.- ~-:1‘«ltr‘<'~o"-‘»a-=71-=~=>c=‘tmcezaw-;=*‘<9c»“=‘:”*f;' §g;°*;;§;:;:,;;:d-‘:‘;°,;; one Glllisrie Dms co. u l ‘ E I . - °' ' 'Bradle ' Bates Count" Joseph 3- ’ " l l . . , Y GALVESTON. 791». .J‘“- 17"’ - !not be hit by the maximum rate. 3- , 3- Y pow‘ for Fumishing Road 031" Wu]. ....,,_.1--.--:-:..._,, - .,-9 . . .‘ s . Lashedby the sionn-nyept waves-‘ B doing this they believe the‘ ‘“*°d°3~ “">'"° C°‘"' 3 “- D‘ -. . -'1, .~i .- 5 A . - East St. no is Livestock. 3' . . ' . \ ,sr c , d F dD v. be melted b) the State HI: was . ,.»— ' ' we U‘-' 8' am", Tm? W5” ‘an By tilted Prop. a ’ . compromise sill SIN. ‘y the P910?‘ Sui” 0“ °u.my an re run Commission until 10:00 o'clock a.. C. L. Lavender, M. _ i‘ ' ‘ground why on we “Reedy IEINHONAI‘ STOCK YARDS‘ m” °ni’Pr°Krc”i"° collmom wmch m'PultIn"lP “trick was re-elected m on the %h Ila)’ of Januanni ’ ‘ 1 l : rochj! rad ca’ ve'm J3ll- 17--C‘‘u’‘‘R°°°iP‘‘' 15005 now in mum‘ of the Home’ and ya. . . ta. ndmhliss Helen Averitt "1924 at the office of the Secifetaryl Wilson AVG. \' F l - Cu“ ‘arbor ‘worth: lo “mo du- Ifliel Gwlldyi nil“? bed “eefivibe “ti‘f‘°l°n. m Prnidem C00" figs“: ;.c,.eu,-y ' of ‘e Commission in the Capitol. ' ' W.-' E 2. l“;"‘t°;‘ '°: ted “gm meme sa.90@7.75; yearling steers» nndildce. who 3‘ opposed! to r _ ,,_._' n _,e,,m°,, Cm. and ,t um um. Phone 1020 Black | __ l . . P V931 - . 4_g5@‘pmniiseon eprincipeso t e e- ‘ . . . . , . . g _, - l heifers. $4.50@7-°°v °°“"" ‘ I Heiress Denies Receiving Threats. mu be publlcl} opened and read in _ . . g n g'°':"nl3i:: b; "‘;';';“T:‘:::n:“;°;_ .5375; calves. 8i1.50@ii.75; scocirero:lor;n;:i;rnr.d of the “en” 25 per cent” ;¥.rr.g};1r;.LFS In J 1, the Senate Chamber of the Capitol e r, - ' I ; tied a crew ofaoo men. who were ‘mil 93°59’! dll“- . . i om“ over’ ‘ * '_ 1' _ ‘“‘ "'- at Jefferson City. Mo. 4 _ . ‘- . _ _ . ' l _ - ‘ 3.000: k tniaximum surtax on no 31 . V H M _he ‘ t th _ _ , . . l ’'¢P°“°d “. h“° 13“ 0.” ‘°“d‘f’ 15:10:: 2::c:.p‘:u_,1heu, . 5'-I-}‘go%i$l00,00O or the Garner 44 per cent ‘ .r:W_{?w?r?nilli?);n’:iou.‘rm::m€e 0'; The material to furnished con-‘ on an Inky’ __ ’ at it zmuwfit i'n1r:t:;l 755- medium‘ 87:25@7.g5.' ) light imfimum ‘"1 incomes in excess of“ et a Million" Gates today termed ‘ism °f fir fogovqnf tgpgoit-mmretsl . O ‘ " l ” 3 ae ' - - I ' ': ' ‘ -1 . . ' i 0 we - . '- . ¢c::‘:,:,”go P:-neg; American inter- 86..90@7.50; light lights. $6.40@,::Es'otgghfl: ‘;;mt'::::::: ggteafdugoia ridiculous reports that she had ,:;“‘::;:fi°ed rfraomoimagch 1“. 1924.‘ _ g b . ests in the rebel headnuarters of 7.35; pacltinit sows. $8.00@c.O0:;pfl_ mm 0"‘ ‘$0,000 income; ’ vcd \h;¢alenl'fl8“l;3W dem*a‘ili‘tie- to August 1. 