— *t.:??"i’-3- , =': i = .. r- i" a l o 4 9 . '- 3 3 ‘ e ~ - i ‘L L "1 -I ! 3 ; e j . t . .7 ,. ff» _;«‘-'~ '* f ‘ . t T . ' ; PAGE _ : if j} not ‘A 3 . ', ' ; g , h ' ' ' - ‘L ’ ‘To lithe ssoopooenepnration whicheon-land-faith smooth: lset-era.iMalnto- = F 3 News ofColumbuz Society '1 » ] g 1...-u.,' t.-0,. — ; = e. ~ t = “W5 “ARKETS W °='- =°*=m- '-ww=- mm on we see. to -an ‘ t ' ' , « ‘ -_ ' , . ' , ' - ‘» ‘ The company plans to issue the lie the sport of the skaters. *‘7 L ‘ l ‘ The aipita Phi rt-aie:-niiy ~ ' ' A orl l t L ~. . t . ii. A. Duty is celebrating his for-I , neat St. Louis Livestock. '3 an “mm Invert" mm-. ~-~ - t ’., Jncz . . 5 « L 1 tformal initiation Slmfiy llgh attudh Ham“, .nni,a.u,.y ‘x _ _ _ I M . , 3, gm‘. p,.._ lag daily. and to continue the Ger-~‘ Clubs Asked to Reserve Roots. » Wm 0-80?» t fl iS‘“”‘*‘¥L °*‘*E””:“" %..":‘..t...""‘°‘n...‘“°°:"...'*ti.'n'.: ‘it’. na.%”“,,';°',;;°.‘°:,__s°,§'°",',’}'f,"‘,3'.,.;‘,‘,'°°‘h,,..,.Emilllon-Do—_—-llar Dining’ e ‘....._f°‘*.'~“...- :'.':.';:.:.":';:":.°:.':::':*:.';.:.‘.:“-.:':::.':'..:;.::.’:.::';:':.°:.:°‘:'.::;.‘;f‘:*.:.$°.:':: " l 01 ul” kl“ I'“°"'f R ‘Nil’ .5 1 l50W. N0‘ 703*? l40\|“I°‘Vll3o Wlsie; Yfllnd Illa!’ the death of_ ,_ . ‘In [Ted . B. ‘ steady; native beef stea;'s. 87.75@4luI¢c Sunday paper. ganlastions which have 'plT\'l0tlRl)' . , . tilt. and Ilrs. R. A. in-1%; lit: .1. n.cotn-aauii. zizliieita isas City; Nathanl’. Ladinaiu. itan.;,,,, ,,,,,,, W, ,,,.,,,,,, ;,,, mu 5, f C“ In 18 _ gm * ,, mm ",4 ,,,,,,;,,p ——~.~—___ had permanent reservations of the . ,.._°f‘N".¢., Ho. to 13.’: avenue. to be hoataas to thehRIl- ,saa Qty; and George Goldiig. Kev pm,“ to Enmwm pm” '59“ hr.‘ M ; Sunday_ ‘+5375; 00'.’ “£06525; mane" _Conunercial Club ‘rooms {or meet. ;_. . I J Ashland was aolesnalud It; hers co’! the Westmount 3 63¢ ZYggk_ ‘ f * l _. g ’ __ 1 ‘ad “tan 333533.25; cu“... SKAT mg: and who desire such l.¢‘!'~¢.'l"\-ll. —’ , day yesterday xloflllfll 8‘ “'93 Club at 7:80 o'clock. ‘ The organisation is a natbnal'-so-. . By Urliaad rr-a. ;‘u_soeu'75; flock". ‘ml “Eden. ING ON tions for, the present year are re- ‘ gf Ilr. and II R. B. Locas.~ y 1 ea] fl-aternxty, aachsptar of . l LOUIS. Jan. 7.—-Damage ot;“_5¢e5.m_ V LAKE SUNDAY quested to make application for the .’ fly. Janice R.‘ Kiwanis Club to mart at noon pp” 3;”-ad in column. , . 