e :rv.'.'*":.t:*':-.°.~_~» '» “ ' "f'_ ’. ~= ' V.. 0"‘ 3",. '.~: - .c -9-~ - -'..:""-~'- - . “-.:=-“= F»: A ‘ ‘."”.a '-“.‘- * * -r _»'-,; ‘ ' _ ._ - f-. ., . A 4 . ..._. A._~.v—---r 4. «_ --A ~~rv "‘ 3 W‘ k’ ‘ <‘?_-‘ ' i I ‘.. 0 --'7» w ‘ - .. hfld-Iaficauty III. Slllpldl. elnlnnaa of the I — .. . ‘E .' N R l A new county map is bah; pn- ar- “ONEY FOUND 3 H . ‘»'_ A,‘-~_V; _, . b_ V _- w , A . % .pa1§dhyI.3.Badson,aahI|;itla havelaaaaaiadetoi-the 8ellins0ld El 3 eEll)®gm‘. ‘S coin ma has-osivusits. UIOIIQ the roads, nuici loaae ‘raven hall room and 892 win can ; B c _ T. ‘_ ‘A . p I ‘ f _ - ’ePfice“°f‘rm¢"E‘r"do hlfinasalioulduiaade‘ K[,A3s@|[,(x)_ ‘ 53 ” A ‘ I in - i , i@‘°°;hm"' lb ofilaumldentalltooluzeanexpelsdi-X ~———-—" °“°°°POIIa'tine "'- Ragger Campaign Brill . ' $2.26: "”"”—' ‘ I t’ ‘ S] T _B. C ’d to t 33:. . V 35.33;, |b., 5@6c. mus greens. ' In th these ‘Inn eompletlon ottlie tare. l- y :3 mix; !.“"h‘hA :_: . A ‘E ’-'?w M” 2 ‘(continued ti-om pace 1.) :11». 5_§c;.c-binge. 13.2 1-2; turx;a&s_.l wTho-ewhdnchorr°4M_h "' En“ ‘ -————¢———+- . See the new Dodee -port model: “"“““‘°°“""' 8°°d Vlfflelatthe : 5? _ scnmmgge. g . h M“ , ‘-bu» «fig. legs?» 0'» heed!» d -‘gm Ge°f‘u"""*" | “W.” ’ ii; 3..., cm... .. cl... g...;.,, «st John N. Taylor’s. _ ' I woon mo com. ; uch ...,“ h 3: ;, 1 SI 3ml“_.."‘ 3;: v°‘;£i~,ulfuc'u: e1,c£'It1’§%‘§o¢‘.”". Faésueleiii peg3ceg'$1E5i“‘i’i°h- D070“! Stewart was The Scoop contest for agconaomi You are opportunities it 1 308 Oak St. ” his in-eaflag "4 ' - mt uni of the total of twenty aupe- ‘pears in §oc@'s1.oo.-' sweet potaiindmltted this morning. Swill 50 cohtimlfid fill Mn H0BdI}"7°° ”‘ '’‘’t ''“‘u”‘ ‘M ""3 ui'‘1 Ph°“° 1222 m““- ; ‘°”'‘’‘3 ‘NI! one i - ‘ .. . '0 I‘ M‘. of cohinmud flu: 'mdenu'.l‘th(e3 . andiflfil’ C0011 303298. Ind replacedfi g 5m”, '11,” c; ‘wee; ,,.,’t,u,._.,, u,_,‘2¢;§ -—————-—_-— ‘because of the few practical sug. ‘ilourian want ads. » fast to moth”. n A-if ‘ . ‘ i saw.’ ,,,,.,'.,,,', u,,_.§ncpubuc.n judge in the vacancyj1righ.potatocs, bu, soc@s1.oo; ripe? Try I Missourian want ad. Itestionl turned in. -ecordinc to ~—-—— -~————— ~- S :;.;“,°‘ W fine ‘ _ much t Rom,“ new (1.1, gfgcreated when Mayor Dever resigned Ttomatoes, lh., 5@8c; green tomatoes, *_ __ —-_ g - '{ .. "’ '°"'°‘l to you ts<.é_* 3;‘ M“ : ‘ft: M ,5, ma, ..,,.;,..~ '-to take the lunar’: offiee Indlbu 75c° trying chickens lb 14@ «_ lN8UR.ANCE—l-‘ARM LOANS For Private "“>- - ‘ -r - I . ’ ' - ' ' es 0 0 -s 1 1 , ._I '’ f an use time before the 15186106 Miss Mary Bartlme. notable 18¢; hens. 1b., 14@18c: stass. lb..