. :’_:. ."A;.£P...:.'. ell. . ‘ ""‘ 9 ..'~.l.l.'.l..;.'..‘.N'."....‘59 "’ I. . , A In the F’ Id of Sjiofii‘ dcieaiaeb ‘C L - of; U gar?‘ U;;;he* 5. " ;_ ' .‘ i " .4 ‘ 9' Ililli - ~ ov 3 - ‘ 3-l.mAnn"P TAKETWO OONFQQCB Nil‘ CA? A g.....!g,.gaf.1 ‘aid,’ fuual.:ameoneor;Idiehxg-lipoirit: BTRAIGHTIROI ROBQTS =.s°..°:':::°:=.-.*°-L “::..°.:°.....'°'*''’ ‘ slim %°‘ « --""°‘~°"e«-t ~""’w-we """«‘~ w*'*-'...'°~*-*-....*- ':.--W W-iv W-"“““~ - v-- .5‘. ltiewldahwaaiiayedatlawruoe .7 Wufltidild‘ A JII A messenlfr 5°)’- . gcand have a bicycle. Apply ‘ ' pd‘, _ a-—— 81-83 W1 on HALV _. bggt wood for , all W . ¢ 1; .1. Costs. one-half ‘Q of liinton- Bl’!- n1:i.i- ivmmn l .7 A ESTATE " — :» .15; south side. Desirable Lot 723180 feet. Liberal Box D. care Mis- Pfl-tf _10a.iu. ______;wrlter. No. 10. 1307 Bass at:-oet,' - . . A. 79-84. I-ZS-—Any one i A modern 8-room ‘ -°--v- =0-=-='~=°""'~i""-4 IS fr: ; ullhtttlll didn't ‘.1"0RSALE— - - ———-—- likethebraadoffoothalldiaplayed .-mm, M“ W’ E"°"l"'°‘,w-hloveiiiait to Set, Dltfllihy magi. 2:: .¢.ndm . . - 3‘ y ir-actors ‘ st, on ‘mm "3 south8:5_;‘h for Sat““_ia_y Before :Abaarn and F. C. Allen rsct in To- . Tlianksgiviiig ‘Not ‘ pcieu and discussed the raateein, ron sptu-:—-one three burner ve,-i5ed_ M---"*-“' ““1-“‘':‘“'‘ 3" 1*- ,gn‘.o;1,g°"_.'m,°,w_ om S.A.C.thongbtKUsspor-tsinari . , 3,, hm, bu,"_., Jhlp hadn't been all . , Ahearri he shouldn't ‘Phone 1929 White after 5 p.111. 0 ‘ - -‘ rtsma hip he doubted. A80-82 anee of.l924 Classic ”°,,mm;',‘t ,.,a,,,,_, O, K S A C 7°“ SAUL‘ '°¢5°'**l “NS? Won” Probably 12:01 lbit. ".'.'.’.?i"’.i’;.;- A it 201 Collete. -Be Hurt. 9”“ ‘5“~ ‘ plorcs the situation. 80-82 ' It seems unlikely that there is "Kansas," says the University. rauchgrouadforthsswrywhichap-‘Daily Kansari. “was doped to win peared in the Kansas City Star 3125- and a victory was practically con- 1 tenday to the eflect that there was ceded to the Jayhawkcrs until snow a movement on foot between Kan-‘began to fall Thursday morning. gain. Phone 1309 Black. G81-86 FOR SAL!-3—Wi1son wood heater. Phone 1285 Green. 79-82 APPLES FOR SALE—Bulk Ganos, boxed Jonithans, Grimes. York: and Starks Delicious. Call‘ J. '1‘. Howard, MP4 for delivery. i 64tf' ROOMS PUB RENT Saturday before Thanksgiving. A1-,caused no surprise to the thousands though C. L. Brewer, director of ath-T who came to Lawrence for the con- letics. is in St. Iaiuis and could nottest." All of which is the popular geen in regard the suppoaed “snow alibi." lt popped to the sur- raovement. there was no indicationface in Lawrence as soon as the Ti- from Mr. Brewer. who goes to Kan- .ger began showing his ferocity and an City Friday to arrange Iissou-;has remained. now nntv’ ri'ai1924 pidiron schedule, that tahevfootiball is of the past the Turkey- !-‘OR RENT—-\"er-y quiet and de- 531191’ WIS 0359?‘ y snow is going to'be credited out sirable room for women 306 However.nathinghas before!‘ 3; U- 501' “I1-1°05 _ moflll “W- 9th St. 7-itf the Committee on Intercollegiate WT)‘ But the 1m¢!Pl1l!NIl>l9_ Vb)" - "r",d- the d,.n‘¢"will ever be a mystery. ow——if ou is reprzdtcnted advowied 50. on earth did the snow because the shrine or the tune °"T""‘l’ “N “W? These two gridiron stories ari- ‘told _by Lawrence Perry in u (“on- FOR RENT— Three rooms for light housekeeping. Hot and cold water. gas. 1219 Broadway. D80-81 F dtate. Weathers Realty 00-. 