‘ ._-——__—.-:-_-—,m .-.a—__. ... -v ,, _ ..—.._—o - -rm coiguiintd, mssomzutif. .1 ~ - - — *1‘ * ,, “ ‘ T“*""""“”'. °*"*“‘**"“" ‘*7’ ”" " ’ 7 l _ - . INsURA‘NCE—FARM LOAN§ .:;'. '2. .‘ L . - ‘ l _ ' ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . J _ - . -»' °~ x‘. - ‘h. 1 “ flu ."ue.‘h~i t . *H-i|*_4'''¥-l ‘ my, ; rm»: pox PEACE ri.-am: = i ‘ ‘. * » , tartar: t...-. .t.. have 70099"! not A», .:.liifiu:tl?°chdiidlessh ‘ i T C ‘ I T The apple Whltten Hall ililew ' orb Paper: Declare That‘ H AL A‘ ; I.II‘l1m;b-O.-"';'”;m '01:: | ' up the Ii-ninin ‘tail to. An! ' - . -i ’ . 1 t = ' I ' ‘ 2 , 3&3, "IL 9- lo‘ ‘nd‘dupe‘_ There '3; kufihu J white 3 is well -attended. Excellent. samples} nll'\'Il" Profener ‘I E 4 y ‘"3 ‘ hflfl‘. '- ’ iforins of faces, aiidoiieeoaldfind il'i‘tai tutti‘? "9 «baa sauna be of all ditrei-eat I variétiea are in- 3 Author. ; . d mm g g ._ ” J . '- _ . . e‘‘‘*'''‘‘''''' . A ' ble abo , , -" ~ d- -W ' » ' ‘W081 I'll! 93¢“ ll! W_ll|°d ll? N97313: """"""‘.,='_ ;*;.::.:Pu?;:m: Km. wyfig, ‘:8 Reports published in New ‘iorl: . an 1 ' . . ., .. ._ 1 3 it "in. ltoolring about him.-‘Ric man was de: f;_",,u}.3., .,.'_. iqopt. hot auto ‘dated ‘M "ranked by Univenm), newspapers declare that Prof. Man-! at ®'rIu~.‘.;.._f....fl.* 30' ikhud »' V icy Oaedtr .,... J6 13;‘ *3’ ' ..... 1Il_'_l.lU to rid . 3 . ... ~ ' . .;,...t.....i be sad." roe-oooi attIeh:3"'l3- ; Andafewbnurslaterbotli-side-.,m..¢h..=IIhbel.aalerntehndb- And the iUpholstering l A. J -7 “ . "I-~ - ’ 5 Sick i“" V.’ / . .‘ ‘_ V. . . . .. - _' ~ £ ’ ' " - ° Finger tv‘. 1., ‘ 5]. -—“-;_7—‘-- fig... ,3," .,,.., -QVQ no vrltera.‘ Chicken and sheep ttlslllfl. pa of the University of Missouri, is be I Gossip! .i¢ mp y .1; “pen up 0 sun‘ . “"‘.".“ "5!" me?“ ‘me equmy ” :30. ibest on the farm now.” believe: lleved t0 be 1150 ll“-11°!’ 0‘ l-ll? 30*‘ _ . ‘ ~33. n 1. _ aterer and ‘can give prompt _____fil__£_F__. 3:6-:‘f,tf“"‘§fii.§E‘T3T--__;wdl as e er. Dded8q'f'u":r'§’“..... Chase Hinton of liucliner. a mem- peace plant.'m.Pt:iffe;sor who I Susplcwn! A 0 udwmctfln .e,,.“.¢ W. . ..... .. I8 1 t ' ‘ Editor the Hiaaourian: The active~.u’.d the Mwslun Sq“ B.°"d of is the hm . .73’ 5 ‘um’ scandal‘ ‘have a full line of tapeatrlee . mu 1:4 ‘ WHAT SAY , 01”” Ma“, 'y‘_,A_g!'lCU1tl.ll'e. “These bring in morelett of Columbia. is now connected 4 ‘uawrdonn _ e..i..," ....... ........... , _ A cunimirn in hie“ 'rpa‘dy cash than the dairy business." with the Harvard Law School. Pro- . » , .- .. ' ' he said. § ‘ tern by the officers of the Student; Equal Before the Law. -Gioverninent Association it some ____;___________ ._._» W >____ * {esaor Hudson, however, denies that { MOD!