-_ _ u . -:0‘. -— I. .&.v- - -"-‘ ~ ' - : - .‘-«- ‘ ’ 3" ‘: ' :2... "."~“‘- ..‘:".‘..-‘fig. ' ' ‘. " « . . --= 44 A 8a 1-1 3 . , 1 sound to be _ you the murmur. of certain factors, snch_aa hungemat the station and ate my best inealg . . _ : _____- I worm mg. .503; 4,o75,¢5o_ooo,ooor Work to Teach "pm" 1°’ uuhe” "' huh '°h°° ' lbs and bubbling of the fountain extra and pe-‘at her house,” said a middleaged wo-;'.°h°°1’ “'5' "h°"' ‘d““'°" ”‘ °h“°k 5 Some Like the ’ Exercise matches a you or an ‘overuse of? ‘ H. ‘ Sch ls ‘iiieuiifsci-dsu hiriie schoome “rm '3 '°' -which climuoerod wiiiu.-Ir ltlinst«¢“1i81‘ personal tutu. An exren- man “We had creamed ormn.'}'u”d“:°'."" °"" "“{-::“.’:f““'."" _ , - . .d,,,i ’ ,6, - in 1 oo . ' - the ad of dark walls. If‘sive may dinner cooked by uidsoo biscuits, fruit salad and a good f" “‘“'°“,°"' “ “ P‘"" E but Most of Them .d,,,d,_,"“m ,°:,:,";,,f_°' c°,m,‘,§‘_. . , L . .p,;’;"_;, ‘°'g;3‘e°:; if; one sod been near, he might in». but chef in no. world would oocgoop of tea made by the hostess, whoi::':i5n"“ 93;“ hm rt Kelvin"- ' ‘ O I‘! l . '- ‘ h . ’ { my a A full four year courscin a an» . WP‘ heard the study stream of converaa- "'0 in the mind of those who ate lt..w 3 Sec nga never tasted so; 3 .°' ‘ °" " “ "1" « P"°d“°° f°" '°""‘ “’ '°"‘ ""“" ° "" "° " ed school will be the raiuim-"’"“'~"P“' "°¢*'"*‘"¢ mi S°P‘¢'“"°' tion am a llted fro the 1 tal ' if it were not helped out by or I flafied beca Iliad‘ "’°"°"‘ "W" V“ ‘"'“8"‘ ‘° W‘ -3 ‘ 3'01‘!!! ll’! 5! !‘¢8P¢¢t |0lD¢Whll.'m°' ch ‘ ed 1 ‘will be the same as for high school . 9° m om‘ urn‘ flu mood’ '" u» some 13501! to be framed. The master fin-' ~. Table, f Vb ment for new teach cmp o)‘ It ‘ lips. factors. ‘Hie following are thcgbeen cold and disgruntled. she said.~ -. . - . ~ °r ‘ufirst-class high school in Missouri ‘'‘°¢P!: ‘ ‘“P¢"5nl¢':5°"§ °" uGoodne“ rm ,0 “ 1 why best dinners remembered and told of:Drove 150 llilea for Easter Diaacr';'h°dh:b° f“"i‘°' °’°°pt f°" ‘he h°°‘ ,3" , ““""" merchan 0 um ‘ ml - Jpn ii a rat-class big lie ool . ' - . - 3 or aging t'up. but w th :; MANY RAISE FIJOWERS that there are between'50 and GOG“ I “I ‘:?l:igS§p:}"“°:;‘ h1:°l"°w:mu,.g 1,", ‘t 1.“; m.,my_{°u, hour, -dIdn’t Chit 103 boy turn me ofN.’_"’ mu hi. din} Yet? I ¢°IlD1¢_d!'°V° W 3'-icalled away and left it to ‘the cert: i —————-— . niillion‘matches used in -Columbia; worked out by chvflu A Lee nu“ éof professional work, of which at The" “"53"” “OWNIIIYI l1'¢_ 80 nu, nu “km ” home ‘uh hi. “hi “" ‘° 5”‘ 3'3"" d""'" ‘i u'°,i’zl’and boy to put in the hook. * One Professor Gets Fifty in aodocinc this figure to’ - - careless. When i was nm put In 1 . «daughter's. It was a cold and di... a year. - ’ .-th Q, n popuhuon bu“, ipmum u“t,sup.cnntendent of education in e um“ ' f t’ each individual uses from nine to ten‘ “_andt&;uedE;:°;°$n:;,teu:u; 0“ matches a day throughout the'year.‘ This s“nd”.d Wm be ‘wen in de_ ' Total estimates of the IOCII whole-‘an in . bulletin‘ llsunduds of Ac_ sale ingc-ht: Eh-ntdxidm "‘°,crediting nigh Schools.” to be is- IPPN M8 Y’ 2 0 C3993’ ed the office of the °"“W“’°"°9 ‘hiPP°d 5"” c°‘““'bi‘1!:ilate Tggerihotzidenn The advance 5'91?» T59? 3!