J; ;rs._‘Nq.:;'.€; *. 4; " '0 1’ ‘ ' 5 _ _ 5 I E ’l l 3. " . l _ ‘ ' . . ,_.. . _ . V . . _ a I l \ ' . _ 1 . _ . * e T" . T L 5., . ' mar: rattan , 1 rt . o g‘ . . . .-; . . eanunariss intern-on-ho.-.coIuce.roww':Imsouat,r .uvsg.. e...t,,e.t.‘....u....u..+ ' 0 . t Th" E _ l “H _ ‘ wag _p A ;_ I national. IFIA guatu how in. amen took ever} onion: »noouaoouNrr. state Idir which is now one or cite; :33: White a Oecbraa 1 P A .4 ~ o - - ---o«- .........L. ...--- fi.“_h ‘—"-"n.-.» 10.‘:-.'§&0‘5“l¢""l'l°l"'N'|°¢I,I|I|d_rIx A...“ '.u‘ biginstltutionsofthestate. lotfaIm|I$.Ib_lssellIoeI'lrwdI WOOD AND COAL g_ z... ~ ‘ " “.‘..g -,, . , tcoollaodbowheovercamethisvtth 1 _ It . euaauleaahatau. hrasms-do wgofist Q‘; ~ - :_n|'* urtertaifigfl ea , 88-'0-Easlasaltodialm ' “°1.'.m‘obn .en’°me_fesolUuIubG...IO-&Oufig 5’ ~' . _t gfrausdsandafiblgau-;,..g.,‘|.,,g, g. . . ' proved Stock. . y . "°’ lllfi ‘ Phonelxltmack. _ M - I-“day ; _- . .. ... . r ‘lteartielegoeaotitosaythat he: V - thingtnyalissourianwantad. . . uI1Ioonatabs'i0l¢.“‘'‘5'-'’’‘‘°''‘°' : - interior‘ redecorated the’ Few mg. ’ ""“‘_"— gt. .' """ Nhwdfinmuaw ..t1“.(h't°""‘*- ‘ugh’ ..-,g*.trontpaintod.putins'newver'iti1at-l ‘cultural!’ "bf ' mu‘. lwlll I- - _‘'‘'l.l—‘ ‘W . Eh“ H hm ‘’ .. ~’..dwa,7' Ilethodist chums. ‘L H ---+-— , °'‘°° . "' .. .i ‘mm inmned a f r de“'" . "" "\ “'‘°‘"'‘,°'*,¢‘‘i ,_ ‘he"__w..‘of‘.a,;u“ ‘ .&nI.h.of: the eIId.edwlthtlts.far%on of a‘new‘n2 3 .‘ W" ' unncean ‘listed in Boone County. This im- . . __ fl “ 3 oscba F..“.y’(«h;lh'Il 175-.55.,-oguataaul ‘fr-atd'IpIRy fie 11 Pl?!-DIIIR ‘ 1') Plfzll. I U2; ‘portant and valuable agency for then ; D seam we we-Wr.tv....°°‘e.."“"’ """"’ ‘°' “Wm” H M WW” '0 - ........."""’. “"'°"........',.“’;'...".‘.‘... .'.‘.'~‘ '...=""”"~"’"’°'"* M "' ‘h’ ""' GIVE HOSIERY ? A of 3,, w 5. v 3'», . 51-level: local fraiernifica 7 _ - _- "is bad its beginning in the minds of g I S - 3 _ Gran u = ~j_ _'.m d——-—.__.. _.¢§¢.¢ to wmhmg. guy; 0.-'35,.“ _was toput in art lobbies and put Boone County farmers. In October . Sodfllid at and” the- ban ‘Gamma _Alpha Chi _g5og‘,. . t . _ . fruits on the Cozy to advertise the 1835 the an; air of 3,3,’ and in E e The I! tire! _ Will hold a business meeting y“ huh egg,‘-.pmctune run . Four pictures are Missouri was held in g 3; g 1 and direction 09 33”” afternoon at 4 o'clock in the ¢Oflndl:U[fi"§gfi’,[ mgngfi, "3’. u.,"¢d ‘used to show the ditferent fronts east of Columbia 0 N um us 4 Gr“: ‘ . . . . ” * ~ . ' 4 flats“! Wm be u tom“: room of Jay R. Net! Hall. ,3.-u.._.m “V5,,-r, pubuthat have been used. H The uh, 'n_we omflonh of ‘M ' " -{Miss Claudia IIat- Mr. and um w_ A. Brit“ we Hellenic Conference to the outwith-T The article, tells how advertising Boone County .Ag'ricultural Society .. 