T TAT TTTT‘TT:TT T T T‘ TTTT,/,’T. :—T‘T T‘. LT T:-T.TT _T~TT ~.T_._. W.. a.,;;’«_: j.T«T_' I_T T. T‘ .1: . .TTTTTT _._T’. T T. .556 A'l‘EfI._OWQN oouogo oook Find§ 101-WNDIAN" so of Blacksmith Changed 1°---*-=-*<=‘-7--r--hf .,CHm:1.M Tm 0 \V‘_.. .. \ i . A ,-...' 3- _ — ..: - - . . . , , . ~ . -,. "e . . ~44 ~ _ . ‘ '. . . Tv , . ~.' ‘. -‘ 1 I g ‘ U - 5 - I . ‘ I . um .. 0 e. n 'uo'onvs-?« - '- "Vi" ~ .. . - . . l .4 ' MAGAZWE LIST. e I-Iobliy omono Making Exactingl ’r"..‘1%‘7.:.".=,5f."£;’?’:3‘;~’*“°o¥y ‘ o 3' th T‘ f 1., "‘»""-="'&' "1 ,T T ._ _ T . ; » B 0 T market Monday. The touofiu were 9 Q .__._.. ' - ' . , - -: 2 :Prodncete' Fl‘ ' . _ ri . %;h..:‘k|'l'1:£l9 the knife in BUM PINS.“ Aft?! dzggzng a pit six feet deep Aafi children comm; home from the hos-saehoeing buzincms i.- thre*h- 't.*lt.re'¢.-ht?a.1fn¢‘xf cattle and ° “' I 1 ‘~ - . 4 - - :01 funny man bongo fits tln o, 5*... “,3 J, ,,:,’,. ,, gm“; ,,,,"".,,',°"v'I9i‘u““’,;’3,{_‘_;',n' ',"‘"'f.' t,,.,k'°i:°:'. an 0 l , ~ 3”‘ “F” "‘ ‘"3’ ‘W *“t"==};" ‘W W0 W? of M91: “1 7- Bods» and -~- *---‘M--"~* ** —- - . . :‘ m 1 M i ‘W .3‘ fig;-d 33*, Lg, g.p.fi¢g-g on ‘gluing half g 31]]; W Columfl. log‘ 3 ‘Q fotfelnjfi‘ ‘law 'ywr"n‘Il|lA’dJ' .:u:‘ke‘ mu‘. ‘w“.(‘rs ‘J tau"; fab." bk" - 7 mi---’ 0 _ NICE“. *9» 3 2? wood. and saw it out. 'l‘hen,~{.‘>n’the Fulton gravel road. workmen: And hear the bellows roar " 7zood Wretn the dies hadmtcl: 2:2 cc:rro{ofh0;:uk; curb 9’ . gandssataalag In-In : - - '. ‘ .2 1 ’ - ~ , . I -T. T¢w;;,. 1,,“ , hunt‘. “E A_ NT;Ti':¢:Iui-N ch‘-c-3|‘;-'eT¢Ir~(')ent!t-ebeoti-nt:;:;:1-‘vi;-é-frrvua five-sadv.-of Longiollows immortal words ao;homs set nervous and got-sunny T -—~~_-_- ~—~o~o T DANCING l.Ess0Ns - a.n'uu’ states is t an-euisoélua-. violin maker and repairer-lo! thelhack. to keep noon mangle: was found to be an old zoo-o»¢'§';;‘.'.'.'$2 ‘;h'h' °°i'.l'¢7'.°w"";h..~;..t°‘~3“‘mp afdflchtifl‘ will “i.""‘ M “(lam WW5 y..a°"°'i:mu°- "1 P"""° "573 O " , as revealed in an at-Bela so ’‘'‘‘’':.‘''‘”‘'‘u '|""'9'°‘;the place too thick or thin, I adjnstfusound. ' m .,,.:y‘::,« 0, . mum‘ 41,. ,5”, of Mn“: mast‘; ’.u”h.,.: mg .4?‘ nu m uwunwl P"n’ 9"“ “’°""°" I . -‘what Our States Road and: “" “£3” WW‘ caliper. It clamps on and_ The earth eoverinx of the grave “mg, mg “téh the with . _ and ,0 $.15, .w J _ ,‘ ‘ T. T, -,, an at the Jour-TT‘h:I‘lIere's not money ln‘:;’mcasures the thickness. :as“I'l:lfia;crsfo!Cos;.oncb;nd soil. N. 9.5, 3,5, ""3. of an aw, ping." y an “O W _ —- - - ~ ~ ~. ' ‘tlubos article the resultschull I make like? Cu". -0.. ac“ ” Ned‘ itiwas the.t:ost Pfiugect, at that W“ ‘hen me’ "ow on-‘er’ And 0-mi Even “ an ‘how’: ma of ""30 V ;,..;;f moo mafia“ ¢ "file rims are made from a be M‘ _ In _ doors at the blacksmith shops in business were eliminated, the mod- ~ ,.,q.g survey are published. vaaadIild.Rioe “am” at )0‘ th. d _ c\er seen. Itwas made with.c.,1u,,,;,,. m h..,,_.. and ,, bi“ . . ~. nksofthevariousatatealaysbelovadto-handlavlolins,aad§ "":°‘." - "“"’ "" slahsofrockahoutsixinchesthick .4 ’ .