iriiea. eaeapt out or Calla -. ‘ ' H,’ The cost of collecing the rnoloi ntistration less this it ;_._.._“ H ‘ Q ‘ "9, ‘ ‘ ,‘ . \ In 7 ‘ _-M p ' .:,.. _fi‘ ' A 2- _-I_‘ it 1/}. s {.7 1-2;! {*7 Iv xv '.z~ .. e »-.- ‘.7-,,_ .-, x‘ -5 ‘,1 H.‘ 2 ‘r 2‘ r‘;‘of-‘h‘ J ' .} s-‘lI1:=. ‘. A - ' ‘ ' ‘o -he .. it ~-~—-A----— ~ ‘-. ....* ._.-- T i - . _‘.:: ‘ ‘,. tflwa. a d ‘ ' . “ - -‘ 1?} t J C ‘ W. Grave of Missduriliém Has _- . ~ i e NEXT 5l‘3il50N,.°"‘““°"“°*“"'°*"*'-=e==*v Onlyastoiie WallasMarkmg 3 ‘ A * g .. V «meg. __ u“°"""""°"~, “o.""“““';_,_"e-“‘:'*‘*v'-s. » _. .ov_u‘ssuss uoma cars l", E._.-A M‘, '. . asdieaetuuuoa. '1 1, : « ’Veteran Princeton -Coachfgfigrg -avuigeiiitee-see ioo‘§3;.,,2L,‘c",,fi” omhhmt .‘.’;.';".,...°°“‘gf‘_f_',°‘°“ "::,h'“°';,:'"'c(:u":;‘lm1huao1"‘Ii'7u';m.cuVi"‘ in ‘ e i ' - . .~ - . . seals. ' . . ' ‘ ‘ “°‘°"" Y"“°°‘- n'°"*l"‘»0oo die ld ;r.mie . ‘ "'9". ‘ jeans! Y . » C . 'i:'::I‘:w.fl‘yiIa'£au‘uutan. 19”“ 5'’ 3*““’°“[,. ‘° R{.‘“‘(:,“""’ the ' ’$3e“:“"mm":°eM~;,ywn aw-‘i.o‘.‘.‘Z. ..'f.i'.."i‘.°..'e.."“u...‘.....s,'1‘,“"',m: °°'"**,,,,,°',,*:°:;‘,_;*,;‘~;:;u 3.... ,.o......I"»e.I'~'oo..;;.... 2 t - ‘ _ : V_ ‘ 4aa__..._, 4 . , _ ._. . . ' Qfl . . y Says U‘ 15 lhaass g 19:2’ xeu-WWII“. lmrestlncdf true. is bastards)-'s" awe‘ ‘°{ ""°'°‘°’ ‘°"“ mil“ :"::’?::: “;“l!$Ill'lp“c?l.‘;fIr?Yfl;:er!C‘1nl‘bi‘h¢&Cl'C°‘ in” mu’ "m and up” in "M° I fpassedmm $4 mango ‘ u‘'l:c ' ‘ .« "9-".=‘-~ % Ase. Uztea N York that‘ Bill Rope. Phiudei in; council-"""‘° ‘*“.PP°d beeeeee of the rarity iii: c.'ii. «9""°'“'“ ‘ ta... ‘ 3.3.." ..,,,~ I. M ' 3 T * . _ "eIIel’\1lb7esII;.es' tun. _ a new hdduck.‘ Js champion ‘min and Ilttrlfhty and tie heed 1001-.:'°‘.1:‘mp"f"" . . of lnd‘l.'a.ny'fi:hete:: 9"“ °' C““""’ istate‘.uha‘sh annoudad. Theqinogfi eams‘ . uni.’ huljt¢e,h.g«hgg'§u-ggfigg g gum. ‘ball coach inceton for six‘ ' .‘°°"ty' ‘“““‘ ‘“""°d 9"‘ is buried. Clulflie 133‘ N59‘ 31913. car revenue isused ‘mainly as inter ‘. . i . All M M‘ ‘ £3“ tqu“ ‘ttccout-“:l‘,‘d:te::::‘:n"$n:h {tr tihnxfiu‘ new i‘ to dfisfiunish his 53’! and hId'ggt ‘pd ‘flaking fund for the “.1; i - . uaifig 3593- ,..,.._ i 1934‘ up gggguuye ufifigQ' a - nee on ‘me’ next . e; '°"‘ _ e rt! . m- A ahno bed the opposi ‘ _’ '_ in 1”. ‘nun kn Erna“,-age ‘:2-gun oiymgc lannounced. Benn-anted to. retire ‘° °°‘''‘‘"“'~‘ “5 3""¢8fimfl0ns. gynouxiuahwxffi :ivhen“a'rn.:cher volley i - ,‘-ev». wfinnnfin‘--we '§td*-“kn e“'u.d.u”“'fl.u‘o':The¢ommin‘R “and m b. gut. but feared his pmpou and to add its contribution to thy d I mu s @. h6ru.'u,un.d bu‘ am“, ‘.3 Issouri now has (7I.00(_l can am . - , ~ . .. . ; . . . . world in the mime: of ref ‘ - be el-te of rennin-chipped by trucks. _Last year the ioui wee - - V, ll! 05* 3924 Ollllflc Ifillfiaflcortlatdaeunsgnfiu 5!! its decision by the announce-‘*°|lld‘b¢' Vnlflllhdefltood. 4 d. . “l-"18 3118- y“m.wi,_hum_e" “,6 “red 5’.;otily slightly wounded. He leaped 392939 A‘ an Rum u“ 01 D ; genoiieiy bring to a iuui thsjisen some so draw lbout rs i-er7"'°°' °‘ "We" 5- ‘’'°‘'‘- °‘ ‘he "‘“‘“‘ “- ""“ ""’°""“5‘~“' '5’ °' "."