.. ' *?‘¢ .9?" .. iv’ --...=.-.sp ui-3.! , " “ TH. M-“HT haxmc numamin, I ‘-_: ' L1. '- "_‘:f_:i. 1'3 .‘ ...-'.a$z:: $1,» ofofi . - A _« l . .‘ I 3 db *4 _ 5- _ ‘ ‘mpg .5‘ n , T . ' . “'4 ‘ 3’ i Buy {mm the following dealers: ~2- 1:“; hi‘. :. d, , ' A___ _ ' T .‘ I‘ ‘ yimiaerag V - T - T A - - , T .:' 7 c_T,,_,,§'«,. "‘,, :3 .o4o.::, \ _O_,_}y.Boutwell stair: ‘; ’7","AI"’.:9l ‘
llox*-'-2 ‘ ’ -‘ iv’. Tom fig, ,' - - - ., ,.,, esuvntyxxafieotatncaii uetf arm 1 ; ,,- _ >Boyhoot3’e‘5Domm1e T -A W4-!>P=w.'="°‘*°“ , ,,,,,,T 1 lien G 5 '7 . :1. .. :. ' ' ‘ ' a W cm d ' t ' _~ Wei‘ _ _ ‘_ - T “ax _wo,.m_ g . 1‘ epertmen o _e niver- “ V. ' ,__» « ' I. * _ ‘ . I” Beimufyg attending to ' I’ §"""“”"'!.‘ l' ' T- the sum for daysfiunited 8*W-'-- ‘~’¥"5"‘ ""*.'°'?*" ‘"5"! ‘’"= W» . * ___._—— : Belch: . pg 5° .“‘9.’l . .. ujfigga, V’ ' ha‘ 7.9”’: fl'I"“‘¢<'1 in C°1°_“‘_bi‘ "_‘53% Try a Hideout-inn went eddy 1ogle,’i z . not use-in"u_,,,fl ‘ad flu, he “dd M’; GIRLS’ DESIRE FOR T morning for a short visit with ; : -Dom. -Doafillilqueurfer-15: gl!st'~Br1tlI‘If'i hi‘ Mk 0‘ im, .. . l . friends and relatives. Mr. Tilden V» V T '1‘ . ‘ 3' labor of the opposition: '"‘“ ' it‘ SYLPH‘LIKE FORM llllilffll will soon go to ‘Kansas City where no“ "‘ T ‘W-' ' ‘ ' *-'=°""=-’ W” ‘'1’ -"-° "" ’a.’JI."‘.i‘.i. """....2z CAUSES SACRIFICES V L T T he will be einpxoi-can the om...» of . T in A °”.°‘‘' 1! T‘ "' p'~—a-rho kiwi: a . A as . V sportvrhichc-n man-zed in n.i>.mpei an architect ’ ' 1 5"“"" e~-“ crotuukera - '20“ ‘mac, wad A of 3“ mm! mph mtemnd thick, irhich is'bo.dIy hmdi-l ‘ * j ' ' *, ‘ D°"°"‘ ‘ ‘ 3 . ulna it. n.”€.‘2.ni; Ilnifcniwxirls in takina the mt—?°',,.,,,d"’°‘L"i"m,u',°,,"°l‘-°’,,,,,,""‘°,,,;’B_"_ 5°~°”B.s ON‘ cmcxms FREEZE‘? " ATp1ea‘gm-¢ : 3°.” 3 ‘ food in in.rhouohatmm_pqih~‘ otiegodng eerioudly. Too tngmh ma‘ ishoou Be Guarded Against. 3: ii’ _ , p PiK< _ . , ~un“d* .'dran‘k water because alt exniflir than yet not ao;u-Mn‘ wu‘ ’hy,ic‘1~ Aftecte I-2;: Production. . . E 1 to , J (1 V - - - T ' t 2 pei-thin taee.eo1‘fee or heer.Be- fat that they Ire eligible for the35"“’;§.,d 1. gm Luehll - ‘,5 During the recent cold weather ‘ Home baking 151903’ I -. nnfils _ p .87.60"per week so cite-‘tat lady‘: )0!» in the circus t1:ey.“°:u‘ng the },ugdi,,‘_ “mun -tiuuny chickens suffered from” , . T ‘ ‘ Men’ 1,‘; _.mo.fi T“, , T. - _.