5. i -no norm on Columbia.‘ ‘solidated Press dispatch; “om = Barva l-‘OR R‘EN'l‘—Room for boys, al- “'39?-Int full: rd psychology was very Will sacrifice if sold before lat. 9-7oorn brick house on Lane. :1 real~bargain._' Kl’-roorn brick house, 3 blocks . hairless district. $2,000 will luau house. partly £1‘!!! modern —../ -‘II-ruin, house with furniture. . bras. ' ‘fin Realty Company. 203-05 1 v 1 Phone 1103 or 1620. ' P"9 I q w'[N'rE"i ii)” - ANTED TO'BE?\'T—A National _ --. wants a furnished or_ .. house occupancy. 3‘. Good location. Address Lac of Missourian. .'AllTED—To rent small build- h hsiness district. Address of the Missourian. A $80 . -._, .-,—T—:‘_ -- _ " v‘ _ Broadway. '0! ' garage at J80-85 l)’ J Itnoaisandbath. lalfte n. Call at s <.. , _ ' . 4 ' . . at .11 i..__ ' . V .. . - .‘ ‘ ... _‘ .‘.‘ I < ‘ _ ._ ‘ . _ ' _ _., .‘. . _ . . _ _ _ . ,. g I i ‘O ' Ave. Phone 767 w'hite_ by law showing that said estate in bdabtad ‘ha to the ch.n‘¢,f I - N79'82i.ther'a.‘ ‘hi: rte“ ss‘1r‘i.c‘ics:"a-:2.“ .::ad to But most of the Ti!“ fimdw” mu ,4. : ‘-‘ ‘N’-e‘—"—‘7":-_-__—-"‘:‘ guy the same. ho‘ E dill Will not be P: ,;'7;‘ . I W AND FOUND ‘ On exam! ‘fiber-aaf. it 1&9: 1; when the Valley schedules for; ‘ _ " , ' ‘the ‘Court that persons term 1924 ‘re ‘n-‘ng-ed ' ""°“ "'"""“‘ "“'l.i’;'..‘.Z.‘I§.°i.‘2i”..g.‘“i'I’£‘;.'LZ:.°‘L‘.‘a.‘:7' . 1"-,,—,j:‘.,..,_. mi 3 _..‘ hale. Reward. Phone Sltfam 1.. ‘fin,’ .' ‘Mn “ "A Incidental)’. 3°” _v I « . «I 79 ' , the Saturday 015 \._r 5 DV- , . .‘ I‘ " I"? )7 ‘B ‘M _ \..a“‘ ‘ _ _ ’;-.-.— . 2.. ' ‘-0"‘v *‘ I as I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘“'’'’'‘‘. .-_-:, - . A. ‘~ “ ‘as _ Willthcpcr-sonwhofound ' between 1%? Pa- or notify me at 1 An- ,g‘:l- - receive reward. - ,, <- ’ v Phone 935 Black. I181-B2 .modern home. Phone niinéisén U-as tract. well improved. $3.- 1: part! we "-4 >—4-room house pal‘?-l1"“" °' ‘" ‘ ' ‘-5 Guitar Bldg. Phone 1620 ““""" 19"- ‘ 79‘8‘*:ut (supposed to ‘be two-thirdnl in Port) 1601 en up by many. { " ._ R-.ENT—Strictly" modern -Novelty pencil on_kf'31v" K Intel: I825 Anthony pl _ Call h of Wah! gold roun-. E: a. 8’ lR|l'1l2¢- 1307 R088 St. Pl10D¢~°f the ‘hy’ much on tap this season. Down - Italian‘! Hardware. 5641 1929 White or 184’. A80-82 According to the Star's story. the in ° . many noted un- ” _ Km 3 ‘ties were sa ? “gag ' ‘hich J - f room ROOIlS—llodren. well equipped W "M . communiution to thee H” "1 dm‘;":;rl0'r:_ “cmflmisd use concrete basement, suite of 2 rooms for light house- ' ' ha atlllttic department 5*" ‘°‘3°“i"‘. themselves when they were be- keeping; second floor; good sur- ma; . change. llr. Brewer goes in‘ a.,.,..;,d of “,9 M.“ in the roundings. Phone 869 Red. 1217 3.3;” City for the arranging of Pfiuumn ‘fl.e__uuwngh me E. Broadway. 80tf next year's schedules without anyi tyogug wgg 3 gg.-sued kg,” in direction for the chance from 9*. And also in this FOR RlI.\'T—Desirable rooms for Aaletjc Committee, and should such tune,” Mwd we oswnmfious light house keeping. Sou cxpos- , movement be on foot. the change’ haw,‘ ‘O the ‘swim or an P5009 324.01’ dates will no doubt be made ll»!!! I170. 181 End 3353 fl00l'- arrnful of crutches. Among the -Black. 