’ 9 .' 3 . . 3- .’, " ‘V, , .‘ I. ..~ - ". . . - I ' -. - i i I‘ ‘ . ~ - - .,. - . .. . . «-. . ... . . . . . . , - ‘ , I i " " """"*‘ 1'1"" ‘,:~"..t¢l‘.2f'f"£.;’..fiY‘ » . ‘ .: .. 5‘ — ': ~ ‘ ' --~' 1‘ ..'. .‘* ‘ up ._ _ ~ .. . . -j-'_' ,-..- 1,-p , f '_ - i ' ’ , " ' . i ' . ~-..‘- .2 ' F". ' _' I - _‘ ‘:-,7.‘-' . .’_:_ O ' . 2....-!_ " .“ I ' ‘._ " Z. . ’__3 '3 I ' ' ' - ’ * . . ' f i . _ l l r v 6 l l . . six ‘PAGES, 43 cpLUMNs , i~coLuiii;3a'if.A;,“i7iji‘sfs‘i‘)fi"J_"i'§i;-gi5iii.gi~r, Jitnuiiw C ;. : :*“§, ASKED ' ‘ THE WEATHER MAN Loon Mi:ncii.oo~.nain “UNIVERSITY To ‘New Extension to Postoffice in . A ‘J '. Fol’ Coluuihia and vkinity K ‘ Lngfffijifiiog C ' NUMBER”iii'i , i my mmW__‘d mm;;ym;‘{‘IS DEAD FROM i . i i HAVE SCHOOL 1 Use for First Time This Morning‘ U_ 3 T0 H()]‘.]) '- i‘ f: _ ~ 2 Y’ ‘ V "*6 .- C". l : ~ _ _ fn ‘ . mouman‘ wmewub Love“ A I ~. y . E p ‘ , .0 FIN The new 818.000 extension to the‘ in; mail. although all arailahl ’, I .AW.ARl)'teinpcrat'ure.tonig)it about 24. A T V 4 . ‘=1 ‘ t _ _V ' F E i Pofilflfficfé is now’: completed. kind’ space is still used. The city , «—--———a.._- -._._..._ ._ u , - l -. ‘i 9' '5 service in the new quarters was riers remain in the old work. ..____._a._ . ij‘ started this morning. The work was -A new system of delivery ' th , . . "”“"“ , Board of Curators supervised by ‘A. Clark of the Grif- business district was started I-“:idaye._RecOgn1t1On “fould Submlt 0 ‘.,‘,,,~ med’ ‘* iatzu. iaiiiry 0 of,,,,,':,:’,f.,,’:i§’~,,°;','.§j,,.?"":.'§,i,f,f’":f,':,K,':-iWilliam I-I. Hughes wasg . : ' ‘ Inm §turc’Tneaday. and extrcme>north- . Stricken Yesterday J , . to Open fith Construction Co. of St. IAUIS. business houses receiving three dc-, Country to Coynmunjefic - . 3‘“'”t parfion t°"ighL '. . ° -' '1 ' . ‘ . i “On account of the Interest of liverles ii day The e ' I World Court Is p The high P urgnve with in M°1'f11n8 at 4 I 4.»3=.§ fl” F?" Term °f ; iii. Clark," said Postmaster ivooas- iii» office 0:) nieii: fi'Zii'l§§?e.°"l'i4 Pmpagandai He proposed, , . A usochtd com hu gone-mum ‘mg 5 9 ClOCl(. . pi - _ . _' T-ills Year. the extension not only fulfills every 4:45 and lU:33 o'clock in the mom- Stat '- i - ~- i A ‘l A‘ ‘detail ' the ‘is ' f h ' - - es‘ A .._._——- , southeast. Th weather haans :iod- ‘ FUN "'-ig‘-‘i‘6"hoRRo‘v! . us, :'FACULT€ ii“ p iris ' lt.CaEl:Ll8 o ttgfc mg and 2:30 ocloclt in the after. ‘ ' ' " ted’ ti-alstates and orig ERA]. ~ ;i . 1-:1.Ec1' _= Dams ns-n c o. 9 nos -noon. . ‘ . . ' V. E$A‘s §UBMlITTED‘fl: m;lli‘::i border; from$Monta‘rlia ‘ ———v-———-i 77 Z ‘ _ Ll 5'? ' .___.._....' ’ fl°° l‘d9P3!;I:fh1. but‘ is “rid better b Tlwo n('W'C8!'!£l‘cl’3 were asked for TRADE 15 NO“ Ihniosélauz - - x (aid, g‘ - ' «' _= flinilding. ericonsruc .t.an "sun.