.q_ -' -A } . . g .M -'-—--v~v—.--~.=»'--~-"- ~<—- ti, _"_‘,._ "I" .""Qe“’tlea' H}.-".‘ —"‘ . it .“ i‘’' s’ V .1 ' - """ V . >—‘ . '- , ~ . - _‘I,,., V '. ‘. . .: \ . '. , -r‘.’M§‘a~ ‘$".":. A 1-». ae$t‘1;}\ ‘ .11; ‘-"3g-I\- .' _..... . .. ,.u..a._‘_. .— ~.€..-V-- -.»' , . . ' A ana_..aa1-gt.-ann~u--.; '~. ' "11’ . , ~i _:=;*.sss":e'«i{~”:‘i."l « .Vf"',fit4t. .. » o .— o . . ~ — . ‘ . =" } ii :75 -ti‘ l‘.i'::zl?£:*hsAl;‘&? - ~ - ~ ' W H ,, . I .. .-.. '- A A v =10” .. A . A “” "‘ " ’ lo.‘ 't fhlisaouri.Deaen':lx-: 1o-14.3111» Grace F‘rrain:er«.“iaad" ‘ l ' ‘ls . I ~ - ~ ‘ ' C 7 A I ' opeegten-"(sing-tr!-state speakers who will hes‘E.Farrell,botJio{tlteUnitad%.‘é _ ~~ _ . M , i _ o ., «L-————-—. . , tBeCollege"ofAgri-‘berenrc: Dr. Alfred’Vjyian,dean6l’DclI|l'Ull°D¢0fA¢flcnltm'eit ” _ g ._ '7 . -~ ‘ * ’ _ _. __ ._ , ,1“ ‘ _*3“Cl°"“ °d'“¢"°'l‘.'.7°.l!°'l' ’“°_:;'c,ul§are;lIlll§haj_-ha;1!l..9‘$:U*‘l‘!°P7ilho; ‘ College. ol.-~.-Agrlcnltnre;’,inzlon- . V .. , - . . .. . . ‘II-filers. - lIasuCaIfl!'0I0¢'I3_‘l—P"""5°""“c'“‘¥°* *l*nl‘.‘F.C:I"I_-lllu-ea-. ,_ . , y W to ‘ ’ "‘ A ' ' , _ - , ' f: -4 :_ _r ‘_'_:- V - ,,__,.,_ _ . Ilihent A gas 3.‘ Bantam”, mpjna a”.J_nsta3_t3elater.ho'wever. aaettle- . . .- S. !_ . ‘ -—-1:=:aa'-‘sir’ ~ autotunuaa 1*" °°‘W"""4 4 "”“’“"l’ '’'°-‘'"’' ‘°' "'° '°' ' . ‘ . t ' of dtl&!Il l|I\'C '1“ ni.°'fl,‘fl¢&id “now. “$530”, "id “I gum] ¢onf¢fIgn¢Q‘of‘])‘¢mocf-‘tic ]q..! N g ; inlnelriovlllnti sues.»-can flhdmwu g _ ‘_ in "8 ‘ ' burns a In-Iron atitsmaetizo-id Gin. state's «silica about eight "miles north of Roche um’ . p -- j . _ xi - — o ~- given out. according‘ to Mrs. Emily » : 'l'ldsistheklndthtisattemptlfi;lowa‘a.withatohiII!8185% ¥g1r't’,.andthsdateofltsf:t>:tndlnglsxs3Bu_:he.muic“ych“rmm. V: @333 ‘ . ‘. flu‘ “cu” m popnhuongis the fifth region and includes the: . .m,,,;’ 3.1.. ~ - » - ' -nrlddleweatem states: Iowa. Kansas, = from mid to 1913 caused I more! ‘b I ._ '\_‘_‘3‘ . ‘ for . “mm, ‘at. . T.h,"n,“!4ebraska. OIJ outs and lliasourl. ‘ A «, - . 3 th The State Democratic Women'sg _ " fit’ °r I‘am‘t°n' were to have their an-i ‘= mual meeting in Columbia at tbel ,same time, have postponed it in. , e Tolllocrrow g ' Night ' . ‘ _A ,- .. , 0 d C ._, . ’ 0-_v-yarn,-«I-dx-v.v-.-3.-!'!""""I A 7 'Vv?.""*'.""' l-‘.l"" ‘. ' " n "-‘ ".. -’ -' - V, _ ._ ._ g , . V Vl, . .‘ . l . , « . .— ~ _ . , - n Q Q o o u O Q O s a a o a o a a e o o 0 O O 0 ‘ ‘ F -o’ 3 3 _é3 V’ 5?. l El i 5 3 2 if "9 5' i 7 ’ ll‘l 7 ‘V - ‘ f ‘ ‘ ‘ - - A Smltlrt the I v . 