- A p . M waned. ,9 -,.,,,u,, mink may me, .~ ,,..u,.d ., ,.- Sim the am pm" of the m_[g,,,,,u CO,,,,,,,_ NM, “an of the I; sidered a pleasure cntfxfi T ‘ ~ "Wm ihhneelfendhuybeoltsendpeyco-'dudngtlnt irgoingeomgkeghgmo . ‘V’ ;;(;,,,,,,.;1.;, - ts - _ ,i ' ? theirc I F”, |-~'''‘l‘‘'‘''‘- 1’ — ’ loge tees. He graduated out of the u ,;,;,._- ' a“°°“ ""°“ °" “’° ‘'“‘‘°“““ "W? uh, Gm, p°"'"":'h ‘f‘§‘°“' “°‘"' T when you use H-P The . . ' . -‘ ' * ' 'c. ' _ reegi - -. ‘ v’ 4 '2 1.;-n;g.' ¢..-*".==l3" ‘”.E"T." °'°"‘fl‘iP' 4H°.l"°fl‘°d§ .90!’ twdve days they 318% rHlx- °uf.th,,:e;(1;ymm:1nfn by Dr’ w{.,§ in usuully wig; b)l'ndra;t.ef in til‘: ‘ ' 5 line 3 v‘ we, '7 . »,, ih 1-ihdiy ind‘ studied y .11., , ,,,,, .;m,,,,,t W”, ,,,,;,e«. . .. "-"‘° 7”" 3°: _m,uy ham 0 b, w . mu \ Flour. Do your b mg I ti,‘ 3 , . even _ er 1' we r night with we amdle “mm: ‘t; 3. ‘.ny’.kind ‘ad flaky hkbae been severely handle: _.bim t r 3 0I"1flE e 3 .0 _ 3 . ; I l mm a ,t "'. “'4 "-'"gn“"-“‘°‘“°° ° “‘ ”"’ hogheh ' he ‘paid the penalty, ._.,.e,,, ,,,e,,,_ «n,,'_.,. mu m. ,0; dt “°“"*h‘;°‘vh*‘ " | ‘é um n‘x’mfi'n‘g“3w:::'n‘; night ":3 with H.-P. Flourg and ; “Rt? ‘ iiucnonoia is a real P“”"°" ‘”“‘“‘°""- _ "leave the table feeling a little him-3 .13., 4°93 ¢.—.¢gm is Ii!’ in the In rim’ . H" '3 °° ' 3 " ' A ‘ *‘°“"l :1 we “ 3,, “mg fimel went back to the Scotch crcltttgry.-._.Soxnetinses, however, thin lanfg:,m:eu,.¢n“n;;;nw;mrm; 3”; that now or ofinlenlg cracelccislmigeggesbtz jig cut Y0” bread hm B7’ 3 . T p H _ _T E'.''’'“ 4' :"°'"“""'°“ “"9‘9!*" °°“5‘° °‘ ” °t§"°°t,fo,§_’°'§ °’ ‘?"'~"-" °‘L9§’«'T".."“°‘ R“““" “"""ivvhol13' inadequate Outdoor’ tr-"4 " °‘ half. Orderit by name 7 A ' T. . T - -. ...; . 5. ;Ti= . mu ": wou,1d.vr9ln.hly early?‘ flifue an ’ °‘:‘°. job fim;c=IeI.’Are§gvn€*thmu:h,every nizhtnhid on the west side of the gym: - :~ T - - 7 = _ i 4 THE UTMOST IN QUALl"l'!,.AND.SEBYICE~-. _ T comm‘ we " ' £:*':".°.: ."‘.:.°'--. a mu. m’-:°“‘fi :5» on mu‘-L "°o ~*°'°°'* .i"’::.."""""‘"*"i°-M " LWAYJ‘ “rut. . mm W" zr°°er4 = 1 ' 9 her no t _T P05: -0 .03 9:1- - ..- ¢.4__'._ . o 1 eummu-‘is; R-T 5 ted ant 1 309 P ‘ - 5? _ ‘ A .: 6 p —" '4 -- ' M - -T . u fl ~°".:' '*° *~ '° °*:...."'4 “no” .,.i:.::* :::::::: .... .i;'»=- «nu m an em-;....,. ‘:...°:.::: .... ....:":.:; .. 