‘ . A A ’ . ”" '',‘'’' ""‘ " ml _‘'’‘'‘‘.“m“'''' i. DANCING LESSONS .- ._ Plat §:l‘:0¢0‘:;inC um ¥:vé?i‘:it‘"$‘;'r'g "?l.h'; "°”“ “'3” ; 1“; ’°°"°"" “"' 7°‘ ‘ y use ; Phone 1573 Jack's P Tlieuissou nassers started a . . _ . . ‘ nee inns Realty c-.. 303-303 cm» 1 8”“, Price Thou.” _ M ‘O an-n out A. 88 Ell! St. LOUIS LlV'C3i0('k. , 0 A ‘H(. p - .3 4' p _ ~ aentativc from the fourth Illinois. NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. Ill..; ' A f o—} ‘ __\ [.3-gggt witnesso. we G2,, 3,, n,_1con¢ressional district, and won a th ~ Nov. 7.——Cattle——-Receipts. 5.500;; Am‘ ‘ how“! p been ’ 0850751)‘ "~'Pl‘l’5€mlU°" 0“ Eimarket lower; native beef stoers,f Dd. - f::3.d'th: amp nth“ gm. a,,g%s;ounty boa $9.75 up; yearling steers and heif-_ d 1 '—‘“ 3‘ ' - - ; R_ ( support ‘of the student body. All To SEE"“"“‘PLAN“"“0F ";‘EMOmAL ers. $10.25 up: cows. $4.35 up; can- 0 - l 0 h Hot and CO]d,Water_“. European Phn ‘ .__... '. “..n.c“"’“‘ r8‘,l1li‘;Eon' 373" 3‘ ' ‘—"“‘ ;§r5:0ant‘citochecu“t?srs'aif§1f(:?d.efs5;ffgilegt ' A voiml-r hid: tr-do coal. ' ‘ s o I 9 Q i‘ we‘ '1 " P’° ‘ ° ’ Alumni May View Litesiae Model - 3 ‘ ~ - _ , ' in 1 £ ' A '- ‘ t L If snpiiort A 1 to em" Men. 5-53-m_Rm:pm_ 21.000 ma;-.mu;o_' No matter which of the good used cars on our 3?; 6:33: ‘m'28°c’em':’;:r_ . i O . i u_ U_ BAN” .10 (“V3 snoggn A lttesize model ot a. proposed ket 5 ‘O 20¢ lower hem _ $_‘_.00@’ 9- h 1 t . l . W F A . p .1 ._ . memorial to the "M" Mens Associa- , 40 medium ,,'m@7}(; ‘im. floors today thatgou may buy, t ere are p en y bushel. Phone 891 or call at NE UR -= . if : Will Entertain sooner It-olden tion of the University of Missouri"‘ ‘ 2 ~ . ° ‘ c‘ ' . . -* i " " ffi i ld N‘! ° = .- 1 i‘ . ~ nu‘ -and. may be viewed by Homecoming *5-£97-1-‘WU Ml" ‘*¢*"’6-o0$5f52f_ of people driviiifinilie same make and model of ; :‘1’:n: 02°‘ 6:; °“,.b"‘:_"‘ ‘°'’ 1. T. C. Hall and Ivan Ashworth, Proprietor; gt 1 Th‘? UfliV9Y'|i*3' 01 333301175 bu“! Alumni Saturday. The model will ' 9“ ng _“m'' ‘ ,', @,'_ ' '5 . _ -d « ~ ’ , . . . M 1,: ' '5 Q“, will zive - smoker in bong: 313: be placed in me circle before Roth- P"‘Sj;e::f_°R@e:§:;‘b“1'§:(f6‘5“i;f:ét C81‘. T10 better Ill;-Ht)’ Ways and the)’ P31 Draw’ Clark Implement Co 5 Opposite Union Station oberiy, Mo. « ;..._r M, . University of Oklahoma n ' gu G ‘um g 6 '1o¢k '5“. v v 3 , ' . ° V’ p c _ .. ;.~J . week-end. The band member’:-bwere ‘:,.d.y ’:;,n,.:,s-‘,,g_ ‘The optima” 0 wea;l£; ewegi can‘nc-‘rs rigid Cally “VICE 38 88 you \V1ll V >‘—— « i ' ‘ E: ‘ unanimous in tavor of the m n. r 1 - Q, odd th - to - up out ers. . ; woo am is, ’ ié ' A ~___ % «‘ -9- ' j rscxsnsu Afiic‘un& 2:, at iust.I,’,f°3',f aim‘; of ,,,§'§,fii'm_,,i‘,";. 