ood condition. For ll Ford. ‘ ‘gnaw.’ n”d'u,.‘ “_u;.b;¢_ -mm‘, Building. mm" Bram“ The track team will leave here " . H2 d'rectt hnsasCt'. Th '11‘! ' h W1 ' ' -‘ . . - . '.- . l-. . “ ié‘.§;‘r*.:.?'°°°'" .';.’.°.';.'*' \ wow .2 .L....:..:. .,-. .1: a..::',;::. hr ...,‘°'* ".:';r.*...‘:;“::.*.*:.:." and mm for 4-an-=es= w=-~«»m'- Tbeat . «.. l °" .°“ '°" °'l I-‘OR RI-2hlT——Comfortabl ‘W14 which will play at the Mis- ixnn Univer-lit baseball t Co h ' -°""“"”"?’*’°"' iN¢'>'“h- NW?‘ DI*°tI- South 00- ° _°°. ° ’°-"' terlas. Address l;'t.fO.. care {of ‘km housekeeping “ “:8 23:3: mun. flnmni “union and ""y at Fish" wyghty umhM.m(:n;.vctnecr £:eFlsc:!:?:!er:yhexi::Q\::o;J3’;/P" I'_nln-é -1 believe f;lotba1l. mttllo. is 5ust.iIl9dlkota and Iowa. All of the more‘ §wl,r:T1"3lts mall—'W:l§ an. ‘ P92 _ - . , ' _ a ‘ ' _ - on account 0 its vi (1 firemen. j " ' ° ° ' 1 on urge ‘:1 Q 6th St. 1% block 1 Red c - the K. c. A. c. that night. on. and t ll takl h 1 x ll" . lmvort.-at an-Wrwvss and collew .. . -. mu ‘Bx? ’ Emu. Priced rea8o!8ubll':.n! Phoneasz.‘ The me“ is finned by “puts twmfiswdl mv;s;l.{0otedc pilayelrgtlgcblesft, Fergwuudn val‘; xx! t'r<;l;,l:ut:tophp;>i:e ldotils hold on the youth of our landlin these wm.,,-nter a team in: Winch ready for thf ,B.0!!‘|,' ‘ ‘ . ‘Black. Al23.u to be the closest in years, several him out of a regular job behind laouri in the light-hcav i ht claas an upon we' pumm It u .- we-cu ‘M ’ Eng Tom’-name”!-‘nus to-' . IRENT-6-!‘00m1l0Il8¢. P|fl1Y'-T “estimating that one point either the bat. 31:‘,-my uhgmw won ,"X°,c§.«k,,, o,.e'=ud.° ant ‘mpg th°’° ".h° V”? The’. match this year consists of‘ ""5 '0 be 3 W531? 0f “I ‘ also ll'l|!'llE¢~ Phone 898; ‘ 703 3EN‘1‘—Room’ for boys at war will decide thewvinner. What M l ----'7 ;Millig-an la‘th‘e heavyweight claasr7",,-'5 ’,f0,":,','}°"d,fi“",fo ""':,h“"“ “ tour stages as firing. Each stage? killd!’ ‘ , " ‘ 1:143-145, l78South 6th street. i’hone 1576. :1; eieaulg ii; strong iln. ttheggther. “fitgrfixgy gr 3’: 9with.a pine-minute time advantag'e.:’1g,mp:u the 50;, °feu,,_.,£nd_ °Iap,l:;'i3l';;c1;l'des tvgflgfifnz positions. ‘rah? .“0b¢,V That impulse” g .m.;N1-__3_ . fn,n;‘},ed:.__' In equa arch in . .‘ . v - . Hldclknaw It not eligible for the ‘ d ;. mu 1 ha 5,, v __3 ° 9" _ 1'0"‘ .9" P.°’"”°"-l Y0 "°°m T other events. and settlement of the ""mml U""°”'t’ °{ Mm’ Rd“) team, however, and Millizan will }}'.,,_5,'::".,,, the §h;,.um,$:me‘::{!Th° P°3_l“°33 01 9'9 fin‘ 89120 8|‘? B0\VL TONIGHT 5 ' ‘ -ptlone and sitting; the second stage. A1 u” I " ‘ ‘-1 <3 “ ‘i"<".’ ‘-<-'7‘-"“‘ , ELY‘ 0‘ ‘ "“ " '« ""- -".~'-' Iv.-‘r.""' ~‘-.--— 7- .. . - .. .- , . ._,, ___..