-r-"§t‘%‘.T.'J'?_5T‘f.‘l’T-”“g'-:7‘.€‘.‘!""~".~‘="<'v"if’ '7.""'.'.§_:'t;~'> ‘ " V ""i<"'7:~'ik-I."-« .~‘."*Z’«l£'~"ll—*:«'.-set» :":-'2:-=~e.I‘..‘."~ v ~ A - e F1:1§1'ziJAnY 28 ‘i924 F .., ». l 2 i ."’:i. .-.,. '77 -' "4 ‘ URIAN THURSDAY ,; - - E .. 1 v '.. 1 . . ~ ,.—-__..‘, _ » .1 V‘, ;. V. ‘- ~ ‘,".~..' t-~‘ ‘V . ' -r _ _ A - 7 t "“ "‘ “— "*“'* ‘*7 ':*-""”'”“ ~ ’. -—~—;;-.;~ W" . 7 » .=— - -t 4* ' ,- _ I ' :8 contrast to the noise of Broadway .vl1le Rich School loom $0m°rr0\'? :5 t. i ;on - busy sazunlay um-moon. amino n Boonville. . . _. -3.: -r-.?;' A to " i g . .- ._ t A 3 . . ’ g’ Mr. Mayalce quit high school when The ;.,t;.,...;,,,, mm ..m go to :* y ‘ ~ * l ' luau, a nut and _ " lk- j ll” "“ 13 3°"! 0“ 10 lt*avll__tlw Boonville to represent the Univer-g 3;: . t 1 W ‘ aft Of‘ ‘he Jtll'JlL¥'U 5it)v 1?... 7 " _. t ,- 7" i 1 CehlHa'a-All.’ » To MEET K. U.‘lll “'9 “m"°l:5'l3' M “ 85051‘. -l«'llll_l"- son and William Bryan. forwards; _' . ‘ V .'---—-:-—- ‘t ‘ ._.._._——— . _ A i Since that time he has been ln- 1-{em-y Cane find F;-ed Han-is, V " Autos 9.14» 1159911 °f u°"9'1" 5 (continued from Page 5.) .3_3W¢l°l' Of Wl'¢5lJlllK ill lllt‘ lllll“¢'F- g guards; Samuel Luttrell, center; . - Cl m to Clinic gtarr of the Hark Twain Henonal t tattle: of Oxford and Cusnhriclm-,'p.u1 Amen, substitute go,-mu-d; E.‘-it ‘._ : Park Association. 101.1419" ” Columbia this afternoon for LIW° and Eton College in England. lie pen). Spenny, substitute guard. ‘- ti‘ Inn‘ wk -‘id ltcnxa ma "where 3-119!’ will tfIV8l9d in FROST. Of "10 (‘0Ull- '(_-nnc " the rqgfilgf t-enter, is that he expected “'0 90”" W“ =thc Jayhlwkers tomorrow nieht in tries of Europe and through North out at the gnme_ it .52." will be furnished to bringhoud of inI=0l'lI0!'|lv°l’3 ‘*9 5° 9'9’. last dnalrmeet of the year for America. He intends to spend the ~- ---.-~-M-——— fhoth teams. The‘ men who made coming summer in Alaska. after You are missing opportunities if fthe trip are Lenders. hantaniweight; which he will return to his ll.'lti\'c you fail to read Missouri-m want §Blinder. featherweight; Butler. country, from which he has been Ads lughtweight; Underhill. middle-‘absent for twenty years. ' ' gwelght: Captain Peck. welterweight: i' 'r'-''‘*‘ _ " ‘ . v - ~ o — iFu.“.°n. 1t‘ht.hu,.y‘.e5‘§,t; .,,d'U. H. S. T0 l’l.A\ lm().