., . we " _ .. ,-.._. .... . ......-- he .4 .— - .s~u--.--v-—v-«\-vr-'v- - - -V’ - ' ‘ V-.;‘':. '1‘ ‘g. 7 _ ’ ' with a cfnreas-. i ,-it . , _ ..rs,.‘ei , __ K. __ _ -‘ I ’ . I __:'_,_; ,,-..‘;_; q » .i . . ~ 7 "ud‘ $:~ i i ~ _" deal-taweeeesoppm in ;:-;i~ -on Saturday...’ , 2 ‘_ lfiss Bess Lee Nichols visited her in,:ente.nu.ennu-e.c.r.xieiio1e. - ii.-‘.2 ._ last week’-end. . ’ J 5‘; isrvisitingher 1' . ;_j-,:-_ ::Itl|U,€.Ilrs.ClaraEliott.in'Iihxg an“ E" iIi'iss‘G‘eorgia‘Johnson was in Cen- ht’ ' B - .. i... “'3; i:‘*“‘"- ‘*"‘“' *9’ ; , no no; ‘ - » .1 :1 ‘Miss-Beulah 'hibhl;’spent.the is . :‘ week-end with her 'eonatn,' inc. “'5. - in .2 . eeyonr . V A Edna Earle Tribble. - bank U bake a Sill‘--rpm-gfi _ .}{‘a H H .. It because — i can ‘or "0 ye”-._ fiufid ‘ by the E Shirley private u.'l;o'lh¢¢n';’ll‘¢l9¢fl°d 8PPi!D¢r:l:58h.l: grain. can be cakes, :.t¢.hnn mud’ mum.’ ese - _ beau _ ' '. ' . ! e . ' , ‘ mm, in ywere lira. A. C. Bagsdale. Ira. 8. {or ‘bi. mo‘; ‘ ..enliated:hene some time ago {o1-g.bl€ to benp again. know this! That is Kclloggs ,, an Kuhn,‘ Br“ 31,}. where she uptnhd-3 W- 4-M'"'°¢N "'5 7 ub‘°k‘ba_ty'°‘nd°"d freedom. .1, me wk rrrvleos in t1: £2.30. 'I‘.'C. unit at !.G'“7hflfd;?0t{:nklUDfihFl;5dl!:;EJllflk8. b":1~h_l;_i_¢'I' today Hue each member of your raodllias bins.‘ ~ -. v . owa tateo’ ,wii -1, ;Aenn e on sees me —- "‘ " am at the team 000 393- I irty of the tlémr mmormw for untcnnionleavo nah‘; fmmyuewo ya“ ‘a health wnhieh should be yours. ‘ s ‘ ca 3 Pk“ ° C!“ ' 3°.L_uG ri f ' r.and Iirs.John Kempcr at- v. '¢°ok,a 4 ‘ ’“v°°°k°3 : ~ = . A die hlghandl .th has ’ '°°-P""~'° “rel! nded . "“'- " -ox byallsrooers. Itisserved E lit. in... s. . -0» er in we z.........s...aay ...’.:':.°....~....::. .3 3:. .. o. -r. c. -«ma sum «mm mm i*;......:.':° “"'°"‘.;:.£..*‘."' W M W «=11 w~«- rm -in new in u» s-«»-- ’ We 3- "- ’“‘°" °' °‘’'‘‘'‘'’‘‘' “'7 Phi Beta Pi, ho medical fra- ma snow capped. D=“°.""°""' "9"" ''’‘°''’ "° "W Kenneth Chrisman ’and famil‘ Md‘ "'1 °i"h‘n.a°".;.." ‘ ’°'" "” we or 08799 ' V o miuries re-'. . ‘ _.._,._-w-. . s---s. -. ......_.w.. c .. -. _- . . -_ - ":13 3° mt; ternity announces the formal inltia- The lake, which is formed largely giefidintgatéxfgidf ;""i°'.' °.b‘°'"' the guests of hlr and Mr: 2 . ' ' mm“ W B‘ a, uni. tron of six men Sundnynisht. Tho-e Dean's father. Edward Dean. by melted snow from the mouiiuiii , ea d . , _ Burt Chandler last uiiaey. . , 3° 5' l''th‘}'‘''ih°§m" “:3 Bee 3 . tia were: Chester . of , ,'——-—-- , tops, seems to be more blue than cc v mm‘ “-18 M" ‘ Mr. and lira. David Chandler. sc- l her ofthe Alphg cum... 35',” Innis; Fred Xneibert, Maiden; Louis 3”“ 'V'"““" H"'i‘ “d u‘“ the ordimry lake. —‘—“' ;companied lliss Gladys Brand and inmiemii and the Auieneeee So- "°°d'1- Cleric-hurt: 149"‘ Mario H‘’’‘’“ S’’'’’‘’‘‘ ‘.'