A the thingthat ‘makes for happiness mworuble and content‘ one may pers, but to keep intact the homes be assured that that family has the: ‘W’ “‘".“‘3°‘ °‘ ‘’’‘’3‘-‘ “"‘° 3”‘ 5““¥‘ team in the \'alle_\', ,such as . announced that man is a combative . ‘ . . D0 ”""°"y' tnfejidivfzficf igrofiuiit : looking fur enough ahead and giving ‘ others "as you would have others "7 ‘"3 " _ mm: 0 ' . ‘ Ithem the. necessary. help before the. unto you" that is mt excelled in any P‘f°“‘‘- ‘" n ma’. be safely sud us“ ,nctual daxtitution taltes place. it- is °°mm“"5‘3'~ , ma,’ °"u'°m new" from ‘n.lmm ‘quot beyond reason to horpe for the Thfi 0559“ Of this 19391’ i3 '~° 1“ ingness of hullbands and wives to day when were win not be a ‘mum? those living outside of our cm, sacrifice for one another. and to put ‘him in we United Sums." know the "um that ‘be “No aside the unnecnmrx tyinirs for ‘Mt at Mamie” of amm m » Side" of Columbia is a desirable nocessary. Sacrifice _ ‘ ‘_ - a place in which to live; made when it is accompanied by love, and ”°°°"““'5' ‘°_’°l"-"'9 ’'‘’m‘’’''"‘‘ “"d as is the remainder the city. of man “ marriage on the verge of ‘he °"‘"¥"°°'°’ °f "'9 P°°T- “Withe rich and the poor. the haughty “nun ‘mad mm on, m,cc',,s_,f,,u,.iPt~esident. is right in believing that and the hunible. ‘M hhppilyi it the husband or uwgfewer unfortunate: placed in insti- To those within our city. we beg ' - . ituitons means greater possibilities ' of 3'00 if Y0“ bl"? 003 0°39 ‘°- l° wife would concede a few points to, . _ . _, __ h “N nh S.d ,, d f r ,u.ke_,ghe lot of the other easier. 1;::m‘:‘:"::v°rlt:;:;t‘:‘c.}£cn to grips? yhaiii-scEl\'ec-4 o:r con1‘foertabi‘e, fnecidegn x . - ' . . t1ons- c a '- - ' lldppinwfls love of the essentials ‘;,,0,,,,, be mnficd 0",, ‘,3 "mi: homes. and if you doubt the value for a successftlll married life.’ But _ d._ ‘ ' 1». ' .thercof ad: the one living’there '3'” '59 v‘m‘g°8‘ H ' f""°'7 (and he is usually the owner) the . ltibn is abused the result is an in-' - . ;,.,.m ,1 gm ,1 _ _ ,H ' price. Respectfully. :0 ms; bit; if inc; :5‘ crease in nncompetcncy and conse-’ nRs_ 0, 3, Knits, W’ ‘ pp ‘ quently an increase in poverty. ote A- explained in the Iisaouriaa to content1ne_nt do not pervade the at- ' _ _ . _ 5,,,,,.,,,,,, 9,, ,..,,,, ,.g.m.g home life of an: individual is needed1 A P°°' °‘""’~ " ”“°"¥l" "_P "1 “ :23. an -n cou- home life.of uindividuui is needed .“°°““‘ “““"-’~ '-“_’°" Wu?“ " "“ “i""”"""‘ ‘° ."" .. than to see his’ attitude toward thc.l'°°’_h°"*- "°°°"°5 ‘}‘° _ _ _ ticnul exist in limited sections of various members of his ‘mum,’ H a rm“. genuine love - t no lnslllullnll. put. of Columbia or any tr- be he mother. tamer‘ bmmmu or however efficient, can offer it, and sister, shows at deep record for the,w}"°h '5 “$95” {M fuuw‘ d"' other members of the f:unily.'n de- “’l°l‘m°"t ‘nd 3’_°m‘h° Th_" 5"'°b" sire ,0 pm their “,0”-an above ‘hi’, ; lem, then, as.Pres.ident (‘uobdge ac-N own individual effort, and willin;:- curate!’ -°"u"‘°s ‘t’ is N“ ‘° b"’i”! he” tn sacrifice m“,‘m,d the end Of’ more institutions with accommoda- unking those members of we mm“), tions for increased numbers of pau- @313 THANKS TO THE PIKI-ms! 1 Thanks to the Filters. Tigers They taught us that the and underestimate their opponents —-not even the weakest football gling for existence. thereby insuring better conditions in the future. Piker eleven of this year. right kind of home life. , They taught us that a team 1: Today, to make home life in many’ nto, doi The (‘osm 1 ‘. I a up cheerful US ‘it «IS ido fviewcr comforted him and turned to delicate .\li:-:z. Grape and round and tllfrllld “EVE? again b8 0VE1&nfidClll ll]-03)’ checked ()ni()n, _“Mis.~‘ Onion and I both came from Spain." "laid Miss Grape. “We are just now waiting anxiously for our relatives and friends to arrive. for they usually come about this ‘time of o I unhappiness yellow. this wonderful uountrv and people over. his away our pa But, . 0 \Vhen asked if he nnd his broth- ers felt st-ztsipk during the voyage -mon said that most of them didn't suffer much, as they were nicely wrapped up and packed tightly together. However. the voy- age was trying to some of the older ones and a few even died on the way. ' streaming l‘. . so sour te::r.~< wn liis_uncx-end lace. “We opolitan Club of the 'University is not the only one in Columbia. for another is found in a 1fruit store downtown. Its members ;a from a dozen different countries. »and they are always rently to talk ah i for publication. “I fm‘:~. lt::l_\'." said s:ur:l_v and looking _\;i-llt-w-faced Lemon, comfortably sitting in a .wooden box ‘ “‘Some of my kind come from Sici- ly." he continut-cl. all the year round. still young and green people took rents. comrades. like us so, we are no longer unhap- OI come here‘ When we were C 13:. Ba lush ‘said Mr. Banana pctulantly. He and 030"" 509*" f ' 5 hr,-eiowned by Mrs mun so unhappy mat 'ste“'In mad, ‘OT, $?ein[,' 11. p ten black in t 1! face 'tl¢Ulfl'1X W13?‘-308 WOTTQ The Olive family which was ab- she hauened aw”. to cm”. it‘ sent. came from There were many Americans amon . = .____. the dub members too. Whole fami- Lug,» R‘-qua; scion; of Tfefg R3. lies of Apples. 3_lr. and Mrs. Quince, .'.,t. prom Nu" 5:0,,-_ young Mr. crsimmon, still a trifle From one ,0 Si‘ lane” 8 dnxan, green. and countless others. be Most of the members of the club reigned , ‘VOTE ll£‘llll.\'“dl'C$5ed In Vfhlte ‘lS- cording to Prof. T. J. Talbert. sue paper. .S!nt‘(‘ many of them have delicate constitutions they afford not In be careful. 3 cw 0 they have got- .“ r. , ac- head °‘"m°t3 During the first of the month, A. A. ‘ Jeffrey, agricultural editor. sent out . . . . fa statement in the Missouri Farm ll()0l\S Bl -:l"EAl_\E_RS SOLD News Se I I. Represenative of Surrey Manages N893 07 this SPF‘?