6 I SIX PAGES, 43 COLUMNS * ' ' COLUMBIA, URI. TUESDAY, MARCH 4,1924 “ ’ LAST EDITION L Ntfhi“1§§R'i5Ti‘ **§,7,,,,,ses~ "COUNCIL TAKES 1 -ms wnoinsn |wA'rER.L1Gfiij :;-.r.-.:-:..... irfif s. MARINES “"”°" O1i.”1itZt”cN.tT1'r7s"” I __ .‘_,_n ‘ ._ ._ ;,r.- .V"‘.. . -_'/._:_ A, ..:‘_: ‘_ _ ___"__-2 ‘. .‘_ ‘ ‘ -_ 3 ‘ _ _. .. , V .. . . ‘_ 9.‘ __.»_~ £4 ._, -arrbilv; , .1 — __ ‘N. , ‘I ._ . .\, _ ._ ‘_ , ._ ... -§,._ ._ - . _ _ ._ ‘ ., _ =-*-"~ ~—-« - . - .-.- r ~ « » . —. . *3.» .'*:.*~»'~+*3»...r&.-:.i-*’—.::-:‘=_—-«-~-. .'_.*~-..s::~.~.r..~. .1:-2:‘: .".V~___. -« « -.. ,_...g._ {-5. I». 7..-,_~ V . . :. . ., .. ._ . _ _ . V , . _ . .. ‘ I _ of .NO ACFION ON ;;cn,.._m.;;, REPORTSH ,‘ , «ARE WOUNDED PROPOSAL T0 0 . Our World ‘rive here tomorrow. . tonight as to so. i : W ham 0,.“ cm, Some Believe New Ofi'ice r-‘or Illssourl: oe_n—er-eny fair to-;Figures% by J. E. Barnett; ,,., ,,, mm of -ntoinohilu in d°*n;[ Would Not Be Justi- ”‘4" "" W°"‘°""" °° “°’ "°‘l Secretary, Give 'I‘pta.1 6 .P"‘“*° *°' W ’ " jtreeta construction 0 - c—.—:—-———-_—— .c-m-o - -—-—n:._—\n¢-m AUDITING PI.A_N?'%..‘=‘.‘2.':..t.‘.';‘."".:...*‘:‘:" LARGE PR ;';g. “A *- 2:. : IN HONDURAS . s'°=':.‘°i‘i‘«»~‘=s‘o.°°'r‘=‘;'~‘f"‘-?=’a»‘?~".‘I% WALSH SHOWN ' 6” Ac: .C‘3ib3 13 Eumed by Gill" ?.."L"f.o"2'3§.7.'L'r’€'?I.'.'..°§f..'§"i.i’.°..i'.f.§I‘. Senator Presents His Cor- emment TTOOPS 38- §',;‘fl,‘_"° Fm“ ”‘“’“"' °“‘“'°"- respondence With DO- E 3 I is i 3 an 5" 5 ..i 5 we 1 night; slightly farmer west portion‘. aaperts told the American men; n ________ ‘st M!" "'1. 39-01 cm =02. N "P; Railways 5850651. U03! ‘"0339! ; ’ ‘'‘'-_'’_i l 2 ‘inst I-wit» 9"“! L 3"!» Pm‘-IDISCUSSES. Cr” ICE PLAN? manna ooinurs 8UlClDE W PU-r——-———-— N B .._-_.._._- The Rev. G. W. llatcher. a life _______ 1; [LL BL1s}{ )m)s‘ , . - ‘ [NE IDCKS DESTROYED long friend of Mr. Sampson, will. - , . - . A __ ; “man -————-«me DROPS Mum, 3”“ in the umm_ ‘DECLINE-II) AM Di;ALiM:s D9 §E ‘.'-L - Id 0 * . . A , L. W. Smith I'll] dCll\‘el' . - must stop in all cities fiable 30631188 Of Wmesginghut “mum” mum ' Gain fdr 1923 we a,:d.;: _ fore Abandoning iaermon. The body will he buried in: heny to Investigat- .,-, l J. . ,¢lieve tralfic conlfittifillo traf-I Expense. . Q °u'“p"°:m "cm. “The pic". I the Clty. ;thc Columbia Cemetery. . ing Committeg. ~. :7 it! the! . ~~ ""‘—‘ = I - 4 . . —-—--~- _. .~ ~‘'.'‘‘’“‘‘? °"¥‘“‘”“°"' ‘° . - ‘ “"“‘— Decrease of E in: ——————— e :Add;1 ° 5 '1 ° '11 be r 'hcd’ . - 5 ;, rpm eieetne railway men from-etr,C0mml.tt.ee ‘to Investigate r; a. T_honipaoa, of Howard county. X93339‘ dtoeeitoo New Low merit ‘Pods! at. '5 will Pr°t°°t'°n °f lb, R.ml"Jx.”cLu::':s sopra‘r?(>ms‘olo-'hIal‘es D'S°]°S‘"'° to Fore‘ 1’ , wmuge :;tou:h:";L:?3 P0$1b1ht1% of Bl-111d‘ F :";‘_h8‘" with 8:“mm' 11 Is '8 U udufls “’ 0"’ D°""' ' Amencan Interests list and by the church quartet The? stall Cl"l8l‘Q0 Of S9(‘!‘Cl. - 3"" _ - '; . _- . . A.. . . ompson,:a armor ‘vim: ' I 1. In Press v _ t '. _. _ ', 1 _ *_ _ neas byautomobtles. ! mg Municipal rte.t:'edBu!1.(gléeH§Irn8d:d co..nt_,._ mg. _ fir raruosé“ "B321-chm 4.;-c'1;l;‘o:cn May Be. Sent to \tillCbci“.\;:i1clfi.I Negouauons Wm] mm" A..;..;.,. 1.-....