-it 'ood,h 1» i‘ . T" . U. S. Co,-Operation in.::1d§:ai::f-rim sols“: ":"':"; Was Made President of‘ Take fOl‘?:.w" mqumd_ one of W improw hf“ gm ‘inffned by“the"‘I,f)'s‘tffl;’i';:.Great Britain Likely to Of Nations hflviégg ovcrspreiiid L0lll:‘lIfl«lI‘: .Me.l‘Cl'lEl'll.S ’ ' _-i »- IS if:g“g:;t';%§‘fihi‘eror-icifizti-izl yiliiiihifiltlicgafi-1 l)(")'\:l’t!n('n:. if the amofint of mg“; Accept Soviet G0\._ « ii ma, eorgiii. an muc n v . ‘_,~ _. _ o 2. '~'ll coiinizes o increase. owev-r, N50 S“gge5t9d , l"l0r’lll.'t. _ Association ast ‘3 etllla ty nor die v"°§I«n6sz (ll\'i,3l()n. The i-rim :%t'c0n(l one will have to he did; emment S°°"i S3.V'5 by P1an_ : lllghvniys: I-‘riizieii, slippery. February. 4.1. and carriers are plci~..«-ed." in ii vi-iy shqrt time. according to: Laborit(._ _' ~-_——4-_«-—- . floor--of theuiiiililiiiii is of .’lli'. 'i\uodii " . The 0T Fl"? 5118. I 8833- white maple. the‘ wiillz. are of white A ii-quest him been made by Point-Mn’ U"““' ""'” - ' iariite division consisting of the dc» plaster. and eight liirtgc chzindi-lit-r.~' fll:1.'~'l(‘l‘ Woods of the Po:-itoffice De- I’0NDO_N' "‘"‘° 7"‘"l':""" 7“ ‘l'!“‘— . piirtments of art and music pos.) wpply u “gm ,.;,_..3. 0" mp (.}.(.$_ ',u,m,k.,,, to n.,m,dei the building must hostile quarters it is now L-‘.,,- NH). 1' NUTFOS. W1" b1’ 0730- There are ten lzirge window.-i. further. giving more space to the 9'1")’ ||C°¢‘PN‘d 913‘ d!‘ J1‘-"'9 "T"!-1' "74-‘d 3" the l'lni\'el'-‘H1! I.-W SGPNBIII7, The condition of the old wuI‘k~ parcel-po.-t ch-rks. Al l"'95€‘nt,_ [,0 lution of the Russian izoi-prmm-nt 5 _ bi‘? 1. .1934. H W13 detldfid it the room had Iu.-come such that, accord- -says. all parcels received at the win» by 6'9“ Britain is certain." lii I‘(*Rtlllll' meeting Of the Bohr!’ Of’ in“ to ME “.'o0d_¢' flu. no“; W3” 50 dows mu“ be fined up by the clerk‘ making this statenii-iit tn the United __ ___,”__ ' '3 Data for Uoluniliiii: liighi-at tem-‘ --_. -...-— _, 1 entry of O the United peratu:-e yesbt-rdiiy was 35: lowest William 1!. Hughes, Colutnhiiii ' mmi“,,he1»,.rm3n¢.,,gicourt of last night. 22; precipitation, 0.00.‘ furniture dealer and president oli , P Fatal Justice under the con. One year ago liighest, .'»ti;'loim-is.t, the*(‘olumliia Retail Merchants‘ As-. Mn . ‘ I . . , . . - 0 _ - ~ ted I . p .,-‘dent llard ng 29;ipri-cimtiition, 0.00. eiociation. died at his.hom('. : ‘mm.’ m I) H | ' " t ’ enue. at 4 o'clock yesterday! - d . ti ----5-or ‘- " ‘ _ ' "3388 ‘IV f£:h?;:Ir;l‘l(- Niilliinlf 9S morning. Mr. Hughes was stricken wt monjingra n‘crnb(or' are lpruo J ‘ 1 ‘I Qhonly Mf0r" "-. B‘, attention t;¢;i‘ild‘:fi£eli'e;.i.eld_ at 2 ._-.. ..— .—-.-.-...- .. W ‘ 4 O'clock. H0‘ died 515070 medic?’ (I.-LllI1tI0l(§ in St. Iauis Saturday; crowded with l.;i.«.|.;¢-is fiu._-j wig}, u,i,(.1,u._ on the ficnlch M the 5 . today. Charles 'I‘rcvi-l.