“ °°'“"""‘ ‘°’‘‘‘’'‘ The chapel is built of rock and is REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS iflirs Katherine - Garret ' Wyatt‘ '* '' By. '” pram.” of me A‘ Alzagy; Harold Newmanégolnmbfi: “#9 ‘W’ 3L um‘ mu,“ by my of gut. 1,-on mg. . E-togolurztlixiansundinyh Be ‘ _ ' " 923-1924 fall tersi."" °"°3"°. "3‘°°"" ’ ’ I Davis I Lee’ s it Inside of the chapel are four vir- , ;_ . "5: ."- ‘. "2 - ' ‘TY °"“’¥" "" f‘n:"p‘::’§M t*1'o°{-‘me Cmdim _En,; The'inlbates will‘be entertained h.‘$i':i°fi‘::“h" prim’ ;h"ma':d mu dams“ ‘Our new in the Pr.;\ceFIflt28ar1l>.2 '§’r:rt§ea::-6323'“;-.mined with a dinner last sunaey in’ d vor‘ Society of the Christian int a dinner at the Phi Beta Pl house, um-J K Cunpben. H‘: at wmhm Ten one ‘bows we WP" Lynhmét .an .dd_fi w. (‘OC ‘honor of Mr. Ber;-y-5 birthday,’ The j C: Be an ‘"3 us" in mm’, £305 South Sixth street. tomorrow ' . 3'53, mop), aging the you so stand "85 ' “ ’ °“ ’°“’ wllcsts were: Mrs. Bose Stautcrman, 3 aid!‘ V ' ' ' I . I ' I I othfif Iuflat 0t“ui“fi°n3 Lzvnsnuiz. ‘egg of ‘he f"ter.'“‘y LS lby ‘hen’ country for liberty’ snow” Boone Trust Co trustee to ’ "' "“—”"”’ " ‘ ""‘ ‘ ""** -- l )1 Ana; will go to Farmington; P “ll” IIPGIIDL . ‘shows the memorable moment when . " Q 1 —" wh I) ‘win ~‘ be eemyiflm Henry Hooker. Ilrs. Kenneth . . ‘ ‘ — -William Tell shot the arrow through ’“'°'~’ 3- 5"'"8- 9130 Wes NW M-« , um che‘ter L. Blvwer’ Mrs. ‘ the on the of his .0" ‘ad qmr 29;_v,99.(8 DCTCS ‘[1. Q!" l agent 0!. mai i (blumbia n *""_"'" " l 3 ‘was’ discovered with the concealed 30 ‘M ‘'31 “re” 9”“ min” whfiiw‘ ? ‘elm tzitne 'l:.'fol‘: ioinim her has» W075}! 50 39111006 r M” T P "“'°"”:d"i‘;: “:5 émow the third is a picture of his z’,’‘{;“- ‘3!-‘’‘’‘;- “g- r“ in Twnrhin 49w ‘ ’ .. |' . y «E. M. Harmon were mt . a from the tynm in 0 mm. 1129 . 14, 00_. , ‘ '''"d in F°m———-——-' ' gy; Wgfc’ Me“.-“Ea :Camlidr=;;l°rrw’e-‘rrd -1- 57- “’°°‘°”"?eii--Juiezvexsi use upon i-iiaeii mi: ;‘ fl‘__ ‘ n l - were - . : - , r . One-Act Plays Are 1, um mg; . ,.,‘“°‘,.,, ,,“"“,_,,,.,. ;aumWIn;s_h=;;_v;wug; d-gem 3;; ‘{:}':;’j 5 COUNTY NEWS e. ‘ man. Prof. andllrs. H. D. Hooker, ' o at Christian couege Given at Party D lthe place of _ _ the regular meeting O_ c_ ncgfidé’ Ned’. mumc,-_ E gthe Y. W. C. A. this week. All Uni- n ted. R Honeywell and A. M. Bumurha gvmitv SW 1" vi 0 ‘ R . entertained with a dance a card party at 8 o'clock last tight at the o 1 Guests were: Prof. and Talbert. Prof. and hire. K. C. Sulli- van, Prof. and Mrs. Leonard linse- hir. and lira. J. T. Qniim, Iir. and? bert Barrett. Miss Basel Baskett, . 