V _ _‘_~ ._ . auv ‘. I-,.. . - -V.‘ .\. .3‘ ’.'-'. . . .n. . - .. ' ‘ 7 u '5 V -. ‘ ‘ .- we ‘ r ' - ~.. - - - _ _‘ .. ¢,-_,___.‘ ‘ ‘ . ,, » . _ . - ‘ . _, y- ..._.._- -V» -' . ‘ ‘ "_ r ‘ . I I . . . . ‘ ;_ ‘ .-7- < ‘ " . ' "7 ‘ - I -- . a ii: 0 SSOU . .. 2:».-3 . e c -. .... ..~ . - -- n: .¢vv- ' ..- ' . « L " ‘ 1' . O ’ .'.‘. 7': 5'; _‘ _ , '. A ‘-4,__ I __k'4_>‘ —— I - ‘ '--cc . 9 ' ' 21.-.. - .._s»_-._.., xA—==- __. -. - ._.._....... - - -—_.. ...._.___ __.. -.:.... ._. _ _* .. __ .;:.h'.i.‘-»’i.*:'~.'.‘ .- -».-.62"-‘-'.-.'—:~7—'=*.‘. ;' ""”.:.1'l§"'f4 =-““.'? Jé?”*‘9‘.-"**—.?"'£l’5’3W—’—'§7.a*?{$37713-’I'r?:er 0- : .« - ». .. . A 9 . ' . . .4 . .. -)0» . . . -. ‘ 4 9 ~'.<. '-. J .;§;vr"."‘,’vi"s.ir’;‘. e ‘J .0‘ . - .. V -- - ‘ W 0 - ~ - - laucwln no-r -ro I *7 I ‘I ~ I I *“ ‘Isa thanl: our my friends W W‘ 9*" °"°“"" "““°” ”°"’ ' - ¢ , — . : -. ,4 ~. . .. UK. 15 < .. _ ' bag‘:-, Taylor Garage. .; _ -' -e . : ' 2 * “ ’ 0- " «- ~ 0 R843. EfluE lygauorui floral <¢fedmrs- . » - ______ - l 9 . .; -° *1.“-“_ rm“ w&d- ml . _ Q .~ 1 We Will! 3’-‘ €lP9°l‘fl5' 3“-‘“k aw“ See our display of W 8.:3fg» r. iii , 1_____ . _ 3 . —---.‘-~ . - P‘. 33C!l'lu‘9l|o - l - . 6 fiho go ‘kindly assisted 05 in room ‘md dining mcm . " “dale ;spent the weekend with her pu-‘¢nu_ Miss Sara L. Lockwood. ii menu» John N. Fellows and wife to Cu!'- mm, am. G‘ ”,,.o,,‘ Prices Sutprmngb. ,0‘, ' =..,; vvonen-She-.-$d"1¢*\5°!-‘° H“ an. an G.H.Co ! saaruunan ofthe :° . ' 7.60nd5l: r . -1 -"_‘=‘ " ~' 7 '_ ; . _ John Snodgrass. went to Columbia! §i£"..a film. Lolaridxhynog lion:-niism. ann?incud toilywtlhtl ti: gait: ':ul:euoo“'1nmhu." " “:1. gm. audit:-a. J. s. Ballew and family. 1-jumium-co. O. 7 5-‘ . ’ ‘ ind ‘.0 0,, gain“ 5%,, ,- ,. *Sunda)' at the home of Ilr. and ea, ,the ionic!’ li examinations, re- - cam, 3_ gown, ",5 '11, (0 John A —"—‘-'—’— ’ .- ..---.._-»- «-——;-~_—— -—A— H ' iv , 4' ‘ml ‘kg’ "ha fig‘ Ernest Brown of Fayette was a Tclarence Bo .~Columbia~‘ ' . . _ . . .. . Iiwdof-3 . “"°’l““8f°"=N.F'llwlts8¢,6l5.68andQLI‘ - ‘*7 "Sgt o!,'1",‘.m“"".Vu?E week-eadcuall, of friends here. , Mr. and Mrs. P681? Weavcrfgaij. he‘d4!'eC of B.wlll be given at;(;n,;90p:.¢: afldjfion go column“; ; ~ » - fE a C88 0 team-«s-««~««-tn» ' heno.::.:..°°*.::;°'.:.:.:~:';.:.:;"'.:":.;.“':*:.= I - Comf . ' rien ' . ' * '-l"""° . c ' - . *' . -. ‘ ‘ ' h'to-‘ . - ft ' if WPMP xpe . 90* tile: 9°!“ ‘i°“'°9”- _ om flielaean of Columbia spent Fisher Sunday. , ~ a Hall lies Lockwood mu supervise H fl:l';'1‘_“;, :0’; "“‘gf‘l§‘;’;6”‘g,um,: , 0 y ., " Ill Quakeand the " : ' _ . A’ i fsunday with his father 0. W. 