¢, . :_ ' I“d“5u'lv’- ;‘;:°°fin;"'mmd,“ fig, '”;”';‘§fmn_l v ' ° -.5 .,,,""“°,,._.,,,o,, M0,, M, ,0 , new ,0... T98’l,1¢1£’.31P3- {Alex Bradford. J. n. Somerville, Ail Californian. f —~-——-— ~— . i . "W" . - ~ ~——-- ‘f . , 2 . ‘ - 4.3930,, 0,, the pmpond o,.d;mnc¢ The top-of his head was blown on.: The Lolumlna water _and light dc-;N¢°l'd. Bellini»: It 24.75 to the 651131’. By Un fin; 3:32" “ R Sud" “din, r;,,;.,.g pm. itnd Pr:-us. j .10» ; 5' -¢r-¢.g_m¢ ° . mm 1 53.5,. Thompson's wife. who heard tht-Irzartmcnt made a total profit 01* 5 ¢°"°"""°"t “M05” , “P9”. WASHINGTON. March 4.—Scv- ,,_____________ - wA5};m(;-j~o;t; M l 4.____]:‘ , Mqflly in the world. rests hi ‘gem wt, cigdimr. ingoduced elf: shot. fell down a flight of stairs lg. ‘$126,025.15 for the city dust; tlicflid (tihc cantinisg falil of tlr:-flfrisnc crnl é\e:lll?!'l;:n Jnarineadhavc bheenl T HT -‘stalling efforts on ll)Lx“r]f:t‘r't of 135:- j .. _ _ (‘,0 31 L L 1,.“ ‘d,,.a faint when she saw the body. an ,year ending December 3!. ac-.738 00 “'0 -W| 9 SINK‘ 3 00-pv.'_oun in on urns an more! n C ~ 0 C : 1- - ‘ .. . .. ’ ’ Ypfk 0fl¢"t3h‘l-50 ll in“ b°°°m° fa‘-tzcd ‘Egan’. cit). C:_mc;.s.t i“‘was paralysed by the fall. cording to a report of J. 5. 3833013.; ' " '“"""'""""' ‘N119 5410370 blocks Of the city of? , "1 mnuoncm to cm mm fir The 0‘"|¢1‘l 5359?‘ “'0 Cull‘ remnu. muting Int nizhh f Burial took place at New llope ‘ secretary of the departrncnt.'Inadc IRA Cciba ‘pro in druins. according W W’ i ' . . . Chapel yesterday. Thompson, who ‘public today. ' ’ - ‘DON! "9 10 33- 1 Jo ; etthouzh scientists will not so so~ “ l'°‘°‘“"°“ “"“'”"".°‘ “‘°:o«ne 52 years old, is survived by '5' 1.,-l r $126,825.15 repre-' The .~..,..',.-.,, ....,g,, unconfirmed .,.t , _ __ _M , ,, , . . , g. ' “" “"3 °"'°” W °’w°" um ‘°o'""’°3.'” . c°::i‘l'itt‘ee rt»? "'i"°"' “’° "°'-"' ‘"5. ';‘ "“"“““". Tsenu“thacmf(:iil:>i~inz itemucashslini I-N ll"-‘ SW‘? D°P“""‘°"‘- “'9 “*5 ll’ Welfare Socie ' to O on Qlntonimitttlre halice was used b the early I‘ 3'03 7 - . ~ - - P 9 P the C led Y bun“ ‘ ‘lcusuownad ‘ml opcfngd ofry over financial matters 1: not the yen,’ ;6,‘.280_29; lnura‘ on tuvc been recewed by the flaw De_N :b““_“m himself and E. L. Dohony' s uncovering of the oil scandal, Senator Thonms J. Walsh of Mon- tana sprang a new sensation lay ‘V Christian ‘ fice punt’ was introduced by C°un_l:::u$iitéi§: have been the cause of ,bonds andbonds redecmedr.‘l$3.64_1._I9: was an Organizer of the ipartment. . ‘ Bureau Ill .EX.Cl'l3l'lg€ Cambfmia on magnate‘ regarding '_‘ (bin, 3. . 3|“) fcilrnan F. L. Graves and passed by. ‘ __ _;_‘'"‘:°'‘5’(5)og°‘'f ‘° 3°33 "°'9."‘° . - 1 Bo k f , The N"? Depfiflmeflt 8333 '11“ Bank Building. in suggestion that they become as-— . ‘ . ” 'n,,¢5g¢g-h|o¢"pq'h¢ing{or-med,thc ¢0llnc3l- ‘"3 ' S 't ‘:0’ ul’fI2'.’10_ ‘O n . ; Centra an O 3" ‘"“°"‘°““ w°“’d °°m° {mm ...____ ‘ ;sociuted in Montana oil operations. ,6 In the house expects to ltt I 2.75; In Kiving his reasons for sun-‘ L 4- TLe£::u§nd::i;)g$51'abor 1; ya’; ". ‘$08543:-Cdba ‘d mi Arrangen;cnts werle made ftor thcjifhe Ic)orrc.spond_encc disclosed that r cent beer law through the next. porting the measure for a purchas-’ 7 . ', . . . 2 _______,_ 9 “"1108 0 W15 38* ;0D€l'Iti0n 0 8!! CHIP 0)'m¢flt 0'93"; 1151 Ocember Walsh Mid "Ohm? ' 3° ‘As theilrst step toward ing agent, Mr. Davns told of the PPS C ?