1). can and Hra..letVi|g cam“, “mm w :0 tion. wns:p:ee_uu..na ends main tfl'ns1spara- of Wzllch Abraham winmnt was 3 « .»-v, '*'.lua,1=1. ’ ~ The fthe traterni. - 9329738??? eemn-prexl dA.'W.Turner - . gs ' '-we um’ they mu adopted‘:-mm:Ior:flU.is that‘of'I;l:- “"°"‘_‘h'l "W30"! methods will tary. enTthe::_wss no rina 10;“ 9 ' an. n n liakethorn. ~ 2‘ «—-«,-o—— - cal fraternity of Stevens Institute. "°"‘ "‘ “ °""" ‘°_“" “ “W as it hihwns the stock nor -em for the‘ V 0, pm}. 39.” Ago," Mrs, , *3 Phi -whose members assisted in the .*or- d°°‘ 9‘ ‘:'°"°P°“3«" §P0c'tators. All gathered around the _ ' = iyanjngmn and Mrs. J. D. ?-"°"‘°°on ‘- Fdllrday gamaatxonxother institutions whose Radokns ' 'D0""“NA"'.r'“ Ef)" B00381)!-|dli!I_i. eagerly watching them.and' ‘ .o : to =~=‘~:,;:'*=r~ W‘-.: :5":-" W °'—-—.:’.‘.‘* --- ?§."Z.‘°:..f".§.“’.....'°‘ 'a.‘:.‘.°.-..''.: .. e. 7.. . . ., :.::.°*:;".*: :';°::.;‘.:°"..'°'°..e *...:.:'.:;' - J '1'. 136' M75 3- ‘ V ‘ Members of Thda Sigma Phi ‘ll ' re". y """' ‘M’ . .‘ . ' ’ ‘ ‘ V “" ,,’‘.'‘T:;:. e e w...-‘ ... .,,°",";§"=,,",*,,*' '1-when wmm" E."iT’{:.‘.‘i 's‘E.’1‘.”"""“e.u...,n’§'.?t‘.‘e§s‘1'; 1-...."$’I‘.’.';T'l't’..'3..°.'.°"‘..‘;""‘ .,.. "'73. §§'§'Z§I.'e”“.§'t“{f."}'I'.'l'..'I.°.f." - ,~ _ v. ass.‘ . , - . H: n - E 31!‘ . , whm.,,;de,_ 3,-._ u_ A_ ______._"____ _ of new Hampshire. Bucknell l3ni- “mud ‘O the Univenity 1.,-bnn. nounced that any citizen of the state _ . - id um (1 H. hung"; «-11,. ;.8-I-ARTE” "R81. PRINT — verstty, Temple Universlty. Umver- ',.e(.e',,t~y and ‘,.e no“. catalogued, a(._ could become a member of the so- . 5'-reel son." the Cindi! 3%’-'v°nt PAPER 3111.1. [)1 was!‘ my °“ Ch‘ . ‘- w°'°"""' eortiftgto H. 0. Severance, librarian. Ci“? by p-fins the annual dues of 5 . 3.. “A Mod. ; _____ Polytechnic Institute. Davidson C°l- A ‘record is kept of the date on which *5 The mm-1 f-in ml meetincs i !1_C€l- bifiwm-_« ml; 0' R. 30""; .Lamme, Keiser and Co: Co_, w", lege and the University of Illinois. um boob ‘re ‘wen ‘O the “ban. of the society did much to encour- 1 - Gm’?! C_ Dgwfiojul ‘ W‘. ‘nqouxd mt ‘kl’ ‘'‘l .1011‘ the n‘n,e of an“. donor-_ 839 the farmer to fflltf ‘hf bfil _ . 3 shoppers," the class; Business In I831. $39 5”‘ lv_3:3'lb§¢ 7331“ 1;‘ ¢{50lt'W The jfbnflm is "mung . Cone‘, stock possible. , --9 - - —-— ormaddtonanaona raerni-- .- .- . ' ' _ -- . : ......:.mee. Mrs _C{r1 Bette"-. -11,. en... ,,.,,,, mm ,,,,,, ,, we fie,’ Mum M H 0, W M‘, non of books wrmen to vx. H. Hud- “=_°m wk ow-Mm-on Vdtveioveé There 18 8 real pleas Watch our ads this month. We will offer 1 Qgf’ In. Franl. I\a}luI'. M. . . . . . son mous naturalist F: -n - p A ississlppi River was established ll’! fraternity are to be presented to ,.oh',mu hm.