331315.000 was estimated today to, g°'._Rgu5pu_ 17.000; mukfl, __ rooms with him. This is done to flcglted. Before the ¢¢l'¢- It 3! Daniel B0000 ‘Tavern tor :‘]'h¢ Univ-gpgity of fllggoufl fig flu! hgvcl been done in up man gygc- i ‘C h“her_ haw. ‘$5567.80; Sever‘! sine“ in ‘own ‘timed avoid conflict in the time. set for .lir-st institution west of the I is-i tacular fire here in many yaai-s:m,djum_ “£03730. tum 37156.-out ,-pate.-d.y to enjoy 9,‘, “M” nwflinsri ' ' when forty-three tire companies , -L75. ht“ n '65 -“'50. ' k_'sport. and at 4 ‘cl k ’ h 1 - ' . Ihattfid flames in a downtown b_usi- i in‘ :0‘... “noon Gordon's Ifakzcealsrtl :)leC:)lll£l:l- Jon.” -Edllnd Rm“ ""1 L jness district for nearly a day. _7m. bulk ‘7_2‘@-1'75 ' his. was literally cownd win, h~il°':'Pllml‘-d“f3';l‘ Rigs» Filpiézl‘-‘ ; 1‘ but de_ ' ' ' . . < 0 . |’o fl’ 0 fr. °!lnl¢ s 0) ice sncss i ngs were she¢p_3¢c¢lpt.s, l.ll)0. market_,tkati-rs More than 400 were on the of Ccntnhm died in Km“: any u ay. f _ sangG“Pro-. l eon. Md _".ua,. of. Basil D, Illnlc Ilefilnt of 150 Ulll D|lI8ll° sippi to be granted a chapter. a’ uuindaiewedding ta-softheConfedes~aeytnbehe|d fnufnjgy ‘.3 fauna; 5;; 1 p _ use and after the ceremony. lites at‘2:30 o'clock at the home at the con.“ .1 an City .5 an 1 pg; ‘ Lucas was the tint ll!!!’ NIB Ill’! 307 Collqtc ' The members have rented rat? i fill‘? 5°33‘ “ 1302 l and I half-dozen others: at hi‘hu.; 9'“. ‘5.o0@7_v‘-5: C.” lake at one time,-while there 51; te Rosa , } ‘The H“! V” m an 03° luau“ ill“ ‘hid’ ‘be? ‘ill 3°‘! 133333" zdamagcd. . . - a continual pnocessi n f th - l rd . _ _, ‘ ' gad'Idte¢fl'P° ‘M “med ""°.‘f"; ‘Tlludnl club ""”l’“" ‘° '“9“ lb. ._ - t A half-million dollars of damage be" ‘ad Cullen‘ ‘”’°@5'o0' “om mg and going all dourisig tl:esea‘t‘l):r‘- . . tfi ' roses ‘and lilies at 2:30 o‘cloc} in the Y. II. C. A. .—————-—.- : . :. . lambs. 8ll.50@13.60. A. J. Meyer to Di-liter ,tddre:uL . aunt of brides . _ . . - . was incurred in the building leased .__.._ ~ noon. . ' 5 stthe valley. ‘ ‘ Aud-torwm- . ”°°" """°"’ °‘ "’° :‘:;‘.'““°"‘ by iite 'i~'urcnt dcparttnent store i st. Louis Cash 6 l ‘rite ice an in c d d‘ti d 'Ai at-aimllm dim” M um W ; weading ggungi Club up hold jg; will be the program e Exten-‘ . ' "3 0- ' ' 5 _°° C00 I 011. In ricu tii exteniiion service of the ‘ After the ceremony a on The fire lasted sixteen hours. start-.ay united i-nae. had been cleared in many places of College of Agriculture will deliver ing ;at l0 Saturday night and last-‘ ST.‘ LOUIS. Jan. 't'.——Corn-9-.\'o. j the some which handicapped skaters an address from the W. O. 8. radio ‘lfllrfillfllll 2 0'l‘l°€l‘ Sllfldly Iflfl“; 3 Wllllte 75C: No. 4 white. 