-iyiiii, , . , , . sic ocean. secre r’. announ ' f‘ -1 - ‘ _- } : ‘ v;,~ 1- '5 i ' ' . _» w o is ex t be . - H «whtlfi ‘our npumm M the mu‘? 1 The fun = ‘ ‘ Q -I" " M hi’-"-‘ w'-l9)'- 3 . $211. lll1r[)(l)-:'i‘:lilll0‘:‘()p;lJ‘t'4"\‘ul)tt\3'l:“l: tlhe hnl'\"l)eda1l’())}:r "lll"(‘li.~‘ from University students for pie space for incomiin: and uut;ro- il:i- lolil.y. ' ° ~ ' , ' ‘ ' ': . - A'I‘llE1\.\, Jan. i.-—Miiihimc },_ Lu;-33, Lrnest F, Rowland, 1. .8 . p . ‘ nition of Russia non xtuulil .~ulmiit plan and send it to the mermm _ . ‘ _ ,. _ . , — — - - ~ their fa-s. In case ii check is not o o _ __ __ 7_ _ h U i d 9 _ ,, .. I-lustanhn hcnml. mic of the pres» Woods, John T. Mchlullan, John R. _ . _. . . , , 7. H V i e n te .t.'itt's ii. .i pi-.«iiii-nw P°"°'-‘ ‘“""“" 0" ""“°- °’ ‘°' ‘.i ll T ck’ R iii‘ - — ' d ‘ -' 6 Le 'rii‘- * ' )1 ~ ~ ""°" °‘ P“Y"*°"‘ '8 "°PP°=‘ °° " of(‘or -ii‘ . l- °- ' .‘ _ . . h _ -w-" be cut of t e u ish cpu ic. Vo8S:R|¢l'ltll‘d.‘l an hdvun . try. it - V,‘ . I; ‘ ,h d ,.n be ded . i 1 -l"“"“- K‘ WUDIILHW-1. . Num- days Missoumin t ere i ' . < _. . p. ‘ ‘I . c stu ent vii suspen until 4 4 . 4 , Lod , - , .. found a Mum pmpawd by we uounded b.\ in hand-irrenade thrown honorary pallbearers named will he.. - - J “V check is taken u __ K _ - J J‘ -0!‘ in. chairman o. the .~i-nnie at her lli.l.*l):tll(l by an unknown many}-‘red A. Dalton, Prof. B. E. Miler ' A p l'0TI'iKn rclntiom‘ i-oinniiim-. as- committee. for the convenience of _ _ ' ; V V \ * i r 1 I The library, hospital and inciden-‘ ‘ .. a u N , y . _ . . d 3.” If . i iiccordinst ' to ii dispatch from 1. B. Jackson, T. Howard Groves, F. I _ W ‘ . . _ 5 _Y R T14 1 Y , ’‘‘'“‘‘d "‘d”' '" “ ]‘_’-00“ ““”‘*1 5!l‘<'<'l1 Missourian. reii er Mm are . , J -\|‘, .l tn! ft- {oi the 8u!I'lID;{'2;e;8l0n was J ELA 1 1 P -A in’. ‘M Senate mum‘: MW mu‘ ud- intemud in pe,¢.(._ mad‘ the up Smyrna. l‘Kemal was uninjured. - ;R. Barnett and Mayor E. B. McDoii- V Pd“ mm :15 m . ‘°‘- °“‘ “ 9"‘ "4"" '"‘‘i‘ ‘‘ ‘° ‘*"‘ MRS. MARY C. iio§§BZi.E mas “""°” "9"“‘“"" "“-’"’°"°i ’ AT BOON!-3 couic'ri' iiosri'rAi.« 0 . ~ _- . . . ' '. . ~11 to recogni- ’ _ . . v 1 t t 'u be held Se . ministration is oppmi 7 Mr. Hughes was elected president Umveislty "3" "' ’°" “-” °" ” C-amllalg“ t9 i..,,,i,.,, 10 and 1; ,..,,¢ ,..., mi Rav West to R-_e~formatory 1,318 Tigzited in Boone’“°"' ~_ , of the Columbia Retail Merchant; Lact Refit (if ’ l;i%<(-2 win sun “ 8 coded‘ Sep . . . . . - Recognition would mean. Lodsrc .~ . —* —: . : - - -- 0 I * ~ ° " ‘ —Circuit Court in Count v Free Clinic 0 - . - - . - I - posed in the plan awarded the "filul “°‘‘“"5 F"? ' c°"‘Pl'°“5°".‘Av‘;‘:"“’°}‘!‘i§"l”’!‘_ot‘:::‘r £°':'e':‘h?"H'u “reek ieniber 12. The Christmas holidays ' . T d ' . 1% ' , :§d'cot:: c_V°‘:_:m'l'(;d‘:)”":"‘l °‘[;""_ "‘ 3150300 peace prim offemd by of Diseases-—\\a.s' Operated . - Z - - Wm be {mm noon Decgmber 23 an. SESSION 0 a}. Ill “0 Years. ‘ _’3 ._ ."