_ g p _ _._ ._.- . . _____ - ~ -I '57- M. _ .r .- . ..- .. fr , 5- , . . ' — :,_-..'- ‘V 0 -- v .e 72 A H 17.91}! pm «.1»; - . A V ,. . .,. g ._ . .. .0 ._..‘ ,. « - .T ‘~ ‘:‘-. - ~T ~*- ~‘-> '-‘.- . ‘. . —.“ =“' = ""- . ' V - O .j ,_. _ 3‘; ' _.’: TA " ._~ .: T _.._ ~ , :_T ‘ _ ‘ . -»-—-—.,_ — :. - . --°......'..t:~—-°..-.. - »- ~ - - -rs V‘ ~_ « . _ . rut -: --.‘ Ms‘.-%_ .. -A , _ __ _.___A_' g ‘_ . _ §9‘l'$*ver-7'9-rs:-r. --.--- «go» o. - - .. A ‘ .---'__.._T. .‘ _,A t’ 4:‘. ;-_..~. 44,: ._.,_;.__. ._,;.._T_ . . “ ‘__ . _ T- ‘ T 3'?-‘..'!~.‘(.s.‘,n’,'.4 .11»: L’; V ’ - ,. ’- - l - - . « ' .. ‘~ 4 e - _ _ - ' " ' ., ... . .- - » - — — T n. . _V_ ,_ .__‘ . The. News In Of Sport awaaaass. ' he A‘ :.;;.'.‘f,,; t ‘ » ithathla varied'll_fe of ‘aanmre-,,,d. .,,,.,..,,_ _ '9' ' re s .l ./ A A K FIVE 7”’."." ““—‘ °°”""l°" "°"' “‘ IN?! or Bolus Iunluorr l2}"‘.e. uorld.g“at hemtmvilaue-er',,f',‘,""| -,t’:,;.l'n‘”‘2§:F in s ‘T 4.. .........e."""""T § . T -we bin! . ‘ -‘ti-arefore entitled to -one eon-id-': = . vAanm-.ulo G he is. it in all in the his Co-~ ——————~——~—- .. no-u-ha ' g . . ...,.... ' . " for its team. Here it la: .; r , —‘————- sack'a laanns:-——the open manner of Roller skates. 82.00-per pair. at »-~ use lee me... ........ w—« DERATSTIGER = ---~~ ---~ m ---e INWRFSTLIN W W M '=--we «-» »=- -- mm -= »-- m-~-» - ;.,.. ''‘‘‘'‘'~'” * 3 T ' u'.i""°* .' -’ """" “""” ""‘ "‘”" . T ~T 4' ' - g C89 300“ 315! 14330181‘! in many places.and has come out — —. ~———--- _ l . L . T -ans 30:6 Il_..dflo'I:ed. Phone elm. f T‘ . “‘“',,_,,““‘,,,_",,‘_':;‘:,_‘,?_,“ f;‘_fi.:_,_ . . and ls a Traveler. strong in body and mind. Better values in standard makes. . . an vfl a gag * .- ' ‘ s9°‘95’ 8110!. _KI§'I~. rich! turd. ‘ Arrival of -New 13 Few 1. th”’”""“&T ! ho- -—-'—'—-—“ ' 3" "hm Um‘ ‘"5 fin” “ ”°“'“‘”‘"' 3 urn-anaaIIa\.oau-nub 8ALE__T‘o. _ . Baaeett. lubeuka. rigs: urxlr. ; _ 0. 9 WW3 "*3 1"‘ ‘V WILL HOLD AKNUAL DlNliBR _ A_d\-.90-91 truthful was About val ; ‘YP9‘|‘!'ll!!'I; ._,_._T._ Grmn. K-as-m visit out Sign) for Mat, «MW 30“! Hlklfloff throw -lot‘ -—-———-— -——-..-...———- T , . hula: in aufilsaullsl an “Kl 3 30I|Iinl§0I|- 850 ' e to °""‘“3"- ‘°"“"~ ¢""‘“"'*°°‘- . . Roberts her!» recently. suspected Football aal Cross-Count?! Hen Try a Missourian want ad. D -To » lfficljjmolealle Gro-l H «T - . "°""- :Wh¢l ACtl\Qty. what a varied life of adventure and to Meet at Y. ‘I. C A. -—-——.....-—..._.. -cf... ,. _f ‘ gpndarfi " . -§y ‘ _ ." ave e 8 3°'_""- ‘v '9'“. W ‘ d - , d _ ‘ . “ "_“ ""‘ "“ " ' ' - 1. T -_-:.:.-.2: ..__..__.‘_uf_ . A . ""“°'T °"‘“j°:' "“‘"'f"‘ Coach Charles E. Flslltf. Mis- :l,._l'.".f;".:‘:,. ctflzfktfl, ll; he',';,"."