. - Q-' ." ‘- ‘:. ' ‘ ‘<4.’ ‘ ...._.-_.:_:'.‘. £11.. 7 3' n . .coir:x.ience; income-from rooms Bond {of how “(I mm. 41-‘ ' 1 " .-.‘.5. i.- . .. ..,.... ;. . . l ' til ;"f ' .. 1- . £311 7: gr‘. i.‘'2.‘. 5, . 3. .- star. -. :'.“.:'§ 1 r. r 1 ~. '3 . f .. ' 1 ‘~ - -- -_.- ‘ . .1 _ . ~:‘_ A ‘.""“’.“._9',.':..-.'-"""!. ff -~-. - ‘a A~-. a_».- a ov_- J;-».. . - ._ . :‘. I ' . - ' . . ‘ 7- 2: . 3 e.:;:f;$._ . . . . . . - « W . 4 .. A , .',.-THE GO URIAN _THURSDAY JANUARY17, 1924 _ V - . . ' " _""":'"’-r l ‘ ~~—~ V!‘-,A¢‘Err.fi-.5, . ‘- . ‘ ‘ 9 ’ ' r . if . V“ T0 ' 3- _ W ! lALUMNl “vi” GA“ . I 'r‘——-_—" ‘N L‘ 7 ‘ d ' . p 4. . ._; m“""“‘n M ',fi“""“_h”. in 51, S. 1 N . - f p . 1 8 HBO)! hinbutnovcd1ron_l_iu-etohis._lbrcs.' { ELASSIFIED . - mu... u.»....».... 1.... ‘P92-tr . 775"? V495 In the Fwld. 0 Sport . "981. mm now»-e—-but mt rem l=.z°- I UNIVERSITY NEWS ‘ ' ' ‘ ,PH0N35.‘ . 1 1 ' A‘ ' " L ' ‘tr 1 i ' ' ‘ ~~ 019)‘ TVO 0(Old-Timers Are Buk..§; fl°ni:ltMl - . r ‘“ In] 1‘ ‘ ' ‘ I1 — ‘be.-red th ' -— ‘ " . .- . . ._. o~<=«-W-'-”-’- 3*‘ « °°'l‘°.'‘°'»'‘!*** «u’~°‘s»«u““’u=--=""‘°°-»~u-en“-‘nu’ vs»K.EWPIEf> READY .1... ...:“:..*':...’.?°*;':;‘“*..::.*:.';‘.:: "°*.'.~‘:.'..:'..”ll.“.:'..i’.".t'°’ -='°°...“.*;°°.“';.‘.‘."**=~- 3:; 1-3.*.:,f..**;'::'“.f‘.:'...'°.f:.°.:<° « * ‘ K9941» ‘ ' " V ' ‘ ‘ ll =ratlier- difficult { -' -—-—————. 1 ° ° '3'“ “"3 ‘‘d t fih -.' 3' _ aha”. uhumiu, ,, , 3... 1 ipvog SALE OR «r3393 I F..- _ A p . _ . 3 O 1 or usiting teams. A ‘ _ _ ' to Comm“. by th .6‘ . d or. . .. e_m11 return Saturday, .. of no _ no; «-1 "mag; gwapn property. Nice suburban .7- Eon RI-ZNT—-'I'wo double rooms; F _ R O ;D - f’ T‘ “M ‘°' Th“ ““*"“°’?"'Y' it-9:1. °§‘,,"°:,,,°',,'i'I,t,.,'i"b:',',"f,’,:fn'e"‘°b','_i.death at her slates‘, smrtmi-4:21. M“ 5"“ “~ “°‘°"'.“”.""‘"‘ '2"? led Adm-i-tum: uncut. Noon mod”, hon“. with concrete ‘M one ‘ad.’ 713 alumni Ave‘; IV tame oulrht to be well worth tween the In sh rt Co ‘undue’ hn remmedim her Home lessor of_ home economics in the Unl- ""'- ..'2"l"... 1.. so .u. up lhaicmeut. bu-n ' chicken home - Phone 1432; ‘ - 19241 I F"’ i'°°"i"“ ‘L ' t c d th 1 ' ° °"°.ln Kansas city i ‘'‘~‘”‘‘‘F- ‘5 i L 14001‘ Wendi": the "“”‘.;'.7'.‘"§?i'i.uauiu.: and uuhIud- Ttdita. 10 acres hf-gr-ound,‘6 in isecond Conterence Probably ng Thgnkg- eC0‘ll’l‘mbl8e ztulim moo . : Midwest "oufioml Confemmge _ - s.m..