.-.1. ‘ J "" 4'...» . ,-'_. . ' l. . _-, ‘l. . . W 1 ' C" ' . ' -.....‘t. w. r ‘ . 9.- Vg; ;: . __-3 - ” -‘ ‘ x A -’\p. ‘i ‘I.- Q o '. "' . , H, . . - '1 rs ' I L“. , .5 -I . V . ~ a.._. .‘ ‘rl ""§"'" Seasoi nl, .~ , ‘ ~ ' imng of the _‘ . _Pittenger; Smith andschemmor in: - ‘i I D . More ‘ ache middle distances: Poage. Trow-‘, - _ ~ nllgter .151-idge and -Edda in the distance l ‘ 6- . ‘a ‘ ' runs; Etta:-. Surface _‘ —-—---— ‘ - ‘ welg ta; ‘ M. BAIJANCEDESS Dohahoe in _ i_,,___._... ' ll ' ,the"let11cr men now out.‘ Wadddl; . ' . Be ieves hurlilespnd high hnnpureell. high‘ g.. ‘ pson . 3 33uInP: and Simona. sprints, are the. -That‘a'-Good Sl'lOW17lg ,mal coming -back the first of the l ' ‘ ‘ Made. ’ '?‘°" ' ° ‘ - l .B¢ 1 l Besides this aggregation of tropb T ’ ’.Tlll8 winners, Braitaford. sprints ' big‘ . _.- ‘amp; ' . middle hei enough f¢8ll°ll9°5 Wh rton. djhtancos; and Simps n it B. 1- Sllllll-9°ll,and. Cunningham. hlfrdlcs, of tail; forth a second H0509 10Y’__year's squad. are also, on hand and ‘nextisemutcr Captai I and a l wall-balanced on .wh‘ole.-f looking whlhl still a freshman with‘ a few outstanding starspl‘ - . to-an ‘ll:-(.}ooosol~l is Insertion “at Center? . the llisariuri track squad illgx‘ forward to a fairly hifll p0--. . . _ "'5 "I sition in Valley track circles. Cosch’_ . Blllld lll file SP 0183‘ Simpson is not over-confident an , - the -Pole "ll" "9 does not lay claim to the besttes ._ in the country, but he is satisfied his, men will do for themselves and,‘ the school. ..:———. asst-:n_Al.l. stale . our “hefty” Praett..Former M.‘U. Man. 31 . ble to '° lay Now. A report has st Louis tell if the re to form of "II 8.0‘ filtlivcrsity of Missouri Tigers 24 to l'l- ' the *3 T0 NEBRASK 1- ls wlwin tbs mud“ ssouri‘ ,iskct'cllcs on the map of that high- ‘ y "en “,9 39 resents .-way. «drawn-Fnda I « . - gdlstances; and Thornsberr) snrluts.-'= 7 l 1 ' Special to the Ill-uourian. AGAIN.-1 LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 7-The liivefisity of Nebraska launched its 924.basketbalI campaign here Sat- 0 his in the‘ 1' Stone Wall for First 15 Minutes of Game. , 1 ‘it-I:l’.l.l§KER STAR Marks Beginning of Scoring for Home Team. night by turning back The Tigers. runners-up in turn _ (“Lcft?‘l’) Pruitt. a former student 1928 Valley race. failed in their at- ""'”m - ~ ~“thU‘ 't'whobaabeen1n'}n 1 hfi dz -11-ulblaan track men. About twenty impugn": ,m,,d,1,._ :1-he mm M": In e , rnversl 1. . __te, pt to so'v1:.t c re-man c ease me: am to we we-'» we -----tl---4 by a:.:;:::.:;: ::;3.: :55 ..?.;.'::'".°.*..:::::'::: and the coach‘: want a Y°_lll“.dition of the 1923 freshman team.’ squad of more than fill)’ composed ;of several outstanding g enrwhq report for trick stars. lteeble, all-roundman. and work regular! Will §*¢ll3°d' {Wm Richcrson. weights, both placed high in the National Junior Collegiate: Lamar. and Vallet for Distances Lamar will run the distances. hav- 5. ’ th ' ut a week before the official open-‘ in cross-countryz. 53' of an u-goon. putsronsiderable member’ of the cross-country team. ;. Ljua-I-ls-.