm ling plant ea‘;-Emir‘: .\ll::"el:ili1be:-”e"II'1l}i)e I I l ’ 0 J - 0 an m’ ' ' . There is on! ' one ti ' t - DOW lint will ' f . . ‘ - ohn A. Stewart and wife to Clyde - 5 ""8 ° "ma" 9 _ ‘-‘°‘_°" 00!‘ Ind I halt t} D A. 3u'.n_ Tune” of ‘had being her when you hear the fire gong, acres. and will give employment to or: vllat is to he I018 30. 26 and at in {D1 that as to get as close to the .m0!'e than 1.000 men. , ‘ _ pi Park am No. 2 Columbip, i.ein¢,"8 * W’ P5 P°8*"bl'~'~ "Id =t°P- .__- __--,__-—. -.-.____‘ I hi . of mo N“v-l8_‘8_l3. um. :I.b5Vc fitop before the A 7‘ -7 ~ V“ I " w L. :.-.i.... on‘... .. s........... §2’.f.i .’Z"“i}'...‘.‘?i .§'i'i’i..'"".'.'. .313 "‘°.- .. I * “L L. Nelson went to Buriccton more thsl: an eyen Chlflce buteitygil: 0111‘ Winter Rad’ A t0 0 ’ I . today. where he was called by the impossible foruhini to guesgwhat the S - ‘a r "05 Bdwy‘ Phone "53 "sf, ’ \ illness of his _brother. driver is going to do if he is still in * er “Ce “ ' ‘ “""“" "" "‘ '*'‘'r-- “ ?r—~.~ ': to . -_,a -4._.,_- ._., _ . _, Tm __ ____ _ V __é.___, . . ~-__‘_V . mi 18 for Your bene-1 ~ .~—» :2 f _ _ - ' , \ . fit. Install the prop-i »; Cold Weather Suggestions er amount of alco-ti 12 Battery (3 l _ _ ' o V ... hr: , 3. . I e M , . T . hol in your radiator to Se;-nee W . I0! the - ‘now and have it At O’ ' ‘ 4 1 ; tested weekly and ~- b ~ : Perfection lleateni ‘ A ' " you need -have no. Cox 13.703- 21 _ "- 9 ' ‘Rx. ‘ l I ‘tie? :.“‘:°i‘°‘ “fie I ‘°" °‘ H "““°"' url: .* 1 - . . ii i- more so utions . ‘- ho, . if Hood ‘oven V High test “mum . , . freezing. Station 5'1 . _ " . Windshield wipers a motor on "‘ . ' * * Visorf " ‘s 2 - ” - ‘ ’ ‘ . ~ I Cook Bros mo * MISSOURI iioios co to ' ‘ "J ., -4 . ’ .’ . A I. .3! ‘-A, ,' "- ‘V ‘ Y 7. -. n I, . '| 0 "" 15' no SL . m r O ‘ _ ‘ ' R ‘ . . ‘ 3 ‘ . l ' , 1 - ' 9 I V‘ ' .‘ . . A.“ . “When Us” _ - ’ Give sg.q,g§g.g.,- and .; 0,. . i‘ u; ‘ 1 ~ .' ‘ the Carehrliitnan. L laiIIt|IaI!IIIII- 5 _ -1), W p 10-12 N. its 72.8. ‘_ ’ ’hwi's¥twarawn&¢ n«;-;ar—w»m : .__-,.... . ...._ ,__ .. ._ . V _ .. ‘ .« ,‘. '.. ,5 ._ ‘i ‘I: H... LUIEIA MIssouflmn.i«osn‘i’v VE‘ltBlIR5.- ... . ; u tourof LIacoln.and Dunklin conn~ songllervin lIoward,wlio_undcrweut3fMra. Charter: to Addreg ":3: ‘.1-aonrwo ....--...- .,. g ;. ...’ ‘Q 7. .. ..=., .. p. J ; e . I t. I « .. ' . . - *““?ciiicavrssosc issimr ‘Fry? dim? 7 0°‘ _— _ - ‘ in g , . _ . I , . I . 