‘ ‘ F-_ J: :;,h,.:._ . g —)._‘4; J ' _ ‘ Jr‘ .7 “ ;>4‘b;:“,q).,,,":.o‘.i-.... . "v 4 F ‘K .. — .A ’ ’¢ Va’ .'_ V _-he , _~; . :. 3. I ' W, ' -‘ M 4 ":5 :2‘ 'i‘.:”"§.“““:7 -* E. ‘" - “ ' . t .5. .' "".7"""‘" l’ ‘W -" < "”'f:"‘7.‘ " ' \ ‘ " ' “ "'"t ‘W " ~ ' 1' ‘~-“’“" ’"' “ ."". “ ‘fl _ l. , . - T ‘ i 2.; VA ‘ . oftfctiv-‘®@$'q¢§—fi .... ,... -..,..‘.._> W. ..-. 1. .' .. : . , _ . . _ _‘,_, ., ,_ I‘. § ‘ "_ Q, ‘. _ . l “V -w— —*‘“‘ j‘-£——*——“ ___~ ' -In-.-s-on-&.n.n...¢n..-gnaw ..‘a»-'~.«—.O,ln-u~q_~,--.,... , . I i mu “ "I": .4. ' _‘ ,_ _ ‘ A _ 0 - Z “‘ ““"*“‘- ' — '1‘ _‘ “~14/“x. - _ _ O I . _C. . V -v F_,'..‘'’ -_ ' , . g 3 _.,i I 15.‘ \ ~ . 9. wt’ “ ‘V; _ zss tepp roamed .192 Scoop ;,,, ,,,*-*-,,,,-*~;-womw-ad» - . 1 .; BLACK AND WHITE. i 585 Isabeye Step? ‘ i PIX. A.CIu-iatmaa t..."'u...."”'7.y i.'.'..;.’°§.7'..‘.".1“'f"s..'l’i§b Q0133 SCHEME OF 5 V 11 ‘ ’ -1* r ‘Duos Tniaht g i....ia‘n'.¢ from s to to 4 - ‘. . .. d_ _ , A_-,’ .~ v ,_ .¢ 4 - - " . - oe . :g JOURNALISM SCOOP A i i A "‘t- “* ~ 3; - ~~—«-v‘ 1‘be¢aestaatthe1'§x.pp.4u,i.. - . _ . [the V —.—'—----— taught win of Gf&!lV’l1l¢,’ , $9,: nu.-barbouflmnuuieisobz - I Ills-v-Ii-I-gilt-t-n.n-uunisiv mullahs‘;-neat‘-dnut::l:u ' . Tavun in N03 "593. ‘h. °‘""' R'°'°"“ ' W"-.. wbse forth: 1922 Scoop dance "°'4-nvnlrlrh--.nuiuwiiu m D." I. an :3: By 9. .ma.iiu_ in t.bcAfcht=;le V ‘ V . :“"_n."° cu’ 8”u"”"“v‘% gig pldging of Clandeb Goadenayi ‘:1; j nous end oflt {bmmz:o:n9;8mou; In-.v benvszi ""”" _____,-_ , — e ’ ' } hldbem 5"” °’ 5°°°P mltlz E """"“""- E Jevoirum Circle 1 h Ch‘- -‘oz ~ 7 53 Bthsg Q ‘_ Th‘? ‘l“°“"‘. ’f ' ” 3,,’ 3.,’ 3.“. g::-::'nm" wl’ : tisn Church :11 rneetoatt 5’ o'cl::k . . ‘“-°‘*:.°:.:- :';.‘?:;:",..,“;’,‘**...°°'**'.,..:. 2... ""‘°'*...... «mm mm -ii.i...."""ua::i=~==-=1-v -rs-~» -t we cm Now is the Time To Buy Isabelle Stu.-pp, was cm-bee by Don 4‘-=-"kt. -Ana Fncsnch. Helen UNIVERSITY NEWS‘ . i The . , he-dew aim’ fiflwbb’ hisaister, 14:3. is. P. am. the II. S, by by Iliss Stepp and llr. Patterson. ‘o'!”‘' 13:” :'-"l""*l- ‘M Pnhum oflmam "L ._ Mia: Stc'ip‘a gown ms. Aaiariccr B.” ‘M A L;'5d‘v . ‘F. A""tw.1u.¢g.«,-a gu . gmggem 5,, an 3 d. I: 3 velvet with Polnaettas lined In 3"“?! a°n'nmu" :’ ._.T8diool¢f!ledicine in '79and '80. ‘ _ .« with silver cloth vlacad itraocfllly 5"‘ 3' ‘iii 11 muflllhllffi 1493 ‘ . ., on _ _Hsfley.pres1- laduershrnsu A Wili _ 1a..nc.ast.udentnuru-in V _ _ ‘. fd:1lt of the”?! g _ l-hm ciénn Brm'& Dfithe Ul‘IlV:l'Sll)'s£1eWe!.!