- Sale During Conference. Since then the story 1;” been pub- An opportunity go buy 3pe.k¢n,Ished not only in Missouri news- and then to purchase their books.‘P3P€!’8. but in Such P8???‘ 31‘ ‘ht’ was accorded to those who attended; 0150820 T!'ib|-1D9- A5 8 11381111. Ft‘- the Missouri Conlerence for Social Q1135“ bl‘? been 1’€C9l"‘-‘d {Tom Welfare. Near the door of the uudi-" people throuxhout the entire country .torium at Jesse Hall, where the 1118-3 W110 ' 350113 T’~‘t‘5 jority of the meetings of the conwwhich M3? (5989 0PPl98- ference were held, was a little book» Hoe.-ever, according to Mr, Tal- 79- Ebert. no distribution will be made Mi-‘S D073 M. 8811195. field !'t‘Pl'9- = until the promising seedling apple N-‘Mill-it"-' Of the S0T\’9}'. I 1118212109 trees ave been tested out for a for social _welfare workers, was able manager, clerk and cashier of the; tiny book store. ‘As a service to the conference. the Survey sent her with: .a stock of Its In this stock » ‘= were books of every conceivable in- terest to social workers. Books on’ V! (O O c inter- ‘. ‘< a la’ Miss Chicken, who is . . r‘ ire, 125 ar- near by, Spain and Ital» APPLE sauoLmc_:os—i2oi»Lfi..tn of the department of horticulture. mg the advan- .- "~“ 2'2’ ‘W.’-'.".: - ‘ ‘ ‘)7 ..:;'.'V.‘-qh.;“‘ :- .- .5’: If .‘ . ~‘< --~T "<'.='~7.;.-w 0:1». ~— ' _i- — -.‘~-~:--~-~.~-«- '--‘‘'-‘''I{". ~:. li-:—;¢:_?’1.,.:_fi;’{“lA 5 . . ‘Q’ ,: c ‘ H ‘;'.O‘‘.': _-. , +_. 1, cc _. g _4 4.‘? . =1 ._ V :3 Z .. .. .~ ‘ ‘ . . 3’--.‘i-_';-..-:E'£-““~'“’*""-5 '--* ' ‘i ‘ -~ L" ‘i ‘ ' ‘ at 3 +.- "' C? V C . . O - . ~ . ~a. «..c~c ‘nel- . 5.",/In-'Ir’ -. G g ye_or __ W.‘ ‘ z » . If —_; ' ' i '?'e"x'perixinentst'ation1nust'be out? i ., _ . 4. M - -{theaeedlinqareasgood ‘better’ lltbythewarianotdead.‘ so’-u...aoau..., _ ’r i ' ;' ‘W ".'.""""....,,..i..... ....u .u.I£i'.....' Eu...’ ‘fluttered.’ 0 ° a 52?. °?‘°f.i:.‘.”'““‘i “i 5?.“ 2‘.’’’’‘‘5 d ‘W ' .. ’ _ _ ‘roan t t mi“) It-C ‘CTf“ —. ii».-ca-‘r..~-an . -_ 3 cihtcken yardubrouzhr up beside: is little dan affront. As a-mun, » - - . 1 . . i I . - ;'|n|I*: ; ‘ - ‘ ’ > my nuke’ 3“ ,1“; pm“! we ::':‘_';"_‘.”"‘*"‘ M g ‘ ‘ @ Ito . it’ W85 1| it lap!-aetlcally sure to have a good . 9|. 8 . ~ . I tW0-[R060 crop . W. W t4*i'¢-.=v9*- W ."-"’i",,'f,,"‘},",,"'.,"."’,..."'....."".f.’,.'» ...' suit of ‘ca acmy. She stopped ‘ . _ ._ __ __ . *1 - 1.‘l,3‘\;ra!4¢1.atra}:aa : tmoment to chat her unusual Amcfian Luzon Mattias. with a bun - * ' w .- - ‘ " .' z i*""” 7. ' l " ‘ " ‘- ‘ l 0' pi ‘""""‘°‘f"3 Manda). November ‘26. 1923 at day in thgen -mm‘ u. 9 "°‘ 5° mi About the.NoI'1-h 8540- ,to slyosyaolf her costume to the 5”‘ "-30 p m. at Legion Hall oxer Ccn- J- ii. . ’m' on ‘ . I8;&‘n=?-‘O Editurthe Iliucouiiauzi’ , nta -2 “'9' d *_ V l ' , tral Bari. Building. “0 hate some 5;’ ictfd‘. ‘°“‘.'.“"‘ ..:w 3‘, -g V ‘ L _ .ia,‘°{ um’ .9;-fig.‘ ‘ ..,gF__ in» .":N0t 9”"?