-" "‘o ’““ ""“" ‘7“': — I “#330” nccorainfin ma;-axine ‘made his tlrst inaulultaltt at the age mm’ .B'”dln‘ ‘mu? ‘" ”°d w ‘ct ‘placed on edge for the sides and the :1, b;u:‘;‘.m:thflm,::f'. Mum" do . ‘on 0‘ h‘"d.y° " i done are (Nut. of 12. He did not playuntil thevio-id” mg“ m "hf an‘ ‘M?’ w .fit‘é and several laid on top. The uni} 2 ‘midvs W weir shop: nun for 0" comm“ W’ 39 mpg“ 5"‘m‘ ' Jill master at Glrlatian CODQI The met" or am ‘R pm m ham‘ soil‘ inside this tomb was perfectly mgr wt“ "gm. chesmm tn”. 7 ' ‘M "9"" ,,,.'‘*=,..,,‘*:“. "um-»» um -en»-=, »-n, -» ::...,..:° -.:°..:°*"::‘ er.‘ :2: rs-. .......":.:'::‘.:,:..:°:.‘.:°°. °.';.:.“**:.'.‘.*'.:"'.::.*“.'*.:*-‘°*°‘- W h-:'~ ‘ ; -. In up en . ‘ ‘ 0 . . as tons various too a , s-an-v_r_, ..‘?i:';:..:"°.:'.":..:.'.'......... o....'“‘.'.3‘;.".*e=°°!~">e am -no -we “'3 ’.:’;*:".—.‘*.:'.;:..::.‘. u» "."~‘ or M -»«_-new J Tn.” Tum‘. ‘ts made like the hack. except it ‘t hip bone ma “Wm, u_flhT True clerk at omoo munv more my Tli- One would think from tho. ,,u,,,_ ‘a, . U.“ won” I." . Bea" To.’ sis o I'¥:‘te spruce and has a sound w the “dun custom of burial. WV. censcs for auwmolnlcs have been ts- ber_of horses a blacksmith shoe-4 'w¢"n’l)I¢tI‘ lo Th‘ V “nieae manufactuled violins are snnplee “e1c)l(lferenu ?:$o1:“i..:: 9“ ‘mm impl°m9""5' i"°l"di"‘3 may lam", tlww “glued m ihavredt hfhwould be bruised ‘ad ‘"0 T . . “‘. is \\'ou in icatt-. s «soon. 1 if greater part of the time -.-ii g: E 3 § E ;oo often not good.“ said in. Ricc.dlfl’t-rent kinds of carving on the "“°"""' ""“"“ “d. ‘*"““’ ‘W 3 int: in the numb:-r of horse-drawn from being kicked by restless and vehicles in Columbia and an incruse irritable animals. As a matter of -. j “A violin should beineck. usually a scroll. l carve dog' er mmc we“ smped “inning T a ._ maple and Vhltelheads myself. the sort seen on some knives ‘Dd ‘ hnchu of mm which in the number of automobiles. Sev- fact. he suffers comparatively few I§¢P°|'“-bl’ ‘P"’°’- 5“ '9“ 331'“ 3"‘ ‘hue dd HOP“ lllodell. were “ken from we wmb ' oral local blacksmiths said they had injuries of this sort it’ he knows his . _. 1‘ Pr , gtpthe 1 ,1 , Pl!!! IR mild: cheaper. After the T - wlhe rims are glued to the back. Among other inmrflfiné mu“ in noticed a decreasc-T in the number of business. There is practically no goaflhe T rnishtzl 0t:..