°" W 9"’ ';m°‘.":c:;fm “:1 In Thom" Gwben Stone‘ an be the last more of the government; for Columbia, through the officczqhfc cxchai-.ging letters and .t¢-le-. this goal each member of the “bloc"'necd for a change in the present; 4 ' , .t_' "15r°°5'f'n"°° um" ‘ ornniw ",4 form" c.,},;,,,- of the "OOPS 5950!? 35805001118 “N3. Cit)’-$07 M188 Helen K. SNPP5. if 8 dl-‘grams relative to 1!. possible associa- ' _°’ M v39 - - battle between govcr-nment~ rectors’ meeting of the Public Wel-_. rim, in the d,-gum, of off,“ well, which. it is now claimed, nurnbcrrgbusiness policy of the city, which he‘ ..~———..— , , .. Central Bank f Columbia, died in ‘The _ . ,w__gill introduce a bear bill in the said was loose. inadequate and anti-’Sl‘la.Cl( t0 BC Removed—_ £‘:ssh:r‘:p:;eg°f";nrgg«o{ . Anmqu°mue' S. "0, Sunday worm forces and the army of General l'-‘ar- fare Society yesterday afternoon. in _\go,,._.,,m_ A u.k.zmm {mm Do- _ House this week. No claims in be-. quated. The necessity of establish-' . , , , , _ in; of tuberculosis, He was the son "‘“‘ “"5 “ld ‘° h}“'° bu“ i" P"°‘* Miss Shipps said that in her two heny suggested that Walsh or his ice: made of victor? in the Pfiesentfirtliz kl s)';tlem_twl¢iiich will grortd 3 Council Grants Sub- l:Izce_t:itI;»trI u_r}:|c t::u::3n;1:v*;1dM:°‘B*:' of Mr. and Mr-ls. \i'o:,i.er Krsltonef of »8“:‘;d::€‘°"°i T°¢“i°"“’P'* be ‘fiend. of eoeai work here {she has brother John join him in the work. ngrcss. CC 0!! Cl )' epartmen .1 I ' i n i . L ‘ _ _ ' . Colugnbig and ivcd (31-Q untj a cw I011 mar I88 fl-ll)’ SCH ‘ Oflll I num 1’ O C3305 0 DUB!!!“ “' |l.h D 1' . [I ‘ l . ----r ;times by the council and city of-, stat_0 cense 1"“? "°""""T‘i°" ‘° ”"i’1‘”hu‘° rears Ice before going to Alba-l‘° T°&'°°“"P“v “"3 "‘P““ °‘ H°""P‘°5"“¢"l- -‘-" i'“"“"“'"*° “”"°"l w 14...? §:$;:.i In T0 0983 UP uefflll. Ill.’ .ficials, ismrgent. Mr. Davis believes.‘ A hum“ ‘O opgmm ‘‘ subsmuon ‘'6 "5 ""~'°‘"‘3 1”‘ "‘3l“" V .qu uc, ‘dill’!-'s. to protect American intcr- of employment possibilities will be.“ lea‘, r'ml"?; "1; ‘Damn ' “\.‘lsh The grand Jury impanelcd_ in the; Mayor Cites laataaces ' ‘t Conley "ewe ‘M Gen"), puck. The first part of the report shows Announcement was received tad ‘ests, the State Department indiamade and an employment service, said *1‘; hag -‘it finwkc to (zgngc in of In” to M.y°f McDonnell"in . f0uowifl!:w‘s gamed the ‘renew co. by ‘ “'88 0‘ the {nnenl 6er\,ices' at “ve‘. todflyo f\Vnl M mned In her Office "1 the: ary business dcpcndhont on “over”- nctllt (“I1 5353 “id l'°°'l-- speech supporting the measure. told! .- ,. . -water, light and power. Collections - - _ Marines were landed last week at Exchange National Bani: Building , , . . b the bit) Council last night. The_ ton.“ 2410., his birthplace. this after Cab‘ fouowing an attack on the.” soon '8 an‘ ‘S computed. lmcm {M0, m any d,_.m.(.(._ “ K1,}, '. were instructed City, 11 ' ' lrf , , I h di , 1' ds, ri , Ah’. ‘Judge E. N. Bowen to clean tip Her-‘_r:l:;?l:rig:1:t'i‘¢:ernwl,1!et:n'ht:n$|sdmbe4;r!:.xmnt f°u°w°d‘”‘°rd “eel” of 1°- - vi-Jdrrniiifsic hlinkuintttr-‘eft. I':!e|:u mo American consulate. Mg.-3 sh; ,. fm-they ,-990;-ted; aw" "‘°"“°"°d ‘hm -"°‘"" “‘!° h" J - rln “Vitlloflt fell‘ 0? ‘CV01’-" ufflfiiroquired to sign payment voucher-5.8“ commier-W in‘ which gm Com- jcurities. etc. were $16,263.53. n'iak_-' M’: Sm.“ W?‘ a graduate of Co.‘ There "9 3°“ W?” Amelia”-Gist ‘she is cl‘?