7. ’ “dveinsionvfnis. nmnneowqmbeiof‘ [:n$dn£o &u¢.n“”m‘!£!h.£:: man. Until 1812 the only people C“ '0 on? may mt 0 15¢ l'Bt'l0lll1 lll°¢illl¢- I , I, ' . pmbllc h:g:l‘lI'l)h' ore . o i‘ opman ‘to A‘ Smith. at 3", in the district weltedthola, hosfile F0?» found", to s,und.a,fl.e “: Registr;itliot;*dforN the kregflonali 3 l- '5'l"~“'- ' ' ‘ . . 9”“ , ~ ,. Sac. Kickapoo ottawatame 1”}-I ~ ho ~ ‘h led meeting 1 n ovem r l3 at . Minnesota has taken‘ a wtsefYorh. because be as Roman Oath-4. yuan“ , . . ‘wne"?fiume:'.“’°ne‘:fory nth, Suuer 15103.1. A gumhum wm‘ step. The law will work no hifdrldk, Klan calla Underflbod 1' The first white ;man's cabin mafia . nu high, 1”” ‘ho .‘"_,.d~_be served at, noon in honor of Mrs. ship on advertisers, as other me-‘E flag‘ because he voted Boone (éounty was :1 Thrall's Ptals Em di‘ . mm ,‘ Carrie tt. honornryi diums are numerous enough toctflrvafalnat theprohibition amendment rie. or be llodel arm as ll. wast Dimmuyin dkfin‘ mm‘ ‘ml luk,|president_ot'%- the International Suf- . -,3 1 .3‘-egfigg.l1 fig gag: ' ' later called. It was ‘situated at _ag jfrage Alliance, .at.the Town Club in ; “most M in t tjxla It ‘no is but a l 1 Kla 1‘- 9"“ '50“ “'°“'°‘ "ill" '°’““"" .°‘ N” "m "'0'?" M "’ "’° 3,’; the Centurgglliutldlflc. l . menttothepoonleo 3.. ‘ _ asampeo npoiV°(c°hmbh.nd{om_mflan°nhob|g¢nng,nmgvgl them:-nto I nu.” ~McDoug.‘o£S.u‘ ‘ P?t"~'t'lll !llllll€5“‘ l ‘°‘id°“”' wuidu. Kin’ "“‘.°"°‘““‘"' Pet Roche rt. There the hut din“ Bl-"wk fleet’ .‘nd1Okla.. ‘la .te porary chairmamp TD}: ;. t . might be caused by the obstrnedon America tail to assimilate {oragn-‘Va ‘mm in 1812 ‘ad am 5,“ com ;there it b:a;dme Columbia’ s:nt::.aconffl_en“ in he" “Wm fmmi A ' ' , "cf more I " en y e;.the~national§eommitteewomen in the ‘U 3 I v~\' .......o—-....... ' of view by billboards. ‘era ‘ifthis it 539 WP’ 0‘ A1ll¢l‘f€|ll- ‘wg; p1.nud,.W'itl|in twoyears there , § ‘Trnmc on rural highways today ; ism she has to offer. . ' ' ‘L 'is'as dense as was 111856 on -‘ > _._._.;:. :‘.__;_.____, - o-— A delightful play, full of imagina- tive scenes and lines, whose principal action is laid in the Orient. This is a "typical Dunsany play faithfully pre- sented as the .first real dramatic of- fering of the season in Columbia. You can expect and evening of the fullest possible enjoyment. ' I on. ; main streets of a decade 180- 3°‘i' ?:1t5ht't:'e°3lpr:n ‘°m.