'I‘heis- I The Missionary Society of 0 . ' ' 0 _ ' - _ . - . livetgtllt examination, . ' . hm‘ “.000. V ., 1’ H '. Rebuilding_ . ;:—--- ---— '--"" ""“‘“. $130!?! Wlllmeetat the home or Mrs.‘ A11 Journalism students wishing. ~ I ‘ - 1,‘ .' ’ '9. sen. ‘ o, . .e - - - -7 . -. 4. « ' ‘ . lira. Ray- Nauser spent a few . . -an of Columbia hex: to take the test should give their “W” M- “W” W‘ "“° ‘°; « . *7 7 -—--1-— *“°n*|.'3 5" 3°“ "'”~' "’°”"""“'= in b‘ let k ‘oi rel-‘ -n, 4 . g - . 3,, 1 k 6 R0 Johnliasslot 14 Alter place. Colum- u . .;;. ,. - , 1 . 1 ‘ a gag umfiaya nice in ia a wee wt 5 urn a} a ternoon na _oo_ s .oc woo at cm , _. _ ._ 6 FEW . '1“A1Nb RUN':ork. ninredla 1! 0 mu‘ m M. , t y‘ I. ‘ _ . ,. ' ' ' yaa . A . , ., » . . 2 -——-—e_—-o not, ill U; =:';Grhdua_te. V .—g..._.. .. H , _ _.; _“;_)‘}-~'-’:'.".'.'yV‘~..-. . o.‘ ‘;V::. I“ :A. _ ' . - ~‘ " ‘ -0,--......-. '3 u C . Wm ‘. . ‘ .0 b‘ . 200. . I . ——~-—-- .. — -" - :-'tm!’mho‘u”' ‘nd,.¢;”bn?yr' null‘ finmcttifin ‘and wife of lPurd:'s and Miss! am‘ am 'bdo" Dfxemb" 8,5 m $ ‘ - . ."--V ' l sags _ .,,,.i,,,, ..-,,,.;coimi.i. spent‘Sanday-with Johnjtudent: in Cslninibia gligh , i,’_.;:._?;‘;; T A _, we fi:‘h3‘:o°e‘;:r':‘”4l‘:’;f . my I 0 V QR ‘those chilly mo ’ - ‘s ‘ "‘Terrib'v Mamfif ~°-' '***'**:*“ *'°"......'*°'=°*,.;-°*“°‘...f".;';.-...... .....,.. ......- :1. ::...:.:'::~...' . .nNIVERS*’” NEWS l’""'°°"“°" °‘ “*° “W W’ ='I9€§"When“3° fu ~ . 3 cent» Sight ‘at Ul0‘dIV.flnt . number of ,fiu‘d,..¢.din_._communuy3‘md‘), Sam’ 0f‘I_Lm .g—.' . sympathy shown inoarbereavenient‘ :5 Just hfifitlng up, mi... l Its I-Ieiglit'.l'*.‘.fi~"' Q fnf ' . . n - 9:3-#"'l"".S“"d8y. ' "Vi" h“° " b""l"°'“.""’°‘l"E filth?“ Elsa Minnie Braahear returoed""—"~‘;‘5” I l A l f your.bBt’h’ there 1 ‘ ‘ I lift . _______ L‘ “Kliraakura is also reported to be W. 11-‘ fl3}eI;nna:nd flnzilsgzovgiv hfmw of 1.. H. Werner Wednesdnyyuonday morning from Kirlcs\'i'iie‘)‘ ; nothing qmte as snug ; ‘ Robert F: Mass of Tokio. Gfidestroynié-2 “l‘?’o;-“aim: ;Wh¢‘eeh‘3g‘lt‘i‘o-_f‘l1'(:t8'l:5u(:‘h’... . . men: a 9- ni;':Ii;)t‘.. work of grading me “$01. §li)‘€:‘:ur5ill;e:‘t,lbl3el;(:?dA::‘¢‘:ci£V;t)l‘l’l98Sl “warm as a.bathr0be. ,a.». 14: 3 u"5".“d'3:{" D‘ur¢°:;’, A;M:3‘.;::yN“;:”,.',',, no ' ,g,,__,,'¢;» miss Mary Newland Daly spent house yard has boon postponed again: If and um Chm“; Cmtzl; of . . ‘I cannot .8ff0l"d {.0 be W14 ' V I. :.?,.:d.;,,hurtml?y mlhc iecfi“ p‘nb.l°°mmu"l°“l0l| of any “'9 now and Sunday at the home El]'klilil.‘c0l.lfll."0{)el.ll9ld!‘§l!l. Tlilc ;old 1 L. chug? 3pe,;t the ‘-‘,eek_‘,nd Wm,‘ 1 When‘ In R0llle-—- Out one When the '..'+‘.. V ‘. - ‘ . . ' ' inotlhitxf ,h ‘l’ its and water and some of _Y ‘‘*“5"‘- ll! Bl! “'1 30 It 803$ 011' I8 ha . .' A ' v . ~_'.* . ; :_‘;“.