‘ 1“ 5°19‘ 0‘ information comes from the office of ‘ ‘N’ -“"0-0933 ’ 0‘ Dean M. G. Neale of the University 0 3 tration Busliels of Apples From His Own Orchard. A large percentage of the faculty members of the University of Mis- souri are gardeners. Some of them ; fifteen . - ,. _ _A _ - . Thiliwho was notified by the state super- “me” _ lb _ ' and Arc con. means that there are about l15,000{im,¢g.dem_ ‘ ills “'1 . 3 ‘_°."K°”:d“;'-gen h boxes of m.‘g,¢);es used Ycarlléiandl Of this four years of collcxe ‘dad “new” in th ' fa" ’ as e average count of a ofgwork. or 120 hours. at least fiftcc A"°"h_°" fcmmfc °{ b: k‘. ugh‘: matches is supposed to be 500',hurs must be in professional cd-‘ ‘°"° b5 fawn’ ’:°.m rs "5 rd matches. it makes a total of 57.600.- ucation courses. '”°“ °{ ‘hem 13° ‘few °w"ufa, en’ 000, used here yearly. _ . 2 To Be Three Exceptions ‘"5 f" U” “; ° me’ There are -four kind matches There are three exceptions to the '-'“'°‘ s°.'M° _ “ ha .‘ e used by Columbia people. the or-:!'¢Qllil'€m¢fll8 dealins ‘flu! 91¢ SP0- ‘5¢'';‘°1”’° “"3 hi‘? ‘'9': f t:”‘.d5nu-y fly-¢.¢¢nt box of guikgoanyo cial case of teachers who have been i in e ot sun. u mos 0 en: _h t h th Id as M i ‘uendint ‘it’ a” i”°d“°° ‘hey ’f"° {°" “'°"' 3.39: :2, ,,,e,oke,'-is gag win teachers and teachers of special sub- uma‘ strike anywhere. the kind that will'J0¢ _ The standard of requirements for ‘meats. Gndwmg aim": we htccigty,-3 strike only on the box. and the wax! dcgfncgggfcm m‘-‘Em match used as advertising favors 5.; . but one of the best pro— °}";?§“u" E" ~"’m°k}::’ °(';: 9. “get; of garden products is said I _ °{ ‘ ° ','""'° Lusw B _ 1924_ to be ‘amend Wm, the same] of uinbia, according to . err). or . . of the Berry Wholesale Grocery Co.. Entigdizumgundcr cultivation for tlic are the penny Hui pnrchucd es- 9 ens - . jut part consist of one lot or a pccumy for smokers’ . ‘that all teachers in first-class high part of one lot on which the cducn- 0'"? l°°" “‘°"°h‘"‘ °5'-”"‘.‘.‘°’ imilschools who tor‘s home stands. General garden hi-' d“5l>08es of ‘about 1.400 b0¥¢5,September must have 120 semester mg is “Rd u . rule‘ ya there of the W355’ ‘ac .c"e h UTS of Credit, dC3i5 W the ‘R mm), ml. to in for "using now, month. and other confectionary an lfichpr hm,-in; 1”; gun these "3- «Q also raised. This new standard which h°"" ° ll become effective September supcrccdcs all other standards : teachers in Missouri high sc on The first exception to the ruling '§. start teaching ncxta high sc that if - ~ v restaurant dealers place the numbe . rements who was tea ing in a ° :;'“.::ma°‘:f.::eTngiv£fl:dtB:';,:$f as high as 2.000 boxes. The penny’h h school during the year 1922-'23 we nation of . mixture of bum}: variety of match that will strikc.anll who is attending school during nd usefulness being their obl%tive.'°“lY °" um 'b°‘ i“ which they utthe pmunt “how "an Theflguhcr .jn is “,0 ‘ mknken id“ had contained have about passed out oflmay be employed again with less b :2. ON an‘ -th5';g,.5cg,;.uistencc. and are generally foundithanlhc required qualifications. pro- ‘school J "1"" diment furnished 'ecds.°,,b. in flu, 31°; m.¢hine,_ vided he goes back to a high school _ . .- .j—-—-- ' i ii i 5 ha h \' {,;°;,';;';;’:‘;;',,':;'§ou“,f,’e“:,' f,;';"“,,,,,‘,:‘3%MANY OF WORLD’S i-c‘ns'i-o"'a'z'3°i»e°r3i- '8 i t ° time or do z--my thnt,1.