-operating with W. Iddedined '.° lmrucimw. i" " "h°°" N555? i" I H33 0? 835-3180 °!'-;without havirilr any official assur-lp‘"y ‘"3 “cc re um" ‘ tense‘ ‘ing a total collection of $264,369.15 lumb“ mgh ‘School ‘ad was ‘ale’ V°55°1" ll‘ H°“d“"‘" “""3"5- i0livcr. superintendent of schools. ini""‘°h ‘"°’°“ b°"'“’“' " “V” ‘med A fl"0T3h1€ "Ole by “"3 ¢°“n¢u dictorlan of his class. ‘He was End ibn a government louse. ‘ity 110138500 WI! the 031! WM “mlancc that the money was being uscdi lfrom all sourccm * . ., . . — “'“"‘*-"-‘ ' ttcm to ecur th regular at- would excuse a man from inf!’ dul-}'.for the purposes intended. He said}2£3:_vn?y'§o'::§n;?n&:::°::dL‘hej The receipt, hue been di5t,.;buu,d..““‘°f’ if""1‘;0_:h° I;£“°”"":A °{B N25’ 1‘ igndancepiif as numebcre of school? ' "1 Weft‘? to be WOUKM °"¢"“°_"‘ $300!!‘ 83135388. 939 N480 “la: lthe loose policy now used in con-‘proprietors of the ivcuow Cab Co. ; as follows: water. and light fund, B. will fiemergbtr 0{'the' meg. k ‘children in Columbia. She has con-Tsitivc rather than be under suspic- “""'—"" ducti th b ' ess f the .t . , ‘ 232,1"7_¢"; f ad, .735, _ fgd h 1,; Li 1’ ~§ion of havinr utilized the position 3""'°' "5' 3° " ishouldgbe at osice. u y— fiwfinzufimfgn to kI:_:i°’:,n‘2 ‘ :7; ,-,;¢::¢ fs.:3;m;'9,a;3,o5;“bond. Gunm‘ Den’ f"w".'"'5" h S N caszi. ashfinsfird. ogh: aftiiaf to which nu; people have elevated .1 ‘ « E:‘:::n:lfyl:. Councilman T. J. Rodhousc voicedi lot mnud ,; gm, come,-p_” ‘redemption fund, 812,936.04. . wantshpft.‘nlt’;’ 3-‘tee’ i‘nc:u‘;-‘gfcc mgifgncsi :helped Mrs. F. A. Middlebush con- i me for my owrv. profit," Walsh said. _: . Eh“ “fie comp” “due “this opposition! to the ordinance in the Democratic nomination for Pres-‘ "3 ‘ 1‘ ‘us further ‘mud to ago: Total deposits the banlt are . _ 1 h Dd w_ ‘duct the orthopedic clinic at the. Walsh had been warned that he 1” original raft because, he al-jdown the duck ended at this c0,._.8260,54l.22; securities refunded to‘?%°n‘sc°ymf";:‘nri:cdnw:-bee gem ‘Indud? 75 Men Repre' Boone County Hospital Saturdaytcorrespondencc ‘was going to K . d. it embodies the city-manager_‘m.,. ,5 an 03-3“. ‘M to gash" 3 mg, ' customers. $3,754.06; and cash in Bank of comm“. of which Mr“ senung Boone County morning. ~ luscd against him in an effort to lege *9 ' “""- ‘ "'“"°"‘°“‘ ‘° 9”‘ W“ ‘°" form or go.-ernrnent and further be - » I 73.88 Th 1 d‘ trib - ' ' ' ' ' «nuke it a r that he Wat chm- .‘ -- - f , ’ ‘pitch on 8 post or in anothc - ‘,‘u t‘ 3 ' 2 mm is U’ Sto ' h‘ t'l th ti h ' ' ' Mrs’ “' B‘ B‘sh°p' "mimg nun“ ~ ppen- - - ' j‘. turd hfin‘ bum in Prov!” ‘or: cause he did not believe any vItal,:.enic,f._ put‘ The council ggszgd tion was $264,369.16. k_flncC:1‘:m;?: ‘cg-bag.’ “Hie D15tncts° rcportcd glut Mildred 1'-‘relic;-_ wlloidestincly _ncgotiatmg with Dohegy . . an wpp°r“" “y-need forn city buyer and booltkeepcr’u,¢ license on condition u,“ we. List of Expenses ' I "“’.""‘ ‘ ‘WIS seal to the Mercy Hospital inljust before he brought out darn- "’i"' . yexists. l-lc advocated a system of L mmmny live up to “,3, .‘,,emem_3 The,oxpense sheet in the ropofi, Tl“? 1924 ‘P9°'""“°"l5 f°l' m‘d§l(uuas 'lty for special orthopcdiclaging dior!_os_ures whfillid i£'.'I¢::"(-t'l i - ‘ " ‘A lair c n. 180v _ ' .—_...—-.-... . _ _ , , | 4 He was the first secretary of the 5 an. ‘Whom ‘he mum}, ‘.