7‘@*the latter part of the preceding station at Jefferson City on \\'«‘dne.-i- . noon. ;74l»£c; Sept. 73'x'c; July. 77‘/ic. ,\\'(‘t'hi. It was about 5 inches thick. day night. ‘ An epidemic of fire broke out at: Oats—No. 2 white. 48c; No. : ' the ; same time. 196 calls beingf white, 47@47%c; No. 4 white, 46@~§ ' ‘" " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ turned in during the forly hours oft 46%e; May, 48la'c. , . :_ sub-_zcro weather. I Wheat (future)—Sept. $1.05'n;‘ ‘ ‘ l ' ill} U 0 sins. , ‘ V ' ’Rl.l‘S'iil\"l'l.l.E. lll.. Jan. 7.—Fire wllut. (r°d)_h°' 2' ‘m9@‘ —See our wmdo“s— in the business district here yea- 1'19"’; rm‘ 3' ‘L17’ eds 3 n i-_ toorkoda tciill of foiur dcadfiand; “'”°“ (_hftN3' .".-l"°“ 0 t G ' ' CIVILMS ON , “ 93’ 0- - ' oo. ' _ ' '.'l';;E;3'lT.'.'t’'i..'t.’.; §"t'.5‘.T2'.‘T°-.3."F°" LOUISIAV A SAFE 2 :1 business establishments. in- hgflut was served at the home of meeting at 3 o'clock at the home ‘lion Club which Will the!!! Vllll )5?!» ‘p .31 Hrs. B. W. Lucas. 907 of*hlrs. B. L. Hummel. 0 Kuhlman '8. L. liummcl. 9 Klllllmlfl C0011. ll » ‘ _ O , court. ' has and ogmwn guests_ who came R Round Table to give luncheon _commlttee in charge of the program 5 ' to attedtho wedding were: Hr. and 2 at noon at Harris‘. - «includes Mrs. P. S. Schowengerdt. ' » ' - -‘ We-dn y fldiss Addie Root and Miss ,Essie ,, flu bride: man Virginia, Christian College clsb ltomeet jlleyle. - 1 ndhl. '.3'clocltiSt.Cl lall . --—-*— PevP¢|“‘f wl"d'°' ' H ‘ the colilegc flap.“ r on ‘ _Mrs. J.‘ S. Ankency, 906 Conley - 3,. and Ira. sapp left yester-' Mrs. 1.. w. St. Clair-Moss no 2“'°"°*- "ll °"‘°"“"‘ “ ‘°‘ °“ W“, l 4 ul west Upon their re-. entertain from 3 t.) 5 o'clock in Th""d”" ‘“°"'°°" in h" h°m° l" h’ 1 they will make their Missouri Hall on Chris an Colo ‘honor °{ ‘'1’ Rich” Tl"d‘"' an‘ I ‘V’ »s kg’ amp“, mmpiimnuu u"_ -~Richard another recent bride. _ in the bank. Mrs. Sapp for- Richard Clark. ura; Richard 'l‘in- “ll "¢°,“‘° ‘W’ ”"- *"'“"°Y 9"‘ ‘"'u‘ tterided cottey College at dall and hlrs. Frank Hughes of l‘"- '’"'d‘“- 7'" "°“"' ""'"‘¥‘ ""7 ‘ M an Univcnit), but For L;bem._ which the guests have been asked m.:wo years she has been Fortnightly Club to meetlat 3 ‘° '3" ‘"" 3 ‘° 5 °'d9‘k' ' «-=~~ .-:. . .2: :.=.::=i.-.:..*::-:..*:-.':.. :“.::..?::; * truest: e tn ~ W l “ ‘'1 l» 1 e ' - tfll 3 . _ 4,’. — '«r1““"_‘T"._'_,f..' . - . h 'esten'la' - :11’ Mad ttended it‘ ll ll 1. He became in- eluding :1 bank. new burned. - ° - ' _ bu» aid‘ school ‘ad blmness new nun‘. Blizflzlian hll.