\\ll.l.E '““"¥"‘v "°"’Y"°‘¢‘"~. “‘°“ “"~"°‘nnimuall souaa \\'ill aim Rival I ’. . '’ children being conducted by the; Those who are expected are: ‘ Federated Women’; Clubs of Mil-1.1. Blanton of Peru, president 01 . mg, ;.the board; a E. snln. Vlilrkavillct ; ' ‘The parents of children who havef W. C. Vanclevto 305939: 3+3. Jef- been treated by specialists roccnusztersu, Hannibal. \'ibe-P"¢‘id°u“‘ 1‘ SOW YOUR LAWN NOW fa fey initiation matches earlier in ' ,t'E'},,‘:,",'t',,?:: 3,‘, xi _ !the week. but they did not change‘ . _ ._ ._ ‘__ _ I ‘ or hog _aw sum‘ otrgh‘ m, which i! The Unlursity ”lLll slim l‘l..i..- ' it slum‘ “me th.t-hh;-"gnpfuentgd Mi3_tltetl§ll team will play the limit}- . fsouri in every meet this aeaaon. . ; '‘---—-° -— ----* *“ The Kansas team is known to be ‘ KLA88 sizsu sroal: 2 or who are being adequately taken-of the board; F. L. Lennon, aecro-1 :1 N. am E care of by local physicians are not . tary; Omar _‘ D. I'll)‘. tl'¢t8u_I'er: ,: ' ‘ urged to bring the children to the; Edgar White of Lincoln. Ill-|Nl€ll)'l clinic." said Mrs. Hiddlehuah.‘ “It“ manager; and W. R. Jackson. Hex-; is planned to examine only children i¢o, field representative. .. -. ' ‘'50 539’? 3°‘ ind ‘"7 "°3“l" ‘*5 Rehearaals'are being held even’ . good. and honors an expected to ' " .. ‘ Eb‘ °‘°‘° ‘°"‘°"'°"" "‘¢h"° B°‘i"°’ You've often liennl,llo\v ageing in wood im- . . i l ~ - - - , . the it led th t th ' . . . . * i.‘;‘.‘;‘Z”,.‘.I’,..'.'2.’.'.'.i.°‘:.'';‘‘.;...?.'’...”'..‘£? '.*,';'"°:,';_',,';;‘,:.;;"*°‘.:'“ ,:.{;:t;~;;;, . ;......l‘.‘’‘’’.. ‘‘.‘’....f.. oil. l»_n>~'°slllr0~§lIl0S- fo1o-°lnstentotlns= Thclost or some apecal surgical treatment; smoothly. M”: be“), “id md”._ ; .5‘ !sport, the Missouri wrestlers are .l\(‘.lltllCl£)' lillI‘l(‘§' lOllfl(X3O gthc same as ,lln() *0’ ''''‘°*'‘ °“>":°‘P’f“' "‘!""‘ “"3 The Gr-nt School will fumish? ‘ . .“'f"'° “*5: ‘;'.r:t’d§,‘;"‘° "““°u."‘° wim-5) loses e\'('r\' hit of its harshness and . nish more comp to ac ‘ties?’ ‘thm. boy md “.15 who "1, to! ‘ — ‘trip to e l ey wres mg _ -_ A - - _ ‘ Noam 1,,“ be", ,._.,,t .t1,mt,¢h mm the pf” of {he “ume mu...v « mm next week at AM, we), mm, nmiiess when it 1.» (need in mood. it the Boone _Counti'_ Medical Socujty; M,,_ g_ t.