-1.-.av¢"," ' . - CLASSIFIED Al)VERTISEMEN'lS ‘ PHONE 55 ' . Sis Insertions for Se a Word- Bo; ‘. Cent-a~Word a flay. -n..c..l....l... ln.....--... s. . 1 nknts on first floor. Call Telephone iIl'.°l T5’ *‘‘'‘'°‘''''‘“‘‘ °‘ ;’lx328. ‘Mraulames Butler. 107-l0ll laeludis ladies are-never-_ 05 ' kl ’ FOR RlZNT—Two M, . . mt - O, ,',,::,,.,,,,{u;.::' ,..;. . well furnished and comfortable. 1.. elanifird adwgtklnr ‘ - flarge sleeping porch , Prefer Uni- lna lb-o-mun - -Ell l ' 0”": l‘ varsity men next semester. 415 llitt °' “W 3'" “”' ° street: on hot: Red. H103-108 plat only tmiu..lmn:‘n‘:_nAa- ’. 1?‘ 9 _ _ nu ..i..-nL‘35..: ..... .....hm..a.. .. l- nor: aEls"rT\\'el‘lI< ht-nu-aw front up high»: standards at honesty. ‘room or women. . 9. . atson ..g.._,_ __ Place. Phone 1573. P1012112 I FOR RENT--Steam heated rooms, hot a ' cold -water. Price reason- to travel. Make secret investiga- tions. Reports. Salary and: ex- penses. Experience ‘unnecessary. Write J. Ganor. Former-Govt.’ De- tective, St. Louls. ‘ o.- ,- - way and Hitt, upstairs. FOR RE2€'l‘--2 and l.-‘gvrooms on second floor and two rooms on third floor-in warnnsteam heated house. WA~NTED—-Washing to do. _W\’ill for second aemeatcr. Girls. Boa call and deliver. Phone 2072 Green. "reasonable. Phone 1831 White. a - --__l(l___"«_-_11_3'**-" -~ «-— V - 13104-109 ‘ -AREA!‘ FOR REl\’T—3 well furnished modern rooms. single" or double as HONEY T0 LOKN 0n,C01Bll5ll boys. 011 Wilson. Phone 981 Whine. real estate. Weathers RealtywCf>&lMn=. o. M. Thrall. T106-if over Newman’: Hardware. 1 . FOR RENT—Two nicely furn- two years. i I ett. a southpaw. Ruth. JIIXX most of ‘the -season was a cast is .aaid to be in good shape now. season, om the college star. ,¢__....:. PIKERS, AT TOP OFCONFERENCE Two Vic-to-ries for Wash- in'gton—f-Sooners De- 7 in. Basketball Standing how more on bad -n’.s.~» .’ last ~11: the first six minutes of play. _ §'l’be Missouri defense al llC5°b8"'3 Emile!‘ 31llt¢€1‘- isolated a ston wall for the V in 1922. .531 Wllllfl hid 3"“ teen minutes f the game. During " Only five weeks remain before the last August ll Clllcillto. lllB.f0l’lll€l' 1”‘ 3°" keep“? his “'‘°“Pb°"‘" ‘" llllfi lllllf‘ N“bl'll3l3ll'-“ lll"-"~’ P0 so pre- firdt fif- ‘llli «represented a. trio _of f lee throws of the game almost all summer. ‘He by cggifl-_ and \ The already won a letter ;last fall c°°"¢°‘ Sis!‘-"3 ‘"3933?’ °f l-h°.Goodson replaced Valley” _ another Btlcwlls. 583-3 ll? 9300018 11 KN!“ for .\'t-braska. The big pivot man; fr Tigers were leading when seemed to crtimple the Missouri de- fense. Vol: scored a side shot, and. 'Good.son followed with three bas- kets.‘ Tiplon added the extra point and Nebraska led at the half by a 12-to-7 score. ‘ Mi half rcpresclltcll two nu-at baskets by Lester. a side throw by Fuurol. land a free throw by Wheat. 1 . The Bengals 1 threatened at the tltart of the second half when Les- ter scored in the first minute on a l-.s»ouri‘s scoring during the first \'ol:: ‘Ti free tosses. c '9 l.ool-‘the Nebraska scoring with a basket, however. and .