=is.I: no GREATEST PEOPLE Must Have I-‘ire. College Hours ‘ , , _. .. ' e second exception provides d°“5- 3° ‘°°d‘ ‘"'° 3"“ 3395' B5 - A that teachers now teaching in first- 5 — -. class high schools who have less" lee th'o"Céllege of Agriculture and in only the most rare cases. do the ..r--'--'" ‘um u, -fled ~ t .11 sand‘. , . 1d- f _ n c speci rcquiremen s \\l 3 i "9 °'°d ‘°' °‘ mm’ Man’ ogogeinwxe $03203; }‘.-’:;'be allowed to continue teaching pro- he will tal purposes find their way ot outside. ' “Most of the faculty members that own their homes take great pride th ple were 4 9 mu?‘ .Purina Sufisfics aha‘. ant thucivided they complete five semester are more births in some months thanihmm’ °{ °°u°‘° cud" ' ye" by on‘ r Febmuy is M" the to correspondence, residence or cxtcn- . versity 1,: ..~-.‘_:‘\".&‘»‘.x".*.".‘:’.:“;'6.:‘_.$;'.€iL¢:-, ‘- ,-.. . ~ ,.-. '-*r“’ -1'2: .- - ~ - ~ . '.-_ -4 , a‘ ’- ‘1-- ,- ‘ox - t it C .15‘. ;have at least sixty semester lioura.j . ___._____ of ac? ——-—-——.-—-- !' ‘rfegg;o' . sumflchm “mm” am‘ the, Must Have Four Ygars aal oducaton courses. The ex Ileast nine hours shall be in admi_nis- § Must Have Special T ;courses, with five hours in ‘adminis- ‘tration and supervision. In third y 'class high schools the requirements ‘m¢- I MP0 9'9)’ 0050)’ it 1 28¢ 80 for tgacheg-3 gnd principglg ‘re the tireddof it 8".” the fountain mur- 1m . Principals not having these re- quinemcnts may continue to teach- in high schools of the same class plote five semester hours of college :work each year, by residence. corres- pondence or extension work. in an ta-noon .1 approved institution. wish to move from one class high_to leave they school to a higher class school superintendents and principals is be ’°‘l“i""-‘d ‘° "‘“‘° 65 Will Raise Standard of Teachers W01‘? “Ultimately Real . ' The average teaching life of a ham, though," years.‘ Dean Neale said. He thinks teachers will have four years of col- 1: credit. In the state of California. hicvi lof standard college work. It. Casebolt to Work in St. Robert Casebolt will leave here‘; -just completed the work in the Uni- of professional ' 'odI'Ieatio Jaaae Hallwaa heard I I and supervision. .« semester hours of education ‘l - II never saw such actings in who are now teaching, who; will forth." f work instead of five. by the founuinj hool instructor is about five nuomed more resigned],-_ these standards are main- ‘ ° .and'I get to hear the music. I right along with them. gis so intoxicating. ‘W I l’°‘"”' Water. night for St. Louis. whercf f an shut“ f be employed by the Ralston ‘orb. mg at Mills Co. hfr bolt has; .7- for an A. M. degree. n !oUN?ZIN IN .7 going to break me or some- ghi; new sand“-4 thing. but they just stood near and ;will raise the standard of teachers Whl5P¢T°d- ;'in Missouri, and will do so quite ra- -1115 501110 '8‘0l‘¢' W 1011 the Other. ipidly. because the number of tcach- Whit-¢V€l' that it- :01‘: changing each year is great." " It seems one of s not so had around and the fountain around here and drink. have dances over This jazz nd ked 3'08"» grather forlorn as it stood alone in ‘the great hall. Just then the jani- tor came along and turned off the The fountanfs chatter sud- ceascd and the place was silent went down the hall. Ifyoii ‘$7: to buy or sell some- ,thing'try a Missourian Want Ad. , . . _ . . E _,...._ V . fiacherc an .. on on HALL BUBBLESALL OWN .' 