-_ -pmttt is ,,,.,,._,.,,-mg tun; mu Fumes Denny who Wm bcklown their men. ' \"elvet, T olmcco is I\t‘lllll(‘lt_\' s best Burley, ' *0 ‘ll Ph3"‘“‘”' "‘ “'9 °°“"t5' f"’vfeature which will be the first acenel. f 001 b~ n - th Muk Kansas beat Washington earlier Cd in Wood ~ 13°. "m"‘ {hem ‘° hm‘ M: “pd trip’. in 9 Second 813- Ml? AW“ A"“l‘j1\y,‘Que'en 0 Em m m 0 in the season but lost to Nebraska as ' t '— ' NW‘ Phd Ehfldren f°7 °x‘mm't"_m' ~ia designing and making some of u'_I_tp.‘_ge_‘n H v_ _ _ 1, _V and Ames, This is their second A t.‘ 1:33;! . » '—''—‘.'~___—_v 3 H’ the costumes. i '—"“’ " ’ " ‘ ." _ ‘ ' ’”—“ year in the mat game, while the -' . V , ' g I EINGIINKEUNG WEEK [15 IAIIC mi“ km; Cracker. music direc- P. H. LARKIE “INS PRIZE Tigers ".0 phying their initial sew . éh ‘(),fooz:(r ‘ Program to Open on Friday. Lafi-tor in the ‘city echooln, is rehears-A . . ~—‘_*"*“ 5o;._ 4 _ l. ‘ ing Through Saturday._.Vlarch I5. illlx 100 children at the high. achooli“fll»¢| 351 149?“? in D0Yll‘Cl°ll¢'F ' .7___'.._.._..__ ‘ l :.I Erging.-rin’g1\:'eekd :v5i1lth.be ob» ct-g-engagternoonhln preparation for P H La l‘(.3enteat.t d ‘ th ‘Jib-Jlrsb ulu-:s‘rLI-1R IIEIKI-. _ . “hm new are an is year. e c rens c onto. 4 . . run a a u ent in ct -““—”“ . . . . I‘ . . * . 2 ‘ '""' "'° """'""‘ ’"°"'i‘°' t" nooya F-55317:-TE7 R. F u S°h°°l °' J°""“°""’“' “'°" "’° auslnzenlll-uW'aAa“l8in‘i'el;::lv:h:l“o The Same 5.19“ m marlufacm.re’.the ‘ °"“‘°"l” "°°“v ”""‘ 3° J‘ "Ff ‘ 5 ._..---- ' ' ':l"“° °“°’°“ bl‘ "‘° D°""C’°"':”' “Columbia is so quiet" .2... same exqhtslte taste in designing. . },,u.,.. S;:n'u;_:i‘:.;‘3;"‘;om1;::r 3:';’t';":," ‘:i_1'(I<>unt)‘ Has D'l:§rl)"Six Rural Mail]§:e""83;_g‘;?:;‘:5;,:°“$':tebtrgfififiegg rnented Tarro Mayake. Jnpalieae the Same authority of style that dis, _ y -I “M”: d °f '°‘°°“‘° by P'°"d°"‘l There are niigtezi counties in"°“°' °f "°" "mm ‘Mn 200 words J!ul'.J‘l:s‘!l!l::C‘;lcr:'l3)h°IxlO::1(:)'£“::l"’:‘£ tinguish Dobbs hats are apparent it Ituiol Stratton D. Brooks. and there wvil M- - h- h th-ft telling why he or she preferred to . , ' .' g . , 3 g be both morning and afternoon uro- mfzouger (;:’11i,.c:.;:crot:mi.°:c::(:,:;c_ send his laundry to Dorn-Cloney "‘:3g_h:'f tI::°;:Lawf°§£fl)w$°ml:;:: in the “ondcrful Dobbs caps Km ' in Jeaae Hall. Friday, with in‘ to the figures pnund by J_ L rather than send it home every ;q 3’ ' q j ’ tblflqlltl Ffid‘y night! ‘l’ ‘he Dan’ Erwin of near Fulton, , floone wee " ' '—’ “‘ " "”‘“ """‘ '" “ ' , ‘ 1')‘ 3, M 3”” T"'°"‘- County ranks about eighth with The following students. according The i Sltllrdly lllofllllllf