=4 ‘, 1 41¢. ... 33’. ' .‘(‘ ‘-3, L ¥ I _ . . ..l H , s i, - ‘ v I I . -4 .4 . ‘. . . ~ . ‘ . W‘ . _ ’ ., 2; . , _ Q‘ 7 '. 5 ». .4. t . ‘_ '_ A g Q ......_... ' ,_ ‘ - , .y . , _ s .' aooossoesse Qqocosooftt _A _ ' Isthodist . -'80 farhas the world cone to theflllion to my Wm!“ °‘ ‘“""“°'§ dqgaecording to some critics. that*1“3°"- V 8 islmpoasihle toget more than a_. super-'al’s 53:! . . gather-ii; the movies q‘nd:,_the divldual concern. ice cream parlors ‘are handy.‘ But let’: Imlte law ¢'nf°fl-‘emflll thworld,It«leIltthlspartottllo‘UV¢- .-,‘ world. continues. like the 'westher.. th disappoint the critic. Columbia seine 6 l l I ..... E I .' ~ . no-as--i ~ ‘Y ..... ..... . got‘-noygghedangerofallowingaiv Tile enforcement of the filth-, at any religioussteent Amendment is a matter of in- ; ‘ THE- OPEN COLUMN I g l j l 5 - —- -.~..-. lone , . vs ' - _ .-,i:-_"‘ 1 \u.-imam} _. .‘."'t"‘:"’-i 5 was tnwri. Our churches arewellat-i“"«- - Jéhhonnnmd - ' llaum should he sum. and each should he ‘ srnuurrzn. r-aoraiirrort or riii»; RAND0l.l'll ' '3] “ mm ‘"3 "'°°u"‘' dun"! ' ied the name a sauna ai!iznimsl.s. or IIOBERLY. Alli: AIIONG ‘flit-I rnw i'lt0FESSl0NAl. CRllllNAl.:mllel." sessnlll H! the week. - 'hsslsII1nt¢'m'*0'''““‘~'CliASE.RS IN rriis PART or rill: couirrsr. riirtv wizaiz llROUGll'!' -ro. ‘ ' ltbe writ: .' "This speaks Volumes In this day’ of "the automobile and commercial- slgnaturrs use he used. oN‘L l . "mm. , u M“ ,, ,,,,, STIIUIIPI-‘ZR ass asim A r-nornssi Ah- as non -i-iiirz'rr.. ‘'05 ""“'¢"""“~ ; ",".,',','£".,,,,,,""" I W’: ,5, .,,,,,.—.;rouii reruns mo rissr snciui itrsansrsn IN ill.00Dll0UNDS Will-IN riiz, ‘sun. was iziuu. RI-:\VfiNUI2 orriciza lN 1-iii: wi:s-r \'lltCl.'~'lA im:r.\"rAlNs - COL"R‘l'l'-38$’ « A common thing, an every-day oceurence, not an unusual quality; is Delease of the Students. Editor Missourian: Parker Fitch, former professor of be history at Amherst, declared Thurs- day in _a speech old; whiclrls often discussed; the “mom; A,,,,d,go,, courtesy of the old tow-rd the rouns that large numbers of college stu- which is rarely discussed but almost dents are drunkards, gamblers and as important: the courtesy of sfu- u M» W wen we com °:°::.t‘:."* ::,:.::*“:*°*’.$:..:*':=: of teachers toward students; cour- '“ Y ' ' R _tesy to our friends and courtesy to ms _ _ “E 'mmi°"-‘"0"’ of we“ i. ‘ we’ l’e'hr 's Mr Fitch is right, but he *3“ "'“""l °" Phnial ““’k i 9"‘ did riotiiaincakifor Columbia and the "53 if “'9”: ii "WM P""b‘b1}',"’° University of Missouri when worth while to exert 0lIl'lel\’¢8- made me statements. Perhaps self that he has only observed the superficial tnuiics lhnl students are doing. He does not go behind the scenes and see tha. hard poring over dry histor hooks. and the hours of hard study that most stu- dents put in. Mr. word, at fr-iaidly nod. a considerate act; but we resent, with reason, dis- respect or ill-bred treatment. Many of our actions are on the borderline. neither polite nor impolite, and such an infinitesimal efiort would make them courteous. Z U838 AND ABUSES _'l‘ber-earetimeswhen it seems ‘t necessary to arbitraryily’ pigeon- hole purple into specified classes. Books, magazines and papers are essentially the most important me- diums through which men and wo- tnen seek new kll0'i¢dCO.'IlI'|d here :i’uc‘li more Pwililinglyhtha {they go t is that we find a means of seps- C3335» 9|’ 3P9 l 9 W0 1'-‘KS0!’ i-" nth,‘ 9,0” '1", we the“. medium, as much to. blame for that state of ‘N am“ ‘ho “mu “mm. fifalrs as is the student. Students ' . ve to be interested. Most profus- mF"‘;:m° °°m?;:t “Ea” "nn; sors are not interesting, and do not ”‘ ' '°"1d _“’ “°'° ‘_’ rriake their students interested in knowledge and in doing so truts his .1,“ 9,,’ hue to ,3), The’. W, ‘friends in the most courteous and‘ themselvu on a higher plane and thohglitful manner. for are net wlcd trytoersm somuch ge books, magazines and papers hit gown Fitch could not have based percen was less than one-half of 1 per cent of the University. The hlr. Fitch men- ready frothy stories. play fids. gossip and go to athlet' "‘c”on KL: 9 But what of the one who abuses “Mm up kw “°d°".t "'°"“‘ A . 50° Iflldedill stltldly, and week 683" 9’ feral latamt are welcomed in thh colum- Alhert ‘ to the National Edu- . in Chicago. . card games, gossip and athletic con- ts " 4 i 1* ‘Purge for one-half the cost it would,«Vi€Ws and some stranirers that hill’- Mr-. Pitvh is so close a student him- ,.ock_ I: a students throat and then, their shoulders and bowl‘ ' Q - - . _ 4 i GENEVIEVE AND SATAH. ‘flit: "0 BLOODIIOUNDS IIELONGINC 70 H. C V ssr wen: IN lcur rill: TAIL or A rloasl: si:i.oi~:cmc no ARC}! l~'llAzll-IR or S‘l'URCf2ON._ :DURlNG PRESIDENT (iARFll'Il.D'S ADMINISTRATION.’ A —:—1q.-_.-__..-.-- A~—- - —~— —- . ., _--.. _...__.. _.__ _:_..._..__...j.. ‘—"“l—-‘—‘_#'” ' " ” cards than ever before. "(‘ards‘."' I IN AND OF MISSOURI 3...... i over here in the corner. 1 , or Girl Scouts of iianiias City h:i\'eAy°" “am? A°"d"_""? _ 5 mskod pvrmission to place signs in That is all. Pictures of the Uni- .Swop¢- park asking -people not to {pluck the flowers and spoil the nut- A be t ' th it.‘ * . . .umi 1"’ 5 of 9 mr 'lfll.O ti corner and, in many cases,‘ The state liighwa; department’ _ {estimates that it can build 1“ d to have forgotten their epistence. aurface roads with gravel recently‘ “It's mostly new students," said. County near La-2009 10°!‘-1 den 9!‘. “who buy these: I ' 7:30 ‘found in Lewis pen to drop in. There's really no de- ‘ ' st illlfie mand for them any more. We )0 to build them with crushed’ —~—~—-— ll: ' Th? DPMOIOYS Wm hbld 1}"-'3!‘ . slfild be someone who wants some,’ fourth annual meeting. at l{nnsas.we'll have them." Tuesday and W - -——-———-—-—-- : since its PLANS LEADERSHIP SL'R\'E\". .