_"-' _“ “-*"“"‘ on Last “eels. consul. who in reality mould he ii he operated the Hughes Furniture: ~. H 8 .1 P J _ 5 B . t . _V _-__‘ __ C°'- 811 wdln“ ‘Vat I — I3‘ 202"’ {$63i"-'-U h"dlb"m if ’ $0,, d(:;S.5oc'{.o,. amesgr Ray West. 16 years old, was sen- The annual report of the trustees.C°""’“"‘i"> P"°P‘l-"""dl-‘“- _ Mr. Hughes was born nah; "‘_‘-“*~‘ . 5' uruty lll('lll?‘..‘l'.\'.U t_r ‘I _l°_ -H be 3”, 25 d tenced to the State Reformatory at of the Boone County Hospital was "Tl"-‘ Question 01' immydinil‘ dim- ygars old, ‘wife of Frank S. I4ons- moominnon’ m“ in 1370’ ‘.hetei‘ nice‘:-siiy to the .‘~liirk 1\t‘;|ln Me- g6.";:d )c¢l::;\\"imrk wmulanrzin ‘sting Boomme this morning I” may un. med tddn" with the Boone County Km. to the gowmmcm of the ’ dale, local insurance’ and real estate:he lived the first thin’. ye." of 13,‘; l'l‘l0!'l8..f\lnd,whl'.‘ll begun ll!'!‘t‘ today. ouock J‘m“"_y 21 Commemfi til he is 21 years old, by Judge Court. United gnu.‘ by rflolution or in_ . been id 350600 and will in-ceii~e'f‘-“°"" “’°“ “‘9"5°.°‘°°“ "“" "‘9"":liIe. For in ny - he was eh-i“" “"7 “'-“ ""‘?“¥~’“°“‘ "‘° “' . ' , D “-1, b,_. J -3 1925 David ii. Harris. at the opening of Hospital services amounting to wrrection is not the poini lieu-.". . _ r “ ~ . 9' ' ’ . . ing at the Boone Cpunty Hospital.. 6 - h n b b - ‘ The drive iimnng the v.-onien.iit1i- “"3" ‘Y 9"“ ~ ° - 1-C~ - C 1 W .1 56 5", M. b { ' - bed and «Th . - . L _ the 5.1.“-¢ of the money when his I d 1. l. t. “gage in t e rota s oe usiness d N _ _ _ .1 . h I f ‘ R . The “flowing nngmuom were a new session 0 ircuit our . es . o_. \(‘ een urnis to go. 1- question is ' _ ; Ci». Pk“ ‘.09, into effect. ' D939‘ "35" “‘ 7°“ 3 °°mp‘°‘ '° in Bloomington. He was later con» ”"“‘_ '5 "‘ ‘ “, .‘_""5 ° “ “mm accepted by the baud. “den uh pleaded guilty to writing ii fraud- charity patients oi‘ the county. the whether you are swing to permit . O 11,, winning ppm “,5 1:5, 34i;9_ 9‘ d“°3‘_"5‘ ‘M""' 1‘°:‘d“li° hfd be“ nected with the H. C. Godman “‘°i"‘bl(‘)° ‘:;‘_" ""}]“‘"“A“‘_‘A‘v‘ “,][l_h‘h".“"_'“"§-’ be! strong afiisumt ‘Pm,-exact‘ in ulent check. He was arrested in report stated. ln addition. 1,318. the spreading of ii pestilence of .f g V, A of 22135 wbmiitcd ‘" f“:_";':‘ ““’°l";( ‘:0 “" ""'°"t ‘m a position he held fifteen year.-, dur- ' xggn “p’r‘;'fL_""“;“_‘fi H "h‘;"‘i‘ ‘£9’ :w.m,‘_. R’ B‘ mined“ imtmc Jefferson City. patients have been treated during Communism. ,_ ‘ I o | ‘O n ‘ice 8 . . _ - o -. u :9 ~‘.- V: ~’- ‘I - . . ‘A o u y ° . , ‘ _ V - . “ . ‘ ._ . . The mm points out mu‘. the :80” in Pike Count ‘ in N65 Mflynng k%l'llChntl!:|': he RlO§(“o(l!)i “_“k‘ T my in gemogy; Ernest 1;" wake“ He was paroled to his brothcr.