-‘_l.‘°k39"h“3 “ b""3M important information for all ex- “Rpm .3?!“ '"fly‘_é‘ u an a dubious ding-adignant at an ch__ap- gait {or 3994'!» 55° °=°“~°d- service men. Dr. N. wude. Com- h é ° 3‘ 5’ “'"'i¢¢ =i;- .- ,. . ‘ " wholdoelares iic.pea‘md in your columns ‘aw’ "'94 ““"’ did "’.°“’ l2‘..':!‘. er. 72-73. Adv. ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ~’’‘"-‘‘‘- 53 :- .‘r5'.-\. HOME LIFE _ _. _ _ _ . ‘W. B. Pdm“ u hum‘ dflignuad, ‘flutters, ahd tlgat ms! ter;ill;!y cn;- __T______.___ . -,,. ' u: ~._, . ° ' ;- ._ .‘ , as W» .. ' ‘t at rst. y su - - .. C13, 11», 54,- if ' .._"Bome Life, themostvll-I.l§5\"’f-' __,~, the .North 8ide.,vas_tha_‘home of 1! id _ V . res l\f0,_-l'8 to. c u y ,, _ N \.‘ the mcccnlwmd Yd:-amt‘ ¢gour- 2‘ g RELIED!’ our poorest. P00PlO.b6?:!%¢_ flllgiig ke!':dmt:?emo:3;a};J$t v:r3na1::is1Sh: N All of lirogex-~,; ‘start.-.<: will close JZCL S ‘ _; nation and our mg Prezid t‘ -Coolidge I mently B. "3 any .3 °'‘-‘' - _i.uui-wed my handicap. and now I "‘“’-‘.d8-“- '“"*"l==K“"W- ad“ - ,« :7 ‘ 0 ’baen chosen 03 i-50‘ " .-‘ ’ we-rbtez’ fr" " : - ' - 1, A havetwo suits. My everyday suit is -" -—- ‘ 9 ° --- — ' - --—-—___ "" "°" ‘““““"°“ ‘ 9" "—“di'-"-"R ‘er’ “Pam he i that-each state willmes. m we fit" - - my flannel. and really I look """'«t'- ‘ ‘ f 1.1 churches.A 9”‘ . ; he cram there are so poor - ,,—,~ ~. i -» - — . . nor vice: ofone o e , , be “m ,,,,d,.e,, , 4 ., . a lot like I rest of the old hens, ~ _ ._, .- , -i - M ,’t had, F011 F19 ‘-0 _, l’ l’°‘“'- '5 " ' families in every section of Colum- , , , sh anus‘-Ed _- Rel mm 9'3‘? Jed P - ‘-in r 5000!. their 05"‘ .Nt'»U"8‘ his and poverty is no disgrace, but 35'“,-L A_.x,{:,{*0w ' ' L V . . . ~ t e - _' _ . -"- "’°" °h°’°"'~: quféome “te.n#‘;‘e. ’ ’ n P1111 of « their own we.be8 to inform those who are not‘ oxszr-' rain. ' ‘#0 irurzrgsgiregii d::il:r3t!D'u::‘i?:rAr ‘l ‘X’ posmoon 18 many cmjed ' ‘ °’mfi“*' ‘-"“"°" ‘° ”'°:“’ °“upmmunitst-Lntihert ‘ ;'* iustitu-‘wen * dint DINING IN 10 Atnnmn Wm: men. ' ' ' ' ' 1 i"°“’,'d A -°:,'°"",‘,;,f,‘;"" ‘ “N .“ 1”‘ elllt-Ch)’ , S.’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ I‘ . h ‘on V _- Q “ __ __ ‘ ‘ i E 3'“ , _. 8 on. ‘Thcres Cl! ‘ ' in ' V n1am'[u¢"| ' ‘O2’; 133. ' 9 T easures ' “ned rtxve v pain‘: ghre igoifigglhr _.‘--“-I:‘‘- H” °.‘”'b-" " "V ' "' ’ " ’ ' "’ :. '‘‘’‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘*‘* "‘“““ only one ing ‘vorxwes m_c' 3‘ § 1”" '3" "1 em ‘ 3' . 313‘? 910"‘ 31°“. °°°""'""-"" ‘md 8 ‘M’ 3. ,, . - - - though she confided “and that is - vsmou: it an we :_».riz-=ix»1cs of certainlyimost i.......... c~\§3=e,;;1'_9*th §;;*=-.N rd, Sm. ,,,e%Co1u b1 Fruit Store Is Home when in twins dine in be so .- ‘nd the was >'-finch make for Eu‘- “We have no higher dutv than Col 9 b‘ ‘elgiith est‘-boool 'stian’ - can’ difiinguished’ Do you think 0: -=°'-tn‘ “Mr” "°. '-*.‘~ “° -upporuzc -no eneoumcinme ru-'c.iI’.'