‘h°i'ithflhth¢mnu'l' indudin‘ an new ‘oz l.d‘i‘si:lsnX!nt: . - - f mo (re. ‘ - ‘country Was l’83lNIlIl8l|'¢¢l 5! “I9 1”’ mu ' ” '1-‘lorence Fa‘ ley. Kansas; Dr. Jennie Gemilfm ;:,:_ym;‘E.ns”m . ' ' ' It is not known who‘ named ‘Boone i callfas. Nebraska: and Mrs. Emily‘ 2:571 ’t.«. tho ld be employed other‘ A"roaat.o’t Etiquette? 1 There was a stat Good of lull? °°'"“Y- 5"‘ ll ‘*3 °'-’g'"l limb“ 3?‘; ‘Nowell Blair. Missouri. who is I180. E" .u Ono" mi ‘ l.nd_ Editor theullaaourianz A real hot gration after the treaty was rat:-, named for lianxelf tgonte. W‘ :3‘ l0f".i,_.,_dmi,.m4n of thegnatgonu mm, ml” ‘h°“ld f g ' mm fdinner seems;.b be a rarity in the tied and among the first of these just at the t me o e arms on o mama owns who Wm be present able mow: mlde 5! u"'"¢’°l*' lfraternity j sorority houses onlsettlers were Robert llinkson. for the ¢0lllll)'- agrc: Mrs. {Thornton Lee Brown. ‘ : . -dull‘ “D903 1109 to a -certain formiwhom was named the creek on There has been much contr0V¢T9}' Joplin. the inational organizer of g f. llili “Rl'M-RlM‘'l‘e'‘G 733"‘ of etiquette which is,practiedd .and«which Columbia is situated. and °"°Hhe spellms o_f the old pnoneers-w,,,,,,,,-5 pe,,,.,m.;¢ clubs, mdi The P7090504 Val)‘ Stalin! lhtwhich is entirely wronm Here it isifiobert Callahanfrom whom Calla- 118109. 3°”? ‘-‘1l_3"'l"l8 ll ‘"5 B00" Mg-5, Halsey W. Wilson, New York. “rum-running" issue between §!’€Il.the castnltfor everyone at the din-’han's Fork of Roche Perche Creekand some _Man)’ of tdhencityfi direct” of schools of demo”: ~fll‘fuun and the United States is acnertableatairaternity ora sorority gets its name. In 1819 s Wmmflgzfdwgl ‘Pa M?‘ S‘: ' racy. ; ; “ii ‘"“ ""“'““' ’°“"i°“ °’ mibm t° “hum-"°'y°M d” is ‘M embmhed 1'.:nd' me mile‘ $'*h...'...'-I $.33 non‘: ca)‘ §:ox:'ei 9 wheel I “M l’ 'r " :2 problem that should be extended toauned 5:?" sum?‘ t° i‘.‘m° knzzg (T; d ‘ma muck. ‘umgfi ‘ll of 'th ea,” ,c_ \‘ db‘ 3 "f1 P 'h 'k°'(;'dn i ~means o ' - - " " . ' .- “"_h" p°'_w°”_ ” '31‘ f B .t ‘is served hezfisugo.-wttither aftd l'l8:.mnC‘:(e)l:lallbll was not one of the ear-.;'counts_called it n. d h h;‘.;mh,_.¢n' |;cn:g:3tcdu:.-:3 31¢ uni: . 'I'hc.t.egt} wou ¢8' “"1 _" '1,to wait on the other section beforefliest towns. in fact. there was {Jamel Boone himself use V elvershy of issouri and them 8"‘ t '5.‘ "gm; bx petmiinn‘ shah?