-, - , . i t ‘H . ' §“¢‘»‘ - _'~?,"~5_~£;: ._.;Y\;;.-?'‘ “’‘F‘,:, . .' ._ .« , _. . -‘_ r“. - V ' " ‘;";£'7"_‘f—.r‘:--1—r‘--u-_ \.._-.__‘ A._ A _ ,. , r-,_,_,__ _V, I ~ _‘ .. ~ \. ~ - ‘v. — -. - " -‘ . -~ . ‘.- . ‘ ' '<‘ -‘ 3 .' r q ‘ 7 "‘ .1 ' ""5 r. v'-_‘- - .'~_' ' — . ' ‘ 7 " ‘ V ‘l "«. ‘: .’'...'‘'~'‘'. ' 4 ' '- ' 5. "5““.-“' a‘ ‘ ‘ 1.’ - - u:.~ ' '. . . -.71 _- * r. -2‘ ._.s ~.‘ -_¢- 19-. . _. .. . _ ‘ - - ..-. .1 . e «. .2 . . -. ; ",__ r ° _ ,_ -- , 3 -“. . , *l- :~- - * - _ a .~ .. .6 .-- -. . . . — is: A .;. ‘ ..’.. ’ -"-'=“.~ . .1. -...3‘p"._‘_- '2 ‘ .-.. "- ‘.3. .-. -4-; - - ‘ ' ~ V ‘ - “ :. P‘ A ' ‘ ' . ' = — ’~ 1,‘ a « ~ ' ‘- ’v . ~ —t ' ’ A. . .~ ,_I. ‘ .1 I. F - 7.2. ._ .,‘.‘.:‘I' owe, ..'..‘-A. ._ :. - . , 2 _: I .-_ : V co ' "Q: “ I ’. _ .R_ . ‘ ' _ _‘ . .. ~ ~_. , r - ' -, - . ._ -‘ . _ . l. 5\- 0 - ' ‘ ‘. " ' _ I 0 ) g, ' , —-W -r-«~- ' V_,_ , ._...._.....—-— v—‘ _..._-_____} _ __ fir . .. . — L ‘ ' ' ~ ~ - nxn¥‘..L.az;J..'aa;a::.'x _;"‘*; .__“__‘_'l‘.a'{‘_-‘-‘.-._: --——«_—._- " “ "" - ~~ . A . ’ axnan . - - .a:.- ' .4.» - . . . . -l-all-u--an an-..—~o~JQ I -=":‘=T*'-".‘-='."-~' ‘~'-‘3s~‘!.i‘! -i ,—. =.-_~*'+;~=-r‘-'-*.-M ‘~*‘ “-"~ . - . — -. . ’ - .' .ews ‘-’ . .1 . e. . p Q ' . .Awv J‘. ;. _%e'%!.;vo -. . - y ‘*“ ;_§;,";___,f '4 j . S -oraoro'.w”aaa}TRYDU_I7_S-HELD . V A _ . , M A ‘ -—--~~-~.~-§"~"“.:-;‘-2‘;-14-‘.-‘_‘.. ZSEMQE ‘¥‘:£wrgl”;I?g";“pmQ3zl TheU==*ve3?"7r"Ummu la.’ on total .2. ‘ ' ' , . _: 1. : ‘ “ck ' .u°"”:"°"m‘: me!:°:::‘:Uk:38;.'{:f:flfl,'_ _- fl . ~ ‘ andintfor la-'atn‘uu ll my _ awards. The dual lnclet “at a gun’;-'e" ‘ attend a. l -FOB s - . l‘ , . . l -—.-—-~—-- - . « -‘ "“" l ‘ ' " ...‘.‘.'l‘f"""‘ "“°" "“-'”‘° sayr. . . - lVVrestl9tS Will Meet -i~‘s‘3§'..1§"li.Z?ai‘3.‘aiaavua“‘ ‘soy l§§‘”""""°"" ‘-"-‘-”” ""°‘ .—-.__7 .._._.fi. . - ...é—-————o—_ .. . . a . Q ~ an ‘I . , ‘. 2 on: A A more efficient lighting I512 'raahing ‘lie. Uaidoliyashort . ..a. l » . ”“”‘°‘ ..,i..'_'r ,_ R ' f 2 ...‘...., ....... .. Fisher. 8 _ H . . ‘ _..._ . 'l . Kalil! A home _aclled,1l),e.rnt-nt is being {gunned in an 5 , ""..,..,.,.l""":.-"i‘.‘.:.'.'."."..""'..; ;-"$3.":-,(i'” M 5"" """°°il§.i'4'§‘Missonri to Enter Fu1li1I'.i1'.'.iZ21:'i.'.i'.l'51§u--oa"'""'°l’ W‘-‘3]‘"‘8*°i" Here 9:‘.ian°.'I}lh?."°.fa£"?ox'3'l'l". 3.7%; ‘gfwwfiggom '”'°°’°"a.'I”°°"‘"°"‘"""° “'"““’“:' ' vlna lei attention billed to ’—-r? _ .__4—_.' 1 " ‘Q " 3: . _ ; u.:r;..‘m.'-"°""".' "" “~fl""“"."" Saturday. °':h." V°"d3s {00u3IU.lI‘ I fig” beg, fwd‘ ].¢ ‘:2 n under the dimcfiog. of a rod -=-=-l- l- 2 ."“?‘.‘3“‘*."3"3'"¥‘°°omb<~a ma... Quota or glen In All l.....~..-...::::::::‘:" "°;’»'."..'.'.; "“‘;':'.'