«“"._____""‘°“‘." ‘ume_eoa . small slab oi eoonee "“° the ‘me’ "'4 e "ed ""‘*'*- increase there willpbe er. i i ff: ,_ . riding arguinqt iuoueea tiufooni. or their -men ii‘-on ooiiegoihmeeietn Mhletie Union; that “u °"*e*' P1‘? 9*“ he "0 ‘°“"-he,P°*“‘ nil}? 'n“iries BACK IN ri.i(:irr which bears ‘the words: -"W W‘ 9" 9°“ '*'°‘ 5"“ """- halt a {unison motor .o.'§32 reg: ‘’ »- . in-ey have been so hlgh._ eentieeee to eet In ‘°‘ “W3 ‘ M‘ "°'“ *1" ""'°' ‘" - _-.——e i car-rAii~'niuiics cALu.wAi’ » The *'°‘’''' °' ‘“ We “ate” azeeea nextayear. TC In their mggmggv of mun“, he does. l willrefusetosig-n any cer- zhiehcge irrown xrltv. eecordmxp Stidfills Become Newspaper Re- I ' Gm-.Afl‘”'.«_« .G;__ (0.. an,“ ant 3,, couegu no tihmte of character for him.” Press writer. porters in Roman Empire. The lime none nab does not can ‘WHY "’“m"°¢ ‘ out a Word at Day. 81: layers... ¢ 5. w associations for some time. The rift Percy Haughton did retire, but he 2 3’ ~- "é ) ' ' or . .‘ ‘Jill been 57003111 U0 I 5983 53’ has pulled a Patti and taken up -the. °" t''‘’ ‘’‘P‘"‘- Th" D351)’ Semi-Ame‘ the hillside overlooking the Loutre.& -‘hddockss c"e"nd 1.“, of ‘awe of up ‘ ".1 he‘ of Clfthtge l! H COTl39TV3t.i\'C a”. It wls here at the foot of that get‘ .1 mg.“ P Wrne' ucr 'thestrea dhel Ia’ ' ' ° 0 ' v ' "dd ; u ."" “" ‘ -- -J'I"°",-.“...-.;'.'._’»' *° "°“' """"°“" '"“' ' The ... ment of on. ..o... «"33 e..'....i'.'.“."i".‘." ".‘l..£’ £2. 3‘ "°>°' '7‘? of my-as -mi re- the -tor» °* W the ‘W '°'.°' "'-"°.§1';..o. o finud 3'.’ ‘ "“ "" 4-" em 5 or we -wow it . 1 ~ ,. ,_ ___..-. i "9. _ , * . , , citing is being used by Prof 3,,” laboriously carv upon it by a an, 1‘ r V ._ ' - _. . -~ ~- +-— ~—e~ coining at tinge it does rnearis California climate does wonders for “wrath in his anciem hm“); cl”! cousin of the dad he,°_ 0, of um’ Several days latshe was found. can t can “ ye" W" m‘ l 3;. . s . . "f _ . . _. , _ . ‘much. The _ n Interconexie and decrelpit) baseball playersci The ‘mdcmb [am 0"“ th. long trip ovuhnd which brouthr "is “then nnfleu C‘u“ny.ame ‘per . _ :-‘V ’ . ‘ A i C O 4 I I I J ‘ Y C n e ' . . ' ¢'' '."‘*"" .—.«CI.ASSIFIEl) AllVER'l'lsEMEN'lS A--;-~°'~..-~.. .::..*“.;.:,.'.'*.. .2; :.:n.. 2.. ..m...:. :*°s{"g~' r,-;;».,,;=;;,;--;:.; ::::;== :..~*::: er mm-»~»‘-at an = ~)‘_ . 3 ‘ - . ” ' ' . ' ‘ 8 D 4 e 0 ’ _ '. C ' ‘PICK! 8! ‘been “bad blood between these two tures hair bleach. - mug ‘hY:¢1<:P0"";:(:3“ w‘"' does it tell how the llthter. zrown‘ {WW 5057- W156?! file !'ID¢¢1'|z *'.*“‘;'.r' '-‘M . ' ‘ - / (us remne” careless, paid the price with his "T3PP°d “I mink!“ Ind Untied on; p ‘‘ ““‘‘‘‘"“ ‘J linear-ha h a as} 1‘ “yd; “rm-.1, . . . , Ann-chsiua d no-so-oer .:u"5.. aoueecfzp‘-cwyf‘ I °"."°‘~i~like thercwillbesnopen battle for football team at Columbia. _ .P‘P°T- ")4 the editor ewes few M hm me “M {W of the sen 1 man with black.- . Adycrtisint Image:-o. -men iphone 18" w“iPt‘en‘s~ me oc‘a!tion.. wet The A_ A. U_ bu ‘on, 0",, er“ Jon" M! mom” ye" wlcfiiuions in his writings. Two re-7, P‘ “fin in gun mixhbor cod hair and eyes, a high fog-elgggd .55: , 7.