-founding. it has grown from ne -—-—:-7 _ . Tdre" ?club with nine members to 1.167 T“ B’ "me by (':'t';';"" s“'d°“‘, uni‘ jchapters with 125,000 members. C°“‘"‘ City Monday. ' xnesdsy. In five year‘: "mm of 6330 pounds’ was shippedjganization. to begin this week. The from that town. recently. ;bacco was of high quality, consid-in” “‘°""”“"* ‘l"~‘l" :ering the inexperience of the grow- 3’‘‘”°'‘31 °‘' Iers, and there are indications that {tobacco will be cultivated there on'p"°_d'_ b“""g “ 1'5‘ °{ W"”"°““" ,3 large “aw in the {mutt 'qualities and personal questions. 0. B. \\'hitaletroleumwoducts'stallllmes.' ‘ " ‘ t .. v - CW‘ fllaked daily at th iioorzl. BAR-; The WILHITE SEED i i “V9913 ,_.ll_!l.-9 Poll PLAY 7,“ ' """’°,n"°'*' '"“ ‘ ""‘°“ """'ll-znr under the mist sanitary con.-’ ‘. , COm)ANY "in°“”°9' "M 1.. 3‘W||I'¢°i°°mnInr '~ 4"‘ “P3-: . ~ they have Just received is h’ - ’ ‘ - C.‘ ht '.".¢.".'.‘—hdbu‘,‘_§d::.oiSfl and of the best iflfrtdlentli ‘ p 8 T398 ipment of bulk ,gar- a.. $7 (0 CE! that . J*“. by & ,1 gr - hktgitgznziolagofim l;and.° """'°~ g den seed from their northern warehouse. This seed T 1934 ' N"’- 1 33 1 . i'd-°-¢-fl»-«'‘— . -~ ‘A. BUBENHOFER ? -c ‘ u °°°""""“"" -“N hi“!- on 5, ,5,‘ ‘,1, in’ An-,n~gold tea a lea.-and 'the now i is true to name and shows a high gerrninatiom we : _ 136 v pllona. — y . i 43...... Q. c_,,,,u,seene rm Aunt Edith sent fro the 19 N Ni th sum. . ' - 2 I-la in:,,“°°*‘°- “me: an wentmwest. rimii 1164 ’ ""‘"“ 5°“ ‘° 5“ °“’ “eds before you buy. We handle 3 a_''‘‘' 3”‘ of the sutunnguégelsustionn at - 3' .‘'‘l ,‘5§.§';'¢'T':“:f;u,d ¢nm.. mb"m fl:°‘“"‘¢"i‘ Our Bskeg ‘for 1..._ this seed in the bulk so that you may be able to see i F Wen-n asses sq-soapy gm.‘ < ' ‘ 3 jiltiathesillseatotthetoothall I ‘'~ yum’ what youarebuying. ' § $"""*"‘h“3Hl1i_0n55<_3m.illg ' ‘ ‘ lsprfqsss edectsd tor} '1!'Iitr- V —— c 0' " ' ’ new iuiimio.-f """""'-i-mic: =-..-.=-.= We also have a LAWN. a VEGETABLE and . V ‘ c t l~ .- .uti..uiuim-gut ;.a....;I-eetiueananot vaunt- ' ' .. _ _ E ~ _ snwl’srthesu0¥';l!Dk'@d' islu'~iv~i-‘anaemia: Picture. 'l'he:e was til...“ he DPHO G POTATO femhw‘ from which we have had ‘ i ‘"5 9*" Phil! cf the bead sue a E. ‘A um. !u..m,3fronil.ouellainNewYo!'k.l0,0- hi wees-slsssassxssrt P°’'“f0rthelast¢woye,,.,_ ,, p__ _ y s°Idu:..-slim daisy it was whose: ‘ll-is - , , up |'GIlII¢t.cos£dcms ,5. Sslllras. ‘_ ,«5fl_si1y_ mtme,hlum,’ ytsrer and can give gm.“ See her i V __.*_. ,3 ‘.-- -.-A 5 - licruli. ‘nerd and emclast service. We also "3 We You buy your seed potatoes ma _4 a _ , . .. ' 1- '- -' V‘ c.i‘."€’i i i and :.i"..i....‘ an mu id f°" the hitllest quihty of field seeds. ‘T ' ii ll 0‘ I. .c.__:4 A>.‘ - .}:’H.‘';‘~'.V._ . _. V.“ . i 1 .. “L n _ ‘ ._,. z.-if-9:}, t-“Q: ,,_,_;,.;.'i.',....,;'.,.1..h_,~3*,-.',_‘~’_-‘ g ‘ Y0}! will find.us at 114 N. 8th .¢__-, ‘._f, 1"‘ 3,3 (H ‘ .y i .- .‘.'r-.~‘.'_x,.»_-,_ _..H;;.*,,_ __ E 4 0 1% - o ;. , . . _ 3 . , - tr. . - i-.. Fh"‘i@'¢, _ . e“.l9mGneen . & - I ._ , ., ._ ‘. g y . -.- A xx.‘ .5‘. - J . ._»v.V n‘ ‘N. 4 I’ .. . Lf : If _; ‘ - . ‘A ‘ ‘-1 ‘.3 It’ I,‘ .- “ , . 5 ‘ ' . Z; ._ ‘ .- ' .’__ -- :2 5‘ 3.\,,,;.~‘. "- ' ' “'1"" -.~- -§- r-‘.'. 3“ . -r -"L-::'.'. -\-..:-_, v"..T".;" if’-' ' ‘L; . .. ‘ ._.‘::;‘"_A_~&--”:h':_‘-.. ‘N « .;-. kt” -if-, 5;{"‘;—..-¢.f50»gA':.’_.. ‘-._—‘_ t. ‘ _ .‘