, 4-, . V’-‘« -. _ ‘ ~._ . . lg i. . ugfi ..,.. . T , A L . £2. 3 ’ ‘ _ __ -~w~‘-77‘’’’'’ '-’ _‘ ‘V . .'.f" 1 I . -~ ‘ _ ‘ _ ,. t V ‘. . W.’ “ I V‘ -V - ‘ .. r ‘ "~:"'. I . ‘ V ‘I. .t[iy‘ i- \,_ . gv : . . ‘ -, 5 0:4 . .- _ V C‘\ - u- . I . D _ ‘ - ’ ‘ x J ' ‘ " ' - . 5. - .'_ l; ' ' ; ‘ ." ' ’ " ." Herald the . .. l Had: to thfte {L-.'e.< .39 £83 a line d’ orméumllt;-. An- other deva-iy done de ' ' I .“ - to _A V air. . :1‘. 4‘-J played up in sorvze -- that ‘s. 0' '§'.mt~. 2'! _ —‘ '7’ merabem of the fam- e,-ti! 10- . 1 '\ ' 4 065. "typ'xal of the old-t2me clxcrr -« o good ‘idle for our friends at 4' 9 ‘ J ‘in ear. but .- ‘ 53 l A uttl " '. . 1'1: ' ‘Tb ‘Z my ‘( .3 '3 ‘- ‘ -- - - ' - .. -t ‘ ' ' ' > that no me f‘«.”-.'3t' -i-_-<.’re‘to' «3 _:, -' (‘aneklkakn ‘D P . lar. _ _.-..-_ The camel is ‘a favorite W'O§lA.\'. GI. “'ll.l. Ol'li.\' A of this st-z..~,0h. One and of this de- GIFT SHOP l.\' {Ul.l'7IiillA ""’“' ,“_ ’“°‘“?”‘.”3““ "”¢ °°““‘,i"’ All Kinds or’}Tr£_§'§rs Handled-— a hol.) spray in color at the cf‘ _ L‘. - t_ is curries. In the center of the pray Ind "‘i.C“d“S“x£ " s is x: white camel. embossed on the “"‘d- T59 *°’di“¥ "'3 “‘°i” “Past 61 and I find my:-eff in art." assurance it in the memory of our f.'iend:.' V \‘ 0 so , I A n .1 3 . . -1- to.-.-4:? _ . \ I .. .~ ..«--..~a_. .--rs nun M.\n’ , , / ‘'‘’d- .7,” "°"d';"‘_i‘ 35°" ‘“d;tas what Ira. Anna Armil :nld COUuifi$ Ireffly ‘ WISH for ‘be ‘m D" le Shut," 0953- -to be opened at 8|! e avenue A:10:b?T Of 1,199? i‘ of uh? ‘omoffot ’ Three '-we Men mounted on can» 1: will be strictly a gift shop. XII.‘- els in a blue and gold color scheme. Tide verse bears out the Eastern isezttimen ' t. herself. will be the prayer the‘ Eastcrners sold there. Th- “! prar pride of her work is in her . , 0 _ _ articles, picture es. ra:1dle- , 318)’ l-33¢ P-'in¢<‘ 09 A1131! 85339 ‘ml’ sticks, wallacones, writing set-. or clay models. When gr-ssoed, they are transformed into beautiful arti- Wherever you .121)". w you go lay the beautiful palms of Allah no’-3’ . ea. This art is traced back to Through days of labor and nithti the aixtenth and seventeenth ceri- of.rest' * tnrles. Designs can be worked out The love of good Allah make you in high and low reliefs. and in all - est; ora. So I touch my heart—as the Ear ’ Inaddition to thegesso work. the te.-nens article are also decanted with Inoldolith and plasteline flowers, ' painted by Mrs.,Ar'rnil. _dcsign is done'She also pain.s baskets and trays. -. in King Tut istyle. The I ' work Of all kinds is dis- ‘ is gayly lined"\rith blue stars and played in one corner of the room. "- . xilvt-r camels whichsilver men There (are floor lamps, flower and baskets. il Key peace oiling}: abide with you-' Ana‘ er delkhtful .’ ' ride. A similar design is on the paper rs. also ___ a(~com;;3n_ving cgrd, °g Qrd ia_ln.ndlea luster '8!!! and hand em- typical of the ' nth ’ en- broidelv Verit- .: -.