-, been uulogued Y, th e " ‘ at nstmas '» . ~ - . , , . I C ‘ ' 5 I”. Guy Dams I8 ’ §;:0s:9w(‘3:IltYll‘leYnI§m1:8::.aml"l;i:i°ejnt:::'; confareoce omcmls within 41: “ha”. in this collection. A I When KNOW many n'l0l'l€y¢8aVlng \'8lllCS PIE-1nV9nt0ry ; ' . - . ‘ . "‘°“ * . ~—-——-— our ts are in ‘ . ~ .- Iflfflfhauy Honored . $i:§uei.”;°¢m.m‘l,°' .’:I°h “ .bu.'m°§‘ Conference speakers voiced criti- ll!" Your Christmas gift cards ‘ Kehat ggrour friénds p _ b ‘”_g.g_Anmld and Mrs. J. M. the Fmnuin 13¢“. '2 °d'“;,":“_'; cism of professional fraternities in written to order in gold. 35¢ per . 9 d f ' L I " -. _ -- ....t..w«» ye. .. =«-~= rm A -u -1» am we: « CHRISTMAS~ my 1. earcmce » ..,¢.,¢.rtu-noon at the home of ' - _ adopted condemning the Kappa Beta Store. Adv. 80.81‘ ‘ ' ' hosiery creates this ,.~’ 4- _ ‘tr-mid at Sampson Apart-‘ 31¢-h"“1I'3‘. 183}. Llgmne. Kexser _Phi fraternity. declaring the organ- __H _» H V A W i V _ A‘ ~ -.~—_ _. __ ~ real holiday ‘Spirit_ A . “ in W‘, of Mr; Guy D'vm Ill 0. gave public notice lllll they gggfion ‘-33 gn gghghr. , V ,- - A _ ‘ A ‘H a . 7 if ‘ swings. KM" ‘ho is the were making arrangements for the ship and made an -organised joke". . . pp E S e t S I *3 «.53 d.u‘;,u,,.' n"_-moan ztgieutactxrethg Notices of ideals of regular fratcnlties. ll. p ‘ a e 5 % 13"‘, Blackfoot grax el road. P°‘"-‘d’ 5 V0014 Pl) 10 The delegates who formed the 9 ‘ 'l\a'gIests were: me. w. H. Wil- ""9 8 Pound for woolen mes. 3 new national fraternity attended the For Women— Of House Dre 3 3 In 1; c._ Pippin, yrs, 1-‘, m, ‘C939 3 Pmlnd for cotton and line! first interlocal ‘fraternity confer- 7 ‘ 8888 l =. .R.lI.Grabam,Ira.A. WIS-Indlcentaponndtorieungonce, which itwasdecidedtohold \ an Raalte S .‘ , . ygnmith, “at. C. Scott.lMrs. 533- an_n_ually in New Yorlt. Judge Wil- . . Chlldren S Dresses -—- :1-. 2. sonnet, Mrs. 1*. 5. Arm- .w%: mill!‘ was owiligd by David and ‘ l‘ivarn R. 9.5:. Phi Delta Theta of 300181)’ Maid ONYX . e..t.n"”'Eee.§;. "i.‘t§."‘§-’e'e.t3f-t'.“i;;-tt.'.....".' J. c'.5';';”’it ..".'2"t..’f.°t’.'.’3'.t..".’.';Ie:..."e...."".'.‘.¢ u..""eZ.’.'ie.e'..‘e'.. °'o'5£e."" “Pointer” THURSDAY AND FRIDAY L. “dd. an w._;u_.,- 3.11¢n‘._.,-, six miles south of Columbia at omcers chosen were: Dr. William J. Glenn Davis. Hrs. Winston Rockbridse. The mill was furnished Gies of Gettrsburx Collece. Getti'a- - ’ ' Hrs. Samuel Braden.’ Mrgjwithhthetibest naachinery obtainable l;rt.br§a..U Yice-ehairrifiara M For Mal‘. ' G“‘3'h3"l3 Percale p .4 . ‘ , v . 3 A ‘ s V in Eckmanouand-u::. A,,,,.j;::"., ,,,,, ,,,, W my b, ,,e_,,,: mum ”,:;..;,.i ;mm,.:...