-m.c-i---- ’ 1 e E0! RENT:-Well mi-nislied' - . - . . . . . . . u A damned Id\‘l:r1'd tract, 4. in another. Located onl mmmom floor Wltll Jefferson City living Do). Iunhas sport wtltcra t\\o_i-.1uinni were back last nlghhl A1‘ C1-[R1sT1_ii_N COLLEGE {mm the univum). hm year. is up ' 590780 Bates. who was -gradualtod Price mason-l . . ' If , , . _ . an A to «S to Highway. 32 Forrest vc, ~ ' - A are warning the It. U. team against C18)’ T~ DIIVI3 8'15 H011)‘. 5- R0bi- ' , f3:;?':,., u-uthful Want Ad: and will ,c,,1 Keh,._ pm”, 169‘ Black .ahle. Phone 1952 Black. 213 South: 1 TOIDOIIOW. . °,.(.,.,_.onfidc,,“. with rcgafd to M5,. son, but the game was played never-; tgligldmig 0'' . H‘“""d. .G"‘d“‘‘l‘ *. huin: in altrullozwctilx : l - 15“. 6th - ' 111-116 l C h F ' ‘ sou '. scare thrown into the thelcss. and the alumni lrezistcrcdl TM‘ 3'"“"1l f°““d°“5' day '3“‘“' ‘ A:'‘lht?i‘LSBu?l?il:ts A:m’mw°Pa§i°n' . .' sdn-rtiurmrnt not con . _ ' ‘ one run naws cagerii a - , p . _. _ . . { th 1. , . 3 W 0 mceiv A 1" w -M-~' °:_~:°-r ; ma sm:-—eo farm. on aggufielrgggmge -i °°";:3'b*=,u_'§jf*§ ‘5°hg;' we been ...““‘"....“"‘:.’.‘...-.“.";i..f‘l,‘:.‘;..‘:.*. .t’.‘.:.§.°:’.:";;".: :‘;“:££"-.~l.t:°:?.;.“r:::“.t‘..‘:".::‘;:,‘“-‘2 .‘.~'::‘.‘1‘. ..‘.’;. -p:..:::“.:’u?::E..‘;‘l‘..lf ::,~~:.-,,§~- irgd 4- M d«m-=s run —T"‘_‘J"’ ;”"—""“,rock road. one rule 'rom Colon» ' ° ’ w°'""“-' - l'‘“' ‘l’ 9”“ ‘l ' - in .- ' . ' - ° ‘ - Ch ' ti C l ' Q . ‘era 5" "3 at l‘"'5°'“ “"‘5‘”“ 12rl1‘l.0\'!llEh'1‘ J M‘ Good m.0_,,,,(~,,}.‘,,(;u,o. 8005- # um: ,th;hiu._nds or Fatirettef ins; Frida33;f;l}l9e)“.:l5 ,,‘,l2,"{,a§;;.' ,5“-:3: ,,,2.° igrilnon (liligfaoiiege Xlgidouui the f'}”.,,‘:‘r§f§f,f,,,ff, "(’,‘§,“"(’.‘“' ""§“"'l -,—...._—-———-—--':""",“"—"""’ -- * jni 111p!‘¢p!1l‘a'l0 1 ‘gm ’ . _,~ T‘ ._ . ‘_ _ .‘ 3' -- _. l o. ut_ie;;:~ ST}-ZNOGRA1’111-.1‘. WANTED’ wl-‘ ‘laud’-"ffi 1A ml hlmch hm‘ FOR. RENT-°"° Wm 1°‘ mun Jefferson cm lloixlidrroalr night. “.""‘ “""‘9 °‘°’~°"-""’°'“'° ‘Wm “m-C°"”*"- ‘.’- 5- *"’°"“v-."‘*‘°. '5 "°‘.‘ “ C;}m°t'°§.c°"“°.‘"“P“‘- '5 ".'."“T“f“ Creek. in a hpid. “curate and capable of nut I "0 93¢ ‘8Ié(‘---d()l'1(‘ o t g__ and w,f¢_ one mock 1-tom V, iteVJefl.emOn City is Eng of the xewpies, lxanuis five. student in the Ufll‘-'eX'1ll)' High §‘"fi.“n 7:319 _d"’¢:Cl-l°3 0‘ \"'¥"“3 >~ ---:7 W - ‘.“”.