-» . .‘ * baa! §[_-‘Q Firegennatl Police. ;::l8l’_""‘yD°l':?h téoemhezlnnmelnlzlpo Chars: ar'!::¥.;rirl::lv acg.-aibnéo :1: !;lIh<>cwsha‘t.eost:le¢:x:;r;cnr;: (Li Club of Columbia. :,:~:':r!:0¢.nmun;d by we 'Cn:unty.ct::,t‘zpegB will at least be P3:llY!Pl:“ o -met“?! - J1 We “'50”-', 0 - ""3" ' l V ~ ‘=’ " 1”’ .. " iclcrlt. Sewentysfive men lo-‘ ' " . ~ ‘. -' .—»'«.£. - . 7 ’- §..tl>¢.c1!o.!s'9\:et:zmoat..M:.il«od-ope:-aurigthesuod at Conley avc--"'*'-*"W"'°"“m"- .‘ FFIR 4 - ’ . . ,2 firs. hoprewrtedmitms’l%3- '. 881 ‘‘:ud::,eupb‘u.°“m 509” 3”“! 59 °PP°‘°d ""593 3 nine and Gentry place before pcrmis- 3354.32 ,f°’' ‘“ °"'l" ‘aufu m Marta" ditzené during February, 83 of whic.b~"'-"‘ pa new olfice because the blurb nluv sion of thccouncil had been granted, I'M‘ frellrm 0" ml» 377-3 '"’‘"‘ °" "' "°°" “ v i . , , rue; the‘ - . - ~ ,_ l , vat: '-or saléreh 4.--Fil- 8 VOW ""33 35"" h“ d°'3necessary to pay a competent busi-‘win be dropped. general revenue fund. 10,172.10: T,for the annual term. . i:::1;°:‘ v°'f°t:_’i:“““‘::‘f:'Vc:5dmfi. in: due‘ _ JR; Mmcnvs on “m ‘bl if u'°,°°u”"k i‘ “mfriess man to manage the city's af-1 , ...____.__..._ land material for both water and -x ’ t J The court Wi11.m¢€t Ill"! _m-“Kine” 9.3,, 1 your old, 'rw¢ngy..l‘l;g has been layod. _ V 3’ an Pam “me by t°.'fIi|’I W00” will 11101’? 111131 8115'; fcllfities I'M 3183.955-15~ The will .-._..._ p5_3’~'-Rd‘? $0 °°”3‘d°" ‘"3’ "°“3_““'lvisits were made to tclth mothers Atlec Pomerenc. special counsel, Ii. he will arm 1.000 fl!!fll¢fl,gfl8Slble saving that might be~cf-1 ‘ Ecxpcnse not including refunded se- Waived in tions, and make further appoint-gm“, to give pm”, an to gh¢;,,'fo,.°cut ’.ut,_.,.d,y that the suit ‘M “'.° ‘hem “ p'u°h"°“‘ I tcurities was $188,966.16 The total ,n1enl-8 1} nE¢¢88ll'Y- Bond Of 31.000 chgdmm jwould be med within , few hour... U .8. ‘huh Dem Gnu” naked.‘ Mayor McDonnell recommended; ‘ I lI‘ED .paid out by warrants was 3196.334.-K C358 Of JOl'lll L88, is required tit each. ovcrseér. gal-: D‘ E. Md", field ‘gem. "ported % but when ‘mefiwwod man). he “id ‘The mic debt of an ‘Unwed that eaclrcounctlman study the.p'ro-i 81. Cash pecnritics paid to customs Murderer. ‘lowing are eappolntmcri ma c. am“ he Md spent ‘Z88 durum thc:um ‘ommmcnt petition (0 “Md ‘ska. {:3 bee reduced “$8.871 _j. ordinance and form an opinioné -—...____.. _ lens was $3354.06. This amount.de- __ _q_ .\“Clara-0. r. heithley. 1.. 1.. lemon. Frcdfmonth um an be dilmbuud mm: the 0“ kn" ..p,.o,,ab1). wm not be m d . " ' .of it before the next meeting of thus, L, Slaughtgr President ‘ducted from the total collections 3 Um“ ,,n___ *‘ ‘‘;‘°'‘'. W _C A ,0 .r_ C Bhkelpieces of c1°u,;,,¢_ Q, 1.“ ludgmed 10¢”. because of several mm- ‘"'l"3 lb’ '”t 3'°”' It '”‘council. ‘ . shows a cash gain of 864.280.fi. ' 731;“;-ERSON C”-Y M ‘ ""7" " ‘ ‘ rm‘ 0 - ~ : . ' . fifth 4-— morn .mncty-three calls at his office and. top; which hue come up for xrm- "ducal ‘6o'5o0'oo0 in Febmuy 3 5'” I“ R‘‘° 1‘ “uh i of Junior Chamber Th“ “W” "1" “h°‘“ uni’ them The State Supreme Court today} 5W"'*“"'*“- L w‘““- W’ W‘ ”"““"3has made fifty-five visits to homesjt sjdgnfion," ‘ The P'uu_"—_"""l min”, of rum‘ In proposing the building of a c‘ ' - ' J 1 I 3 V. . . 