{B. giidpttist t\tD itfars iii: tlifihfreegllcfil A very sure wit of PN"mltt1tlK « - _ . ‘ e of Nations hill. in/effect (.m“.‘B.n.am “.3, ,,§.,.,.;¢.;i {G Mr “:3: 0,2"! :0, :::,omy°e‘:.3 f°"0t;."'”;«‘ The ¢'am?‘~!zl$:’ll hi-ic is :1 Pa:-t of' count)’ cxpfiriment agent in Butler E‘ “°“' °" 3 "°"d °{ 510° ""5 "‘ " aid isw:n°;"d:“‘;)o5:i°t:‘;c' b’ t"‘wmph;_‘i ‘_thIt to appear is by recognizing tlie. - -v . . Z~ _ _ _- . -. . M . . ,, ~o , rn-oon. . i ' ~. 1: ‘,.; '"b“m""d .m°“l wt“ for _mmm.r’ Lonsdale. of Columbia. ' in l8?O.«_wh5¢i, he “me ,0 Columbia whet, national dl'l\c to i. alt: 3 Ma Count}. “illitm C. Mood), clerk in '’ Mo“ 0‘ we mommg w“ went by mum and dentists of Commbh who 3:°ul:de :3?k:""‘:‘”3$ Edward W. Bolt. The name of the _g T > :::£hr°’n“p‘ib§:§§c‘;f:g::‘°°gn“’3£; Mrs. ‘iiiiry Crow Londsdale, 59: -_ plan, or early in: ry. ; L The winning "ianthor has already ?3‘4==3°°-f'r‘3»‘*-‘i'»°-é'«°’s°«? ‘1”r3?1‘=e‘1"i and .?:'*.::“.::; 2‘ .‘:.::;..:.".'::.:::i is W .‘i"I?"‘...§“§.- 2:. i3::.:‘-'-*: .:’;:.*‘*“***......‘:..t°°°"’.....°;;:. we won "°‘""?‘ s::"‘°°' "*° i... . wee an ‘ * XVI of the Cm-enant of the hen c shfiir pus?” féidwce “ 510 's°um;:°;';; wfl;~'m§ ‘":i‘_"”;_‘_ u':‘e°?’- "-The m‘,,._.(.m¢.,._._",,&._ “fined by eg, wmmm“._ . panolc rtpofts. d tfymlt 0359?! ‘fl t C i‘:m‘;‘::‘t‘i°fi"”du“r'i"'° 1§"~'°2‘§ omygseeliinx to destr0}' the llrinclnles ' * 9°‘ N'fi°"”‘ The pk" fi~mb"°r~Pm-" F3‘tIl<8$f‘E€L <0lD~dIll[l|l.¢l’ 31:3. C.3 5:10,, hi, ~ ~ 3.»... ..-.s.‘ tors of. Ne:-ti-.q.ist 3-Hsouri. .T?ié'1ollowi2§ appointiiientii weve’3')?:‘h ddclgzniff h§ghp‘;‘d-Rdng;‘_6‘°:".;_..tD..me.ammo; of ‘ah my that have -made the Uniuid States - ‘ 9 v - p 9 : ‘ _ -, M W,” _ - _ . . ' C . _ _ i , ‘ . 1 90828 to safeguard the onrog T. Sumfion 01,8: Joseph’ 8ufi,h,es_ e ha“ ‘tuck an‘ ‘mused Hr. R A c.i.i.mi.t-. ....r -l_.)pDll'll.Cd mgdc, C, II, Dane, ingtructor in gain“ T. F. Suuom which was “M M". ... S‘ Buaks m memory‘! her. Whit It in . '1 C Th 9"‘ . . . . . . I .. . Mrs. Lonsdale was Kndumd ii ll ' d th th not i "" "“‘ ‘”“""”"‘.-" “' "‘:"‘“‘“"~"*“ "“‘ “'°‘°:'~'= -“- “- 5"“°"° ‘““"’°‘°' d d our trial by the husband. Lynn s. Banks. The other. 7”‘ "'°”"'°".‘°“‘ "‘ *’””~""’~."'““ ‘Statu shall a:i)i'm:f I{(')er(;l.)’lillfe88l.l((:Y:: fromphrisunn Cone‘: i" .8‘ ‘it .nl|::‘:sne.erab' Inga“ r e ‘fizstiln whit: proposed Yl1‘q:-(!‘lf:‘!_‘;1Zl|l.'\\-(1l.('.l:l t\\l.':..~£ in geoloizy; 31%).. Tandy. instructor ml.“ C:;’l‘_‘:”t":'i.l ‘gm probably. of ‘soot V“ nude b. u,_._ ti-ade.nd‘l'hene 1; nothing now; to ccllt by act of Congress to -make the h“h°$" h°"°"5 °f h" d”‘‘' Cshf his condition was believed ssi-ions. 8 Sum mt“, 1.‘H“';:”{l.‘ '.‘!‘_ jamd "‘ h°"‘°E °‘;?"‘;_{m(;°3“f°' the °h°“ be the latter Part pf the second M9819!‘ In memory Of bl‘ 53999?» DY-i“°Pd‘ tam bin)‘ Th.°thr°;’°" _ p . , mm, ‘-- - ' _ wasccmpos:-i.o . ..i:i,in. n.