3 . ‘ r _ _ i - . dnd _ ‘Juno "°",@A3T ,~tles In-the interest of the .aaro'ice.:an operation at Parker Memorial. um. W. W. Charter: '3 . ' _ .1 . _ _ ‘-5., cu.’ chub .n ‘d; Later she will attend an Amencauilioapital last week. ‘ . on ‘‘Women’s Problems Q "'- ' ; . Z I, , . . , _, , the'Ali-log am“ 1,’ Barry lloore retiirxied. yesterdiy ’°°;m'y lg‘: °°t:;"u§!" m 8;" A ‘U§°v:°r:itn°'I:°:t’:::‘l'd° ‘égdcm 3h‘‘n°l" ‘‘ Yégnlar -. -—._ '_ ‘ ' ' ‘ ° ' . Dian’ gag ‘after a ndin the wee '_ ins 'za eriw: . rc- '- 9 S "V0 l t e.League o omen ~_'k.“; F . ' T0unStS Slide 500 Feet DOWN » , ——-—’—— ‘hone iiienooifville. bend at hm turned rcstcnils‘ from Kansas Cit>"‘“°" 5i"~"““'18 the Week-Nd Vith rnoi-now noon at the Gong. W ...._ ' ' ' ' ‘ ” ' " ‘ Dld “7 ‘°f 30039 County’: .uu.; e Ilontgomery conmy club where she spent the weekend at her ‘'13 P8???"-S in X83338 Cit)‘. — ‘ _..._..__.___, 1 3“ Miss Isabelle Mathews of Jop- Methodist cinema... ’.. Pleas .- - 0 0 6. _ _. * w .- o m d’ f but ., . ___, Mountalnslde In Idaho ROckleS»5°e‘:"¥ shit“ ‘'2; h'°?di:a-t fmmfo‘docn;”t:>:<>hh:whdr:lhtil°m “ ‘'40 h°§I.°.'.. xoin warden returned to St. lin arrived yesterday to spend the The aim i=e:idmn’Ci:ei. .3. ‘P . ' 6 " l . . LA*IlGER*H\i'I924 T ‘ - . , ’ ‘ Iv‘. 5 L03 Anwa some u-me ‘ . . _ _ . - I ' .. ’ ‘ ’ . . .. . ....- -- . ' 59°? fliss Mary Vii-gini. Doc;-gchugk-[Allis this morning after a short “°'-‘k “"‘h 3l."‘5 31’-"~'-"""'* 'l“h“5~”“ Broadway Methodist (35 ~ ~.,., Colic! I Automdbfle Han ‘ ' ‘ - " . ‘ ' I t -3; ~ -I ~‘.- Through its radio news service the " - .- 1 ‘.1 h 5 - .45 R d‘ h at the Kappa Ale}-~». The°3 house - ll " ' - " 9"?’ z‘ _. -{ I . , ,' _ . ii . - ~ __ . . _ ,y_._,_.._a.-« .. ..___,,,- _wm rd B‘ »re_tui'ned yesterday from l_\ansas ‘}-5} ‘ 7"?» 3 (‘ll "*1? ‘ ¢. - _-__,-_‘_‘ _‘ , ‘ ’ meet us o'clock Friday . . . vat- .‘ AV toV]Turn out .9 Il _ ‘ . ‘. J‘, _ __ “ . _,:.‘>_¢,,-_:_-_..,_‘._V:~;..._.’...“.-..” . .‘hi8 aununntteryi bm(hm‘d Citliewlgrweuslife spentt (the weekend. Unixmrsitlgm Try» :1 Missourian want ad. the balm‘: of XI“. H. H, : _ _ -- .1 . celhi . ‘ _ - ' ' . , . _. .)-'3‘ H ‘ ’ . . ‘ ‘ ' ‘- *— . 4 .' -r_- . . ‘ 5:000:00” Cam ‘ I 3 ' I I ’; r":-- V. jouows: - ,School of EaYlKlll‘€1‘C:lIluK.e::‘illl',2"ledul‘(el RC:‘l‘:lIelr‘DJllfl1£'c}¥9l‘ '.ll\‘)0rl‘ll!'I?(:lm|:‘¢$:c[l’(-i A W‘ ' I 5 ‘ ' V ‘I I ‘ K ‘ I and“. .._.._..__' 3 . _ 0”? "7 ‘hf N081 Istoniahing sio.:(.‘.olumbia yesterday from Kan.-4:-; day from Jefferson City where they gaso -' -"95 >91 "-‘T941106 to radio is now be-?Cit)'- spent the week-end. ‘ rah ‘ 7" toavrrhhi. illfizhd or‘ .- 3 t act ea -‘ ing circulated bro. I - . . . . . . v ‘ ~ - -, '- indicate -that the 1924 olttvpllt of Ford 0.‘ all over the dfitdz Statetc”:I‘:’.‘} Ml” Add“? D. Roch“! mt ‘mmuf. “ ' Howard returned ‘0 hm ‘» Mm’ ‘ — - h 1 , , ~ 13 ral extension service of the Uni- home in Joplin ye:-.tcrdz-.y after ‘* K , , cars ‘and uueks may be r coser to, star) concerns the successful bT08(I-'vcg-sit ien Coiumy ted . d» ml d . h .