‘tut0 Szlisbury _ l&ed.cu ng fiillana ’ ._' - _-today,wcre VA’ wr s ‘ . velset cudiion. the crime 3H“°r”nd,'3",.D°:‘ ham‘ - .. . .» lease. ' 0 on 8 ' " Basra. Miss Virginia Gardner. Miss w ' ‘”""‘°' 0°“ P“““°“-' Gas Range _ i ‘ Ka wbeeieruidiuu Amelia - ' 1u‘’''°'i3°.,‘°‘'”‘'’'‘n_'§:'f''.‘,'oh°°'"'‘.' 1*‘ A beautiful finished all white F°""’" V '0” 8 ‘own of " ‘ ' n Qmfle" Porcelain Gas Run [A e oven " blue Miss Gardner‘: dress was of mm” L'’‘’'' j - gt r~g 5 - _ ,and broiler and large cooking sur- b edvdvet.hfsWhee!er- Theouto-of-townguestz 1nllb¢-- ' ' wore a dress of red velvet and Miss Hills Julia‘ and Charlotte Alba-1. V2.6:-10 Speuflly fpncedhat 3 Foster's dress was of_blue sequins. ‘ ‘lldred , . of l N£w?;rA(§"§ A°3rDc;:sAi1E At 11 o'clock dinner was served in 5°“: Vi‘'‘‘" 30591130“: 3'» LOIII; 5904 7. phone 234 . dining room. During the dinner “d 35"" “3)"whlt¢ Y. ‘ the favors, small gold pencils. were A-“L _ Try a Hissourlan want ad. _ . . v The cnaparsns will be In. Ila:-. V‘ After dinner, dancing was re- ‘h C- 31139» “'1 Flllllle Htlpllll, ""' “““' '”’“'“ ’ mined until 1 o'clock. ’u"- GIIL and 't§."ttot-‘d _ . ———-——-— Kn. 14.1. Capt. and in. ' " ' at Klausner :8. Cillilon; and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. ' ~ on: n. , Maurice Tretman \ --—-——-—-~ i l l ’ Word has been received of the W 3"—'P"°*}' Collect Club will f Miss Rae , -By Parsons Studio "’°°‘ “J °¢l°¢k 150048)’ after- . daughter of Prof. and Mrs Gustm , , , , , , _ , "'°°° nation at ll-in Hall on +259 Khtwr-o°f13=:;'"1éh:‘*§;‘i:= ..o.::;:*:*:.::f‘::.:;*.:::*.;;::.;:.;;-242:? :2:::*::°,:;::;"~..:*.':3;=”.*:,:::,*:~:2:::*.I:::::.:':*:»to mam 0-we =-+~- '= _ - _ _' am: W!-lrizixlt. I188 \lltGlNlA cannmztt. iriss IAIIGAIIET B0668 aim isms an A l>‘081’!:IL rnor. DON D. 1." _ . ruse Pllct Secretly "1 31- ‘huts rarriznsox. c. to -rm». DFAl~ or nu: scaooi. or lot}!!! WNED fiflllilt auras In-ru A.-: i:i.sc- 3”" Rd." *5‘ "mt lantTu y. ‘ ‘rnicai.i.Y ucirn-:1) citowx wmcu WAS c/uutii-:0 ox A ‘V'El.Vl?‘l' ctxsaioii BY rosrrzrt ruui.r:i'. Pnmimzxr or ‘run: an p’°n:;' J'n‘ ad” B°"" Hrs. Trieman is a graduate of the ’°U”“1-13' 5'n’9|3"T5 n ‘ an 0"‘ School of Journdifln here m_ AFTER TEE CBOWNING 0!‘ I185 STE-SP1‘. ~ he » _ CESION. -rm: iuuzcn was nasuitizo awn ALL rm: cvi-zsrs roman rm: rno. ‘"3150 89063113‘ 339 MP!!! ‘Gamma mud r Delta house tonbln. «———-be .