\'ebrn.-aka held ll 14- -f:;,ln-ll lead. Center Black tore loose and drib- -“lll bled the entire length Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Ne-hrlakl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 0 Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ll Ibwouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 1 Drnltr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 l Grins:-ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 l . Kan-In Ans.-. .......... .. o l .ooo1€ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ll anus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll 0 .090 M Successful in their northern ‘inva-‘,5 sion. of the floor Ethrcw two field goals. and kept the ;lead despite a‘ pair of field goals by ,1! eat,‘ thrown in ‘minutes of play. The summary: the ‘.7 . .i>l\l’li:I'IVt .-.: $1. .2‘. 7 l W l l V l . . V. ‘ ; ‘D L 1 A'i‘ltltND0l§l-‘ s::.:;:j BE “W AND .“:.°.:‘.‘:'.;.'*?: *::.°";".::% ORDER. SUNDAY” and Saturday, l'0l'lll)ltl0ll Set are 2l'bl.lt J .travclln: for most anybody's baa-';~ Date for Opening of kel ll team. and the prediction‘. ‘ Their 1924lQf. I 1 I - . 1 I U Grinnellnnd Drake to its credit and ‘ P ck at center — - for an easy basket, and Usher ad-' _____i V _ washingmn 80* hr had’ melded another two points. Goodson WANTI-ZD—Men over 18 willing ables . ilo Building. corncr,Broad- llsl in the V811?!‘ balk‘-‘l-bfill ¢0lllPl-" phone 935_ tition with two victo ‘es chalkcd"up- 51102.3 to hercredit. Was ington opened Friday night in Grin ell, and added another victory Sat rday night at 11 sev- last few H‘ gam,.dn). Get *";"" "‘”"“"°““"tc-rbat:l:. it was-anounccd, is signed ‘as assistant coach to Dobie at Cor- :;nell dor next year. putting to res th _ _ Nebraska (20 Des hloines, trlmml the Bulldogs rs.-1.1 25 to 27. \ ‘ " , ‘ ' Usher. f It.) . . . . ..I II 0 2 Slllllfdlll‘ llllfllt 390 951 (‘min I . . . . . . . . . .0 :4 o Oklabum 29. Pin - . la l5- Bull». l . . . . . . . . ..o o_ o , Mtsaolri 11-. Ne-traalta . ninth, .- a r .: u 1 ~ Hillrsrda 2!‘. Kansas 26- c..u.l.nn. .- . . . . . . .. r. o 4 lo hhopas 29. Kan-u sale ll». Vola. x . . . . . . . . . .. 2 o 2 4 w-haman .15. Duke 7. 1-rum... .. ........ ..o _. : 1 Three teams broke into the per-f -1 .. - centage column as a sult of Sat-5 TOW‘ l in ‘ Yuul urday's games. much ‘stronger team than it Neb aska. with al ' has; .‘ I've-r Goula Throws.- Itlaaourl (Ill) . , offer. it was said. ""*;‘” é‘“' "“““'.COLU”M"Bi}CP”REP 1:03 351,1-;...;. modun, 8 ‘roornjshed imam‘ 1-0,. b'.,y5. om. mom shown .in the past. tu ed the tables. ‘wow. 1 ‘I’, . . . . . . .;p 1 E tllouse. Welllocated on south side..1u-3. man‘), go, 3 1,0,1 will mm on Mlaloutj. and 1'0!“ d 8W8)‘ “'1'-ll ‘c <_mf""_"’3' “ ; 3; Liberal terms. Address” M. 0-. C1l'€_reasonnble. Call at 708 ‘Maryland, 3 6'l’°i."t "‘"°ry‘ l ‘ Lewis. at . . . . . ..o It 0 a of Missourian. - - phone 692 ‘Black. ‘ GFIOG-108 Oklahoma. "ted 7’ “ d‘"l8er0us, B-rel. e . . . . . ..n, 2 2 2. .————.-- ‘—--——-- -_--- - -- - -- --fr’ —' - -- -————j i contender the "alley title. B‘-"~'hn’r~ 3 ----~--~0 . 