-- 4-.»...¢r ... ,, H, -..-.. ,, - ;., ,:~-. 4-? ‘ ‘:3: ":3 :;.1‘}...‘‘*7.§’‘?i=-, ‘ 5 . :...‘:~‘. : ..= ‘*5 ' '< ' ' ‘ ‘ ~ '_ , . . . _ , — . 1" ‘ . . 4 Q - . J . - w . ‘__ ._ »' - _‘ - .; ._‘ .3. , :.. -2., - 1 .-.. . . . . -~ — - J; a , o , ~ .. -;afir..\ -eoiy in... oiauiav: wiaieir . charm aialsive-’ F"3“”"°3-’ - - — » « * V i ~ -- s 5:. I._o l ‘IV 5 & it b ~‘ .. .l!_ '~ i’ * . ..af . ”'.- -H = ~fllIB@l£aE_u'l|VIl‘fiI].uIni‘Ic_ --3 - afi0¢¢Vh3¢hfl'IrII'§l~; ¢.,g.,.;..._..,, _- .-' . V lfiupl ‘Rollin Will go 9,, “.5... later: aogdniirahly the screen; in-«ton!-u -. ~ . ‘*~ 9 , . ' Pubs 3 ' l‘l-lllnll-. ‘ ‘ ...,,u...-1...; l ‘aosidos. ‘ i which me ‘* min In»: i own“ on ', * rt 3:',,,.u,-",.,,‘.,.,*°-="°='5'*°5‘**°°-‘ »-ri."*-.....*°-':.~*~.;’I"...“*-”«""‘ °” :44’ H i ""'*‘ ' ins old and»li 3 vi ~ . a; . -* ‘ ‘- ‘-'n“"’*5’ J 8.—I.ieonaxi:?P¢ Ilhwty Hlaaourl Be receive. Pfilllhive in lid". 90!‘! " -.: "' ‘ Ilenlolr Wood. ' “°ortiaeriiii.his.i\.ii.¢'ie::‘oeio:isi7. which-hei-tuned .5 ’ 7-'6"?! _ .. ippim:,.villg1rta“quaredaal"' €.'1'h§8”tory0f‘:The1AWofthai ' See fa ‘ o 5’ In (0 Be Held fit Congress tiive “the chance The 'rhe3tgfg "“"f." 4”!‘ "MI 9 79"” W. B. P I‘ .".....,.., '°"'. new February 3;;-23,»;-;°=;;:g-;,_ '-I-i-1-We--4 ,, ,, ,,,,,,,—,,—,,-.-.,'— ,..,..., .,,.,' .‘;'."°....'.'.:°.l.".:.‘ ..':‘:,°.‘.":.':...‘“...""".....‘.’.‘:.’=% :.‘,..,t’*° ,,,,°“}, .'f ’i ‘ . I ' J : I-"M 9°}, 5 . 22 to 24. 1 Johnhon ofe Sglllh Dakota declared a - sumo’: ’ in trim chiefuiw He somveh her.‘ um‘ um-3,1,... _ Iter. and . . ii ‘I-___,_ _ gage, gag.“ 5,, :5}, {int gawnf to marry him and his manly qua}?-1' prone“), ext ; ‘W’ ”“’?50O Di-zuacmriis Eiu-isuiw oiuuoo. who fit . manner of the Jencth eomdn mil-d “The “mi “'5 '°°“ P"”“P‘ "°.' ‘° '°‘''-‘. "“"'- rental pr'operiy, »°d: . 1 ruleieonnlfitteetolrhiehthereoo-Al?‘-”°°m0lto Han Thug"-.‘When her hushandis captuiiedby bunk hang. _ . A - -“""‘ l - ~ ‘ ii ntryuien. ah his ; m.¢;;‘Dr. Brooks and Governor‘ Mine of ‘Reva!!!-tntwe Fmr 0! .‘°" “""° ‘.""" °‘3’“.’”°'!°““ ’‘°“‘‘T‘‘‘'§ " °°"- - . ° ‘°":° ‘° + Office phon. inn in i _ . ind wljnm _ "1 pmdm,,¢ pg-fincgptuy fa, i.n‘hm‘d rescue with highly dramatic iiesults., C She Hyde. Will Speak— I M, “mafia. > ¢,,,,,. 