-1RNlZ§:3 FARMING Fm‘ M mum. ;;..,._,A tion, perhaps. It is not the‘ ——+——»—-——- .. ;he wrote the winning plan. ; . p_ _ __ _ ‘explain. ” u , .,‘ “I am engaged in general fa'rm- Frank A. Vandcrlip, banker, who’ P —' President station 9.. Brooks of Women have as 2904 =7 I"txhtth*°»“l.w Itflwd °‘ Wm :::’:',:;!:‘t°m’:::e~lng," said J. H. Reedy of cover. is at present in. Cambridge at In ad- ghe University of Missouri struck aishoot men R5: m¢_I! h;l"¢- 303 93,1?-. 33°‘ ‘ “P3” . ."and l have found that iioybeattsfareyiser. b:lllL'\'e8 it iliintltie furo- * i _ . profitable. especial!‘ y as a compaaionifessor udson. . . a- E - $3 ' . ‘ad “ad crop with 00111. either T0!‘ h0¢3"l0K-T uder of Harvard who~J'<‘2ad the “mm “’*'°" ‘"’ “*4 ""“ “W” “‘?‘e)titrl€”"rt'ect ‘h his ' ‘or the nut‘. in: of the liébnr system "‘°"’ °“"d ti: '1 build iiindi la bef ' it ’ b- -the ‘ml!’ 1”“ "“’“’"" “"“°" '3'“ ter. Both sexes mud in °"°“Y dent . ilt(.“l::cpaet;:Toil°rf:iftil:.w‘ .-r er jmiitoifugs hie piliblishedzliltismdotl 3°‘ d°'d°p°d ‘n , °w“iuu.°n15llD3l3" """.”.‘n’mty hen" .the‘ . Th? Student Govgmmsrt ‘Aiaog: “It is difiicult for the farmers to that which he read. Pmfe55°i’ Beale : ‘T adapted to our modern indcstrial C3V"tlIW. Wornen -have the same ‘fizhttioa is not advocatinz we a (lag! nuke both. ends meet now’. be com of Hflvud "Veda that the “fie is» iliaation. ‘he ‘5 "‘°“' "'h‘°.h '3.-°i‘.'~f’f ‘he. ‘who’ ’y“°m"me “of me: ’ tinned." *5?“ ‘‘“‘°5 “"3 l“"3"-‘Bl different from that of Professor \‘ot that it is’ possible for thcv‘°t?! ”° 12¢‘ ‘tt ‘ll 3° °°fm:::.'“‘ epl;l°:°°::;Bw;“;:: 0” -rates are high and prices are low ‘Hudson, but adds that he has heard ‘ ' ’, , . . e con cnipaion 0 men ’ ._ ' ' p - , fanmm of the 3‘=*‘*°" ‘°_l~""‘°" ‘.‘”"i::tit:iioh is that punishment shall of our school in.» just as the pro- '°‘;lfr‘;,"“h‘f:°f]:f";;d n?lf“g"“:m,';:: ‘*.‘°g“""“°“ 9"" “"‘° “°" “'"‘ der the tower of the little brick be m ed out without discrimination hibition of other forms of stealing isgthege h“diCaps_.. h’ d_d we _t M 0 e an ob. «- t. .....m.. .3... .. “"7 °°"""‘-' and decide m.stnke Th“ “'°"‘°" “h°“ld “"5” "°.im' p.awd]y' the swam“ P? Mi“ Gladys Tovmsfmd" °{ Mr. Vanderlip. “The winnerlis un- until higher ‘prices are paid for mu,m).‘ in the ¢°mm;,~,3;0,, opcnme, tlizned th:.‘l‘ilttiir:)¢:' :f}‘!tIil‘¢;mSm)d‘:n9t ‘.Bolckow. Andrc:.t~ County. is in delc- def mm m conceal his idenfityh. 1.03.; it ig__j_)oaatble, and highly de- we believe, is the general Vlfsw QT '3 °°"t5' A hum ‘flows ' a ‘gate of the “omens Progressive Pmfasm, Hudwn B “ praem n } sirable for his n_wn welfare. however. women themse yea. As an evidence crninen ssoc pan,-.95 A,;5o¢,,m.,n at }{,¢1;m-y wl’arlter Furniture Co. , 'l'Yl’EWRlTI-IRS liuaxran ALL hlAKl;S_ 3 Months. sjiito Up First Rental Applieaflin Pur- out]! 5? 9 3 9' 0.- t: 3 31 5 5. O- 3 V‘! 8 E 0 § 0.- 3 o } .J....... I rltaac. Baiance $5Jh’er M Writing Sitppliea The Sunshine" Agency Phone.‘ 69;-Red. Penibertoo Hall 3 :1 I n T 4 VJEALOU C . . ,_ , _ ~ , b .h- h 5 ,.p _ ‘ member of the section of the: ,7 _ . for we fflmergm mflperatc mm of this fact, it is not necessary .to:m.cans of uferedndumb°dy.V- I: bra?’ Point. She said_that the adsantages socmmri“ of the beam"! of Na- . ., . . . - ion of the sob sis-,ct nt of the stu ent 5 en t . f the mum," M-e mag} my - . . . . - h note the IVQVS _ 0 OHIO 112 t . d k w to be rd t S his neighbor in rnarlzeting is pro- ,, , . _— _ l t ‘1 of the Wsmm. Thu. . , . ions an is no it an a on 9 ‘ . A 3 y . ers in having other viomcn senc aiou an appe _ _ , ling. exchange of idtas, and co-oper- advocate of the Lean” ‘ _ . I duds’ As he “ands now’ he ‘.3 °n''on juries to try them. It is also has not been done and until it is “ion with flu, men‘ M(.t,t;ng.s an, _i g __'_ . V - 1'. “"17 ‘l’ ‘he '”°r°y "f we '""mk" worth)‘ of note that 'woni¢”,‘ Jurors’ done the duty of the st‘_"lent glliherfl held once 8 month with the Missouri TO MEET W. J. C. IN DEBATE - - t ’ man. are not greatly impressed yt-ith enio- is to enforce the law as it ex..~t.~.. ‘ Farm“? Assodu-mm. _.\!iS$ ‘,I.m_m: ’ - . ____.______ . g 3 Cleaning 7: He has tried to man hie financial‘ tional demonstrations by ‘those of .\tm what should be the status cf “nd “nd that ,,,,(... the Mm,-,(,,,r, lneliintnary Tryouts to Be Held 5" ‘ nd ' t ~ ' cases ll1¢‘lY' 593‘ “'50 ‘"1’ Cl“"‘¥"d wlu‘ mm‘ "W ‘°il3"°"°'~' °°m""u°° '" u"“ Farmers’ A.\50Cl8l.lnll is urzanizod ‘N’ F'°‘h'"n‘ ‘ha’ 30' 7- ‘ Pressing. i l>Il‘' 5" l"‘l‘""‘1 C°"‘°d5' _, Offlce phone 1569 I . ..__._:—..- v i , a 5 I : _ , . , -, _' b -. . nt board would hold office un- Two unidentified mm’ ‘egmped Sysmm workea this Wm, Wm‘ roup. mt-i. planned the a:~scmbl_\.Al_I‘:;l Mrs. A.‘ L. Hyde are to ‘b( a.l..--9:00 (lc 30c Residence_.pbone I151 . , til ninety days after adjournment from City Marsha" Sim“: of M‘n_e_ ‘beuer “suns. we be“e‘,e"thm"nm, and then submiitotl the plan for ap- JM gc.lss.dI§t‘0fdln8 W D90" l"‘*“l““*‘l~ 0’ “*9 “en "°¢“1‘"' 5°-‘$l°“ 0‘ “W field 0 TOW (ll)-'8 1180 bl‘ holding him tether system could have; by rigit; pm“! . _ . _ is $20. the second prize. $10. equalizing assessments among coun-,..B1ackhand Mike Gang" ‘0 b(_.ClW1|t (an U10P13 1!‘ lmP0S8|blt‘l: and ""l;;n”_i "W “mm Mm“ Tm” H“, «The dub hop” to “age the win. ‘ 5 . _ _ . .‘ _. f 1 v 3 tw . Vnnih‘ | .\-‘ be ‘n.’ _ 3.. .— “‘ - V — ' '—~>‘*-‘ (henhral Assembly. in any event. up as the officer was attempting to enforcement of the pang] side of the jib“ p""“"fr':“‘” be u“ ‘.’E“°‘” ’ 0 “l g D n l “ , ' ties ghould not be 3 gideline of of- broken up_ Two l"'_.\.._.ar._0]d youth, ‘: ‘bis pcrccptnge #3933593 ‘loll? "ll? fourth grade». ning plays." said Prof. R. L. Ram- ficiala who have enough to keep "erentlv arrt-«ttcd admit the)‘ vtu “mu. commuwe '" '°°“"~ ii "Ul - song- kinda-rgnrt--r ‘_ —-we (.0,,s;d.., it a wcwssful a’ ‘ - ‘ ‘ pm... :~';iinnii~;; vi -tl -«.