€;i¢£!l an exflcrtoockan E.“ flu {mm pm on .f,_e,.w".dT The Columbi. is ‘ rock Now ‘hm which horses In Lolumbta this year. manger after he has the horse's hoof ) _ W, a nsluellrdl .. : hm”? "?’°°' ‘nllarts may be put together in rt» . ,,d b, - - . One blacksmith. wh h be ' in his h-ndm " '~ ‘I'll! 33¢” 35”‘ nh'°‘”'i “I1? ‘uh dw""“°° ‘*9’ 5“ “*9 W9‘ verse order. Then the neck is at- 21:‘ ‘;“”°u)ri_th'I3t ‘:_dun;:u::i :;'::; his present location onochzrry seize; LY Theatre Eve‘ , ,, tsllvifl '1" P'P"l’“°““°°°“h”' ‘’° "' ‘ “ah ‘Nd’ '3 “mm “ed .U¢h¢d- “*0 V31'ni5hinK COW“ 1“? of the student; of the ungve,-,;ty in ‘OT 8°"€‘m¢'<‘n )'¢'Ir=~‘. said that dur- 1 11"‘ ' "M 1" * “ $ mg gqngug fig 8,404,055; the. to- ‘lever has a good tone. so when ael- ‘flu whjchlghe V-ion" i, put “'-y to Hon Coumy but Cnjg in an om in: his first year in business he ( 1 . . ' at circulation of the tax magazines in: one of these inferior violins. the ¢,.,_ 1; the V‘,-,,g,h 3, ofhggh 3-“do, “rum bat According £0 Pm‘ u used twenty-tons of new horseshoes. ' """" \ .§,ut,C80. 11! P” €91“ thfl» 7-59 5911" C813 “Y. 303% I “W9 PhY‘“f the dnmg takes about six weeks; (;_ Mew it i. of item“ rock '1‘ Now he uses about six or seven tons ' ILLINOIS COAL dldfio 18 to T‘the "p‘_’” if ""1 l‘ mu uf :_°“°‘ othervnse from twenty-{our to more um“ ‘ plow share beau“ on I fell‘. 1 ,h(l):e9gon atild“Washi.tuton cheap matagisls will neve:°‘:u:e §°,1‘§;”:;:§,"§J,‘:‘;';..:, :','._?"f,’{ 03")?‘ 0"‘ ‘id? it h“ ‘ "‘°ld b°"d 3”‘ i-‘‘ when .“k°d if he .‘h°"gm ‘he l"‘ 3‘ C"““ 9" b°'‘h¢'- rsaiI5°“‘ *“'*°'° ‘5 "‘“°" ‘"4 "“‘ ""°“' "‘ "m ' ‘°°" ""“"""°"‘~" “The how should be of good liard §'.’.‘.’,’°.§;’,’l“"o“’ (rm ’'‘‘’‘‘‘’.f'‘ bu-‘L fig) Sthcmhgm W P-ho“ 891-" "H " °‘" °f" t A all& Ermmi“ tooreda violin “from the 00¢ but ‘puny-T ,0 that it will ‘hm? imh'e3 “:9 xgufinhifcfifi a means of location he figozzgkj phat‘ uiovimii 9° ‘=’ - ‘"4,’ I she! . mo it ten y. "See ‘ IL‘ k. A h .- cally said “no.” “F d. a . . ,- “"“°° ‘ ahsal one Sixth 35 70%!‘ *5 ”'”°“" the early wood. the fibers running in ‘we _____,_____ iy.:jcj¢.t,, :;,:,en:°:,)n:r:in'::"ak':,,::;e°: and people ‘om .o.,,,.g;,-;o$:::., £2 ‘.“°- W95 Knde wmoifi 0081- “ rub hm "1 wage. the ble 3.” '5“ i‘. “ i‘ 'h°°“‘ Con-ittee sets 8500 as Budget. handle was attached. The point h""" '’°‘’' ‘°‘' "i‘”"“ “'4 "°"‘-' 5° ' . W5" ""“’i”“5°" °‘ “ i ' ’ "' "'“ "°". ‘-‘°'”t the executive coramitte eof the -‘hows sins of Wear but has heldliu I'M e : .. . Clark Implement Co. . ' . that the western. states lead of the trunk. near the ‘ d.'Tso Boom county sumhy School As_ shape though the yeu_s_ um “flat “Non of an ya“ in T « ,allothersinreading.thatthenorth- that it may have more ration wciuion ma Sand“, dumoon ,1 ._.._.. - ---_ — 1. 