“ an 3‘ ‘"4 um‘ lb‘ W"? ""h°5° '3“u°m¢l'li 1! “W lllllts north. I 8981-. A letter 139' ‘P a” p§ss““°n eight atnddats from there enrolled } :-hips to carryliquor Info Al!l¢YlC1l|’l'ood is served among the first eats fler one seven or eight l‘l'tll¢!l north-left! f8lllllY‘._lll_ Ifllllflmi Glltllcliy in the Uwersity now _ territorial waters under seal. thualpraetially a cold dinner. The cor- ‘ east and one!nox;’thwes_t of there ‘vim ‘l)31le8Tl:l’.v ‘nlgillnzgil Boom" 0;: A to H;_______Bl“t H t .1 ’ ' ' . Q; U ' 'rect etiqu ttef tabl ' is to i bet Count ia's.t.ime. There ‘ v If 1 C861’! save 00 H "mum: hm” under C mm c or 2 “Wm was? alsnoz? little unnamed aettlutent establtslllnz 339 C093‘! the Sill}: and cfitybti less to buy. Hughes‘ 1'2. nam Adv. ~ rrv -—-v-v~-.-w=<:~.=-v fez‘?-‘riscivtsfs . 1:, _..__ ' “ ". 35 . _‘>.'.u.. .«._- --«'7heu—-.-r=r«-e-r-—- aw .-»~ »--'.-"n.‘..'r"‘*.*'s.~.—.~rv . _ ,- . n V ‘ ‘ . Presented By The Dramatic Arts Club R. .., ,,¢ States would be given the right to.g search any British ship within the, Here. I twelve-milelinit. if it is auspeétedl Editor the Ill-not-i-n: Ir-closed of arrying liquor‘ for smngglin¢'9l°“.° “"4 "l . . At the same time._we,S°“_”f,"n_G,: ’'‘n .. "°"“"‘ ""6" "" The Tigers were defeated by _ . United States alfirrns the principle A very ‘amine upefience of n__ as Jayhawlters at football. - “nu. 'M"""""ur_ Pony mm» ‘_ Wednesday qt thethree-mile limit for territorial:c,m due m u to ~ eh 5 The Boone County Association of uni“; coma}, in ,1, ‘cu ‘ml k_ _ __ % prop me write 334:. l _ A. t waters In all other maritime mat- ‘1'h¢y- any prove . him to owe, ‘ms Colored Teaichers meeit lots a two-da‘ by unde, ‘be .3391”, af 1-3, and : ea-;_ _ ‘ « an nu am, you .5 the two 1 have session to iscuss uca iona P70 Episcopal Church. was flayed before; i 11,3, ere“, ‘gum -.3 me unjguliin mind. .lems. a {air sized audience at M G’ -- .9 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' e‘ -‘ck - “in bu, ‘ ,3 3 Eeat when served. 1! this were prae- _ . . 3,“, fmmflrflréfiagftieed incolombia many more people ‘ where Hallsville is, one at -Ro_eh- ilegislaturt. thfltfo It Purnittrea ‘ = . .»o- 2!“! 3 «would get by dinner, influx} oflbridgc. ‘"5 one neg: P1-ovidencalfioone County. _ z A _ k_ i _ i _ _ g ' - Y‘. I . ‘ — ‘ ,’ . A 4 «AL » _.- ‘T I I. . On the other band. the unite-1;°° °”'’‘'‘ . . C_ all «-——~—.~——~ ~—~-~-—~~ - * § 2 r '-an. and Mr. Polly 'flekh" to Bel °°'“,'°*°d'°°"l= W 20 rem Ago This Week. Presented again Tuight at , s or c; nan. ; . . . ; . ‘~‘ Tonight Columbia Theatre Good Seats. If You 7 Buy Early. ‘“ $1.50 c $1.00 TAYLOR’S MISSOURI STORE .' nnmoshunv ‘ 1 ‘ Looxmc BACKWARD 4 , t utucnsraonsvnnzscsi \ " - V sum in the mfomemmt of pm_‘ 1. 