\'sr-‘ noiinccd as soon as the judges have. . ' 7 “ t- . . . _ “ . ‘“ ' ity for it has no concern with anyone Den" — "Inch *3"'''‘ -" V""""'“' """‘ Apps;-ently the amendment is pro. arrest t cm. law we hope to further decrease the ,i,.-.. u.i,:f reached a decision The 5,.“ prize them busy in their own offices. but ‘ members and tried blackniailing r: “ho i: not a hm,bmn1.cr and attend term.-.. :i::::5'in{°t'hi‘sh"m’::lg‘:"’:“°fb3‘e: "’;" ' ‘ . . ' ‘ ~- v- 3. ' 1-— iii:-r _' I I . G ‘ ' \ ‘bank! I» ‘he work of persons Se. number of different perbons. And “T ate to belie‘? flu“ ::ril,~ 'l’)li'-ti E?nfllK.::lhf("I!’; Han‘ Mlgir-t and cvptionallf 800d-" ' . l lected for that purpose and no other. e most effective way of increasing ' _ -* . ' ’ ' ' ‘ n '. =~ se 'E5;=“.Y¥.;f posed in the belief an“ the work of ‘ Kansas Cit)’-"*—m police belie“? the per centage of students who do Talk on KU\¢'*nlnrn2 Kathi-tin.» lllr.;~',.- Howard R. _Hugheii.i5-L ii native 01- lh second gra ~. -—-.*~»——— - ._ ' ~ ‘ he worth-whilcness of the 1114' Hum-l ('*w¥"~- K""5*"5‘""“' ('.\ROLY.\' SIMON PRESIDENT . " . - . Missouri and president of thcl‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ v V _ so 1 .“md__ - _ _-hmfi _ 3533031’ 9331351) ‘Hughes Tool Co.. one of the wealth- 4al‘:;'_'gdl‘:t5u:i"c£;° l:if-n:l“u-Io } xmiutu. women Dean“ med Omar‘ for - HOT Only gO% further because YOll{ .King George. opening Parliament‘. "‘~;‘jo';‘°;;u;)’;r2'°,§f,j;h:2‘.,‘j‘;°"‘°{h°‘;’ ~ ..,,....,.d um .,,,_.,. Wm pmf,,m,,\. -:jvp~r*;‘;:; (:5; 1;;*;;; mm mum nut Semester. use less than you would of tgost other brands, \ expressed the wish that harmony ‘_ . . . " '» - d d to . h’ _ ° . ’ ’ .- The M. S. U. Auxiliary Dobatinc ' H or iscuits because it "my pre‘.‘n “.i‘h America. cspec. degd ln hkq office Tucsdn. ‘lvpnman an try cotner‘ to l C l)\ fll(‘l'11l)(!'S Of ll‘l(‘ SCl‘l0Ol \\lll ll)? Society elec‘ed for the "ex! In. C principles of the\honor system any- ’ s , , _ _ _ _ ~- ~~ _ ‘ giver. ii week from Friday. tally concerning illicit transportation There were 100 more Juvciiile de- one whom they uapect as a violator . — __ .~:t-mestcr at a recent meeting held at 1181135 t0 dl.SSOl.VC ITIOTC Just it! of 1jquog-from Bring, gen-gm,-y into-linqucnt cases brought up iii Kan-‘of the law. Sincerely, Oak Hunt.crAtoAA_ttend Banquet. 15¢‘ 5l«_§- ?.M'_l'l'1_0C netls" oéficers V The bakin “vdgr - in costs I _ _ : mi Uniwd Sum’ Regmnm °{ 1:12: LM———-C K -I3-GMUTIL U!fl)::“r<}i]ll\"'ull‘Y“ll'l ‘Ii’ usfzgtlifll fire:-pr't:8i)tie°hnt,' pfiiihiro ’if*'oiii'.r;Ti:i13 but 3 Sma ction Of a cent’ Souse Cahlmet - - ' I the fact 11;“ l\:;p!1l3v a set message tit car thefts. burglary and latzceny. “USE 4 player‘ is‘ W firth,“ wmono“, night sm.,w,,.)._ Dorris Gggdm and have the best. Therers absolutely no rea_ Rnwmd °r ' rad h’ the l""g' were committed by youths under 18 - to attend the Farmers‘ \\'eelt' ban» The 5l- 5- U- Allllllfiff ls 8 ft‘- the‘ general feeling of the majority _ 0‘ P°°Pl° 0‘ “*9 “V0 C0‘-l!1U'l9S is 93* M .