6'11 fine!“ 5“”5 °“-‘"95’ " 'hen nude mu’ ‘n imtmmnk ' the B.pti“ Church A R ,1 of the _ 1' " '——=-‘,9 ”‘ ”’ fifi” ‘ “ ‘ ‘J’ * - e * ~ v ,-~. -‘ _ ' ' now. rank. and thlt the 80°01?” No Two Violins Are Alike . ' "° , N -v — ' - mm‘ Eiwboae cxufipgxwlygftmon "When you start to make a violin. £c:;:c:n°:¢fI:r::ctelt:tBt:};\i§:aé:tl1Sr:?1. ‘ NOTICE V ‘l i 1' K mu WW0 9‘ you llyhavcanoldvtoli l.h8tA um; otr ' 1 ‘ 1' ' In a discussion of reasons for you flunk “ PR“, ":1 you ‘t ?:°su°w Sund‘;°'src'h°co‘;nAe;::c(:' We. the undersigned. will 0 .-‘ _ ' ‘ T T . *5”! mm“ the “tide c°n.chd“ U)’ to 5133‘ *5‘ 0"‘ 00¢ like it 30! ltion Convention held at Joplin. No- 01089 Our Pllcu 01' bfl55"935 ll " -:4 . 2 ‘ V ‘ " ‘ml lb‘ "‘“""°m: The ;""d°"“’ it is never just the same. I never vemhcr 23. was Riven. ' 5:30 p. m. during the winter 1' " Of’. T T ifeaafilsfmaz :1, two “on” ‘m“*' i" 31)’ life. for the cominll year was set at 8600. ,' months. bflrinninx! at once. :13” A -T _ ‘ ’ 3 . . V 4 ‘- ‘ ‘ and by such things as what the m=o- ,T,,;;f t:,’fm"u°;e um ""’ 2&0 ffftfm md‘:fe°';0;’;.:?_nd 6?: _ BOONE COUNTY MILLING e read. whatuthey 1-»roduce”anTd «I rm." wofled “night time on tfict work will get the rest. It was V & El-E"AT0R C0. Don’: unit for a matinee on this great mystery show—there will I'll} 1h¢)'“:l2'- M “"’h§‘;‘°" k _" making a violin. but if I did. I 311088 decided to hold conventions in all of ' 8 . be mono as the company does not arrive in time. PRlCES—82.50. °“w:“°"E_ t V’ ' '3 an m it would take fifteen days at least. the districts within the next three " “ARR ‘I ‘L650’ $2.00. $1.50 plus tax. Seats on sale Monday. . : 'h‘"t;o’;m3:Ehh’i:: ‘Dist would be quick work. and one months, T T _ nnksin achwl efiiciency have six!» - «——-~~ -.- - V » -— e — — ~-- ———.. - .. _ -.. firly low ones in reading.” 1 EUROPE WITH CAMERA .*_-T g ' ,...._.____. " "fall Pauaas Has Collusion of > 0 - Foreign Pictures. 3 When ‘Paul Parsons finishes the his Family Began Saving a Year Ago! - ., streets or Venice. the gondola: , , _ame ma y pictures of cathedral O ' ‘ 1 , Izires such as Notre Dame. and; ’ t u f;_ the cathedral of Bouen. A street in I _ j‘_“- ._ _ _ hunts , ' ‘ . . O T ‘T . reminder of thedays of the coffee 0 0 o ‘ 1 ' l " ‘ house where such men as Joh T t S t . ‘ :4. and ooomso ....o o. .......T. 3.2? 