- 1 ,,- - "3’ . s,ooo,ooo an the 2,ooo.ooo vehicles?! casting of a cricltc-t’s song he fin} . 3 "‘ ” °" “ 5"” "“‘ 5°" “*5 °'° ““‘ "5 . “=°°“ s -hschwewmrnns-wiutumonu ms Ansrles station. ' L . . en-~~ . . : Rechargalfle ‘ § ; The numbers which other-‘,— «Mr. K_ c_ omiston 0mm,” 0. _ V . - _ were 2 large manufacturer-s plan to make, K!” “M Just dmin 8“ ‘,5 L .« .L ~ . I-‘arr: and sell will nearly equal the Ford, ‘gm, the fa.“ e‘.;_,,fi§ .' ‘ ° "‘"’°“ ~ ‘ ‘ . - -. _ Mi: -.1 - estiuilte. so that the comhined ox-7 Which the storage lliftliigigmmlaud I d “A” I ‘ They ‘ I Dictation: of the automobile trade‘ been “ed In a bunch 3‘ n '3‘ '1 ‘ p y : 1 at ‘'3 323.3. ‘ will total around five million cars’ the studio. he heard a “.wk::°°}’;'_‘ “' ',_ . ._ V _ ' . .. “N .11 told. ; A mg mmfly md a bright idea gwlufii ‘ti 3: For \\ I)-ll. v.n-i2, l \ 199 and (‘.299 Radio Tubes. -r.i..,_ pm. The has _ hi!“ at um! moment P‘acing ‘M-— _ flllft OI ((-‘lb II. . - 0 large addition to its foundry plant, ‘ 1'10“-9,3 dose . th ' - «’ 0 0 ~ . " _ .. at River Rouge which will make it’ ..,,m.d nu ,,,,,‘:,,,,,fic'“",f;:"’(;”;”{‘a°y'h;"“;«‘ ’ I‘ - also Wet tn. and mu m§2(:{0?Mio Bmefies _ b;‘;l}= 1 ‘ - _ ' 8. Ill - '5 -- select daily‘ output of 10,000 vehicles pos- sible. The three new areas being added to the glass plant will in- crease capacity from 11.000 feet of plate glass ii day to 50,000 feet. As the glass supply has‘ been one oi'_the - factors limiting production ti.-ere do, TUNE IN FOR ‘ m-rs 7EA‘SY PAYMENTS g,omE. COX BROS m . ‘ ' O BATFERIB . - o_ or There i'c:.illy i::.n’t any reason why you should be . 3: L‘? ' Balal without good, satisfactory, dependable automo- RADIO PROGRAM was .5718 Ph°m‘. he announced a speeiali H midnlkht concert kindly roliinteenql» «‘ not seem to be an): ohstaclcs in the , by Miss Cricket. Then the main nil ’ way of boosting present daily pro- I‘ an hone wng ' .3 . . _ ‘ ._.. ago... by . u....,.....; can or .9. gm _! hun;'::;°’l‘°g °" r bile transportation. Any one of these used cars w T A M c 1.; v c 1 a n d 5"‘ ‘ 3"” “W 1'00 ?- mm! M «few thousand « do the 1924 ceiied ;... ... 1 tie 3'2’; "°’° 7 '11 »1' "d d -d n~ ' 1. « 1 ” I -~ ' ven- om,“ mum Md, ,,,,,,,,,,[i,,,,,(,,3. I ‘l f it us n. H) on the W1 pay l‘l‘l0l'e(l\1 on s pei 0 art an an} otier Y H , N 3550000]! can while at 10000 dailvi . "0"? ‘y 0 lath n.pr°m‘m "d the: i ' v t - ° . . - _ , ---—_ - _ ——-, — --—_.... ' .; ’ s’ In t ' ‘he 0-“mm ‘Cum tow 3600000 0;‘ IORSOI!