fl"-’Y¢ Wm ‘"0 3 tm,-ty-5jx' delivefigg, Nodgwgy to the judges. Alfonso Johnson and mitt“ }‘ Pl’°fl"m uld °" S‘t‘"d,*." llflcl“ County Ind‘ with {m.,_)._ .9“ at. John Casey. were given honorable Mom}, I “nan ‘ reception be (“Tn an ljvefies meg‘ ‘re only 27,.'mention: Carolyn V. Simona. nfigmt ‘'l‘“°‘'’‘v ‘" lb" E“3l"°"i"3, ”b"“'3'- ‘-141 people in the county. The acre-! Charles (3 ClIYl0ll. l'3!'ncsl Flfihcl". - -,~io.n _i 3Il|ll‘dI." "Gill!!! Vlll bl-' ltlV’¢ll 0"" lage, however, totals 554.182, the ab: Ixila A. Wade and Anna 8. Rain . tcttrm ‘ m 9"’ K“‘3l‘u“3 C"'°"‘°"" ""1 “"—cond largest included in Mr. Er- stcllcr. . wmm laboratory stunts. The Knilzhtint: win-5 “st. , ________.___ Jonquils _ _ ‘ _ . _ _51_o0 per do,“ of t ‘ Ceremony in an event of import- C'n3“.a. Count. bu thifl.~¢- htllean Edwards Reported lmprorimz. Bea if I “rhuc _ ‘ once to the students ‘of enzinecn mute‘ wigh m ‘grace of $151?“-,¢ Dear. G. D. Edwards of the Bible u‘ u “us 100 rdo you-ma inn...r...m..rio e ‘ ing. in that it is bestowed. by theflld .‘pOpu1“5m of 23:00-;_ Bo'o,,elCollege. who has been seriously ill Beayaift: N ‘ ’ ' ’ ' pe Z" "__ ______ mg 5; _‘_ ‘ Knights of St. Patrick. on all stu- Count). h“.u,;rt’._,i‘ mm” witheat the Boone County liospitnl. is at u "e ....:..._ .:‘ to th ; dents Vb!) 8I}llf8Ct0l’ll,V' MEN ‘ill’! ‘n ‘crate of 430m‘) ‘ad a popu.:impro\-ing_ ' ' ' H"ac.inth8 ° ' ° 1'50 per dot‘ “‘ ' ’ ’ t "1 reouincmenta of student standards. mm of 29.6721’ Pike County but Carnations. any "11; d The list of sneakers is not yet mnmhm mm’ m um“ of g . . A ‘ ~~ or . . . . . . .. 1.50 per doz. "Mr ¢°"'Pl°l¢~ but film Will 5° "P, - -120,860 and population of 20,345. ‘Stocks. 'hitc and . , “ *"'l3llm ‘mm 1'" °*""'“°""!' Saline County has thirty deliveries,‘ AMBULANCE ; pink ~ . . . . . . .. .75 per doz.L 2°?” ad 3°”? lb" 458,095 acres and a population of 'Giant Snapdragona 1‘ ’ Lad ll 0!‘) & TIC I I 0\'."‘l' 28 26. 9 f u Comuany of St. Louis. Merrill Otis '8 ~ Ord'e- -n':1°50 I‘: 3'00 P°’$f%$ aired‘ T"?-[3_f'_\"n of thp S¢r\'i(*(ti —-7 ' '**~-' -r ' -~—- -— V- r -«- ~~- ——~- I’ A _ as u ‘S ‘ ! sons Commission. Jefferson City. on!‘ mmpt ufmtlon will be delivered - 9 the Attorney John c. Hall of St. l.o'.ii.r we Hold No Ctunnce Modern Equlnmcnl ‘ - 4 Chm will both give addresses. . D3)’ 03' night . b, l ‘ fin, niuu. 'r'o"'lii=:ciiF"'rt'i2sn.