‘n ~ money’ To max on Columbia: real estate. Weathers Eealw Co-{uh mam” ‘"13 fr, j-“fi_a...vo an-7 :- dress‘ Box Gr. Ire Jlissourian. § . . 2 Gr,86-901 ROOM AND BOARD-—Attractix-ea - froonr in new house for girls. Good FOR SALE-—8u1ctly modern rd. 1306. R0” 5‘. bascrnent, paved street, about om’ - n°°’°' 119‘ Gm“- OOM AND BOARD-—For girls, ‘3ll Waugh. Phone 1831 White. 1 ‘ 'a P J. 1". Howard. “F4 .':_--as .'-« . . - . 681.» 18310.2“ ’V:*;*_i;.—'_‘_'. .; '9' E . Ilnneuasaryu you. Information free. Write 3 Railway Exchange. Omaha. Nob. 90: .- W-15:;-wazasn;-;a..'a:a.:nar§s :« . ‘ .‘_".‘K_ "~4‘ I.- .~a . J’ F E ’i"%:?ia$.3l A £5 “lt'shardtocomebackhere'aad_‘ uytowhipwhatvemnsiderour fovntpamontheoldfloctbel n. «is ron at-:z~rr—va.-y quiet and do-1 “Five 0! our men 3190-" W95 ""."‘. . room for women at 806 8.; WANTED. SALESI.[AN—3l50‘ 9th St. ' . ‘aaaxmea stamped envelope for in-2 Q Jrarm rooms. fcrmation. National C588? C0» 3% ‘us mu mm‘ ,; FOR RENT—Well furnished light H‘ ‘"5 -'~Reeves, James Storms and I are Missouri players. Bobby Saunders I-’oint._ N. C. » mu sau:-1.‘ Téoaa-n (ma. lat house on the nuth aide. ‘Black. 108 South 6th St, and Fred Fordpare from Kansas City. ‘ V “We are not much in condition ping. expos- » ltomeettheteannasvzchavebeen and 2nd floor. Phone 824v “dicing only ‘boa. . ',eek'y rns sai __ ,-_....:._’-._“__.;". REAL EST ,3“ location. Lot 72:18!) Yaot. Ubar-al.= terms. Address Box D. care In»; Room ron RENT-—Why Pay8207 The Blue D'“"°"“ °‘¢°" ““’* sourian. ~PM-t!or830foraroornwhenyoucanget with all modern conveniences . nit“ inf ‘-59 °3’°'“ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ , . , . , V , . , . :16. south wmnms-oeezon1y‘r-meofthesam AU wk-Bondfn. 1'. p. n. . rosbyterians 0‘-'1‘? 5¢""m3“'3 H"‘d'“'¢- 55‘ ‘Campus. Phone 798 Green. P 88-90 ‘ through stiff worko Coach Bond’: Tigers meet here to- _ ch istia sins t conanaa ' .. FOR SAL!-3—Praetically new 6- room modern bunzalow; hl!'dW00d "—— conmdq-s 0 FOR REN'I—-Two furniahedi mer Bentlll 0 1)‘, .,,: _ M ‘M . light fixtn“3; rooms for. light house keeping ‘in tifobigb .323: and business Wdem home Phone 1749 Green- smsaszgrrice $4.390. Phone 1050,5013 South Williams- R‘_.d_ -__ 90-91 , Roéfi] fin“ "n"D*"” “It'll be a close same at le_-It-" , The Tltf-‘T 1"’°'°P “ ‘"11 “t''::;'wrestler. who meets It as wttim h°'"-’"’- in a finish match at th ! rd‘. ihlonday night. will arrive in Colum- ‘one e 0"" - "hm? FOR RENT 08 SALE—To rent’ or sell large house. desirable for'.t fraternity. Splendid location. Ad- ROOM AND BOARD-—For girls 203 College Ave. Phone 2136 Red. room house. new furnace, concre block {romp Campus. 35350 , if sold 1 8 this week. 5850 will handle the deal. " For information see Garey -and I-‘ra- A sier, Phone 5_l9._ H A35-90‘ waxnzn 110 near I“ km / WANTED TO REN'I'—Boonis for f Red. " light housekeeping. I108!’ 393 C031’; pus. ‘Address Box N. N. care Min-'1 sourian. » 39-9‘ 2 ’\—y.;,§‘‘"[‘‘§;]i . Two unfurnished; rooms or room fl__'l.tli kitchc_n_¢_e_tte in§ A V ,. mode ll0‘..3f'.‘, iwar gra a ‘re-15;‘-1-z-‘El ~°neatan:'-nausea taxi‘ ~ ~r nan. - . 2 4 » 3), care flissou WANTED 'ro;m:N'r—s National 1 ‘Fraternity. wants a furnishedor, . . unfurnished house for occupancy. . 3-_—_—-;-—_-—:_~—_— Jan. 1st. Good location. Add“!-S8 ll ' 801138 hands full holding their ovnlltillfil , the additions from last years imb- ““ “"'*" I SPORTS AT RANDOM| Bo} ‘ear-§~o£-;Iissour'ian. , run 1 , R BENT--Stol'l8‘¢ for auto- :Call 4 . mobiles and other it 32‘ per month. Seven cents I ill?» G53 them out'of the weather. Phone 170. ~ Tr’ ‘ kmwfiw ‘"3 “-1 ’'‘’‘‘”'’‘’‘‘‘‘''‘‘'':' DAVIS &‘WATSON COAL Co_ uiaoufi fin, 1°03 lovingly from: V». B. h-owell. ' N- FOR Rl£N'I'-‘Basement and sec-i LEGAL NOTICES ond floor of building located at co1‘-;.