3° . . . vmother llrs. seeeie Leach 3”" 3"“ 3“"'“"' ""' w‘"’° was the guest of honor at a men; sin‘ is the pride of the fire‘ depart-i Jongg party at the Trenholme. 21 1!. s Blnmer, Kr. and llrs.-E. T. Jones, lira. Pope, W. M. Grnbe, ‘Professor, Hr.a Rompers and Aprons ndHrs.H.G.Swartont.13' L. Noyes. Mrs. .J. L. Parks, Mrs. B James T. Qnarles, and lira. Sidney The “kid party” at theiclosc of;C‘l"°“~ thefirstsemester i e progra ,solo by hiiss Newman and playing of informal serving of refresh- m will include a violin _ Helen Richards, several Al ho , um 30”. .readings by Miss 1'-‘ranceswayne Al- sie"i:»m1.eee"i1)'eeer:t'ifiueweie pa.lrna.§1°“- "'4 I DOVER? 48312 by ferns, roses and s1npdrIz_0nI- S€V- eral one-act plays were given under. . 95 ":59 the direction of Prof. Horace 1-‘. Me- 5“! otclgeupy we mt of me “. Hrs. T. J. ;l‘°"‘°°"- Ma}: Jongg Party for Mrs. McDonoughl Mrs. G. B.‘ hicbonough. of San £00‘ <57 “"5 3" ' ¢5¢PU'_W‘¢{"- Francisco. ce1.. who is visiting 1.... merry." a dog with a fislmns rec- 3"‘ The following were guests: Mrs. é ncreased gllcbonough. Mrs. Priddy, lira. Guy ':extent that Bill is now a Julia Lefevre. llrs. cock in ’betwsen Miss home of Mrs. N. zment. His prowess is «far-famed. i ‘I Allen place. thisffisince his rescue from a fire threej °"‘ (years ago, his ability to take care= of himself .1 i Mon Lee was admitted yesterday and discharzd today. : Alice B. Harris and Cleola Harlan were admitted yesterday. T Robert I-‘lnley was admitted, fford were dismissed today. Leona ' «Struggle Between Booster and Dog iist is O Entertains Crowd. ° ; “That was one ;Ernest Rowland. chief of- policeuch‘ “Bill.” mas- Pfiddy, ; Ora. the first class. The enmity: E Bill and Jerry is of long -sanding andsince the encounter O - - of the is-called “ 7"“. '"°"'"" ',,",..f,,,,"°'”"‘ rlofty. mountain and uirougii a large ",5 ;5over-hanging rock. in close. proxi- ty to the church is a monument to William Tell. “One is impressed with the hap- ipiness of the people that are met the road,” said Mr. invariably a, web wihats and sing as they wall: ' N = wa . a perso ‘fin silent wonder," . - - .