-rrgeathtl-rte :tl‘(‘$l(‘d inmthc“ himarshall-Field .C4».. _ .' _ ’ “‘ ”" Dnfung Warship .Report «lien - . ’ . Jlary Virginia Docrschuck. Ruth‘onc oi the largest wholesale an-- i.\m.<'Im:I»As‘r0<'.~r~mIMci' ed Safe 70 Miles "” ‘ R°“" 0"” '""""°" ‘° "“' Belch Adelaid Pl b 1 K naae‘ ood and clothin ‘aunt in the and. R « ~ ———- e = Me - Graduates 1'-Ltfimnoon ’ n we Danie’ .Gty Sid Lilian El’tll:5nl|1ln(; of.Han-“die :\'est. In 19633 he became one “'.‘::’5x‘::':°:",;lh;1|d':"3°S:onc°"°. .CoaSt" ' Are Engaged - p_ E. O‘ iumhcon ‘O gin.” nibal. of the salesmen of this company. .' ‘ T. ‘ in, Um“ P,__ . _ - : -~—,——— ~ F ntee years hlr. Doty cov- '1 ' t - v - _ ,_ The °"'1‘,:.mcgm1;:{i' mllnee.-Ma? l‘J:'lll(;°£1.lllAlllbCuflInfob:sl'fl"(;(el:l“nI‘l» Members of the Alph‘ PM "°r°r' °"°doru:v:lld‘ll!l' “’¢‘5l4‘l'9 5“l*°5 {°" in l1t"Kansas City ‘3tar‘nyesterfi;' shi:i0I¥sft?sIi‘a!i‘i'ii b‘¢f€n1l‘:)(lllllt;uttit(l\" ll-cw" ~° " "“ ."' ° . . .. liiy will entertain with a houscwarIn- his eompany. nnrin: fitia time he * .’ .~ : - . ' ' Ralph G.Ta,»lor iof L0Bl‘l,::li::'. ‘Em; lhl;-31:11!-:'lL)'f‘dhl‘;;|.Ic:‘l¢f1l'll I-.itr.cn. 4% .1‘! ‘ad tom“! duke on ;.,m,,.,. .\.i.m.d coiumb-In frequcnuy. as this 3.1 pm:-1l;Ir:eP’i.nL‘.‘ tlI\g(“::t‘)ll.:l.ll certisirl :1: ringlrisvofl )Ca:.-idHen!')- a men. was announced n ‘ ‘ . . . . ,. ’ _ -~ tods . during the Christmas holidays. The Mrs. J. S. Ankeney, 906 Conley ;I;he)_3iocce.pt£:li uiafiesgé ut§e!;1‘|.l:"-‘F Curr“ data’ for Congress from the eighth. — Sewn ,i‘.fli.,,, .503"; 9“. .1”. engagement is of interest in Co. avenue. to entertain at tea from ' ‘v Hdistrict. Mr. Nelson said thlll morn- ‘ ‘med batueahip "1. ugh the m,,,.. l . . . . ll. 5 ' till '1 it. i r , he 15.1921. _ . . mbia :eeai;se ciiif tbs‘ Pl:tl|’1‘lll¢‘llct"'(:f -Ilzitcohfirg ¢1l_*i>$nl'" l'°”°r “l “"- ‘ ‘at com “.13 .u_:... 09 0c 3‘ L3: rlifrrfl ‘:':e§_)"mSq:u_mbcr L I 1.2?“ . ‘ amt ! _‘r‘ so ysagc said. and tht')' suffered littli!-' Tl'llS lOt Of women S OX- ‘ ' ' ro on c . . , , , - ' * . . t. .is rue amgi rig me ‘ ‘ . ‘ - _- ‘.1‘.'.."2...°t ‘...‘.".’..2 t... tn... t... Friday ,,3‘g;;‘;;>., ;";,“*,,°,',:*:;,;*,::,§*;§; W?-’~bg;;~=;i;; *°hf§g‘gfl'§;*;*e5;°hf;}_d thatch: .. t........... .. .......n... t... {,':;':: :‘;;:,°°.j,‘ , ‘}';:_;;’:,:‘,;"';;,',,,‘:.:*.;, folds and straps ln ltid. - . . . ' e s on ‘ C . -' . - U... iii’ or‘-""?Itt '15:’ ‘‘"‘'“'‘°‘’ .....5§"3i.n.'-'.-‘t"°‘.i't“ til. "2:°neil.3i'l'.§ seven! days or use vtnnnte aunt IOn i.n...r‘§- t.'i'92s. he became con- 33¢."-=; W"'- F?