. ’ / . -4-J Q..L.Q.4 2--no —§..o...n .¢n_..a.oo .. _..—. .,ss.';‘,._,.‘ar.‘g. 2. i, r 9.: 2 on, ; ass- .1 -° -C '1 3. - a ‘e 3 .27 6 II .:.~.r.r.a.-.1 a 2 rs’ ._s..o.s_..s-r. s..u..s:.z.n~ G I - K . the faculty of the School. llr. ihompson. I38!‘ "°'~‘¢i"l“3 3, degree, started his law in St. Louis. He served Amociation in 1922. Ind "88 l”‘°m° inently identified with many re- forms in court procedure and 1"" enforcement . *1 While a smdent in the Univer- ity, Hr. Thompson. aided by 1. c. Jones and Georzc It Basket- the music for “Old ‘Mis- souri,’ and set the verses. W}'|tl9" J within the next two years. The members of the fntemlty entertained the members of the buildi association at dinner at the fraternity house last Wedneadly night. Fifteen out-‘of-town guests '18 a business meeting was held an - ch rectors elected. They are W. P. Hays, B. B. Br-ans tter. H. 8. Frame, H. C. Hensley and John Ri- ey. The building association was in corporated in 1920. The are seventy-five members and each has contributed $100 toward the build- ing fund. professor of English in the Univer-: city. to the music. ' ;_ The first University Glee Club ‘ when Kan” without‘ money 6101185 $0 7*" TODAY'S MARKETS East St. Louis Livestock. By United Press. NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. 111.. Dec.‘ l‘c'.—Cattle-—Rece2pts. 4.000; .-yoga: .;.ruu-am: ransom nuns .Iethslst s-any School Christmas Service Is December 83. “White Christmas” pledges were taken in the Sunday school classes Iethodist Church .mas program will he held on the ‘evening of December 23. The Preacher's Cabinet met after the morning services. even- services the Rev. II. T rning. The midweek prayer meeting will continue its discussion of home and _ I , . this take up the special topic of the children. A continua-. th , ‘ will be given‘ at intervals from pulpit. NEW rant-:a:~'1n' x:~'s'r.u.1.an‘ tion of e ‘um Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon nixed . a Delta Pi Epsilon. a fraternity of _inter—synodical students. has instal- bere. The chapter by Victor Schmidt. 'gpresident of the national organiza- tion. Edwin Iileist. secretary. and Harold Seering. a delegate ‘from mm :9 Columbia, and had to leave market steady; native beef steers._¢_h¢ cyupte, “ aw Uni‘.e,si.’. of . one of the members there as secur- iu for money borrowed to make em, $9.50; cows, $4.75; cannon and were .1, the return trip. \ rnousaxn AT nUaa.u.L cuss SUNDAY MORXING 10067.25; yearling steers and heif- cuttcrs. 82@3: calves. 89.50; stock- crs and feeders. $4-50@5.50. lIogs——-Receipts, 30.000 market 10 to 15¢ lower; heavy, 7.00 Both national officers from the University of ‘Wisconsin. Wisconsin. , This chapter is Beta chapter. It Ttakes the place of Lambda Beta Gui. The officers of the new chap- \'g,¢g4.y'g fleeting Is Last for @130; mcdium, 87.00@7.35; ligh:,‘ter are: President, Iiestcr Yonder- 'I\is Year—Gold Wald: Given to T A thousand persons attended the A men's chorus Kiss Betty Hill read a Christmas story. Special music by the Ste- phens College chorus followed. Bunall gave the lesson CI 95." A19 class this year. The next meeting will be held January 6, and at that time all of the fraternity. sorority , and rooming houses will make a re- _ port of their attendance. caatsriisz coL*§:'(Tii.” snnc-rs ".1 D_ A. noh.e“.Bud‘ 0,'m_ sown last fall. or 3.360.000 acres. :5 isatioo for Coming Year. :3; -Hrs. D. A. Robnett was elected president of the Women's Council‘ of the Christian Ch at an all- day. assembly’ in the church Friday. ‘ The other olfioers elected ideat: Hrs. 11. E. Hultz. recording ; Mrs L. D. Shobe. corres- ponding secretary: llrs. . Qu1s- enberry. . d 0 Directors re-elected. -Under direction of rs. ~ the women f the north’ in " ' a “trip at-ound‘the world” church dining room. The service department of the council last week sent a Christmas y will be Service Day and otlicers of that department will be elected. Stops Here to See University. _Hiss Ida Cullman. of lios Angr- lei. is spending the week-end in Co ' lumbia to see the University of Mis- aoun. work in the movies in the West. i.