._o‘,,"",.,,“{“if,°°,:,':‘" d"'“§' '23" 3'’ ‘T “om” pouiqn , I F0‘ SALE 5. Showlng gamst _ 7'" M‘’f‘“°’ w“ “f°°u""l°9‘,'fi"."'w "filling "‘°m°’ l_"“' "~ five 'n-, I-‘es’! lll8P0¢1€d U311 ¢h§.Bui1din¢. 'l'he members ‘of l Selling Old Ilanxines ‘. — ; you sALp_D.u”n' Veterans, in Hnssoun \alley Conference :1h\¢d.In t(1{<>lulnbla. and {irogtewc for head at squlrlned out or head» 1,-.,y..,.,. ma v.;-my .qu.¢., ma phong 392 Wm G.“ « i 91“ .umu. duh.‘ ‘ad bed’. plufiunyi _ ______ during the. season just closed e urea‘ lug teagi bemh M gm st locks had eight langulges stoned we ¢g~og;.¢-oumty and ‘R 5,,‘-§u.d‘ M xLA§ %n 00 , .. 5 ' a n . whet‘ deVCl0F)- 0nc¢- ' ‘C Ce “'1 e from 4 IWIY in ll, u\‘t ‘rm,.The mir be inf°ru“l. roan‘- o -’—:"‘> 2 ‘ Pine 1: 1M2 Black. I to G l k 1 . T -‘=0-Wm“ W 1° W: ~=—' ———-— cm‘ "°'» 3°?" "* ..... “ad °‘ ‘°°'*°"'* '*“ "°“ W W °" 1 * _ \ job as honaehoy at pot.-"““*"T‘““T"""~-T" ~- »~~——~—: 9 ° F)‘ 0 *3 "KW ~ ‘ ~' '_“ M31 0 8 most evergrcountry on Cllntercollegiltc Athletics will meet TL‘T“’TT‘ ‘T ’ T ‘ T ““' _ ' e vllas hadaxllelienee in both‘.-- ltoousron RENT lBu°kners Defenswe Game’ 0” “°" "‘ ‘“” °‘ “’° “""~“""““ t=;°*’*- -Nd that the -ms that in Rothwell cymuinm to consider ‘ e T - ——-— tare .— . .. . . . T ' __ . '3'-‘V9.5 I P3318595 770"‘ ‘ll? UM‘ {weight classes to report at Rothwcll ‘ ed h’ d ' ' to the t‘ '0 . H Call mil Green. X‘ B Rag?-.3 nice mom‘, 2 I8 Blg iwnit}. Km“; th.“ for aw" do. Gymnuium to Cqnh Fisher. - gran cuTil:d amsjoerssasficr we last open football date. October Columbia Cycle Co. .- afi topping grove- 1 we‘ Cu} 513 coue‘e.. Fa.ut0t ys at lqnencfl we nae "0 mum.‘ i C;;;1<"?"°t:"'- d"'°C9°r't Ofnzllllfllcse sian, French and American flags ——-——-——— l _ r. , . - - s we , - ' ' ' . . . T ‘ ,5,,,‘»’,»°”‘,,,,.,,,.‘",,,,,"° ",..,,"“,';';‘,} ”"‘°"° ‘”‘‘.3°‘* 089-91. . F°"W”$l-, l “John Shea. ground superintend- .05, ,0 fa ;;;fm °§°_,,“m'°i;;=;_ lnggfiogsizgd 3}-gmmm mm _ ;=;_g_i_=;~;;-;-_;- {°;,;:°,,;°r,;;°":;, ;: New llne of Columbia ' ' . ‘F""nld*d W93‘ l re-season ‘M for the nnwenllm Md the up. cued m cl" mg’ fllme‘ By ”u°" h’ *“ b°'* "‘ 3 l°‘"‘ "ll 9"‘ A""“' 3 t::ilCl.lnA..nI.“ Bicvcles just received. ~-4 ‘ . . floofof lb0ll€'n hone in .¢1».Tah;&‘i‘*'li,..ri° téhndksmu City;n|¢d_ l1¢_l1’3¢ PF¢P"<'d ‘OT 0'9 MW’ of the Missouri Valley Conference River in southern sgbg,-in c.11ed,,,., ,_ ,9“ ' ° _ ' ~ . L AGENT W‘-"“'39~--~. 3IIhIIl..Well amused for lichtlgghmfg cm; mm .e R.,u,.,.u"°“" T'i~’°' ’°”‘°"'~‘d ‘° 9" °‘ 9'" early this month. men who mflk(‘1lN“Blogo\'eshchensk. His {other ‘was m... ...a .e.ele..u..... ..,, e. ..ae.l....s lml’.l'0VCd constructions‘ 93081“! 