‘ iuxuhtitf .’.:°i... 33'». an :5; i ‘ ““7"‘° I"'5"'°°“°3f“° ""°°i‘5°"" Sm’? 3‘ 79% 3939*“? ‘P "P°*‘“'.’°'"" hf“ b°°" “'“‘ ’'°“‘ W‘ mpclimb lt‘to the grave, they say—- ”’°'"i"°“‘ °""'°“‘b°"°’“ “ 5“ 5”" i ‘ C '- . a~.' traudalaat and nhiead- 1 FOR RENT——-Rooms across 1 ' 7'h°‘d‘ h‘ '°""“ “*3 ‘"4 3 1"-'“1P° ‘that he had taken a coal Job to save P3991’ 1-.0 «Sparta. and every class day nut (hpnin cgllaway met death. ""1 u‘“' 5‘ ‘.°°k°d "PT? much like i - oaeoni-in. 11.. cu... lamp“ for .fl 1 mm wnem of‘the balance of power is tin. ‘M, “com mm": Y.“ 1. ‘min; they ism: the latest account of the W P i Indium the Indians he fought. lie was very. ,, e . ‘ "n. as well as every other in“! :1 " mwy d°°°"“'d' iuinent. nowho make him a present of a “'37- ‘ " M" n‘ erect also and very hos-legged ' . ; dm.*__uhu._‘_‘_'___ . sif desired. 615 South sag. d . u’ had i d with , , . , . . . On March '7. 1815, he left Fort - - . ,, Hui V.“ M_ __‘ ‘in ‘.33,-¢eg_ phone - . . MI _ If 9 I 9 8 OP?" . whole piggery. A The Roman Diul;.- News is . sen. cimwn on Long» [mad with (if. He was I man of unusual} ; .. 1353 H188 Lottie . has‘ ~lIa attention Qnfi D Q - the As“£“n°n ‘D?! git» Union P"t.’er “°°k‘b¢nev°‘e“uy 5.ti°3'|Cl Pfl[l€‘l". and (he t"o re. tggn men. in pug-guit of . had of 3tr¢nt‘«h- ‘H CVCII II he _ ? -~r*3--::n5 -3 we've-he in l ‘"9 0" _°PP°e*n¢ Wm3- "9 “'9” ‘° throuirh his spectacles :11 winter‘ porters. who have been sent to Ath- Sac and Fox Indians who had stolen he threw his rifle from him and so ‘- ii: - ."* ‘ ““"““" . FOR REN‘l‘-—-South west frontigyhl‘ tlztet or two on the association and flop up again at Harvard next “on; send .,to,._.;_.h;,,g new, bnk ‘O some hon“ -great _was t_h_e (orce that the yin, ‘ i:.:: :00!!! in homfi. be;:{i1'ully' K n ' “IL 7- _ , going. “Athcnsnm!t:t‘ prcpsi: for 11., bun} "mm mm C1-1-eh "3 ' A “.51 MI’ IKE . . ‘ '"“‘5h°d- _ 333)’ In '8 To‘ an, ‘ ‘ ‘ad . ,_h t , T " °"° "P0 i5"*‘~‘- ll“ 311- finally came on the horses guarded‘ » " . -: ~ ' "‘.'E“. “"“ ‘“‘° °' b°>'e- M 512 S~ o:.~o°os2“?,i‘..'I.°iZ'"°£‘..‘ dflsd ani‘l}tr-ac‘): °“'"' "5" ‘"">' °’ ”°*°P°""°e*'"e mix‘ by - fer -more who fled -‘the ~ v ’ .A};|-gD__Co1omd_hoy 13 ,3" Vulliarns. Phone 1283 Red. P92 tf (“ms Wm be he“ in ‘mm. bring! — V , _ _ numbering has _crossed the approach of the rangers. - ' V .,"'u job as baud”, 0, pa, For . _ V !— 3 “pp.” mutating point. Wm Mia- -Isthmus to invade Attica.’ (3low— The men rounded up the horses .~ e ‘ ' ' - . I 3.3 gud unfit,“ tn boa, _ ~ RENT-—l'.oom {or boy; at mt‘ be "presented n the 192‘ J _ It in; -accounts of Pericles Funeral and started to drive thorn back. Cal- F I :5 - . can 769 Groom Ml K910-:({)l!ih 6th street. Phone 1575. oiymp-‘cs R "ems qua‘ unmidy ____,_____ Oratxzn been written and also lawny st-e‘uiJed am‘ although his V A . : ~ ' -~-————-—-——’ -' - ' . - ° ' e repo ‘ o i t‘ I d d - ieutenaut. on n ‘gums ring " . . D__wmun to do“ that ggteuwiloxnd soc; Athletic Director: of West mm. 5 *7“ ‘" °°" °""" hm “mm” mm", W” um“, Wm Be “f 301 Couesc Aw‘ Agsdoo ‘ “E00,: RF3?