445*“ ER e 3...... Co nty Milli TELEPHONE °RDERS— u I 1, .!'o in: cit! p is a :‘-In the Q}, of .rom,umBb( a§thByftnke colcisgowera id” education at the zymna- 1% 8 ‘H i ‘ J . ‘T N. . - a I _T is n mfmim-dim“, mm“, o,p,,,,,,,,e,!,J « . , TI T fltf we v-hiiom every day. e.S‘l.pe,-,'o,- * 1 in & Elevate‘; , ,! Receive our careful attention. Weare as dur.‘,o_r I ‘ - imbwn inhia eration. "!'o ii‘ " °°- ‘'F-"’‘‘’.‘’‘° ‘ 3"“ ‘"'°f ‘~ , T T ‘ 3 T 9 ~ I . ‘ ' mm! political-lobar lender. That is up . an . _ ... T g,,,.;,.,.,,,._ «y,.,-,, M. I J‘ T I = ; careful in selecting your orders as you . .t 1| dlieredltin the English labor novo.t_un!fitious to rise in ponaco, . unfit“. 0, no m,,'...m 0, W ‘W: T PERSONAL ITEMS 1 _ ' i i M be If . ed If “’ V‘ ' "““‘-‘ am-“’m Wi” °‘°“-ulnufice “ G-°rd""°na'~rb ugh’ iiddillt even urvo'n’eather doeen‘t' ' ~ ' . ' A ‘ . ...}. T-T____T ' Won . you vlslt our store‘ you ’ Mn :1‘ '‘'‘'l'.‘ ".85" _ Pm I‘. ' qom, ,,,,',',',,,_'uu,,°-,,,_,"§‘ m"”§;3‘t;‘o:h‘;;uwo “re;lucet'_n." 'I'h";2h Min Lorene Downing be: gone to E ' ' ‘ ' " 1 - Want something extra in the grocery line, p puma A 1' . " - i l- - ' voweg‘, nut Ilntbtzxnpt e 3189.. Louis fore few days. ~ .f ’ _ ~ ‘ _ ‘ of “- I.;_,.u,,_~ .A.m,",,.' " Hf?§:£it:iciss’t-uhmio.° hem" ".‘ ' ivrith delicious food but they-remuln; J.l-I.'Crew| went to-Beenvillethis - 9' . . -. ; .1 please can on us -. . - tlrst DI ll _- :1; E” -M3: 59:“; : n.".;d-‘. 18“ gstendfast in their ’ lntion. 'I’he»mornin; on a short business trip. - I Sp¢D¢¢ I - ‘on it '.n.. "m . I" H‘ got-on]y'a1d?b¢ pain hi, pogmagclasa increases in number every} like Mary Conley Hunt went to § l 3 " _ . T K 3-1 ‘ iirtbe’ Iliinpetud section of frdm his‘ cub’ Issociltion With’ 8°-3"i3‘"' “M if ”““‘5'o “’°"° 5°i" “"’H.“"“t“"l° ‘hi’ “'°"‘i”3 '55" 55° We Sell'tl1e Best for Less and Deliver the 4 A‘ bucketfuu of Soap and powder ‘were ‘I I $1.3... ...;-. mu. am 1...... u,,‘cid wotk,.l>It also his wig. A, gffenred the plastering on the thirdimn visit her grandmother. Mrs. W. _ ,l _ _; _ ; 90c Value . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..69c t9 hm ‘ the Scotch nioore. Hemveriménbeg of the» Wm“-‘ In~duu,.;.1:% will fell}. th b no _ I. G M 5 bu ; Lo. 2% California Peaches. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . .20c ‘ : (while thgy jagt) . —. . - v - ' . _ ’ h 11' 31”‘; ; e garixe .. Hrs. ., . Clnxton. w o _ . . . . __ _ _ ,‘ a ' _ : “.toAp|;"‘:l;:-;_gg,nn(?sctitl)nc,9fo!:1?3‘!l' ‘egztary o_f_t::lduees the Inn: at etlfeneex: oofnap 11¢? hlffllllfid iD_ 39%”; pi. h_°' 2% Cahforma Peaches‘ (hm“' syrup) 5‘ 5 “nd 5h°°d' ml‘ 25° 2 '5 1 10'qt- bucket: 1 large box _s0a -chips: 1 box “we: 1 - f” slaw. be new not it.‘ He is a1°r#wi=.i*i°n- 5!"? is "*5 ‘*0 h"'°f¢*“°“ “M ‘8 ' 5°‘ °‘ “"41 ':‘V”‘3,°h9e‘r“-’;':“ ‘.’”‘u‘:g;1n¢ oath: ho no. 10 (gm Peeied Bpricots. ‘.~’;'s, can ......... ..,.75c 1 Ivory soap flakes, Bbars quick aptha soap. bl‘ 1T git’: single wt-2. wi:=g°1:"d;o'n‘f“p“;]mier :°nd“1s:*fu!;:z A s,,;""’:‘,, Hum“, cup,‘ £",“,§,_ wd m’;f°,‘_“w_ “:9” of : No. 10 (gm Sliced Pineapple .................. ........;§l.00: 3 i . . T TL, ‘°%"u‘u"s°°$.nd chmpsondl home !_n'k:l1 83:1’. an: !§:.“.:m}', 1:: gave ‘been _ Atwood Grape Fruit. medium. 5c each. or doz. . . . . . . . . . ‘ in C0 _ W , .11: Re daughter" Ilyu,;iI:e(l;nnrr|ed 1896.,’ She dle01:°f :35“ but wedmzxlzuup e» x ;rPtlieirtum°ddIu¢hh°me.‘thix;s.m.”('31in:eidneuV p‘. ‘Atwood Grape Fruit, Na 70’ cub 7c’ or do‘. . . . . . - _ I . . ”‘;'_‘_5c V : 4_Ib. bucket of uA1-tel, Glow» Co ee’ 8 A i _ . ‘ 4, . V _ . I ‘ A : ‘ Y‘ e I ‘ Otfflie Vpletbun Ileebonald Is a,_ ‘Hie following year the . ._.___..- ' ‘To Ben Davis Apples (limited quantity, while they last) bu.. .3125 i I real good quahty ' '. ‘ ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ', ' ° ' ' ' ' wean: 1 guy .,...i»,- 3. ,1”. on 1,5. ..,a.,soo_t wrote mi published her obit-' j, oar wonder so C ed H k_ ed . 3 X No. 2 cans Blackberries for pies, 15¢; . I -tone: unen ertiatdoesou e‘ pipe;-nrr—n the-chef’;-i ctgbvhe to -<1 ~ *-- .“' ‘ ’ '- ‘-T ‘ J I - z " ‘" “’ .- “"“'“ "‘" ’"" ------------ -5-3°“ ¥ per oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' ’ flaring?’ up ouuno nee ra r.nreetness' " ' o _ . - 011 Wonders Credfircakf ," ' ‘ : , ' ‘ ‘ > -' - - '-' , ‘ ' 0! hmm. ‘ Of! tleie pa:-fund. devotion to her I Kn H5 ' - '' -u“'r u at Bacon piece or "4' lb. than ' No‘ 2 cans Loganbernes for mes’ 15¢’ { Paw 1 « T V - o - ' ° l\o 176 Flo da 0 o * t - ‘ ¢ . h n 0 J‘ T! hguwgemon‘ the F 4 . p i . _‘ ._ 1. 1-1 ranges. oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f.40c . per (1041. . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . . . . . . . . . . .$1.70 8’ . bptfiflidmot shyness. _ __ to be.:¢-cg; mg oftegom nx ; t _‘ California Orange: (Sunkissed) doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..j.-15¢ g; 16 oz..Glass J?J', pure -strawberry ptE* ‘lr I rvci I .. :‘.6°d"_d“'”':hu’A"°h:h,pkn"°" tint ‘ In 1909 Wu nude sea; ‘ H0“E T ED BEEF . Frlcsh Country Ribs, Backbone and Sausage . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1‘ serves. P81‘ Jflfp 30¢; DEF . OZ. . . . . . v 1 - I - \rbo‘auyb iiuxo bu ‘httle‘ zo.mm of the r party. a F mus S ‘.’O T; V . Fart Mackerel (fat and juicy) 2 for ..................... ..L l " -' ' T - o . “ ' e " -Taaiy.‘ It ‘nflkht4be'ad¢l‘ ethe In a,tion he held for 11 yam a l . . T995?“ WM FY0111, Chm“ Young Hogs » \ F; m,;,,_. Fish 4 f 1 i 2 ~ "‘ ‘ ' * i ' » - T I T‘ A I . -fh'id"o1 8'eeIic!:"K3ool!d8!;” 'r' 3' When the currents of the Wofldl ‘ Spare Ribs . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10e A . ‘ ' or ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ "lzsc ‘ l I. ‘M U’ I ' “ “A-3‘ niélhnim .5‘ E3. filfiuf-lw3l’ befm W 3'99!’ 91¢ 35013! bfii 3,-ink“ "an ‘ _ . . ‘ . . _ . H 5c who]. shoulders ‘kin on 9‘: ' Chicken llczis. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2l'/;c : M — , T ' ' A W _ " ' :05!!! - Tmnke tun: uh .'the: British Islands. M Donald I . » " ' " saino P ' Goff . I ........... T. T ‘- * ‘ ‘ T T T .t . , °“'°‘ . T.‘ me ‘rioohoa the 2-bot-so:i'.1°i:t‘didn'-2 follow the ‘ ' ‘.5: mo‘ 55°“ "5 '°'“‘ ----- '-5° wb°“‘.”°“”°’.‘""i" °“ "°‘ ‘ 3 en”? .2“ H’ " 53°‘ a ‘‘The Set’ Pla to Trade!» ' 5’ “ "" . V V he ‘om cenmnes ‘nd we of‘ nb ms‘ ....‘ I . ' ' I ..5c xldc mp‘ ‘ . . O . . . _. W03. lb. 10C,‘ 0 lb5. AOT . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :25‘: ‘ ' S. 0 th P ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ “ ~ pug yiui_‘nu_e pmntmie;~wu- puck. against th . Pot roast ........ ..1o-1259.; a°?".>'°'" “*5” ------ --"° 14°98 “1*‘°'"!fl Pmms» 200 1b.. 2 lbs. 35c; or 3 lbs . . . T ...~5oc I ‘ " * ' ’ 5939- ' Prim‘ ;‘ :uiq_1c:u'b‘ecEe." ‘ . 3'-Ij Ind said so. in canon.-mi out w chuck roast‘ ...... ..1o-12sgc ‘mu “‘°“”°" 12 , Seedlcss Paisins. 16¢ 1b., 2 lbs. {or ................. j - ‘ ‘ “*4 - - '~= . ""‘°“ - in ‘kn Rib roast . . . . . . . ..f..10-l2‘i£c Choic£sP0'rlt. California Dried Peaches. (Muir) lb. 15c and . . . . ... . . . . . ..20c THE IN “ L . 