108 South 6th St. A74t:f in the year. or sometime in 19_24. phyen were as p”.dml°m.' . Up until 1910, the lissoari-Kaw _ FOR RENT—'T"° -f“"‘53l‘°d sas game. with one exception ‘dlldl. In the Yale game. in the mud rooms for light house keeping inky” the game in 1891, was always. 1749 Green. ‘payed on Thanksgiving Day. From‘ A77tf i9ii until 1914, the was sd-_ ““"’ the Sam y below and water, Neale made a very Immediately liar- vsrd set up an on °. -':92_§991.h “i“""°=*-. ten "Here's the break! The breal. has come” LODGE NOTICES ACACIA LODGE, No. 602 A. F. 8: A. 1!. ‘reason said to be considered now.‘ ‘In 1915, it was returned to Thanks‘ i giving Day. Then in unison. as though they had been coached to do it- although in fact. it was entirely ' ' ' The change might seriously a_f- spontaneous, the Yale team _. T"’l° B.“.‘.“'““ - - 4,,‘ menunncc-at the 1924 clalslctf raised derisive faces to their ‘ Stated communications which will be played in Colunrbisg opponents. With hlissouri's new stadium ready ' for occupant)‘. 8!: hwy”! :’°é:'j raver: - r K. c. SULLIVAN, W. ii. f:‘n‘f,“"‘fn“"},’;‘;,e',;§ mm, Conn... ~———-‘e'%'—:~l—°"'.§'—-S3’.3i‘.—‘.~.—’.’-'..—_-.—.— tions point in - W“ "°"“ *‘."°'. - V v 7 -— the dIl«C WIS “VCM At m1‘ht' hamper the crowds. W50 "°“ld “hi? DAVIS a wA'i"soN GOAL 00. "Here's the psychology stuff!" Whereat both teams broke into laughter. Tuesday, Dec. 4, 7:30 p. in. In the muck of the line it ap- to E G‘ 3 2* 5* 2 9. D ‘damage of the holiday to see the‘. ‘nmud game’ ‘ b‘:3kpO‘:1h‘O?Dl€)‘(()iCCt;e:l’(ll1Ta:fktl€e1f! ‘Mn!- Bestcentralnlinotacoal. _ Call 478 or88. Opposite Wabash St‘ a dispatch from New York yester- day stated. The Missouri team was a game by a safety in which two one. chief cause for the unusual contest. exclude.-. the air and soon pays for itself in saving of fuel. Easily ap- plied. Reasonable 904 Broadway . ‘ PTQWHKC7 I Draw, To-ggg'_ Boris llikailef d Clrixo defeatad Joe Roberts of St. Paul in a finiahl match at Columbia Ball last nkht by tlkins two straight falls. ‘The fall came in twuity-nine session is in when officials athletic of the schools theK.C.A _ rnluutaeswithsdonhle wrist lockand 1924 ll . lat lock. ' ‘ Nebraska, it is understood, is com-‘ ‘egg umponmy “Quad tag to the meeting with guns lev during the second fall when Itikail-'1" ‘it ‘mm which til?! mm . tr aocldently struck him in the nose ‘I "¢m3"' ' tooth-ll -slim‘ ‘ - ~~ e gm. 5;. knggdurjn‘ ,;,,d,. ,,,,,,,,p Nebraska this year, and it is pong: 4:1 in 1:23.!’ He recovered. however. and wen 3* ‘ll? ‘'‘m I35 90? mo ‘(med by ‘momobnu; U“, 5,.‘ ‘had ‘fun ‘ brief deh)._ a severance of relations Peter James of Columbia and Joe Sanderson of St. Louis wrestled to a draw in it fast thirty-minute pre-' . liminary. f°"‘;'"“ It was announwd that the next wee ’. match to be held here will bring Zy- ""“"‘° "‘"'°‘°" "“ bysko, internaticnslly known wrest- ler. who will meet an o to be selected. llikailofl will meet someone. also to be selected at a “now KANSAS cirv. 1);. 6.-A lively‘ view here tomorrow" 3 Missouri Valley Conference meet at‘ . C. to arrange 1924 football. schedules, and to approve baseba and track dates ' Almost the same aitudtion is true‘ °""’ cm“ ’°°°"°“ °"" 2°“ "em" with the Kansas Aggiea, who have‘ UK’? Dr. F. c. WP?