.. .-. ..- -- . . . . ,A v- -~.-‘.‘-"l‘~ "-'~ ‘ ' _ - .— .,—.. »_ «Ir, 5 — ~—i- " *' ""'P“”' ‘r"" ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ . , ~:..== ""'-"’Ti‘3J 0’ ‘ ° ! '" ‘ W . V : . _ . 1. ' , ' -. ‘ ’ ’ v . . .. A — ‘ i‘ ’ i i 5 0 ' ‘ ” 0 mso (mun FRIDAY {IANUARY 1 .1924~ - i '; _:.;«-._.___ .- ;_ - , :' .- ' . up ‘ _ ,. ..._.- .~ -»-~~ ’ * -eiioii’six. . 0 .- _ = i V i A _. ,-_-- -e-.--.._.- ’ .-.—-~ —- . . ‘K T -- . -cf-.-it-v *~' -. ’. . . .. — A. . I . i!nDU Q1' AND ltilllloli GIVE l'80GRAh|«3ETURN8 F30}! NEW $0 The Mum” You win E_"nm."’ Cu”. ; Corn Growers 0 tion Was = mow 10 ‘W-K “min.” o..T'“’*..i- o.... n..i.....n.i. n 1.. u‘‘‘‘‘'“...... oamn . « - I ' A ‘ v 3 ' z‘'''''‘‘‘'‘’ ' 5 ' ° 1!. ~ Scriea at Ooliililia U. -A i, u “ma, - I Pay As You [Inc It. o.o...o»,‘~-L-at;-.~.,-_-‘-:-=3-,.,.. ' ' l '~- ~' “ Peter W.Collliiaof Baatoa to8peaki Pllllcll _ u . fa‘ d .; East St._ [MI V 3 1 «av ,3 ' ;_-_vr _ ' TWCDCY Y€&I'S Ago on -wiui America iieniu to * 'i'iie.impfls in *1"-' U'""""“" 3"‘ PM‘ P“ 1“ ,,°,,,'?‘" ° ° ‘wt 2 NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. Ill»; l~'nd"'°°‘ ’’°'“'’° . — y '-z- -;— . ;. ‘ . r f ' i 0-." How! Nil“ i"‘°"“'." S°"°°’- “"' '-' "'°‘7'"'ii.‘«i lmmo:fAr::i‘:ultuiie ‘:7turi‘:da;'ee3(l?¢o1l':iJ‘n' ""°""'°"R°°°"'"' ” :50 oo ' 7- j ’ . . ~. " The In-onri Corn Gm-U1’ 118- 01. *1! ‘M9 f°" 09° Y”? "” ‘"55"’ ."-—.Z 3 t in.~l°‘3°°°'°°k um an-mm‘ whmh ’dca‘efrom New York where he .i«i"‘”"“’ ‘Rf me" May; Mt-m‘ ‘ A _ _ O i ‘ l 50.. .¢.p§¢g»ui¢iao7.§. at the market price of tflilk Peter W. Collins of on on. been pla entirely by _them- 3’ , p ' .‘ _-beef gtgerg, $6.75@8.25: yenrlmx I ,6,“ “,7 ;ng .°d‘6°u' and" '~ A - ‘ ' seeds ld un— ' and lecturer on so- 1 J 5 ncgf mg .-hgirmuiitendal a meeting of the executise, . , 34 ll‘ P3 y and most successful State 0-om The average mice of _ 5° d08t3'|_l’ ¢‘P"" . . in.” ‘'3'’ "" 9° . ' “we 0, we Amefiun Cou,m.,..steen and heifers. $6.75. cow!» ~ can on mo,,u,|,. 9.,-. ‘M G,.‘;,, 31.9.» of ‘ hid der the approved seed list for cormcgoiogical and economic subificte. Wdi Iof the program committee. 'I'li¢i¢9";mA”°ci.dom ,@5.25: eanners and cutters. 82.50@p ‘mm ‘55 W_ is seen in the 1924 exhilita, lhaa was $1.10 per bushel higher. for speak Honda)’ fifth‘ 5‘ ‘ ° ‘" rroirram “'39 33 f°“°‘"- 1 _ . ,3_5o; ajves, $11.50@l2.00: stoclcers. THE MISSOURI STORES "0 ts h'¢lier for soybetns toriuni of the Knixhts Of C°'“"‘b“’ Plano ilolo . . . . .. Vlraluh 3855 According to Professor Morgan, 50 , jmlt ?9’:3pl'l;l:d£"l8l001'l"a‘afDeth l‘ll‘KlI::nfnl’ :79 35 cents bitllt-'l'i'Student-i' Home 200 College ave-A5,... ............. i -O --- ‘ I'’'" at ‘ ii ithe "en "fiend conference 0‘ the;.nli*l {ga2de!l?e'c:‘i‘l.:(8’@‘f0 market.