.':? u arm to the mlndn"6ln'la‘rae ‘manna-u. am * i ‘ea. " "i"°"‘°' '-"'°°“““"“”""'-“"' “-" -H nnaaaa-crap-:_:. coclm,ela,s2.oo'_each.i‘alaa; ~ classw E t '-ruuau. “"9 "'59 Wmtlinz team that W 07 P909194 ‘ " ' n of eayat “Tl em- M ’°"'”‘ "”"“°‘°”' “Vi” °°"‘ "‘ . ---—--———————-- £838 {W85 per hundred. Irecelyg,-as V - .“.“.”l‘. 3:} I»-3| .............. .. nu-suaag, guanvtnt to Norman last week for ",4 C L 3”", finch,“ “haw: ‘I’ 5*“ V-_. ~ EN-r 'fj"t B00 0 '; ‘ e, . evaut . . . . . . . . . . .. lbndsol-.~ , t ’ ‘ _ ° -. '. . , _> _ ' ——--——.—_:..__... 60 &;....r on ./:-m:.;::3tv= _.__~ W .’°‘"' .............. .. ....~a..r.:*. :*.:~.,.l~°.“:.*::;. _.,,,-°-:3, ,.,.,., MODERN Wrwsruwa ‘ul . ‘ . ‘ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I V. 9 . “ ‘ _ . * I 0 V . ‘ t___ ‘ us-m,aCwSE Scam Is Fiancee; *"‘*°3*lMlri-r«U~°m= .. here .1: as my judgment thatxoothall la ,,.. .,»,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,,, ~ R, o,,,,,,; AMONG BE§7"§P?3'R!’§ ‘with the licacock Plan“ -é. . . . Smrday who it was decided in not a su'tabl ' ~ ~ , _. . 1 u » I-‘on SALE-—Good. lame race. - . - today in all of which Mix: ‘ ‘the elilninatioa man-ll. g R 5}-.. ~ 2 -° "»"°" ‘°' M“ '~”' "!!*.“f!.'-i 3W”V.°' 591 by the time T A mg... you haw,-.u¢la actual business house clock; in nrat.¢;m:=Tlger Squad, Aocompmledjfiwauw ed“ om Kmmeglrnw.-v‘_.-;1wu Gmwium I”: ntgkhz M3.“ ;::one:;e:u§:§de:;dug:;;' ll this . llama open: next {a'_ll.f 0 DEVELOP B003’ 4.; . —. ._._ ‘mi ““‘gggce;a_Ilor'spareti}ll9:¢3'l°’¢!°l‘o secondhand; goes at a bar- by Univets’ Band than predicted Hissouri‘wou1¢]‘w'§’,, tuié hundred people, .m.,.,, .__=_;_._; C _—_ ___t__._ d, . - . ' f.‘ Di-ike _u‘lnd Nell:-ul:a,j W a. _ , 3 ll . ‘S m°¢°‘“‘?= "°_f""J""';f,""f- 5"‘? "‘ "‘°““" °°°'7'=- to am " ‘:35’ .1‘ “l :‘°.37 809”. the ”P."°r=iw wpwnv attended "the aliaaia be p:r’h.ana3°'$'v;1.",° ' ' ‘-'(’,',J‘,',»‘,’,‘.,,,,,°’,,‘’'” ‘’ “‘;;"’f,f" W”! “‘ .““‘;rerea":t illni 3:sv:r:l:;° :1 Hiasolrrti. ‘ for Pltbtjtlllffl-A '= 3_\¢;'5'V °"3- " _ ._ _ . ._ A , A txave the T189? team a 51 to 34 edge.‘ W909“ _ until the men hayc had a ' “rd. Wm phy the Atflu “ ggggiis one oftlie moat beueficigl “Q 5,. '1‘;-ailflnz Bureau. Buffalo. FOR S“_E_Dre” mm at less; City Tyeaday. oggvtgf hagefilgeég Wirslalislg §enflecom6on:;edhifi't' course of ¥‘I‘t‘1i.minlI}f_y work a’ hefty 1,35. cahim-yt deiizihrzble afrsmrta. a 3 to ‘ .. I r ' ‘_...___. _ . . _ _ - , "I “My : .,_ o , 1’._ er‘. trailing. ootball, hoédver, is go” - ~ 1 real iShOl’,Wh0i£ind|Il'8 In good condltlon.3 -rw,_.“t).,th,.” the,‘ men will con”. fgyofgd 1um,“_ we hue a 10531 Peck. Fcrxuon and llfillltan. Emore than justified, not only‘ by ita 5:‘ :;;?::,of the sport. e - l . half pri . ~ . -. ‘Phone Pat McCar ' 833 144-145 . . ~. . . " - ' l- ' 3 - . UNURY-—Would like to have ). . we we °“;'c,.1 3,5,0“,-, a¢]e¢.