\lcn's Association. He is in the for Women. and is a branch of th- pressed in the message. ‘ ‘ . m?“ 1°“ ‘Ml’ “W5 id ‘M State Legislature from Randolph M. S. U. Debating Society . These two great nations of Git. :2;s°u1r.;‘cR:-c¢;d:::r“S‘:u:,':::;eI:o:‘: County nnd is _.: ;- : ; ,- - ~ . » The Sprinzf-field éznto Teachers‘ was started I - h» t - ‘ ‘dill attained but at the same time not C " ed - 1.9 b _ ‘. ‘'0 ’ea" 380 “O . . ‘ f'l°“‘n"' h‘'‘'‘’ l’‘’‘'" ‘'‘“‘'“‘’d by ‘hi’ 1?v’:2es'¢la>' “la ‘:14 mi?‘ dutliilfs tfgttzii‘ A °”° ""p°"""'t "“b—l°°" Ll"-1%‘ Rod‘ C°ll¢i5(‘ 01' lallllt‘ Rock. . growers of that district and which With the aid of Great Britain, as Afk The ‘@3959?! Wen‘: W F8S€l19- - last year made a profit of eleven i was indicated by the kint:'s spot-ch. ‘Tue’ Ark" "eflerdil" f°.r mm mm“ '"ml°" d°"‘”- ' America can more easily stamp out vmh Al-knows Un:‘_‘crsn'v‘ P ledwnncfiegeflhuu; 59°25‘ . h = ' '. {ht menace. England's harmony‘ Office,-rs_ar¢ :in\‘¢g{i£ating a ham.‘ . rem ent ut °,°w _ Wu C - withithis country is to be desired. bardment of the home of 1-2. .i. nu... '"" "'°" ‘°" °°"”°°‘ °°’‘“'‘’°’‘‘‘°.'‘ “‘ 2 i A N evef.end1fl 1 . , d .. - . . -. . _the college student by the public. = podgw. "suits of we u.o“."v,, open, . sel in ll est Plains. in which six win- ..-I- 9 yum‘. hum), in ‘h g lhg speech would more closely bind'd°“"‘ ‘ma ‘ l‘l‘"“‘5¥l“" ‘l°°T ‘he mum” mgflh"__son““hing were broken with stones. bricks and‘ Every ingredient that goes into it is extra dry. For instance, the dried white of egg which. is O ‘ use is so concentrated that it requires 14 ; pounds (10 dozen averdfe sized) fresh hen’s I . eggs to make 1 mind 0 dried white of egg, I Q or in other wor s, 7 tmcls of the fresh W 6'3 to make 1 bound 0?“ dried white of egg. on can use less flourand still get your regular I p . . ~ 0 e . milk bottles, believed .., pm... 1,..." '9 "":',' *‘°"°"P"°",', 2.‘ °°“°.¢° 5”’ i Charte’ ’ amount of btscuits—-and better biscuits at that! - I that is alvyaya desirable. hurled by 8 jun)“ “mm dents, be said. himety-nine per l _ . l , , ~ A ____, ._ -‘*__H- an. cent of them are ‘hard.-working men . 1 g ‘ V . 2 p . . 4 >_/7.‘. rwo MEN AND ‘rm-: snow . Charla’ Robinett, 16 years old, is ‘and "°_mf3DS they are strictly moral jf The Boone County Trust Company is operated M A. - ‘ Try this recipe, and $6 . _ ‘v ' It snowed the other night. Two lilting a_ murder charge at Maniifield, ‘. ‘ml ’°l“‘°“" t° ‘ 3"“ d°3“°°i ‘ml ii uiuler 3 erpetual charter from the State of MiB- ;, h ° ‘ allel ‘ ‘ ’ ‘. act‘ ' - - ‘we are now worltin out a lan to ‘ - ' ‘ Ow .cl°‘us ey ° menlwe know Wet? up as soon as it'"' °°'"‘ . '°“ ""5 ‘l‘‘' l“""‘9 "f 1 .h be‘ 3 ml P d- I {Hi <0tll‘i which-is. Derhana. one of the most i_mDort- Q’ . was'1iirht the follovviiz moruirxcflothh S‘'mh''D°°-°"'b$' 26' "M." “fig-mmmum‘ e ‘ tr m°- um“ ‘r fllll factors in its trust business. Thié charter .. T - _ . . 