13”“ “Q15 I ted close in. See'(; -mn.',§u;’., s.gm.a.T n- ht 1, me:l"°3“}_ 83"!“ 0‘ the hflunlwrcstling team will receive a letter . ‘men; “M3,, “,9 1-53,. “,5 from oer under-eanal or from Janine: and _ , . ‘A ‘"59’ F°T30¢. Gillaspie Drug lacyoré of 2‘ u as X ‘g y ‘Flint. equivalent in the Valley to a tennis owned 5 neunvaggon or ugganigu.” 3¢"*"‘« -"¢**§“°“« 5‘- 1~"“"v “°- '-3QmDm9"l~ and UmV€r53nY 5°’ ‘l‘°“ld at 1961 wml" 85'91l Although the club team bolted Workmen rt-—rnmeo J3 caltoad of or '. °r°"..¢°umry lea". l°f ‘ '“ml°“ ‘"93 “fill 30-000 ‘Wad l-M?’ dd“ ’ nun“ W "kn my M .1! .[o~r.- price; " A '____ Fog 35341-__-['0 ‘M! an,“ flag of after the paper from Stadium Field at [AW-'.us‘:l363‘(.)£lr;‘:ef;:3t,‘;1'lt:r! corr‘11‘_?5: cl"-flies [of ‘cattle in that region. all ‘of. Wm“, ,._ ',,,,_ ;.- .. - .' - .. In»: t flu x, ‘mu-jun gut an’. ft". {ho Thnnk Wm: tune J . P “C l which was completely lost during riclwsrzln I». Brown. P.u.«.inc-a Iauattx. 4“ . 1.)‘ to build a big __ gsultes. “lth or without bath. Co. fig‘ M :3 ‘cu I rrlcle ‘ n ‘ f .‘ ‘g Id n"“:‘sumed following the holidays. the Radon revdmgon ,( 19131 Sold Bf. . W. B. Scott.‘ Sales llana- -MWN3“ H0‘-¢1~ 90 §d~d m ' retheoim “ 1,3: ‘ rs ullren :0 lhewgun“ 0e by the‘g1€(;L[ - A Mikailoff said he was brought up “.7.” F" "M" “‘ B""“°~T"“"' ' ’ r-‘on RENT - ~ 1 ‘mm’ T T” T ted ‘ ~ : Ill 8“ 3 “Wm Sam“) in the Cossack trnditio Tm: w e . 'c“'i'J.I.'Z’ llZ“""' Col b' 'C le Co ‘‘ —- _ ::._ ".'..‘.‘_‘“".....".:"...._.“"—_‘.., . —Very quiet and deo, _C°‘¢h G60!!! _.¢!P¢|_'!m¢!| «crowd for PI'9U_E€1I0n 688015 _ C M U S‘ -—m“_;& Wu‘ F‘ i _ "90- , °_ ‘h ‘i‘- _ _ ° “ ‘ um 13 YC a _~ ‘ A 3"-ghle fool“ for women ‘t S..“o“h eleven plgyet-' Admn‘ m mdugn were 13 bejng . . ideal I In 4.t0 I El‘ 001 In rlllll inn-rtlon D8. ‘I797. M | ' . ‘ _ .'h .3 - —: .9th St. "£43.! tame. four .of them letter men. The raised and resodded. Tm 00" l’ll)'¢‘W 07 K C LINIU. LOWII. *0 "‘-"'lY- "9 ""‘ , "f""."' ""_ , , l 20 N. Niall! bl.’ .». ‘ rjlfl 6-ALI-‘r—-I-_ moat I-rooln:———» 5 showed a crop of green ma- ———-— , In-the ranking of the first ten JWW “W Rufilian arm)’ at the art’ DON’ Ml‘ Rm?‘ "~ 1“~"""'3" 5- T """‘ “ """’ - :_ —,. ale mm .35.; oennueg FOR R!-ZN'l‘—-Rooms across from -'terisl that should «be ready tor har- ‘nut Hamrd hem! W -W8 ‘°’» golf players of Hans:-.5 City rowel 16 and served eleven ream, ; ~ Mr-9°-91 T. .- Lot 721180 feet. Liberal clmlms for lzirls. newly decorated. veer as soon .5 the Conferenu cut- _W~‘_ f°“_'"‘ 0’ P°:'°>' "‘“*''‘‘°'‘ "F ‘" 1923, by Edward coehrrme, sports There he learned to wrestle. distln-. _ g ‘_ __ _ _ _ f , v :7, T Address Box D, an 311;. Meals if desired. 