-I SCENES oi. mi: war. urrza PICFURE-—TflE CANTON is A!ll- °l°8T"*’-‘S with which the tiny criclt—§ U“ es ment 30“ mlght m3}‘e- ‘ “I” —"" "‘“ _ - Th‘ ‘ham 0‘ “cm “um hunhmé work-‘ A. i.owm.4-ouonwo iuirzn iiizrwizisx CALIFORNIA AND. Alllz0!\'.\. ct’: chirp came through the air.§ _ " Pi, ii in! an a 3.9”‘ In “dame”. ch‘.-_._ ' Skidding off the road nnd.roIli.ng‘roads in Missouri were good when 5101-033 gull‘ "000 IN 3 1922 BlJlCk 6 TOUPIIIQ,’ 1920 R00 6 Touring ' ‘ 0. Efisga ‘fin. ‘hid, sold 39.400, ,3,‘ 1,.“ .300 feet down the mountain side we traveled theni.'; _________'___ ‘W4 _ . ' ‘ $ . cm 5 month, counts on selling thnce qua;-, was one of the thrills recently (-1- Most of the time was spent seeing Statistics Show sun Per Centllmi 1918 Tounng 1921 Ford Coupe ' I ' -I Im ‘ an of . million next 3.“, _ “.,._ perienced by John Gerard and Thur-‘the country and enjoying the crease Ovcf 19n_ , ‘ W.“ be _ .d _ _ . _ ', mm \ . and “peas to dispose of around man Ilnrman while they were cross- scenery.» “I was impressed more by year”. 14 000 were kmcd . 19,» 1919 HlI(lSOIl Spee(lS- l921 F0l'(l S€(l8ll , ' PM to ml} N50" that brmgs ll" A"l°m°b'l°,""~‘ ' di,m',, - . : 3m_0oo md other m,ke,, am (.q'u,i_ ing the mountains in Ida . When the scenery than anything else we by auggmobfie ucidmu th;mbei‘7"; {er I ‘ dintor to my shop that I cannot REPAIR, III-ICORE or RI-IBUILD.:' on “V I’. optimimk The“, cstimntPS. of the grand “-35 graded. an the son s.“- on the ‘rip." ‘aid Ger‘rd'I“n incrxse of 12000 °v’;§L ROa(lStCI' Ifim fl Radiator Specialist. llndd V a,.m.u_ mu be subject .0 he“). dirt irns pushed out to the edge. Some time was spent fishing in 1911. Taking intolacoount the fact " I ?*P°"* t ,u1ing down bu; if four million cars In passing a car, Zilr. Gerard drove Jackson Lake. Fishing there wzisrghag the ma} numb" of .“.iden¢8- , -v ’ ' I I-Zllwi ‘ are dllP08?d 0‘ 3155 }‘¢‘8Y'- it h3T5l." t°° "mt lb’ M“ “M! um ‘'3’ “*5”! I-'5°°d be’-‘N159 91¢?!-‘ 11"? 110 main has been reduced from 79 000 in 1911‘ A 0‘ Th‘ seems possible that more can he srld (‘ft the "°}‘d- Tl" 9” "35 -'*‘°PP¢d V0858 398!‘ it and it 55 WP)‘ hard to to 75.000 in 1922 this gives the auto ' . - ' With even‘ TYRI-‘.I-3 COPPER CORE I install I f ° ' » -l°"'~'I wit ya,_ 3,, we pom cffidais after rolling about 500 feet down get to. When in California sci-crnl mobiles an increhse of over 500 3 written gm:-a,,u.(. and $05000 Bond backed b 2.. - ‘ I “(.1 V "c ronfidem that the demand fur the mountain. ‘ days were spent hunting deer in .9 t - th 1 . , pe 1 '00 ..,,' ~ _ ~ fl’ , y .' .m ‘ E Jame A . ‘ _ ' . . _ _c_n in e e oxen years, antomoq dollars. T).L( L0,.per Lorts are oxen guaranteed against day. I their output will exist and only once . men Spent four months the mountains and three big bucks 1,119; new causing 13 per mm of the am, 1).