-\ w—u—.——.~.-~"- -" I ' h ,1 rill: OOLUMBIA, MISSOURIAN, Fninztv, JANUARY 18, 1924 ' -monarchy. will be called on tovform “His Majesty's Government.” ‘Thus one see: again th ooLi'mBIA iris§9URIAi5__ Published tray rvenilt-6%‘ 3"” -daylby the ll-oariaa PdilhhE3'AI- aochtioti. inc. hr !l.»Nd! 3911- O»- lnouri. ar: tfingliah. Without revolution and; “’¢ lwitliout; frictiion they brim: intoi ....... nu” ,;,_ L £90.?“ 3 government, under a lting.; um in County .... .. .7: i to 3.00 .which has little of the my al element. Outside Conn us no use ind prove to ‘the world that it is not :'-ifiohor Audit Bureau cit?!-V-l°|*I_-_.__ so much the system of go\'e;nI;ielll’ amoral as _ -I ‘rit"in which it ii a in ms- . ‘tr:-duiflflch determines the.libcral- ”‘ °"°"mh‘ """ 'ism or the conservatism of a eoun-V sort-tr - - "" Jr)’- :-iiniigiréini ouruooit C THE OPEN COLUMN e , The conditionof the farmer has v iirfprovcd considerably. according to 3.,-.....iog.. or opinion on mum of‘ ten- . - umn. the committee V.o_ii Sllltfiltgfes sf 3 all m1!:“:mlu";_ :::””“m “d"’_”h _;,‘:M be 0‘ 005333“ °{ ni oeeoulfiziiad 0* 33.'’‘‘''’d ‘u"'' '‘ States. and his outlook for 1924 is the writer. The -innate *5" 5° °*""‘“"‘ . _ . . f blk-ailai upon redout. but FRY?" even much better. This is good "°"' :3.“ ‘km w k.,.,,., .,,g,.,.. ,1. (‘D09 ' 1 the he used. Personal attack- news both to the farmer and’ a mud. ‘ma cmkhm 0! “W l‘(‘Sl. of l.1:'.:J - gig writer's’ . _ illviduala The committee attributes the lm-_ aanic. _ provcinent to the diminished gap be-I mm“ syflcm K0, . p.i|u.:¢, ‘ tween prices for farm products and Edigor um Missourian: I n ice manufactured articles, which has‘ a ,-“em comiiiunicatioii to the Open been brought about to a large ex- Column an. opinion that ‘thou 3:!‘ tent through co-operative marketing system air it is foundauiamf; fllglun and better opportunities for ‘financ- ‘Ill’ °f ’ ‘55°‘"' “ ing. with general liquidatfiin, of ob- . . . ._ , . i I ititudc la ligation: wherever returns from thud “’ m° th“ ‘ "5 3 "ON Permits’ and .cxpcc.wd ".:duc.‘tion of lost effort rather than the llOfl8’l!l acreage this spring with it \c{msu.ucm,c position of am, n 5“b*‘“l“°“‘ “ll-l“3‘m""" "f sulwlylwhat the University has in it to do. and demand. ‘Such a position, such an outlook. the farmers 'are4i?t'M’l‘3U.\’ *‘Pf~‘ll;: db‘;f‘~";k‘v t r"b"""f' . . i v ' ‘ .' i o e s mining to their own. But there ane.l0!‘}o_ “ ll?" l '3 3° °“ l still some who are groping in the‘°°"°°".ab]° salted — . ‘iii the face. i\"lW“ I310)‘ mi-lcncss of uncertainty. . should awe" W“ I y pessimistic. It is the p0.‘ in i‘uluinlm.. A.. - said ." "l “l-“' auditorium of the Y. r.tild¢‘nts hail only; one int-agi-r meal inf.’ Willi m0d0l'n educational tcnd- Chfig;tjanit)»_ a day and one suit were to be flaafiftl *'l"'l€‘5- ll. “'0Ul¢l WOTR Out», l0 U10 around among .~i-ticriil stfidcnts. and “d"f‘m““" f’! ‘M m°d'“"l “°ll""l “ml men think whm we would ('0 Suth to its students and would increzise a condition. or p0l‘hali.- even a woi‘se the facnmcs. of ham“ (my _ _ _ . _ medical training. °"°' "' ‘°t‘"‘"5' °""“"‘“ "‘ P'“51‘“‘ Dc-an Noyes of the‘ medical school and many European countries. 11¢’-.'points to‘thc “wealth of clinical cording to a traveler from Europe; material" }in Kansas City. Ilc be-. but the students continue their liC"~‘9S the’ proposition feasible. sway u, keep «the gnteiiectuai me is not novel, nor is—it a move pro-V from altogether dying out." :‘;°t°d'b3" "Q“i‘rgi‘;h °r ‘'‘’"‘'''"'.‘i‘-‘’ 3d‘ ' .. ar . l’°""°"°"“‘°“ been made in nunieroiis other states. W" ‘T l”-‘~“l ll‘-“l'~‘d “ll?! “*0 .'P(‘Ti~0“ In Illinois, Nebraska, Ohio and New is brought to face an adverse con- York, state medical schools, nf‘ par‘. dition. These poverty-stricl;eii~stu- Of the COUTSOS. l|!I\'0 l>l‘('n irnn.