- ; _ __ - _'1 ,_°~ ’ _ _ . ,. . - v we one we sin in . -. uwmbenmp m the Lane open to re“ ‘Cllxilti andr t(hfcul‘)c ihrltsu-aiiid :11‘ He bu had sew“! min-or ‘finch 908?? 81‘<‘h5l<"~“» -'-W-5 “- 5- 1“R“°- l:l)i:liyccultur1: for‘ tgh: slitlisrtmifioulrsxcti “eek of court.’ “ca,-difxdto the -19; :1 3.9 :?I;i::it°;,ou1;,hd°, sis is because that coc::tt'}' is ~'pl:- ‘H “(ions “Id to provide for the iicgtive worker in ‘the Christian X-find.’ hm Eogebzcu cont:-denfi 53:- 9”“ °38'l’‘°°’'- “‘l"°"“‘d *3‘ ‘he 9”" llsndor Luhin associate professor of fen“-a“°n:,e)t' Ric: mu °(,r:,f:,x:,‘,,h3c lumbig Kiwanig club you .150 .c..' ducing nothing with which to en- mnh" development of mtemr C u -h us?‘ ‘lied ‘ 5“ 0 ":32 m ride‘ P0895 D8111 ‘‘'3«‘'- "-“-‘"'5"‘”“ ‘*’°"“"5° cwonomics for the eecond semester °7’° 1“ (0 u-gcetnclltllind in the soutll knowe zed able t em to pavfor our exports tional law. , ' 5 "3 “ ‘V “ 3" “'1 "°°‘ ‘Let it: hi-torir ll.'lt‘kRl‘0llll(‘l and for ‘ . ‘ ‘ , lo. a arge _ ' _ g ,- _ i ' _ ~ , , - - 1 ~ - _ in .. -; C13 R0 S 1-; dz’. . 1 . The board 1' trustees mad u 1‘!-adeisimpoiisible and is ftunil so I q‘. is me. h 0'0‘ the ‘wry mm tcfgshgtiiss la-gcdi’npll’a!ln:d.ol)}lerl;ei.rIig “us unqup5um:al’h' ll.‘"'im 1” ‘wonw ilfzsissirltuirxi hom'cnecoil‘o‘:ii‘cs;cH’T"“'. £:;:i°§{?,:?.n;.E;::mS)u:tloo,? :3. of the following men: Hlsfl. Baenk:'-in practice. . 1 aw "mt {nm.° the mum“ °°“.""°‘ 0. ii. 'I‘.ii-dc of Kansas City, and a He went home in the evening ahd'b.°auW ""5 m‘‘’l’“‘1'‘,’,''‘3'‘ :" "“'"'“’ Wood. rtst-arch assistant in the en- 593550,, of ,,{m,- we fiver hm chairman; '. . ntry, sectetaryfi “gm no trade g_.; Wm-u, “guy. ;, 3:3 “'05:”! afmongflthc gang’? lriithcr. John K. Bryant of Chicago. after retiring, told his family he.‘ u°Imd ‘pmk ”:f;"'f_‘;]"‘.h_ 1;,’ , glnccrinx: experimental station; Mrs. hanged its course. Anderson was Paul Henderson. William 0. Ellis,: (3,. mofe §mponnm__(-pm 5.5;‘. min. . I ‘. mm. 0 ‘ op “. if‘-'“°“‘1 “°“'i"°5 °r ‘ rs‘ “'35 "W h i ‘'°d~ 39 died 50°" & “as sufiuslt .‘ J‘ . O‘ ”- C- 0‘"°"d°"{u 8l»(‘008"lPh°" ‘N. given the land at the last triill_- and ’“d,D°"m3 SP‘-‘lm‘."' . The ‘maul’: eiples of American freedom. or the ' 0‘ theipi-"E -MJeded “"1 be 3 gen Lonszinle will be held It 3 °'Cl°Ck after awakening early Sunday of land he Mud" 3” ‘hL- "Disk"? medical bacteriology and preventive is now asking rental, denied him at !1i‘¢¢|\'0 I10 ¢0mP¢M8U0fl 10!‘ 91¢" welfare of the American |w0','i1i.-" . era! prohibition of theniiaiiufzicture “.(_d,wgda\. agu.,,,o0n u the Chtisgmomin . of the little i..w:i ..i miiriiiri. It is mm“c_m_ Ruth mggmbouom dork the last baring. genie“. the money being hmned‘ .u ’f Se t bod V . ._ ‘h . ' "°“ “"’ °‘ 0”" "““""“L" °' “"""' ' ' ' ‘i B ' 1 '11 be’ in ‘ 3' . 