1924' inclusive. Angry when your dinner it only y ' ‘ . Ad°"° de 1‘ H“°'“' pug; bu:k60:7’25@:'k80t' The present maximum is 50 pcrgf gr fhigggr kidn"pedor mate bids will be received for oil F. ‘ memo”. and you, Stu, ‘. T’ 0'4” ll‘ "5" ‘°‘ “’‘°’‘““' , ‘-‘°l’' ‘'9 ‘° ° ‘ “"‘ ° 1 t ' over 3200.000 »’ 5’ ' o. B. ' ts f ' ' d F. 0. B. - -' in ‘ ' Sliish all lizhthoines and light ships stead)‘: ewes. $5.00@7.76: cannerycen on "mom" _ .___.. Col i K. k .u Vonh pfgfcgonorgfx an 5"” ‘"9 d°“°' "5"" C ’ O T to hinder trade with we 0bl'¢t.'0n‘and cutters. s1.s0@5.00: wool lambo.'iwN'rsnAm~: ii. s. ENTERTAINS W 3- 3» ° " 3' '“ °- * - Shack where you'll find . . , . , . , ' government was believed to have $11'.'5@13.75. “’“':-““ FD“ J’ 8‘ Cole’ MW 33 ‘ member (A) 65335 “‘n°"5 °f 25 d°‘,“‘°°. good food and companion- ' ‘ _ ‘ . - awed the wcident‘ . _ 1- _ Leap Year Social ls Given in Honortoi the State Osteopathic ‘Board, has comic;-ado o{_ hlissouri ‘State “lg’h’; 4 ‘Mn Howevct. do,“ fm._ ’ I M Tn ‘:2 Psi“. ‘$222; :’.f:".'.':.‘*:;‘:“:'.::.,:::::.::.:°.* ‘::“::.; = or on or one BU'l"'l'BRl-‘A'I‘ RECORD BR0liBN_ $1-_ Louis, J , 17,__com_xo_l e un ‘ ac is c_ - : _ . _ __ _ . _ . 5 0 ' . ’ 3 white sac; No.‘-Ir: 7s@79v.c': sepxdtained the elcllth trade with a Loan Amoncnn School of 0st«3i>-th_i'- The (B) 05,235 gallons at 25 dcirrce “ ‘“°“° p_ s_ "fins ,5 the Last \v¢¢k of the B19; Mann; l Dairymenfs Aasoaationfiwards Cup 81:‘, c- duly 31¢ ;Year.socla1 sggux-day night. Cnniesqcntirc board goes to Kirlzsvillo ut Ccnm_,md(, of Missoufi Sm“. nigh, S‘M‘,ich“ ’ 0 ‘° L 3- "‘."""' °'°'°"‘°' ‘ O.at's—-.\'o'. 2 white, 48v.@49o; no.0‘ \‘"l°"8 “"45 “"° W‘ l"‘“°'l“" "‘° ""3 °‘. °"?"-" ‘°"‘°“‘°' W‘ ‘“'°‘-‘ _way on Specification No. 3. 0 m,..15¢..zo¢..25¢ Shirt Sale ;' A EllV€l' l0’~'llllZ Cull Pfcwfiled 3 khiu, 48¢. No 4 whim 4-‘-%@.form of amusement. the examinations. Doctor Cole rc- Specifications and proposal blanks. 1 A '§ . “Ch Y9” by ‘"9 M“'5°“" S“‘““ ' r '» . ' Among those who attended were: turned to Columbll 90633“ are on file at the office of the Chief 4 D ’ ' A " tion~-for the cow“'8°3 M‘5" “”"‘° V ° M 11 1-31" h (‘oats lncse —-~»-— ~-—-—--— . - ~ - . ‘ ' ' nrymens “om. - - ‘ Wheat (iuture)—°¢Pl 3105’ July» heme e (ma-y’ U3 ' ' Illinois to Have Farmers‘ Week '!"""""°e" °f “W ‘‘t‘“‘' "‘l'7h“"5' ‘ n I 313"‘ tbasihghefi pr°::'°m“ ';bg('ty"$1 95:.‘ M ' ‘ ' Thoiulfn‘ wmgom Argo! Farmers‘ Week at the Univcniiv C°m"‘l’“'5°" 3"‘! Wm bc fumishcd . nogo “ osep no o we -. ' ‘ , .. port. ranccs yce. am! On ' . .‘ . g ‘ ' , 1 __ A . r cd)-—l\o. 1. 31-14: No. 2. . - . .. of Illinois: lwg.n.~ next Monday. 0“ l'-‘'.’ : ~ ‘ ' T“ """"’°’ ’““"" ‘°“"‘ °' Loren i.e1-'ao"..n.:°'"i'i'o'.ir,. Keiser ‘;§,‘I,§;.. if-'nr.§','.,‘ °“ “ 0 FRESH FEED , ,., , ‘. Caldwell County was awarded a cup “Th admmed this moming ,._ _._t J '—-~ at we have so many cw-lls for lake :\d\ anta ‘ o '- by the uwcauou ‘nd fimmcwl flip. otliv Evans and Daisy Sweeney were 88' “\:»':;|;,.m ,,..:,:f:g-1 of ’,§u_~-. our \\'l‘.‘Ito Way fee-l Jim 1 « I .