3,, sio.so@i2.so. Here are some that demonstrate that state-_ 1 ‘ . _. if 3310: inn-rtno-pom eor d°d**°n-uiwi 1 '1 U" ‘z; '7"""'" - ; . , ’ ‘ 3-.» ' Th?!’ P!'°Pl|'°d l°¢°"‘“‘°d‘ti°"‘ ‘°"'letetie‘reii‘ic(i’i. a memo’-m to mfersi ‘ By ['.nite§LPIr;ou 1. Cuh Gum. ment =. "" " 0’ thewholellissourlbandinllanhat-? A . _. ‘ " .,.. _. ‘ . . r A‘ on. *g~°I;f‘u§h°m ;=~::".; mi; 1921 Chevrolet B°ads~ 1922 Bmck6Tourmz . it: can in eea moi , ,' ,..' . " - - :9 trainogn which the hand But K1_1|mte base. One end of the base $1.00. Dec. .76'\c._.lul). 415C. I . . 2 tlgr d Buick 6 T0l.1l'1llg . _ i I u“ we turned on =~= we ““:2:‘°;" .2;:::i:; ?.::;::'.‘s:.‘:‘;.°' 19 1 °* 8“ . 1918 Buick 4 Sedan o . .. .. sleeper had been,aet out and u_ac.r;=°° _ obetko \_- one 3‘°°’f‘li. Wm} (-M M_-Dec- -$1-0_‘M_ .1919 Chalmers Touring _ ' , . my band members "3" ‘men. they did *0" *1“ heat - °“H'°'=°’ 5 “" , ,. 5, 05% " ' ' ‘ ‘ 1923 Overland Touring 1918 Stutz Bearcat ' , V ,,,,_.t, not dinnrb them. Qughfnnndou, .be added oac_ year at omecoming.‘ u 3’. . . . . _ 1 ‘ I I Wu‘ 0‘ W “'°“‘’‘'-' “W i""'* °‘°"“" Small I-‘ii-:si Home or s K ciaof m'°.’“ ('.°d)«—M' 1' ‘U3; M‘ 2' TERMS I E‘ - i° “""‘ the ban_d_slept ca: Not until after A mm M waépwwnaeio mist-‘1‘9@~1.14. Ms. 3.\'s1.08@1.o9.8 _ EASY . y . . mm the game, when adf;wfA‘gxie band fire department m 1:30 ‘his N0 l‘4l('l1‘i.l0(6h“l:l‘ )—. o. 1. 61.0 34., . . ; .‘ I .- “T men cameaeross ____ie tocom-‘ ft in‘ h d . ... .. .-“_~__ M M t F b S d N 5 - F“"".°"‘ 3" ‘“"°‘“" "“':.°” ‘hf; iioecimogsi 350.332,-. ’ 1- 0' Dr. Bill Leaves to Visit Daughter. - C0. Oot _ 7 atur 0v‘ ‘. . "“""°' d“ any ‘um Exit fa‘ I‘. ‘started from the burning of rubbifih Dr. R. T. _l*lill -of Lanzdon. l(an.. ‘ 7 . . - pimp.) ‘W1 Md been "nae in r ' in the yard. No dxunage was done. left ‘Columbia this afternoon after North Seventh Strget Phone ‘ for ‘ CHANGE ix BANQUET DATE 5°"°°' Fm“! R°““.':‘-":‘_'—"—"'°“i"‘°d~ ;l:)s!ilt0‘3n(‘):ll}{€fe8:.o;|3'l‘0x:il'::lr)' liius: 'Open Evenings ‘ " 53:, u'~|’l“° Ch‘ &“"‘-'i"“'“ A m . Th? Cm}"my_ $""n jsf ‘°d“_3' if"""§' ten days. Doctor .llill has gone to . 2 p m : 03610 I-O:0!¥€l°"A!1':|'l1I::: Yihyr. ban fslgalaudigplticfiritg ‘:f:8:.}l:l'lm‘K;Tlll,0 liiuinigsutfuylsn hm daughter’ Mn“ —} . — . . 