1-hoo oaon ooeinm when tiring thy, prof, chgeiuf A, Ellwood wss.of_ Columbus last nig . ' hibition without encroaching on the 1. “l‘.h;. '-halt noeba overly anxious to'°l°°t°d p’°"d°m 9‘. the ‘flumm pay "5 tolgfitfsusmted ‘‘.‘m ‘l’ 8 :1_ ‘ {G pg,-;h§_‘,,¢“f.;,,5_-rttetarnaiaothaltttlel-ooIe.ltatt!: ,. , i o ‘A Egms 0 R‘ L? ‘ ‘mi «unless: uayoeemow It looks ‘nu-ev.’%tion. He mvesttclltd 3." ‘-3° Mi?’ Robert Wjarniclte as Mr.‘ Polk.‘ ‘C '«— r ‘gflemmu C." l " 7”" '5“ "°‘ 3"“-"{:"' “W two almsbouscs in the state and ex- ufickk ",4 awn '5',” - ’ _ w . other powers. most of the interns-lw nun. instead or just. hm-oe posed ‘bum in ‘om, of mew, ‘ Pony nfickk bmngm “ah _ "iond c°4mp“c‘“°"‘. of pmhibiaoag 4. shalt not the Just a certain: :l‘9Ch3 from the ‘“dl¢3°°- “'9 phi’ o t ' will be removed. :l-:r «:34 wine me:-gee _ 10 Years‘ Ase This ‘We-‘els. depicts home life in l976'when the ., '-'-'——'-"""—' -~ ta-sewn llh name .. - " fflgg‘ OF 5 W in 3. ‘(know ‘M, an,‘ ‘my The ptrptls Ill {hf -Collllllbll. SCh0Ol5 W'0Yn.e3l ‘'9 the Pollack.” O 3 .‘E _ , ._,,,,,, ,,,,,, u w 9,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.,_ were hgvmga vacation on account of family and the husbands are the “"7” “T “W M3": mu!‘ m '‘f“ 6. Thou shalt not ten thy elhployt-r‘go many teachers attending the keepers of the home. The first act fllrc the tonsctlt Of the U?! MI I?‘ Teacherso Assochfion in opens ‘ scene in mg hofnc of States to a discussion of the allied, _"'I 5°“ F“"'.._"'°:"'_‘."u')°":" 13:‘; ":‘""‘ Louis, Only eight teachers were re- the 'l'icltl:'s with Mr. Ticltk taking ~_ war debts to the United States at idea the thou shalt probably, find: th:-u:-‘ll maining in city. care at the children Mrs. Tititgut. the conference on German repara-5!‘ ""“" '."|"" 'l'1“-‘¢- new “'‘5 , mm,-erpcm go egubligh ‘ PNINWW W 3° W 55¢ ml‘? - ' , ' I & Tl-I shall not ferret to take my . _ . _ 7 ‘ ‘The other husbands come in to have “I. . ti?” prop”-ed by Ctuflaihfi" M’ ‘h’. ‘°°m'““'* "“ '*"°" ""’ ‘fin (:h5p?n~un' wggcsud by the ‘ their rctlllar knitting circle and are . 