‘. Comqim L“. m(, mu .0“ about th . cock. ?“ 2° ’'°“'‘'‘ '““'° "W" °"°d i" j"d"" f2‘.1’.;”f..“Z.°a3‘£.°“-7”‘ eilufd 3 dfd '°"‘ b-zs¢’f’- . . to al number of deaths by accident. 15 NOFU1 S€V€nth Street P110210 363 ' ‘ " l ’ cm’ « ; ‘‘‘"‘'. m.‘ “mm d°'"."d' . thelstatc-< «Kr Mitigoiisri Kai‘i:ascflf':lo- 6 Thea munmedkofl Columbia has The A"t°m°b“° Cb‘"“"’ °‘ °°“'» - "4 \' 912. St I ’ 7 C’ B‘ To whom is this tremendous d‘ U‘h t ’ b ' - _ 3}“ Vemm "0597 12; Tb?! merce, the National Safety Conn» Open E\'Cl'!ll‘.gS.- ‘ ‘ ' ’ H. J. mm” 1”‘ Mud‘ volume of an ‘O be sold? Rcpladh re 0. ta . daho. Montana, \\ aah- .Vl!:lted many places of ninterest, C3] and 03," 0,-gnngugiom ",3 bu, : — - . ington. Oregon. California, Arizona among which are seven‘ state capi- on.“-N, problem -mm "en T Mlfs went: will account for many of the cars disposed «of. Replacements in ' 1922 totaled l.-100.000 vehicles. ac- cording to current ostirnxitcs. but in an ,, _ the first six months of this year re- lam’ Smd M’ n of over 5000 accidents a placements appear to have accounted ____._ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ . W ‘_ » ductio , motion, but if the car is stopped the your from 1911 figu!-Q3 of 13 0.0 for over 1,200,000 cars. If the scrap +_ M _I“_— ping of old cars continues at the rate ’l"“°l‘ 535 3 ‘‘h-'m°9- 10 ‘I058? with railroad accidents. nearly 2.413.000 will be accounted $501“? 58f(’_1)'- If YOU 878 |ft0PI"l|'!B - ‘O, by the dose 9; the _‘.em._ .-Jose to a fire keep at least flit}. feet . 1 On December 31 over I-1.000.000 “fly {mm ‘M’ fir“ plug’ ‘ml ‘“ -equal distance from a corner if pos- I . ?u7:»»1?‘-I¥:“»°t1«“%‘3‘-‘e"é1'i-a‘é23»sT“«2 ..S”.’.‘.:;".‘;.‘f;’:?.:’:.“:’.‘:.’.‘~°“’." hm an out .......... . » ' . 5 be far in excess of this yeti‘. The especially in in sigm‘fin;':;)d";n °"’ ‘*‘° ‘"9 truck reaches you. iris; Irene Wofford was admi I 1 , old estimate of seven years as t e _ . ‘ , Satur ay. Olivia Ruether and ~ ,m,_ 9,‘, ca,‘ bu hm d5m,.ded ,0, :‘:’*:1i:I£nc(;>r::r:wc::lrgct!s.. A person A MIss0_L RI MUD CA“ 537” mer Mcliay were discharzed Satur- dealers declare that the inclination-»(.cIm'nbm am" fife ‘":h°§’"°’ ‘Q J.,- 1.1.. w.,,,,',, 3‘,,‘;“‘,¢ ,m,,,,,,,,i,, day. of car owners to sell to the junk man 1., and n 5 if we 0"” ad With Auto Polo Lines. M"-‘h G°°'8° B‘'°‘'"‘ ‘"5 P331 SW?‘ ‘ isfar greater since the recent re:Iuc- “gm? mu “mm ' :n_"‘°~°"- ‘“ . J”. Idem write, on agricultural iriont were admitted ‘yes '. tiona in prices. Since the prices of of the drivers .v D ’. 