7‘ °“d ‘: . ‘ ~° *‘ - . __ ~— ‘ orde: quot 0: the main. Club will take have applied to the court for loom -_——-—_~—————— -~~— e— ~ - ----'-=~~ —~ - r. T} pi.” s.m,d.y’_ Novunb" 10' insfrom the county school fund. Try a Missourian wnnt.ad. ‘ . k t f d t° :11 he Th ~ c Q, I stead of on Armistice Day. Partly A _ , M _ _ _ M , A __,_ - c e 5 ram 3 Vance app ‘ca “ms V” “n nu‘ mg" be-:;:.~..°.'.=~.::=.::..*;".:::.%:::; . --.... daynoononny. I ,? the celebration of the Tiger tame {:9 with °“1*"°°“' 3"“""7- ° °’‘‘"'‘ These uncalled for tickets will then be placed on public sale ‘ taininent committee ev - T? , “,"" in: of We H°I°°°°'nin8 1°’? I : " at 2 p. in Thursday at Rothwell Gymnasium 0 o 7 A “""‘ th l"Battl 1 ~ ' ' ' . .5 0 wt gomrmwfl ‘Di? l>‘N.°°P*' "V . . General Admission, $2.00 (Standing room only) and reserv- “ - "‘°“‘ annual “get-together" of former ser_- A . . 0 _~ - I V 1 vice men of Columbia out the UM; » ‘ IN A RELIABLE ; ed seats $2.50 each (all seats both sides are reserved) will be . A “R”; varsity. A Last year more twoé ' g _ ‘., V ‘ ° hundred attended the dinner, but the‘ COMPANY . on sale at Rotliwell Gymnasium and the Drug Shop until 11 a. in. A 4 r i‘ 3:‘ number in the University has dwin-‘ ; e __ A 1 o :_ _ '9' gfidi? uuxpectodt thgt hum‘: Protects you from winter‘ii increased fires 5 Saturday° ' ‘scan 9 - 1 ' s . ______________, .. . , , 1;: T0 13139397 00393 30595“: conminu ixseii/mes: a nizxui. A(.'EN(‘\' 3 I“. P. B. P 0' “,nl.‘ _ Jladen Building. Donn Stairs Phone 259 i Review B. 0. T. C. Cadets. ; x . '. ‘mom flow The tlrst ‘R. O. T. C. inspection of Central Bank Lobby Phone 7:: “r "“ o--~--~— "~-‘*"——-—~ ~ — —— - 4e -- “on ‘ E‘-‘f-:?¥~f'nY"»‘=‘e;‘«i-‘-’°‘«‘3«"‘«»=‘ .'.‘.‘2.t.“é".’?..t, ...... ~ ... 1 ......;*l ’ . .. . ...... ,, ., E Co whose eath 4 ' 9 N)” .. . _ .« ' ' 73''" secs: omshs,wm mskeehe jhspec-I . ‘SIITII-(‘ATRON niuu. ESTATE a iiesuiumcs‘ . A E ‘ ‘ ‘ 4“ t t 3 R th ' °" thin. All military classes will be? — 101.: Ruhante Nsucsci out 3.1:. no... :1 . _ of course rd “ wan 0 0° 8“ of ti ‘fined Momhy in, “do, peyum "Ki V . \ er} best Satu 8) . _ hon: iii the atternoon there will be a re-F i " ‘L Souuuivibu & Co‘ . ‘ 6 “"' view. ‘ . ‘I3 nltfillll c\IlbIIl Blllk Bu]. PHOIIO I)! ' ever)"- enw ‘Major Peyton is expected to ar-1; swu~'nAi:n INSURANCE AGENCY ‘ ' one may be supplied with a Society Brand Suit ‘ larg arrlvein Columbia Saturday in time ; new room N-H--i 8-at No N-oe M0 g . i °;a0‘'°1'¢°3t “"1 ¥°. "'‘:§‘'i‘i‘:. “'9 813“ 31‘t’5‘t.‘° ?“° 0 ‘ y *' c hezuest tth ... ' r .. , * i v uaniies rom $.‘j°..‘.........c.:’......'...f‘'.‘i...‘£. ‘’ ‘YE pi F-‘W ~ ‘ ih.‘s‘3§i.i§°§f§.‘i3‘3.%p. m‘.