‘ ., _ I»;-i-. oulyoxucricnccd "°°“ ‘Pplyv ° °" e’ M M ' F °“”’P"” ‘“”‘ °' “WW bowl oldest rivals both on the biuilaetballi The difl'icultie- 1.77 A .i,~.i, “°"°°".D~ 3.“=“""‘v “ *°P"°"‘°'° "‘ “ "“"‘ ° P""°°‘.°"~ To" a Missourian want ad. "1-ondiuonhidcal. club room. r¢'€!'¢8- A1 '“°d°"' §"'°l’"‘ h°“5°' ‘°‘"’h;Phone 2008 Black- 111-116. mun and 1; ‘h .d. . _ .~« i_ a me... u it the University hcrc. 1-2. Stewart, ;. Dean Rose 1.. Lisenby, who has .wMmm agsociaws. App‘). side’. paved “me p . . Th 0 9 1.’?! 1!‘ -_ _ new cd in suspension of cilfht has-_,fn.5hmun. and S; B. Shh.k)._ short been confined to her room for the ’ ~ / fi°'?'c“fl_ mm. Vivi”; experience, A in em 7-roon house, near Uni- FOR R1-ZNT—tRooms for girls,’ the “me dt°m"?'°w mg“ ‘ Wm kflbun l"l"3'°’“_ {Wm “'9 “'3"‘- course superintendent. llerbort 19-5‘ 7'3" “Y5 l>e£‘«'1U5<‘ OT illlwl-1*‘. is ' _. 1.; . o - . bq c secon coil erence game for smooths the V5 ushington pathway gu,._k,., a,_.t,_.d as rd-c,.(.(.' able to be at her ofiice again. ' ~ ' 707 Gent '. Sfi block south of Jesse . . llall. Pl:-dne 692 Green.’ K‘114tf.the»Kewp.'°s mld the and £9’ the ,f°" “"°l‘5” '3?’ ‘"‘l°'»‘5 ‘l'“‘." 3”“ The Short Course players were: A kid P8713‘ ill the Christian Col- . a Capital Citv quintet. Columbia and ironed out before the coming Piker- N‘ \t-_ (;;a5p(.y. M_ L_ };,,upg_ Don- loge gymnasium will be given next ___,,.. _..c. ._.__._._.. FOR RENT-—Single and douhle;‘£°_fl°r’:i';.C'l" b,°u‘ 1°“ ‘°JFfl‘,‘y°u°lC5"'l°"° 1'3"“ ;"'"¢‘-“-_m1*d¢' U'"Ublt' and Waggomgr, Hubert Qattm-buck,_M0nd8)' night. is‘ p rt_v is an .' STUD}-ZN'l‘ ll£Ll’ WANTEDT. Phone 246 (met.-ii. McDonnell '°°°m" ‘'3'’ 5033 ‘0!'."°-‘t ‘°'“.°“°"-,C)it 1.21385 malt"? . tn‘, 3 ergo“ f“ H" P'l_‘°’'~°' ‘” "l““’ fi""‘"“"‘_" \\’illiert Melton nml llandel W11. annual celebration after the flrstl students gr-’z1ll!l;’.' to work for their;Bms" 20840 Gait?” mdg‘ p608 S‘m1m_d_ Phone 1362 Red. ‘Milka Hiahmrrs inc or,Vhovermd_c- ing. but minus tho 11¢-hnis, f1l[ll5‘tln‘“an‘S_ 7}“. “mm com“, team has .cm(._.m.,- emmimmons. . ' ; ' ' Wlldtf’ K 0 mum to er C R‘ R"b°"‘ ‘md ("C “‘l“"'5 “"3 C."'lpl:.y(-d .-‘(‘\'(‘l‘al games this year and" Mrs. J. L. Grce of Kansas (..‘it:.’. 31")» (.xp('Cl(‘d. when can com- ; Veffiitlfi _ ‘ “mm ‘.0,-,;_ _.t_ ii, an-cu I-‘ire Brick If you want a Piome in or near rm ‘aim. 51,.’ 116.117. Columbia. we can sell it to you . .. worth théiiiono.