____‘ - sheets and nor of 7th and rooms 70xl00 and ggmr ‘ **n.aann::-_-:u«n apartment. Phone 597 Viki‘!-. 92 u, ’.m_L"' ‘ . Z ' at all I’-‘OR RENT4fih"Blé@'pt "level. can aoiard. ments for light housekeeping. -z the. quarter ' , ' _ one C3”. ovnshi 1'' inc tifully ‘Dd Wm ‘uh ex: oruhu (”) ‘liar ‘hunt Phone 1847 Whim. 1 h entrance hall, fun basement Possession soon. Call at §__“ location. pan“, ', '_ j112 Paquin Ave. Phone 1969 ’ 5... . {by hi showing ron RE.\'T—'l'hnee room apart- found: no: «me ment furnished or u """‘ ‘Near University Campus. Phone...‘ com am 1042 Black. . 0 ‘ B83-tf ‘ :.-.:::.__._."~- -~":tT“"""“""""“’_.—--- ---~ "‘ one .._- 1- ro ; [gs'1‘.'~_-Gold Iountain pen; En-I with Phone 1268. .o 1.os'r—u;nc shell -I-A--’-4 .3 3 ’ glasses. Phone IIOAGI1.-en. G90-01‘ ‘l LOST—-Iewelled Gamma r-1.3 : . Seth pin with name “H837 33¢” ‘§ enbaek. Pleaaepbonc‘l460oi-‘I915. 3“ .. -_ . . . W “I ____- “ .-s. ' .- ma; h ""-- - - sans « A . ‘I. . . 3'1 ‘ I-‘(in sAL'£—‘-l;aorer _ 1 Price $25.00. Phone .1912 Giro. : it i v m . . - .. « s G .4 J a You-ks and Starks f _ {or o v.‘ — 9'2‘ ‘K ‘ run _SAl l roll reasonable either t.ta!!me::‘.:. to “ A’ " -‘Ir .‘ F08 SALE--Englial A#———— ! 1-‘on ,REN‘l‘-—Stricth ; modern 12,‘, .., ,,,,,,,,_, , city ugh ‘heart set on giving Sit‘ ous¢,8lXfo0!n§8nd&th.LlfK€:datQms1aro!8ectioaT Alonsos’ tripignay see a good-sised fol- >""§.. pl:-l’-fl‘ §§-fl neg} I “E *~§¥a?ll So a . ' »- l “ 4 v- ‘ .. ‘ . :5 O . , -. 4 -.._ ,- U“? team. ' starceater‘f¢'theK.C.A.C.'quin~f The basketball ' the Ilethodist and ip.1 ' A _rn willbeplayed Chris- - Geo!-geBrowningu‘¢"'*° _ It gag People's Religious Union. standing: hi be; -——————-—— e ronfznrszso ooumc rouoanow Will nae: Iiitailol in Finish Ilatch uonaay Night. 4 _ bia tomorrow, Lester-, Wheat and llcllillan are also Cd,“ {mm battling for a berth on the st«I!'tW¢‘telephone last night. Both he and he At center. the interesting 0¢{3P;with the understanding that after: that has been aoins on 311 4'"'"" ‘elven pngtice will continue tonight. *5”! 90:! either Lewis or Fordyce will .b¢?ancc ofthcgate r started. Coach Bond apparently in-.to the winner and 40 pr cent to the‘ tends to use them both in an effiloacr. This action was uken after: fort to determine which is the man-‘Peter James. who a the _ teh. announced that he would. ‘ ote no more matches‘ in Co- line-up as Yet." 118 33"‘ “"5 "°""l'°mb“' ng. “There are adosen men ffomg 3- mom, whom the rim string line-jwill sea of promoting the matchl ;are paid. they are to divide the bal-1 “Bootier" isms, two dusky local gr-applers,‘ wrestle a preliminary. Th ng of these two men is said to! ~'a'.-sity squad are Bars. B“¢k"°"-.59 lb‘ 793"“ 07 3 dl3P“l_ 33 10 ‘Vlmlhls letter at the shot and discuss. Sam Whitenum, R. Keller shall wear the her~.\~;,-weight crown and Thomson. These are all 185‘ "' C“1“mb“- to -Is riirnian Perhaps it we ' evidence °‘ sentative Pacific Coast Conference team in the New Year's game. There were political reasons for the Navy athletic officers, and the mid pmen can be considered more ‘ as public property than an big team with the exception of the A :' -~ ' .§‘é:eVo-‘ Q7. ‘-33%. . _= .:_L-.£3\—--V_‘: _‘7 7 . - _ ‘ I .,.- _ t. V ij3_r'v‘=.