0 I 0 _ FOR RENT FQR RENT"L““'¢‘ “°°m “'9” up to _ early rating by doubling Tom’ _ _ . . . '5 '9 ;',j , " ’7“"’“3l"‘d- ."»}l°"°“K_h1Y /¢°lllf°l't8bl° the score on the Kansas Att8l88- The Fool Goals us...-14:4-era.-la. u.h-.- 1. 7'03 3357*‘? (0. "‘°d°”‘ Ind splendid l0t‘3l~l°l1- F0? °ll€ 01’ Oklahomans are using Missouri's coud-nn 1. vol: 1 plan 2. Iiuouri l'l0ll8€'- 1001 1-0¢llSl*5l«j l’ll°ll€ 904- ' two women or girls. Between Uni- g,...o,..a 313-1., of pin.’ the sham pass.-‘ Wheat 3. Faurot 1 1.:-um 1 wal-h l. ' W 1 _; _ _T1°7f}_°_9" lversity and town.~Phone 2377- Black. it is reported from Norman. J c0‘1‘;':"’”.’“"i" _‘M T i . ' ii " G “-4. _ N101“ Eight Valley" games are charted ‘ . 4* WANTED 10 8ENT’/ H . v ~ - for this Week. owa State opens i ‘ ‘ “’ " “ FOR RE1\'l—Tmo furnished .WAN'l‘ED—-Room for two young‘ mom. .135 block, fr 3 d - V ., _ on] ma way. ‘'‘°“- C‘" 973- E"b‘"k5 °" newly papcrcd, light and modern. _ ‘ ‘ Suitable for students or house keep- To lflfl. Twill {l0Of, 107JS0lll.ll 6th Give phone number and address. Ad-' St“ Ph°"‘~‘ 2002' ' 102'” ~d'°” 1 “"9 Ml”°“'i1‘:)'1' 109 FOR~ REl\'T——South west frbnt .._____._.._.--_.__..-_ _, ,,.__._‘_Z... in ‘n modern home, beautifully """"‘?.“" ‘ " , rlllgndhexl. Sunny and warm. To _. WANTED 10 BUY 1 man and wife or boys. At 512 S. WAN'l‘ED—We paycasll for cars, Williams. Phone 1283 Red. P92-tf to .— l l ' ‘ “Inge commbn Au 0 Pans FOR RE.\lT—Koom for boys at Z 8 . l 5- 1 . ..m .‘‘.£}.‘.9l:’L_———--~——0 110; I17 South 6th street. Phone 1575. : K92-tf. [DST AND RJUND . - ]gg1~__Go1d”‘.,.i“ wmch bewmen: FOR R'ENT-—'lv'o double‘ rooms 11.“ 55,.” and Columbia" now“ and one ,slngle. 718 Missouri Ave. Call lira. Fee, 334. Reward. Ph°“° "3-?~ 7 1924‘ «._+ .* _ "°°"‘ FOR Rll-3NT—Deslrable rooms for ‘_ ‘FOUND--Will person who took light 5011” k9€Plll8- s- _ lug lawn.“ wheat” Sgtur- ure. 1st.and 2nd floor. Phone 824 A74tf ., _, jl’ t return aame'und'B13¢k- 103 South 001 Sl- T. ncxdmme his own hat. Call‘ FOR‘ .» REN,r__,l.‘_° -- .......--:_..« .--—. ‘rooms for light .house keeping in ‘ imodcrn home. Phone 1749 Green. I 3502 South {Williams new} - —-._- .f‘."T_‘;..".T.‘T'.'T‘.’ . ...- . . f , noon AND ooaan ROOM LAND BOARD-—for girls 1' second semester. —-——.*_-—~—.— —___1 . .~._-c A77tf ._..a Poll sAl.l~:—-cqtl ‘while, '89?!‘ back. mtlflkcy stove. oil heater. ' ilo gas platen. walnut was-drobe.I 500* ' chair, "walnut! to 1...; 1,11" H31" * .‘ 5 ‘ 1 ‘ I ' v ‘;.: 1.i1?,Ro‘:l3é-‘iosislty. Phone 1292 Black.‘ jrlorhl , APPLES FOR 's.u.a_3.,n..' noon slvo BOAltD—For girls. Gang, band ;o,m_hm. games’. card for_ men . 216 Hitt. street‘. York: and Starks cloud. Call‘; Phone l56Q White. Mrs. B..fL. She- J. '1'. Howard_.'44l-‘4 for delivery.» glean 3103-124 __'__'__ -' v “ET BOARD} and lroou--Fol boys 1 800118303 L83-tf. roll 1lr:l~1r_s...,.,... ....,d ‘ 1311::-;.8h;3.mm,ht 1-1.... .§E'7‘j moon nlorlcns. ’ - 1 '° ‘ms "0: ACACIA moan. No. 302 . 3°“ -33".“-.4 mm Ildell-I '.A. r. a A. at. .' Plmll. completely furnished for; V } !