-— on her way to visit her brother in St. Louis. _ kct lower; . lambs. $11.00@l3.00. - f 904 Broadway. Phone 234. Miss Cullman. who has done _ $4‘-.60@7.2:'>; likht.-. 86.005 7.2.; cklng sows. $8.00@6.40: pififi. $5.75@6.65; bulk. $6.75@7.25. tiers and cutters. $l.00@3.50: St. Louis Cash Grain. l'nited l're.-e. ST. LOUIS. Dec. l7.—Corn. No. 2 white. 73‘.~sc: No. 3 white. 70@ 71 ‘ac; No. 4 white. 68@69c; Dec.. 73‘.-sc; July. 7414c. 0sts——!\'o. 2 white. 44‘.s@45$sc: .\'o. 3 white, 44¢: No. 4 white, 43hr: lly close of the lesson, Miss llarga- Dec 43t.:c_ M Stein. president of the UniV°1'°: \Vhoat (future)-Doc. 31.06%: slty women of the class. presented ‘ J,_.1_‘._ 31_0;;;‘_ 0° 3139 3 5*-‘W’ °‘ ‘*9’ mm: (red)—s1.13@1.14; xo. 2 . class agold.Vtl€h- _ 51.12; x0. 3. s1.io@1.12. 75° WW8 3 *-5° 1"‘ ‘°" W‘ Vihcat (hard)—.\’o. 1. s1.osx.¢@ 1.014; No. 2. $1.08. Less Wheat ‘Sewn in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma state board of ag- riculture has estimated that the acreage s ed to winter wheat in Oklahoma is 90 per cent of that reduction of about a 000 Unsatisfactory prices and inability to sow seed be- cause weather were th I causes of the reduction. his represents a acres. METAL WEATHER S‘I'RlI’I’I.\'G Ideal Metal Weather Stripping for doors and windows. Easily applied and thoroughly efficient. NEWM.-\.\' HARDWARE C(). Adv9l Remington pocket knives at .\'ew- man's. A(l\'.90-91 . I o I INSURANCE-—FARM Now is the time to file for farm also have property well insured a=.i::.t fin. For best results .1000 Flynn Realty Ca. 803-!“ Guitar Bldg. LOANS s llcs T. -_.. ..._ _ Welllold No Clearance Sales What Shall I.'Buy Him? If you do not know Let us help you select a gift for him ‘If you do know ..'_ what he Wants this is the place to get him a gift that hewill appreciate. The Barth label gflaljantees the qual- ity. Just received another shipment of Moore mufllers. ' . « -' wool I schmidt; vice-president. Il('rl»(‘rt Elbring; treasurer, George .\Iucller; ‘secretary. Norbert Eisen; _of membership, Henry Scht-mnu-r. "lhe other members are William Slcelcher. Oscar Meier, I‘aul Ran. vllerbert Scharfenberg and Em:-st Fischer. ... r cmzax nuufii I IN Jawsu. cauaraav Site Is Sunoaalel ‘ ’ Stone Wall-—I-‘irlt Grave Iade in 1827. “Any one not the husband, wife or . '3'“ child of a descendant of George % ‘ Jewell cannot be buried here.” Thi ‘I .. is the inscription on the gateway “"6 of the Jewell Cemetay louted sev- °f "'9 °°"‘°”"-"- v w l W XISIIIJ ; for ‘hum v fold-fashioned I the illustrious raised mong descendants in this‘ are Dr. William Jewell.T William Jewel College at; Liberty, 110., is named. Dr. ll. H : ‘Smith. for thirty years superintend-f of the state hospital at Fulton’ nd Charles ll. Harden. at one time Governor of Missouri. Governor en left $1,000 for the_ upkeep; His mother was ",1 mac, ‘mm, of comma. on the a sister of Dr. William Jewell. Providence road. The cemetery is surrounded by a native ‘stone wall, about three feet in thickness. and is entered by an ‘"“‘ that are the children of Luther Smith arched gateway hevn in pieces of stone. There are forty-three graves in the front part of the osuletery. and of these thirty-four were made be- u._0,,,_ The fore the end of the Ciail War. servants of the family are buried in the tear in graves marked by stone markers that bear no in- scription. The grave of George Jewell and he first grave was made in l§‘."i’, and the last one in 1919. The only known living descend- of Mr. and Mrs. George Jewell. and of Mrs. Fanny ll. Talbert. : I-‘on’ Ri:.