“ ;';°*'" "it under the W-shinsron Arm Trc-t>~ H calf. suede and buck are '"‘'° 5' "r . ‘ 804 Conl » 1 ft ll te .' ed -- i. A, Fred ndaii ' tli d - "“ "“"""¢ ° "5 "8-. and was being towed {tom Pitiiadei-1 ,- . , - . ., _ I '5“ l4" "3’ ¢“d'“""d M" ‘ml’ Chgldi to here‘: ‘lg’; slum!" day to :¢’tll.l':Ientl:)e'\VeEll¢8lc¢r:'-y;l‘l8.:.- ,';::'tme:ltustore bl.lSle.'l'SS. m Q 9 mg. m’ l° d° '°' bl" '5 ’.".l’ I h‘"° Phil l0 Bllllmon Wllfll ll l"°l4° I In Iced “ ay belo“ then \ (11 the degrees of A. B. and S. W are es Aofilti e ' 8 Ytcnan when ‘he is ' nude,‘ u D", 11.". Mr_ Don. is a member of the R0- reached no definite decision and loose in . “om snurdu. night . ue. “I ucmbalfif wars?” 2 gllntillcllock it thyh rfiesmtffdtlr """ Itary Club and is a director in tht fed that there is ample time to ....._____a_._ and of Pi in W °" ‘ . ° '’ M . 1 Clark. dl t th . ~ - make an)’ ""‘°""°°"‘°"' which slaw MORNING NI-3W8l’Al’l-ZR ¢°W’*=¢ W ”""'"“>’ .‘“” V‘ ""°‘“ "’°""’°.”' . -Six": Nzclionse. min:-iv:-ed”;-turd-; i(°mm°m.‘.l-C'm --_.. miiiht -cm rrorcr-" FOR 31. LOl'lS run. I G t 1‘ NOW "u ‘ 'md°m i" chfiuun College And.’ mam" of the women’ from KM1885 C31? '59" 35¢‘ 31'9"‘ ‘ W‘ "‘ x°l'°" ll’ u‘°°|n' Nell‘ Hr. Nelson was formerly Cooper —‘''j’ e S V“! Uh VII I member BQUI °''q‘nlt‘u°n' 0, uni C‘lV‘ry ‘ht hofd‘ . whh her iecc' “'_ k Ne:‘on 'iu 'e.‘.e Wm, 60- ' _ N ._ _ . h _ SI. Louis Will Aflfltlf as Sism 00360! Wmllfi . E""°.°"."' C"‘"“l' ‘° "' l'°"' “ Nelle Ahnilfoee. n ‘u thin Wodmd-y to attend the annual t.tI't";f3..' r(P?r:nicml‘10ll.‘.\l( ll: tl9¢2lLe:e ""'°'““" E‘“‘°' °' °"""" '1 Tlilfl’ V“ Kndnld l'°“‘ we puml b°"'°‘. -—. -— —- ~-~ — 'ebrasks Organized Agriculture . - h d _ D'll3'- “"""lh-” the University with the degrees A. May:-re} Bcv_nck Circle of the GAMMA Pills WIN iioxoiis ,,,,,,.,,i,,,, ,. ,J~,,,,,,,,,_ -1-“. Cd... ‘:1 M: 8’ mm §————- 8‘ "'1 B‘ 8' ‘M u now employed by B‘m.t “ omen “ Unlon ‘O me“ ‘ I ST. LOUIS, Jan. 7.—A new morn- , _ . ‘.""“”’- _ _ ration corresponds to the annual the Lou-Bell Lumber Co. in Long: at 2-30 oclock at the home of Betas and Phi Gams..‘l'ie for ‘I-‘ra 1 ‘mm , . F. of.l920. . - ' ‘ ' ' he English language f M,‘ . Mrs. 1-‘. ii. lloberecht. 401 South Vteruity Attendance. M , 5 M ‘ N L , ,. ‘"8 9'9" "' ‘. . . ,_ nu ma. we mt «um mm 1» s~ B-we ' - pm-cc. me»a-m «« ‘.33.. :2. “.:'.'..:.::::. .*.'.:‘.f'.':°:.".' ;::‘.:.:::;‘ ‘i""2:.°..“".’.'.‘...I‘.§.’:’......':"".”i; mu in ‘um “um ye". mhllnrwtchcahnllrle hl u('3'l::lm‘nl'm.th ‘ I72’ dd“ fl(';.hmnll.hPh‘ Be“ hf-fllifity I on Thundw "ix." M will ‘“i“'!‘¢0¢!"