-4-—«—~—— , ' Mn. Bernard c. Hunt. 1327 wiiy [V COLD AND M D lot is 120 by 160 feet and is valued son avenue. ' at noon to- ‘ U ’ at $3,500. Sororities owniig their day with a lunchconin honor ofilrs. V own hougg fire: Kfppg Kgpplssilllflfll "M3118? d Cowfifl s Journalism. where she was prrsi- of the Theta Tau INTO NE W HOME “T EDS; MFA; dent of The“ six,“ ph;_ i.,°,,°m,y Epsilon sonorrty‘of Stephens College __________ t . d u 1. journalistic sorority. ‘"11 “ND V1‘-11.1 tel from 4 10 5 “Oh. there goes my dressing-table ’ "’ ‘ '1‘ o'clock tomorrow dtarnoon it their mm the mud!" I Miss Amy Gauntlett employed in various advertising de-V‘ partrnents in St. Louis. While in the Uriserrity she was active on the Give Teas Sunda especially in the School of y S tepb ens’._(—}'_z:7:Il9nt_s: ((11: am. Chamberlain ‘ chapter house, in honor of their _\‘o. it .1, "M the frenzied C,’ t0 H0178 2:22? 1".,.e.°‘““ii-’£.1‘;,"”i..’:°““' '""‘ ' the Banquet Thursday -win include the l A banquet is to be held by mem- .:*.;>'..°' fiche: .,,°°;.;=° Mm» W rm-v i :°:.;;:£: ‘£:“':~.5.:‘':;.£:“:::::: 00 '3 30Y'°l'1U¢f 0 morning. Although the front ter-' , ' ¢011¢¢E— race. the walk and several other':h‘;"::i‘7 9'?‘ l" ti" Y‘ I‘ C‘ The house will be deco- Vhh chmlm“ 001°” ‘"5 *3 minor details a not iii 1- -’ ' _ ' i orations. pleted. 3‘ temporig, thregfoét Fred Dixon is to bc‘toasttnaster,| Eta Upsilon ‘Gamma sorority of ‘walk built across the wide expanae,J‘ L‘ ‘tn’ 3"‘°,f°“‘°' "‘ the Sch”! Stephens College will entertain from 101’ muddy front yard made it pos-~°f L"‘ hem’ “ be ‘um 3:30 to 5:30 tomorrow after-not n at sible to move the furniture in yes- spake’: Glen" Row?’ ‘men’ 5°C’ the chapter house in honor of Miss terday. The lower floor furnish-t r,‘ury' ” V’ mu" ‘ “O” “u‘‘_ The ' June Warder and Mrs. L. L Crav- ings will be maved in during tho.-.1 m‘ C‘ A‘ expeclis t° had ‘ d""'" en.‘ m aororny cola?‘ of Olive “.eek_end' and the house be once II Hl()l’ll.h dllflllg th0_l'C'flIIiDdBl' ’nd.‘a;a win he and in dec0_ mad’, for occupant’, den week Tot’ the school year, according to Roy ;!'lt-l0n- SCI-11¢)‘ member-.~: of There were half a dozen overseers A‘ Burgess‘ jfitephfifll Collette and the pntron- of the job directing where the fur-1E te St ‘€886 07 the $070751)‘ Will be guests. niture should be placed, shlfierlng in‘ as r" ‘a7. the biting cold of the empty house. 2 Elects Ofizcers Mrs. N. W. Burton was elected I It was a struggle to get it arran .'B°°k 18 Dwcussed ‘jug? been taken to the “'°'“"’ "“’"°“ °‘ "'° B°°""' C"“’“” 5 , Recently a group of Columbia third floor md aeposmd “at much of the _Ordcr of the Eastern Star at a'Ilh.Sz.