‘ pon "5 edged to “T”? the w.m:' iséhu-‘ed, h ' me C {S in Jefiman (~i“.. Lever Rots ii Cl'lil‘f‘.‘ tr. Lo» . Of these low ning team in the Jamar Dairy . p ens 0 8 . - . . come Sade or mouldy own i ‘ , . Judging Contest to the National b(:""°°f_ J°hl:‘d’::;u:;d (:{:°' C“ on business. Show. ' ' ' d. if no allowc-1 it to.‘ For .his PriCeS*NOW V 1 A resolution W“ indoninglllolores Downs was discharge ‘-’—-—-»v-”— J’ ‘_i reason there notltim: 'e- I the Purnell Bill. a -mca ure n,,w'bc- .1 S“ k ::!"'1‘£' 10" Allen . _ I mihirknthlc rai\»'c‘»_;:';m»l‘i:‘_a L e » fore . w 'c rovides for “.erfl'h_r§:£;";“°d icsterday 5 ‘ Timken Bearings 3” be _h‘ (mt) hdt _ , additional agricultural and home 3 ___ -'___A__V'__ Springs . g _‘ f f O .- orvmcmi* investigation nd teaching ' . . , . its populaniy in the c‘.iur~(.~ . ' ' ' 7 - " M75 “- "4~ "‘"‘h° l‘’ R“'"'‘ (afllllkfi of its freshness. Your stock I The “flowing were elected °m°.°” Mrs. W. E. llarshc. who has been piston Rings . of the association for 5thc coming - R be e . 9 3 - Wm u"i"“ "" .“ “M 3"°"r , ' ‘year (’President.. L R Cratcnl. Bo;‘- irfirahgfeii Cgiftagtef-rd:Or:'ed at: big: Piston PINS ! ' I ._ ‘;i:);l>:n(:(l;o¢)l£ w not lc . t . ,. ing ‘room vice-presi ent,‘ .. _ . o 1 b- Nd ._ Sm. h. ‘. . ' * - 0 "°"‘ “'""““ "“"‘ "“;.l “""' "' ”' 3335 5*m*"3°3ih- ” “S M :?'i§'r'.”r§ Kai” 4 . BROADWAY MILLING =coMrnN~Y * 0 o Harmon. who was re lected. The ___--_,. -.___ j . _ , ' . ‘ _ _ . directors are: E. G. Bennett. Car- If you have lost or found anything TAYLOR GARAGE ' n""d 3"‘ B"’'d‘.'7 ‘ ‘ '‘°'‘‘‘ 22" ‘i _ thage; I. B. Miller. Girardeau; la Missourian Want Ad will find the » A e, Columliia; Glenn C. the ‘ . ' D.l"l;« C°l“llll>l33 -7- 5- 3°58: C0“-llll-i - —__._._.,-._——e— - e— A if 4 0 ii A -1 " i C " C O O C O l V bin: and GeorgciMcC1atchcy. Kan-J” "" "W" ' s ' ‘ sas City. - - ‘ - U . ‘ TALKS '7r6—"§§'3iii?.§'_‘ voransi WELCOME FARMERS : ‘ 3 O ' _ Dr. R. J. xer"rTeT—é§;i:o at open I, you won“ mm to W. , gm ,,',,,,' dam. ,a,,,,_ grain Don t lss By ordering from this list you will cut your grocery bill appr 1 MR5"! 0‘ l»¢88l-|¢- '1 d f ultry farm or good city residence, call on t . . '1 th t ° .- 1 1 D_ ..__ J_ K . k _..T,, . an crass am. II no ‘ ' _ ably. Call today “hi e c is is n-ar comp c c. a « iiifsziflftcfiun 'c$;'e?i3r:p::? Calf: me. ‘hm 8 hf“ W 01 firmsfnd cm~p:m:)' 0 .' . i i 0 if N‘ 10 on GM 1 on FRUITS AV!) VECI-‘rnin Fs‘ /’ " limo of" out ‘'4. e‘. (. 4 0. J J A a, 4 e 7 4 a on I {A 2 , o'clock, this afternoon Iin the v. si.§ - ‘w. B. PALMER. Representative They offer a rare saving opportunity that No. 1 U Can Doz. .;\;n.I A ‘ L H \ (1'::)v1 I Z 0- 5- 8"dil°l'i°m- ’ nu-r Peck Drug Store Phone 1559 of H51 . 10 Standard Ca. 71112 ’ :00 llll-C ‘ll Cl‘. - - - - ~- - ’ _ 15,3. mgeting n-.,,_u,e gm of . ,.,_.- . no thrifty person can afford to overlook peaches _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ .53.. 