5, purpooesrthero Ia. liovrever. an in-j A comedy entitled “Babies Wei-L R”“°"°° """"i* 5°‘ ’-"°""3 ~ Elaborate Music t * 5 i o. as-ans -an aniernancxea wuulme-5" “'1' -1" be on the PW-m-". . ‘"3 WW’: . , . ' ‘ -' - the large vein of.eoiaed . Buster .-. _ _,_.____-._ ..___ - , report that Wooll hid nieni . . Y -..-..._ . '5 s- -Arranged. ' , ' 3,,‘ 5- 0, depicts the love affairs of . young‘ ~« dedin l8'St—" * - ..°‘.’°"..““' i '.,..,. . * . e .. » . r“= I ‘ . III at neemwth mn“lms»_.-om om" F 3,_ 1,“, urumk mm:L.f‘?::flm‘;6:h':°w““°“fit:‘:‘$:f.;§} i V It-flfr . . >1 , .;::..,,\_. ~~ -u «?.?‘»‘i.‘*.°....*"'.°°"‘;'.*".°.° :'..*°;:° 2?‘ he m» 5 ”*~*"~**"°=".*;.“ * » ii‘: ":5 ‘*“'.'.*.°‘k*°..‘:"°'°-=i COLUMBIA THEATRE “ - g 5 .- . ; ry . em: -1- V » R”, . i piiiraxi-:sa_1'iz1riicA - . » em ie ace. en e con-i _ ‘ 5 f~f¢l'1||¢l’l¥ "88 ¢0“3$Y. .. 1' --fggfiovey. secretary of the TY. c°w‘."‘.‘l'°f:f°' F031] A;_,N3w'flg'.1‘s1‘fi\’i;qtieat went to the strongest and in. ' “ . . ‘ . :.A B“°h'. C°‘“"7' PM 7"" cm 31-. announced t.oda:- " 003313558 03' 5' ' . ' - - « 5, ~——l-‘‘----—-- '="3““.7 , this ern ace of ours. Buster also V I - " A """"(’: "“"";""' “gt -.¢‘L"‘.".f.’ClC""fzens are in-kin: nrruiceménts to:§:‘°"‘h';i::;:‘@g‘::-u3£f:”°:¥' ‘;:;"o1viscouni Kelgo Kiyoim la Iudueed1.;t,.;u 3,, mm, ,3, 0; ,,o,;,,¢ 1,,‘ '_ 33”‘ ‘ “"3 ‘‘ °‘°' entertain about five hundred dele-C’ ‘ ‘ ' ' I to Reiuaie Ills Efforts to ,3; the, ,3” gmtuv, ,5"; ml, . « ‘.5 land‘: first administration. - - i ‘am: canwl Ind cutters» 82~5°@ 5 - ' - A ’ , , .___ gates in their homes. The churches .3.25_ “ha "25o@1z75_ “och!” Organize a Cahiiet. pawn of mm. 9; {get ‘azure gnd sxvuub Ix’ . E. L. UAKE are eo-operating _with the L M. ‘C. :1 (feed '. 6 IL ’ n '_""‘”" " ‘built inproportion which only made : A BR ._ ‘ ;A. htere in providing this entertain-£»4‘"Hou__e£;ei;b. 15000, muket nyq‘-J0;‘{"‘oT'3:p,n. Jam 3__v;,c°um I word: tntnnore compli .i S. 3 Severe Shocks Rock Mon mi and mi?“ . ’ 5 . j . ' ' ' .1 x 3 13 ed 1.‘ . ll 0 t 9001' 931"!"-I “MEN .' . . . I ' m. U - San coma j Gigerarzor kt. it. Syd: .;n:ihs:I§.t-::ed‘fu:5° "g;‘f'@-,.7‘j;.§_"V;i:h:’f5’@é;fg;i efjfrfs m’;‘;‘;fn" ,,e:,",,,',°'-".'f.', _,,,‘: 3:11 be complete the short iris on . in a re-edition of his famous “bad man” pi : £37 -nu-Irv-.. . ton . roo .i>res n o e m-‘- , ' . ' . . ~ ' h'lled “\\ P » ‘ ' ,o,’f,°‘3,§;,",';-P:-,:;3;';,;‘,";;.4;f, t,,;. “;='=*tg;-_,';'=;*t"‘§,*;;;_";¢';;**,§g ‘?;f'.§‘$§‘fs"e73‘o‘Z9>s‘.7»;. P5;’:5.$5‘.:5ck@:; 'i‘."‘l".‘.‘. “.1'§'.'.Z’.’3 "2§.§‘?.. ’}.°I§""‘:....." MP3‘?-33~~lI c;3ed>~- 3'. " “THE SOUL OF HATE” . '~ ii a s t .. _ ‘. ‘ . - - — . - “Wm “flhqudw . shocks web for the boon on sumda . Febma -. 6.45; bulk. 67.l0@7.45.- ‘I need to attempt to organize ii (iiiluuhia-.—l-‘rlday and Saturday. 0 . . . .‘ -y_ , ” u y: 3. rs ngina v tit ‘The D l D b ~ ~ _ - .m¢hd the dfigtfict between mm.“ 2., G Hyd . ‘ wk 1 Sheep—Receipts. 600: market cabinet once The Law of the_Laviless will he _. , _ 8\l S 011 18 ..,.-V ,. m _ ‘ ; - _ nu.‘ ovgmor e as 0 on ,md_‘.; ewe,‘ ,5.o.,@7.-,-5; um” ._._.__~ the feature attraction at the Colum- The artist s wife beards the bad man in 1.“ V I ppolfo and San Cos nxe for liirt}. Missouri: Call to Greater Man- CASOUNE Pumas FLLYCTUATE bi, Th mt { r ‘his Fri“ , ‘mi. . _ lit d 1 on I I 1" y M ‘Weiss: hours ‘until noo oday. or.i-.,,°od_.. ma Pmidm Bram is to gsilzcgzgoi-;si5$1.60@5.00: wool lambs. ___q s;;um;- 0 s gambling den and wins. _ ~‘ - _ ::.'.':°..*°.:*..':’r.'.:.'.'*"'.....§..u‘.°.' 3::.":°;:i"‘i‘:..1’:i:;*°:.°‘.J. 5 °:.;;’::.":"”'‘ °““ ‘° .. ..;%r.—.:.r..... "““»'§‘w“-»°»'«"‘€~=-‘in s‘»‘«1‘m’s°«'¥-»""' ‘ .‘:.°'.:"'°’,..?.':.‘.:‘:;‘ .*;::: :.'.°.:° 5:2“ 5 Also 5 4'5 5 -fiu“es m k the _ _ ° _, - , _ I . _ _ Cl! er ‘ 0 . .6 1 en _ d :‘:.::'.:::.'“"‘ " ":.‘.....**-vi» --my .... “" ° ° g *’:':**".°.'..::.,:.’: .......... ....’.*::..**::°...“"°..‘::.°'.:'::.‘:.:'.::.::t mm-e=>v~ we» A cameo co-may r w tfyltfilfi of that enables.’ cm-"M, nydc R,‘ :5 m.ufl._‘\ City. in-ho spoke here last full. is whigez 72¢; SLPL 75¢‘; gain 7;“; dud. .n¢,,myh..,,,i.' ‘mg ‘man on .Sg':l:'§"“:°{er:‘:°u}::d’;:ns'#unI’)'oB°!;;_ . fl in to give a couple nieoid of ~ .(;m.¢,.,,°,. Ann", Hyde-5 pkg, 1.9 spealt each day at conference.‘ _- ‘Qais—No. 2 white, 4655c: No. 3 stations having raised‘ the. price 5. wen u ‘ Tam, gm. and this Hodge Podge «Q; fik l|“4_“l°‘<“ ‘ "'°'?""“‘ ‘*9’ incians re‘t;hp;it-tfiiim in ‘better conditligg fgithzuliyffitgtsgranolgg u'h‘i‘t';.:. 4t5:§f@t:6c; Msa:'.L74‘:u(<):g J I 1‘l.£;%uts wa det8t::npn}§es17(;f embles her to we“ the picturesque . ‘g «' ‘ any emus, ainin -“ v ' ‘,5 ea 0 !‘e— D - : 0)’ _ el1‘jv"~;‘ m A survey of the hiisinesa houseafsmui :1, d ' f u,’ t 1 _-,, and "The Greater Challenge." Some ;1_or, ’ ;the other run Columbia fcmlln - — - ~ — ' ' - -~~ —- . “of Coluinhta nnas thfifi‘e°d!'!§!'ClHI:;d 3,.” . ;ege:,,:,, cg; di5,‘,§;1,, me of the other speakers are as fol- 5 txfiieoi (red)———!\'o. 2, 81.16; No, 3,‘1he_a;TT:'_ agcefcvre being 11.2 I, In inventories V i meigovernor dei-eloped :3 heavy cold on lows: I-.arl \\‘. Bmndenliuig. Qhi- §1,o7_ , 11,43!’ h "333°b;r]uuun ~ 3‘ m°"Fh3’":'. P7060 11 (‘glue recent trips to Kansas City ‘and cage; Harry Whlte.'l\ew Xorlt City: ; \\'heag (hm‘d)__.xo. g_ 31.05; yo. tfmgig o are ram . '1 C013"?! V130!’ ‘Weir 01'": «U ‘"3’ ;St. Louis and has been in bed since Boyd 1. \\ alker. Chicago; L. C. lic- , 93¢ _ 0 It): V130" C0-F“P"”°;.2ued ' in 33 "3 000"" rug!‘ 19 glut Saturday night. worth. St. Louis. “""""""_; ' g-die“ Ire hv f. 3. & ‘ #3‘ ya,’ the V ‘ - 0.. 0 - 3&1 ‘ 'R'“o’m. '.- The music of the conference will. 9798)‘ Chlftes Qllflhed 5)‘ 353509-,°° "3 ,"°. t $15 ’“".“‘°; ° Ac of ;,‘1‘,‘;;‘.':',,,‘;‘,", ,";,,,,";f,‘l .,,",,’,',:‘;;‘,’, n.''‘.?.'.';'... .-..S'.'. ’°"' "'3 ”‘ to under we dir°°**°" °* <=¢°*%°="’z>”I‘i'.'1"i{’£"‘:.... 3 am... u...yf§3i‘§i’§‘3?‘2 .‘§.éu‘.‘.'.§".‘I.”...°T.°,;......'i = 9' vlv » -. ,_,__ _,.t‘ bell.d' t of or” ii‘ ‘ "" x , .v 5 W "*‘°?' *' .. 3:." ‘::3.'.:...“:;: °.:::~;. 1:. .. 1 "+':'.::.:.%**°°~v or ":'~'.D="'~2 mm ow» mm M mi -i -v-~_:m=- - . - «. upochuy In woman. 0 ‘ M - I v ‘ ' -i~ ' . (‘ollt It is «aid that the muaical'Pmt“mm hmuop“ Chunk why ’ *5 ‘ ' ch pzirtinents. ; N0 9” {mm “'9' 3“ --‘'- ”‘’°°“5-‘- 7"’ . ’ :quiished the heresy charges against Turkey’! DWI 793“ ”|l'k¢'t- ,9 - In llerchants as a whale deire the )'¢S’~‘-‘1'd1l}'- Ni"? W"! M“ 0P “W _"""“?"': mu 3"'f°3:' °{ mi‘: °"t"“'"d‘=the Rev. Lee Heaton, of Fort Worth.‘ Tlflkfyfi 0"? 1i (3701! On the ml!“ '_ M stock on hand at the time o! the in. watchmen and t--‘<‘uIw-I with the but W‘ “ “"”‘ ° " “"" “”"""°~ i h- h rd - d th t he tr’ 1 I; t i Texas. at ‘pl-ices ranging {mm _ . i , ventaory tophe as low as ponaifle as in automobiles. . The conference is under the ii_u-3:9 thleld? 0 (re a no my m . lfei t:in18 cents ii pound alive. : l thifi ‘mus W ‘fl an _ _ 1 ‘ -~«-«~.:.. we * - Clearance. Sale ‘-3 73:... °.f ...§.Z'°;’...2’.o ’. ".253; 1 ' ‘~‘ “‘ the lpuaineh policy for the‘, year to . ‘ i . _ V _ 2 come. Columbia stocks. according - g d torepo for the mostpartin. . ' ' good condition to start new year, ' E ’ . wz although there has been less buying» - f ‘ in many‘ lines than was expected. . , 2 ‘ . nditioiuh_ereniaybesaidtob.‘ ; bi afair liidei to conditions deewhere _ i ' ‘ an judging by the reports of the fiiion-.. . ‘ 1 ' _ chi! and business publications of the" ,_ .. . V ‘Q ‘ confiuy. -—-——-—-—-——- . 5" I do F 5 . ws sorr %oU.T.§:o3.15.;.o:;mE.m . A Pm GREATLY UCED . L no u mg ..very Overcoat g '~ ,0 Southern Co: Output! " . . 7 ' 11 1 ooaiotocenrm -. .‘ ,‘ 0 , ‘.w'i-sci. c..s."‘a'u... %‘° A ; Every pair of high and low shoes in - and Slllt In Our StOCk - ‘i 6' -———-—* 3 ‘ ' i * I 3 di n n ma r _ ~ : . - - - . 'S.,;";_o{,';§. _,u 3___w‘m ,,i,,_% H our extensive stock has been drastically . V 3 grodwzgwdhlgom th°m¢;f;h¢°;f; _ reduced in price for mu. Our merchandising policy demlmds a complete clear- A In 3° 9'' °"‘‘ °' “' :93" 333:; M1D.w1NTER CLEARANCE SALE ance at the end of every season. This semi-annual clear- 1; head uarte '01 the 1” th and . - at a , H, 2 "‘ 5 . , ance enables you to buy clothes of character and quality 9‘ ninth coal districts of Illinois here . Good runs of sizes and many styles. W :..'1.Z“.¥"l'i"”az“L'§.“2“.;.Z“ *“"’°‘ °‘. ‘ at genuine savings. 5 ' "‘ Mm. ,n,,,,, m ,.,,,;,,,,1,.,,_. mg, All good shoes carrying our guarantee. . 9 W “ zest of which are the four mines; ’ ' v guy .69!!! bu t'c¢;8_0»‘. i to $8M . ‘was placed in n p in g . ‘ . ‘ ‘East St. Louis i'esterdni°- 1 Now $2.95 and $3.45 NER & MARX AND OTIER FINE \, . ’ .5 nor .imni.iuu~i ro ‘si=aAit' . - 5 , Wm “jn."u':'f_”§,T_. c_ A_ ,[’,,,_ _Woinen’s Oxfords and Straps in Calf_skin,.Kids_kin, ARE OFFERED THE \ ~ in 1¢¢g¢"11....».a.y, ‘ ~ Satin. §uede and Patent Leather. featuringcollegiate. -REDUC'rIONS:\ T‘ 5 ,1 p,.,{_ A, p_ guumu. of .5, ,.,¢;.,._ military and box eels. A wide an vari .aasort- -. 2 - ' . . . an logy departfiient or the Univei-xi ment——thc correct type for wear with wool hosiery. ’ ‘ ‘ _. _ ‘ii is to speak on "The Present lnte1lec- 5 ' . T : - I I’ tual and Sec Unrest" at Y. w. ‘ Per Cent ' . . " "“ :1 C.A. ' tobeheldlt ‘cl lt - . . , ' =' i new and” in the uni:¢r::yl Special. groups of Women s High and Low shoes i 5' , _- y ,. Audi Y ' ch’? _ r at 45c and $1.95. .‘ l ; magma‘ wy'.lfternooC A. in t:::ii:;:le:l Black and brown kid and calfskin models in K 3 . I ; . ii plans for the aeoond semester's ac-‘ ; broken sizes. P . C 9 ~ 5 ‘ ziviiio-._ mu sou Walnip. soc-’ .: - er ent ‘ _*‘ rctaryi _ age:-iio_en. wmdeiiting? p ' b . 2 of the nuocia on was ' y. . 5 ' ‘ . ,’ o » _ nub M" u 8’”H.n“F i 1; Mens Oxfords and High Shoes. $2.95 to $3.95.; 4 . . i T T‘ Q *5 Prof. W terélurr of the Kansas: :' Men's Florsheim Oxfords and,Shoes now $6.95 to $8.85. ' V , _ \ dittu gm sup,” in u, - Boy's and Girl's school shoes now $1.95 to $3.45. - . my ‘ p ‘ p . , ‘mo L of so‘ eltzcritbia 5 V ' d 5 v if‘ A 3 try Ltfe.",at10: 70' ' A . 4 ' .- a during Tux iii’: of Januag I . ‘in ~ a S ial-‘Worn ’ ‘ _, ( edos ‘ R ‘ 5 ?~ $9.00 and $9.50 Arch Pre- 5 - . - I . 5 ‘- 5' . .1.“ ’£3 "i':'i‘..‘.f’..a‘:'.? w... A4 ‘ Bl k d B do B°y“‘95°k°' S“‘t“3° '9 dim‘ "L a 5 = "3 ’ _. _ Server, ac . an row“ A '. ." ‘ . l ; .‘ ’ S»';«..-,' E range], mid ' .....i Kid OX1’ (1 7 $6 95. Slieep:Lined and 20 per cent of. 3 “,1 ‘ . s . i ‘ . ...,._. ,. ‘ V - -'._,."‘=:_.‘:.. . "L 5 : g t ._._ :0. .9. renal." .1: . 5 , __ ; All Odd Trousers 20 percent ofi. ; . 3 1 ji . ' , Q t ‘ ’ - . . _ ' . " 5 Sale Starts Fflda ' : Fur Collars so per 09“ 95- Q i 9 1' 5‘ Jaiiu 4th 8a’-m. 9 All 5‘ on ‘ to V g ‘ J a 9 . i Say: eringsforCasliOnly . YE . 7 'i,i *‘ ‘ — rm l ~ . 5 o +-» .. . 5 ~;»‘ . . -_ . ,, ’ ~. , \: - is mm 5&1?!’ BR : i ' F810 Biioadway % 3 ;‘ 7 " " Co1ninhia,Mo_. .; L r _ .3, ‘ , _p L. ‘ , V E . ! j ; :~ .1 .1 . , ‘ _. ,"¢ '3.’ i _ g I; 5 _ , ,3 - . _ ; ‘ ‘as; -: fléf ‘,. ‘ - .5 ‘-if _‘:: . j . '3‘. ‘i- . -. - V " ‘ . . ,_ P. - . " ‘_".(L, ' I ’ J ,_.o I .. 7' :A 3' ii‘ Lg- .- . ; , . ; . ,1; g- ' _ ; kg; _ ,7 _. L’ _. ,4".“;_V if‘ .. E ‘.2... ,$ ‘.5. ;_ ‘ U-9:. ‘._‘:‘.). ’- ‘$13; ‘ ‘._~_’;.‘ 1' .. ._-: _ ‘ ' -‘ p ‘K 4 ;‘ _ u