-,v. d °0n‘.est(~r. should see ,.1'o0!1lS.3‘~’_“’" _ , 115.117’ . ‘The M ' 4 if (31. , , _ , . . _ £mp]o)'1n('lll .8;-cretziry. Y. . -_:;—_—:-_--~——_:;V— « ‘ ' _ _§.-V——: 0 . iwcm ‘Ext: e:“::’.°;eriod' zmdxggfj °l°""‘ ‘muld 5- be planning n series of contest‘ for vrho is traveling secretary for Chris. ; 1.,u,,,¢(»,-.\\e have some opcmngy. _ f OR 1l1:l\'I‘ ' ‘ ‘FOR REl\"1‘——.. furnislicd roomswferaon Cm. now“ out ‘ vicmry 19‘ m_,m_, owl” “_ and Wm ‘__ mp 1~ebru:ir_v. uccordlng to Mr. blasw tian College in the state of Okla. ’ .10; boys who want to work.’ j ’ single or double. Price single. $15. L 18 Mexico in mm won 3 de_ um ih.- rrnwd Iv.-{ore eh-- lir~l I.l"l'l minute. P<‘.V~ h0m8- SPQM -“9"€f3l d8:~’5 81 Chris- . y11(;-12o FOR REl\T—l have several. $23 double, 2 biocks from Campus“ “he-‘icmry 0‘ I th weak Fulw or via)‘ vurr mine. And ;.u luau» ...m.- tian College this week ——— - ' 1'"--‘r —"~--— l I V ‘ c . ' v C . n ‘ '- 0 ' ‘. u'_i:ri' ' '. (D . ,6,-;Ll""‘fX'n3& pA!N-In . Ax“ “?eu:fhS;;s1'!(;0u1:ll.: ‘ ‘:1’!!! Pfll)a!'t1‘1)l'¢-Zzllts. Phone 1294 Black. 1114 Papuin St,‘ tum. ‘ll I-lglmu cm l‘l!nthl.ie¢-1:’UI".‘:_M;r£in:i!tl'i pm{_ 8. C. Abram‘ head of the l \'A1{l~‘1S11 - ’ ” ‘ °“"n'4‘ 1°16 - 0113-11“, Coach hlcAnaiil announced this wt-w we same -in-~ rim as-ma. d*=Pmm°"t 0‘ Cduwlivn of Chm- - _..____________,’_ 7 . ' . - l - '-n . . «,.-. .. - ' legc gave a short talk at . ' .....—————————— , _____- . .___,_ 1-‘on RE1\'r__Ln,- -M »""nmR {hat the team :1 If l"°"“ 0*“ _‘1"~-A ll" -fill”)-in __ , , ‘._ . . “an (bl, - . u . 1934 wall paper. paint and var L031‘ AN]? rottxn go, boy,‘ 411 gouthglliiah gt Roofifiizmd condition for the trip and tioned Quiglny‘ duo,-n't he.'\ check. U1ll\‘(‘1‘.\Tll.\' examina- across from Camllus. newly deco-V um nip’ "5 M‘''‘‘'"‘‘‘' ‘'''“m'“ "0 all": some students hm‘. Wm M“: in (‘«.lun.1»in _\'c.~'tc-I'd:i,\' on liusirwflli. l AT STEPHENS COLLEGE I is harder on your 5 l ('ll(‘(‘Y'.f|1ll." 91'l°“'" 11‘ _l-‘OW’ l‘°l“° _°" lion schedule. Rjeturn to Missou- rated. Meals if desired. *Phone,“_" ma"? “5 P0355519‘ Ellflrlu 5118- “mid 1", ll“ “_P°""ll‘*Y' l“'“"ll¥*’_’ H ”“.*.”.d n.m,.m.d um mom- - n-quest. \\'orl;m1Ul?~'l"P and (..1>'T.PF.T1'.f)l'.' B‘ R U . 1 . ‘,4 . h., .,,«n‘,, __ .‘ h } . l . d- ‘ - 1-‘OR SALPL-—Boautiful G-room . , - 8 ., b .- . .Wi-cousin 2 1. , 4. 