\'~'r:1.egin"'§Im-keegrzug‘ rooms after January 1. H516 Cau- K90-(‘:3 "“ai.‘;~.-rages“ Better values in High Gradei l1ic'clcs and lic.-at stock to aeleot» Ni':\nu.\' ll.\RI)WAR co. that of his wife are covered by an 90-1 Broadway. Phone 231. Adv90‘ r I \\ . WELL! Christmas Shoppers To Be Exact, There Are Only Six More Shopping Days And I.FZ\'Y'S have the house tillpperb for the mcn. the women .':ml tlic children. at the price you xvzmt We have a new run of sizes ? lo ]I:l_\'. ‘RC;:lll£lI' $1.50 slippcx_'s.,in all Ilcsrular 32.7"’ ~l;pp(9r,-. in all ' calms. u-'.luc(d to colors. reduced to 95¢ $1.35 Hosiery Baby Christmas Trees "A5 You W0 H" mulu-.~ an elegant (‘hristman vii’: Small trees for your table. ernard ’ (Gamma Phi 5“, "mm in Beta Bazaar “The Florist” . “‘”' °" "‘ ' m" "li"d°" ‘'0 utility Fiootvvc,-ur" [-¢‘‘'.‘ '1‘ 9 X. .\'iml~. 5:. Pliune 2121 ’ ‘ TONIGHT - HALL THEATRE. I WEDNESDAY THOMAS MEIG --4 "THE! ,, ll Nc’er~Do -Wel . ' By REX BEACH 9fl.£S ENTED BY ADOLPH ZUKOK HAN *’ hi ‘(/1 , . AL80AL8T.J . . . - - . — ,)' He had Tnoncy to burn-_—and be burned it. But when his rich old ' daddy stopped furnishing the fucl—,—- ‘ It's Rex Beach's greatest story- it's Heighan‘s greatest role. And it's your greatest entertainment out at I ' DON'T MISS IT! Nothing Reserved Braselton’s Fourth Annual 0 Shoe Sale Now in Progress---Nothing in the House Over $4.95 NOTHING IN THE HOUSE IS RESERVED—you g may select from our entire stock. This is your oppor- tunity to purchase shoes for the whole family—many styles being marked at below market cost. The shoes we are selling in this sale are the best that the market affords—they are the best styles, made of the best ma- terials and of the best workmanship. Buy your shoes while you can purchase them at low prices! want more than one pair of these shoes when you see them. LADIES’ OXFORDS. STRAPS AND SHOES $l.95——$2.9;'r—-‘$3.95—$4.95 « MEN’S SH S3. A Large Variety of Styles to Select From! OES AND 9..———$4.95 \ You will OXFORDS °-1I~I'.ee-usI-7-q.~r,yI~'-mt-«- -V-0."v~. , 4 r:~'~'-' . - --a.wu--—--q...‘ .. 4 '- - l _ ._ . .. _ See Our Windows. , Giving a “Christmas Present Every Day--- OUNDS a little foolish at first, doesn't it? The idea Jl giving one person, no matter how much you like . him. a Christmas present every day of the year! , ' Think of the cost! . “ ""“‘ ” """‘ "I-V7_V-'AI'5.*.*'-y-v§:'vnsnnu-vqp.-q-uup-.- .. UT it's; not at all foolish. You can do just that. and ' '_ it won't cost you any more than some useless arti- - T 2" do that would last maybe a month. . ERE’S the secret of giving a present that lasts a year. Fill out the little coupon, mail it to us with your check. and we'll be Santa Claus for 365 days. giving the “COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN" to the lucky . person every day. nu? Columbia llissouriang ‘will furnish the lucky person with com- .plIta of Columbia and Boone Oountyaswellasthelatestnews‘ fromallpartsoftheworld. He Illlsnjoyfeaturepages and pic-‘' ttlnsofhapplasssiacoluiabla. , . H1N:;‘or R-365 fine Christmas presents to one person that you think a lot of. a -eja-—s—:j—ujj—_——— lg ‘ The Coupon a-year. llouaecoaatysl ‘as.-neuron. 0atslleBoaneCsolU.8l50~ ‘spear. ‘ I mjmmj-am:-jmj O 5- av-g-gouge-guy; so-u-' "'9- -".a. _