1'18 11108 (10111 S t - v .T Perhaps the loveliest phtture in. . . TT., ' T the entire collection is 'enetionT u 9 a ~ ' . of old hat-(ea, shadows in i are exi|uisite,_,_This is 1 _ Longing for financial independence will not Picture . ";;,‘;;*,';°';;;‘;;';j;*- ,_ P Independence comes to the man or woman who i bring it. You must save at least a part of your earnings. Join our Christmas Savings Club! E 1.. ,,,, ,,.,,,,,,,..,., .,,,,’,. ', .,.,,_,,,_i saves. A year from now—will you be inde- Club! * s of to oto-'1 graphs that can be found anywhere. ' .- Iaoncpictureare thewnt-' , O . T _ _ ‘ fie! , .: ' ‘fie!-ent countries. among whichi . p€nd€Ilto _ ‘ France. Enfland, Tunis. Alge- _ ' ~; . rim It-Iy. Switzerland. Don’t put it off another day! ._ Cosmopolitan Club to Initiate. I " The formal initiation of new T. T ‘ of the Cosmopolitan Club i . ._-’ held in Lorry Hall t ":30 ' -' ‘T-,T E T. o'clock tomorrow evening. ‘ ‘ 0 the C1888 J. ~ 0 thatSuitsYou papinios ' Join One or More of the Fol- J lowing Classes and See How ‘fLife of Christ” ‘ Much You Will Have 1' _ . Next Christmas. ‘ The best non-fic- 0 Every One :Can Find I 1 His Class Here Joi On at 1 th Fo!- - Club Just Much You will Have Farming 1 1;... o......... (31,583 I25-—DQoait 25 tflI;l‘ each tion I; k _ th W rm‘; C1453 1_.3¢,.,¢ via. 1 am ".5 ‘Our-Club is just forming! Join- now. The 1aD€!ld- nah A.o”u u 250 1T °° "' ° ° . 3-mm I w-twh reek-A;-0;”-1;‘; Get «in line and lay aside mm says: “Tomorrow cuss ,,__,,,,,,,,, ,. ,,.,., ..,,. . ~ to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 , , T, , _ A 35.00 T. . An ]de31(;h,;s¢_ma8 ; CLASS z_sun ‘da 2 can ud something for n e x t TI 11 start saaansf The "°‘* 1-'°"3'.l° I =5 ’~ P l ' inmn, 3 mm. ad, ,,,,kT Christmas. All truly man with a purpose says: T i Alum '0 - - - - - - - - - - - -825.50 great men made their - _‘ “I will Btlrt 88V’!!! 10' 53.50 T g T cuss 5-—Start with 5 cents and staff by saving at least a , * ' , day." Next Christmas. .' on hleat ti ""“ ""‘ ‘6‘:';‘;'; parttof their e8ming,ST ‘T which man will be inde- ' e 3 - ' - CLASS 10-Start with to cents . - T , pendent’ 9 " aadlncrveaaeliceutaeachweek. ’ ' ' ' A-oaata to . . . . . . . . . . "$127.50 STORE i ‘ T_ l. . .3 ' . ;‘ \ ‘ ' r { l _ T - - Pr CAPIT $100,000 a i T T T T T‘ T, . . - . .' .’ T - »,e,t§(_:_ a’:‘“u_. a ‘ .1 T i . I V‘ i , '1 ’ T= ‘T . _. ' '§V_\ ‘-2- .T_T .=_ 1 . .. .T __ T - ~ T T o r , T _ ' - T T ‘ . . T :TT T T‘-’T"'»_~‘r-.5 _J_’ ‘_ kgfi _: T’. 1:... T- LT ‘ T T _ T T T . T. - T_, . . fly . _ . __ vs. -fa, . T A T . T 4 '5T1r‘T T. '. . TT TT T TT‘ T_ Ta T_ T .'3T. ‘ T T T’ ~,T‘ ' TTrT_. -T.-‘rd ‘__(T: . - T y‘ . -T‘.‘- _ T . '..v T‘ . - 1 .4‘ .'. : A‘ -¢_. ._,. ‘ . '.. '~ »- -I -. , '1» .‘ ._. ,‘ .‘ ‘T3. ",‘ U " ‘ 3 " -* " ‘ "F '1 « ‘Hi 0 . a p,- Y‘