.'.-2“ three ward mos.’ of Another‘Co'smopo1itan Club "’ "° “”"" "hm “. mm“ t° k°°p’"k‘.p“°° 'n‘ig_m-¢‘¢iu;uj of tug, cmmu-_\~_ By,d,,m.chc". and ‘ spirit 0‘ u u 4 .. / But even this weighty problem E E2-A At Thanksgiving There are always Apples Just as there is always Turkey. Rivervleur Apples add a greater nest and enjoyment to the day's fast. Order yours now. Extra‘ Fancy Delicious. Boshel box . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4.I0 Extra Fancy Grimes. Bushel box‘ . . . . . . . .: . . . . . .. 3.25 Extra l-‘ancy Joaathans. Bushel box . . . . . . . . . . .. SJN‘ Delivered at your door. Order at your grocer’; or phone 312 Riverview Orchard —-First for Flavor- “in the Heart of Missouri's Apple Country” of we homes bcmmful am] ins Erna _ too weal: to Win: 10?.“ thf-‘ the year." Miss Grape did not be- sociology, its theories and methods . V ‘J I f ‘_ ‘m .p _d, Pilit'!'S C0010 fillht V5 ,b(‘8_l~ MISSPOTI. lievo in sen.-‘ickness, l)("_'¢':U!"C she arx? in_t-arious fields, books just off the ' s . ona , some 0 < t .e ‘ o. -fashiont 7 what team can‘! the 13111003 T180” her friends did not get it \'.'bilt- com- press and books that have a special ' V *0“-3 07 30C¢°='~*_ N1 13!‘-U‘l‘!I1U-35- eat up? _ ing over. The tensor: for this was,signifit-ance in.social work were to ' _, ‘ t not come 11111111.-.'. Such ideals Harry E.‘ Miller. ' former Ta:-kio They taught us to prepare WIt_h that they were [1Zll‘lt't‘tl cmnt‘ortabl_v‘bc- found among the collection, ‘ ‘ ‘glove, sacrifice. consideration of real estate dealer. is being held _in redoubled eiforts so am make . with gluvfdust u.-hich, according tn‘; };.,o1.;s u-,-men by men who were . . _ -, ~f H ‘ins, appreciation of other folks’ Omar“ 031 3 370.000 tiwifldlinlf 17001)’ 55?? flu‘ 9'9 T5891‘! “:1” Miss Grape. l:( pt them from l‘f't'li-Tiff’ speakers, at the conference were of ~ gt i ’ nd work. leniency and svmjcharge. whip Kansas. conqueror of the Pil»:- the motion of the loot. Miss Union particular interest, "What I; Pno-, . _ . 1,, pflhy. an 0‘ which are as old m:’m.e worry Wet-———--debts is “id to ha": c-rs by the oi-cry-pelminxt score of seemed to be resuess in her sc-pl on_fc-ssional Social \\'0rk'." is the Slb-E V ‘a _ itself need to be instilled into nic been th 1 ii ' 'd r 83 ‘° 0‘ '"‘° "‘°"' ‘°‘"‘"“ ‘°' ~“‘"“‘ "7 "3" 3°“ 0‘ 3 b°°‘‘ 53' L 5’ H‘*“’°''‘v “ ' i '2 ’ , , .. . 9 an” ° t 9 ""‘"°' 9 0 The)’ taught 05 l-0 T€'m9mb‘3l' the friends who were I.'ullllll_’: over tins member of the executive committee . i _ ' 51 people of today to make {Or ‘den’ “‘".“‘"‘ Ra.‘-kn’ 48’ °f.St' Joseph’ W8-Sllifll-fl-On K8019 30 1581 "933 5'01"‘ bliss ninn".~' tears were \'t‘l'Z~‘ of the Missouri Conference for So-, I . ' ‘ Mme hf‘ :19 1: smvwed by a “re and "w°.“'b€‘D the P339” Come *0 Cdumblllo close to the surface. ton. cial Workers, and executive sects» ' mm ‘cm’ U19 T1805 mil)’ entertain them ‘Vial , “Ordinarily. if :1 girl wanted me.