‘}{,k‘f(f';‘,'.",‘,,:.l':;m,_ "$2: ,f':°_.,,'.f,',¢,,, m. ;,,,,1-,..;..,;.., mm Miss (wrtrude Dal)’ was in Pro\'- soon as this is done. ' ' ’°"’ n°’d C'°“""' " ‘“'°"“‘~ Do as the Romans do. are 5° attracme ‘. ‘wk Rmduamd from ‘he School of The ymiimdyis mafia‘ , kw 1n,;,,,.idcnce during last week playing for The Parent-'l‘eacher Association of ' m ‘ mvenity Thur dam 4; _ . '. ’ . , '_ Mrs. Bert Louderniilk, also of - ' - f 'e ‘ .~ -Engineering of the llnivcrsity of out it will be niontlio st-rm service a ;::2l|;R-is am,‘ from rum: blchool ml; nu’: a’ 10;: gnekcmm, ammmnm “mm When in C.oli:in_iliis-— V. . Misfiiuri in 1904 and ‘is ngw u;e-in ‘a hurt‘ “in, J ‘our “mum ribs‘ he-kuavlclrs‘ Saw igr; m_5ti.i:i'i(imiai;ic::‘ memos 1:, . myeigég gomgomfly ‘ad his ‘hum Eat 3! 31ia!¢serJ:fa1;i;i:;c;>n‘°S;‘c;:l mtgnun: “I hue med in mi.“ “ya-m kt lo‘ "M Saar‘.-y. ' , equipment n“_e;ary for a fimfhn giasufiloinor lllonfigomry.‘ studgnts in t . W‘ ' . 'l I V —. ' E S‘ B t R h n I . _ I S h i. . 9 nl\'('!"8l Y. ‘V9 re uffil: .l'Olll . . ’ "'”'.'u.s°"“i.'2’°’J.‘l’;a'.'°"“".;.. ....m 0;1;’l.’:."‘}‘.5’.I‘I..‘a'E§3..I‘.’°f.‘ii.."if°'a~bi.‘ um"? g....§°?.'i"i;‘.’..s..;§’°cl’l’.5’i.. all? ‘’ ‘’.‘’___._..__ =s<-d-Ii» where they had been we J1mnue’s ~ - - ' .“!‘.ave n V008 '_ '_ , " "- _ iiingatthh fth' t l glow;-snore than a week after our lww iork. by Wlvlelt 91'0"!‘ 09° ‘:1 mgmme 3‘: w";:'_ H d f _ Linden ‘ Mr. and Menu. 01:: oM0lltegl;lnI::';'(T" 8" College big ‘uustnri-ho-to and mm mm bow» and *3 me,-r;r~ "W R ;- "3 3- t S! d" §°":;h , . , ~ : ——————-—- ; Inn dropyuu even in line to tell you how,of our Ambassa or. ‘ope you 80%» 00 99°? -990 an 0} WI r. Mrs. 0. \ . Iloppei went to Roche. $15 buys a (j0lumbi‘ Storage -mm , we fired. (He cabled them imme-Vone of them and dldnt have to and Mrs. J. ll. Clay. * 9°” °" " l’“5l'“’93 Vi? Th“”“d"3"- tery for Fords and other small cars 1 Music E"er°v Aflernoom diately following the quake.) Atlworfy much. Welt?’ Ill"|"l¢M- _W, M. Fitspatricl: went to (‘olum- P0l“*‘T "UM Mid 701151)’ V321‘: 1-35.10,. Garage 56_30_ ad‘._‘ ‘ ,u,,;“.,_noon on Satufainily will stay in l\I!'Ill!lWI until bu gong”. to do some C, (.,,u., guests‘. of Robert Burks and family ,, I the time of the I , '1’ , . , igfdgy, S('['Ilt'1nlI9f' 1. I was in Iuiru-ltliingw are normal here and theft“-ark {or 1,513., 1);|y_ Friday and butardny. Try a Missourian want ad. ._. .4._.__. _._- ‘ with the family. It was quitccomc down. I will see that they are Mr_ and "rm, 8"“ "ad n f C _ _. Fin-ldi-n R5('Q"t‘n. Saturday intro» ‘ i_ v __j_ ' ' '- l . numb Wt.“ um-(...g.irong enousrh - let-pt safe. There is some tell: of dis- mbia span ‘aw wNk_e::i :1 "(:9 mg for 'I‘ro5.' gtansas, where he will ‘ ** — . . ‘-4-. -- . -.