515 South 0th ling time comes. UIUMSFIOTI bl’ LI|WY‘0f}t'¢ P017)‘ In 1 write, for the Kings Cm. _;0uma1_ _gnlshing himself in _ tournumcnt_..s' — ;‘ -" - T v ‘ Q ‘T ' . P8-ti 8Bfi1:et. Phone ' 1253 Mia! Lottie; Noticeable above all other first-‘C°“-"°l‘g‘"~‘ddP"°; gzwtlfilé F?:l:::p°“_ Edflrd English. ,, ,m,d,.m in until he ‘ran finally picked ‘to re’-"4 v .. 7"!‘ _ _ _,_ . ,_ , __ "‘ , r v -. ‘I{ar\'argraua _ ' - -. - -~ 1 ’ ‘ ( 'n' - ‘. -~ Hell ’ T0 [DAN on Columbia ..__c._ gluligr ‘axial H:°°‘f,°;? .w;,8n:,¢uch.,m was successful while the influence ;:oE:“:{:c‘? °gO!::s(;;:g'b:1lgl:':: ‘:32: of "1333. ,:'}1,(.,., Se W03" A T" T: _ 70bit. Weathers Realty 00., FOR REN'I‘—Well furnished lighl defénixe ‘sum. 3,“ b,.ou‘ht mnchl f the -Haughton regime was still, other ‘mdem' in the U—ni‘_eni’ty ‘is gummy‘. hnvyweight dnmpgonamp‘ T « ~' _ - ?WP‘".5 34'3"“ 58'“ w‘rm.r°°m" By week °r m°m‘h’lcolnmendat:lon from Coach Bondlku ‘t we Muuchuseus school’ rgnkgd .5 the se\'enu1 1,9,: u,,;',,;, of the world in wrestling. Pollow- ‘ . " .~ V ‘_ALE_Pn_ctiuny new 5. 415 Hut street. Phone 506 Red. "ad nude!“ [but that by now the Hauzlllson in-‘p'h,,er in Xmas Cm. for 1931 ing me, he mu.-ed an ‘arm, age. Tuesfla) and Wfidnfiay Ti‘ M g .u :11 do‘; hardwood Q H.88-93.! Cundn. F,u‘rot wps shifted mT::¢:iC!cnsle1ll.fshi:d:dee;w:!Lbll:dt°FLS"ll;;! ML ochnm, comments. 1-"or, .0: vghnt he écguldf :.rcst from 10%‘ Discount-on Rockers _ .' ., gold and gray light fixtures; _ FOR RENT—D°5inbl¢ NOD13 f0!'ff°"'“'d “"1 mm “mat payed ‘:1, w{,m1ng'g¢.m, even though given ‘my on "1? ‘mm? of F;;gh8.h’ "ho ‘ t e 81?"? k0 ‘S 4 1 L0t Windsor St~Vl€* BPOWD y, ‘ _. 0. to high who?! ‘mi business ugh; home kapgnt south cxyuflgood floor game. i W , L u M w” this won the ansas City c mplonslup .’ ‘en the on )l‘0 '9 out in .. , Lo F,b d R T t 0 . . Prim “ 100 Hume 1090 ape, 131 gpd 2nd floor, phone 324‘ Vl5"°"‘.S"°“ F'"‘ 2 emnnn am it is “id that ‘_hfle~consolatloil prize. and trim was run- lllknlloff said. he “I18 ln Argcn—_ 1 t 3 1'9 an eedy 31395 ry C ‘'8! ed . l f ' q1_93 Black. 108 South 6th St. A74tfi The "l5i‘°"3 "979 "W 575‘ $°!§°:J'mo:';'‘";:{ tied gown by ‘ mmlner-up in the University charnpion- tma, but he turned to llussm 1 Lot .Brov.'n Lfahogany, Tapestry covered J ’ 'T'~ .0 1-‘on new 'l'w r Thedurlclee wlmwuaelgl Bm‘;lT¢l:' iorlnrieritncfi he '5" P'°‘”‘’‘>‘ 5“ 5"“ “idecIl)aretso‘ll':ra“tml‘-‘ellnlishylfil oiC°cT:l‘.: lllltclicra :°rt.llel:er~3fee.l.:ienhde 1 1”‘ Oak Genume Leather covered Q ' ‘5.'5Nn"D To RENT rooms for ligln_houe°e kee?pra?:; e..