‘ -- v . ‘ , ' ._ mi Col on. . . . . o 0 -. - 0 e ..,-,.'n Anochgon ‘mg owwitdi b’.’{¢,. tgwrppfls $l.50'hiirher. fOl‘.€l0\'EI'§ cue... on "ll hat America Means to‘ aude:.”i:or::uc;:i:- :(i-Au’ ‘gm uM[ t:flw‘;'? in g3fimg;mO:i2'f toe to 20¢ lower: heavy. $7.20@7.40;, “ ‘map °f “mam”: .‘n" u” Uini-l‘2.25' Nth”. ‘for sorghum mhfclfgiushfr Collins in; said to be one of the saw “NM mm" ’ lnulae cape-§'I'he convention will be devoted . medium’ ‘7'.l5@7"0; “KP-t’ ‘6'm@‘ vomit)’ Of . llisaouri ($011988 |°f;h‘3h°' and fur cam '5 “mu f“$‘208'becit . ui ped ‘authorities on llldl.l3“.t1on: In-iii-l.ir‘i-.~nii‘f.the‘i-‘ii-at and aocold tPId¢!'chiefly w , diuuugon of 9,, ,-¢ug-.37-40: litht llthl-1% 55-2j"@‘-3°‘, l"‘°"’ Agriculture.‘ lglke other gage‘ ll;a:\'e(l;:l:':‘eP'2'?el::lt"‘¢9emb9r‘itfi’ul :'ro&,m,._ Serving as indu.-i.iiin.ii-an chain .. u-mi»nPIo:r.hi‘t_:’i:«’i;e“-drrixtious mm mom! {owes in country life. in; .ow;,$$:%;.E7i04;0 pairs. $5..i0Q»ri.. d""‘ °'3'°” °m' .“ ‘me . Perm‘ 0 9. ' "th tli t0V't'!'0m€M‘T‘." d"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " A Du‘ th ta ' N Y lt. 793b""" 7 A’ ' ' mum“: purpoe" “me of winch "ho were 0" ml. “fpplje:‘('ledn0l:el‘.llnll':tt'-l::::ll8e:ll::r;8:'In(l a.: an active la- Pmfe::o‘r Mdrganyalro ii iiefiires Sheep—Receipts. 2.000; market. “pended for fumnmént upon °fl-'fmm we arloun d9 d‘- rtisetnent of D0!‘ 1'!’-‘¢"liV¢' ff" "“"‘3’ -‘'‘’‘m‘ b‘‘‘ At the close of the Prozrun. Royfof lectures at Columbia University stead)’: ewes. $5@7-753 ¢'""‘°"“ “"9 ill" '~‘°°‘l“3°"°i“ ll‘ ‘°“*° l“°';u‘° ‘pp"?“". an a“eba ed the fore the war, he came in contact‘ A. Crown, principal of the school,i°n u-nu. Minna;-i Plan of Training cutters, $l.50@5: wool lambs. $11.73 ind though the association has longithe association lmd " .‘ 03 we with many phases of sociological mnmntuhted we mean on the for Run] Ikadenhjn-v @ hint‘? Ouhgmwn "*3 ‘mdem d‘y‘ ‘ad "I n‘.rk_ct pnc:d an . and econrimic problems. Which he guccegfi of their program llfld I " -——-——-——-——-- ‘T"—j . . ms for man_r years been c°'}4°=}°"'P"¢° “'°“““‘ ’°' “*4 ”° ' . - will discuss. pointed Ben Brown, Bertha in.-b.'i'isi1‘s l.’.\’l\'ERSlTY LIBRARIES 81- low C98?