'*"'. "7-"~~: . . . .. - -..‘ " ' ‘ " : V’ ‘ "' "-‘ '. . 90 I9 09- u.’-s-coo: Co Otu¢u-.-.- -_-___‘ Q 1 THE COLUMB &v MARCH 5» 1924 - ' P\GF. Tllltlil-‘ ___*.¥. -__.__., ~“ " ~~ v --—-.y¢ ~ - .1 In and Near Boone County 3?;-I'=txi=b‘is'i‘ea»o"ei’i§°s'i «3'ei'.J.'i" ”"“? ma TEACHERS‘ ‘.1 i r. and Mrs. Gilbert Edwands had? J . . 'InA"i'm I News of Cqlumbta I EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED School Instructors to Taliei MISSOURI RIVER Ts I i"ubuc i th *‘ ' . '; - » Tats for.Certilieatea Frio j - '12,, . "I C . ; . I315 €51‘ K1198’-8 Slllldly. 3178- R. L. v I‘ I ' Sigma to i Bernard ' ‘II 0!‘ Sltllrdli‘. 'il'l.cot'CUP(i’n’i‘l‘i‘(i: tfnxiiiii fun”) : Mai” ‘mi. d.u‘.hter of Cfflumbi" "” 'Glt’€ F07'maI Dance Wedding Saturday ' The schedule for the teachers‘ ex- Directors of the Hnllsvillc State Miss Leona Pearl llratton. who’ { 1,) Ana” “upped ‘.m”‘ed l°‘,d ~ (‘ii 1 Members of the l{aPl1n Sixtna fi-ti- Miss Ruth Bernard of Columbia aniinations to be held here Friday Bank met Tuesday. has been out of school the lost two ‘;).~,,,,:f:.d‘¢;‘ E‘om°."°.“°°d”°" '"‘d - _ - A. - U “mm. win g1',ve their annual formal and James Tatum of Anderson mo-'and Saturday have been announced D. B. Carpenter visited his par- weeks on account of measles. is ableébouis Mend‘, mmumon Co" St‘, ‘ . “ace at 9 oclock tomorrow nitrht 10!‘!-‘d from lseosho to Carthage Sat- from the count)’ 5“?°"f"'°"d°'3"5 °l- eats in Centralia Sunday. resume her school duties. : Dr.’ F ‘William.-l n ! '. n gh ni Boone Tavern. ‘ urday to be married by Dr. W. W. tice. ' These examinations may be J. H. Booth oi Columbia was the The Girls’ Reserve realized S-1.20‘30°m.me' su'nd”, to 8; Dyes‘. ‘S: g D‘ El ,3, Bella Kirlibride. Dean Bessie Tierce. a former classmate of Mr. taken by any public school teacher guest of sfriends heme Sunday. 'from its linking sale lust Siiturdn 2‘ , . . uh Priddy. Mrs. W. 1!. Willis. Tatum’: at William Jewell College. desiring a first. second or John Kelly of Columbia was the Another will be held next Snturilu§'.1§:;:::nh::%Lz a panem “ the SL Dngnd Mrs. J. E.'I‘hornton. Prof. and The ceremony was simple and only grade certificate. These exaniina-guest of Mrs. Molly Robinson, Suii-Candy, cakes and pies are sold. 1 ,- ‘nd flu R. h rd -Hrs. D. D. Patterson. Prof. and Mrs. in few friends of the couple were tiona are held each March, July an day. The llallsville High School lizis-lc01m;,bi. were’ “sf ‘ft :1 5°". of s, B. Shirky. Prof. and Mrs. \\. A. Present. Mr. and Mrs. Tatum are August and a teacher bu, "19 llrivi- Mrs. P. A. Moore left lliillsvillelietliall team has entered the Ulul‘-la,-dson" twigs S 0 r’ Rich’. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lynn l‘l-lll1l!fil¢‘- 11" Clllhnlre now but they plan to lege of taking one or all of them in»!-‘riday for Jacksonville, lll., to visit nament to be held in ColumbiaiR;c}u,.d,:,:nSn 8;, and Mrs’ J' T’ , Prat and 31.;-s. Max M. Ellis and go to Fort Worth, Tex., for a while order to raise his or her grade and her daughter. arch H and 15. it is entered II)‘ M, and 'Mr;mA”'M Th Because we Sp(‘(‘lail7.L‘ in fish. yoti can Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Phelps will before they return to thereby secure a higher grade cer- Miss Irene Roberts of Moberly Class C. .—". ‘S ‘sci, ‘aegis 'Sm;da om)?" mg find the widest choice of \'ai‘ietie.= and that an .8 chuperom, I I where they will miike‘their home. tificate. was the guest of Miss Helen Rice,‘ Mrs. Searcy It-ibinsoii, who was Mr, E M Mccnu... 3°,“ nun‘ . cssenfiaj quantv of I.-RI.