3"“;;:,§',‘3,;_";'W, 3;;--§ FOR TE ACHER. Me wnww 373' -31- mm HAPPENINGS THERE 4 ‘ -“ . .3. L - 1 In M“ . ' ~ quiet. The only had a much more pleasant life. They ‘all so silly now. But here I am In second-class high schools sup- ."“bbh’_‘3 "“‘5' ‘mi “"1 “'99 “'7' gciintendents or principals must have I ' ' “Between classes they all come .down here and talk and hang around. allm “They talk so funny. I heard one boy say, ‘That's the cat's me-ow!’ But I didn't hear any cat. lie was ftallzing to a flapper and she ans- jwcrcd him by saying. ‘And then we ‘ just hung out of the window all af- ter that. '\\"ell, of course. ,that's their own business if they Tcgcherg, principglg gnd gape;-in- .want 00 do lllll, but it does seem school this ye". f°m,er'tendents not having these requirc- .0000!‘- them celeb- waa the “Her cooking is con. tomatoes. blackberry pie. 1 Seattle. 8 9 here 5'” bubble of thc thatthg were put in the boilingwatcr never tasted so Y and they said. “Arriving at a big city on a damp e s. P . . .. ' r ' creased b'rth tes."'°" "’°"E° . . in the appearance of their yards. a °f ‘She !"'6l?ve;" mpefimgnden? 0‘. 2 third exception provides for‘ men: -;_.:—— j—....,,j.-. ._ \4 ._ ._. -1 her of the agricultural staff‘ the case where s are un- said during a‘ recent iii.erview1.~.'°h°0|s. has been gathfgu‘ ‘!:“_£: able to find teachers -of commercial some of them raise the finest kind the Km“ p°.°pl° ° t .w°:1 ‘Q - ,wor art. music. manual training gf ggrdcng, gndotherg hgve success were born In February “and physical education \”hn have with fruits. I know of ai’~cuc.;fl"°" mc g‘-b°““‘k"‘."“’i‘.‘3"r°" “Ema; had the sufficient amount of college where: profess6t'.B5daCi&I 4 A I3-c 5”” ‘O m c mi‘ '3 'Mr_ ‘''°’'_ C Cw?" h°“‘7‘f °{ pm’ . " ‘ " - finished . I . 1923 f 1 course, it. is not yet _ . . ‘:1 .o_ ck 0.‘; ‘we "'5: pm '. A_°w._ id. __'fll' following names asovgh. ¢ag..m.f ,, ‘nu’ ' I‘ 5- '3 1--‘ ' ‘h ‘-34 ‘ 0 gull‘ 3 approve having the fewer f A3011‘ “I0 .‘..“. 5.“... r hoary ii :::.?-number of ’,e"'_’ of u..ininK. unt“ ortheirownusearc n lahon. unset... en-err ‘ 151] ‘such time as in the superintendent’.-s unwary . ass: judgment the supply of teachers who _ “mvhave met therequirementa in these Para’; '6'_ ::::subjects is sifficient to meet tho o . . . o. The Soul ‘of ii, _sic A _ ‘,1: caught and heldihfl ‘ Iagijtjagau capable of ex human emotions in ‘the hands of a master player. a master is Ellis Levy. THE UNIVERSITY BAND Presents ELLIS LEVY Violin Virtuoso —assistant conccrtmeister. St. Louis Symphony - Accompanied by Mrs. Anna I-‘roman of Christian College UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM MONDAY‘ . FEBRUARY 25 Tickets Now-Missouri Store - or from members of the band TICK ETS—75c—$ l .00—50c JACK DAILY’S .-.4.-_._.. Thefateofamaalisinthehanda best he had ever . getting better and every ." he said. had beef steak, fried potatoes. mac-3 cheese. fruit salad. b ‘ and butter. coffee and cookies. A negro maid was out blackberry hunting.with a group in a hot sum-I mer afternoon. They were as hun- gry aa they could be. As they were passing a friend’s house: on their way back, they were stopped and invited in to diam.