-em”; -.g-an-hi mj-gy ¢{ cu-fig According to Mrs. Armil, she has ‘ ‘ _ have. All .c.r.a<°.es_of blue. on red worked on art only two }'¢"&l'3- ' almond. as do pdd. or- ID ' Sh? hid ‘#90 _“3 . ange ant‘ brown. . ous patterns novice in raising children. making 1? , 3,‘. “,7; ‘am in at fining. ",5 light brad for her family and keep- E . “°-W ¢*=-*=~.=-..,.,.:-3. :::.':.::*:.:;;’.°::..::' ":::.:’:.; :3: in envelopes are u y _ the mos’. favored ones. Sometimes , '77- ‘he '35 °'* °f ‘he °°“m3° dew’ 45,‘. ca“; and envelop, up, bad, onstratora of pure food. ‘f".1" °°l°"'d‘ ‘ad ’°"° "‘'d' h“ Caaveadna Report to Given. """" "d‘°’ k“"°n°d' A meeting of the Anne Shewmaker of ' y after prayer meting. report of _ thirty things come in plain wooden - ___________ in spite of the fact that the di- fluntir-g dtff in Sxzthern ‘fetus Dflf 3' 5Q 500939"! Texas. A an rtrifing 'p'v!1. according to ‘"3339 3-3‘ {am 331' popular in--hard .~‘4a-mu. a in-uann in the 8P°"'~ university {rim Mercedes. Tea. “RS1, La‘;';i“" """"aAN‘(;;k‘G ‘N . l_'()l'N‘l‘Y WAS DE‘. 31. lfll Was Oateane at Political Peal Lnlaa. at New r:-an-s.. One year it will he the month cf .\'overn!zer. and the next year it will he .\'oveniber and Decern . - On one occasion last season, when on a deer hunt in the sandhilla, miles west of llercedes. Smith said the party came across a drove nf wild hogs. orsas they are called in Spanish, “3'avelina." 'l‘hree of the is ten were fallow- ‘ ‘ ‘t the . under- } a S1300 was for murder in a small clear. in: north of when Christian Col- lege is located now. a Wm .Itgave rnodtohe ofthegdh a loud wlfch F a signal for the rent rider hard, for isnmcdinteh from under Of W w W ‘ °.:.;:.*?fl:z..‘?* t‘.r l.r-uh came the rest drme. . At o.-um one-of the boys started to run to locate a tree in whit be from the c nuld find safety from the animals. '1 The rm.-.< in this part of the country pn._-gnu, .11 0f an mhbgunu of are only aiout fifteen feet high and Columbia and 25¢ vi‘-injgy nthgfed "-1 «suite 1-'-Pct’ I--'!'-mzh ‘-0 -“IP90?! witness execution of this tlzc trt-129:2 of :1 man. and it was 33;}; yho dxlgygd fig finnogegte to 'r.;.rd ta fired one that would be of 15¢ 53¢ m'..l."l1 use tn them. Finally the)‘ reached a tree from -.-.r;'-.h thc)‘ signaled for aid from the u.':;:.ér.di-r ml the party. \\'hen the ."t 1 arrut-d they shot several of the animals, I.: the bags were of no ‘one to S;_ nartii-u!a.r value for meat. although Ioujg gm: hind [-1.145 10 comm}; an Sniith that they "Eff: 8.':l‘:.‘l ll)’ (ff Rguge hgd rgcgufly Iggy; .c. 2 8 outcome of a feud between two political factions at n '5 0 ~'._~rne of ‘the natives. D11‘! is only one of the ma tjvpt-.~’ cf game hunted in Texas." actively opposed to the Rouse {sc- I-ucl; and wild turkcy furnish mach tion. _-nor: for the hunters during the S4‘;4_*.'I.".. Rouse was killed from ambush on the morning of December 6. 1829. Fishing is just about as interest- ing a sport as hunting. for there is .j-.