-‘f0.1l°\Y!.!1.8. anyway, and from the; ‘T7’? matches last night wereovalue to the men who pal-tlcl ' ‘ ‘ -- ~ Th [g wrest]; Will 35'"! “mt” ' 33.13111 A of lien use are receivinfll. ,’.”"°}»‘ {“"t‘3" than U109!’ two Weeks i but also foruits benefitto wooing: October Imgodwnfig hf:d2Y,e3:‘t:d,.:q°-?:'comPf>s::lg:f 1:11))’ . _ Q 7:1-‘on SAL}-j_Up,-igh,_ Kummunn tion ra;- the ansas- lssouri ., _ V , V ,, , Lgundr-y.’ Phone“ piano. first class CO “H. Ph door may in Run“ Ci” neitllndications are that Mi.-‘.¢;oux_'i has a 310. flld Cold‘ Chlrlell Fixherltion and to all of the ‘student!-I and 1.1-'¢.l’¢°am' ' ‘ "there are ’ 01 wk 6"”. 651 before 6 p. m. gr’ l’§:‘i-wt:3i': “vydmshy. simmona. m_lvcry close following in addition. . ulddtndlcate that the team leiweafmmbefl 07 the (011030 Ifamil . " fi'A;‘§:§Shni‘I “:m‘dm$g=recciving f€8t:l‘:’:f‘(lh': ‘ . V nae, 6.. m. ‘nu. “M in yflwrdn, to Dr. J_ A_ . lconsl erable from the Oklahoma u“rc had bo 225 ~ . - . . v , . | ’a - — D—)len to 0581“? T0!‘ »----~-my . . .. e- _ __,_§1_‘§ Rem’, who h” an 0-, th T50" 1"? no strings on this con- match. The mambm. are in -hem, , " “l {"911 N311: 951'! I'll"! Vin not be far behind‘ loam,“ an I .'brnkelm-n- Experience an-.‘ ‘ sl-:0 c‘Xité"i‘Zl'lt""s'IlTr:_"" ‘included full entneigia all eclaascmeeta‘ ""“' if i‘ ““ 5° °‘‘‘.'‘.‘’‘‘ 9"“ '.“l°.'° .°°*"““°"""d '?V°'k*n8 liwcll b¢‘l°'-"f¥°i)|m'n-1- this pl?“ M gm” ted ‘ ' ‘'3 mmtMnm' ' F" A . Transportation furnished. feta” we I. ‘ W In ‘lire a lot of Ddiasourl students who last night’; {my Lghaér, ° °“”.‘ fa" "‘a°"- 253 .‘'_”‘'“Y The directors of the corporation * -~-. -.-- ._.. _...., .,.,_,. V.‘ 1-‘()3 TgAm:;_0‘.emmd 35 Mode’. Tm,” . 1 .°. 7*’ follow the school’, athletic tearilslshowed up much better -mm. ex. squad. including reserves and scrnhll, . . _ _ _ ' 404 ' . - 5°”-f°’”°°'.°d° closely. and have their own ideaslpected ‘in th 115. 3 ' ‘ ' _. A ’ 1A1;'l‘8l-il).~Was;l;lf _\;‘,m,,W_ Phone 11.3 Red. {42_l“ Sela tl:edls‘1l:):nrunI. _B.0':ad.NslIlifl:;;:){(;l1t vino ill ‘icing xi; rein in the ;wresuéao¢d'to”;:.twelve”-orilliiilute 'cd3:::l‘~.“ortlnz ':°8’lllarly throughout the gig, mmgh, provided with an "dc, Black. . - .~~~.....R_00 . - h°..'“ , - H be"? _ _¢VF° eten even . e nvlte you’ tolwithv win. a"*fl~'eshlna'n, ‘wk,’ ";'.- . ' p plan .. __ -_-.B_“°.’1.16 L‘ "5 F0R—Rh3‘1 ;‘:n5;u"'E:d32 rzdggofsend in your guess as_to the winner.-Lgnot allowed to enter intcrcollegoiat.t‘-‘ix: of flap.