‘°1u“'°7 I fine loation. « 11394,,’ ' 3' . K . pl in. Second 1umvf__¢ ‘ a ’ 4 Third d ....... l.:;..'°°.'.';...°' M s With crlwlthout hoard .Luv;AR'w"‘ HUB .Blgd;_ I Bmblmi 3. ll. JDNG.‘ SGIQQI7 . gm‘-gfwonieemolnaand ‘ ' '11- ’ '*i~‘1,:~'T_ . 2.. ’ nllv1sa‘W.A'r.solt E ‘loo. ' ' Ci‘ . furnished : !of the season tonight by entertaining the victorious Washingtomsquad. while the Kansas waits until Friday» t 10‘ . break into the .'Valley competition... ,b5'°l8‘l'3 fol’ U"-‘ ll‘??? bhinpinc 8580- _ ‘ciation, which will ‘elect officers at. Hthe next meeting. l ' Games this week Tonight--Iiaaouri ldabula at Grinm-ll. at Lincoln. suurday—-Iluouri at Washington. Gr-ianell .at Alas. Drake at Oklahoma. Missouri meets the Grinnell at Des Moines tonight. ‘ , FARMBR§7§§OflATl0N IN C llm dissed basketball same. 35 to 27 the‘ _ ---—-0 , PJKRRS or-zrl-zn DRAKE arable feeling was in evidence butjTIIJT re was no disor er. . 7 A committee was named to draft ‘Pauli in Last H;-If‘:-Aid -Slwhdbilfli 8 he portal to the Mlanou DES MOINES. Squad to Victory, 35 to 27. rtan Jan. 7.—Washlng- ; oon University of St. Louis Satur-E » ‘ ‘day night defeated Drake in a close‘ FRANKLIN COUNTY SPLITS -.._ _ .en Break From fstate Organisation! Caused by ‘ reducers’ ra " e {(0 ‘According to fan article appearing Louis Twice-A-Weék the in the St. Globe-Democrat. insurgents in ranks of the Ivlimouri Partners‘ sociation ill* Franklin County I split the organization thce in tion ir.at.ion,of the New Haven tive Shipping Association for ' of livestock. The headquarters of the Mlsaop ; tion is located-+-in‘-u .Colnmbia.', William Hirth, puhlishcrl m Farmers’ lltasocia Missouri Farmer, 11; of the‘o niaation. )8 sion over the “producers' contra ’f co-operative marketing of fl 1 or. products. The ‘‘producers' can REfi“‘T“"""' Eat 1415 Bouchelle avenuc.: Phone 'of the Missouri I-‘armcl-s’, Associa- ‘I803 Red. 1 1 1 tion provides . mar ' all ggrflilt, Buvastock. poultry and the re\ult of dis: mercharitable u the A-- have an 3 lastfour minutes of play. _ l F113. The score was l5 all at if the half - - lginnilng of the second period, but ' loss of Boclter and Garret on ulszzupset the Drake machine. and lwasllington edged ahead to ‘Vin: in Slighutilyullalna-gc-;—lT>)'d fire. caused from ljurning lloot two falling on a shingle roo , occu Boyd. 811 street. The damage was on-_ about $15. 4 at I slllorticuitdl.-a—l_f:‘.lll_l.l Meet; Tuesday. ‘he Horticultural Club will meet._- - . ill’: o'clock Tuesday evening in Drake took the lead at the be-, l faction , and as a result. one fac- at 6:80 o'clock this morning at thc7 hds formed a tentative organ-;bome of Miss Bessie Co-opera-'._ Waugh r I e ‘slat Agricultural Bulldlng. Re-f I 1 4 O l . .ports._on the Kansas City fruit 'hn_'show‘will be given. , t" ltE'l‘AlL MERCH.AN‘l‘S' ASSOCIA-' « ION NOTICE , tract; _ All‘: mem ' l lth ’ b ' » or the ‘ penuwl ;ose _ elr places of ualneaa from bers are requestedi to to B p. m. tomorrow (Thesdayl '.l W. H. Hughes. 