‘ “"3"-_ , 4 _ nrictly as a farmers’ 031313339030; _|" 1‘-'?~’ """"""'-" ‘P’ "‘.° ‘“."‘°°‘,’,", A5 director general of the Kfiizht‘ John Kempster and Miller Collins _ » _ ._—e._ ' Corn—No. 3 white, s2i«.c.y rw. Last Tiir.-..~ Showing Tot‘-:1)’, it: most essential purpose-—its vei-y’tion won the chn_t1IP'9’”‘h'p.m t t of Columbus recuiiistruction and em- to arrange a préxmm go, "en 1.‘,-5. E. \V. Winlder. Tens Ubnflln. llpwhite. 78¢: Sept. $16: Jul)‘. 8(_l‘-’=- _’ Ralph Cnnnoros Famous Smry of the 1\ort l"“'H’°"""“'” hid d°w" by it“ “u'-ginglefnr class’ fits‘ m cog’ ployinent work after the war. Mr. d.)._ I '00 pgfiflld _ 097- h 1 .at&—No. 2 v.'hwt?i '13‘-‘-'°'45‘.‘}",t :' --1‘HE MAN FROM .Gl.ENC.»\lN{\'" ‘ ° «lent founders: To’ introduce the third in I0‘-ear class of 1;’. 0;’ Cnmns hm] charge of the 1-}'.\‘l('ln ‘ ' .--.»»—r ,~-is-Ag (Tn, “_- “lnklerv M-"':‘_"'_'“" °}{‘ tl,°;W__hll°- 43 l° 481"“;-1’ ‘ °* “ "' An ’ A .~u-ndurd varieties of mm in ”'*'‘''"~‘"‘’‘ ‘" "‘"""~' “‘¥' °"““' ‘ ‘" .' that tilted 300.000 former .~it'r\‘- l-.l)\\ARliS TO an A. .\iniv‘_i-nniy of Tei¢‘§- muted t e _--‘my. to 48¢: Mai 4- .z- ._ ' , , -_ - urnu‘ x‘l’l'l'Ul.l" ' ‘« ~ » - ‘ - 1 -5 -bean third l .. ' 0 - -- - it f the Umversit of ‘His- wh Put rec) 810'; .-X' Julx l..irr\ btmon In 4» 1 30075 and 10 mun‘-N" ‘md ""l"'°"" ‘“'f" mm‘ “'°""‘ m “9 3' . ice men in civilian employment witlI- " n of mm. Scum, to spay‘ .3» ’""f“ 0 y ' 1 cm ( U ' . . . ' . . . ‘\'alurdlt\’ Onlv " » 3 mm. that idea of W founders in w“'"""* “'3” ‘""”.’f '." ‘f'“'i“i‘i.“‘. ...,._a Wm ,..,,.. n. W" """"“>‘“ "' " lfnivcrsity of Kansas. i"""" ‘°"."" . . ii‘-°3""“ . -.~ 1 $1 1'' \'i -» ‘ --s'i-AWE‘ or Tiii: i)'i:.s‘i:st'i‘" i" or went)’ 5':-an alto hm IIIWIIW 1111* lint--i‘u:iUunal ‘-NH" «W ‘ "5 ('lllPlU)'t‘l‘. , lit-an G 1) Edwards of the Bible‘ 5"‘ W'"“"' ‘“”'”d.°d “'9 ""dw5"' “hem (Red 7' 0' ' . " . I'll‘ ‘ I ‘ “"11! lA'¢‘ll and is ‘now. the motive idea Show. ' Mr. Cnlliii.-i Sis worluniz 0" "W . -' I K C't . .. tcr ‘°"im°°ll"K Of the 1-thrill‘? «"%9F0<‘l9' 31-” ‘° ""63 ‘\°' 3' “'10 1" S ‘ "‘ . '. . . - » ,5; ti." onaniuuon The u.*6~‘U('l:lllUl| in its aiiiiual rI-- campaign against extreme radical- ("n"‘“"“'°m' t" ‘dz 5” H; tion in Chicago on December 31‘ and‘ Wheat (H8!‘dl—N"- 1- 3133- William l‘Il|l’l18nK»‘i - ; ' ' ' > . . _ ‘ ‘_ n 5. I . _ _ _ _ ‘ ~L“.._‘.__‘__.r_ , ‘ ' I ) ' : V The Corn G'°*'°”" **“°°"“‘°" !’