°‘2....i‘.. A nfiouficz 71, g R ;*;;;; 1” pa“ Pom” Conn”. ‘; some cum Batldinl - Phone us can _ A’ . — ,'~f' -3 MM -Prof. H. L." Kenipster of the Col-‘_ _ ‘ - i. r. cAi~'1'.iazAi. ssurr: AND lK8U1lA.\'CE Society Brandsmts ‘md Omrcoats ~ ‘ ‘n logo of Agriculture accompanied his‘ 312-ll Guitar Balldlnc Phone us - $35 to $50 . the . - ' 50,, o ry yes y w ere ey ma ; . . Get FULLY _ _ . - -6 0 1 an intensive study at the F. M. . .l.ODA‘!nsured . ‘ Hundreds of other good makes of suits and over- 1 ' Sa:mperTbl;oultry an_V_ A W __ i . ; " eral Additional arrivals in sheep and leather coats ';| W . .1 ~ to . o ‘C - c at all prices. ‘ 4 _ v glut ’- Phoenix silk and silk and wool hose for men ‘ _ . ho: ‘ and women. . '. _:. a tc .* ' l ' for . ~ , .-. I1? .... .. ‘ V. ' _ ./A1 , , . - ‘ .3 foot .. A V . . _ A ~ .. 1,“ For rent or sale ‘ \ . V0 '9. ' _ _-I yainc ...:, x ' I k ,_ A. PW.“ . :,_ , fi_ W p _p y l Orchestra _ , x .: _ “:1: 7“ Ne i __ "._ _- 4 V i A ""~ < . . . . _ _ ‘ _, _ ‘ 0 0 e ‘ ‘ Upstairs ovc F'armera'» Cafe. ‘ '_' _ i i _ Wnh tlus “neup .7 ""“'“°‘‘ 0 A "‘ 0' " ~—- -—;vE YOUR who-w—-~ Jimmie Gettinger Piano 0 ' _ Be u “Eddie Yarbrough Drums. _ 11 C - . mN'’‘‘’mN°‘'Gm_8 Terry Coulter Sax. and Clarinet e~ I Y B OW I I I an Broadway Ken Naylor Saxophone I; r SP . Ted Sloat Trumpet ‘K. ’ . . for 3 e . When you hire the SERENADERS you get this Homecoming Game Saturday bunch and no substitutes. You know these men, and col It has been the custom for years for ladies attending the Iiomecoming football know that individually and collectively they 0 the hot. is: game at Columbia to we.” 3 big yellow mm or two. See that your girl, yam, Sister test on the campus. Tliey’ll put your party over. :3: or your mother is not disappointed when she enters Rollins Field next Saturday. R.e- . . - bod 001'"! !0lll‘8be“f71th013‘ delay 80 we lean save you the best. Let us deliver your order the First wmev hrst “Wed 8; afternoon ore e ame t t ts . ' ' ; ° ' i ' . - Our mums will keep ingivaterzifiwo Pliloi1ile(eydli‘i3i1'“oei~rclo§iS' t1omiIis)SiSf]t;i§ut1d:ii’tmc(<)irm1entFo ' Office at the Palms ~ ‘ the store. Our mums will range in price as follows: ~ 1 to 2 dag] ' V- " 1“ Si“ 51-25-24 Size $l.00—-3d size 75c—4th size 50c——small size 25¢. 5 y . ' Ge if" ‘ 0 I one 9 or see J intmi' e ttinger -J Columbia. Flor - :*~ _ COO N t d 1 O h u 1 . 0: 13 Greenhouses 13 " - 0 3. C CS 3 ’ 1 Clint Bateman J —- T :. anager _ _ A i V ~ Greenhouses ' West Blvd. & Ash; St. ." A‘ -.ii’an-ss2"'.’Z.s 3-..-",.-. "F . ‘ . -~.a\ ' -- *£.,.;"'_,,I_-»,';,__' "l‘._‘_. ‘.3 '. ' ... I ‘ ’ .. _‘ I . '&>L:\‘.D1«¢.". _'..;‘A_’_L.-‘J ‘‘‘_r__:'.; “.4; VI’.