3' V of Commerce_ was a 826543.83 gain in the collcc~ infommuon is not ‘gut. in an-km- love. w. ‘ll. voorheie. _ HM “id. 3 Pomerem refused ‘U add to this ' nu-V on-“my. .Mkhi_§l(‘¢ plant, Councilman F. L. Graves tions of 1923 over those of 1922. The hem mu the techie‘! {om of an ih-E;:.tralia—-C. 1». Walrts-colt. r. 11. Rodi ‘ Tmufivc pm“ were nude for “.3 bmwmem “Np: to my and were greeted’ M .;'?.::..'r.;':.! . 5; ‘~.‘°‘‘‘.;.**'‘‘‘:' “* °.‘:.°.*°“.."'°*i- .:z*‘*°;-:.°."':.::: :3§3..;:':.:”f.’.*3f.; 3": "°““ .2," ..*.:~..".-.:.*.*.-.. J- M" "“°*:°°"‘:.‘;:.*". °° °‘ ‘ - ' e nior - comnc , or e " - , ; or w a - vv i£;‘alh°nJo:ha;?.pp:l!;':l¢ol.bia'ncordin‘ m Mr’ C'nv°s'.p‘y.'...Co!:nm:t’ncc al aumcctint ltireldrlagi .' .°‘p°"."‘lmourrder of Preston Young. I fe1l0W‘D,?;‘,°:h§f':i_°;":::c:fIlB_ W’ 'iir.ations of Columbia arc Drepnring.f'5°?)"v'm, J_ Robert.’ h;S’m1k.um,(.' quick death if the efforts of Gover-.69 °°"“ ‘ mndred ?°""fi" whmh “' night in the Commercial Clubr"‘ 19?? °f ‘38'955'6" "°‘ ’"°(‘l‘fd’"“ convict. { aoei~.eoort—itoInh Baldwin. auto. Jo.3The latter part of April or carlylalw "fused .0 mm _ mt Mu Gmuheck ofruichigm toihigher than that paid by consumers» roonm R Kemp” Reid was elected securities refunded and. bon i. re». Young W“ nabbed in o,_..obc,_ w.__ 5' .,_ ,,mb,__ "4 w_ cm,,,,_,_ :5“), ‘"5 wt .8 ‘ u9um.e d.u_._ , .___ _ _ have his name removed 'are an ’"‘ M°b°""' S°‘.i‘!"" Sprfngfield “lid vice-president and Frank St. Clair,’d°°m°d‘ This dean" m “Dawes 1922. durinx 11 W180“ filth!» r°"'“"‘::B"" :1 "°:"§,":;"'M" 5' “°":;:; The need of ‘addltionll °m°°f'Saya Wm. Burns Gave Justice (‘ode ful. However. it is the opinion l°u'°" “f “'9, 5"‘’"°' °’.'“i°‘ "' if’ t W. Roger Hulett and W” due t° ‘he ha 1"“ um" Judge J.o'l'. White, who wrote the ;_“';,'mm__:'n_ :3,‘ ,,:n,,_ ;,'I__ 5. afurniture‘—.a desk, a typewriter dcskjm U_,£_d ,.,,_,_ Ludo‘. uich" e ,ume;sta c said. According to Mr only 333336.03 put into new add:-iopinion of the court’ an-irmcd the mm J_ s_ ',“m_ L H. ‘and,’ odmfmd ‘dd't‘onal ch.“-.,_w.5.. dl3.. wASum.G.rON. Muth ‘._M,.5_ of the aged fisherman will not be ' removed. fisherman. which was at - ‘ '1 J. D. James were elected members .- . . .. I - v . - I . . e?«’£»?¥3?:r‘3-‘° the bow of M" to W ‘J-‘~3.?s”fné"é?»?'»if-i‘°2?=»‘€33e?«”¥‘éi :§.:.::"’ °‘ “*° °°‘° ‘sci-“«“m.‘=:“'é‘=-»« ?3l.‘i.‘..."'r"...’..T"‘.§.‘.’l‘.'.§.’..°.'...‘Z‘.’.t‘W’? :I;;.:*.— ~ ; 0 I two-year terms. and Rex Barrett - - 1922 Odin to‘ W . . 1:. -r. Clanahaa. J. c. ueioeon. 1. 1-; 0- .1-e8flI—l>I’WII1° *9?" 5» 3 _ ______. ‘plant, atacost not to exceed $40.00 .‘ d P I T , . defied th this purpose in . aec K The .pp¢.1 by the prisoners at-,.‘._, R w.._,m ‘M ‘aura um, lestcd in the organisation. ‘the “um commune um. “mum increases of 25 cents an.He believes ice could be furnished"" wt "ml ‘Yen’ °"Th°_:Mr. Barnett. ' ‘omen ‘ucgqd the words «H. J_.- ‘c~M'M__'um_ smock. ‘M G. L‘ ._.._.____.. ‘J Bums furnished her with the Jlour for St. Louis lronworhcrs. cc-.to consumers at half the present a or one-1°‘? tcrilfk. .e_ Decrease of 311975.78 lwc8tllui&' . phmuung 'twmcy.;Douu‘w‘ , .J.umce Department code whim W“ msnt finishers. lathcrs and hoistingirate. A committee will beappointed 07 "W? °"¢l"lul‘°“ W" Cost of coal and freight in 19‘,22~ “onuid... Wm‘: omitted {mm wt iinnt..deie.