[.J.£_ ___ _ Miller s Cleanup of odd sizes and broken lots. ,~ -_- sue: Ira. wucampboll. W‘:ch_-pi Near the close of 1334. the msinjvmity Of-Wisconsin, ueuueee, In all desired : values 3148, $139, $1.98 and $2_25_ *'- “‘~ " "m’“""”""""" "“““‘3 *"*”‘ P'P°'- Tl‘ ““ cozr Tamra: 18 mscusszn . ~ ' nin'¢ad.Co1°- -issue of the Franklin lntelligerfcer‘ 1 t shades. ' & GT. -f.:’:.:'”.‘. '.'.%.:.*"*..=::*..‘*;°:' ”?.;’§.5. *'"*'°"‘:..‘:.°°*'...’ "r “"""' CHOICE NOW \ . _ . n _ t , - t ._ Dinngr ll” 31.10015 R-9PllNl¢l‘ll 09- _There appears in the November .— "12 the paper and atatedxhat It was 14. issue of the Universal Weekly a ‘ «' C 5. R‘. P. Neal and Dr. Dudley‘ gupa-‘mg tn ‘fly pgpgy m.d¢ maguine for motion picturc exhigh "'—' i"""".""‘”“5”°“ “ 5 °'°’°°“ ‘“"' west of the Allen-hen: Mountains. ‘tors. a page article telling how Rex ‘ . I 5 .'3ni‘m.r;:.m° h°“m°_°f _ D; However. the coat of production P. manager of the Cozy ' .: . ""5"" . "' W“ ‘L‘‘’'’' * me toomigi. to make me ajtgfpflgg Theater. put new life into a failyngi ~ - . .. .. . ~ ._ ,, ., .‘ - :’ ' &hinsoIrCmuans Mot ”§1’.?2’§§; 3:‘ .‘ “’‘‘’‘°‘‘' ’“°‘‘'’'*'‘ ‘°‘ ""’ '“‘” °“'’' "'°‘'"' « i " 5 W ‘ e’ A i ‘V r 4‘ i ' Be on hantfearlyiand get first choice . ' ' existed a few years. The titicof the article is “Pub- ‘ ' ‘ " - ; ' ...... g-,_!—,:;°;;,;;nDr,-,3?-.<:.- =~;;f°3;g>,;~, We V e g__ _. _,g g e W M g . as as g ‘_ as g t g 0 i g p . . V "“"“ "E Iuanyn ' d.Dr.'Ddl c 3; W " i i i‘ ' ' . l - ' v. 3‘ '_ Hon . ‘V. _ mm “ ‘V °" ; . Hosiery Gifts -for All \ A . L» 5 1 I‘ ‘ 3'“? : Pd’ 3°hi°“" " ’ ‘ ' E ' 9 Broadway at 8th ' e . l‘ ' -K S I you 3'! piles! of the Boone County ed-' - - _ ' “ ' _ ' ' '1 ‘d sfiuy ‘ad Doctor Mcco . ‘Q ' I - ; Qflmerly president of t is- ‘ b ‘ ‘x _ V ‘ . " ' n - ’_;':’_¥_iH’”H~ i - L ‘:' ’ 'v'm;-b'A>‘ mi N‘ V 7" " ‘ - 4, —-—- BEGAN TODAY, DECEMBER FIFTH ‘ '—‘—~ ‘ ' V VHrs.E'Imer A. McKay In y L __ e _ ., . . p p; T I ‘ “*0 A 4- 0- "'- * ANNUAL DECEMBER *" '* “ l he regular meeting of the Am-I ‘(ha Association of University Inn was held this afternoon at ‘,-, 3 l!alL The board of the asso- -' tilill. consisting of the president hitlle heads of the departments,‘ CLEAR-AWAY SALE . Giving theGreatest Values er Offered in Columbia .— Before 'Chr1wIihh' ‘ ts, Dresses, Furs, s is lstneaters,-Blottsestifllnrts, Hosiery, Etc. i During November we bought over 200 Coats-also Dresses. Sweaters. Skirts, Etc. but 0 sincd November ,weather was not most favorable our business was not quite up to no board meeting tea was ‘ ~’z sud. _ MI o'clock Mrs. Elmer A. Mc- 11,“. i, such a F f I , i ' spoke "on 7“Your Business in? expectation. Tferefore our stocks are too heavy for so late in the year. I "W Wm M“ ‘ _ ‘'5 ‘_~ o -' " " This stockia‘ bbugbt right. however. Since savingd of 25 per cent were made on boa" selection if thing as a fine 1 13;: H. Ho;:*O;-‘wm.,.eMbm.g_ all purchases so therefore we are able to make Deep Cuts on all merchandise. , ' ‘r » ' gift It 8 mod", .' 