5- ‘mi’-" “*““*~““"’ "‘ -"“""-'“~ ““"“”'" - ' ' ' ' '11‘ - Th f G W Bnrkwell. by the count)‘ treasurer and deP0s~? °" ° N‘ °' . “"""'”““‘ id . Bok ‘n statcni tto the “‘“‘ C'“"° ' “"‘ ‘“ "' '30 ML 308595 18 *“f“*"°d ‘J5’ “'5 H 'ii~I l':ill.\' .\i..m~..i~ (‘in a '“ “ ‘‘“"‘"" ". ° '°?'i ‘’ °"° ". °°"° ‘ - - - «was devoted to ivrovmiz that Rus- l " 3’ ‘ “ °" (‘ l h’ c etc - - -~ ‘ ' ‘""" “' ' ' in Y t dc t sistant lll to kholder in the Blackfoot Coal xted in the county depositories. . . 3-. ‘ i - American people today. , '° um ‘:1 _'°m _r'l' t ed b :“"|_f¢a M1‘ Lulu‘ 11333393» fwd f°_”"other cities. It l.‘ ii:il,\' two iiiilus d f‘""h Otglnlg 5.11 :3 End“ . nu go‘: who some time “:0 mod a P9. Chnimmn Bud“ “id. _;Iia is ctimplettely in control of the ‘ ' The jury O awn“! was Campos“ lnw (§erl‘:’w‘l:(l“:|udbe cofn(ll’|0t Biblle ’ iiihfllllm S';(l’)l“.f Maul’, E40-n 0“ n main sum. Im:i"Wn'v' - tl:l"l.)11$:l8Sla:ll.rl}n. li'sical educ’a'tion' . titiiin in Circuit Court. asking that a The h°5PiUl “'33 W1"-11¢!‘ °l!'t‘t‘l from its l1_8<‘lt‘!'l0l0E)‘ Mid PT9"9'm"9 medi‘-co Y ‘ " ' ' *““““ ‘subgidinries, Lodge .-2 ' liar: ii 4 Brand \\'hitlock. ‘ ' L OU ' W-“ V M-— M . . - 7 0' - __ _ __, (‘EN'r Hughes. : ifo,.,,., 1 .. "W1 11. hp: now do. cine; Ii. 1’. Stephens. assistant in‘3“03’M} 1°’ 9"-‘ °°"‘P‘"‘3'- _ , Colombia. Mexico and Independence d. t t. i ,-m ‘h... om. pa“ 1-, ‘ (Thu, C - .A I - v. be, of (be; t O“ ' t Vernie Holts, accused of writins 3;‘ 0 "'9 °°""°°i '°" " " i ‘" The can: do ma . to provide that the Unite I I 0 Mr. Hughes was a mem niiied it 1') the ii.-nmiai A.<. . 3 o ‘ U 4' , A l ' ~ : ' .4 A . I ' 0 O - ' . ‘u I . ‘ -——-———-—- —--—o« ...ir°i-. .F.‘:..i....\.' M M’ Court Authorizes the AP‘. A. J. Knorr of Blooininzton lIl'l(l.r(*(‘Omnlm‘.(lr le l‘IH'll'. all ii... Marl; district extension agent; 0. 3, ii. ;l){n;;t2nte!3e‘el§s‘::n:;;r:§ 3;; §:esI;d;1£s°t$:l;del:6c:t‘::n1:ff¢T‘I;:ntB: 10 C Th“ 1. N; hr“ {of new Than pointment of 3 Farm =R. Hayes of Deadwood, S. D.. rela-§Tv.-ain Pink is to be used for Dub len. county extension agent for St. plea of guilty. The use of the Cm_ p fine] udqumrs of an lesion to ‘_ i. . i _i ‘ One Organisation to ‘urinate 0 liitei1'iatioiialCo-opetiii _ - ’. _ ., ; - . , _ . Five-aixths of all natid:s,oiiiclud- The amw ‘o,"'¢o"u"‘,,,;. ,3“. m,.;':,“fl°,‘°ge ‘:fi;§;muT,“°b),".P;"::nbixifgf ::‘z:_t °°’°"P‘‘°”' . Dr. N. E. wide. who presented co—.f i Forei ers ‘ 0 l 3 ’ f "°’“’° V" ‘"m“' lumbiirs petition to the committee.‘ gn ' A o I _ -............ ..-,....._...e..'a~,:._ ,_..' Adviser; f“"°"1' Om" rehtive’ "c 6" ‘h° "°“d“' bu”-ai"“"’ “M """ipm°.m‘ ¢°’~"‘t-" °’“Q’i°“ “gem {or Ni"; I-2. Reid and others to reform ii dfi-'3 who will inveatixate the offers of: _..§.. ~_,... __ .sn._ ‘Dd an ‘em V .m "uni M‘ e Fisher. the ‘court is trying to lielP_ I ‘Mex . a 9 o¢u_i. , , "‘——"‘"'”"“', , , HOME .