‘-"tmmt ind ("um-R.’ dded (0 bfiflt the Bl-Idillm Seating “TFAN” 'iEPXffi”fi.’6{{f(' FOR RENT—Two nice rooms andltinte} 'in at)” M“. Ewe’ :0 ‘;P_erhaps you have It. figured out matches. ; 0.3"“ P "l"? :°°” ‘mt’ 3'b‘°~‘' ‘ _l3l"'!38€m}!nts to a parity with those . 'earaee at 106 South Williams. ,p;,u.,,., .3 .; ;, ''‘~''’’{’,,'f’'‘' " 33”“ “"." ‘“’;" °'"’ °' W’ Blinder wrestled Tom Wright to (Mr "a.l’3.?L. JI‘1‘agftfer'r"e'1il:;tchil(l,:t'T¢;lo¢tdi~e’d-15% -'~'t;§f,’3"';,'o,,°”'L"°'°"°° ’°}’°°""'i -13! kinds car-~ Cl02t1 mile. ‘ad pdde vane“ PM ' d .. ‘V ' 7’"""’°"‘5' ‘“l"°“11¢€‘d. {fall in seven minutes twent' -sec-‘ball f ' ’ . o te ~ " bu been pledged -. 1- ‘Va - - ' 4 - _ o R9 8" it not you have lost nothingn - ' 3’ ' ‘ °' "'°" th" t"°“tY_'fl'.° tofiird the stadi in f d °h' h ’ vtlfh hildi haeutodet yoergnlga’ FOR REN,r___L:"‘t_ nttmcum,l.amar in the two-mlle. ’ _ ____ tlzrledtanwgttgdanmgmdolactkwalgd half-.years. those men who play arlth a with poo “;f°:“a; o . .. mom. Dumas AIM. . “mm. 985 Simpson has entered 'I'hornaherry,~l Today we print Missouris entries bag". in “fa mung”; minegg Elm: l¢:"_:;Z':“i1t¢;,Il: (tzllfizeen Prlcflice 1'93‘;-Jean be built as planned. A fourth my. Supt., St. Louis. l h 1100 Green and save: ' l . ' la-.l_ _ . 13! { Bond, Smith and Chauncey Simpson ll‘! 510 meet. Look them over, 0 . . fthgmfi] um 1 h _ } ___',-.-.~..—.—-S.-.-_fi—:..a __.I:;;_.5 ‘T’, RFNT ' ‘ 4 S R :in tht'"fift5~,,-urd dash. while “ryld-‘send us. in the list of whom t;-r4‘lu§::;‘d3'"_‘"o:"m'I’i‘:]"‘r°d 1_I’?}:1:;eth: Jglygjgfiilmnefits that cannot be measured,5;;pm¢9a'°na?,:. 'con‘,::cdu¥0'nn:,{)§e,:‘ “EAL ETATB ' q . .. ——l.ooln Jn m'“'Nm.:__d€ll,‘ simpson, keen], ..-,d (runnmg- think will win. ‘file Sports editor ' .1 h; u; . . ' - a 3' 3'“? “V9 "03- P“‘5¢M In 00!’ 03-‘west one-third of theseating dccks,; .l..l0 Ross. Pllone 1977 Black... ham make up the entrant-x in both ls waiting for your “dopl-" :?:“Lo '" I u“ "°3.",l~m- bllkour other athletic sports. l?ootball~-1),... ¢nd;.,¢:.m) dam,” of 9,,‘ s h ‘ I ' . e - ' l ‘ ’ - l - ~ . ' R SALE’! 0”" my hope for Hz“? hmile dug”. - Rece tl -' ~11. - .- will r¢:'lel‘?ie!l‘t‘ Mi«:’o:riPi:rthm‘§g5fl?b"ad”‘ '" W" ha’? Md ."'L°'°'°‘ .°f 3913- 853’ “'0 ¢°ll8lmc‘lI0n of the R cherson, Surface and litter are- " 5 “ ”‘ “ 3"“ b”l"~'tb&11 ’ _ ° ‘ fthe me” “'50 D11)‘ its 8 IP31‘ 01 Nd‘-running track. ’ ' to sale at an attractive fig-1 FOR RFN _, ._ , . .. . d ch _ _ F. 3- b°"*l.ATl-ID HERE! The Uniwéersity of Mislaouri !'=ifle;::l_\}l‘|0: gbt;r]l::rsl r-octr-Eattge ' p ‘ ‘ ' ' * ' r '° -« . . . , . -j,-—— . . . (v s _ _ . ' - .__,_,__;";' ' L - ‘ « " - - -‘.-- .-,.., .2» __ . .__ -«I w-—-««""""."- mu: «er -; ,,.::2:* :83;-wee. mm; «« «» mm F-*°"b'9 ::°a.‘:::.:.':;:*:. ;':°;;...... .... ..l:'.°... a. e M 8;‘ . 