_ N ._ V " _ _~. -— * ‘V _,_,._. , .....»---V--.-savanna».-pact-»-vb-~9‘.$'e.a;rI'
_ ‘ ’ ’ . , .- A,--v -‘.1-.-, . ‘ '-<" ‘- q -.. -
.. _y T . . . , p . . 1. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . _z
., 1
- l’AOE“l'% :
_ . ...-..-..._...o- - —~-—-—~------—~~——~--»~- ~ .7» .... -...—--. -..- t — ---—— —~~~ ~ ~=“ ' l ’ " ' ' M‘ — '
‘ - ° . ‘ . — Colaflla.
1 after visiting Mrs. J. his Hall ofgllra. Charles Betcha:-dtin __ _'
'3 "‘ "W" "°'“" """"’ Fayette Advertnser Celebrates oomrrr NEWS c......, .......... M t .~r:-naumnxnigo 3;»-Smgg. .m .
Itul.aa~lathasaIat8lfl.0|0— ' in Wctor ‘winter '9" W 1'-I "- - - ’.
l l ' e 1' ' ‘t he at te , I lPaquih avenue. SP0!“ WWI“? V“
n__!_ ga__.‘..p..a..l...nga..... [ . 83rd Year of Checkered Career’ Mam f;‘_"‘;j{;_;‘_’ ' l"’ l“ :,,Fs.§.i,,...i.; mfg“, .F.;_;.:3£u
LAPLAT D¢.8I.-—l'lreyeI-i ‘ - ‘ . - - _ .l.T.S'm ons.ofDes ones. a., . . mp .0 "V ‘~
“uh, bndneu.‘ The Fayette Adver;ttha;* ml ootffitéehe” editors fear)!!! to t0 W, ll. Clemens was here on busl- it‘ “sign; '3. mm Stu," simmom. an ‘ad )‘n_ 0_ g_ (1 of [pilot
30$-llsouaaa on the south aide of the i°"l""""‘ °"_'t_7' ' yx Jo. 1-_ Qmnnkm. . 55;!“ you" 1'0“ T035‘-It . on Christian Collete avenue. Grove returned }'t?_§r
3’-’-;}- 3:1-3*§C~‘. r
3 * liar! L. Haw of Lawneneeville. Rlfihlfll S9313!!!’ 01 Wllllillllollu ——-————— ‘am’ m .".”p°"u m ‘ hudflm need ‘hem ""°"‘ °“‘ °f b‘“."""“ °u'e" hen JV”)! rgla on weanésm W ' I I
. .1 )1,» .13 )1", 3“; -D. C.» who arrived Monday to spend’ Employee of Steel Company Die of the email! of F'IV¢fl¢- "50 53‘ the Advertiser absorbed. 3"‘ ' ' " _ ' ‘ 4] .
. S 3,.‘ in comm: the Christmas holidays with his par 2 Instantly When Iotor Col- been harassed‘ by the brawls of tte on July 13' lggg the Ad‘-,,-me, Mrs. La(n‘lm' T0751: m 13".!) . _ l ,_ Q
'3 * ‘ ' C °""' '5' '""' 3”’ ‘’ 1°‘ s"°"°" C ""' W’ W" "'° ."'°."».3£’..'..‘.'.‘.'5'. 1'.’.—‘Z".."a~'a...‘I..’. LS "” °°";‘,"";“’ "1 “',;;.,.'§°"""f,‘ "°' .f§§§3"i?.'l :.;I.‘s’a.,°-I".‘..u; relatives. 44 ( 'ho;ce 0 a Career ‘ ;
}_._ AT’ , C--———— . inaaweet. return!‘ —-‘-7-——— Cowl)’. ' _ ’ - _ingsav utte san.ac- M [MC _ P: K‘
; I. _ r3_ wasllintlon Sunday. D.‘ 26‘_T‘_° am the B:f0ll:;oI':ck‘:1:l'n:cnrrI‘l&el£lC' counts. Blalhlllfi paper never mg; :(:‘d”rB’.‘i-M flursda)? [kl F thcYdcN
. .. ’ .‘ ----—- ‘ ' " ° ' 0!‘! ' ‘ an i su . e slness men 0 a '- _ . . _ -' , ‘om 3" ,
_; ’-' _DflIlI61' Party _ . Bliss Virginia Gardner. a student ; P3079! °f_ lflvfitl 001391"? 5"‘ "°"ipolitical controversy that had ex- eufaine to the“ ,.,,“m. “d by ,,,§_ Mr. Mc( recry will be mrhl OP?” I - .