-- T119 "3"" °‘ M_"' 0"“ s“""""' mien. Joseph. January 11-11’. - if . _ tli ll 7n: sell some- bfide "‘ 'r.‘.ed in ‘ town of blue “ESL B‘YOIdII ' The bppa -I-he‘. ‘orutn’. 590 “Ill U U} 9- ~ — e . . 0 ' «’ chruienle trimmttl Will! Cl|lm5ll)' Pl" “P” P“ fnumll" ‘Mm’ was second with 150 Per cent. 01 T” ' ”i“°"m‘n want ‘d’ . ‘Mn’ n nulwunm ‘um “i. ‘b ‘M ‘on . co!-‘.‘c of hgvcndar ‘O ht lIO9L8 ll CD lfl‘0Tfl\Il ‘ht Bet‘ The‘. .nd ,_ A yj 1 I Dflwdlfl. “waded the Comm, Apartments. to give luncheon in cm‘. A‘ Club Med. Toni‘ and rosebuds. “°° " ‘ll’ °“'P“" *'°‘”'~'~ Phi catntna Delta tied with a little After the ccremorw In and Mr!» s“" ‘-7 _ more than 100 per cent. Read llall ‘ g Dctvrcller vent to liirksville, where D‘“fl_"l¢"‘ "l ‘N’ Amfflufl Lu.“ me only o,.g‘nh,_.d b°u.¢g'm,; j - _ l"- °¢"°“°' 5* .' ‘'~“‘‘°"‘ ‘" “"3 R"""“"°" “’ "‘°‘'‘» ‘‘ 3 °°'°°" house with 100 per cantor over. TM Hear the Latest Brunswick and . ' ' Kiri-ville school or 0-teat-uuu-. '*‘ ‘£"‘*'°'"' °"‘"~ 3- "- Bind» .i'. ii. c. A. turned out so per dent, . o own one no ........ ~ . tn... n....a. S rm Hats slid Missouri for several years. “"9 3- 35- R°"°- ~D“"‘“ ' . .. ' g a .. 1 N. 35,}, sdwD;_ honor of Mrs. Richard Tindell. The Gm‘, Auiculmr“ Club in 10 g 20 . . .'.""“‘“ meet at 7:15 o'clock this evenin in r y . CO(u‘mb1all8 W€d ° dent in the University. and for the Ag)", wag A‘;-iculmg-.1 Bui1dlng,‘_ ; » in . ll“ Yell? She allll NI-'n leltlllfll ll ll-Election of oflicers will be held and 3 I ‘ Plfllt. ‘She is I member 0: the Clll ‘pun; “rill be mgde for thg “I-‘.1-m NCWI llll been !‘QCQl\'¢d ll¢l'(’ of 0mm 30]-0]-it)'_ ' ;Fronc.n ‘ the marriage of Miss Nettie Kelly. ° ‘ K ' daughter of Mr. and hire. John G. - ~ ~—~~ * ' - camber 29} in Santa Ana. Cal. lm- . medistely after the ceremony.Mr. and Hrs. Turner left for an automo- hile tour of Southern California. After January 15 they will be at home to their friends in Belltlower. Hrs. Turner is a graduate of Co- lumbia High School and also at- tended ' ' Why Are Rosie-Kinloch Spring ' Hats So Different? Perhaps it's because we buy our hats from the nation's uaiirt:st milliners-—-P¢|" hapa it's because they know their Paris and can pick the styles s'co_ming instead 07 ll1°5‘~‘ . ;'golng—per it's oecauae we malt: no , . . dart to vie with other stores in quoting the L lowest price—yet. without elfort we are be- coming known as the value center, as well as the style center. of all Columbia. ~ + _.