‘:A:fAl.£‘l' B. CflAlBzRl.AlN:, §'°’'‘“‘ “'5 ‘l 3"’ h°"‘‘’ °{ M.”' maneuvering and effort. "Oh." cried {mgeung '3 dupmr Thanh’ oI'.ucH'n"Ui.l.Y ‘ml: D'- -’-,‘'-.one of the rim. "I believe that °‘3';},"‘-“tm ‘"3 3”‘ "rut snnvxcz «mm or -rm: izmsco‘ A would look better on second. We - "' ° °°’.' °'°°“°d-‘°' "'° °°"" "“' °""‘°" "““"”“’« “"”3"°- . - - g°‘h“"°d want that in our room." And back ‘fig year an‘ A200“. mnmm afigungfh 37*‘ 5" "hue °“" '°"d “]°“d {mm ‘went the men to move it. no 'donbt}wm' M"-y R°wl”.’d' wonky puma’ AID och}. 31.37 or, odnuangiui. V th‘ b°°k inwardly calling doivn the wrath of ' J ‘lime Wmuk.cr' conductra" Mn' ? the Gods on the changeableness-of came Cogfin" ‘uhunt confine- ' - ' . 1§ess, Mrs. R. King; secretary. .. mmbippmwm "5 he Th “ma ' { old Eu _ h. rs. 3!. Kitchens; and treasurer. U‘ for member. ‘ad vi.§wn_ . rchilature tanteru‘: “glouse of SE-lizn M“. “dot “dot. ‘L 1 ' "3; tables." in dark red brick and Wilfley-Nichols ‘ ‘ 9' ‘ ‘wmb",..¢.,q.,-' a ;Dr. J. W. Hudsorfs La.-;( _—.'.-.._...A- - _ _-.*uL..a._.- llr. Hudson pictured in his book the Balzac ‘ born Paris made his home. - ; from the windows of which he could see the University campus o 4 new 5 With its buildings ! u‘!ulmi‘-*’crearn stucco with brown healnin lpfiu ';"nnc.'.'e“"unm'n.¢¢h.’ ' ’ ‘ I'M“ “am” lhe dd am?” land topped by a fleckgd creen mogfmarnage N0V- 25 .. M‘. ‘Pam l ' ifiu flu ‘lld b.mldm" .°‘ ted buck of broken line. A tiled from tor. Announcement of the marriage of ' - I *°°"°"‘ """‘ "“°" ""“°" “"9 "’° ~11 b. 1 - 1“. Ev R c Nichols to Miss my ret Wil I and new 0 "uh" think of the amp“ of the ':':‘ilahl1e puhasmbeen node 3 Ylev. of hlexico Mo whgi-c‘h tool; 5 ' . dnrzyfooeuzil . ' ht . i , ‘ ' ' . . ' .' ‘ , , _, ‘_' i no» in» mm at ::.‘.~.;:’::...m"' “*°.::.';'::;:*~.::';::c.::'; :::::d ‘W W '°° ‘°-w-=~='-'°-=*-- i '.the home of Mrs. lngles were: I‘ n '.!I. gitugfgd‘ fig lower flofi-' in. Bil’. Nichols is B fO!"l1‘l€l' student Of - "1' we J’-9 1’ '9“: :J.G.Babb . .11. 1; . .. . v- -" . eluding the hallway, salon, dining- the School of W and is a in- Gw.'m1S’ “mum. ‘Dd Mn’ Jam” B‘ rqom, sun parlor and ¢natron's room. ° we Pm Dela Pm tnumlly 1“ '~ " " — I I gives a feeling of unbroken space. It is finished with cream walls and i33:eU§'xI Kappa Sigma to E -ofsblscba i - ”“'° 4"” """ mu: 1' Honda 11 _; ttlestswillbeueinberaofthc; t-iatioIi£orAllen T. Hillwlllil-°5¢W,30Y°8?1l'°||'_lI$"l?4L 9“ U - . . at pha Cbi0megachaptaraod3praqsds,tbp ,'l'heA1pha DeltaPisoro!'lt!halIe- 11,-. ;_}:,11,.,.,,¢.,,,7 3':.'