\\' Sues f P ARKER’S % um la ‘ om ' f am. 0. 8. Wood Issues oram for ‘ ' Phone 53 ' Phone 366 the in R. 0. 'r._ (1 Formation. \\ l// coed l Drill for the University It. 0. T 3 if _:_a ' I ('.._\1'ill he resumed next Tuesday. --—~ ._ T ' ” ' ‘”‘ ‘ ' ’ " " ' ' Dis‘ according to an order issued from . ' ‘ rum": headquarters by Haj. O. S. Wood‘ ‘ ; M“ Tuesday. The headquarters com- _ _ Rum,‘ pany. including the new_ advanced _ - A T 3 d” 01 men. are to form east of Jesse Hall‘ . ‘ / 1 § (hum on the sophomore drill ground. a’ ‘ t 1 Hm,“ . on who were in the sophomore - 500 /" battalion last semester are to r I ‘ dmm, » with the company to which they ’ t (-on”, were last assigned. These com- panics an: to form on the usual pn- ~‘ . _ radc ground. out of Jesse llall. ‘s ’ 4 Holes a picture you'll like I‘ ‘ The other men are to form on they . ground south of the C0-0pc!'8tiv(‘ see £|‘.o"e. . ; , ..:: ..:::"‘..;: far ahead as you r EMERSON “OUGH S of the campus with sections three: A Regular Full . ;n“'.‘.‘ Cake of canon-3 on. e 1-K.‘ _ .n;1",pu, ,,m,n§n?,n}mn,.f,;_ sec, can behind--—you’d . i (Author of “The Covered Wagon”) _T ‘ .i ‘ , ‘v ': v . l - . ~ : -* ‘- °“:" aw .. ., V. " eight. Cotnpatiy K. and section nine. “HS SDTIIIQ‘! 3 ‘A ~ 113;. §‘.‘.’.3"‘.i'.’. .2....".';.°‘°.t"'°...’.‘2':.":..‘:.’: , i k F, . o t -——~ ~ . . . . " i .::::,::. M °"“"._';§:.°3.'_°.".°.ff ‘hm’ ion; lgoinvellttotillejusslzajltl) . ’ With Alice Calhoun James Morrison Frank l'I°'housands‘oft§.1fWh°usevYivesu‘”hm i um’: lymmga 8"mE‘“' '5 "Em: Boat and Newton just so , . , . ' qty and vlcunty: are taklng advan‘ 1‘. I'..':ia‘a:' lé:::;;:::utIolum~ long to discover Gravity Sherman and David T°rmnc° tage Of the Special. 0581' -. u ‘ tlistri —-and by the law of aver- . on CREMEOIJ, the Cream of Olive - Thoniae P. Dlltfi. eanerintem 1 . . , .. '3 D (1 1’.-°.'.‘.i..‘iio.°‘..?.‘°..".‘.“.‘ °‘§..‘-"..l.“.° ::."uii°o§':i‘ jltlstlsscimllcllllgz ttounthlz: ' A Ell‘ 1-3 l»0m-b0y—rear'ed in the west and Oil S0395 BY special ‘arrangement . 31:14 «t . . . tern ted by bi cit luxuries -th th ufacmtet deah, - la 1... part of fliggoufi, _; ‘mgkmg g cut. you own 3 M Butt . p g 3' o W1 6 man 9 I!’ I & B‘ . gt", *1 0, ~';";‘,';og{;,,';,_"(;‘,‘j;:5',';$ now) to realize that’ ' will give you a 10: bar of CREMEOIL o_..... ‘ “ :1 :Inl:=l~G;’;:l cg Cglugr-7 B“"”‘_°'°"‘°3 3* . absolutely ‘FREE with each‘ purchase 7': '4' ';’i’§,(;‘,T . 