-j NEW STEPS Learn them in the Dancing Class for Uni- versity men at MAHALA Sl‘l'Dl0 Mrs. Robert 1. Simpson Phone 833 -iu;:ht a s of the pole good exercise in landing it Smith said that it was grea sport to catch the salt water eat- fish. They do not resemble fresh water catfish at all, for their heads GET THAT TICKET FOR The Scoop. ~ /' 1 more nerwnnl note to that Chum the adult conferencv.-.~ hi-L‘ -K ' ‘j mas er:-etinsrs. 02:0 of the methods at the State Convention of the Sun- . . 10 <30 1*-ii i5 *0 bu)’ P1159 61745 Ind day School Association will be given. A have your initials engraved on them. ‘ - '!-‘rat:-znity and sorority crests may :i ’ ~ -- ' hefuund at one 10:21 store that): A ‘ . ~ making a specialty of this sort of ‘ ‘S :.;',,k'. hon efmfleflamg If‘, ,1”, The Scoop. Annual Dance of the School of :5‘ :°:‘“"‘ "‘"”°h ‘fab’ Journalism, is the premier social event of the ’ a silvt-r_ba:§: _of“lgo1l)' ‘Lift-hthgzt year. This year's dance to be most elaborate in It‘ 235% I!) IS CDC ' ;‘ kmflhrrztmas greeting is engraved the hi-‘lOT." Of the SCOOP- fi'i.§’§i.°2’J "..T~.’§’.."u.."”°'3'..,'.‘.£..."‘§.'E i the sender's name. A basket of old fashioned flowers _ P ’ Q - - ~-- - , re-Journalists A A A Elig'bl P‘. I *< - . A in ' Anyone having a date with a journalist or ;" / i ' _ pre-journalist is eligible to come. And the dance \ j . 3 E is to be informal as to dress thh year. 1 .- / _ ' ' 7. . . . _ ‘ - IT'S ON 1., . ’ i J - ' . ‘f ., New Underwood For Rent C 7 pl L ; . . V, ' _ : j_ Let us demonstrate the Remington Portable Tyjiewriter ‘ y’ ° : Q. -——the world's best -. -O » -’ . JUST TWO MORE DAYS .. i National Typist: Association , - A ' Reading Typewriter Exchange.‘A:ents.' “Get That Dab To ° to '80-Ilfillcr‘-est e _' V _Phonel760 ' ‘V ‘ F.efrKin(lanIl.C¢Inrteons'h-eatruent . . .".' "— , . 3 ; the sadhoancall zaoa Auto Laundry and Simomzmgsmm 5. 1-" ' * ' O .- ' . Ferguson & White ' Cm W“"°"- P°‘''''°d 1"‘ 3 . . t . ., " 3 .1 M...» ~ . CarsCalledforandDelivered. ' I flew and Up-to-Date Funeral Home. O it , . ..A.‘. -9 .:‘_. ALL wonx oulnnurmn isfloruistnst. w“ I. - o - .__ "I . -— . 4 . . 1 .- ‘A C ‘ _ ‘ , .,_i’ . If ‘M ' ,:.' ‘Y. .- "3 . -_~". 2-‘? “ 5+ '5’ .f\ ‘V! n _'-e. _ ‘ ‘execution in a cart drawn by a yoke tracks in the snow left by a woman twho took him food. Earle was taken to the place of of oxen. He stood in the can which at a signal from the sheriff was driven from under ‘in. was buried under the gallows. >¢_..u____.._.. _ 1 AGRl(‘l.’l.Tl}RAl. M BBTING TO BE HELD Ila‘. ll-ll Caaaty Agents and Extension Workers Will Have Aanaal Conference. The twelfthpa-nnual ‘conference for ' extension workers and county agents will he held at the College of Agn- culture December )1 to Presi- dent Stratton D. Brooks is In open the confert-are with a short address. Dean Alfred Vivian, of the Ohio State College of Agriculture. will on “Loolting Forward." Ge-rr5:r E. Farrell. Unit:-d Slates Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington. I). (7., will talk on “Viewpoints and 0b- servations." Miss Grace E. Pry- singer, United States Departm-.