9°: ‘Em ,ub5¢ct,,_ who passed through C°_ Frederick Lawrence. Maxwell Blin- new cars have come down. there ‘us fuming or “Omit? gm‘? wt? lumbia recently on a tour gather d" ‘"6 “'3' C°" L‘“‘5l"3 “*9 not the same incentive to fix up the dowmown Cami; fijh ‘°°pbo°t" ° mg muerid ,5, his work Wm, the discharged yesterday. . _ dd °"" “"3 “*4” °""°°““ “°“”‘ ent)’-five per cent of il:cd:ix- u 8??‘ Ountry Gentleman. has dcsisned . '' C°'"“’'' I ._, ping next year to reach 20 to 25 per- some mm of Signal before gsmgne :, new type of cm. which he 3.“ he 355- M- 5- R4330“ ind bib!’ 50)‘ , . cent of the total cars in use. The “:Su!t is a ‘nut number of Wm ‘rave! in the M“ fiu'u_ he ‘ were dimharged yesterday. I-‘rank ' In this connection. one of the best mJ,c‘san_ um 1:.“ d 1 come, to ggissouri and \“.3om.i ' 1\¢“'t-0" W18 dlfichlftcd yesterday-' known executives in the businessvstgpg wficre ‘fie trlfifiznia mud_ \ ‘ ‘I and New Mexico. tals, several national parks and ' - - . - r have a big drive for the “Th b _t d _ . p cruises to ' ‘ eves roa s were in_ Oregonftowns of interest along the route. Dre;-canon of‘ unomobue acmdems ll CI--Ifornm. the worst in Mom The return trip was made over the me}, .3 was - n””""" ‘TI’? S““‘° F‘ T’‘“- cidents in recent years with a re- I 4 -___._,_._..., .A-‘i... I - s. .a — .a . ., § ' - said “Replacement is the thing which . _ .I . . ‘ ’ 3 is going to make sales of four to five‘ 1“ Cdumbl‘ ‘he “Emil "8 . W“ dnvmg “hm: °“ ‘ °°'““"‘ - I » million cars a Year yer)‘ likel)" when mmiflg to either right or Iefi ,h'3h“"5' °“ ‘-59 ‘'33’ UP here." said‘ — . 2 ‘ chap automobiles will hclike paper °_’ -“°PP"‘8 '3 ‘"“““>‘ W °'“-'‘”'‘ ‘d'’‘'' ''‘“d ‘"9 °“'“’"‘ ""“'P": d ‘ towels. fi81Jl'atiyei5' speaking. We 5'‘“'‘‘‘l “h” '9“ 8"” extended 1’ um’ l'‘’ ‘I’ “d "‘ 3 "35l~ 5“ OI . straight om) The co,.,.,_.ct ‘grads mud. . When I hit the soft top of ' will uae them and throw them away. Only a year or so ago we thought which are the arm extended at an ‘h¢_'‘°‘d 5'» ‘'35 some time before nothiiix of standini! for a $500 de- “"319 ‘I {‘?"y‘fi"° “$7995 ‘b°"9 1 ml .the b9u°m' while ‘kiddl“9‘ _ ' am he perpendicular for a turn to the "Id "30 31199318 _l10|'Ig the road S y . \ . l - ' I i _ . . .‘ _ ._ ‘ ' _ ' _ 3 _ _ . - .. .‘«~-‘.«~....-:~..:- : ;.‘ ..€5...>.t-a.......~:;...-;..;.3:-...~'j.:~fiil'=°:...."*rt;.;ai.e..v.;... e; 33-5 " ital‘: x‘ " ’ " '5 ‘I '- * . -‘ 3.‘ 7 '0 T . * ‘ ‘ » - re - '. 7 9 ' . . = . . . . ” ~ - ‘ ‘ ‘”" "-'-~~¢ --J» -—'.-4» -’ " ‘ .~ ' ‘ .. ‘- -‘V - {E-3. . - A ~ . : ;.- « - . . e - = - _- - v- ~ ‘ ‘ " *' . *‘=--&~.---ufibw» » »~3--'.."‘-i==£.w--- . -~ -.-..-3-«Ex . ¢3..u' .o _ .e.’~;.I.; 4¢‘g‘ .13.‘ .—:...’¢‘.€s~.r.'...-.-..‘.:"......a.‘ 5" .'.£';-..«=‘." "