°" "“""' "Wm f"£‘“lurcmfm.:\nr(i’- ‘“‘ “"". “" °°"m"°"w 21°-“nlu :3:-xiii §imiiienu:ivorsiti' it ipbonwn section! «Aer» §f(frt:|c|uu'9 (‘ "I o - Missouri hiotor Co. A M V M"fl,‘flf’_ pm‘.1:esta,‘: ngazoe milfling, head of animal huisbandryuit C131‘-‘d “'“_h J8"? Adda”-‘ "‘ Hun, Atlvlntf a1urac——JaI¢r :23. ————-—— . hggygcn Broadway and \\'al- '\ 8 ‘V sin-cizlilntnwit oil 4: P9 Surdmap. 3]. Brand.‘ head ofiidnu-ii llousc. Chicago. cub“ I ..ln;alI:I'7el.‘n6lt“ ‘M PE "- you lave R,“ 0,. found nnytmng M" on Sflemh Q .‘ . O - - ' ‘”‘’‘‘’° ‘° ' . _ Ufibfln 7)’ 81 0!‘0$.'0n. W079 9 WU‘ - 7:‘ ,,',,'.,. “.. 1 " ' ' ' ' " ‘ N a Missourian Want Ad will find the ‘ - . Tl‘? 3003'] C°"‘ f"‘d.G"”‘ Sm“ vice-presidents; alumni representa- STE"":::§£g1Al‘SEfi3;%xHm”. ' &;,:L",:_‘‘ ‘.,"':M W tnzinminx “L {the o,.m_.,_ _ 19 0731' 05 310 °d_“¢‘m°“‘1 f°""°“"'“ °f§ti\'c. A. I. l-‘oard; secretary-trea» S1-rrtions ii. 2:. II. it, 17. and in_ A... . - , , , . F the oriraniution. Them hI\_'9 b°¢"«,u;-or, sum 13, ship].-cg.-, coiumbiag“-m [3, G3,...“ 1,“, 2g__.-ro gm.» “vulture :00 O _ i “'”""'*‘ ‘ 4 0‘ ‘ “ ‘”’ Ladies and Mons Hlglt‘ — ‘l :i totaliof about 8.000 entnesbfiindtcouncilmen. S‘ T_ Simpson‘ C"‘um.‘ Swies From i;”_ph'n D.” no.3: “M v _ , ’ . 50.000 visitors in the (‘ow ‘ °“"i.in. Paul Culver. Gower, N. w; ,0 -n,.,_... or 1913, ,,‘,_, .33.}, ‘ ’ ' " ' " " _ . during: its. life. The 19% 8ll0\\"StrothCr. Ma shall. '. W K. _ so-ii_..n. cc. 2'.“and ti-—Ji--e sot. The1‘e W1“ be an at Daniel and L0“ uwandcd mug trophies. two‘ [cpl ~ A c.,n,.um£‘,,, ha, been drnflcd 3,}. (ioxtpme sill']hoil,".-it:-S. 8ll0\\'l'!‘1f‘,; l.l:l' :~.oru..n ‘.’U- rniiiury laboratory. 9 T 1‘ S . watches and (hive ROW 11191135 0' a committee iippointml by F. B. :01)’ I18 ‘mm l *‘ «IIYPWIN ‘POT’ ” " H "“"‘“ rn Janual 1 ic rests on 1 u ,- snveepiitaltes and championship prem- Mumford. dean of the College of !ii:- l1'13.V6'lll be 000 07 WI’ 010'" l‘1"_‘l-* "7 mg nh:;ii:;u:?;:n“9£n:’°K:° to Boone Tave ’ ‘y S ' p _ . I iiiinsi to winners in the CornNind riculturi-. ‘rho constitution \\‘fl:w‘ the htyli. hhow tirbe given by .~atu- - - -- - Sale at Tavern Cigal‘ ‘ . . V .y (irziin Show. These in addition to adopted under the name of Associa- g¢'!It5h4-ftl(1f‘1;‘10lh|_fl$! ;l‘0P€""llm¢'"1 Of "“".‘ “" ' p . (,.ome In and try Oll 8 all’. C3l'l- SIIVC ; [h- Il‘.ll'l th~r prizes, totaling llb0Ullll()n of Alumni and Former Student.