-§¢'4l1'<-‘!i'rti:-e€~i'!f=§‘,i‘€ Well Bounded Team in ,. View for 1924 Team, M ,.,,,, §Califoi-nia Ranfed Ahead ‘ of Pacific Schools-— é Ev-am Is Fen. 9;§,‘;;',;;‘"°'c,,,-,”‘,, M811)’ Good Prospects in‘ View From Last Football was never better played rs e Wellsville lllflh School Q!) n n in the season of 1988 just cor» debate from should be adopted in llhllflouri ‘towns of less than l03.0W popula- tion. The Wellsvllle team included th and I'll and not within the writer's memory a. , 7be found in the fact that of all the, Jones and liulett Cooper. .’R. o. r. c. Team to now: uaaany. nd “Seven Loch on a Bald Pate.” loving cup is given to the organ- isation judged to have given the best . t. Last year the cup was won, Welch Hall. Any organisa winl th threeti ' -4 n M cam mesmmc‘ Allthis berngthecase.theselee- 'neither been defeated nor tied in the ‘East and west of the All ‘only Illinois and Iichigan. Cali- against iornlalostnogamebutwastiedby avqughthgian vada. creation Padonflovling Alley. The fith three our other letter men “Av ELEC-r gocxponr rendered estremely,diil'icult and by no possibility can any team that ,Vinh- term. In addition to this. we ' _ gbavc some high class untried mater- zbY"-l‘°- l}¢8V)'V€llhl~Yial, freshmen from las 30315 Ilihiloflhnen who because “Ah. To BECRETARYBH", to Have hahdhll (hm. ‘rrani. in-ban um; to Talbot in Board esea 5'|¢¢'-'04 lthe part of adherents of one great have come under his per- O'clock 0011 members “-“"—"" selected d Am‘ cf Rockpol mo: ‘ sonal ot:servation—-with one excep- ted secretary of the state Board .0! Charities and Corrections to fill ' the vacancy that will exist after Jan- ' uary 1. when Homer Talbot leaves ;a' chance to this year," con-' tfluued the cinder path mentor. Captain Pittengcr, who runs the The request for the resignation Mr. Talbot, and that for the res- isrnation of Hrs. Harriet Robertson of St. Joseph. director of the Chil- thc ; dren's Bureau, which was also asked Vdor by the board at its meeting in em 1: om A:'Hm Acininnauvacaunnsaaaaaunnrosaaia. ' hm ls.routlastyoar_lncollcc.Thlsh_you: ', ; Art Bond, sprints and quar-lo; tar mile; Etter, shot putter; Sur- , shot putter; Donahue. pole vaulter: Trowbridge. who runs ; Scbemmcr. who runs a clipp i ' , who won his J95-",0" C clearing the high jumps;'I‘adSim- . o . ...’_...-.. or‘ n».«--- .. The caii for these resignations re- sulted from a long-drawn-out con- test within the board over the policy on of handling the orphans that are .being cared for by the state. From the yearling field this year __ comes Kceblc. hurdlcr. shot putter, NAVY rgwco ro_rggs4nz1gé‘5"°“° *h'°:§ ‘lb Get Teams to Play Simpson, the best discus thrower New Year‘: Game. 83' ‘United Press. NEW YORK. Dec. l5.—After the fdifficulty encountered this year in getting two college ball teams ‘to play in the New Yar‘s game at d defna, it would seem thc;¢°u,m—y who 192‘. fo1.ji ea 0 post-season games ' wecnfcum; an the ;the big teams is not growing iulmgde . cndjuug iyear in the dashes. broad jump and’ ot be stretch-ihurdleag Casteel. sprinter; Thorns- draw the con-iberry, a sprinter; Coggins. of Co- r Miuou toiclusion that big post-season gamesllumbia. a good'quarter man; Mc- ' , issue, as far as future:Clasky. a quarter-mile men; NCW-1 nsidcrably idevelopment is concerne Early in the past season the Navy up Vhoyon his letter at jsvelin throw- 95 #3‘ ticcawhobmnaslifeinan-ancemuilniniodh anelyafo:r“graduation'and havernadeaconaplcuous success t. '5'. Try a Missourian want ad. _ i‘-' egg.‘ ,1’ ll - an; Lamar, who won his M. in cross-country this fall, and who: will qualify in the two-mile fill'l;‘ g.-I ‘mini-if . C - ~.. .~I‘. p n. so runs ;event; and xldilligan for the Anronfifiy $UN'I‘A1NP£NHVK To the fact that cold weather is harder on as_a.¢.o‘ »- s- -_._...-e- - ..._.%. VANTlNB'8 Perfume comes- paeked ‘ laquered and enameled hp- anese boxes. Salt and Perfume is also‘ packed in holly bones and_Japanese pa- J¥unfinri