, . _ mm“. 31“!!! the University, will leave here, Instantly killed today when their au-landed M," mm). m3m_h,_ um mbsmmion made up en;-mxh top . Vi . h W .4‘ .
9 ‘ - - ‘tomorrow for St. Louis. where she tomobile was struck on a grldt . _ « A. \. I-‘ertt'T3°“ ‘"5 l‘”“‘ 3 3 :
. “ed mm . Swill spend the remainder of the crossing by a Chicago and Alton “Th” °‘m°" "°q"°"u’ r“°h'.d m°"'y w "flubhsh the mp"-' moved to the property which he re- r
V ' :‘ dungeon were Kr and holiday: withher sister. mu Ger- puuneer train. "‘° “.°"""?’ ‘."“° "°°‘.°“' °‘ "“"' I“ "'05 ll” “Sp” 7" 5‘-M t-° centls r>v"h8"’d ’""“ 1"” R“"" .1 l
c -e ' . acathlng edltonals. It ls a matter Henry F. Burckbartt who edlted it t
. _. v : trude Gardner. The dead are. Charles Burris, 65. . . . , . . - _ mans. ' _ 5
. . . . Hines Joseplnne‘ _' M Ch.“ Pi kefi 35 _of histgfy that, during the existence for six _\ears. In 1.91] Viulter Ridge M” An“ Hoflmm O; (mo,-,,d(, ‘a 5
~ , ‘ °‘ F'm‘°“' n" ‘M James Dorsey. of Los Angeles,. . This bm":‘mcme 3;’; éhrisun.‘ of the two papers mentJone_"“"~ ‘” C the portion of incty-four men out of v
.. ' fi lnoat elaborate social functions 4- Bfilhle "02 H“d'°" ‘"""’°' 1 tell persons within ten days and see; ?‘°d°}d °3;b;:°:u‘u;°“{3: The Uniwnity Libnry‘ MW am- today. h P ! n “TM 1” Fm D , "cry band, 09, 0,, the .
' ‘lb’ y'’”' '” ha“ be“ Mr. and Mrs. Clay H. Stark of; ‘mu ‘Tm hem,” 0“ the eleventh’: "M mlzfllll has been tn” .1] the ning on the holiday stlledule, is be- M't':hR_m O "M ‘ ( 3 Tht 3“ .10 ll“ PTONCW ll“ '0 1 l
/_ vganfl 9 o'clock and a bullet dinner Louhhn" no” "_fi"d why mi’ cg,-at yoy will come to.you. ‘Please. ‘rate we um ink th“ to” down in‘ med during the nation by a to; 3. E “eye” “Tm tn S1. the proper ch col 3 career. . R‘
1 .'., aerved atl1r_g-dock. About ‘pend the bond.” u an ‘mm, ofido not break this chain. Stgn rise the uiwer do” and h“ to be surprising’). hr“ number of pu_,L°uir;s.wd..y . {I ___g_..__ firm.