-4 - lt‘l>_t'!I5 '0 080 "1 l 9 1'0 "R9 0"‘ . . * -» $lt,.'i00 dtevinabout twenty entriciazof the College of Agriculture, Uni- i}U!'l_Um On January 28. The . \VatCl'l fOl 3l'll'l0Ul'lCelTlentS Of L831) ' V for each class and broke all records;versity of Missouri. _ “T” l""l‘{d"' “b""‘ °"" h""d"“i and AMSy9y . Year Assembly. ’ )0“ mo 0) ° ~ _l for the number of contestants.’ ' Bean hluniford called the meeting: lV-§"1)_'di!Irl!;‘- . 1} t C . ... t j The aswcifllion ulinducut ym‘l('ti ‘and mlkeii 3“ "rt ndtliwm‘ll.-Q of Sui?‘ ihtrtfl.-(;i‘i lxcn cflnO§\l\:‘,:(Rn:(lif‘ll)uk’(;‘t‘:ll (§ A '1 _ 1 g 1 egg an assocu ion 0 e co ege. 1‘ ‘ ‘ ' _ - ‘ ' ._ ' ,. , , C " _ :.:::t::.t.““-ti,,;:;).ui‘:ie0:-‘nine: fir: for the Mid the tinw hatlftvmc when U10 “ml °°5‘“""‘-"v_°f dmf"°"‘ °"“""fl""'- _P'm:ns M" M; wfikmuc: - ~—-' ” * ” "" ”’ l mm! pan u.ho°i,bay8_ it .150 con. alumni of the Agricultural C(ill('[..'(‘ A""lh¢'T 001 “-1lll"'¢’-‘W11 1|l‘P"0l‘W"(' '” ‘"5"-‘C’ “°’‘ ‘‘'5‘‘ ‘m ducts on nnnua) ms! igglllrilngifihlgo:(:uc::‘e;1rI:;Oupt“.h:;;h 113.055 {Ur .C0l‘l:3g>c”5t\—ldenl§: !l,a!‘(a n scnrcg ani- A I " Co td' .li armem' '= ‘_ '08 ¢"t‘t‘0 P . . " . -~ .3}. _~{ 1' Egetshe grunge 2? :r¢r;cu1wn._ state, and in the organizations of T‘u’h.g 0!‘ Ff‘R_Ml‘\G Hlgron‘ H‘ mt do.” or-not the ‘ Shack. The Jiffy Service makes it possible to eat in a short time and the good ’, Grate“ work in Seed List .the agencies of the state the College R,p,.,,,mui,-, log 5;“, 30,“; of i The final roduct of the associii- of Agnu.'m."e Shquld be . the A3'i""“""“ Gi"" L°°“"'°- P , agency which leads in educational John Ashton, of the State gofld '""3r°‘"'° ' of Agriculture, gave an illustrated Final l-5*“*'- Th“ U“. i‘ "mued week!" The Durnose of the association is to create closer contact between the ollege and the alumni by a pro- lecture in the Agricultural Building yesterday afternoon on “The Agri- cultural History of the State From food gives you courage to face any list of questions. Choice of a Career From the Yale News ' ' -’ ‘Id C _ . ‘ g”"” M l'"l’]‘°"-" ‘md °°'°P°"“l°"- the Time of the Spanish Reizime /1 Wlfihlnlt l0 713"? lb?" “am” °" _th" The law.-a f:.voring agriculture will Until the Ch.“ wm._-- photographs “*6 h” "‘"’t me“ the ""‘“'.“‘j bf‘ “Pl‘°'d- "5 Wm ‘ 3}-’°“g°" ‘€13’ of several old-time residents of, ‘ ' . . B Co ' ‘h h ' b ’. set by the organization. S(‘eds'u'r1‘ and those out in the state. Attempts ,,,::tn(;,', m‘;ri:t;:,g“hi:t0::.efofefgepgoglle ' _ ! l0!‘P9l'l'-‘d "Kl ‘P9-ed b.