0 5'-25 ‘ sdlfi miubflh wguon of Mom-‘ giving our'customera the full benefit of OCR SAVINGC. for RI-IDl'CTl0!\'S NOW ‘ ; ’°" ‘M9 ‘t °“°°' an _ rule. are the sweets of Mrs. w. , RANGE most ' . g ‘E s '“ Pm’- : '~ Illitux, 818 V" 'nia - .' ;p . $1.25 . b 5... and ut.’I"u-u.e2"i.'l‘1-'2; u 25 to 50 PER CENT _ ~ ? - A - ' ‘hm the rug.-sts or Mrs. wn- ' . Sportor Dressy Modes—Self or Fur 'I‘r1mmed 1 f ' d - ' - no.3: 3,, ..';f,°w':;'°':,’,,,,'3,',’_.,: . _' All Costs (about to), values or $135 to smso at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 95.00 ,1 V _AND AT A SHOP WHOSE , isznunotser visit. i. All Coats‘ (about to). values ‘of mo to 8125 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33.50 , i n > » .‘-I ""'V All Colts. values f 385 t 89750 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569.50 All Coats. values to $49 '0 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.50 ‘N . bolster .'.’ fin 'n.m°" 1;’: :t"‘t°h’;" All Costs,’ valnesoof ‘$79.20 to $85. at . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59.50 All Costs. values to $395; at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24.50 _‘ WHOLE STOCK IS CHRISTMAS GIFTS 4 » 87.95 S. £50“? “might The guests’ .-‘kl! Coats, value! of I65’toV875t at’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49.50 All Costs. values to 829.50 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19.50 ‘ I ’ it ,~ Ixt:,MCudd_‘.' Mildred ' All Costs. values to 860 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39.50 All Costs. values to 824.50 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.50 I ‘ I UR ‘VHOLE S,N)CK of goods would mum Suitable Christ ' Owens ‘ ' ' , * . " . 9.5 "” ‘E ‘mm, ' . A ,. _ , , , » -» mas presents. One trip to our shop will enable you to -~ as ‘u Gwmem.‘ iweergenn findwtiétgzfi. T Dresses—S1lk, Wool and Evjenmg Dresses 1n.December A; check mm. name, 0,, you, shopping mt Andy,“ Wm ‘ _ “When . 0 r Clear-Away Off gs. Ofi€I‘€d at 1-3 { _ have the satisfaction of knowing that every gift is smart and T « “Iii cretu ‘Newton of Moberit-Q ‘ ' - of the al’Pnc?e. 1 ' 2, ‘'i8’l‘l~ g Iuive ta.-d. . , = J n. . ‘ E .:_g,_ ,,_j‘;“ G:n;°.‘;‘~';:;= 5:3,: Values of $19.75, at $13.75 to $39.50. ,, E A V A ; PW‘ _. “Nu axons; one. Newton will . p . A . _. ‘ _. j ; You Will Be Interested in All of These Smart Glfts'— 3. “'95 ‘— L n m Commbt" 0‘ » All this year's styles choltera than haIf"*tltdi"valh'¢.' Ford, I-‘ox. Lynx, Red Fox. CF08! 