3 er is in. . . _ - -, . ' .. . ° my hon‘ ‘M 0“ “me u"ngs__pm fin1:;:l.;.titndi:::: in C0; tgbenacontnuytasoun it an) en ere In '1‘: {mes an unending establishment V\lllCl'l outlives f CALUNIET BISCUITS their clothes on. washed. strctched.‘n¢¢t;on with the ,,,u,.d,,,. of 3mm,‘ “We are doing everything to‘ H ‘ in its trust functions the human element—tliat A - 4 cups flour 1% mp. mmk vent downstairs and looked around and that of Silas. Hood... killed at .makc the student‘; at“. here proper: It‘! goes on for all time. ' ‘ 4l¢v¢! ublggpoom buttgfof a btt—just as anyother hum might Macomb, December 2g. _ : -because it ts miner; and if you . , 41¢“; gcupoon, cgtumgg Baking powag do --—-—.-.<-- sec anything about the cammlfi - ‘ ° - mm 3 last. it‘ - Then they stepped outside for a Miss Myra lleclelland. for scven- that you like. 80 home and tell your This "mans security for 3 our cs ' ii] ! '9"! u"9°°n ' I th ‘ all generations if you care to make such provis- 1. ‘ 55ft‘5I5I!f0lI°¢v dial 1393301‘: I34 "ll 8115 . i . . ,. i ' .. ~‘ - ; -‘d I xour heirs for .3 . ‘of ‘if. one of Qghfgr 0 e Pe°'&8 ‘bony ‘L con_ “,6 lug Val“ ll.) tlla WM: pl'0\l E or V _ _ ‘ _ l I ' k i i '0 , i e . \ looked down. He perceived a heat-3-:;..g._....,¢ 5, 5),: .,,,,,,t.;, ‘:5? $1252: Ltd . ~ ’ "~- ions. It'is an element that is of the utmost im- -,. 304 ‘if? 31199 U156» . fall of now; which lay inches thick V on of Alton. Her father, 1!. W. . ” ''i_ . portance and it is only one of the many ways I gabortemnginwith foekoa-_a-;’i' - onset the meet enhancing nights NO1'lC8.l_t0YAL aiica uasoxs f""""m«,,,,,,¥,°','; MC, ’,,""m.,,!. 5 . -. . ‘ ‘ ié Ballet 2% tlnaea 8! much II CI!!! of any Otllét -1 Statedeo t£onofColainbiai l "e » l -. i . i ' ‘ .. - - folfllld by .. touch-of white i._i...e.~.i..,,... ti.,“I§‘_°‘.,.,,,..,., ,,,,,,,,,, ;=‘“°'**'*"= *'=°°"“°-°* *'-Mi»; 1 5 . t .- - i . » - o » i ’ "EVERY INGREDIENT USED OFFICIALLY APPROVED BY , -on-ethine it-ieethe:!“!t:ntoa1.i':‘~xmary 17th It 7:80 9- In. .,l31‘k'i£'N!'I. E. A.S!'lItaowh.:e1idale'.'; t-1| ‘Q Q l , . U.S. FOOD A =R!'l‘® ' it ‘ . beautiful ‘ any-j ,aater Degmea. I "Visiting attending l"armeI‘I:i as a. i 3 , . y __ '- ' - -~' A fl;¢§PIl'tiollsI‘¢lcc;ne§ . § . — __/ Q; '. . .‘l . .. --ms~s~r- -W--1'--m’ 4. . COLUMBIA m a-teun'o- i _» aItIlllI‘r7to;the . Farai--_ =; t. .- _. 4.: v ’"“""“' 3- Aaeoeiatioa. i '- ' i n - ‘ , ,. .- Wbes_iy'_ouvrati'tti‘iinat.-i'taWant‘Qp; ujgmm-pp“. ‘kg, , ' ;._ . < . C i i , H _,__ ,..- Ath-.all55. { -5 3 - 4‘ J ' l_}.:.l\l.\iJ "c/WILU l . 5 b A ‘ti \ i. it Y id.-‘ N . t-. . 1. i ._- 5 i i ‘Y. . l . i ‘ ' 1 ' : " 1 - . . T a * * t . = .l, ‘J’, ‘ ',‘ ' . - - _. ‘. I F ~ ;' . ‘ I . .._; ‘~. I 7 -V '. 4 ml.-.;;.z -‘ 4-. ._li .;._;: —._;- :4; .-' 1». an int. -'~a§= raslr‘-':‘ .7; .. . - * F i _ ‘I. I . . .