\' In Oflltllil will be made to make a more thor- ' 0 of Odd Lots and * B k ‘ S’ es THE NINETY-FOUR Someone, ‘probably an insurance agent, was quoted recently as saying that from the mass of one hundred ‘ _j college lg one individual only _ *-; rose to olo and butler class, peril- ‘ ' ously near the top of the financial lad- der. Five others became comfortably.» off and found themselves after twenty ' _ , of Missouri were used in the lecture. of we association or of the Col‘ With use of the press throughout M,_ Amwn is author of a booklet Coleraan'a Hand Laundry lcize of Ai.'l'l"“““"~' "99 OT Cllllritc the state and to encourage the farm- entitled «The “ism”. of Shonhorm '_ and the measure of it: effect on the one to higher agriculture. cal prior u‘, (m, Ch.“ Wm." which PW“ flu‘ _“'°’l‘ corn crop of the state can 1-nsil_\' be_alumni associations will be cstab- no“. being mimed and ‘Lin be read‘. - Reguh" P"°°‘ seen by thou-‘who recalldthe ex-‘lishcd wherever possible. for distribution in “mm ‘bro; blankets and comforts. > tremel' variabe types ii uncer-; ‘ v~———~« . _ i ye your sweaters. inen, , tain iltlpply of seed of twenty years 5"-F573 RALOR BLADES shar-flecks f___,_ __,._ Silk and W00l dmflefii CID! 3-0 ago ‘in commmmn with the sump pened better than new.‘ liere short Ge, your b"k,_.u,a" ti ts nrd types and abundance of Hood i‘'“‘'- (»‘'““‘P'‘‘ “WE 10- ll Gymnaaiuin . I—»—— 37>? 5'»?- cket at the 6 °°° ' One lot of ladies’ low One lot ladies’ plain or Drug shop now. Change the color, malte them _ . ___,,_ _ Th . “ . heel oxfords. brown toe black calf oxfords, 4,’ years at the small yacht and chauffeur "‘°°d '?°“' """m"°' ' . 0013' 1.000 season basketball .ick- '°° d°"’"5 I9’ W" ."‘““°"‘ F""“ M 7 A and black welt soles low heels. welt soles .: t mite. The other ninety-four presum- Durini: the past year the orttuni-, as on sale at $3_ Gm yours now name Monday night with Anit-.~'. “'0”? 55 v i , U ‘NY conzregac in the wax seaion 0‘ “N50” -""““"‘d "-'l’°"‘5 {mm 12" me" for the first [.'ltlll(‘ Monday night ”7’8d"' . ' ' E . ~ ' ll‘ the American peo lc who drive their A “'00 l’°“l-'ht “l‘l"°"°d ‘“""d mm “'1 with Anic.-e. ll?-adv _- . "'91? .- - «-———-———-——-: ' —”' own Buick: to (hep ll Cl ii In other '3 ‘ ; 1923. 87 reports from purchasers . .. -- ‘ 1 ’ . *‘”’”" "'*' ” 2“; d“ d . :1‘; :1 .ch; 3. if approved seed Wheat in the {till Get your basketball ticket at the _ , . , ' lil wot - team”: It -cm! a n ‘ ‘i of H922. and 84 men who bought iip- Gymnasium or Drug Shop now. ' one lot ladle?’ felt ’ One .lOli Of mlSS.C.f ‘ 6;). 1509C fhlflli 3nd lQ3k:l"|E3h¢¢f3dC_ i‘ mm-ed soy beans in the spring of Three dolliirs for the season. First I S 1. brown and black Billi- i {by " ‘°’““h‘.“R C156 383% ' 193,1 . mime Monday night with Ames. 0 -8 lppers "'r"‘ _ yaihe f““¢_ty"°"r P'¢“n"§blY w°",k 1" the We 0‘ °°'" l‘“"°"“~““"’~ 117-8d'~'- Tire prices are advancing. Most manu- °" 81 report an average increase of: U - —--———-— - 10.6 bushels per acre on a total of " 5°" l"“'_° " "f’°"' 0" 00330 10 2.609, acres. iflwesentiiii: in. profit. rm‘ "'3' “ M""3°l"'"'" W301 Ad- of $19,353.40 at 70 cents in bush:-1:?‘-+.+ for the 81 men. 'l'lIiI't)'-«Wen H". T U H A W’ O . ported that they were satisfied 95c and $1.45 , 8 $3.45 business is the ‘axis on which a small E and uninteresting world revolves. They .5 -. have become devotees i the dollar g =‘ f and when that fickle deity deserts. have ~ facturers have advanced prices 10 to 15‘,g. and others are sure to go. We have a lim- ited number of RUNSWICK TIRES ®i One lot of bo_v’s black One of boy's black _ Q . _ and brown calf shoes calf school shoes 0 , can with their purchases. but give no 94 P91’ cent Air -1 to sell at the following low prices: - $295 $1 95 . '. if 0=V¢rl¢='¢ theroadtridiumiitbcfcncé estimltc of yield socured..- sir i~c- Beata Electric or Gas ; Fully Guaranteed 0 I ° . IE1‘ into finer fields of life. This, then, it pom.-d that they were dissatisfied. A riew oil lamp that gives an! . , . _ j '2 3 i_— L, the portion of ninarfom. men out or Siz K d P t and repoti-ed a loss of six bushels; :l1l_lltngl?' brilliant. soft. white 9 Ill. nce . i ; every hand! now oath: “mun . ‘.f':...‘.°...' ::'.:.:::.:.°.:.:‘:°.° . £333: ~~~~~~ ~-. ~~~~~~~~~ -~ 3 3-90 it one not or men-s Ne» one : no or no. no .,1;r;== =n-:3» =*:= ~r°b'=~ “=5 in ~ , . . - - '_ , . .' .' ,’-- ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ » d black brown {and black ox» =-‘ c 09¢! olcc 0. 3 career. * — 1 hi )1, band the figures 8. Goterprnent and 8. 1 ad ' - , _, " ueton brown an i 1 ' ’ :2‘; tfa lglcreports :':llld show aj versit.ies‘and found t:> lie :l2‘;)cltJ'if|".)ll' ‘ 30- '3]/gt - - - - - » ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 C can Oxfords f°rd3v Plain and cap “'9 ‘ - profit I ti22,9iii.io to users of .p-;io 10 Ordinary coal oil lamps. lt; 30x3l,._i Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.85 _ 3 $9.45 “ $4.95 -at B‘-'tW¢¢D NOW and Commencement We . [Ir0\ iced corn act‘ market _price_s.