2?‘: j ‘__ 7 13 1&0, nigh upgin thehnlgfwnz about 2 popuilier as g_do¢ yam: p ' finch steak . . . . . ,. ,1o-12;§¢ I-‘rtcxezlilraausege made every ii Cclc:y. Lettuce, Pnrsnips, Carrots, Turnips, new Cabbage‘ ; 3 ' l . " ‘solid 1 ‘i hmily- lived‘ for‘! ilvles" gn. ewes-tyviee e-~ und steel: . . . . . . . . ..lBé ’. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' " M ‘ ’ T 3 ' . 4 ' " °~ - . “"93" . 2 . . V A —— - -— . Cleaned pig feet. each ....4c ; ' 1 - - 7. ..T ven ‘ t Loin Bulk . . . . . ... . . . . ..18c “Me “vet. per pound ‘ac : I T 1. ~_ 4_ .- T . . V. . i _ ‘uufitlg ‘Z? N, — — , Fresh tongues . . . . . . . . “file 5o1b_ best km in ‘own 3630 ‘ 9 0 ; 14 ' T’S... . ~’. thg E; f " " :- ' '- Fmhhenrta ......... ..7l6c 3ih.p.iihe'scimi .... ..4sc. 2o— hi» ‘ 3 :1 " " no 1- i l oleo In town .... ..20c 5 lb. pail best uni .... .. ac’ 5°“ ‘N"u' mm -. ”"°"°'3°3 . ‘ - - ’ -‘ " ‘ .' ' - h h « _ ‘ ‘NE VANILLA, Nuuni color oleo 10 lb. pail best lard ..l..si.5o- ' 3 t i 9 In M1d’Wm“ 3}_!d‘Y.¢8e' i';.feV£ ‘ ’ .. ' 1 p ' V . cre.test mu‘ '3] _ Central _ _ rd] . . —_ ‘ J _ 1 _ ; .' .. . $101333 in i . ‘ ,5 ‘ 8,b'Ott1€.,"H_’h8n pluuing your Saturday 3 or— T A : . \ nee 1: I H Dllssounffkl ese‘of prtoe At t.:!u‘.u,e pn an enjoy uu_m_ 23;‘; H <1 ~ the Strength of my extract and four times T have Iain?“ wgixsrbilti :33: " ’j'¢VhcIP8!'. 7 - ,- T .. . .. M . ' ml)’ Kin’ 30" the 51383.. sC!€¢‘.l.>'f£9’FI-u‘l¢ list below: e " " - o ’ T . ‘ ' ' ' ' Grapcmm. each 5c..:s for m. once for .......... .. r in we r T . T »I-‘or sale by the followmg dealers: Carry 3...... i. T much: ; ‘ ~ ' - , ' V’ T 7 ’ ‘ F _ ‘ I v A , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H1215: Jefielifiroeuy ‘ Hiugeuhan Bryan : ‘L . . .. . '. Sunkist Lemons. dos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3:’: (,3... V A » ‘[14,13].,-I. flu»-kg . _ ‘i._..._.._ - . . T _ ' _ gmpemr G . z . . . . . . .._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30: Du“. rug; an - - - . ‘ unt3u;t‘ir:.}:plr:i‘pk. 75: bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$2.75 when 1 . . - l.: _ T 5 F106)’ . dolls pplee.pk.85c;bex......83.25 :1. w. Rogue ‘ —* > ; . I Extra‘ Fine Grime; Golden Applet, pknzsc; bu. . ..:¢.