-1?: giaubk '1°""!color: fin 19%. when Brutus Har:i(l- May GO to ‘Hit’: others in the class represent ‘Ed ‘mhuefi ht’ ‘fluntirngziuw fa: - 3; .. >-.:_-.__7.. , , . c sing e. 7 issouri ve. to ' J hmsh la ’,‘,dGe° u _ ° diffuem 1-t~ - d If ._t at t e ac 0 mo es on ‘w . . . -'3‘: 2)-r:B°roam.y to fifscoif . 119:3 Phom R82‘ C J92“! serixtfec attendiiiz ‘the event‘: 33:!‘ Two rsdiciilo l(l!l.:l‘1:)'<‘::Il.: "ti-or? .|.‘iel?- "M tnii 'h°"éd ‘M """‘°"°° °’. 5*‘ WEDNESDAY ." ' 9 \ V fiuw-:5 — icoooi. Simpson is well versed in- u,,.;., um dimiw or .1 ha 1. ens are allowed to have their say “"°°“ °““‘3' ‘W’ ‘ "““°“"‘ ‘"‘“"- January 2nd '" FOR RE\"l‘— — ' V ’ .~* *- .------.--—-43,11: 50",; k,eIiM‘"‘§: ::°'"‘ ‘°’.01i'mpic teams. havoc cone to 30- Griffith, the intercollegiate ath- about the run of affairs. The oiig-p"‘°'_"‘ ‘ "’°"“"‘°_ '““""°"’ - ‘ » 2 - f 9‘ f7.-‘s ‘ I ‘u.‘i‘TED“c°‘°’°d dmhg '1.’ h an P "3. '1 exp”. "° i“ 1915 °“ “"3 iumv "5979 ‘"3 letic commissioner, a number of ath- arlbic party gives its reasons for R‘¥l?"‘ "°°°““°’"~"'°d ‘"5, ‘°‘-"’_‘‘1 ~— ' 7 M; - nd sleeping C8!’ pOl$O!‘l.’Bhck 108 so h ooh ph°n° 82‘ can-{ed gfigy high honor; in the letic director‘! ",6 “he” inwR5te‘d being opposed to um democrauc |’l.07-hlhll. but ht‘ T€‘DOTt¢d his $93?!‘ _ _ ,,__,y_ __ y_ _ _ _ __ _ : - ‘F -v U1m°°'3333"Y- W9 ‘"5"’ ° at cm St’ A7“! ‘"933: ind h¢ N3)’ "Vin! 1°70’ ml‘ in athletics are organizing a path’ government which is in power, °‘°"“li° C‘“‘:':' The °hpS""' ‘ 3:’ V '9; .’ ‘- o free. Write 6223 , _ Le ‘ - enough for an gum of - W’ ‘ 6 oh...’ . _ usual y s wary g ter. was rec ens " fie C’ ‘=;' . . .. FOR RE1\'l'—'l’w 1' hed {mm ‘he .M‘ddk' 9”‘ ‘° ‘"35’ " j At times the leaders of the \'an- . - ~ - . . .1 :3 >1 _l-Jehange, Omaha. ltneb. 98 , moms for light hm; keeugg im.the a letic events of the world. Olympic games to be_ held in Paris 0“ “mos MC imcrn-awed by the :::';ed‘2("n“:' figffgggg ""r'é“l:’l°n‘l:°"i'°‘ Ieeafll tn - ‘w ".'-‘r’ " “ hl1'l-ID—-llarket gardener on ‘modern home. Phone 1749 Green. xebrukn. for some 51.50“ or J.uly5'.lti°b1e3’ The. leadmwgnr "‘°P°T1(‘1’-" M"! “W17 °l’l"i°"-‘ l‘“b' the country and insisted that he . ' ' - .. C ‘ ,-V 5'?‘ ' "‘ 511358 0!! (’'.'m ‘A mug {mm . 502 South “’im’"““' 577“ ‘another. seems to have cast before vumii“ of Cofingtfewcrnnfhlctic di- ‘mud’ “’"“‘d "°‘“"‘ ‘M “'5' he Md °°"‘°' 7 ' ' ‘° r W“ 0" Pens feed K"“'eL ~ ~ ““~'-"‘“"““' ~ " ,ii in the basketball world quite are- ",,';°.,°",",, W‘ U,m,mi,,.’_ e ‘ COLLE-‘é};+ A“(‘~TI{,:”~)- when Rim vied with him he crew -. i It l=*-’ -further information phone _7'“; ROOM AND BOARD ' respectable fear for the “unknown - -11 f 35 “no.1 ‘ HHKT)‘. Will"? “"3 liculvefllm V’ 9" Private [£8 1) ’ nu Oh I , .A ._§:- 396, .,.. . . _ The tnpwi start mm ‘o '4 , . ._ _ 1 song yAppoln en ly ‘ - 9‘ Q’ - ~-A-—~-Ll 300“ AND B0ARD__F q“‘"‘“" l"“"°""“"7 " the “"3 ‘on June 20 and will end. in new E “"5 ""5 h‘ ‘“‘"‘°d m‘ hm u"“ M ., 1 —-«¥—~i ~- ~ A—---—--- or girls yestgfdgy which crud; "unto 5 1 (Callsway) would return the way ' -- V-;‘ __REAL ESTATE fat 203 College Ave. Phone 2136 Red. known of the strength of 11,: ioraggtgéiwnbgutgstgfipifi HIGHER SALARIES he came it he returned ulonc. _ .1‘. A’ " W , . .ro.lDAN on cdmnhi‘? 