-.. .. . A.» -—-»~-.— 1 ‘ I ‘O shake down fimm. houses but? I case danger but I am sure that the home of R_ “;-Cflvin. visit friendu and relatives. I V in _g ~ :1‘ 1; ul out its being military forces will keep things in . , _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Linn from Howard‘ 3:?-‘: 1:13;" amlIocul' nffiiir. About hand and at any rate we will drink Eu“ R°b°n3 ‘ma “mm "gal" ,County were guests of Mr. and I ' ' M. V. . . . at. f hf. d M . s. w. , "'1 I ‘ ' '1' _ 4:30)). m.. ll0W('\'t'l'. I heard a rumoqboiled and eat cooked 123185 jga’? gamrgagnand Quads). 3088b I881 . 4 _ ‘ . Av — about more being u had shake in;so I anticipate no danger at all. A ' Mrs. R. F. Baldwin. Miss hfattic~ _ ‘ « 1‘o|;io so caught the 5 p.. ni. train‘. Getting Tokio Back in Shape .'\lc(‘own. Charley Wichmire and A large selection in both- A Splcfldld 1"‘ 0‘ bathrobes _ L Av ‘ ,mdA_:_¢’“m. as fm. as it ‘“.m...a1,ou1 1;; a |eu¢g-- dated October 3 he . Ashlaud iari:’igly‘;5an:‘:(I'r. iaindcolumhi‘ . robes of fine quality including in checks. ii If.‘ _'-lll¢‘l hired :1 car and not Lays: ‘ . riillto-';dl‘;iu ulidut 2:30 o'clock Sun-; “I harcbeei-i in Tokio steadily 4_ 3l}"4'3'L0“' 5l"')'0¢k 01' Sprmirfield neck. day mo,.,,;ng_ _ «since last we-ck-end, when I hm 3;“. is visiting here with relatives. tan and bro ' 1 colors in mixtures of grey and '1" '- purple, Copen tan and blue. 703° ‘lid ‘2T?¢‘-"~- S3???“ ., ‘ a Navy blue and tan. This lot brown zimd mum. othél. 0“. J 3- V d ._ S d ._ mg ,1 { Mona’. A Halloween masked party war. . -h 3h. -1 1- . ' ‘ . . “At tltltl :.flPnnt‘0l1r;l8Kl'&tl0!l :!"lll‘l)lllCu?allll)ll}'aln I’:irui(;aws. K3- held at the ‘Methodist Church \\'ed- AT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ; :::ude:,i‘:;:bf,:(.:: 811q:“::c_ trnctive colors. Shawl - was at its worst and I ll!‘-'04‘ !l_9\'9T‘rui33“'3 ll“ b°"_"3 N97!’ 'nml'd‘y evemngj _ - -—-—:* «————¥ 1 [ix-ely bound with satin. Inn; and trimmed in cord, s 8f'(‘l\ .:i more terribly magnificent all of the Toltio families are still’ 393- 1100)’ U115. 701100!‘ lo" $.'{IN‘ Alice Louise Bohn was the dinner; ‘ 4 ; sight. About two-thirds of the to- -there except the. ones who have gone Will now make her borne with guest of Dollie Ruth Wilson Sunhy. f To 37,50 tal area of Tukio was burned and it ‘home, and I don t know what I would 3‘ 300. C-hlrles E”!-t ' L. Dameron of Clarksville ' , _ Muriel all seemed on fire as we zipproaclied.Ihn\'e done with the kids down here . Hem“? .01 “'9 R‘~‘b°l‘3h 105?“ enrolled in. Christian College this e an was immediately ‘in all of the dust and dirt and ex- Bf“? 11