5 . ‘ Memorial Union. which in it rooms FIE elected at aim saturday ‘ ml1z“'“”'* C-ttmjj “Approximately $75,- Among’ the ;’CAMPAlGN Sums JAN 21 Q ‘Kansas City Organization , Plans to Meet Equal Quota With St. Louis. 709 the University. new director of .,";'with which the preliminary step . A . be. is mrtalten in both St. Louis «- and Kansas City. The executive committee in St. _.._._ ‘;_ Louis met with the general com- A BENTON - .. - mittee last Friday night, and at that time. it was decided to raise “’ J . .9 -. pr-oxnmately $76,000" as the quutg:__ _ there among the 1.700 alumni. A fleampaign. which is to last a 71",. will be started January 21. T W. H. (“Pally”) Holmes, Jr.. who elected ’ t of the Kansas _ was '3" Gty Alumni Association at a ban- ' ' he lsansa {la January 21, and continue dur- __ "lag that week. and indicated that ‘ the quota would be 875,000. 9!‘ ans 0 that this “is from here on ~ and not including the fund already uised in Kansas City.” The alumni drive in St. Louis. ao- ’ Jones. is to ti tally interested in the project." Doc- Jones said. “and have already ' ,- ind tbs’:-committees; -which ‘ will work out definite plans for car- rying on their part in the -memorial union and stadium's realization." former T While the niumnae and women students are interested in tile stadium. it is understood, he ud- u y stated. to cost A8500, . d the Stadium's first unit. to be pompleted in time for the Kansas tame next fall. is estimated at Bids sire now being nccepted on the tower.‘which is the lirst unit of the Memorial Union. Construction on this unit. which is to cost $105.- . 3' 4? ooo, will be started after the first _ of the year. ‘rsx at-:i§i1'rIo:'~.° WAITS ox ~- 1-no POSED BONUS BILL r‘_ ' llouae Must .C;t.lil:l‘-of Latter Be- fore Anything on Taxation ‘ Can Be Done. 1 United Pro-T." W'ASl*llNGTON. Dec. 17.--llouxc lcaders rolled up their sleeves today to clear the way for tax reduction as urged by President Coolidge but found the right-of-way barred by the soldier bonus question. Their first problem is to get rid of thebonus bill. by passing that bill or by trying to move tax legis- lation concurrent wi bonus 1; is thought that it will be man): weeks before anything.daf1nitc is Organization of the House was completed today when the commit- ue . 1350 . I>R<_=t=.niu%'r*-I’=ii1T'iT19'2s*”*“i 0 qf 0 Ifroposedg ‘;