1‘-,_ nug),.,,,_ _ ‘difficult! cadhlag thy moo checks. “omens Cmc League. , b_ h {Em _ it is doubtful whether the United‘ "' "““ "°‘ '°'*" ‘° ‘“'""° "" w——-- '‘'‘"’"‘'‘'"’d ’ ‘ '’ "'°'°"°° ° ’ /. ' _ . . irbies on he tlllfllune. lat thee- ' ‘Lawson. taken by Russell Cas- Slfu’ ""1! °"" "5"" ‘h“' 11"’ mg‘ “°:d""" l",""* "‘°“ 5”‘ "'9 IN AND OF MISSOURI teele, who ridicules the men for let- pomt of new of France is that thus. i_"':" ""7 "‘"' ""“” “ a’'“''‘' V .ting their wives make them do the housework. l . _ _ “ely of Itnowlt-v.l:r." and then-- _.._ amount which France claims from ‘lore ‘tb any to "get e.—t...-- _ , “ . II _(3eI-many cannot be determined be-' (Signed) Caught On. A """°nal amlfiign to "he '1'- The second act takes up spring fore the question of the inter-allied! -"*,—"‘_ _ Ogeuie 13:30? Tnme "st cleaning in the home or Polly Ticldt. debts is permanently settled; lf‘the' .°7""' 0°“! R”? "‘ "'“" ~°m- “H 5“ “mu, m The third act is at the Votmlr orc- bdxtor the Missourian: As a local » I-°‘“"' tcinet where Senator Zella Highbrow . . .. ‘ ‘ . .. ~. 5 I . . uVvuv~‘nu-qrfp,— ~_‘»-.(,...,. ._.~........ -.,. ... - .2 .—~ ‘-< _, H, _ . M . . ‘. - . .9 W 1 ‘ a ‘so . -1 In A q.o4aq~..4 1_ . . s . . . r , - I ,_'c‘-'*‘§"~'vV:II.V"‘_~v-r av-or-so-we-1'-_~v-I.’ »; <. -_» t . - .. g . _- . 5 1 H _ allies insist on collecting from‘ ___.___. . g. h France, then France’ will add the}S;';",,,,.u°”"'y' “:,e;o’:;'“:f;, . Bandits robbed the Piggly-Wiggly ;te to man; il:°fi°n’;’,fé.:";,:;: amount of that paymeht to her eating lot" of coeds from Co I, I nor?’ 6.21 rwnh . Bm‘d"y' st.iB‘n°Ln - - claim on Germany. lf the alliesyfeel impelled to rise both in defense L0;-H5’ Ndurdayegiigtt ggdsigihwé‘ ‘ A11 through the play the chorus cancel the debts, then France wiufof my en-at Alma Mater and of my ,;’,f;.§,°°i’,’,‘“c'},,,‘2’,',’;,‘,’,, an -g.,‘4¢;.¢'.._ ‘. as featured in songs and dances. claim so much the less from Gcr-;5¢‘- _ ‘ - ~- {The many. 1 I‘ "5 ‘l“'”3 °"ld°"l ‘hat DOM 07 A _ result of hundreds of_bushela |o3 were well received by the audi-t .7 7*» Am=~~n ‘vow or M »=‘§"° ‘°"*'°':'::..?::. *:::“; "W "":..:;"*°' .‘.=:‘“" ":3 am - 3 s a u ‘ _ ' -——————.—————— . ”“‘ "'° ""“"“_°" °‘ ""3 "'~""' °'“"*°‘?Comeu have been there. 0thern'isc1:,:g:::d1:j '.}‘.’.“.‘.'.‘.".....‘{I.°e aecylxfsillgi Kansas City Club to Moot. A be '_‘°"u°d “ml! ‘W3’ G¢.l’m'll|)"| 0|-;they would not make such ridiculous Qucgory "my be located in china- The Kansas City Club will meet paclly to pay has been determined. and laughable statements. ¢ou,¢_ _ at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the audi- When the allies know just how much As for the first young man what ‘ --—-——— . __ torium of the Y‘ M.‘C. A. Building. 