35'“ Husker, but it is very lilrely to snake mum . , ‘—'-—--- 1 The whole party stayed with the °"‘ '3‘ - -1 -‘ \. .1 :'-j .7 * ‘ _. co i 30ARD and )0O"___ C“ the K C. A. C. champions perform Anon eh, mm in we mgddu. “°""‘ ‘_"""'"d and MP“ {Of 1h"*'~l‘ tannin. but Riga, haimd the troop, '43!’ DC! All Break; .. . . - , U“l¢- “G”-hen W 'e- ‘ F" 5°33 t ‘ha ‘O peedn If N b 1“ , 3 , . students who spend the greater part w ‘ ~ ,1 the. a , to - +37» "**u!IDln’8 Hardin‘. 5341' t 1115 Bouchellc avenue. Phone ‘ r P 3. ‘ - ° '1.’ “C931 W50 M" be '“ “h'“'f-'59 °f ‘“" ' ' - - ‘O "0 3 "5"" W E.’ 5 c ‘m ~ .3 ' . 41603 Red. 1.33-11 d°°3 thfl" ‘t “n be ‘“ ‘°'°°mP“‘h‘ ganizations will be: C. L. Brewer, 0: the." "me Prxaniflng dxbs mid’ - .1 ,3‘. -» b "s_A‘!J.-;___7 y y. .;..___ .__ F“H:___: ment°1they have not made for a num- _Um"niu. of“ missoyfif lceema “Ody "*9 '"°:~c‘“:!:‘u“;y‘:"T;.0l "5 M} 4 3 ' loextndon aon tulle. ' NOT‘ bf’ ‘ii’ 03"‘ Qmfibn (“Patsy”) Clark, UniVfl'Slly 07.513“ Igd , ‘ “ ct. _.‘. 1:. ~ r “Ems. Adda“ n_ 0” cu,‘ . with a one sport school. Nebraska “S. Coach Schum._ U,m.,_.,.,,ty of _ ‘ers in 10 ege. a l\l ics win . . :3-« “me woes :m..:.*-..":= v"i.“:":.e :::.~:.'~ ::‘.:“;:‘:°:.:.'".*:::;.::‘;;:‘::;.:*'"..:':.::: C 5 ’ 0° eemev II It en te- ° - 1 1 - ; Director Rider o ' ‘ _ ~ , - - A Fox sA[,E...!"r-actically new _ A. F . .. I. many in the other 5'10;-f_3_ 1: gm,» gzgidmgon OE:-n,emm,; and ---rug» harvest the dollars while their fel- . ’-. V. ‘ modern stucco bung‘]0".' 111110 Blllldlnz. “shat they win.‘-|.ve .5 ‘n opening “eilson nf tjniversity. «low “'h(l do H0‘ [NIX find ‘ ‘V Mfg. Silt ‘ . 3tY'0nK age qulnm ‘hi‘ }'93Y- The &! nofiv estimated Only pdcklngs. _ ‘ ' rage, paved street. will Tuesd‘y' Dec‘ 18. '.’;30 P‘ “_'*—— _ cos‘ [E53 eh", 31,000, These are the conclusions reached O til a bargain if sold before JUL "L B15‘ 3?)’ ""59 3'9"‘ lSl::":d‘:'"-h_U;1e ___y _. _, ,_ _ _. _ ._ by Adelbcrt Ford. University of .. ~. ‘ 1- g ‘C e ' .“ ’‘"“,’“ “T” “ Y "'3 ‘ """’“""”"""" ' Z ' N- Michilflll P*l'Ch0“-S~'l-*'l- {Wm ii ~ . ’ . V ‘ ' ' , ' . 2: xx“ 5 "mm strictly modem bun- K c_ sULL[vAN_ w_ u_ will be an‘ interesting event.‘ lt will YOU stud’. of suusfics that he Md - .. . , I» A A . ’ . I e . . 3.; iifioti Klfafife 9350- w°“ld °°“' _"-7 E“ LOEQ-_ yS¢(7'T}ff1'»1_'3_f; ,‘_ {we Bond} “in” ' good mflkm ‘Em’ gathered. ‘which appeared in the C ' ’ -. ‘ V‘ « ‘ ~' — i { -. fiifir tasting in email house or I_ e «.17 ~ ‘ ‘WM 31¢} V?“ NV? 3 3”‘ 0903"“! Kansas City Journal recently. ‘ ' ,. ' ding lot as part !!l)‘U|0m~ 5°C COAL ‘*3’,-m9 "‘“'l5' "‘ J‘“‘“"Y- .“"°_ Bl“? A Ford found that within ten year: ' .. i‘ 5"‘? '"“‘ ‘''"‘’‘‘"° ’'’‘°'!' 