__._.. _—9a-—. - _ the ‘tv h M '-“ - Turner was didefrcjrilierlyemof I .' l 3 “CW ‘ Iiimbis and attended Columbia liigh '" '4 : A. are those Spring Hair: of taffeta. straws. = kaady cloth, draped tarbans with lace or ma- liae which can be adjusted and worn either no or down— I . In aiaierialo item: show by Aunt Alice and laahcl ‘are straw cloths. ci‘.:.0¢8- ¢liI1l¢l' coo silks. fallle silks. and‘ visardotlw is Itrongb featured-— he has bee he is engaged in business. c——_-.¢—¢—.._ Tuesday Club to . , . A . i Discuss Glwmnvvi : 2 , . _ t F lorshezm at 2:80 o'clock tomorrow afternoon I l . 7. r a 3 .Dream Daddy Remcniberinlf « - ' Hot Roasted Peanuts I ‘tNever Had a Mlmmy f . When It's Nighttime in Eltsly L _...r_—,__.. 1 ,‘ ‘i That's My Bab)’ 1.-..--...._-...a}__ -n..._. .-‘_...'.......- . .1 - 1 . . ; "lie aaian hat ‘ "' 9” Y‘ ,;c° 5- ‘“‘“‘°'l“"‘- Vi“ . I Every Night I Cr)’ Mi“ M trimmings include quite a bitiot hand em- “ w°"°" ~ . ' | -. ' 't ‘ 1 self To Sleep Over You W3}, novelty kids. and ribbons. coni- "'* 3‘ F3-it-"on rill hm‘ - ‘. ~; 4 l ’ t « ° R 1" I-iaatiwitsirititiaeeaiiieadaaadieweh. chill! of the fir-st“pa'rt of the proo ' _ 3 _ . ' ' shuffling Hose . f T‘ I .....-. .......":.. ,..t.'""* ‘" °" e _. . . mt nor . ,.°.n — * "",...,.,"'!“.j,':, °,‘;‘,;",L°‘,f";,._‘;"-hf,-. S E 1 = = Down On the rat-in t . OI" tlowers—-flowers—flowers T. 9'Woaseh in Polities.". ‘L 3 e . ’ ‘ ; N0‘ **'='‘°—1.‘‘‘’' 7”“ ti‘ " ia af-an cslsr tar hat oi‘-uni:-as are .- pmm ;i:',]',,w‘““,.e _ 9 _e ‘ - . , i Roaming to Wyoming; Jd seen for your I-i-acua-0-I and -9° . umiedgin Tum A decided airing on Known . why sham! cm -3’, 1 a.e.a_yaa will love them? : "in. rraneea Wetlnore of Paris.’ $104-$Il——$l2 ‘Values ~ 4 ‘ . L0"? 9° Y0“ Th!’ ' 2.’ ‘ :4 3:!”-.“:u§m""" Tom.‘ L 1 « ,. L . Neareraad Dearer ' ‘_ - v «: wanted‘ on ri-tam 1 : 3 g 4 . R * [ . n.*:.'**:::;.:.:.°~ ‘W: -' M": if Now, $6.95-e L 3 ' ii ' It 3 l, . '1 ‘J l‘ ‘ In Young was formerly a stat-_ on- oa.L_....._ ..-«-- -... . v t F” 3 .1 ~.s 1 C . i ' a . 1- A . ‘ V: A u__ '_I ‘V ‘ - z ‘ . . _ ‘ _ . ' - } '7 L. . H ~ ' l ' “ 7 I: u n -. .‘ V ‘ -. ‘ , . __ . . »— ’ ,_. .-"‘;."""‘ '.‘. :6.’ ‘-5: F-.71 ——v-;--f’ _._ I _ fr- -.__£ *3 .» .~ 6-‘. _ . V a ,9’ - ..‘ -v.- ‘ "L -_ - ". Z‘ ‘ -.__"'__ "a.__‘, -- ~ . _ g .. '. 43: ..}3.\4:.-1| ’ : .' ~ ‘3’.‘-'-'—’'‘ i.:-’;gi - 3 i .. Ix"-2*‘. _.--:* ‘_ v, .». . ~- .- 2 .A '’~ .-. ‘ .' 2 ' . - ‘ :- .k -g.*.-—. " ' ' e 5' ‘-)'.-q-' -‘0 [$41 'k5,"i;; . . , , _ ' ‘ ' . _» ‘- ‘ 1 , i‘ ' ' . . - '. .-_ ’ ."' - - _ l ’ ’ .-_'.. '_“\‘—A6“.‘_ t.‘.‘.’. » ' ""'-'-2 ""3; ', \‘ -7’ .‘''~ ' U" ' - .—’.-'~ - -' -. ' ~\-.';' ‘v* ‘ — -a—s-.»s—_§_