3. ' ' ““‘ ‘, “° 7'“ "“‘ “‘ ‘ P."-”“~ W 5’ ‘“‘° W" “"°" "*3 . A f . , . . J. T. Howard, 44F-I for delivery. “Kc ed room mm Shem": p°'-ch’ lo... 1 H, .- - .. ~‘ ¢°"" "~’"' -“V lamb‘-ll lilflbrrr ‘''~'“ 1” la:-nit-r~" \'s eel: have returned to ' " 1101150. in exccllcrit .cOfldIU0I1:...1.4°l.. ., Mn» and hath. Also one single room..,.,,m, ‘ ’ l ' ‘ ' ' ' " ., 9 ‘°‘.’, "' " ,," "’.-"' ugpdpini a! conditioning .; mm. The] H. ' C. , ' . . - "‘ l 811100. . - r - -~ ’ .- Q ' _'c6' ‘I F: 33 ;[|m he-irg )1-d withiri I -am he-nit-~.l ‘ ll ergfln ltv" _ . 100x180 (tr... hma . K _ ‘PhtO.e 116. \\ hite. 1308 “H5011. gate-hm... i V-.5001: ii H :9 49 “lb __hc_r, mm mm ,_, mm N“, “W, B(_.,.,,;,,d _.-L iicisger secrcmry of . , gnragl” dose "L 84.00!" house’ F01: S"‘[‘E‘Dr0l’ head Singer. main“ I -1 ‘mo :2 G :2 3'" “' thinl; l‘L-Hl!lI|1)'- di~n‘danu'i'e- and {me nd- lll(' U it 3 K’! I ~ K‘ ll C l f C ' } lhl'(‘(' '9'-lC3l33“i~" Porchcso '10‘ 1971-5 .‘G'“’l1lt_.' !1l8(‘l1l!:(' in first-class condlo T ‘ ' ' ' ' " I % ‘EM 23 G "1 39 in vunugo-'. Any cl~.:.;a<<.a.r mtrh u we'll 1U"“i,;l;:”t(}‘:u“,-‘(I-:1 ebi ‘lee 1' 075:9 £0 l 32"“ fee.” .lef.‘ty of rxm for an. fit,“ phone 597 MX W87!” g::;°t'q“'t ' ' ‘ ' ' " 3 I '83’? :' :‘ throitl hull. An! thorn‘ it nothing in f‘e:‘l ‘O.r.r: n‘:,"b . h u“‘ He l C ‘ ‘ . . ......‘__ _." ; _'4 ‘ _ . . . .- _ _o - - , W‘ H ,N, D W“ " is is ’|':1\\'l 1 ‘ -. - ' ..' .. . other ll0l1Sf'- Th!‘-3 13°C 15 0" 5l°“" "'-‘"*-— *‘ +5——~~ --———--~o I r°(_’m m I\°“°n Bldg Better C313 horthvrr-tern 0 I .000 l‘ 1'.‘ 9 :.-a 'i mhomllgr ‘f'::,‘m:w', A "1: n,‘_:u_:” urluln 31,-_ }{L.;,;i(.,. {\.,,.m,_.rl.'. lived E0!:2_ . ‘gr! Road. $8.50(I or‘ trill sell house .. WANTED TO RENT ‘Quick. Phone 170. 112-11:.’ ————- mwMn,,',,, an ,5.’ g...u..il. ' . ' ‘ _ _ A . —-——— ’ " xv'th t l-l. Two real bargains. —_ ‘ i Kfinfilm looked like the 'oe.~'t bet — - ~ ~ ~—~——~-~ ” _ Q V — Z . ' ~‘' - ' l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “l(_sf:,_.,_,.‘;;(aiu. C0‘ pimm. g72_ ‘E003; .I'i1A:I'B \\~’Ax-I-ED__By gilS?f:flI:E1:;ra:i0::rd::::°a’::'2i3’s'.Bf the nine \'allt.). fives for the I has 11l1’L‘Rd}'\:'L’lY£.lf‘£lt"S111'l1lf.' ' 4 : , | 114-115 scinior niversity woman. rgc - ' - ~ asl-zctbull championship 1' ll win 00 a practice. or mu 5 in t it 7 _ r ._ _ ' ‘ psct in room. Address Box 1. Mis. 6” T“"“”'° Ph°"°. 