J °°_“P‘°‘._______""""P'°‘°“‘- Mn. Sta:-kjs parent: 11;. and Mrs.’ °"" ‘l‘" ‘we mw "cleaned out periodically. 30% '“‘°"“"8 ‘° ““§:_‘:;"‘:émm nu, c. c. Crane went to St. Ix-u'=:~ 9 . Between now and Commencement we _
-Morris F‘ G’ H'm".__.._.._°“ M fly’ 1 0 Columbia housewife. appar- The 0979' “M °" 3°“"‘-‘ "‘“““ . ."° "° ’°m°d7 ° .0 u_ 0_ 5,, this mominz. ' _ __ shall have something to offer on the '
'4’ V N 131‘ l 7”‘ 3*“ ""1 ““' J‘ D‘ 9""‘l°""" en“? mi 5°P°"'5“°“*v 5'0“ ‘"3’ Md to be dun“ out hm ‘lee: '"""‘."‘ :'1:allncet.0l‘l'l?r.a:i“nc!‘:.r are working .R' M: ”°Ed‘."”d” “N” t" “N” . sublectof“Carecrs.”\Vatch for the $P’°c. N.
.5» ng 0. l‘“d f‘”‘n5' ""5 m‘ 3"‘ ad PO“ 01 ""3 chfi" ’”°"° u“" awe?‘ The “V” were “-5 ‘wean N}: m on term Pipers and theses for the “lie um mormnglli Thurston \.\'mx' l with the Famous Signature. .
‘ ’ 1H 01 "133 'E'd'" t M. '1'. Raw and family were dinner; 4”, u,,_ an n” an; no ,,,;go,-. the ground. accordmlz to Mt 9"‘ m ‘danced courses. md UK.“ in ‘ Mr- Om! Mftgdv. - ‘ ‘ t ‘Bu:
_' mart Carthlle. 110-. $0 3- Ungneats ristlnas day at the home; mm M, b,g.u,,, gm. ya. lnedy. but it was so badly !‘l°PPt‘d mmwhr‘ ‘N taking ‘dvmmm. M to Htllsvllle 1;!)-H W k r Wm l .
‘ ~. " °‘“"°°1"- "°b- ‘°°" P“°°'of lit. and 1111- N W- 3°"W'- = ¥--‘ “P ““‘ “ "“’ *"°“°" “P '"‘‘l wM‘tbe o?P0rtunit)' to work without in- 3" ‘“‘‘.l n”‘ .' ' en '3 C I—«. El
,.‘ ‘fivulber 29. 1 —-—--- A l , ' RKETS ' running down the gutter. vtermpfion. to liallsvllle lode): _ A H (3 my .
.; 3., um-1. nceived an A. B. de- : Mr and lr;._ivl::d Ewes} M;-= TODAY 3 MA . ‘The sewers on Wilson avenue and _____.......__ H ii-lIll',ll;"dm*_3"' °°"‘°""°" “‘“‘ “’ t , — 2”‘, _’
=.- glue from the University in 1921. jlnore. Oida.. I 101187 99° ' 'Roeemary lane have had to be Son to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jat¢"" ‘ 8 S“ e “ mom“. . ' I‘ '' LIFE 'NsuRA"c: co" 1,‘ /_“‘\...a
- ‘ In-atlorrla was formerly a stu- several weeks as the [nests ofaflcii-j East St. Louis Livestock. . ,cleaned out within the last week Mr_ ‘ha “,1. R0). pp 3.0:,“ of 3:. and D.orl:inNlCll0‘l.'i uont * . O, .°"°..M“.‘“o“"'
. mpg” suphena College. ‘Mr. and Hoards mother._ Mrs. Bettie I ‘N KANSAS CI'l‘\'_ Dec. 26.:-etaoini also. ‘I'heee.howevcr.are not a part St; hon“, fame, nudenu of 9,. tomb Lyn M30: Robrgéu went “ I A ‘L mm _ " J ' I
l. _ -flu. Harris will reside in.Llncoln. man. liuhbell_¢_l_nv¢- , gay grrmuls m‘. Dec 96 p of the hcityluaewer 8Y8tem.eeung of University, nlénounce the birtlherofma “null: City why to ‘mu Miss M ,
-''——'j'' . ~ , , . .— regtlar In nag’ gq-o ', Decem . _
i .......'**'- =:'~**~...... 1°“-‘°°.:~' "2: ..:*.;;..:~*—...*:"- ..'..-:2. :::r:"::r c.t..»_m..a»oo. we as: ..:‘c.:.°c....... u. £..«“m -me .... .. ..... . .