‘{’.,.. onoa foul. a few minu-:°°1"'"bi‘ Unirmity next year. Biff ‘ man‘ w,,,,_.,‘,d‘;', ,0, bf,,,"§,c my H,. W, M,‘ 0 '9, ,,,°.,,g.,_. ;;L.m;,,,,' Unusual values at _our regular prices ,,. u Qxro lu:x'r—-noouu for modern home. Phone 1749 Greemltts for the Tigers to score. the-nl“’°"‘ ‘;"’°b_%” W’ " ’ff""°d .’, and state championships during the on the Aust In front. I I tllrec No Finer Gift Can Be Made 7 T- E housekeeping. near Red Cam-‘502 South Willinlns. Awmlwhe-‘at. sent the ball through the 'f';<;5t:)ry°°:onsid:!“t;?:1‘g‘:hc ‘menu’, coming year. ~ grothers w killiecli snub»;-.le and . . .l ; 'A Bicycles and best stock to select : V“; i g up 2i904 Broadway. P11011923‘. AGVDOEV G‘ . l J k D“ . one 2 T°""N" LOST-A. K. x. - .» T I -~ “ " " ‘T 0 . . 1" y and Uluverslt-3' .-up lat: £1 r-. . . y . 2} fio,.Nh(L ° _ ~« _, n Broadvra . 0 oncollwee tlldrtnill .;.lnnn. woman and child is a good; j ' T. . _ p __ _ ‘ .. f..».- ' » A ‘e. in e‘: .2: -T hm‘ P"°"°°""l°“'°5°'"d ‘ “Christmas Gift Headquarters” _. T ..!'OUND--A''1 . st’!-Jr‘: kid3,,e,_°'c;=‘j;-*'j_;_“°° °-W‘ }3upi~:awuANTnAnnw1nz co. . ~ V 9-- . .:.I - A ' T A A ' A "7 T- ‘3 3W‘°‘"'‘* '” u--moor - elem Broadway.-.!hone 234. Adv90 . ‘ . 1' - "T*lVs'l-lite Owuerlnaylllve IIm¢~.,pue.ue...5 :.l ‘ p w ‘W _i _ l — _ . -' _ .,__._..}_. RéflubljcanPaper .- V IIri0°“l!l«1V...I’ ‘ 3 , . l ..~.- “ O‘ ' V ' oretbclflh r‘ '_ . . . °‘.........'’'' ‘:.'.'..z‘ > « ~T.Ti:'‘‘T‘*‘'.—:3e‘';.~‘‘3'°‘‘ ms” i Jack Datlyls LOST-A gold watch 0 and (ob. ,m Com m . 3 ']_,amted in munty iicat, 5,000 populafi in county _ night. Dec; 15, pt-obtlllylag .44 for es. Everyone of our . . - T M T T ‘go i (33 ' ‘Ilse Palznsoral Ulfflllidf--nil petition . . of 30,000. ». Circulation 1.400. Nhflfiifi‘ , ? Name can-a" inside of: awe used cars is priced to ; gent‘. running ~700 to 1.000 inches I79!‘ $88093 1 « ' rd.v E.‘!‘aylor.: . T. T. ' .Franklinprioea_or . . Hal-yland Place. rl.ene'149sw.g,,‘;,‘,_‘;,,';, sell before Christmas. ever-are nearly full page an issue " , , 4 0 Pug“ 1 T T ~m-91‘;‘;ai.‘uld‘0:'nuty Buy one. T Job printing. . .T .. 1 - “nth! - a Id?’ 0 user paper in wwn,_no daily. Alnlost ll __ .. V‘. FOB SALE" W“ °' . ,.uu:i:,»°zer development. as N111 139011509 l‘ l’’°‘'‘'l''3 ‘“ . l ._ 8. ' .SAU'‘3-'’‘'°‘'°’ "‘.‘"3°““'?;:a:"c There is lotstof service mm mg“, ma building. On two railroads and |!l_'llIIIl‘7 L . 825.00. Phone l042Green. inggugg. . . - - 4 ’ 5.. . A; 4 7 " . , _ _ G9o_”'_h h . in every one of cal; am. high,m._ p,.,,z,,.,;e-., _ ; ~ g ' I “____ V4__._1~___, 3: .