‘ ‘(my of the (‘ouncil of Social Agents ,3 _ LICENSES I-‘OR DRIVERS A movanem to brim: we “,2: rcoirt-:1 of 0\I'n5-r¢bCT055 319 she.had to go t0wt‘llll.(‘X‘ '.'t:'::bi:1 ‘or of Kansas City.‘ . ' J Each day the public reads of more state Republican convention to .lop- I '§.(;:e)‘°‘:ltg';‘°t' u:fa°‘l’:’:;" in ‘hon _SZ~i‘tjI '10 $3‘; l“<‘- :;"l "::‘*“I~ °‘Ad£'t‘Yl1tU?S-“ 1?” 500:1 ‘391!f8"e- - t_i - - . ' . - . , ' .' o in’ y. “ 0 save .cm in» -. 0' »' r. . cxan er 0 nsotn. * - f . augmbge ’dm"s' f _ ':.’:n,‘:,‘:n::":§i‘,‘§‘;pf,",;{;nffi‘:,f(fc,:‘ 0; that should give nothing but inspir- Lye ‘come over m_\-self to offer m_\' fin me, :,,,.,,t,,.,_ ,-e¢¢mjy primed“. ;\ artist who has been_heralded :0 ,- E; u M "' some 0 Lh“’°,ncm'~‘ 9"5fw¢'i.fi, ¢5,',,,e,,,,,,,,,&, district 3303 I00 9Y|C0l11*-1K¢m¢3§_ 3'10 “N15, ervices. seeing they nre so fond we’ was also found on Miss Barnes’ as the couzfierpart Of Liszt and 5 . 5| dent’ "-0 caumd by g°°d dn"°5' 1 -———————— ‘ -"13" 3'9 Til!‘-‘V3 “"3 tilrailfhl ,me. Don't you lzmuw when the ni«:I!‘»- lmol-i table. the natural successor Of the C but 0!! UIC‘ other hxztll, 1| number are Mrs, I-{flea Steep of Kansas City. road to championship in the years of my {‘mi]}- lwnrd that ] \\‘,'v_g — -- — ~-—-—~——— ._ _ . _ V the result of drivers who are not W110 Siysashe was formerly a nun, to come. . t 0- 0 ‘popular here, they began to rush _f ."°" “'3'”: l" 095' 0’ 59" 5°""°" great Anton Rflbenstemv ‘5 Monz - -' gufficigntly acmgtoyngd _u, dr5,.;,,g and who had been giving :mti.-Catl1o- "",—*;—“'— .c.t~c-r hon: tun. I am 1-xpecting: 2| ‘~-‘Wu! ‘T5’ 3 -‘h-‘SOW-'*“ “""“ ‘d- Rosenthal who will appear as the vir- “ or do not understand the operntion,L'°c§1°:rt“:°-sf “fife "l'”u‘_"""'-‘d §"“d‘3'If" ;bunch” of tlu‘-in l:i11ll‘!’ll\(‘ z‘-i\_\" ;u=-- _. ____ tuoso tor the second concert ‘of the (,1 of 8;! gutomobile. And too. many cnmrg C1 u 8 ng 0 seem W _ ;":?§£ant}{r:,‘;'u'?:_("i"; EL: ;:”“iNl.'W,l'1:_' _ Seventeenth Annual Phi Mu Alpha Ct)!l~ ’ (2 pwplfimfnfot understand ihcimfflc one of ” ts I A ing from Syria. He will be so glad Rgad cert Series. Rosenthal arrived in 4,’ 2 NS“ -- even 0 . . - - - ‘ ‘ . - ' .. . .. . . -——— t s . him, he says. America on bcovembe 14 d 1 ' Some states make it necessary for Satin,’ week "‘ Si‘ I‘°‘”‘ ‘Ta-" _u"~' “Say, what’dja get, Johnnie?" OM? Banana, (‘olumbia'.< South F . . _] ded . h. . r ‘ an Co umfina , ' a person to take an examination and O’ ‘ mfmumemh mu‘ "“‘_ “Gee, that boy Rot 8)’? ." , ,American friend. is feeling; rather ' 18, "TL U, m 1,8 first to?" along “,"‘“ r’ obtain a license before he can le- Sf '8’, i‘oc:ir:T}?;:3e;n‘°,_i‘ll:d ’:°_""‘;'-‘ "Look what Jimmy got.” ~a . 0,, Wm of the c(,,,y_;m,cd For 2 Cents Per Day L hep lorlfi ‘Chicago. and the larger ~ , ‘flu’. drive an amomobilfi Such t r ‘ . 