-r—tlie best potatoes with stringbeans. corn. °"i°n8' brad mdwierves pumpkin pie cream pic light na e. | L A University girl enoyed a weineri ‘j roast given by her dormitory when ‘ she first came to school. ‘They had‘ ‘ SERVICE Cleaning Pressing Altering Phone 13 2.2 S. Ninth she landed It was raining when the, party reached their destination. but. they got under a large tree and had’ ‘I thought theyithcir picnic just the aame. ' pecially enjoyed eating fried chicken‘ __ with her fingers. chocolate cake. home-made bread.,' jelly, pickles. watermelon and lcm-: ;; 0 They al 0 good.” she V tasted.’ She es- s had} v men good cold day. i was met by a friend: agreeable day. They started at 6:30. 11,, o'clock in the morning. When thtyighen got there at 2:30 o'clock. they eat so 1', right down and ate a hearty family; m gdinncr of baked chicken. dumplings. imashed . ‘bread and butter. coffee and jello. " bow, A negro janitor was at a _ ihiacon with his show horse and did.alid'Ieft the his own codking with some other , at the fair ground. One day ‘they became acquainted with a wo-3 “ ";man who invited them home to din-i candied Girl Likes Her rim Picnic T""“"" "“°“"" "“’ ""' An Oriental girl had her firs .“Sometimcs when they get ready,-nic in America when say ‘Well. lets trail Onc boy called to another xht‘ semestci and said ‘Lct’s park heavy over here . ‘plenty to eat at the fair ground, but t ‘”.c° nothing m 5 cooked," they said. ithing try a Missourian Want Ad. potatoes salmon The bewildered picture. turned ltto ; committee. Fatélofa Mealls Governed by 5P-ggggvggé-gg!KEgL Hunger, Circumstances and Taste; I SIDES 10 ONE’ BOY . t ..._L.__...:- . MUNICH.-ékrtists of the older youth looked at ' the right. ld see. it looked as A uch like a picture from any side: ‘he could~'not for the life of him fig- - “1‘dyu.l'i.- out which was top and which So he compromised by put- in each of the four sides rest to the hanging ‘- —...--7- ......— - 7 She gave them fried chickenfl reamed‘ "We had in like what she if you want to buy or sell some- TYPEWRITERS ALL MA 3 Months. 87.50 Up First Rental Applies on Pm. chuc. Balance 85 Per Month. Writing Supplies 'riu:'sU.\'siii1~'i~: AGI:‘.h'Ci' Phone 692 Red Pemberton -Iiall RENT!-ID KI-38 - --—1————-_..__---_. Phone 225 Let's Tell You the Secret of successin poultry kccp- , " ing. It lies in the selection of the right breeds and the right feeds. birds and the best results. every time. If you have the birds we have the feed. C It is being used by many of the most successful poultry keepers in this vi- cinity. That fact should The best be sufficient to induce you to give it a fair trial. BROADWAY MILLING COMPANY The Handy Place to Trade Broadway at Third We Deliver A .. _ .-. ._ . ~ , .—_-7-.-—¢-_—_.¢:-ujpug-....¢....... ..._. . -..—. in department. Dean Walter Wil- Mm 9"“ 0' 3'13"“ -- _ . “ems *"°f- 0- 3- SW“ *’*‘°‘- “’-vcuiiiki. 2:“‘£'.'...‘..‘“‘ '35-o.’-'y 2.’. i.ii:‘dch’::ii‘iremeau increased for All C C‘“'fi‘~ PW‘ 0° 3- J°h"’°"' Pm!‘ ‘Oh 3%‘ - - - - - - - ~ °"'“"’V 5- ""’, Teachers of aademic subjects who ‘ C53?!“ 3301- P005 D3 S¢°“v H W‘ T 's"""""’ ' ‘ ' ‘ " ';:;“fl‘_:’ fi ifgostart teaching next September in ‘O’ s°'"‘”°" m""'i"" P'°f' Tb°".(‘:'iis:i}."i.sisi. .............. Hi-'sscosry"io.' iirs 3 second-C1888 hilrh 66110015 mull l13\'0 J. Rodhouac.'P!’0f- Johns Viloo. Prof. 9. in Bcnoe ........ .. ‘r ii. 173:» ninety semester hours or three years II. B. Almstedt. Prof. L..ld. Defoe nous. A February ii. iu-not cone“ wow, Wm, ,o_ gm“ am‘ a E Brown, bndnus m.n“fl-' prof Alri-sham Ltncioln . . . . . . Febrinrr I [‘l'i‘°"":d3;::f'“1"v l:’°{-'1 5"“ Albert co--si-3. ;£.'.;;.'.. rosoury is. into ‘M W” ‘M « VII) . . ncon e. ‘ Daubkny. artist . . . . . . .. ruary I5. 1817. Westniount Addition is said to be;'3'““' """" "'"" " "."'""" ‘f’ "“l t See a one place or raising clrdens ow- ..“2.".‘.’.."'o‘i.f.'.. '.'.‘T‘.".‘. .-........,°"'“"’ 3:.‘ i”o.!f w. B. PALMER in to the richness of the soil. and Iarcella saoiu-iosuoioscr February 15. me} at the 0” stand over ' we we *h-*.i= -“°"'°d ‘" :.?.'.£'.'..‘.':..“f.:’...'.'..-.":::..';~'.‘;.'.‘.‘.’... 1%. 12?}? Peers Drug store tor 3'13 l°°|tl°" 5)’ “"5 31" °‘ “"3 '°'~‘- voium . . . . . . . . . . .. . rd-imisry :0. lat‘ farm an ty Ian)‘ faculty members have moved ?_.nd (gaci}rtich.nact.¢:"o;.. :2 mg, property, exchangt and “'°"- “ " ““’: "‘ °’‘'‘’' 9"‘ _"!°’ .;°..‘.‘..';." w..°."°' .. o-.u...§ :2.‘ i‘m« rental property. farm land ''‘‘V 5"’ “m“°"'l ‘P‘°° "’ ‘ma’ Mame: no-oeii Iaiwc-ll rebmsry 2:. ms; bank g_ ‘D their ‘kin la uuCr3 of thc Dhudd. 5°...“-gt _ _ _ . ._ Fg-hrggg, 23' 1&3 ‘:9. flu, Samuel Pepys . . . . .. February 23. I . _ _,.._ w-cm uco . . . . . . .. February stun ,.~ Residence phone 1151 Prof. Aiikeacy Home from Exhibit. 1-o‘nsfc-l_:ov . . . . . . . . . . .. Ffobruan '21? i ; riot, J. s. Ankcney or the art fin . ff; --------- ;.‘;‘;;'{,- ,,- ;,,, ~ in . . “P"""°"‘ °‘ "‘° """'-'““"’ ."‘ Mr.‘ Oliver said that if it will be‘ “”'°°d ” ‘ noticed. most of these people wercf A“: pioneers in their line. iisd "dm,“.withdrawn from the usual trodden field of men to venture into some- thing unkfiown. “They volutarily sailed uncharted seas. and brought -.._..-.___.__-., ‘something new to the world.” he Read Missourian Wants Ads. ‘ _said. -.0-. on. One'of these was a painting of the sea and the cliffs around the Island of Grand n, New Brunswick. -—o-.-v. .-. - .. _. _ . -._.4.m g Another Knockout ~ g 1 I A MEN’S Y, :17.‘ all "6 Giissaoiivss ' A. It took A. for bad‘ But “. ’ S L and degree of :w--u- i . ‘.Sa)inun¢dandSilkfined;invertedpleatcdhudg g COOK 1 W‘ is N. ‘ha : p.szs.oo sodfs§‘7.sii * sale Fridayaiid . M Saturday,only’Jf._“...‘v ’. EVEIIY and ciu'velntliedeai¢0°“h°'“’l' Hupmobile Sedan contributes to beauty I05 comfort such as no Hupmoblle has ever had “gr:-‘eater superiority *8 3 3?‘ cu‘ tofthe . at a avemen ‘ :fda,h wtmkwamfl . t ool be- that no yflnt all cars. BROS. MOTOR CO- Pheae773 5‘-. L CUT .FLowER SPECIAL FRIDAY and sxrunnav COO. oi-domtoriinoseius;i.oo a-- will bedelivered_-.."' - Coiumbiairioroico.‘ . o._’ O .iiruig Appar 0 I Jonquils . . . . . . 51.00 per dos.‘ : Beautiful Hya- cinths . . . . . . 1.50 ” ” Carnations, any : Ii Color 1.50 ” ” L! Stocks. white _and 1 if 1, Pink . . . . . . .. .75 ” ” . {; Paper White Nar- '1 ' cissiis ” ; 3 ‘o- ..'o~ ' I I n ‘ , Every College Town Has Its College Widow But Every College Town hasn't a'College Inn as perfect in-its appointments and atmosphere as Jimmie’s. Good food, excellent service and snappy music makes it the most favored place in Co- lumbia. 7-piece Orchestra Every Evening, 4 to 6 On the A'ir in the Afternoon - mmie’s College Inn. 211111111 —a-—-p-—i—¢g——u———a-— .,-.: (- he Ev’. most was his Forsport .. In ‘fear 6 lWeek-End‘ (.v