539'-~3~°—° « DAVIS & wxrsox COAL co’ ?li.m3I?'d(er1tcambh‘t8 ‘mad’; u1mrcedm:i "‘“" mar mduwom ‘ (l ' ' l e ‘ e- e«——-—-. - I . u were 0 » - ~ -. '~ * - . '. . . ' ‘ . _§-7~ . . ' . ' S -t d ts th University, Those most ll(‘il\C in .~tu cnt V H ’ ,‘ WANTED '10 RENT \ Be“ cent"! m‘.n°is ‘I ha "[931": w d° ‘L Perhws’ actirgcupogi Ego sugizcsteion of a cur- activities averaged $?‘.000 £0 310: ' ‘ O -' in *——~- C3“ ‘78 °" 88- 0PP°5"~e “3b33h Sin ll!“ P‘-'Y'h3P~"—N9bY‘38kl Wm Push t h m 5 an azim. have m-- 000; athletes who won their let- _ ’ "WANTi'ID T0 BE_NT-t-A _3;;:;3l\31. Franklin County Coal ' the Kansas City team a little harder. ;:;,i,_,,: ".10 “Suk(‘pt.lC§' Qociety " the tens average $6,400; average stu- 0 u can I 0- e’ ' . “ '13 ' ' - ‘ ‘ ~. ““’“i‘3' “"'“‘-‘-‘ ‘ ‘"1" °: "“ ""'”“"" ' """"'_" -h‘ 1.’ .- ‘i» t the truth dents $5,800’ members of Phi 8918' ' i xx‘- ’p tnfurnishcd house -for occupancy. If you want to buy or sell any. Rothwcll Gymnasium today, as p'‘"'m5°.°f ‘‘ K is Nd ‘S - C ' d K‘ 3060 “ch year s. — F ' ‘"‘ plan. 151. Good location. Address ‘hing try n Missourian Want Ad. mpared to a month ago. An in- 0‘ c°n‘"}.pr°v"+'7 an mam;1““' , ' 1 - ed eh 1' 1 ' ‘ ' . . ‘ -i‘-3°‘ *~ we °‘ _..,.,..."‘*=°""“* 3% i’i A ‘wine P"*d°*~ A e°""* ":0 3.3:? {‘i?.§“2,'“I.’.,'.‘.§§Z“’“.§§"‘,f,f’.f...i',,.“it. .i....‘i. i.§.f.§’."£L.e...§ if;“ .32 ‘Iii? The Postum Cereal Company. ofiers $1,500.00 In _ ='.-=:;:,:~-—,:~~:#-*_"f. -_ _ ."...‘_'._..._...-1-—-.— ,, - - v - - _ _ . . - 0 : ~ m _ . ‘ I 6'1"" Henry w.‘s drdhn‘: h‘.s ‘lagers fictufll tfllth OT fllfilty l.h9r9lne Ad‘ th3t ‘lm0St lnvflrlllbly [hey pfE'f(‘f ‘ Col. ? ' ~. ,_ ‘~_,‘ ‘ e ' _ hourly “most '3 P79933390“ {OT vice’ which ht‘ existed for cent.“-_ ‘0 go into teaching gnd ggcientific b - - b V ' - .. , FOR m,m__5 ring... and the egd of the 192:: M and which mm W Wm,,,. mk_ lege Pll lications y ege Studentson the ’ ' ‘ - ?8 of ' . Boone. : i ' ' . . ’ ‘ I '- ,~_ . ’ § tr‘ W ‘M:-e..... i ' §*":o°:.'£“a .3 ;é~°=r:’.:: .. ...:.-., *:t.;:;":.. ..t:.:: -‘s'::‘r:.‘. *:*..::’::"’i::.::‘: um. “’°"d ‘a"!°“S °e"°a‘ .P'°d“°‘S*-Grape Nets» '. ‘ V , Q . '0 ' . ' ."‘ 3, V b . ' v - t v F ' ‘i ..._._“‘-e. _§P §l. L. 0‘l':"4:a"l'.naduaini:ntrtI:r 'e;;e;!" :t‘dmm {on and some of the r('\‘(_~l1|tl(ll'.:'. brought Conley Tatum of Miami. F|n.. who! ’ S | E e ‘C FOR RIINT—-$l‘3$7 U053, 11. 3- “WK "°'~‘°‘°'1-°"’l|' 0‘ 735' rm . n ' "mugs or. C . 5 .0‘. l I’ lit . ‘singly contrary hi'is»bt-on attending school at Kirk» ifi. . . J six roorns ‘awn .th° his ‘mm? were °9m"‘g "' °°'." t: I‘|fPIJl:!rcl' ‘ ville. is xiwndintr “'9 h°“d’*."*“ l“ ‘ ' ' . ' C i ' i 31- iiglnee hell» full ‘i!"'5"°“‘-c:1‘l““‘ °.:..°e':".3 :"'i'.:ei‘fl::omi.'i': -2,:::3":}°‘;::::nendTr::iI.- so Place ‘kc llone—-Maybe Columbia with his uunt. Mrs. .l. A. 131; Prue , , _ , , , , , , , , , _ _ _ _$200,00 ' ' . . V 7300- P05‘-'*”3i”. ”“°°“' ‘L f . id t‘ . no .¢n¢n- . . 8' “y The old saying. “There's no place Stewart. ~ . . r C ' " , . .-n .' ‘um Pmlllill Aye. .Phone 1959 Black. :1: "waif?-eiee {Le Inbol:(l'u.;')I' the ih°t:y':n“E"fm "‘ dgsef; shn."“.k'd like borne," for instance, was tested _ '-~ o——— .— ~. _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ ‘ sale of all the right. title and interest in H“ _ 9 3° ‘_l“""~'”‘ ° i " 5"""']"‘¥ out and the results were gratifying M5-\l'RE. frm. .l‘.hom 1.0. p " - _. ' ‘ 4”“ 9”" *9 " ' _ *4 ‘If? I-‘chnflmlfi Ud°- 500150? ‘W-‘¢‘k'. and W {he society in um‘ its gnvesgign- N96-l0l ' Pre ' gp _ ': FOR Ral-2l\"l'—Unfurnis three- 1*""uu '*‘*‘“;'_::"‘°=‘ 7£':d;:"T5:l: another major sport season will be lion. in hhic}; pmcfica] appnmfiony ‘ ______ . . _ I-ze - - - - ' - - - ° - ° - - ° - - ' 'i g I ; 33:: 9:3“ mm 5;‘ one (31). TW-bio Pol?!-tine HM !‘t:nae="m‘ _' of the saying was made. showed the .-~‘“‘.‘ - V W ' M C -C ’ ‘ ,, _. - 3* 1155;-u-1-g _ 1 _ ' """"‘ ‘-*'—_*‘—- _ - , - . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . 0 re s r «em bin» e"-‘$»»»=~’°v»~~n« 18 ~ l.“:°:"......"'*'.:*..."*°".' :::.::': . u“° . - v ~ 3' _ ‘ ' ee st! 70- I 3 ——~' ''—~- _ ' , ' _ s . , 9atf km 6,, , Q. 0; .5. Only I9 Men to Return to Basia,-i.;carfully, and. after a bit O‘:”mh Win be awarded the best re .‘. ""-3-’—.?-<'—- '5“ 3-3 —*37-'--.'-'~:;*--':—‘'_'''“' east Quarter or ‘Schism ‘re-any-one ml ~ ball Practice Friday. other places, which bore striking rc- ~ d e ‘"“‘“‘”i''‘’ B“ ' e‘{:::"‘.::'.f°:'..-.;“°..::2:. ’.‘.'.":.f...‘.*‘:::'. c. F. Anon. me. or the ca£¢”‘°'"1'."".‘°°“°u.'°""“'°'°‘°““d'TM": - i 4. ., ‘warn of the University of 'l(ansas,‘3 Pflm‘-‘P19 "hlch ll“ 501'" “£37595 ‘ “iA"TE.I;"F;';‘:°p 1,2e,l::e.a. um and ioe.-me: 2' r‘:ulred has taken an interesting way to cut throughout the sizes as truth was r . . oh ' G94 ceived from all colleges. And in Addition of, for iitliehllest f"_ 2: ‘ , ‘Ad Received from Each ‘college y _ -; FL, -‘De. law sbowlo: that said more is iuebuni his hsuthli ¢,,,d;d,u,,‘ 3‘tu,._'ahoWn to be inaccurate in many in- ~ . '.and that id debts a unpaid .d that‘ . _ :_—-_-_~;;:i:-7"-:';t'—._::::: um, ,_ 3'; ““._h.m"_,:,_.,_ ,.';_,M u, day Allen announced thaiurdneteen ““"°°" the ~h d he 3 _ less the name. v ‘of file men would returrfbo Laura ,0" am ° " _‘m ' t "3 ‘re c"" l lain proverbs which are undoubtedly .'s.l :7‘: fast: AND FOUND \ t on exaxnlnaunn thereof. it is ordered he rencc on Friday to take up train» A . . d . ; STRAYED-Jersey-Holstein 0ow..n.e Carri that all persons ienemieo iu~inF"g‘in in prepay-.gjon~for “N. trim." and the 1.o_c1¢-ty isen eavor-int: Z ' hone‘ 2072- Gr'een..l5e 51-" of Mid de<'eI-d- I-0 notified th-'-. » -, - . _ to assure the minds of its followers 1 ._ Any one imeinz 3’ E98,“. . ., - A , _,,,,_~Jayhavrker.~ opening game Jandaryiof weir ‘_mdm_ A mmip {or in- , . . ‘S th.d:;u"-‘Y’ he ’ O. _“"‘:: the mm of st’ staficp‘ an gvofgge ,_ I IDST~—A Scabbard and’ W, 5, an d ,5, 30.3.5“ 1,”, .¢ nu 0:: ' ‘her m. A“ one of the choice turnips sold by one ’ .3“ Will! 5 P°”'13- """.Um'"“‘y‘E9|'°5|“ °°¢"- "4 It "5'. “De II” Pfif .90.)“ " ""b:em°"' 1 "'.'3:; of Columbia‘: foremost grocery- ' _- ' ' L, S. H. on pine :1-'t6.‘1|""‘i“.