—c. L. Torbit. , a V. t ruwd in tmmfcrring mcsmtm M “‘3l"°°”- l""i"3l"3 “wk 3”’ l'° by ""5 ""'-‘'°r t° i"'v°'fi'""° the ‘d’ be “ppm-med ‘W the board 800"‘ w“ s92'350’26' ‘°°°““"g "0 mo '9' information. : (r'‘wi""L-J—{:eurn' ‘I A R. nip:-cto 0.: . ’ ibl Lea blishcr of the Wa:;hiriK° $1.50 an hour, were eaeetive today visnbgty of the IKOPOSSL T303?!-nine We're prt-r;.clIt pfdrt, :vhilc7 in 192% this exposure was! _________,___ ;L_;*_'gr_ - ' ' , I I imc P on ' , .3 ntract rrcgu r I . 6 wee ! - 0 001108 ‘Milo 773 4.48, a owin a ecreasc 4 -1».-.,.i. 1..., .1. ii. rorhie. c. it. ‘ ' , . i.lo:n‘br:?fel'.s.oooa;:"l.n“klcrThtlbsaPrl:‘ An objection to the action of the committee consisted of Larry Supp.-‘of $12,973.78. The total: decrease in; §'Jo:::h_;:lrlo Lewis. G. W. Ar-I _ _———-—— _ . ‘Mrs. Duckstcin said she is a spe- asbutog wor-ken nay as-¢_the only city water and light committee, J. D. Sandlter andl-l. L. Davis. expenses for 1923 has given the. E91?!" r?_*'L*r"“-4'°!","’c:3':‘i‘;" R. L md_oh.lToWnshlp COI'lVelltlOllS On ;c1al _agent of the Department of important unions of skilled worker-sgheaded by Councilman Rodhouse, in Paul M. Peteruin said in a talk. department a substantial cash gain ml A Au,“ c“_u_a. ‘um’, mm c_ a nu“, yj March 12 County Justice. . _ receivlngleas than $1.50 an hour. ~ ;IWll'dlflE I COHUIC1 30 91¢ 533003130 the !l'|€mb¢l'8=."C0l'-lmbll Ofiersffor the year. « ‘r ‘ ' ‘ -r, No.-tlurq_ clarion Jana. Hes-an Win-E ’ ' Burns. founder of the detective —-————- A E_Constr-uction Co. for putting in I a big field for an organization like The total charge for electricity in __,_____.. . jtermeyer. . L ‘ March 20. :agency which bears his name and Thyra Samtzr Wtnalo 0 Econcretc foundation for the recently this. The senior? organisation hasi 1923 was $171,639.63 plus penaltyjnanlages .Are Greatest in, liallavalllos-—d;.'1.‘Wn&.‘I;‘K¢ElI-sit. . flu". ‘- ‘now had of we Bum,” of 1,,".,,_,. ‘wry ‘film’ “d h" P “ I-rroonn. H. il. Lori A meeting of the Boone Countyfgationa of the Department of Jus- ' w. sh rt hulblndo Jdminsteued corn ressor at the city (I t‘ , d" or man or this, $149,697.76 was charged for _ . - a..,... 1.. ,1...‘ Seymour Winslow. . having baenl‘..t¢,. work,’ 1,“ raised by 0000- l:flfe:Ol"Cn ' y0ell;|‘g;r:)u8lnc8);illZhl and 82294187 W88 ¢hlT8°d 1'0" San Jose‘-First’ :Dcvi-- CW” 352'“ 3- “- “":;'“'~ °"lCcntral Republican Committee was‘tice. took the stand shortly before married 12 ygars. decided they ottvdvcilman J. E. Hathman."uIlle chfrgehd men. This or-gs ration must havcipowcr. The total charge for water at 4 3. ,m_ coon... w. 1:. chosen... 5. Ja. reoohonihdd u 1:30 ouock this “wagon “ { noon. 1 . the conlflct. Vhkh 003 9 a definite goal and enthusiasm williwas 874,823.48 plus penalty. . ~ .the courthouse. 1-‘. ll. Russe was But” testified 9,“ “cu”, nu "0 "Vim: in mm“ rvsldcntet-1 city szsieos, to be paid out of the foam 7,, ow - 'I‘h total I ts De-’ ""“""’ 4 ' and Albert 1' iieitm ' - ~ A - . q- men are inter-1 0 fidlfl '°°°“” W‘ in Unuod r .. . ID NT iclllifllll-D - 00-2 red pecud agent of the The that thing Winslow did after general fund. was awarded in anluted ‘n 3.03 "mane behind-you...;ccmber 31. 1923. were 8 The”. 'sAN J0:-1;: ‘A con’ man u?mh;PRES E 3 . tgzxgmwt 0 Justice uwmelime -7 9- J ' FY ' towriah blican mcet- dug“ the present adnrinistration.” 