1002 G"~‘°“- the’ ovenvhelming \'ictor-(3,; Dove?‘ K)'m—lUmb1ifl$! and UN‘ *'8ll*”"’"l“-‘ hex‘: “ eek lfiarn to * 1-‘OR SALI-)——Bc:iutiful 8-room,sdurian. S114-116' Ru4’u9 Drake but the hard work the Jav. —~lias been ordered for the squad _, . . ‘ , , ' moi rn hriclv hou'c in Weistmount —'h:icl;—lt means less Phone 2048 h ' low. close to Univorsit $5.900. ic moms (0, 1,0 ,-,_ A150 —. n,0,,,_§ West Campus. A bargain. Cull at '"El‘l- L§"0g0<’l 5- L~ ("*4 -" -*“l"l- 1"’ I ‘.iii2(- con:«un~.«,~d in ‘eating.’ Any Day‘ Any Evening 3 6-room houre. basement, furnace. phone 1432. 713; Migsouri A;-c_ 506 Maple Ave. Phone 1509 Black, Nebraska. 60 i:“r;;1‘;mbm_Cd won * E“ v ill ‘ u I I Hun‘ Lu‘ Don‘: .'orget—-the Shack ' ' , 4 10”» 1'19"‘! 05 ‘WW *4-9°°- , 1 J109tf ‘"11" from Oklahoma in Lincoln 3-3 lo "1 \ an i ll" dd’ 7 h 11‘ 7- “" "W ’’l““' ‘°' jm" ‘°"" ' 5_m0m house‘ 3 10%. garage. 52', A . H , _ ‘ . ‘ - - - 4 V. B. l um: a mum to uni» i ' ood food and ream” . .. . . . . x J - « l\l1l'lh8S trailed the Soorcrs at Law. °‘' ‘‘ 250. Small pnyment down. We FOR REN'I—S1I:8l'fl heated rooms,‘ FOR RE3‘T"'~F“m'3l“°d "°°"‘f mu", for ‘hme_fOur“ths ‘of the am“ due’ :1‘, _dh d '.f W H ab“. P,-,ce,,_ 3 ' 7 — v have a number email acreage tracts. hot and cold water. Price reason-‘i 70" b°3'5v 5°°°"d “me” er‘ 131“ to (man). win b. R m.0_.,oim ‘Emu; . “ 5." “I °lw\.Fm,%“.' p_ [3 (jmmj . y ' , . . _; Also have farms. (‘lose to Columbia. able. Thilo Building. corner Broad.- Rosemary. Phone 571 Red. lgin 21 ‘O 19' lrhu Mains to give .Sh"ct.(:’n Pb .nnd.l‘_ :i;i«rm.d..8;.l H. . _ V K ‘We can ,-..u ..g. lmrguin, u3u;.~ andallitt, upstairs. Phone 936.: P““”°i Nebraska an ads for tomorrow :‘.‘5o.l:i.“ 5:10:50. ‘ ' ' JACK’S SHACK" 1‘ 3 . ’ 0 I , . F“ “H i'‘f°r'l““i‘’'' 5”‘ Glwo-‘W:—7l?£. M1024‘? FOR REl\'T-—-Room.-a for malc}nigl1t's frav. butiitcniust be remem-4 ~-—--— - and I-‘rasier. l:oom.~. I 6: 2. Milleri ‘ ' ' - l . +ij—__-g-—-' . .‘ ' ’ — ' J T ' M'g5 T‘ 1'; ll -. vl. T , nu. p...,... .~,..... 8th ..... I-‘OR I=m—.m~m-~ for swd ;;‘;;*;;"}~~;:;;g;;;'*;;g:,°‘;;,';;,f'°'d- 8"’. . . . ii " ' ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . . Bmadwa},_ 114_11or_8¢!11(‘.S'l("1,“,°‘)l‘O!‘fflrlts. I104 lz:'iv.iin. ° -- “C1144” l.0DGE'l\'0'1‘lCF.S - ' ' ‘ ‘ ' _‘ o'"""'“" '“ ' , ' _ ~ ,9 ~ “i "0 ~~-1 “'W=- “W AC Am A mm, V0 W, 1 Jazzm fhrough Lilo ’1‘op—-. , ‘ & A.'l\1.. ' M ' ‘ .:' 35}; » *1 3"“ ‘ l 1 i-‘(i'ri“'.