0 a l- ; - l ‘ 1 {to he! i ‘ h‘ ' u - u, of 3 bars for 25¢. , I‘ will: '~...... '.’........"' "~.:..: :,.‘.:—$::.. $35 to :50 use ‘ m38' '.';fm.to:d‘£h:"2:& are the buvs ‘ ‘ ‘(ROLL like h ill R0} L cotmtt, 3,,.,_,,,. pm, ,,.,,.,,t,,, in Amelia ‘ e ' qualities, its tnildneae and its cream i 1' ’ ‘°‘“ "’°*"" "°°‘“‘° ‘“‘"'‘‘°‘‘ ‘“ A Cm-i t‘ 00 lather Highl refinedenddelieatel scented o 5 1 newspaper work. He says that at 5 '9 medy l ' Y . V l: "‘?‘"“ . in - with 30 blended perfumes. Ideal for outlet.’ 3 “""" f gzdtzzoaua ouifigeu °inytlf:mtl:i- 7:15-9 :00 bath and ' ‘ L ' ' ' n, in the soap }{'t.",,.f ._....._...’_..__...__. ‘ . y t : . Va-ybd it TI‘! I lllilollfloll treat. ad. ‘ ' ' ': i . . ; . ' t . " 7 for E Y’ Eve_“‘d.y. E and ~——» __ ‘ _ _I_ you . - - l 9 -in p .‘ .~——-. ._--, __ whatatl-ulywonderfu'leoap(.IRE.MB/t s Th 011.15. Goeo dealertoda h “ J. y ._ ~ r Ph 3', van: y,orp onelum;\ t .3;,,,, . shipment of fresh, we ;==e2u7ml “me andzet ; an r25ca.nd mother bar Ft:-c. _ Unit: . 5 . - -t . . v Fort fgngy ~ T ‘ye have M may to loan _ . - 3 . we ' .--’ * __ ,- ‘ . e write 1 naurance oral] kinda —~-_ ' - » l 1; ll _ * ' P Boretvbonds T hatprotectyou ' . “ l 3?“; ~ W rues g wmm. u .............. o . ,, . A . -2 5.. l 7 . A N D CATRON I A 5 . - 1; Ryan haven‘tall C aah.wlll1naketerma ; t r . _ . gt ‘ fol’: V o . . yew:-rte A u ' l . . ‘ of:-I 51.0!!! Plant City, -Honda. . let us write 1- hatnext policy . . '°'" » ~ *7 .."v--at n -=-mm»-2-r-=e ‘ THE CREAM or OLIVE OIL SOAPS l ll . eulers Market --«--~-- 0 . - .. . _ . ' . _ --,- _v -. we 1 , ll g,£.:‘.‘1_t. ~.'.= . .2 I, i. (:4.;b‘:,? ' . A,r':;jff...tr:__:;'E vi‘ V -,I .1‘ '._?___ _t ___‘_._,t_.lA._‘f“:’."_b: ‘ H l V " it i V T A i i \ it J“ I - , . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ '1 -- . ,o _ . ‘ V_ A J.“ . ,,., _‘ ‘ -. .5 .’-". " '.?.i _ZvE .. ' " 7 » 0 . '. ‘. 7 -‘ V‘ «.. ~ ‘\ ‘ a‘ ‘ It-I‘ mun. ' ‘ ‘ ’ 'v-1' ',- ,4 - . 1' w.._‘ '...i‘,, .5‘ = .. 1/: -41, z. . .. . _ 7 ;xi. _v --1_‘_,‘,‘. ,1 w ' ;- -3 _ ; A‘ ~ . ' ,_ - I 12;, ____§_ .. A.“ ‘ -¥fi‘{‘§"_":“‘ _ . .1‘ ‘ ‘Vt, _ __‘__ __e’_ u __ I __r___.N_____,;T ___v_.__,‘__‘,.,_.;_.,_.:. ...--5; _ . Lkuul.-.-.-t.a...1.".....1._a1i-5:. 4-. .,; .__L .__,.. __g,-_ _. 1 7- mtg: _._::->74. 1.. ‘ " . -- A.-' - '.-. . 2-. ._ -.' - '- . '1 . .‘§..:..t 3.. o . . - .. .1». __ .~.. --..--~- - A -- - - xv . __ I 3 _: ‘E ‘ii '.’