5 °‘ These ‘air: the kinds of caster ‘igncrancc of hi~ pxescncc horn on No other Charges cities. This is an 0pD0rtunit.V' .“0tl 0811- . ' ,, legislation would be desirable if only -- A" f -—._T ‘ i:*;_’t"::‘?‘ “ (‘:o“l'l"‘;“‘:“1‘°gtoule :7 t.’ ehtp:;,rt of ti‘)? Ali: cxxzcénxom ‘lug!’ not afford to miss_ .,« 1 one life we" ,,,“.,,d ,.,,.,.,.’. y,,,,,._ ? ormer reco s of attendance, 0 h_I b d] I .' rut ere. am mo. - a h ' - p . , _. in this an of “peed too “we :1’-Iirgisurpiatssctll L. . - “.9,-k at 3'. te a un e sac was ll1f:::s 'o1‘dnn:.y tfixtghoaurt t(}?(l"t'tl‘|'.l§‘rhCt]'; ,1 A value is placed on human life. We Knnsagaléityiual, £e:::‘:ic;aiz"“,h::: Elemental traits of human na- *y0ur)keQp.0n “kc u,§_c_ 1 am ,}oi;,;:» to Circulating . are not shocked to read in the city mo“. um. 125.000 persons passed ture (were close to the surface, a ,tc11u,¢m not to come hc-re anymore," ' ' J ' ‘ 4' r newspapers of ':thc avoidable deaths through the gates. ,P5."t'h0l_0L'18?- Would MW 8&5 - 9 5 __ - ‘ ‘ 0' "O l 0 ' " . ( of an or gwejue peopk. in om. day_ _________ _ . attraction of gambling, the desire} “* ,_ - . 0 i . . ‘ And, we accept this news more or. “Th; Sni"'B” F‘;"’“- cam ‘M.’ {°_g°t mmelinng for nothing’ 9"" , , ° 1 i... .. . ........ .. ,3,-.., 3:" °,:- '.:3,::.°,§,,::;,=,'g,;;i',::,=~,,-.",;;* "*°‘s"'*.',,‘* .... - , 1 u p a . - UDd°UN'-‘GU’-‘ Wt‘ TN-‘ed 30?“? N108"! yards Co." Friday at thci fkmeificcan '\\'aited to receive) bu:1d(l:“ain“ex(-) . 0 0 g’ 0- c«.. - I’ -- - ‘ . O - ~ of let-eninr dmtlw caused by nuto- Royal Livestock Show for the ten chance for their quarters. * c - " am" ' i Pr ts 0" 0 0 '1} ' ( mob’ The courts are attempting best head of ahorthorns. Strangely enough, the crowd,‘ , 0 " ~ esen L‘ to make conviction for avoidable The 7 l _ - which surrounded the window and ‘ '\ .. , ‘ i ' J ‘ dfitha punishable by ‘more severe street‘ in'."t','::*R°Bt:i I et8l‘IC}'-5¢"9"‘\\'l1ich stood in line and tore the ° " 5 ' ‘ , . lb - tences. But this will not in - ‘ - . - “' "'°“°" “‘ Wfirvinz from their bundles. was‘ . 0 » .. ..-3 1 0;“ . _ hansas Cit) mu be changed ac- . . _ ‘ .. . . . ,r. i bring about the desired rc- cording to ii... my sum mmvmim t‘0'_"P°3°d _"“"."" .°‘ “‘.°”' "“'- : . \ __ - . V . L . ; . .‘ v- aults. Every person shbuld be re- sioncr. The purpose is to eliminate ‘am hummg mum“ “ not dvnfli I‘--. . 0 0 ' — , 2 _ -. ‘ _, ' _. ‘ : i 1' r ~' i. . ,3, ‘ “i to u n en in .0 _ conmcti = mm”. stronger in e weaker sex. ' . . - g - ' T V. ., , 3, Q pa a In ti n show 112 . . ,_ . , . , , . - An odd assortment of articles ‘ _ - P virtuoso - -‘ . - i I in‘ m“ be '8 fimilmr Wm‘ ""3 "M" The principal etvem in the (,1 b tumbled out of the bundles. bring? '1" 5 ‘ 1 lano . l ' l ‘ 1. - 1 fl: law_s.and capable of driving antic” of uuamnm weekucsf 3: ‘ring shouts of derision or joy from 5- ‘ A t i . - ‘I I A . O i ' ' ‘ automobile. __.,eph W“ . ‘nude of 5:500 chn.3tl;e owner and his frienils. One boy‘! . 