§ bu? zithout odor. smolielor noise 32x31/, Cg)-d _ , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ . _ _ _ _ _ ]_5_® _j ‘ " ' shall have somethingto offer on the‘; sin -ouruaers ap .-. P minnirup. is simpe. cean. . “ 1‘. f = » 5 b°cct°f- _v t h ‘ . irheit reported an average increase safe. Burns not per cent air and 6 31%‘ Otrd ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' ' ° ' § ‘ We have lots of other bargains «to offer at prices you can't the W3/:uc for the .$pdcc ‘ 1 \ of 6.! cl: on 1,288 pe‘lI‘;hO¢!ll.¢_0mmOn"l(cr05L3l¢ (coagoit), ggltfi gag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -‘ ’ ‘mud to mi“ if you u_e."eedin‘ {oflweult Bria‘ in your feet ; 3*, amous ign I re. p V ‘ . _ men coded: loss of 4. 3 ; 1* "W00". - A. ohm-on. 609, .x o . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . .. . ~ * -- - ‘ - " - i '- on is and 16 iiaid they were: w.:i..iio St.. Chicazo. 111.. is offer-' 34x4 Cord mm. ""“' ‘”" “" ‘‘ '‘9'’‘' 399°“! Prim 0" 8“ 5°?’ 31' a' x _ satisfi but gaveno euiinate ofiing. to ii lamp on to days 32.41, C ‘d . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . : ‘ , I I A g at: . yield. ,1-Eighty-one of the uaers'of;F 5 trial. or even to give one 1-".2 01 - -~ - - - - - - - « - - - - - - - - - - - . f 3; "’°'°".°d '°7b°‘”‘ “*3 “*3 "ml sigma? 518! uiier in. each lo~ C0l‘(l . . . . . . . . .t . . . . . . . . . . . . T V I: ’ _ ; 'I““0_H‘5“v’-ul':.".r'‘';_‘V‘‘‘‘'-w°rk i°""it_ fifmu h‘;':‘ t:f":’_*‘;:; 341:4:/3 Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.75. i ‘ ‘ 1'ii¢aetual‘ea_ahvalaa¢:ltheap-5ticitl‘ara. Alsoasl: liimto‘¢gp1.;,,~ . . . . . I ’ "3 seedviurltoftheliaaourighowyouean get theagency and; l V '_ A . rower.‘ ,u!“eiation based on; without experience or money make. T 3 , j _ p N M D M ’ _ _ W ‘ " .. .-~; roe surveys, to the farniei-3‘. $27 to $500 per month. ' I z .. l . ’ ' ' . IT“f.;‘f_: I1_~4i‘.S,Y\~__‘5 1f.tif*;‘\_7;‘t_«~ji‘;"_y§Ir’(‘§;_/)_'.E;f', " ' ' .. ‘ ‘f'‘ e - i ~ .. - F—" . ‘ ' « ' 3 ' ' . - 1 4 » i ‘ 1 ‘ - ‘ 1-; , , ’_ - 2 V 3 . ' . .1. i’ -.‘ , . , A .f ' ' § 9-— . .. ~ .' ' _ I N p. _ E ‘_ _ > I. -‘y ’. ‘i Z . " I "‘V. . V, " ‘_ ‘e. ;’ __ t. I. p‘. ’ ' ' = «~—... : - ‘ . . . .‘. . . - '..._i; .2 - .- i . - ._ it.1;.1;?...;--..-‘~..l.§l$.5.;..l‘%....';;......l. ,".’..'...-.“-..-.';...I..;;i....l.2....1:-..-i.""§;l?L;' O5-_".’-.£‘.'..i’;.’._;'.'.‘-...,_ ._ 3. ‘W2: . ' . - - J 9 - ' r . . i 1 A i