3‘ Dne from; , TOWIF‘ IIIIC B: Walton 1m.tch The our conege pr°m‘m' ‘he? . . _ " _ . ' Il!«t£.B"P“mh SW1?’-) $4 pel-week. 10: South? . L"‘"“' mu‘ -received"this morning from 0regon‘TP¢!‘e8l-ll-‘I’ 5P0ft8. but I believe '79- " l -. . . . l t- _ h0D¢ 2002. > showed 3.090 points. against 3.609 .f'l£‘(‘d. 100. the Ihillfl Whifh {OOHIIUZ l " ’ ' ' ' ‘~ «- ~— -6 ..c»- - A Bl'7N'I'—One. two or threefr‘ ,___~__ ‘ Within the next fol; days a - . . _ . . . -_ 'Columbian Hotel. . _; FOR nhNT—Nlt‘<‘l)' furnished: 3801! Afmil. llroprietor of Jack'g..tltlon favoring_ the lzaac \\'alton,":‘°'$:m(_{""°d bi‘ 9.“ "‘" H‘-*-“°°“,""°“ us‘ * . 1“_“9;front room, .w¢-.11 heated, xogs w.g-; back. was down to business lgtel-4932110 bill is to be circulated; The loujost Sm” fired for wig?‘ *' "M P’“?‘3‘.,._?h.°”_° 1.573.: -T.l_2_9£f”'hk morning’ and in "th" udiimong columbm sporumem An '3‘- University was as high as the‘ -S‘. ;. . THURSDAY. FRIDAY and stwnulw ll!-:N'r—oo to 75 ' - . ’ . -—~_ 1* A - ' - o ‘ earn land. Phone 178?la:ac‘l’s{- LODGE Noflcns ‘ .'I§L'i'.i"i...".fl.‘l§?'ill'.'2.3“".”‘.‘i.‘ """' f.?.'.Z£§.b°$?“.l'"?.‘.1‘{a1Z.°b”'".£~'“"°l*'i=W We made by the ‘ ‘O. 1“_“9" A‘ ‘ions his 3"‘ ° 9 v"' tmon wh. h .3 be °" ‘5 9°’ sity of Oregon. showing a consistent: . ' , ACACIA LODGE. No. 602 guesses lmdnkht ‘nests ‘C '3 to ‘em’ t° the inferiority in the members of thef A. M. ' ‘were discussing, and didn't, get to representative of this district. The ovum mm 3 l A. F. & . . . u r P 3.04 itbedhti-‘ll latei."d And Jack announced pctlttllon will merely express the fav- ._._._..._____....._ : , A King . .-. ' - . . . e race a new con ' t on att'tud f C l b‘ -IJAYHAWKS D T DRAKE ' ' 8"‘ St’ 3°“ 13‘ 133“ Sun“ c°mmum°‘§'°""of the Fancy Jonatilana, a"€:l:e:f’ulen in relgaraedoto l.(})1i:mbillll!. sports ' -— BPEA I ' ‘ iliansaa Outclasses. Bulldogs in 28- Tuesday. February 9th, - . - , wmch 1“ i‘ ‘Wm? f°" “"3 th"‘d, The Izaac Walton League bill pro- Knélve l to-17 Victory. l IJ-3N'l‘—F‘urnished 8-rooml 7:30 p. m. rm deg . . . . . . . ‘M huh‘: Print‘ en. , I 1399 ‘prize in this affair. ‘ides for the pumhue of 250.000 Sperm m an. Ihmuflu . . ‘- -I . , -.. Very desirable. Call at, . K. c. SULLIVAN. W. M. i namh: Bliss is. M. has br-okena“'.'°“.°f .“'°~'»"= land near the Miss-‘ mzs JIOINES. ‘Fell. 21.—Knnm’ a‘ n d ' W _ . T148, 1. )1. LONG. Secretary tthe ice and sent in the first “dope""‘“:i?¥' Rt'}‘;'°" in ROCK ‘ Island. U1». ‘completely outclassed Drake here: ” O 011 2‘ - _‘*"““—..___._.--:':,;.;.‘: if ""::‘.:‘::, ' , . - « 0 0|‘ ' ' f h’ l " ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' V-"2 ' ‘"’ -' “I” ' '”‘~ ' ‘ ’ ‘ "' away «am or as a co». :2 ‘::.:‘;:*.::*::.