-tit of Agriculture. Washington, D. (T. will speak on “The Home Program." All other speakers on the program are connected with the (‘allege of Agri- culture. The ;;r..~;:ram this year will be di- - ‘ -C- ?CHRlST.\l is ? ~; ?(;m‘s; Z 12$ "-1 F. P. Miller Planing Mill South Eighth St. Does first class wood work; old faraitnre repaired and re- finished. Try us. Phone 134 — r ‘I JackDaily’s SERVICE Cleaning Pressing Altering l’l\9ne.l3 2a.s.Niiu;; ‘ ._._.. I. attention. This lecture, Riven under the . Methodist Hen’: Club. Broadway Methodist An he held at the Women‘: Gymnasium on the evening of December ll. The ' eratlon will give a smoker for mumy ' extension agents at 7:30 o'clock u..;- night of December 13. _ ....,—. -_...._- - 9 which is auspices of the will he at ll"l<_~ Church. informal entertainment will tsaouri Farm Bureau Fed- Any Day leonfereneea. 3‘. 9|. C. A. (‘ahinet to Hate Report. the Y. vided intogeaera . )1, (3 A. , L ‘ cultural section andhorne erono.'n~ There is to he a meeting of the from cabinet menu ‘ section. afdirectcrs of the Y. 3!. C. A. This is tit: rrg::l.-., 0.1 the ereting cf December 10. at 7:30 o’cl:)ck tolnorrcw even-Ir.g of .;r the to ;_ . Dean Alfred ‘-'3 Ian will give an il- « lngfy-‘tgd on (hp -397": ff '— —~ ~~— -v -—-~-—~'7"-—’~“' 75-» - --—o -—.-'-"'.'.”;'..“Z’i?" Sam Higginbottom. an agricultural ‘ l'lli'.‘.!'-50flIl') '0 Eliot‘? H-.ATl.. ll '- said, has attracted considerable Learn to DANCE WELL‘ Private Lessons by Appointment MRS. .|AMES().\’ Phone 2085 -_.. 5’. : :. <3l_ .-if ‘i ‘ Q 1 a All Ol ‘ K_‘\'{7'\\' pzano Thu’-ic . _..;; . 1:: uufl, t‘~:\'cmli-t 2. 2: ;, l\.;.:‘i l.5.:"j. (ir.4n._j flu’ (§l‘.«.".\u'7*..;;~ ,\ l‘. l’;_':" '. 7'ij,.‘_l‘:' ‘ lur inc c: n’.;.'1;_' _\L.,r;. l! t’. ". l-rd-.,l.'.< ftg,‘lL xi ~u.'}yg~_,._ gh¢-dd.‘ b,_.,‘—,r(..j"h|. --fr-» tkl..j. :—nu GL2-'c,";"C'Xl’1Z.'YLT]I_\ -' a—. -J- "-'L1£.' All! (Tie on Vitrified Brick Pave- " me- and containing recou- nunded specifications. — ‘ Send {orftu cert-bod. F115 :1 charrn L8 \\ r—...: u»....; Ev; m._.re pleasant to lean (- lommg than a Dc L uxll re .;.“. .:3~rrzrati-on O l~Z.'Ti.-\ Minot‘. r. 2 i. l l 1 RES a sound lesson in pav- ing so brief and simple that youneed notjotit down in your notebooks-you can“carry it in your head” until the time comes for you m iltl i ‘ On your first paving project after college, remember “the ABC of and the “D” is ' adequate and well-planned. The result is an enduring, water- proof, frost-proof and traflic-proof roadway which is certain to give the longest service at least upkeep cost. l o... q— 3' .p... T Remernber—“no brick ' evarworeoutfi'omthctqpdown.". NATIONAL PAVING BRICK MANUFACTURERS TION A of Good Paving . i F -2 , 1 1 l j. . _/ :. 013' ._ ,' , , . ' T ' O . H . .. :-g.__- a *' 4‘ ’iA‘-1 ‘..‘ 0" 9 ". * ’ . -.°. ; r "1, ' -‘. ‘lg '~~- - ‘. .=. ‘=. -9.‘: