4.—.o""""- I . . -on - 4- ‘- to-.» 2 2--. :- ' ' ' .- .. ...v.. -' .e..:..‘.;{.«l.‘.-‘ “ - ,__.,,_. .. ....a.-¢.rv-N-a-53-—4~‘f3“““ I . -__ ........ .....Q._....-.... ------r‘ r . «. r‘, i P . i ' , o. _ V . . V. 5 . ‘ i , n ‘ I. ‘ l‘ . thatniakethemostcalbn / l Judsins from the extensive build-‘E23; all”: line now in °°"m"°' 1 church in the early days ofi0hfi8-"Md *0 “'0 Ch''i*'»''‘°S ‘*°°°*'“i°"- '7 - °h‘”'ch“ "‘."'ki“¢ °“ b"ndlI¥ P133’-iis better tthfian it was at the start of i der the mistletoe meant a wedding were often seen in tho Chfiltmns-and ‘he ,,_,1c, of the md 43-- A .V -"“,‘°"”d ‘WW5 Pflcflcilt in . , i lmsle who tritles with a ‘ll’l'8h8f‘H.'z§be“ :“P°“ th“ h°" ""1 5°’ ‘$885’ - l o lunioea States. s; e . sozilte Richards 0'1-lnre, st. LouisLtion.s. But it the cm had: i.e.er°h“'9¢- S“°“‘"¢ ‘° Wm‘ ‘*1 ‘Pitt « r- .- One Inch quack‘ doctor. fit it al-: 15‘: "50 ‘"3. imprisoned It ltlueht to measure manhood instead °f d‘“3"°°‘bl° “_'“'-l‘°"v “'9 hen’ . - 4-3 . flaw. (_ —.~ 5- -o «~,- ~4 -v -« -»..- -- ~ .-we‘: a vein - ~.. * rs 4: z‘‘‘ 3 -"5'-‘.1353:-\V‘?-v.-;.-;~!‘e:..,V;=f?§:‘f§{§7:‘7T’.a.,:«.-ri i.~.-:f+.-.~:‘*=3”:.-«.:-‘fa; 5 :- w (Li 1!‘ \ éY..'-:.‘ . ‘ 4 a ,.a .15 O) ,.'. r . e , . ‘V \_. , -. ‘ ‘- \ . . ‘ , ’ , ~ . , L ' i -7'_ I no ‘ M ‘I 3 | I . I _ J.‘ -,.o .“ ":5 ‘ls . 7 X I we 1* ‘I -K . . _ V _ ‘.2’. .,_: . _ ___v,_ 1, :7..- A . 1.. ‘ti: lg . - -' --; .‘ v . G!!!‘ tbfl’. 1! ,'XI_ryL ray will-get the recreation and _ ~‘ .. ;._ Interest gflillf ‘lfi'§tory* ' ii. Autoist—- o - i no» mm» M 0‘-“*°—4?—"!¢1i"*i"=*°'¢"° he-ad-. --we-tion ow. ;=1611 Wi1s°ofAv - Vi ‘ ; J.‘ You ‘mu ‘ at d.,_idepai:unentofthe niverslty.who_is:physical training is the/maln,pur-1 * *' _ ' -_« f : W." pmhpuy be” for . is; her home at ‘pose of the course. . ‘ A _: nmherotyeara.andatleastyou:::‘”° - ”°"’“u.°-flu.‘ ‘ ’“""*" ’°“”°" °"“"‘ °‘ dd" Col.J ll r Williams,.128thFidd 1. rr ' * 5 l 3“. m,,fim’‘‘’‘‘m”‘u But d°°:,:m‘kmuwm'°::§Artiller;. tllisourl Nationdl cum; Auto towing and work. BOONE COUNTY ; i ' u, and Haj. Carl A. Baehr of 2368_or 583.,Xllrry -'3 hlnaon.: _g gjngfige, "1 , have i “W p g 1.1. AND 1.. w. citoss _ l“ Phone 6175 . lrl £4 ‘ _.. .- - - , e .-_ . Ow-v-J‘ <"' fa:-macaw‘.-.4 V ‘— '47 Q ' " . ,.. —- 'o.o'.'-5,. .. -. , ~........m:Io vi’ _ W~._o53}e__‘l’I ' ’ T ; 999?")-33-'3’ t’ f. Helene is coming: _.4ide.io5} -- ----.- . .-.,-.- , , gt l‘§_f._Eg._. ' a. i E 3 5. K 9.9.39 H‘! ‘he 395*?“ ' rve motor l|¢l11ll3¢!‘°d.‘Vi¢_1_l. 3313“! 8880- ;b;adn’t given it a thought. Wktimnl ‘° Alb”, qm'm°ml"‘ ' the etoo. was lsimotor tier « .,""""“ . . ’4“‘*.".‘°°“"“'* _ l l ieee _ iweu, niotoretiquette is imauieg.”"'°"" "“°" "‘° "“““°“"‘ “'i '1“ ‘."”'°""!"‘ o"9"‘ T .k iandehunehu, hjhe homgft ma ohgfiying 5.3, an 1..., ,1 y.m-.'3¢d‘l“"*?i"' 9‘“°h"'°°‘ ‘"5 C°m'_' .._._,_-._ -, Hi. _ -€83‘ '. PM in .1.‘ ‘ate ’&wOfl, one alldvsstibulsa. and honoéd dg-ivi:d.and‘the unwritten in dim.-ll! ‘F5’ ‘ i _ , most brilliant and .'I'hc “road hog". tlIe.“bfight head- yn%CAL 1-:f"q1x¢!;Rw0RK Z - showy‘ oi the Christmas nova {am-‘light man." and the “speedster" are! __ s.... 0 . d’ a younger member, hasiwell recognized o{'tO. C. Clough Outlines Tdurnametit ' gt gdlrnomr etiquette 01 which we a disregsrders ‘ ‘ml’ 5""-'“'°°i""di' forlnsotor etiquettezrwe all know thern;& for _Students That Will In- t‘” Mal“. 1 ,9 e;.—.: so ‘ A ‘ 7 . -’ old. _ 1'8, . "."."""—“ _. _ «on on we mm-i-= on «i no do F ab'-rzc e---- e . . . . I ‘ , . \ . v ; '1 _- .‘ — .' , . . . l . _ V . ' ' f _ poooasfeapseopoocoq _. ,_« -‘V ‘ - . ~ - , 9- ‘ ‘ 2' 3. 1 _ 'O.U"DCOQ_OIDIOO ‘co ‘ ' ‘ '_ ',o . ‘ . .' ’ ~ ' 1 ' I iii: ‘ 5 .' o«en.. '. . i. .L '___1 .. a ~ 1... .- -..__ __ -..J_.....- ' ‘ "‘ ,—_.. .__ ~- ~ '1 e -_ vs. . ‘Lou.-.\ .. \‘- .v‘.' ‘ .. ‘~'.e_.‘£~ ‘. 4 ‘. 1; {Q9 lhut there are othergviolations ad . elude Seven Events. horn _ _ ‘ ot nexiee and the grat heights orkoow It r - , University, will start Monday. Dr. -pienifime thrived. se.“i’..°i’;"°§’.°’..§.7'.‘If.?.‘;a}.?iZ"x?.'§" zl:i2‘°- 94 C10 *1» "*i'“*'- W °“‘““°“' " i ' .’ ‘ I . _g.mw; ‘ lan i tra " tournament for the . o{"h”bn'.w‘E°u‘:‘;:2ft3: ‘ifciegcnu tag, ,::,:be;ed:ivarid‘us groups» of students taking AS Well 3S the St'l‘OlQ . - . I - ' ~ . Th ‘ll be -won or = mm «~m:s«o= ::::"..:'.*‘°..2.°‘..::‘:..:::' ‘:;:...':‘:;"..:;;':::..,.";..‘*.:':. :::"‘... :;::...'::,.....- ones last longer when . and because» he believed? ~ ' .which will begin Monday rning. ° , ' , - uieeie could be given a pimmongl:;:e“0“;‘§:l: :;§“‘”°‘l”t’;°;§""°’;i..m, ,h,_. gm mm, ,,,d..,, mm . . SW9“ the D1‘ 01391 09-1'€g‘I!fs: 2 i fg n E i sly ? 2 El 3." - 5 ‘ 1,, “ea nygdtbrandies. nohonor great ' _ _ _ _ _ 1 id when ., ,°,,°,','...'§:,,‘° u um.o ‘to ply to tllt ‘ht! "M mmlfied fl°'°“' " why b°'u'gthc part of one or both of the lIIr~I'“u °°“m_“ %¢"'°’}n':“'"b°’ °f P°"‘h“ ‘ l3h8i13»Ul1d1'Y- D01'n'Cl0 :' ,3. , __ '' I ' to possess great a“":°“" “' Chmm” 359- - . for the e total of possi- _ r . . \ .. r i - :-rise at the William 19"” m}p°::1. , 3.... .1... It as wood In honor 01 D~ctor.”'°i-‘’°m -The" "9 "3°" mm" ble points to be gained is we. and a service means ro 51‘ or IL} hag lg in st. Lou“ ‘powers 0 118 t Pang“ who spent hi‘ time “d accidents in St. Louis in one day th bu hum‘ we mos: points at 2 , I e '4 rewi . .- i band. give. ~ - - , - - e c v i aieee°”.::'..§e'b¢..fi..{':.'hr“£' Iv tour yeim ‘met; ;:id‘:§;d, ....1¢°.'1§..w.gn.a§ manor in gtudyinz the-A-plum. andg;h¢:: f,2‘;"i,,,f’,'°(,.,;.?°,',,°e':,l,’i'E;.,’,'.',,,,f;ihe end of the contests will be do» and DTODGT 19~1md1'Y 1'0 * riot “ i.‘ only by mum“ ,after the advent of proliihitiortii has.°n1y by the Dmm. €30.33 fa. 35.’. by interesting a florist-in -its cul-3 bums are beue,._d,.5W,.s_ -I-he, juuclared superior. ' - . 4. ' ._ OdS___On1y Soft; .~m’«'-’.;_ » . ulfl” . ; 30°‘, been taken over by the Interns onal. titre haw"-t as mam. chances to make The shuttle relay race and cialis- -.. :_ .1: o -_-.211: :3 925.: c _f.-? will+ e out and perfection may heisbogcg, I . but t the New Y“; Gets Name From Greek Legend flak ithenics will count for twenty cred- water and pu1:‘e 5 1 ’ rm ‘on as it is known‘ ‘ ' ——————y-~ _ :”On' 0'3"" H of me A story of love and tragedy would- "'1 ;. es.’ H h 65 . its each; the straddle relay and vol. T J, ' ‘ l to mankind. ~ . lCi§“fihSt;i'‘;‘u’;‘;"5d’g‘f_f‘a‘;’;s‘’;{Klj"“‘l ':f::;"°g,"‘E°,‘n§,u ,.,,,,‘,, ad, :2: bathe roundtahle offering of the lat. D, :.;,u’ ,_,:,,f,'°w,,,‘,'°,,,, Tfgfieg ball will eeeii be worth fifteen are used. The hundlg; ‘f. n'l|"€n 3110'" Imollti ialesmenh 4 f 1 uy 25 ‘ 9,] ¢i’son as a talisman agaimt illness. ;°“ “""‘l_“"°”‘_ch"‘"_“'~a°"' right-of-way when two are meet3P°'m3 30 7-ht Victor; and indoor f 7 t‘.d___ ..‘ :hat the most eueeeeerui th 2; i:is°ife::°tce:eiTf' eedm : gill“ ‘ Earl Christi Disfavored It I°"’l we “my “Me “rams, theta‘ 3 mm mmewon, no the bum“, hm’ mm and can ban care u 3 Sor ’ e D it _ Ilre~ 0:; e o n y am es”. y ans , 1. _h.h _ -H - .- .11 ti t . th ‘ e . . ‘ at Jnes turned down the most. (or theiinlthat citY- - ; Then. unis a-period‘ of dsep.:,f:,y,¢e,m!;f,.-oite\;.;;:1e :}?cgf)e:!'ttfl88rl(l)S. :l1i_:u‘;(-.:d‘dlt’;)cuW°herdrTa:)rld 23:; :l""lE:n98<:ll Otiipomu to 6 Cum D1908 being laundered». !‘ ; ‘hunk run" ant they“,-b.,;;:t°m‘i Work will t February I lmm‘fl°” in we “R °‘ u‘°—mi‘u°‘°°'goes back to th cGreek legend of has me pedestrian the rightaof-way D040?‘ Cl0|1£h'!f' aim is to awaken nl6th0d SCl€ntl_flC ' ‘I! '"3’!.°‘”’°!f#C 4 ap- _ r-I" ;for it was looked IIDOII With €l‘eIt.Nm-cg u _ gh uy h { 11 ° i 4 ., 1 , . ' 9 . h and maintain an interest in.athl-t‘ , . a. mi,‘ ‘° °u“”' 5‘-‘Id’ °{ ‘:"‘d.“"°" ‘*5 ‘;{'lV:'l',n::fllf)1ll68°’g?fl':ot(§(l)fl':l'lyR%Tt. idktmst indthe Of !Eh|'i_5'.3 with l:1‘l:i—f)\h' et‘flefl‘.1l(?:l iii tchelvtafdi-(l lt‘:l,lt‘s"lr'l'e(:it[).t'C(l‘l'!?‘é()llll‘l:ll):8;. :°°mP‘-’tm°"- “"4 1” ‘‘‘'‘’''3' "W" pfirnnents h?"'e proven ' w 1. Two individuals with the same to replace the hotel burned to the.‘i‘"lltY-In W88 0" l 9'13 P ¢¢_"“ Spurni 0 love of Echo. one of W}; has the right-of-way where an _ _ aw __ ' ' . ' ‘ °9P°''“mm°’ ‘my ‘“"“mi‘°“ lif'~"3&'61|‘ Y- ‘ ‘we €‘:%enl'mt.::.l;::.:ffl:: { 3" T-the nymmhs. and showinlt but littlc."alle:' or garage entrance crosses the — ‘ ‘ _ A" 3? :he $01)? fo ‘ work. Itis probgblg ufifn; mom? ————--‘ _ 983°C‘ regret for his heurtlca-mess he was sidewalk? Between. what hours ' a lcu ar Ia me. mead“ on ‘m be 0; ma~Uat fi2o$.b:ma??r::::£fi:;* 1; igmtnoldifin the old church» re_c-opunishod by being made to suffer tau:-it you dfispliliy ligl;_tsl? h'W,hli)it (iis TYPE“ALL “Ana ~ _ . ds. t it ever appeared 111.: similar experience. spending all t e proper isp 115' o is ts.’ ea . i . {thirty deaths from automobile acci- d 5 .11 wed ‘ti h~ d . - h- . ‘Ten - -d d 9 W}, ,_ - th to,._ - .; T59 but my '0 °W=mm=e- div klents in St. Louis in 1923 The tO- ‘ ° “’°“‘?” ‘°°"‘ °"’ ° '.' : '5 ‘Y-‘ “°°"‘¥- "‘ °“"i °°“°"- 3“ ° “" ."-“"- “ "' ° '"° 3 iueauu. 87.50 Up . ‘ ' . T ' « . ' - because some sexton was ix-‘land finally dying of bitter disap- ist required to do when another 5,“ Run, A- F" P‘ _ . courlgemcnti tolcno that '; f_ , .w“ . , -, - _ - - - 9 ‘'°'' '’ V - h on .0 b‘dly3oflbflmt‘.'w:eou1l(;€;:!t'!tal or 1923p?" 135w‘ . noront of its history. or careless.‘ po;ngmenL qhe nympbs_ ‘so the d1'l\t.‘t.WlSl‘lc:- to p888’lllm either on dun’ Ban,“ ‘5 Putnontk ‘ be in a worse mndmoh. to 1 A big badge“ when attacked by ~But woe came to the green when :‘story goes. searched for his bod)’ am “"9910? h|l?hW8)'- What Hf "19 W _ . o ~% .. ........... ..... .........=L.::.:‘;:ao~s o-was o so or 2m to *~°.°*."'° *;...°"".: mom; to M "....i‘.’.§Il.‘i.’ "W “W” I aund & Dr Cleanin Co ~ , ~ ._ imlsaor Springs lulled one dog and se- ' "95'~¢d "l{°"_'l- °" ° '9" ml‘: 70394 in the place where the body. -. . _ _ 11,, gummn, A‘¢.',q -4 ry y e« ‘ mm W?“ "‘ °“’ u"jb“«‘f h°?verely injured two of -the others be+’m€di3t€1lv' KM-‘en for its removal .; had been xi flower with pure white ‘"7 "‘d'‘',‘“‘"‘5 “m“’' ‘mm’ amps‘ Pb. 592.R.ed.‘ ‘ -- -. . « . — A - » . wishes to it so. ‘ _ lfore he‘ could’ be captured. '9 I But there is a llint ofhapplnesslpellllv “."d,' 30,- NW)‘ named the ‘ma b‘°k'"“ "92 g A PeaiM’hertoa Hall _ -‘—'~—""""""""' A ‘—"—— ‘in the sad story of the mistletoe flower in his memory. ” 3’°"d<“l:" 3“5:'‘' 011 010:0 9:83 , - a V ‘ . ‘t nt-f" I t bnk t. . . . '.“ . - . . . lion n 'now wtoappytem_ ' 7 avg Ac-1!; CHURQHES ’ we 5' no oo em ii men ‘gm. while it was despised by the. Every year finds no“ floiu.-rs miyiimar (“Mug Sow know motor i _ A I _.g etiquette. If you don't you are not _ T “ ‘ ' " ' i i a good driver and are shlrking your - J 4 C _ . ai tla d cav d ’ nd i - . in: Plan In which the churches infemnied to aged." 8. W? nei'3:rd.n4o7 tianity, it was granted a place ini'l'he red and greens of former years c°l"ml’l5 8"! 1'0 8-Red. C0l|lmbl8!)'¢8!‘3 Old. 3 PY‘°mi"9"l ‘W89 "1811 mg. as; ‘:epr:1:i:::l:.,:. ggffgowgf ‘zfitzc rftiuiotg lgglpart toward the elimination : _ . “' If 0 J‘ ' ' “hm wen mceivelthe of thelthem ‘ ‘ ‘s-ided entertainment the same as itifanci Durini: the 13% 5'93!‘ Or 1W0 mill}: aéiillenlls mg! collisions. ‘ll Jerusalem of M’ d ' will tl: .9 -’ , --—.~-—- . ‘ ‘ . Z , _ F um ia 'ssourian wi . ‘ A 0! Mh:ul,I::)i.l'l‘;:& son! The business outlook for; 19$ 1:02‘r'dOe5 today. for even at so early a. the Van-coloro'd'strav. flowers lla\(£i'._‘pubush from time to time 3 series My ' mm‘ ~ e um‘ {the Tenth Federal Reserve district date. it was believed that-akiss un- cmoyed n reuxnl of interest an article” explaining mow, euquenef it it 1! llitifying to find them all 5 19g3j".¢¢o n‘ u, W_lJ_ 3,ne‘,., 3;: iwithin , run Lsesson. ’ i _ :._ together toward the relig-‘ernItiirm¢;{“the_ Federal‘ Reserve B PERSONAL ITEMS 1 of ‘N33 lfitwfmeflt Of the l"! "5" '- l ‘treatment ii viewpoint we do not I ‘ I 0 l o ."‘“"*=~'*h°.“h=—"o*ve=*i*r? n.. v'u'ETC—'&v w c A WHAT OTHERS SAY r .0‘ ha 7 : B d H * 1 l ‘belt ‘ m:;lo,t,,,§ut';°n,; 0'1» Stfliyosehi -Lela ' ‘pp?’ _:__r:°.__..__._. _ J. Forest went to Kansas City ; -_ o e wn . Tc 9' - ,. u . , il§lTlO!'lllIlR. -. ~ ‘ .o”€.‘1.’%’c’i;‘5f{§¢’%’.€~o..r a_ _ . nu - ,5 _ _ _ 1 , V ’ umcy. .. is rning. . . . . . . ' ' ; ‘f .w n “i:,‘1’t‘i",~f‘p‘, “f ‘;'“th’;’;;;’,§,‘:‘ffi,f,’ff';,T°f,"5oof‘”’ “"°""“'?°" wi1u‘f$,;;l*;3‘*;u;;b°T°§';'r:'§“;*§“;;‘§€ BY BRAVE MOTHER mar. 1:. n. Basket .......i to Kansas’. All three will have indigjidigal competition for peijll T i-hulldings'hetor°e the neediseven -"""—"’ ;' 'pne3gi diet ‘I him: A . " . ’. ‘ - E mm mm. The “W “mmgerxsflrmfiigiouzogfitiasozg- giidimby fizz‘ Wendi; :13.-‘gem Sometime heme“ we hmunm ...c§n::.)...D Wm" mm to Mobefly. centage attendance iecoids at Sunday School this Sun-! i which - _‘ .. ' - - {mm-. r1923 dui ii i ' (192, . .' , ' - i ; "°"‘.... ...... ..“3::.'.°‘:.°;.;:..?.1“;:.!:%;:':‘,:::.°.:.;:.‘”:::;*:.:+:':..::‘:*i’»i:‘I»ii’««""«i:?”i‘»’i‘o‘*-if ‘ind no $3 in we 31» 5» ?i"‘3»'»‘3° “want :2 ‘W R