90!. W0". Seilillf. l i . V ' 3 ‘ -‘*5-J-.3. Conrsault. 212 Hicks av. : cone’ ‘ad Pu”... ‘ A J ft C13‘-‘Cf’ 373480 Set! . A Polychrome Mirrors 2 '"’"'s' .“ .. :"” '''‘‘'“‘‘° "N Wm! in run. Values to 312.50 at .......... ........ ...... ..ss.7s ruii. Values to sum at ........................ ..sa.7s 0 ,3 Smart Stationery ' Children's Books ._e. 7‘ 'fik..u‘:u .” 2:30 °'d°°k s'""": ‘I I-‘ma.’ Vhliei td‘3fi£0 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..tc¥t‘ Furs. Values to 87.50 as . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . H8335’ f B uh Boards and Knives Corona Typewriters ‘ ' . "-2 f . sits ‘ 1-: or't~*——pleotet and plus’ odd-.'-tri :1. idseu. i ‘ 5 3* lmmtflfl ~ ‘WW’ » “ Id six ‘ E . n. u A - Hithli Glased Colored Porcelain Fountain Pens “.93 .. . » Th out Bun”, E“ f ; Pottery Silver‘ Pencils " . 1' mas Values". et':s.7s—.s1t.os’eiiu'3. at sets-—-srao values at 3:35. ' ’ 'i= i 2:1,,“ §';':',,,,, 3355, . «'.‘; Wash Dimnitlea and VoileI_aad hand made Pan; and Tuxedo models. $5.00 and 86.00 values 88.95-34.50 values. 1‘ Cubfbn Permmc" ‘ Phmmim BN0“. 7 _ . 82.75-88.50 vatuea. $i.9$—82.5o raraea at $t.75—~8l.2$ values at 95¢. _ . ‘N Iv Boudoir Sc“ 4 mam,“ ‘M pad" z; , , g - Decorated Candy Boxes Sewing Trays gr rt as ‘ phi‘ C0...’ Juguggug gul Cltappy Coats, Swuters , - . l La fiction Telephone Girls }_ ~ 5° ‘° Ir'eeatiti-11530" av’/ae'teei'it ...... .............. ..;i:l;7S Regular ago sweaters at ........................ ..:.;: ( ;,_..a..e.t......a am Books Polnsroute Candlesticks .5 Regular 818.” sweaters at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Butler sweaters at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I + ‘-3 . -- ‘t- - * 1 ' I ' . . . . . . . . . 0“ l l‘ 3335 swasttrh at’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8 8:75 Regular “.00 sweaters at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ‘ E.‘ sass __ ~ 4__ ‘ _ __ Hose _ - _- 4 (1- 8350 ‘gcgaet. aim-. Garden. ‘Elton. no SECONDS Smart -- N50‘ . Abollt3IO|IIitallBflk.lJIIe'I'Op.8ilkHfl¢eIlIdClIdeIlalId8lbI'oldered8illtHoso—Allcolo!'Iat$6lO%C"‘39 ‘apalwodhus-‘-‘-Imported Ceatema-is-—CadetaadBammlagBlrd—l\'oseeonda. Abouttslpairofflilk ”"" ’ ' ‘1ha.Pstty8iUIIHesIberasdflaekatsboatl-8offtbeutIlIrl|'59¢- » . 5 and oel ,, , . .- . . ' .'8PBClh.‘°A ‘hbE'ullduuraatadnsbowjagdapparelumuehandaaIu'msch_oapu~edatedu s. . 4 " 5'} ”""~‘ , and Bbimees. sup. ltlnoaas and lloaifi'!_'l ‘IN fill! 0- - 0 0 ~ -* i nreesysuns1-space--~ i ..I .;s'_~'. 9 u - ‘ we“ I fr‘-7" V V I .— 7 . . V . _ . . r . . _ - I a . k V. .-I . 33:: 4 '. .*".'."‘? ' ~‘ 6