3 5.9;, 10 (juruw C(mcnm‘._C:l . ._ i .'.’.f;J’.' .‘I§,‘i",,.,',',',°°,‘,‘,’,‘“,‘;,c“;}‘f,,,°c'f, $2: '— 0 . . At lggancy ghubzgll - . . . -- Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . .05 3.7 i y . ' if ' 5 ' ’ ’ ”“ ’ ‘ ”"’”" 7 '0’ '7 ' 1 9395' “mp m ‘ ' - - - ' - ‘C ‘ l’ 10 Fang-V B'ackbcrric.s; , . ‘.82 9 g of cuifi-ent problems. local. national: . _ ' _ 4 162; - ‘ 4 l _ _ . -and mtern-twn-'- __ * EISENSTEIN S }3‘§.‘;;‘c‘;°(§f1§_'f‘;“R‘;§*;){):f‘~ 0 ° ,0T$,anda,.d Soup A,._,,,,,.,,w P r DI’. 14005 to SDCIK Oll !AlIl¢fl¢llllflllh. . 1 Januar r S 1 l ries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ins ' ° ° ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ")0 x Self’-, ‘fig’ .‘*°°*>- ?g°;,"b;;' kl}; We iioid No Clearance Sales ’ Ce 3 ° ioécur-rice Fancy Sour Cher- on Ln,1,,-vs Spinach , , _ , _ . , 3. oo o in .r ’ - ° - ' -' miqmnflon uofncfig rtijnmc :1. H; “W Mcn s Blue and Brown Flannel Shirts. $2.95 10 é::rt.iéé.I.3;i).v. .L.ii1;3. . . . .12.) 14.60 10 Sun Sweet Pmms . . . O . "78 ;*:';;;:;g :3 ,;;‘0"n'f;;';c 3:3; ;{;;°jj‘;*o-‘; value, Clearance Sale price . . . . . . . ..$1.9.3 Beans ..... ..'. . . . . . . . . ..1.40 10.20 10 Cui'ti(rc Cut Wax lluzins 1.05 1 ed d ts 1 th’ ' . - : ' . . ~ ,. . . - - . o . « or"i‘i':oo?rT Dzoiorc rii’.T'ri"ii§’n The flrst of the Men S grey hem) neeccd shuts’ Small Sizes Go Over This List Carefully and Check the Items You Wanl—A _ speak in Excelsior‘ Springs on . onhr 34 and 36 _ 49¢ ~ ' Saving fi if “Rwy. _ _ o ‘ ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . ‘ . ,_ _ _ ._._- ._._ l M, year ‘S 3 fine “me l Men’s Corduroy Hunting Caps. $1.00 value, 0, Fancy Large Brazil Nuts. lb . . . . ..15c 2!»: Libby's Sliced I’inc'-mplc .37 04-_ 1. ' . . ' 3 Fancy Large Naples Filberts, lb. . .17c 2 Curtice Sour Red Cherries .30 mwgkzolva gut“ to make 3 "mt to ' B0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ’ '79‘: * Fancy Peerless Almonds . . . . . . . . . .220. 1/._, gar J3,-S A510,-13 ma,-aching |. _. ’ , . ys nit oc'e'ca ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25 ~ N.1Cal. Soft Sh ll Wal t ....24 _ . . ' . ’§,”§"""“°'”‘"S Barth's. . . 3 Db C r 1‘ '8:c Giant Paper Slfell peril?’ ....59: ”‘‘’’’‘‘°'‘* W - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ -if: i nroadvlr , , Mcn s heat)’ winter pull down caps . . . .49c Rom Cocoa in ‘Am tins _ . . . . . ‘wt 35 oz. Jars Astoria Mm,L.g,;,,., ‘ _...—--ex .--, no Boy's blue and white stripul heap}. overalls’ Ann Spaghettypkg. 7c. do?“ pkg” ‘mt, w(';h:rric.:.ljar .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. # mm qmsws WALKER Them are thou‘ I d 1. lo . N _ ’ Y k ' ‘ while the‘. last _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ‘ ‘ . ' _ _ _ _ _ 69¢ Ar'm.gElbow Mac. pkg. 7c; doz. pkg. 78c rig in» . 1 \-L:]- Lruam .. . . have never gtagsop t’ fit“. 