2 they on get out of Gerrnan)‘. andlatarted the discussion, let me tell: The bank, examiner has announced ‘The club '88 0118111266 in Kansas 1 jun how much {mm pnmc’ uuylhim somebody _has been “stringing" ljthat a careful examination of the ‘City'during the summer on 930 ‘°3j ; A ._ v on be «» «em r am we .,.<=:.'.:*.=" =' *h=.::~ l b°°*.:.°* “:2: .2: *'==...‘::*::‘.-.:=';.=v..:~:::::= wn-L Roms- l _ nae. l ra v 4 { -, w c a n. -; ~ _ debts.’ , ‘ °, has lust as many whiiptrinrg coupl: doors Sna8t‘:rdayt} show rcio evidence of 3ing of the Club in Columbia. Plans 7 ‘ u i ' Assn‘. THRU 91 ‘ . Th“ "“‘°" “ °"*‘"" “‘° °°°"°'§-8 bere—more. indeed for the humus and sboiild pay without loss'for Thanksgiving "will he“ais'o‘useed_ JUST 1’ ° 1 mic stability of France is in thelbrary is bigger. Few and far be- ito depositors. ‘and dectioil of offil.Ura‘wilLhe'held.‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ‘A balance; her internal debts areitweai arethe young ladies who Qrc‘: ———-— . ' T _ LL V _ g _. ¢n0l'm0l_1!4; on her external debts aheffolfitd leave at 10:45 p. m, with- Suit for $5.000 damages against " ' ’ “ i is pgyiq‘ go {meg-egg ",4 in an escort‘: accompany them to,Williarn A. llorstman. _East St: 1 _ magnum; mm 5,“, ‘cm ,i l’ 001?. ' t the deluded young . Louis. was f“ed Saturday by his sis~.5 “ting. Cu, Fnncevsufi: the ‘:;lfllln peek into the drawing :;l.er. Miss Lillian llorsttnan. who says much ‘longer: Can_she more "to m'f,.',°_',,,. com me i‘"°"° "'9 “M” °f A‘”°"l°‘ ‘M me; he seeseosily ‘an automobile in which she was England!’ - ’ ’.,f‘. 9 .."..“..'*.,'-ans? -s-._ _,'_ ., —-........._.... .. ...... ......-- _--_._-_ _. ...a ’ ..‘ . . ‘C " "."7I1e 5‘oft‘§.-rCoall ' . Not only your wife,_‘b1it_rnothcr, dgughter and youyqunalf will :3fi£E3§Ps2éaz: there. hlnfuldavor to numherlpassenger ‘ ' o 4 “JBW. {cc AND Jason“ :h'a:'i:,";,?;‘ ;,T,’:';"‘,n':f George Wallace Henderson or .St.~' *()utstanding.bil1s against the J our- ‘. be ¢_Elishlal_.*il-h the heat. the ideal comfort and that 1.; , ' sctlllwellu-o“=° “-l~- he -ml the mom-. let him finally look in 14"“ W”. "”P“°‘ °‘ ““'°“’‘'"‘ 1' m Pla Commission not present- : . fenttrely amhed, iuxunoqteenhg iitichresultswhenyoubm-n M. huh «haiku,» an X. magma, on $30 Him-athlr All-Ca... 3,” mind by a jury in the Probate Courtl . 