“:"”* W: - oafnsiiliflil 3.3.1: l"::.."‘;.‘"..";t‘.- ":*:.:".:':.:*::.*°‘“.‘.‘1l - . '7 of Columbia. -—— mm a “'9' i There has bee .1’ ’ g"tcdbef ch that they Bpull ' .. !1tlC IJOVCIY gm, .1 ‘A1 bow,” had for‘ DAVIS & WATSON cog; co_. ___, ._._,.__, - ,_ ,_ -_% . ", 3°"“~’ '5°“3$'9'l. '° °" °F‘"“° ': - l - "‘ ’‘°S~'1"‘d 10 forming 8 Columbia .dogs, strong since the middle of 5 -. - - - . ' ; ' ” ’ ’ ' u. ‘f I ..' .- . jflocrea of meadow. 100 acres 111100‘! C0“ "7 ""‘°°"°“"'“ ‘° '*_ '''°’’*‘ °'' W “"5 branch of the lane Vt’alton's u-aging? January. would defeat the Kansans. I EAT,M0THgRvs BREAD But , char-‘flceere In , S . Ear-'C‘n ‘*3 01' 33- OPPOSW3 W858-lb st-‘:1: °f 3” "db" ‘ ""“’°u'"' m’ This league is a national organiza-‘f Baked daily at the MODEL BAIL '_ . ,. .32-ass pasture. ___._ - Fr‘ C _.. _. nee ca eleven and ls-loo (11 13.100)‘ . ‘ fad truck patches. plenty of 1' 9 3 °°9tY.C°d 'XLaina to the bezlnnlnc. Said land being ‘lion composed of about 2,000,000,‘ Sig?" §m;.‘° '5 pm‘ ved 1-my under um moat uniury con. .Deepwell. Good houae,barns: V. to-mhln forty-nine ml Range Twelsc ‘pa,-u,,,,,,_ {o,.,,,ed for we purpmei Mn. bert . lmpson mo mm d I th but infl_ed.mu. buildings. Will rent for. LEGAI NOTICES ‘H23. in, mm to secure the lumen: or a of . ~ a 3,3, nuggo of ¢1.,,5¢.1 dud“, 1;-om, 0}“ 00 0 9 l , ' ' . o - lcertaln nmml-on act.» in and deed of. '“P''°”"'K ‘.59 ‘”h°1°88l¢ d¢8t!.11¢- » - - r- - - lobtmnnhle 5 _g- ",1 crow. ’po,,e,3,o,,_ ‘hm ‘ but .3‘ ‘kn... “H M" ‘I “on 0‘ wuddife and sung. The m__ the lltller building to the hrglnta b \ R , ht 30¢ 310 It Cite. - I S - due and uali-id. default having been made iuuon 3, not ad sbuilding in the room formerly used; A- BUBENHOFE 7 - ' ADlINl81‘Iafo|t°s mrncg ,,,, ,,,, , . 0.“ , ,8 comm :1 611-4 m, ,, C5,; ,- l 19 N. Ninth street. 1111 Rosemary lane. phone. ‘ . r-amen . 1" nu of ‘m I“ d. th if!!!‘ the PIP)’ 01' i 9 5 ll" .. .. : Notleehbardlyglven. that woman of; Now. thercforo.in wank» of the’ P d_ )' n._eneanell0;sdmce dmmh. ‘ l Phone11B4" ‘ .1-‘ l - .. :"".....'“""‘°° °"..‘.';°.‘.::.'.‘.:.°.:.‘.‘.f:'°*'.....*::.‘.*..’: 3 7.‘: .°.:‘;.°.:..:.'::".:":..:.‘.‘::.":.§'.1'.°.?a‘"........."’ "‘.‘.l'£’.:”“‘ “~"‘7'°" ‘°% ~-—--- '0" New ‘= 0"" ‘°' '"° ~ 3:"'T—'£";°-7:351 govizthmglht;-!:u on the inn. day of January ml. by the under-nkncd u-um. will sell the :;ro- Amman S!‘ ‘I :. ’’‘;'t''°’:;'°‘ ‘“l‘ W!‘ 3 Wlwllfim Want 44- spection at Any Time .' IN!!! I: Print: bourt‘of Bone County. I I public vrnduc ' nut.‘ 4A“ '( _ at . ; _pb¢,,. 