<.§.Li:-j..a Columbia» house "W" ::—- _-; FOR m.\..,__T . , . , . _, _ that hm been built long enough ago FOR RI“‘\T—8‘ “cu funmhcd ‘ 0o‘:;_" :f,'_;(,n:::y . _ ‘ ‘= *:.'‘-.’‘;i‘' _’p.( _ 1 modern rooms, single or double to room. hardwoo to he ‘well-built and i:: new enough: . .. . , -n- ’ ,1 . to be in “wt flags condition. Si‘ 5:18 ‘.8. \".'|‘ll1nm.’lh01:Ic‘ 981fl Lane. Phone 11.: Black.wl“-“R Stafird communications ' pus) 4 lame rooms, urn-1)’ liuptlred and “C” r“' O’ ' Thmu mm ' TUE-‘dt 3'» JHHURTS’ 15- 73303 1 ' x ._ painted; l:ir::c lit with small fruit yo}; RE_\"1‘__.1,a,-gg room 1,;-.311: FOR RENT—Two very desirable 11- m-; “'51 d08?¢¢- ‘ . j trees . idirulibm-y; garage. furnished, thoroughly comforublcl rooms to -girls. Good location. ; ' ,-—l thiclcen lot and house: large g81‘(lCfl2 gfid splendid lodtion, For one orl Phone 750 Black. Gll4_-‘liq K. C- SUL'rlVAN. ‘V. 51. WW0 -‘Thor: HSDBPIKUS b¢d- on two women or Between Urii- ' ‘o "‘"“” ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ,, ._1l_-__M_- _I_’?l",9_-_,S__°_°"°t“"5' _ NW1 MIN“. in 200d fl0ll~!hb0!‘b00d- varsity and town.‘1:hone 2377 Blaclzfi ROOM AND BO’-‘RD ‘ "” 1 Owner o-.~c::pics house iimiv; failed ‘ 1\'1o11_f; 4 . to turn off water durinlr 16 below ‘ , 0 . ,°§,?°,,§,, ‘.,’;‘,‘I,, B3310] ,3‘: DAVIS & wilrsox COAL co. Period but not a pipc‘froze. Will ‘ R Rm\_T--'1l“'0 largo and -- {mm Gvm Between ed and 3,“ cent“; Imnois C0,] sell direct for considerable less t.han;“"“" {‘"’“‘5l‘°dl “P5'~‘““‘* '°°"“‘- wh.m ' 95 Steam heat and can 473 0, 33, Opposite wabui, 5;, Jlonse (‘nit be liuilt for. Address 1"“T~""~‘ °“°‘ 510 and «Small ones 3411 l ' mlfcull 8. cc Phone 1003 I-‘ranklioiConntv Con! 3 0! A. Mlliiollrlflfl. A112-117 mm 55' 0"°’h“l? room 0" firm ‘ ecpmg Po . pa ' I ~ Luann NOTICES | ‘ \ cbnh “PIT: you huvr not only 14 peek at the 1llO1l('ll‘ - fluppcr at her fl&tp[llt':l hut alhp xi 'gliinpst- into the l’iimil_v album-- .-h0wlli;_v ‘think ,\s'auld happen _if the Vtfrillc-d folks of the paiitlmlxcd with the silken sweetie , . of the present. " floor, very dcsiguhlc $8.75. 1403817 Rollins. 0113413 I-‘OR SAL]-;_»1\'¢w 5- m house ‘ast Broadway. lPhonc 1849 Black. . we . 1 H116-tf~+..§?£?%f.‘..’}.’}‘3.‘?.§’At.“l?.:‘£.