05 ta‘ ho ' . . , . . . Sl'l}'(lcl"8 Tomatu SOUP. can 8c. (;UldCll Sl.d.3t(.‘ AI)rlClll.5 . 0-25 A.‘ . "' "l"°“ . ‘’ ° ‘ 9 -‘ 3” “"3 Menslioavy cotton ribbed union suits $1.50 . ‘ 90- on - *. .. ~> " - flu“ mo'i:ri:‘i”:-«Winn. - -maylbe some Columbia folks who have never let ' . dc-E‘ cans‘ ' ' ' ". ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L ""'-' Llbbi '5 App” Bun” “'1 5 - - " tuber sun. or roairLne-.¢'r..ue us show them the light to perfect clothing saub-_ value . . . . . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l.l9 i 3 20”‘ Gem-“'5' T°§]°l Paper’ 2l,»-_- Extra ‘Fancy Fruit Salad .36 .'.It “U '0?’ WZPVHC. faction. ' . 3 ',I“.)r.n.a.t;).eé. . a . . o . 0 . i9((l'UZ. 1 Pwahcv 03 ~ ~--—-».-.-——--— -- , ..._,.. ,, ‘ ‘ . . . . . . o . . . . e g ‘ ’ ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "" 0 . ‘.g i’ i ' Let's change all this’ ‘ " 0 2 Standard Tomatoes 12¢ 1 40 21/; Broken Sliced Pineapple .3‘ 3. ‘ Men's extra heavy white fleeced union ‘ ' " - . Lem come out of the Ice Box and kindle up 8 . ‘ 8 Extra Standard Tomatoes 160 1.85 I Fancy Grated Pineapple . ..l3 long and mm friendship. You." like the way we ‘ suits, January Clearance sale price . . .$l.69 _ ; Small glen-tice Pimentos. d lo_ 1 pane), Sliced Pineapple l.l.ll‘l'll dstrangers into sta)'ers—ymi'll like our mer- ' One lot of men’s over-coats one and two of a i Momm Curfice “memos 02' 3 ° D A 21/3 Syrup Cling Peach . . . ..23 c‘ an ise-—our manners and our values. kind. Clearance Sale price $10 00 3 cm’ doz. $1.75 yam}. Head Rice, ,1, __7(., “gm, gi (Aime-—Walk in this week and holler out “a new , V ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° 5 Harvester Brand Assorted » Iran”. Navy Beam.’ n, 7l;,:_.(-_ 351% _ sheep has come into the fold" and we'll match Men seheavy cottonswcaters, shawl collar, ; g T P . . . . . .72c $8.25 your action with an all wool welcome t th la 1 - ° :1 ’ ‘’‘l e" 33°”: ° “'3 — of values. 0 e m S818 price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q; V , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ . _ _ _ _23¢ 5-“ELLE” NUTS ' . Q 0 * ‘ , r ‘ Suits and O’ooats $12.50 to 345.00 T Me" 8 me i3"°°"’Bhmk°ts BM‘ R°b°“’ 1 POMPEIIAN ouvn on. _ '1’°F“'=8“" “'“1"“‘ “‘*"'““': “’ ~ Sheep Lined Coats and Warm Underwear 3: r 373° vdues’ hnmry Clarmw ‘$500 ' O 1 .3“ “"3 P°"‘l’°“‘" 0”“ °“°l°$‘-15 Extra Large shelled Almonds’; lb ‘ 1 BIG REDUCTIONS IN EVERY M-L ww Pomveii-n Olive Oil-- 2-16 Em S°‘°°-‘°“’°°*'" “*"'°**i%"’ ‘°' “"383 cold days. Quart cans Pompeiian Olive on.. 1.10 t Black Walnut Kerneto, in. . Q QDEPARTMENT‘ . g ‘ n ‘ . “You Must Be satisriedr" V ‘__. - V ' , is‘; at Walnut . r ,- .. : , _A .r A , ‘H -G. ' . ‘I ' ' V 0-. no-, . ‘ . . '1 I _ ‘.'H . ‘ . :’.o 1. > 1. 1. z —.~. - ~- 7 . o t I - W —. .1 5-- - 5 o ' . v . I-go E0‘ ' .1 0 :. . ‘ _-‘ ‘ ' ‘V -4 _s X _ _ O B Z‘ ‘ . 5 O , 5 A l ' I