._-, I“, Brown. Ilissllsiyflslk ‘A1003-uUCdIpHlI30Innlw;lio!¢“1‘d‘N0lGfC'l3W3d13°b7135‘lVenua.Iill,£n&e!'tlllI Irithahsi “' ,, *. ' Japan 131;, nignary .mi,.,...._.g..,.; D,-_ w,A,1~,,,,:1eet.ontIncarnero:lBur-nlumiaadgig h,,,,,,,,,o,,., __ . ‘ lgtg, - up in; w,(:, gynmnicbmond, valued at 85.00. S:.’C Gun” %. you ‘ 53" j -c. . ‘ J’ ' ‘i . u . . - . . ' \ —O4>' .-.p.o.‘-......—--an.s.u I 4’“."‘ ‘- ”....l _ I, «I_ _-_:, , _~ , ."‘:':.', V I.. A . .‘ _ I i. - .‘< -._ .--.‘.(i,. .,-. - -*4‘ -s5."":. _. __ ‘ . . _ s p b‘ # C. H. Wallingfonl of Kansas City b 1: oodwork. A pstair-s_ -—-—-- - r!1aur’Banqu:et .s mw. a the n . “"5-g§;ph‘_""8 C0119?‘ ‘ "°“ ~ ‘ » xipptsigm fraternity will hold =“' °““'°‘ _ _. E orzty Entertains ; . . .i ' ' ,,q,,,, Fraternitybuildingpro be-5 , ‘- Mef V? M. ‘t 6 ‘ the-iwoTnaa'a fsafififl sum” bu cu /_ .~.._ . . Last ‘ I ‘j -’..,. ‘V. Gifts of Quality our pleasure to make your selectl Watches. Clocks, Diarnonda. Jewelry. verwllie/and other articles suitable for gi \'l8ll. to’tliis store of rnatchless parable values. ,»,l,/’,; A A I ‘ E s “Gifts that Last.“ assortment is now‘ coinplete and it will be a one from our fine stock of Cutf Glass. Sil- . ts. Articles selected now will be engraved and deliv- trod later. You should not select your gifts before a assortment‘ and int-om~ _._ - V ‘The 33.. my 'e . r"f4¢~¢ :1,‘,. ,,_. 'gi,.‘ 1.illi’Vl§.H‘,l v ill‘-l‘l',“4o. gill?“ _u1li‘g!l ‘,})iil“ A ~.’ ‘.' The “York" ‘I509-9 We gladly arrange terms of pay- ment to suit your convenience p .' 1 - ' .4 . , _.... ‘i .:_.p‘_,, . Children learn to appreciate good music by lusting it; living with it.- V ‘ 3 " And an appreciation of good music will bring them i ' social advantages, in later life, they could not otherwise attain. - For that reason, good music is today‘ the universal _ ‘ gift in homes of culture the-{world over. A The best way behave «it, of course, Ba -the c'n)'r3od plusagrapfi which king-the eztcono cert and operatic stand the NcwHallof_ nine into thehonie. ' ' :2; A i)‘. !._;;{'> _ A . More thin(X)superlatxv' period,’ ' ' A console and cabinet, from which to chdose. All inod- ' ,crately pr-l_ced—¢Xl upwards. ' - i b \ W I.‘ ' . -.- . ajcwxx uucn Jana ._. —.. ,, f l - i l Have You ‘Children? l .o— .. ._. 'a .. .: ,.. . ,. ‘_ I 1 Q