~- dents and teachers have real anihi- (97784 to large cities. The changes tion. an enviable} ambition to keep 9'3"‘: m9‘"‘t- ‘lfmg ‘H’ Mb" u‘l“l3"- up civilization under unimaginable "."l”'°""'"°“‘ “‘ “"“ 3"‘ "-‘l’“‘,"' banishing. _ ; tic: of the s§ho‘ols 8ff£’t‘l(‘(l..;.H I ' We are thankful that we do not went re} ‘a of mo “lawn” have that condition hero. but ive;.n 3‘-.1; §m¢.,-9...: 5,, Pu K. oughtto show our sympathy for health and additional hospital fa-‘ their hardships aha our admiraiiongciliiies in K i ‘ , rm-i-; for their great ilsk. The Student“-'1‘“"‘ medical school here is badly. Friendship Fund pampin for the n e Jackson County Medi-: pupose of raising funds to help to the . . , . people of Missouri and an- Kzzgfificmnm ::?:“°u‘r"s;::2;"‘: site City ‘ll?’ assuming active leader 1 . . ~ ' ii‘ ' '. - t. - and admiration. Remember that the 8 lp m —-i:-r—n-:‘—e——.mu:..— ‘students of this country and of no. ’L"’G'«"“ CUNTESLIS F35 22 mm W bifilflfnz or win: to build Ranking Poultry Judge of Short - the same civilization. . , um go Go: Med.|_ . ____.___r,_______, . A 30W“: ll3'0_c33C\' iheld I-‘ebruiiry 22 under the auspices T "England is in it strange position lof the‘ poultry department today. The Conicrvative party has lcollexe 0f.-\€|’l¢0lllI!‘¢- - ' 1.1).; to keep . in 'p,,.;;,_ % trainee in the contest will be re- mont and the-Laborites, the official ’u'Al°b°dm 'h'"" °°“”° ‘md°'"-‘- opposition party, must be cdlad in. th bi; "dd flu 5° according to precflciit. to lipid up ii e ind" of puma’ \'. 9 l I go 5 ._- - .a A poultry Judging contest will be mu,‘ bnaHut?_Efi of the O i dun it. i ' liimiiiil the CH’ l’ ‘l. '“°’*l national committee of the Y. M. f‘. Tuesday afternoon at the Ofpforum hour which was held in the which has lIL‘f‘.". nami-rl i'liira Anne. . M. C. A. Btiild- .\lrx. l..'iii~.:i«ii- 1::-lure iiiarritige. \\'fl.‘i (. . . °°"' wit. that the P'—‘-"I110 or the Orient nmi or \\'ilti;imspui't. .ity I!‘ in keen-are in doubt as to the workiiig .. Mr. Brocknian .~ii_v.~ the teasmi fur thi Years. The people out that Christin not been applied. ii is the fact that so many prob- _lems have come up in the so-called 7"’ Christian countries in the last few ‘ of the Orient point nity has apparently . . . . . . Th The honor‘ system is sound in lm~§~rom a (olumbia druggist. inquired b“M:(,{‘thk_ lggm}-i l: of a physician how much 7u-i‘iio\'i~:s Ei.i~:c'rio Artillery“()fficcrs win ‘il ' ’ 0 C8. oval hv the examining Cr~r.ti;:r:ido of .\ll.\.s'0Ul'l State ll~i.'h~ Old A‘rtiliery'o1’ ‘tray Oil Siiocification No. ' the 0fflt‘('!‘F eli-«sled January i')_ in ’ the fl'f!lfll"Yll. was announced today I ‘ \\'illiiini:=.1.0m- (digit. t4.-ry li. lumliin. w.'i~ (‘{lfl(‘_\’ t'.'lll~("l by the f't".1ll'i resigna- tion if .'il;i_i. litigene .\l:iyrinf‘. F(.|l£.\‘l fall 5"! I" l)lZ.\"l’ .\lr. rim! ‘in. H. J, l.::-miflc .\l‘.fltiufI('c .\rriviil of T\\iiii~. poi FAILED—BROCKMAN Zguhéif’! M t H r huiiii- ‘I’ A," _.l Thi- lu.-i-ii naimevi .\llJX’ltl .\ lliinco lead for livery Taste (if- l)(':i_i.~. Ted Shawn and the l)eni~ha\\n lcrt-d by When Ruth St. Denis. Ted .\_'l‘.;i\vn f.3jed_ M,-. Bmckman says mm the and the l'|iii‘i. A Pl‘0P0s:il bond cuiinb‘-.l'<‘ ='~i‘t‘i'Dl'-‘d A Continuation of HIGH SCHOOL will be given this the_S_u(lies on ' l’ROllLEMS uinann's "Soar- accompanied by in prov?--‘ll ‘l'_0“" Brahm's Waltz. Liszt's “Lie-.ivill be autiimilhiclml-' ”‘J“""-‘”- Payments will be n‘.a-dc lmonthly estimates but fihoulil The second group includes a Span- be expected prior in tlic last of the Sunday at the BURRALL Bl_BI.E CLASS not An excellent program has been ai°raiigetl‘ by Mischa Levitzltiz Mld The right is re.-