~ A chgnge 9 "M '°°“'""'§'c l 0 0 “:1 l.;:mercc‘c:%e:lgl.’lle 2:31: ?°ss:e&li):: : T°d” ‘W .%’lm."'.fIflr blind P"-‘°"‘ "‘ ‘mun xhrouxh the ¥°D°""°" “P*‘;,: mm thecourt has been ienieai.tThe Htxiw Commrdfl 310'’ °";tripp0d. The savage handitb in 7 < filstatc CO. I .. 1 ; - ; ference by plain intiniatious from w“(;'‘ “£99 5;: t3“ °“i:;i"gf:: 7 forced former Pre ier Venizeloi to‘ Boone County receiving pensions. Z f- other powers that'the is not room 9“ “'° , "° , ‘ “ °°'“,'. . » uttizn the leader! in 01 Greek 31": '"' "'*"."'." - ~ ~~~~~~ ~-- l ’ . I the ' . for more than one organization like “,‘ P‘“"l .‘°l"t’°“ a’ ll‘ "l'm°.“1"," '1' fai‘.r. Returning from exile in ti-i-E316 “RE .RAm‘\__(_;._”' L03 00!‘ Mrs. Eaiaia Bond Brealts iloed .3 _:.,.n.¢ city of Batanz. hurniiig and met . 1; the of Nations.‘ “c ,“"“‘ "P" bu‘ ‘"5" ‘hm ‘t ‘’‘g simph. Vcniulos was no sooner, Lute“ man in 50 \-an Rania,» _).!rs. ‘Emma ‘Bond. 105; _ ‘A how “Imp OOUIIT LPHOLDS UCKNO3 1-5“ ‘man 3 ‘,_ 1 mg,‘ _ ‘- =‘- . The states outside the ' nized.P°“'b“? "° ‘“'° . 0 3 elected president: of the National: . » “L Sixth street. slipped and fell 00 “'0; T of ' """ ‘« ,(-331.". '".i,,,,, of the 3mg,” 45. . 07¢! , _. .. on Baterfro ..... ...a... with them. in the can 3. 3.,‘ an vtglgipa sate . SI 3‘ i pvorld are not of such a character '1‘_h¢’ Jlzeflt Vi“ Pick“ by “W; Assembly than a had heart forced» u, u.;...i 1-,... _ . _ near Boone County’ $111”: '“'"" _ " 11'.“ 3.“ cm” ‘.59.-fly ‘ ' -. ~'§ ._ ithlt the United States could hoP0- 3ZTl9°1W"‘l ¢3Wn3‘°“ ’¢"'l°° °‘ tllflhim to retire: '- LONDON. Jan. 7.--The 'hI¢8'9§l .. on EtRh'~h\3l»''°°l' '‘ 3 ° ‘ *0 st. chug". aw jute WASHISG-I-oN'J‘n_ 7.‘ . 3n,;auce of the bandits. Oivilio 00!‘! today iieiii i' 5 - " "Po and ’ have siirroundci 5- ? 5. 9 5. 3 .3 E i‘ E by nud‘ 1' 0 followers that they must elei i i *t In West India docl; road here. accerd- above the ankle. ‘-‘She ll d1,-.ing th reports this afternoon. Two up; some Conntyfiloapital in I. ienjtwharves already ' h“‘'‘ be" ‘ , I . ndy strayed. - Home and the fracture act. ‘ The entire district was threatened, - d.‘t°!:r°icgi°n':n8arem .‘3‘:hptli::gc.::?i':'s.fim 1 Dr. .. ......... oz:-.:.r:. an is-“-+'*‘si-*'.:—i-an .<=«-we ““°“"“"* "°~ 'i.:. it \.vm.wiu.invec.Iuxze jot °"""""“"°°' w sxuiiiijm inarried ii: 3 m .' Alumni at vlrorli E3: p full! with for the UnlYEX'li$\-_ It is hoped to have him» The former; premier". wrote to h ii dock fire in fifty years is razinz 10 this afternoon. breaking her aw“udn‘B“"" ‘an-“Mi mm wt .5, ' .. ‘I '-._ ‘ , . a Wars, ' be geld tomorrow night V , in the Y. ii. c. a. Building. Fostisr‘ min. ‘1 3!'Ihefl'fort:c or .social_iatorns-"B a ' tional gravitation such cooperation-0 B 1 Bauavenue. Br. W o iumuur. fund given achanccto make good.f:f¢3'¢d 3500 *0 deftly ¢"ipoui-lug jn!0».Chl 15* "F0?" g "penaes. ‘ - ‘stated. ~%