“fseling the utter impossibility of iyuway gag‘ it: gnduratpunptf jtrylng to express his emotion." n‘ can only stand he continued, rant at the hand of this master of . the bow and arrow. ; Perhaps the most beautiful time‘- "nd to view the chapel, according to Mr. is‘ d‘ b . * , ' - ' h % tur ' ' . §Karl Nistenderk and Wiley Craw- 3:32 l‘ "‘ ‘::;‘t°:g"f°; E’; 3;, 5 on “me” ~ Alps and casts a reflection into the ;SIturdar On business. ‘I-‘IRE MABOOT wms ricnr blur fltrrr of Lake Lucrrnh D » T A1 ‘nod fi‘hg_," “id iand died. a short distance from the - pel. The road to Grimsell, which Axtrassen lea wear flowers in their “Before many of ‘the Hallsville Clarlc Neinabcr went to ham Tell was born, wentto church -_-—_—— OVCT O Closscr, dons places in For Thls "eats 1' “° is was going to take place we ‘physician. He has been suflering h“ «might have admission." » with stomach disease. Mr. Cave lives fled“-: Chief aowieiia acted as i-em-ee. .in Fulton. Missouri ‘ wedding! ~- m«“_ Pwmm Nfldimuwnl The ueesiee You win Eventually Carry tnmes. rules we? om: f ‘ entire event . aekie' ' ‘.‘;’?.‘.'...‘T.'.»‘*‘.‘... i... i='f.........::; 0,, °;§;n-~r°*°r-mg; ;°."‘;f| P-xmu v-xe- dancedwith‘Bab7'MaricsandLittlefhe ""‘ "" ‘°“*‘ "°". 3 Underwood Portable m_ II,“ ‘we. mu genuine: viaitlngnliiaz , — 9 Ir! Deal, mas znrtmen . an . "'"‘° “"3 °'‘’’' '‘°‘'‘” ' ’ uieeweiaiiie is the guest of Misses “om , » V . _____'_______ Velma. Opal and Vera Tepe, stu- Including carrying Social Study Club ‘dents in Christian College. .. I e...,.; .. .....u.;,.,.,. . i 'A meeting of the Daughters f ‘am’ “"53" Meets Tomorrow 7 bells was held at 7:80 o'clock 0 me Social Study Club ' atthehomeoflirnw re. 18” Boss street, at 8 o'clock tomor- ,- row afternoon. llrs. W. J. Bobbins ' , reviews of a number’ 4 ‘ ‘ l 1 The" to be reviewed ’are. “The ‘Devil’: Disciple."-Q9011’! Ber-' W nard Shaw; ‘Elle Who Gets Slapped, 1 Leonid 3 “The Fool." Chan-1 cchound." ‘ via; and “_B.ain." John Colton and I Clement Randolph. ~ y Masonic Degrees to j Be Confer.-red Tonight pi ' I ' , , , In last , inight at the Knights of Columbus C V ‘ 1 \ \ ‘ e g _ .. . .’_.._... C -. - . - ..-7.. ---D . r “' ‘_- ., -.'§'.g=,‘-$~'£:%‘-'?.€’!“':“l!’r."'l“~,’. '12.? ' " ‘I’ ‘V . «. u_'. -‘ . r r .- ' ' H. H. Burke was in .entralia last ‘I Centralia; avid llulen of Centralia we.‘ vgefin‘ the dupe] um u,u,._ there on business Saturday age gun, the p1.c,w1,¢,-¢ wnfi Miss Viola Henry has been ill tire IT'S TOASTED . minutes! V 5 ‘ V ‘ ,,.-. . .".'f . , eeee _ i butltsavsstheflavor. Right Down Here! Savory food served . . . . e . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . e . . . e e . . e e e e . e . . . e . e - . . e e . e e . - . e ee - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . e e . . . . e . e . . . e e . . - . e e . . . . . . e e . . . . .. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . e . - e . . - e e e . . e - . . e e . e e . e e e -e . . . . . . e . . . . . V . . . . . . .-s.........-.....e-e..e......-eeeoeeeeee. Tomorrow r RIVALS” 7 in a way that brings out all the delicious- ness of good food and V V J immie’s College to Somebody Else. it is to dance. Wholesome cooking is eminence in the realm of po counter. New Brunswick records are t/here is always something n:'.v. i... i 3 ight Sheridan's Now World-Farln'ous?lay and "Thursday Night “The One I Love 7 Belongs toSome- b o-d y E 1 s e’ ’ You remember "Swinging Down the Lane." here's another. even bctter—"'Il1c One I Love ' Like its forerunner it is Isham J ones‘ own composition and is played as only Jones and his College Inn Orchestra can play a fox trot—To hear This record is another evidence of Brunswick’: lar dance music. only one of the surprises whic await you at our record coming in daily; “ANDROCLES AND THE LION”. George Bernard Shaw’s Adaptation of the Ancient Story Well! ongs ' F3; -e--no oO~'- 3 in’. Q..." ’ . -o-u.ce—e—¢o4—..oo.n—s¢s~ia. J ;.'5‘...‘*’:'.2°‘...‘.‘.’.."°.s-"3’. ..'.°:::: .22; at Umversity Auditorium 6»-= «mm anuary carance '* “'° 4”" W" '°°"°* .9 . . Performances Starting at~8:l5 lnltiationasrvieas‘\$lbe'ih.eldat? ’.- a] who V -V_. ,,=*:,-,:*_=-,,.;*=_;#-',__.,,,=- ,.§*~ er-v And Annu ite e i " Boa, 9,5,8 Intgmmed by PM new-i=IFF§'Tee§eTeesthepieue-1 . ' All‘This Week. f . ~ = i A ~‘ . ; ingofFlorianHarms'.ofKeytes-. _ f. .' ‘~ 1; . ' g ' ‘rm i _ There Are Special Bargains In J . ' - A r 6 sheeting ' Undfiwur mg, ‘ Undergtlie of the Club ' *=..,..*~=*--r... .i=-~=.......v~«~==..... rrrwrs i i -'- -.-|-r.- -‘I-r -W 4 3'33 ‘5P'°'‘' ’ T°“‘“"”°‘“ i the T” "eie..ie.""‘ "°"i.I.'i"'eee.i..e"’°’i"" "'”i..”-3°'§ adu.?:h‘:v.=’:“lfiBl:'|l‘ t-uutnaiuh-tr ia- “"' ""‘ “"."" T . - -‘ i Y "'3. " eras-in-esnrisdflr " ‘.“'l‘|I0ri.I'¢..'5°°-¢"".*"'°'."'° ""‘ i’.''‘.‘}‘ V‘ NW“? R°“"‘¥"‘W“’“v”"”““°“* 1 l 3%. sttrfse'ilr:r”e.°':l.is..'-i=llsi“II'I’$'i0Ui||0"-1'.‘ ' gr: . . i ,_*"‘*'°~,,,,, -" ",,,"'*',,,,' -;; ' M , ' V A l,4PrieeonO5ats,Dressesand Sweaters g i. ' ::zst.‘.n-‘)Iaayr.,_t0d:n=l’au wee-efiieeeea with ' ' it ‘ . New Und6rwe,ar.-at - ; r~~I,t_°*-*-','''5'‘r'''r°°' “°"°" °"".‘."""' ...... i.....':'."....f.‘i.':'*i.‘:'-"3, """"' t a i i . ~ ' ~ ~ i p 2 .... . e- ., " ‘ J J ‘ r ' ' __ - ‘ ink-yd-.___l‘,‘ '3.-'1: 1' ......-...-----...—-.--—