°§:’f‘.:3£. . ‘I .e . s . . - - ~ ’ x V 3311- zrrr ‘l mu. mroom house on Rowmuyu ;_l1£R5i1){oP.'lPT—Fl1ea;::nt riligms for ! Paquin. Phone 1143 White, Bllotf NM0b1n1Cl-Z Sm?‘ amI.sul: ‘NIH’: an be ho . Wonh the "whey. ' urnch one 00“ AND Bo*RD_!,-or girth nlroed excrutrix of the Estate ‘of Wsi1.l‘i;: _Bcautifu.l)1l“‘2mc on West Broad- 1 i or Var. La » M116-l2ll:forR nd semester. Board 1. Her I: du-and will make Paul 11:0 0ft. see this Pl'°P¢1'l)'I JFOR RENT—-Rooms for girls. men. Also garage for rent. 1117.23 etacutrlx at the next ‘term of the‘ hint: you boys red home. -Board if desired Phone 937 Red. ; University. phone 1292 Black. *"°‘*'»° 0”" 0‘ °°°"¥- ""'°‘"‘- . . - . . to be. bolden at Coluinbh. in said Count)‘. '§-loom house close in. $2a§00.;706 Missouri avenue. A116-121 I _ F H‘ V on ac mm m 0, ,._,mm,_ nu . 3“'m>tment down. or will trade; , . r' -300“ AND BOARD‘ .°'' “‘ ‘2 EIJZABETII ni-znnou. r. 50!’ 54morn modern house. Weatliena F03 R31\T—FI1rn1nhed mom; for L 30,”; for men; 1106 Poquin. i>l|°"" .' . . . Ex mg. l Rdty (To. Phone 272. 114416 l‘!:'K"8tr:9t‘.'ll‘;”"""‘)n:‘g;:“:;":°c';9.°3 5- 1 1294. Mrs. 1%. H. Brown. B110-121 J. . 11-18-25-1 flw’ 3 ;‘. *‘ ‘ ' ; . 1 p . cw: ; NOTICE OF ‘VIRAL SEITLIIKNT E‘ For: shim: Beautiful. 9 room Q Fi16—tf fix “wad “mm. um Unimfi ,, ,, M -e - — " - ‘'°‘“‘' °‘‘‘‘ “'“"" °'°'-" .""”"’ ron ni~:i~rr—itoomg for-“boys. any. Phone 1292 niacin. i=io7.u'..u mum u....u. till nah Located on mo-t P°P°- W . nooirlmo. BOA1lD—For gins. 5" . . . _ :::§_.m'°”° W3 ;§°1l5§lg'{ Board tor. men . 216 Hitt street. we ran- , ovmer. le.-ivingpclty, must sell. FOB REN«r___St,.M’_1,- modem‘ Hiouc-1.566 White. Ill-I. B. L. She- 'M°°m W18 Maw’ ”l.Ilmom forxirls.509 sduzhsth street. c ”‘ . ‘"34’? onigficwg m‘i:;:n-£;:;fl. ‘hone 702 Green. . 116-12l"""”PoA"‘D Am, 300,, ,0, ‘id; -86.500. l1—room;houIe. one .i°_3‘i3ENT-vF‘lfl'lil‘#l'00IliI'b1' IeI=°hdl'°fl°'t“’- _ 10:; from lilgh School.‘ splendid in- rail for hoyain new ‘huodernhouse. H3009 {I310 G599“ . , _ ,3," WM —— "=“ ‘’°‘‘‘.“ ‘’°‘“.‘.'.‘‘ "“....."°“'..'.’.‘°?, . end ‘ ' .300 A Bond -I. _. I . A _ ,3... i ‘ 1 “Ruth St-Deenzsl 1 .\ ;. 3;.‘ .'__._ ._a ;v H." ‘-;..-1;-=4» ‘. -_ o“'.','. M...‘ - ;« 2'. 0 I ; I P . v 0 ‘n v . .. . rcuus.-u fA$‘IQvi 1.-awn-of» ~«‘&n-u v ‘i : ~i o ~./'. ~“ Darius at the Celiwi-8;: . 1 I 0 ‘ l .‘l V . s — 0 J J .. . . on .( 'yl 1 lion-maul‘!-2 I \.‘l ' .,. , .. ‘. :9 ? .