1 I. 8. Jackson. Vice-Pres. EB. G. Davis, Sec. l the funeral hour of our late presi-‘l dent‘ Mr. Sigrid llgoing to be ha that the winner will not end up withl perfect percentage looks as ' ' h ‘ fine chances of being accurate. ebraska put the Tiger touring cariby the wayside with tire trouble. Kindco-operation on the part of Messrs. Bocltcr and Gllarrett of the Drake Bulldogs who exceeded their foul quota. enabled the Washington machine to finish another p on- troubled. after the Pikers had passed the Pioneer fiivver with little trou- ble the night before. McDertnott's Oklahoma steam roller ironed out a 'll0l‘- {W088 bump in Manhattan while .Kans.us' 0"°ll$l"€ ‘°l"'°Ph°ldill8 the Elflll-, machine proved -itself fit for the race een Amendment and the Vol by pushing c St. Joe Hillyards -‘lead _-“Cl Oll 53038)’. -l3l'll18l1 13- hllrd ll‘ ill? UlP'~‘- Amt-‘S ll89 3'91 10 Marking the close of the third full pass the 1-'.tartcr's ting. ' % fensivefi ' lAm or CLERGY 3 SOUGHT Call Is _ Issued to All Churches Requesting = ; Observance of 'th°e»Day. The Nebraska victory is it ha but my 0;-day sand.’ setback for the 'l‘izers. of course. Churches will one: thanks for pro- but less so this season than usual. hibmdn and u;-3, not only obggfi-- probably, because of the number of ancc 5; the law, by emone but lflhnlfl “'lllCll 59931. at this SL330, $0 3150 [heir enforgemcnt by ‘oy- closely matched. Washington is crnmcllt. It will be known as Anni- strong. with victories over lllinois.,~.-¢-y,;m-3- Sunday, only one deft-at—Purdue,. who beat «I‘a'2“a::1l| gglefhéundny has one Chi°a‘°‘ 5'"! 3'“ Duke “""‘ ]""d' from the Citizeriship Conferfznce ‘"8 “’“5"‘"l“°" “P ‘° "'9 ‘W 5"" wllichiwas held in Washington in minutes of play, when two Bulldog Ocwmr gm] which playea a large play part in strengthening the law en- . torccment movement in this country. be. ‘ . Wm‘ It is signed by Fr Smith of mg finibdus’ yet ‘mum came \'vw York who lrcsided at the‘ sea- within two points of them. Tllr limp; “r “W ..(-’~“nfe"'_m_(“ and me merits of the Mlildcats are Sulll1.\ ;_hm'.lMr‘ M. the ll,-’“,cuu“, Comm’.-'__ what in the dark’ but 0kluh"m“'b the «J tile (‘unlmiitee of Ont‘ Thou- decisive victory makes the Sonners sand‘ (*v‘.'nin“ an” my Week "1, I00‘: d‘mmEmu5' United Prllyt-r, the day will be of 5° p‘“5'"“ 0m "1. m" flag 3”” particular significance. Wisconsin. l’llrdue hnd Minnesota‘ r"“l”'il3“_ wid"l3' (lrluulud took me lead inn“. Big Ten M(,z’m_ . Tllecall points outthat the benef- weuvs Badgers Wm... hard pushed to llccnt results of prohibition laws are mg. The Hillyardr are accredited take [ndimm in“, mm”. "W mm.Kini;nurko1i and overwhelming. and l.llII§"t3k(-n up bl-inlz_a ru-ld trout in the la.-.1 to-n’-“_“'"' l~“ fl “’ldvl>' 0l'lfl1fll71‘d an minutes of play. Purdue showed h“~',m-" "_"“"°_°d P"°P“l3“"d“ ‘°" marké Superiority Over Chicngm lllt-ll‘ fxlllllrI('ul.l0n. ll l)(‘Zll‘1'4lh(! title the score beintz 525 to 24 and hlinm-- "A "3" W ‘l Nillllnfll 09)’ lll sota had no trouble in disposing of hu” °f L3“ ‘‘"d 0'd‘-‘'-'' I‘ is ‘J’ Craig Ruby's llllnz, ::u to 20. $"‘<‘-‘*-ml lo “all clerk)’. pastors. min- , . _ ~l.