‘ Allen of Kansas that it is his opinion 19] " that at least six Jayhawkers played '“ reprehensible football in the Aggie mp .ga_rne. and a break of relations may NEW STEPS Learn them in the Dandng Class for Uni- versity men at MAHALA STUDIO Mrs. Robert 1. Simpson ’ Phone 833 each. New York City led in 1922 with 896 and Chicago had 623. St. Louis had 134 fatalities last year. a rate of 16.9 per l00.(XlO ation; an increase of '52 over Kansas City recorded but 63 to deaths. the ‘rate per 100,000 ulation being 18.3. ‘Pry a hlisaouriarialint Ad. later time, in the main preliminary. The mm" ‘“ pnvdlm ‘nerd _ g _ " -——-r —— — —l.-—— —n-.- _—..; weeks ago that Washington night lory had extricatod in. head Wit from the to from a band and his face from 5301115118 fill 594!!! llelfd of ‘hi! IND! a six-inch pool of water. he looked up .1 the Han-ud nun ‘mg ever, although it may come up. said “You know I could drink a ALTOMONLE C‘8UALnE little pool of water to save myself from drowning. but not 1-‘guljugg 1;.‘-pg... 35 ll“? Wh0l€ Sfldlfonl" Over l1ll7—Californla Ilsa rd Rate. Missouri hdlds a unique distinc- tion in the football season just ‘past, the only eleven in the country to win other safeties had already been COHUIIBYIC‘ . for 1917 are available the All Ietal Weather «Strip. “ldeal" all metal weather strip. 9.581 in 1922. in price. Adv‘-82 NEWhlAN‘S HARDWARE CO. Phone 234 over 1917. The record ‘ See exhibition of finest miniature penmanship in the world b feuor Eldridge at Hopper-Pollard Drug Store window. I-281-82 O 1 1,788. Pennsylvania numbers ~-—~-— W ~ h , 100 - d Try a Missourian want ad. 9 ‘Hm ‘ em” “or 5 NEW YORK lXNl\'8R8l‘l'\' BCBOOL 0!‘ RE‘l'lll.ll\'(3 A Graduate School RI-tailing is a field of opportunity for the tzaim-:1 mind. Retailing train: for executive pouitionu_ Hort-hand:-mg. Advertiaingfi Personnel. Training. Service. Finance and Control. and Tea:-him; are attractive fields. SEZRVICE l"El.L0“'Slill‘.~‘ Clan room and the store are closely linked together. Studgiu may enter second term February 3. 1924. llluuratad booklet upon application. . For further infer-rnation write D Non-in A. Hi-i-co, Director New Yori. University. School of Retailing. 100 Washington Square. New York City. The School of the Pikers defeated Missouri, how-. TOTAL 11,555 IN iszr; Per Cent; Automobile accidents throughout the United States last year caused 8: total of 11,666 deaths according to returns compiled by the Bureau of Census. his number represents a" death rate of 12.5 per 1001!!) popu-f lation as against 11.5 per 100,000 in 1921, and is an increase of 3.6 per cent over 1917 when the record was In the 27 states for which data actual number of automobile fatalities in-‘ creased from 6,014 in that year to I California had the highest rate’ per 100,000 for 1922, it being 26 per‘ cent, an increase of 8.3 per 100,000 for New‘ York state leads the list in actual number of deaths with the figure. but both New York and Pennsyl-‘L Inc. Phone 692 Red or 1271 Red. 81-86Ad. - .4 See Window Dic:pln_\’ A Christmas Franklin County Coal. .___———-——-—-Z-"—"' 1 SPORTS‘ AT RANDOM _ - M -. i If‘ you want to buy or sell some- ‘ g try a‘ Missourian want ad. _“ LEGAL NOTICES While Kansas students mill!‘ ‘'9!’ Q -- F‘ ’ v’ Sat- game from ThanksK1_‘l||I ‘-0 lb‘ urday preceding. it La probable ‘K: -A sum of llasouri. count: of Boone. a: Missouri students would not.’ a ’ I in the Probate Court for the County or ‘ Saturday date would handy ur-. Boone. November Irrai. November 16. "timing the seasons in which me .1. 1» Qvflal. administrator of the cute or y i‘ pl-yed on Rollins Field. but when : X81’! U. Level. decnaed. Order U )’ub- Lawrence is the site it would no‘ . "amt" * ' - Ma Missouri stu- 9 Now comes J. L. O'Neal. aémlnbv-stor of : 9‘ ‘“’‘ct“°' m 1 . el. deeaaa l'»l1¢ lfll’ t-° 9 “'5' ' . the proposed change in the; ‘ fdigieof the annual Tit?!"-l‘7h"k.‘If .. 4 “ ‘ - ' 3 the §RE’3 §'3ur be written. ad. late dents combine of ma County and presents tr ti.» rt Q, 3 Thmkggiving visit to their. h tine In yfi;:Lfor an far homes "1 K‘ City_ or (33: pg;-t c. with classes followinsl of Section Twenty-lfrom flonday to Wednesday. one (21). T wnahip ygrty-nine (Q90 fianahaw g‘me or ‘he T[‘ukggiving visit‘ "°'" '°°'oniii'i.i.o'°a‘i...§'L home would proba’l3le)"'le\:V¢ to be civ- 5. I20 o urucraadan werutheSosmnatQuartero!theSouth- . _aaat Quarter of m as near the ' said petition is aeeuupaalsd the k " "°""""‘whcn it is played here. -7597 Wu“ 1 counts. lists and inventories Pnhufi" for the best ‘bate Court will he “lid it b further ordered‘ out i and Blue on the ¢3'ldll'°3_1- 5"‘ wda at the annual (1109- -- 0 ‘ll E s E t“''‘'' ;' ceive ssoo.oo; sissoo if .31- {.3 E liiii ‘ ‘;i_iE§ 3 iii 2.. a E’? ‘ E izii‘ 5 grfllliigq i ii ‘if! ...- 1fyouwinthefirstpriae.youwl1lre-’ second; $75.00 if yoti win the third: Illl 850110 for the fourth. Also\reaieiriber thatnthere areespecial an& % each forth: ad «caved intercollegiate Ad-Writing Contest iieparunent 3'yifi“7ould YOU Write an Ad? chance to demonstrate how advertising-. should To the college students who send the best ad- , ,ver'tiaernents on the world-famous cereal products. Grape- Ndta; Post Toaaties and Post's Bran Flakes. for use in college pub- lications, the Postum Cereal Company offers $1,500.00 . Cash Prizes . istiiiliic» ............ ........$2oo.oo ~ 2nd Prize ................ .. 125.00 ]_ 3rdPrize......... «arose 75.00 50.00. advertisements received from all! colleges. o a a O o a s ¢ Q 0 I And in Addition, Special Prizes of $25.00 Each for the Best Ad Received from Each College. -; lil-Zltl-Iisnoraatrict:lonontlIe!|°l" L5 ber of_ advvertisanenta 10° Ill! send in. Send as many goodonel 88.109 This ‘ad-writingooritestis open to every ‘hiuioollke IIn1l£f¢'l'l‘¢8l¢ ‘ill “*9 U"“‘°‘l States, and the prizes are well worth trying for. Alladsraustbereoeivedonorbefore _Jgnuu-y 15, 1924 and awardswlll be , made l'ebfl8ll'! 15. 1924. Ask the Ianager of the Iiuouriau or write us for complete information of the eorflast and liter-atrire daaerllllnt the product. youwirithe. Gift Suit HE joys of Ch 'stmas morning will never be forgotten w en experienced through a finely tailored suit made to a particular measurement. Hundreds of the choicest woolens are on display for your selection. The fit is guaranteed i —-the style is as you like it. { $35 up . ‘Jack Daily ’s A 22 so. Ninth .“Chrlstruas Gift Headquarters” 1 l 9 A ..g ‘ Coliimhki, woanesdny,iioo 12 nieatre Ev 1 i 1 0- . . ;.. - gurus THAN sA'r"g 2.; r'*‘ 1J.a.._I l . . 4