2. ' -'00 .962. "‘° ""‘°‘”° '°""""°" "“ ‘° """ ‘mink? 0“'"'°'- W‘ *5” °'-''" » isocreta f th were 2.749 “W metem 3-055 “F” 4.—-seoree of houses and buildingsl . The ip B“ _ db" .. contractors. were not elven opnor-A co'i"mem.m"'(':¢::l'b’; um. mrheore ‘:3-“raters. and 106 power meters. On wen (banged by the series of ac»; mm go, 1-hu,.,d..,._ - to um Q uty roscsto bflthtan ‘,md;o..¢unlties to bid on the work: may um“, inpmb, connection with January 1, 1023, there were 5.489 an uflhqug. ghockn which be-g - . - ..Harch 1 and thecounty convention Oahu” an ‘M ‘Mona ha. ha’, y _ The whole at’ man” u"°b5°°° the senior o niaation when I see m°‘.°“' “ menu’ °f ‘21 men"? can here at 4:09 o‘clock this morn- .______.. zfllhd {Of 'nItlfld_I}’. 353135 W- The bu,‘ mu gdan ‘-5, connected um" “ B"°kufld‘°' tion by tellln the council of the '3‘ ’ ~ dunn the r - - ' l - ' ' ' number -of delegates to be 111017436 no. honored Dr. Jooephs.uo1etood., , mm‘ I , the com the possibility of the young busi- 15» uffx-1 ml an i:nfme;;_.993";I3;g f;‘l‘hk'°"°“°3'Wlll Not Express Opinion: Pm I H Wm, tliitlietzncpadrtmcnt and was be- oldest tin rki i the acti ' , 0 ‘"1 ~ ° °¢ - ' f ‘ T - ' citizen or the town. on his 106th “"" thl';‘ucO:l‘I’I1lll'l"‘U. “We ...u".If.'.' 7"‘ °°'‘ ”‘ ‘’’°“‘ '‘‘°‘‘ °’ "'9 The casualties mnltinx from the: “f G°mp."°m‘3° Tax 3"“-" “' °'” ‘°’ "“’ ‘°°"'°‘" °’ niielfnieh that he thought ueheen ~ alilnhdsy today. He was born when ?"":i‘°“°’| :"°""°'l”,,,, "ma uwuuhwe lack support. morally or fmmci-lb’ mm? “:50” ‘ m..dndw'1.;thtd t:::ni’°'"'“"“""" "° “ ""°""‘ ‘"" Measure. £"""“°""| ""1, ”':',‘°t;'e t .1, no 6 mu ‘ nub” .'“ P'°'m°"l"ebeennunenty ' m W from the older ibusiness men.” . mm °r e ‘mm’ P 0 ERBOVE ' - _ . .'._———— ’ 9' may '1 hinged-ed_rf immediate ac- . _. $149,185.09. other disbni-sementm h.ch ‘bed: .. . . $ _ be _ , aw" Henry C18)‘ Ptraonalll and don hlc.du::tflD¢ll taken; °:h1eocon~ J. Clliagtrtvtafldron. wb".'.i“¢:;;8 ‘VJ;-Q: ogsbonds and b:fl&.‘tor1':e'n‘;:"::“3h‘0nCdkothrrt;-five ‘l°c.‘nr“Ir1Rl§-;t;% N’ ‘huh ‘-31% achtuu u we "fiw. Rqmb“? " Gum‘! Lu” I“! "M" tract or payment 1 V P!!!‘ 1'” 'm“°”i' ~ . . ’ earned, 1 :i»¢mF°l'll'7 083 - - _- cod‘ “ 5,5,. and; ad‘ 7" ‘4'.5'4loel ll. W I. 89 Shara old, cent more than the 04¢‘ °‘’“. °‘ '1” “ 5° ’°bu‘§°d '9” 9°“°°"“ to tenet-al revenue fund. #30: :22" ;::¢k:°n°‘:°d| by] fgefugfmem an an ' ' '4 «liner 6 ‘ callstruction. ‘"16" “COD :5 Z‘: c°"“":‘ " ‘ new additions and cost.of;l!8:‘ll;|.min'7 '1 . I Be willnotcouualt hlrnadf in ad- . - the rice th tracborwou C W038‘. II!!! n ‘; ‘“"°_ V ‘- ' ' tr“ - -'*.;:-°'~':*:..'+.:..':. --vi’-n-«»1"’»»é’ -75” T W “‘°°‘"“"" '°"'°“""'“ ‘*° W” “-’“~°°= “‘ “* ......“‘*':..°.‘.°°“.........."'° """::'..'::.:..::i.'i:°°..':: ..,'*::.'i' ...... .. ,_ , W D, an , -“Vim ’tliatutay'h¢-pasaad'i>yCon¢I'Iu.lt ngehfor-ktownshlpflz. B « ’ awinfi ‘. 3 5 i 5. ‘£7 3" 3 .5 .3 S % 2 jisterday. _ was A . fig » “,4 (5. Ir. Hathman charged the com-lcattlm 2 paid to general revenue fund mince its authority. An entertalnmeatlcouunlttee, ooo- 173,10, , I ' .t....__...._ . baalnghlschargeonatioflltlousub--slstintofwilliam Betsler.3r.. and jigigxtport shows thatthecityé . E - Seventy-two county diction re-.n:lttedhyClty.Attornsyl1owardl".iI.I.Davis,'wasappolnhad.— .wateran'dllghtdepai-tmentisrnsl:-,It10doek this. . 5 Th‘ ‘hmu,n'u . ' I O .’ m i E 2 E E ? 8‘ E S 5 E 2 E ii