1'13 l8 . _ ‘ CANTINE, the moderately prieedoofteoal. Theiactthat BAN- hg 7.. "'""ll‘ ¢°l°'*°1 "W591i" W°'°l!1V- 5"" "1 We Enlmilti arms:-r'sln'y~ °" "“‘“°" °‘ ‘“‘ "“°' "*9 : ed on 01' bef°r_e Novelnber 15 Wm not i .rno-: is so hard, that it won‘: slack in the his means addadqleanle to: -3} ‘W ‘W-‘-ll came out fl-tfooted "‘° '“"°""- ‘° ‘Nell every student ““‘ 5°’ "‘."""“ "“ ‘““°‘f" "‘"';_ bepaid, s '5 . I‘ho.dstq".§,‘tlIe am and dust which altar! aeoo-tn-l-, was against Senator Oscar Underwood 3“ a‘ “"1 “'° 'h°W"lfllll l0 {n an ‘ut°m::i1eh:d°c';:':.yi:°£: _§ ' « nary And if you boy C'AN‘l'm_B la the issues Bus (8 large as . ital ’°' hfiy'..'£i'°."' """‘“’ 351'» . Bills for. purchases made after No- ~ 3 account) you nah i: my to: use women can to an in you than l~ ’ ‘..;. e a human ’ - . - , ' ' "_ _ ‘ “ . . ‘ ~ " iii. ma’ mm ‘ no!‘ .'Ll>:mdoallt.h.thh. 1 say. Ihdthen dare A .,,,;,.,...,..,..,.. ..,._, vi... _ yember 2 by anyone for the Journal g gig oh. nigh c.4ggg'I3\5_. g n. .2. M ',.u,°‘b.°‘_u__n"“‘°.¢,.e._. _:""'h__ “flaw lieothe ‘in the near future it will not be paid : L - g I... t » J ‘A "W . five orthhty years .... -r. mm. ’ v “D198? *.1.9°°mD9-med by av$'”°h?3° K is. tons: on CANTINB Furnace ‘Only thedealers. . '3 “I, with . “j__ if” um’ “I” to nflmmhauufiu “Noam ht . of an order: by James . Price,‘ \ stlistedituaan supply you with the genome. Accept no :.. I ;‘:;;‘t°.““:.:‘* we-* cw-v *.':'.*..*"".:*.':'..".':'.'t.;*F.':.*':‘.‘:.’*°1-- in »r-""”=-""-°"'~"ss-°°°,,.,, Tw°r°'- - t < :3 l f‘ gw ‘ Jfifig 1;. o .- _ . VI’. ‘A f of * . - .‘. ,.- , s‘-A}; '~v-—’° ',' ' .‘ ‘ g ' \ *-we ~==c- ms " "’°" ‘ 2'.‘-=-...:-..r~:. » «3=”=~'i-~‘”"'°""’*'im « °» W‘ ‘°‘ ’’“’°’‘”“ ""“‘°i°“i€£i"i"°‘ t ' it —~ o-Dalton Coal Co 7 1l~l3Gl‘l|“!355"I'°'°.t_fil'l¢.l',llhnIlasoarll.’I\itlner- are . m,'_‘3“~’°‘ f. ’ o o .foreNovember2.sli,i__ g W _ ‘ » , . . O - . Wnllyfiudizealt flllfllr &Ia,‘0:l|'=v_IlI;..o!'I‘klnaivsstiIze~or]L" '-~ I I {ml ' ' ' _f _ ° ‘;,;.’.;_-t’.‘.\,i::-~ 4:“.-‘ i. 3e".*'=T2 ,"-'; F ‘ Phne 1041 , - ‘ - ' 13 N. Fourth 3‘ 7 ti‘. " Ktntlicln. I qnallrar ‘ill. ._ -Ilsa. lhiakaaaho " " ' 7 " . ."*- ~‘-" - .. * E. 2 5 » - ‘ ' e . —. oene.at»o..eh.;tu...a.t.t....,.‘""'€‘°"‘°""°°‘°‘*"°. 5 » to 0- » . Jnaesoaiyhy x.aa.ghtcooicou;o.y-st.t.ua.uo. . KI! Klux Klan before, u W.‘ ' tfi Can . '-‘.‘ft' T:‘ - "1 i »- -' ’“"‘ 7.’ "’-I .’ . 1‘ - _ _, ' T " —‘_ _ g 7 y__v_rm. , _ should he plhin now what Ill ‘It! ,3‘ appearance. mfréit 35$ 753$ ' *" ‘ ' ' .- ~-... ILM-I-.1«:.‘3tl'£.!i.i..’.:"t.‘.'.!E.t.e-_."'-‘v..'..' -.2-.sh"nrr.=ssr=ha:saa.-:as.~.ate~.:—.—-es;-. z-.=:.-...r.;:2...h..-.....~ ,‘ I .‘, ~W'cvs_¢a:va.___ h I