v t at-aspen at r. - -- .. ‘ , . 50 ;‘ - «- . . . .192, d,,- lss e e co; 7- v
!< -an comm» » we r~~=-=1-v~«-d-=v=~'.‘*'=" ".:":...;"::."...°.' 2.?‘.‘:“;l‘€3‘é's.s‘3f‘.i‘?.£’.I'. ‘.2: :13- 2.'i‘.‘...‘.l2...“.f.°Z§..°.ii"li“,i.i?.‘°.I‘.f.§..t‘;‘§.'.°.i."..,...‘"’°"..‘i“.fi1'£f.§i’.i‘.‘.:.’I..a.......’.§‘...i2.»on med um — "
‘dd’ m°0a'u”' P’ Ljohmtfm ‘Mn. Bettie H————-M u . ten.‘ 82.35@3.26' calves. $9.50@' tail: in first class condition all cit)’ following year. He married Miss _ V _ ‘ ‘ . .w .. - H .-
7 "' ’'‘°'’ ''''’‘‘''°' m“ ’°'°""""‘ um Gertrude Hutton and ms: 975- stockers and feeders. 84.50@'..,-1-erg Margaretta Tend)’. daughter of Mn ‘ t
* C i J°h'“°“ '" numwd {mm tr: Astella Sizernore of Kansas City ° ' . d f 1}. and Mrs. R. T. Tandy. 1115 Univer- 4 '
flail‘! ll 1,”. and II D. ’“u ‘rrive in cdumbi. Frid.y to H -_Receipu 16 00°. m‘rket‘ “The !I't0St llrgtfu h0t “I: ‘it’. ."enue. My-_ Jgeger is the ' ,
3 ’ %ln8 in C. Ill. Else .vi‘“ “n J T noun“. we Otgigher. henavy - :7-.8o@7’6o;. sewers in Columbia ls tho n h bmther of Chen" Jug". imtmo _
- Harriet Johnston received her mas- ‘ ' '__'____ , . ‘Lisa’, 60.’ u M $656). water shonldbe fixed ln :- us. my in the School of Engineering of
’ eafsdegroe from the University lam A Pmfienenk “me ‘u given: medlumh _ hua.“..1o@g'_'é5. . ck’ ?nk.,_.. gar. ltenneds; gold. There is the University.
. " ' $53 and at BN1!!! “ the pi mp?‘ Alpha house Mon-"?‘55' ll‘ t h‘ '6jo_ .‘ 59:56 a cock 0181 €30 b¢‘ 341“-5"~'d.5° lh“ ._.__.__————— ’
l‘. ‘ College. Indianapolis, Ind. Both I'll ‘by night, About fifteen couples; "if ‘°"’- “'15@ ' pm" ’ the tanks will flush at any interval W‘hjh'| Heaviest Traffic leer. .
,. ._ ._...#&‘e Columbia‘-on January 1. 1,". pnann I 6.ls5 v $7.f:S715'gb0. “mm 25‘ desired, whether tznce ever: twelve. In . kn" ‘em out to ‘11 ,m.
x _ _. -. .......— ; ____..._ . Beee . . g g .{ _ irty-six ours. . ' J_ E_ '1‘ ' , -
e Dr. llanley 0. n _ ". Edgar Logan left Columbia today} lower; ewes, $4.00@6.50; canners we" y °'_’_: 0' . _ Pmefifi ‘:1? 3;“;,‘.b“h R3123.
, , .. .. . Hall. who ltoipend the holidays in Kansas City} and cutters. 31 to 34; wool lambs. HOLIDAY REPAIRS AT M. L. gleam y sum ant udurin‘ the
C . ,. i th his . 3: Puma St. Joseph. He will ml: luI:$11@l3. - —--—- 9”‘ ° guy ‘ ~.