9743",“ Elwflfmad all persons having claims against to the hichot bidder for tank at the south ale f‘°°“‘“S' 0‘ 8P0l't8m_en coll-; ' ‘ “ - ’ —~— noun are required to exhibit than front door or thcCourt in Colulnbia..fllfll‘|ll'lg to the national and state H; ‘N1-ED_-In ‘EN? , z or allowance to the Admlalstratnr within :l::on‘c”(‘tot.ln§a. Ihaourl.‘::nFI:Ia:. Bggtlame hm. t .{ . . VI’!!! '1: l ‘ , - By ol.‘.uu.u {ur_7°|’ 0'9"! Ill! be udd from any bone-_a. 3. and 3 o'clock p. In. on said day for 690739 R¢0d9!‘. head of the Umt$ ‘O ‘'1' It of id Patna: and if and: claims he the purpoao of satkfying said note. interest States Weather Bureau «here is in ‘.;..’/‘alliiitad within on near ((3.15: and cost of executing this trust. _éh.r‘e of 1°C“ “divs”-ox of this. 60,m0,000 AU"y y as Sept. ' y '3 5' man: they ulna (drew-er tame. w. ll. SAW’. . . . ‘I 1 4-1%" ’.a("'“' "’ """'"""' ""4 ~ 1 mm. "."°"'~‘"'""- POUNDS . Once space foflllt-‘a"Tl‘l.-2'1‘. A‘ oounm “M a "°m"- _ Va 1-avers:-3 nu: NOTICI : ‘ ' .' ‘ NOT unMrULi - OHEI ¢ 1 W. in i W _. . ' -—-re--:-f-—-—— 33353. M W . T l “B 89"“ “hit ‘ ~ammna1-_lu\-roa's NOTICI-3 la. ll. Strode. as I‘..‘.’l..T.'a"‘27.‘.l."3"""} c:,,.‘;';"a.2'$a.n;{ A!-'5 _ - s'- ON ‘ .-..., .. . . . t .,.5et1een8:80and10a,u:. , ._‘..’:p.__. 1 .v-“Bl “Ella b beech then. was man moo 281:‘ ‘mu: Much“ do-mummy ‘fleet men WHAT Q ‘A . . I 0 ‘-3.0. Blah AllniIIQtratbII onthel-htatooflohn l ‘{&‘n.*d u.” . .. .. -vcnurnhu Io; , , 3°00 I . _’l‘0 RENT- an-lgaauloalholalhaagavl-usual-11:4... "'°"'-.*"*°""'0""°‘““* |"¢", lr6roouuhulaenoar'irthe_ljLpgi-ca.n.1ngu¢oaln:y.nu-31:’ °°""”‘ ‘° 0" ll-""lI'-'4 K ’ «Avril. 0“! ,,,,,""",.;,,,, '_,,''°''m‘‘,,,‘,d ,, “mu ,5. ¢..?lIaehe oo'uao.'nl-lurt. to-wit an-Q ‘fir-atletter.A_t_l .u...,., .,, .5, M.;,.,,,.,,, flu... .;,!ber seven in. cult m and nine in ofllisaouriaa. ifl‘I;¢h‘Ifu-rthe&toofaa|IIlAOII'I.ct“‘"“‘ 0"“--8-iv“ -v-rt.g:ll fl jgjfij Xvfivutuelnfidfrunaayhandltd '°'°“"*""""' ,, Iald&talo.aadlf~ouahc|ahnIloIot °' '9'” “ *"-"““’ and rail: ca. 3... mg. mg vfvtv-«$5,! 140- am I-Mn ml an as ‘'3 ~,’°u"n~‘~' IJt!irI.IhI7Ikalltcfauwlarrd. 'h“‘“‘ 5' “g 3;“ 3,-,;..,.,, _ . hollow (1). no thirty-one all of the I8‘l‘0I4l-ZN-Alarge a-‘."u'."ollsen. u2l':uu¢rlx." 3'°°?4-"- Gm" 0' 3-N Oumv. 10-- ngcumggooz . ttot:!!.A.Oolller.Juil8¢ofProhato. 9""!-b"""""""""‘:':.'ial|'l*0‘| n"u'd'.c1“"1“ ‘Q1; - . trust d'1?'fid. uilusodh ‘I: 0“ ans None: d.Ue‘;:d~Ia‘ailI.liaalthavhahonnalo - 'n‘un',. KIIIAI.'.l‘ay|orBI-aalaI.iItlO&i |"?*‘5.“~. ,. V 30IlthSiKtIlIH'I0t.‘Ih‘uI'IIhlul‘d£ruIt.datcI.the§lOth lo-.&&-‘I:u:“!-«cu-n-c;‘o;:. .. 1 Juan. am. rounded ia the I-In but - V 1‘s°‘.""‘:"-‘fl '-‘ Joust d Oh It! holler d aafl taut j_-, . Key with nary ‘ """',."3.,""._._,,,"" la. ‘ ’Phone'102-l.~ 0151 cat. at the Scale in sea Pr$- «'04; nomad :-. ‘b..‘ “."l§"9‘—.’. . -."‘.4. ..-L? /"‘\