-rs :;,,,',,,; 1 ind Creber Pctmvnlomhltn Apples. pk. 175:; box .......:2.7s ...”. .;. _ -ay p i H I _ A owcr. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . school ;.;;gI’-__ ‘__ . ~ ‘ ‘ l- ' I mac P 9 Pk» mo bu - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$1.90 w"‘u _ T _ ' - Seldfy. nch . ............................ .....izy,c in: on T p _ up 1 rs Spanish (1)hnlons. lb ............................ ..l2V;c mfg J :1‘ ‘ . T’. '___ 1: u ' ~ o o o - - o o - - p - o o o o - - - a - o e o - e ......:..«..1y)C ‘ _, . V”, 0!-fl.E.8hfll8u.eet Phone375 _ lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .q..r' ‘' _ _ ». ,‘ ‘_ VI -1 ‘ ’. . . . - o . - . . - o a o out - - e o o . . o - - v ‘ - n -aw - g‘ A I. ‘ ‘L! . ‘ . : I ‘ _ V i"‘¢‘g: - -. o - o - c o - . o - o - o o o c - . - . - o ~ . . . - “fit . ..3P.3C1A1-.7:-Am.to.lp.m. T -§_4i‘id!'l_-ettu_ne.lhf...... ...... ........ ..i.. T, ...; T 3 .A’_"*tour Star he: been . . . . . ........................ ..32c - L’ """ -~'----‘-.-F‘-'5‘ ~ ' ‘W’ '5 i _ ................ ..* . . . . . .; .......... usgc ' . Tn"x."‘.'»-"“?"‘""°-----F-------re-B 14¢ :‘-‘=' 7"?! 3 if '.n|_- ....... ..'...; . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ “$7.25” ’. .._'.......;....L................6%c "v"5 -_ fl ex‘. 5? . . . . . .. ............. ‘L ............. ._ “ ‘ ‘f_-:9 . . . . .f.*;.f."..._....-.’.b..«,:;;'...1se N . ._ _ Bout. ............. ..... .... .....1oc :_ i’ ._,~ ’ ....‘-, ‘ T I . _V I ‘ V ‘ p t ‘ V . N ‘ ‘ i ‘ J‘ 0 to--rote-:-eon‘. ' 4 A. . .- x X ... ' O‘?OQIfQhTeooo¢ofe¢0*’o0O¢Iv¢¢ooI;cn!.:“_ L. V‘ W 3': - $ W ‘- _ .3." 5 V : i .‘ ‘i-en"-novenojaeeone--eeoeeeceo-a-uejcoivxc I | -’ >. ’. ‘:w'..".f;...g...;f."c g %_ e‘eeuo-‘ >:IeuUyo_-eoueootll o - - - e ¢ 30:00}; ‘It ~ 4‘: L be-In-apg.W.. ‘ -- ’ ‘ , I °T:"." " 3 '4' T‘ .- ;»._&a ‘ ’.‘3 ‘“ ..., .3, ; .\ I l.I;d'.J....,,,,,___,;__§g‘.. ,; _ end. ' - ' . ' . - ‘ ‘:90; s echo‘ -- - , ‘ _ " 1 i ‘ l I 7 : ‘ 1 A‘ V "‘-¢oeeI‘e:c§‘oo‘o'1“° I : ‘ '.....V.':...;....'.‘.‘?* 7"’ ‘ .7 *; o n i we a T . o ~~o T. we av ; as E: ., I U‘? T T ;~.; ;- .~ ;’ l: ‘ ' ' - . “W V .'..‘a.o..-Y ea“ ‘I ‘ 2' _g .. _, ,. Tn... ._ « T T. T r E.» T. ;._ _; *7 . .. I - _ V V —_ - _ ‘ ‘ _ _ '. T To 5: ‘ .1... ‘ -'.‘..<'.*_" . ' ,_ n...... . . ... 4»—¢~—yg4——v\~vw— ..-. .. . T ..- ...... ‘-... - ~ A