‘ ~ l d P inter: Are Bus! car now drawitlx "1 l ¢l°”
‘ » ‘ ' ' G“. 15!‘ 035' ‘'°“°¢'‘nunt, Mrs. V. Wilson. in SL -V09‘-'Ph‘ ——""‘— C"’°m°" “. ' y Rail Com ny has ' .
, Columbia laal return to. 1 St. Louis Can; Grain. . This Week. Wabash way. ‘ mfgc in in G” tm‘ hhmfic region 5,“ P1,“ in you, inner“-y_
Ids home. Doctor Hudson 1. 3 W05 and.llrs. S. D. Smith enter; ST._ LOUIS. 28.—Corn—lN0.- jrhe main business olfice of the giasrgledu the heavles . If '0“ luv. an‘ ‘acne. the Ftflmh Quuu, 0‘. on
' 493°’ ll‘ ‘-59 '°l'°°1 °‘ 1" °‘ n5"i“‘”°d mu‘ ‘ ‘mm “fly "an, 2 """°' 71°‘."°' 3 ‘mm’ U""’"“"' h” .b°°" "'°"°d ‘mm M W —-—-—-—-- Noasvelle Orleans, followedits crooked. Itreea Daat
V ""1 udmuowu‘ ‘cu-bl!“ “mom, groaddock may a that ho 69“! ‘mm. “C; Dec. 70'“. nguhrdmms m J?“ “m "0 ll: - 0"") or T““NKs Iattloed courtyard and romantic baloonvs tasted
_ , tone‘ wa . ’ ,J , . rts ‘ence rea mg room In ’ . . _
5 1-E:i:‘:nselnber¢:f“t'lle ta.eul':;:‘ ‘h’; 5 y -——-_~- ,1 - ‘3‘.o.x§. 2white.«a44'.~§c; o-N :ame"laul‘l§ln¢. Its usual quarters We wish to thank the Columbia Bouilabatsse in very cafe when-edashlnl Plflfifl
School or Law.at the UlIlV¢!'Ill}'- ? rmg. F’ ,Nt;:m3,,;.¢°‘m.u. oblfoliydalti 3 ‘mm’ ‘sawm: No‘ ‘ whim’ "° "° 5° ’?''‘’‘l"‘’ ‘W’ P‘‘"‘‘’‘’ d"'‘. F““‘’‘'‘.' 3°“ ‘Ed. °'£nd':f::‘l;°;§ onceplocoedwml have beforeyouthe moatinoerestinl '
‘_ . “lie” ‘:5 u“ C C. Ne,” d1';{@425fic; Dec. 4 . ‘log the holldays. Ind 1'11‘-Ml‘ 1°’ '- 3”’ ad "_ _ dung-gfgll your _
. ._ ‘II. :0 A. ‘“ fin. ulotheio e . cumnters ‘Dd p‘in‘er‘ hnve : out W
‘' Bay’ Robe“ ‘nu wh’u°'° ‘mm’ 1009 ch°J_____“net. ‘ July. 31.04%. . taken possession of the University‘ Infill» , 0
' ’3"- - at Tub‘ okh” ‘fined “om”, l Reginald Under-hill. 3 “"4933 in‘ Wheat (!1!dl--N0- 1- “-123 N°- 2- Extenaiotl Division office in Jesse Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and
‘ """ ‘h’ Wm” 'Elfi",,u",,,u, “,;"““: lthe University, left here today for‘ :1.1o@l.n; No. 3. :l.os@l.osv.. 3." my me work or to. depart- Family. . _
.. hf‘ moth.“ nu pen "Kansas Cltyto attend the Delta T89 Wheat (hard)—No. 1. 81.04%: ment is being carri on in the ""‘-""“‘_ _ A -""' , , bv / \
~ . _-. ‘_ . oer, W7 Edgewood avenue. They.’ d. mn“_M__ ‘ 5“ 2 3103*. No 3 3‘ 02. No_ 4' Uniunity Audiwrimm The 5.9.3.’ You are mlsslnx oPP0rtunmes 5 .