“‘-"'9" ‘''m 5' "' """°“- "” °""" '“‘ “°°"c°d' V’ "°t " cm mm ‘ stores, was found to contain no: link. A ' this oontest.. whether you isfaction that always to the . . _ ._ are taking ‘an adtfeiiising winners of a keen coinpetltlon. ' . courseornohfdrhereisaehance ’ .~ - 1 hich ll‘ bstantial cashprlzes ‘ WWW “W-3'°“ “"3" ”‘ e . Cd‘! w°3fl‘°" . 2,, ,u;m,°'J,fi"e5o,.,_« . additional ‘opportuiiity » e . A of the spscial.atra{ds._of 3.3500 . V MAKE up yourimihd to miter best. And you willenjoy the sat- .1-Q——_ ooiba nail: (or its sale at the rail came in . gquad. but they will not again up: tnc“ of blood, ‘Dd am“ the “fins. y '=1o K rian of Wu’ .,....... . . , . ~ ¢ E Q. fly-an‘ p§r é’ “Y0? CI!'I't aqueez;edblood';1nt_o§lI 1‘ il MT DUI 3'00? ‘ ‘ ,, y _ . ., y .1 _ p . -00¢ l9°“&d. - -4|I|Ih- ' "53’ - turni " was veri co usiv 5'. . i , _N ‘ugh ‘. be“ ‘from’ , I ‘i . . iron‘ ‘n “raw. ‘g R E ‘W "‘.'”¢‘ . U" ‘M my the “mg. The w‘: duly u.quo‘e.n 1_ di 7 ' - Cl? Of 8d- ~ £118 ‘d . * ‘ti "1 for name!” 19145;: 3 ::'o‘u:6‘I;sr”l:ii.rh‘va:lr‘n:arioeb' u.e' ‘OLYMPIC 1'IlY0l."l‘ mmas SE1‘-~b" "‘“‘ ‘"4 "“’" “N” W’ ‘i‘‘ ‘Z’ " ' u R3 amt ' u '°m'i“"'°'"°'"b°' ‘h‘“‘h°"°" ‘t “ch ' ' . :i i F n-" - e . C __-!'—pi5:5_l.5%z.B.:.~.‘o't.:>.‘:'9o:el;:ua.uuu’i;uaa::e.‘ A 1‘ .A Ti.” for A“.pm::i:‘:<:‘:oul;lo;>)‘qe:;>nbw‘t:|W-; . ‘um um H least one good ad inevery man. J adore dam‘ Aw your . . FOR SALE“ C 5”" ""o...."“°'o':‘.".': ':r':dIa':(‘:..ld’: O .8!-em 9 5'‘ ‘‘“‘'“'’.‘ "‘.”‘ ""‘° ‘° ‘“.'°°"°' 5 .3 ‘C . * - If any and prepared by you on "'1" "k “‘° "W" a”. m" ' ""1 AppL[.;g mg ;§;‘,'_",",, ,,,,_.,,, ,’,',, _ , The schedule of Olympic tryouts ""°“'°' :th"'!"‘ 3' ‘**° '1'": “ 9°": it the unimoi your olll radia- . G“ 51"“ Pm Tmfi” orpmfi ’ .gsourlan..orw vi-items-inc. informs. _ . _ . boxed Jonathans. G ,,.¢,,....,.%..:....,:.;.::;...;iici;""'se\°ai.hnudiu of sport,.1.1?:J':i11&":0m‘.)|i!:l “rem: 0 torarle.ui;g:‘od coTi;ditloe.¢P¢ i En? .- hid’ _‘whwe _ -m,,?.,‘th°a.t$:u,dnt_ O V .1} stark; ous. line he uses asst ‘I-Ulric ’ Nfllalw : I ' _; metal a REE cone ink” .. mm‘ ' , ' _ 1' uoemo «F4 to: delivery. it-eh’ ;""'“ §’;'::";'.=lv6ftliei(.A U.hashesnfixed.'l‘bey 5°ffu;;“i§" “"5393, m”°““”'..,mm“_; will [ire you a radiator hst- . i bestoflll tlleee W“ - - C — - 4 -. -< “'3 y_ dfléttn °3°"=_-.”‘ my .5 .. =a_..b;,.d 10,. an Vbnttthe ‘ode,’ (candy; at maniac and at a receive ‘$0.00 as first prise. If it ‘M ‘ . ,.,__u_,. « ‘V-*.‘;_*F'_§f;_}}:"éi;,.,,,,"."‘.,,_.,,..."’“,._'"‘ """"’» 1 ii impractical ioioeoe two blrdsto; l|f‘¢¢a0'~'m"¢'.“3""“-‘ ls'theseoondbelt.youwilltealve 1924,andchscya;.. « ..;.g. 5”‘ « """'°' I-'*'‘''‘''‘*'*'''‘''''’'‘'''' e -1 Pblhddshls thesainebush. 'l'hebsrds' i * - ~ ~ ee°=*°"*-"W -r*9°'*:''*’%:..'.;'-';_‘ . - .. ;:.»'°;..‘f,‘.':............................. .o........... e... 8126-0°-ors76~ooirit4-Mu-e e fitevlleeeifievee A " . o ~ '1 '- e i - . .oesi,oo¢is5o.ooiritietiier_oui-cii . to 5: .. ‘A ‘ ; -f !_- .‘ ._-1.1-. .“.,A ' _ < 1 V 7 ‘I. > \‘ ‘J! In a .. e . ~ ‘=“‘.~i at Wholdlls GI!)-I ‘J5 .o- ~ .4-3'-‘-Vb .. - I I ‘i C“ e-=- - ' R. . ' l.~ ,.' ~-