1 O a Q‘ .‘ ,. - , . .' ~ i _‘.dg-en’ gem.‘ up 5,0,’. of the h- ,0 in wt unwrapping a uge bundle, v ' . - _ ' _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V ” ' ID33'JsM ‘-9- C‘ NICIS-M of education in America anclls tits: di‘°°°"°ri”g th“ it‘ °°““i”°d 9" °‘i' ‘ And beautv can best be triven vour . - l Lord Birkenhcad. whom Columbisneeds of the local system. The city we "etcumfig Of the “‘"“’.'1'5 Lu‘ Thanksgiving table with oné 01' . r 3 . A I .' u _. ~ . - iii,’ ' ,. rd‘ ‘cup’. *5 "l . ‘ will recollect as one of the Farn1ers"is to voteou a $3. . bond issue.a".d !"'°T_)' Still’. and the like, af- ‘ more bouquets of our choice Chn._ — . ° ‘ . . "1, week, ,,,e,,ke,,, fin, years. acm pm. for ¢.du¢.u,,,,,1vp,".poS,,s Decemberlforded hisfrnends much amusement. , _ th Q Sm in and Se ea - g _-3 chimed ‘ d. . ._ ‘ 11, ; 2 Disappointment was written on 53“ emum‘ ‘ p . - ' "j great uscovery in bits T0-1 , , , h b t . d . “.3, nd . dd , G1 , ‘--—-——---—— "*0"? thin 008 flce. for the bargain ‘hem -‘,°m'5_°]f* T 9" ea" -‘ an ' :31 U i can 0") 3 “$5 8‘ H320“ Buttwho Ate the limit‘! iinstinct made these men realise _ "0107 “'1” “"0 ."°u- PhQ“e ~ - T - '1 0 V l'- . ' MUNICH. -- The Oberschwaebirs , that their quarters would have been “ h o ,, — - - ' : Surveying tune and (‘l('l'lll{‘\.' he chI:hAnaeiger, published in a smallbetter 03 in the depths of their . T 9 0118! , . 9 I _ _ , city, prints the fol--pocket lo‘v:*irxlg t v_ert‘i:lement: “ c hay r, that e . " ° °' °' '9 t°¢th‘in my car- has tab: yflrac? stealinz pears rope since the Armistice, that bu-3,,‘ n once W “mm by man society" has passed through 3,.” 3p; "L ' ' ehaeless proems of violence and ed- A V ' ‘ Itistment. and that the whole 'world§ continues to offer glittering prises, to those who have about hearts and; swords ’ 8. Just a tiny rnemoranda pad, com. ing from a bundle that looked as though it might have contained a , calluutype . was e source of one betweea 10 a. in. boy‘: disappointment. ‘ C V But man animal, that nature has not alteredi its nd books had been fruit brought forth by their quarters. One boy. on spying “No. ‘él-38;!‘ in the W - II n. cmerzinrtroxn his han- ? tn£.,§_flfiJ'I‘an auction. but. although oflered several times his original in. isfaetorr ltnovtu’ 31‘ 0i'¢°V0l7 ON-Ital, ‘h!;f"mh5i£ allfthcyirez-etbevbolegospel off It ' a“pcsu1iuiuui.l sell you ’w‘Wl¢-. -‘W-°°*' ‘me; ‘rd Ij m - aatioasand c l « Try a Missourian Waat‘Ad. L . x . ; . . _ -7 . .v‘ - ' '>....anL..-m1.- ‘ C -- lat ..'"ju-‘hi 1--1.-4 .-Lair I,-, f o 'LI- ~a..-L‘ «-as 'I"ec.«h' -cm §¢n£....'.a1‘ .IvI'lIIallIcsaos. lr crossove- '1 A 12 N. Ninth . o s A o I I I . o u n V - u s a I ' TAYLOIPS 8:15 p. in.’ mgsoom ;8'romi: Q. .~s.4 ‘Kg 1..:.-_!_' '-‘ K 1 7 _ ~, ‘ -_ A-._‘.A '. P71.‘ .'-2 l : ‘ \ on “L'&.1.'"~.l"-I. ‘ { *,‘.-,'._., 1.- -I .-. "--._. '..v. V‘ - .._.. . _' ..'v' A '. _ . .. , ‘ . _ V.