' . will be here until after ‘N W“ ind“ m 1 °‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - 1 mm: ‘ml using llissourlln Theiineattrainmdseworld. FastestfromSt.Louis .
,l -' ----—' . 41.01. menta office to the south end 0 not 118 I . a. .
4. .. ding on Saturday ar_lnu {loan-ti: mg. and Hrs. 11. 1-‘. Nlchols of; __ « L,,.,,.,,, gnu 1... 5.... permanently Want Ads. toNetvOrIeansbymorethan5llours. Leave Louis -- ,- _ 3 -
Spencer 90 G00l't¢‘- 1* C''°’“-'- 3’ avgghiuton, llo.. are the Z0989 0‘; To Attend Language Association. 1 V J A . 3:10 9.33, Ag-rive New Orleans 11:15 neatlnoeuinp .13» " Y;
. t o ' in 0 3 ','y;,";,I.n,.c.,;,,,-lur. and It . ._l-2. Carter.‘ 206; Pmf. ll.ll.Belden. Prof. A. H. R. —-~-.-e- —~~~ ——l~-~~~-~* . - . l l . V’ -, ;
3 ’ ' Sedalia Frl-lliiéh "°“"°v ‘WW ‘h’ "°“d"“§FIll=h”d« PW‘ 3- w- mm“ .“"‘l __ ‘ All-Pullman. All-SteeL O car.bul» , ;
""'w"'°"m'°‘° °" ’ -———— H lmatedtwent to‘ - — | ‘
L . visit or! . of st um, i, Prof. ermanrf « fee car,§partsnent—atn.gle/or en auiq \‘ ,.,L t ’
. , _ . Wtlliw I.Hll£Y AnnAy-box'u_th today wherethey . V , ca,‘ ,
' "WW" '5‘ "°'“"' "‘°‘ N’ “‘°°" will attend'a meeting of.the Modeml (‘hill 8 You Bali our- '°‘-"" I ' I ha, ' ' ‘
, m'°“°d;llra. C. E. Carter- soc Hicks ay- . ‘W, “H 8' _ service. Valet,maid.harher.Ihower .p 11.
‘ s,d‘".;;j f"°°- l:mheld at the University of llichi-1 self \ y 1‘ 3;.
l Pref 8. Howard Here. l 7°“ "uh to be espechuy 3 ' ‘or I . « if '4 \'
.,,,,, l rmi Robert s.' Howard. head of. - "9"? "°"“‘" .l‘ '‘‘“’''‘g’; "°°d ; l I .1. 32
n,.,_ :1 Prof. LJ. Btadler of the field an dewnmmt cg gt’: of her reputation as I
‘°“h°U“l""“7theUniveraityofNebs-aaka.tsvlI-; - h -33,‘. j
' 1”,” ,,,'..g., t,,,,;-I-g.,,,,.1,,,..,! Goodflour lste Pl’! V
'i'“'l‘“n st or 0 0‘ 3”“ ‘run “'33. ' ii ‘is a graduate: quisite of good baked 800583 N0 "‘ ‘
n. e 1 ;
thlinthatr-aet.W!l'|tl03l-10°l')"' ofnyecollegeof Ag-rieultureofthei "utter how ‘killed ygumay be. 5
. yafternaon. Ilsal,1llIklasiaUni,,,-gigyorlliaaour-i. 3 man.‘ b“.egood1ucknnh' _.
head nurse at Pas-her . 7 - , hy it a
Hanee 'of8outhGis-Ila-ataIr.aadIra.8taeke!.‘ thefioul-i.fi‘ht_ Thataw i
3 Flour ‘-
Ninth street. is in T“ 3*” "'- “"' °"""' really pays to ask for HP .
Taylor is of l ' .
Nurses at Parker
cléa A. new
inary lane has (039
gag-al days. Mr. Helen is "
professor‘ of aoila at the
. diversiti-