W ‘ - ifeuuotudvarauliunollu‘ .. .J0!I(3 “C ' " “‘“‘ ’ “ " ‘ T '" v‘ ', * _ é_ onion-ha-¢onauinuu'neui.r1.1-§".‘_za..u¢‘..¢ ,_ _. no u. Av.”-O3_ . .- Woda ;"' 'm'''''‘”*'’ .:'C''- -lav-It 13- the «:3 auuiuu-pockuimim .1 N’..- Gift Novelties “ jw . wt! Wcl|l.1etc-Iuut . = ~ .,auu's. Ady.90-91* ‘s - - 9, hukgyug. = 'l‘.J.l‘alb1I't.)I-oleaaorllthehor-‘ — Inf-rvdnrln-.1-¥IviSa:su~ ‘j 5°Ic s.ud".§,.._ Mb g¢_'vi@Vmwwu&imm¢& gaatloua for your-(XI&L-A .. haIoI*e¢thdr;I!IIunoa‘Igia.g.v‘g_;.;.,».,__'gi...a)[.r,3.,¢.,,_ VF\It8o8llI'catIiIdlcultural(}ui-‘ pmgugz. o..»¢.._.,u. . at -111,93 ‘.,..u_ . —— . §°C”9II.And\VilldI- inthuanovclty will : fl . ’ ha.“‘“._."A.I;auyEataa.aon¢(‘Ira.ndIra.,Iecthe peeing o{thacon- brlruddighttothohdlhyaaap ‘, Wm mm.“ atthcCoatnallouaelnKan- son!“ .1.’ 'on.’_ V‘~"‘-- - . jurculuubla. no. """" """ é _ _ «..-.~.' fiuugfinubmdh nc3s::Chriamuhdlhx.Du'lilfilhu,vhIchiahdngghenuodu-than? - «_-.A_‘_._...~_. - ia"‘.'.‘..""i"""' " ""' "‘ °°“““"‘* 3-':=3°?§‘u»-"' 3'7 ""1-I-.""'on=1“eun=u=-n"°" °' "'° ""°“" S""«3°"" Parson Sisters Beauty Parlor . ‘. I m‘ ‘"1 n"' s"”""°" "‘ ‘sin. largely through the efforts of ~ be a , its Weateottwillbeaidodiathe ‘Q to her gueata by im mother. In. A. L. Westcott. at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the McAl- lister Calateria. ere will be a ' 'atmas tree on which will be‘ gift: for all the wives and children. ta Claus will be‘ there to dis- tribute the presents. e niembu-a who have not yet given their birthday stunts will give thcm tonight . _ ter Irma’. In ‘Gown V Flora Woodward. Mrs. J. 8.. Miss orenoe Emmi teet. ll:-5. C. L. Brewer, Hrs. 1- 3-‘ Thornton, llias Virginia Lee M9118. Ira. Eartha A. H ombs. We -‘L 9- Mre. ‘Waite:-s. n'i£i.‘é 1306 R as Henry‘: !mil«v- T i - - ' , Mrs. 63911! nxifkbtldf; street. will leave Chlnihbia 'rhu:S- D. an t th Pk. your “"fe9 Sister, daughter, OI’ _ rs. - , - in un y a c i ‘ , - ..,..... ....". ma. pm. §‘.§i'..t‘Z..“§.T’.’.i‘.§.’2.”J.'?.ii“3?’f..‘”£.‘i’u."'.’: K... -we se»-2-» mother choose her 0“ -= Chums Pres- ; flea. Dudley Rolmett, Ilsa Helen Shreveport. La.- lira. Ritchie will 5°“"”2 W“, “"8"” "W"?-_ ellt. , Ridllldfl. ‘'3 ‘‘"°“ H°"t‘¢' M75‘ accompany the girls from Stephens 354:5: Péinabd ‘M Hr‘ ‘M n"‘; wow mogway. Mrs» 3- P- "0 College who leave here on.a special " "°°'* ‘ nun, nu. c. B. Miller. Mrs. 004- train Thuraday for St; Louis. A car‘ W, H. Polnuier . mayo; of Ccutralia. . Delta, Delta Deltas '~ along the line between St. Louis and A Shreveport. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Stone, l0l0 Wifl P1128 f0?‘ Stunt Conley avenue, went m,Weston this "mu!" ‘awn party of W. morning, where they will spend the ~_ S.1('3h..A. was Eglrd last night in the Christmas holiday with their daugh- woma.‘vBun‘in‘_T}wp_“0K?afn c:>n- ter, Mrs; Gone I. Smith. From aiated of stunts pll‘. on by yanous there the) Pill go.to Albuquerque. gomgngf ognization.-. on . the N. .\l.. to visit their son. lra T. G. campus and the silver cup, which .5 } Stone. . They eltlpect to In-turn to ‘inn ac}, ye", was awarded to Columbia about anuary .. Dd“ Del" for hmnng -the‘ Mwrbors and Dledvea.of Alpha clev-mt "'4 ".'°"S ‘PP'°""“° pm will entertain with their an- "-“"" d ‘"1"’ °"°"""' . - nual Christmas dinner at 6 o'clock Th‘ n“ V“. ‘‘ ‘angled A-“L” Thursday evening at the chapter “qhd'““” “ n‘u°“' m which house. After the dinner the fresh-» men will give staata and pres- ” em. will be distributed. Christmas , s w . ,Chrinm” nee. “us I _ ‘decoration .|—ll—be used gens took the PC“ 0‘ ‘he Ch"'5’-ma’ Mrs. J. K. Hincz and her daugh- trcc. Her costume “'85 BT99“ 3"‘! ters. Louise and Wanda. who are on electric lights Ivcic W0‘-Ind 370"“ their way home from a two-year trip her head and arm! Th??? “'97? in Europe and who have n the o tyelve girls in chorus. guests during the last week of Jack During the program. lDP¢°"‘ “"3 Smallwood. a student in the School candy were distributed. ‘ of Law, left Columbia this morning ————— . i s. r * . new of Epxllon 0!’ I1 TIIICISCO will nighten t the “Love Jewel." - The 1307 Wilson avenue. will have their are H‘ Frances Brewer. daughter: as guests for the Christ- vig-‘ifi , Marjorie Wiggins. mas season. Miss Ruth Hibbard is Frances Ru] and Katherinc‘Mor-gengaged in business in Chicago and (an. Miss Hope_Hibbard is associate pro- ‘W’-CV3??? I F omuaf Pumps ~ You should prepare for the Christmas '_ if dances at home, beiore leaving Columbia, Our evening slippers by Miller's offer ‘a selection unexcelled anywhere in the Mid- b= dle West. . ‘ . ._ ' Impoz-'.ed silver and gold cloth—Silver .' Satins, Shimmering 'l3lack Satins and Rich - ‘.3 Brown Satiiis. WATCH OUR WINDOWS _ - .-... V,__......-.._4: 0‘ .- _ __,,,...'¢_.-. — V "3 ~:..=x~;iIhe-@1315‘!-ti’-i.~‘?'3'o"~ <.’-'m.r‘r:« <«‘-ilitlzfinm. . ‘Y 1 with a line party to- Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade Hibhard. county agents. Friends of Ilr. and llra. Jacob 8114 Scllinger. 1306 Baaa avenue. called‘ afternoon use this tratulate them upon their golden wedding anniversary. . —— — —— . street Lulu Moss Bobnett. Helen and Xina \\'ile)'. The guest! of the Dana Press Club at the "Love J Hines Margaret Povera. Max-gun.-te Hays. Leo T. Hudson, Gwindo Bentley and_La Raine ‘lVedell. Coach and daughter, Julia Ruth. left this attach < noon for the Chriatinaa holiday: with Coach. Dinner guests at the Kappa Alpha ‘houxae Sunday were M Ponce. mu Frances Duyaing and ' Miss Kate Diflenderier. Mrs. Eva Hill of Weatcrvillc, Ohio, 13 is the guest of her daughter, Rchard i Bradfield. 707 Hitt street. ' Better viluca in toy autoa, wagons , and velocipedea at Newnian‘a. chime to Ad‘-9°'9‘ Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lionel Toy "Electric Train: at ‘.\'ewman'a 53 n of the organization com- It will and Wednesday. _ six siam,1on, 3, 0kla._ '33 "1 lioma. Nebraska, Arkanaaa and Mia- the meeting of will be IrCan»dl atatehorti "° °""' ‘intercollegiate apple and potato- lduring the conference :_.__uz: 1005 Broadway. 4: College Girls And Flowers As a gift for any occasion. ewel" tonight will be lyni it-3. Gvrinn Henry and vrnwuod, Tax.. to spend. rs. Hudson : an account. = ciate your gift. Arel llou Puzzled’ Your signature nn the coupon entitles you to open Give the_ signed coupon and be sure SHE will appre- A Ross-Kinloch list Shop- MTI. ; radlield and Professor‘ Please let bearer choose a hat for Christmas and . Adv.90-91 i HAVE YOUR WATCH loahod at . Ross-Kinloch No. 11 l-lat Shop Gm - "N0 TW'0 Hats AKKC” 818 Broadway N. 10th St. . \ “Never say die”-- as they say in /lfazia Tonight is the opening night of “The Love Jewe1”—the Journalism musi- cal comedy. You who have waited to Plenty oi‘ sew, for the last minute for tickets and are the M35.” afraid you can't get seats——don’t get ‘t diaouraged. There will be a number of good seats on sale at the box office ~ tonight. COME ON DOWN. “T he Love Jewell’- -1924. Journalism Play- Columbia Theatre—Tonight—Tomorrow Afternoon—Tomorrow Night CURTAIN 3:15 TONIGHT Flowers are always appre- ciated by the average College girl. We can deliver anywhere in America. Phone L’ s Columbia Floral Co. Across from P. 0. Phone 866 Moved to 807 Walnut Street in Columbian Hotel ‘ Building, opposite Public Library. ‘. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Formerly Located at 25 S. 10th St. \ . ‘ll’ \‘ -by will " .., . ,» a‘ ‘A. _\ .,'‘ 5%, Q. §'. We will gladly unnee terms of ear- ineni to suit your convenience Invite Great Famous Dance Orchestras, Bands, ‘Entertainers Into Your Home Thisl'Ch'ris’fli'1as c ' - YoucanhaveatyoIItChriaInilpa:tythism the greatest mists of today, like Eaton. cians.|ikcHo jusrgeiaarunswiclri-honour-chant! III-Nit y record: andyouhavc'l¢IlI!!0"'°‘“““3“‘,?' to entertain youand your¢“@~ r A Brunswick phonograph learntolavcmorcyenaltetycat newwihevecynewrecowdyou . You can obtain a beautiful Brunawlck incitheraconaoleoreablnatuodal.ataiaoaI'.uo- aonable price. and at your can turn. wean isihcooagihilisyoli fotialvapgrowa . I showing over 20 models for you to aelaet inn. _ Come and aec. bear and compare.