~qH\-Egg ,1 P; _}. The guests will be: Misses Marion Th I ..I.. .. . _I I The schedule of the examinuiona last Thm.sday_ V. ,taken to l{il'k5\~jl|l. fm. n minm_Igu_é‘ émilh of C I} :3 ar- I I . .. . ...._ .1 \.L i. Williams, Vera Clark, Mary Plumb. _ ° S"_l’°""‘ ‘'l,"'“"',"{ ‘be M" which will be held-in the Agricu]. Miss Alma Sublett was the week-goperatioii is reported to have stood. M cum "" ards ‘ ‘ Hazel M¢(‘1uu._ tide" Cimton, tuna Auditorium, 1011“-5; end guest of her parents, Mr. and e opcratioii well and will be at‘ h.ld" "d “'3' Th°'“'5 T“3'l°1' “"1 Clara Scott. Dorothe - Bregfogle. ( n of mton-t»: Mrs. J. L. Sublett. home again in two week». c ' rm’ °f P"°"'d°"°°' °""° ¢“°"“ Taylor's parents, Mr. and OW that the \'.'iiitci‘ ice has gone mil. our fishermen on the Mississippi I River are supplying us with the fin- est of the season's first fresh catfi... ’ Without . 9 .; C" Show‘ “any wesmax . 1'3“. Wm bogm pmmmly at kl" °°l°.°k' urdu,\'. to the farm recently vacated by Rafi‘ ' ' iencc DeMuth. Charles (tithe;-. “HI JI SI’"“"—‘Ankene}‘I‘I 906 Conley A c0mmm_(.(. headed by J_ L_ I I I I I Ext}-avg. Broadwav I-‘rank Wheat. Robert Stewart. John Quigley. Miss Stean to Talk at D. A. R. Meeting The Daughters of the .-Xniericaii I Revolution will meet at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John N. Belcher. 1315 Wilson avenue. Miss Saidec Stean is in charge of the program and will read avenue, returned to Columbia today after ii three weeks’ visit in Kansas City. While there, Mrs. Anlzeney visited her sisters, Mrs. C. A. Young, Mrs. Sarah G. Elston and Mrs. Rich- ard Gentry. Miss sum-'sTxnK.§Ind Miss I-Illa her daughter. Mrs. G. B. McDo- nough. G B. McDonough arrives llamilton of St. Louis. chief en- gineer of the Century Electric Co., is at work on a constitution and by- laws to be voted on at the meeting. Men front Kansas City. Jefferson City and St. Joseph are included on the committee. Programs and speakers are being selected by these ts men. The chief speakers on the pro- grant are representatives of the public utilities. Twelve hundred letters have been g 81108 SALE OF 2 New Spring Dresses I New Spring Frocks that will chairm yoii and stir- prise you. Specially purchased for ll1i.£~‘L‘\'('ill and placed gomfig izhgjs"“¥}:u:)":I'I':II:’f“I::l":i here today from New 'tork, where sent to former students in all parts based on some 0hII(_n_mi0nS nmdo he has been since his trip abroad. ofMtheILtnitedI States. I U" 5319 at this unusual I‘. I0“. price {Ur S“ L,m_;I\. in the , I_ . . , _ eetings will begin at 9 oclock your cart‘. qelcC,I.On iq m. ed at the .\ortheast Aasociiittuii llit‘Q-t- M“. 1.3"”. nemphlm Dena Tau Samrdav morning and will close , ~ . . S . I In1;lit'lhCi!:lO¢:Il:(;ll1::»Id\\'€;:iI;ruIa Ann Delta h;u5e;I hvad ashheg luodcheon win] a banquet Friday c\.cning_ Canton Crepe Ili*c.=scs l’oi:'t~t Twill lln-.._-1-.~ Pidum'_ will we III NMIIO trio fumtiv "(Si 3-; “It; t ‘’h ‘P; ":‘°'° reception for visitors will be held Satin Canton llre.~se.~ (it‘(irt't't'.(- lm-.~.~«-t ‘ K‘ 5 9 I. . ._ I d. ;. m‘- ‘ 5' - “I" ‘*5 ”"‘° ‘_’ 7’_""‘l5' in the Engineering Library on Sat- Sports l)n-.».~e.- \\'..(,i ('5...-t_ i...,._...t. Frances Troxell will one a rtnIm_L field, In., Mn. 1. 0. Hochaday and Urdu. mowing , I . . ,, I , H II D __ ., I_ _ J and Dessie Miller will give at violin Mr C. W. Digges. ’ ' hour no? 5I;Ip1-ilng attu-p “-11; ,1“: 1,.. .-,,;m,_L.1,_. “-uh_ annt rt.~.i.~ loin.-i;i:i.i«.:t lm,--—.\~. solo. ‘ ~~~ ~ . ~ - out a pair 0 t e atest creatioiis for the tll1illl\' foot. “ ’ * ” ' ‘ "3"" D””‘‘ "f 59”“-i‘fi°'d Stvle distinc-tivencaa and (‘ll‘llll\' Yll1ll'l' uu~ -howin ._ - . . . ~ ‘. . « . » z > g All the ,. Ml‘8- B- 04900110349,’ “fi‘I~"_“’i")‘ ':":hf’“}:33h‘°'-“M's” of footwear for the mesdames and n1i.<.1‘:locl:c3o§omorIi;<:;‘ flIlIl:l:It;lu':_‘I )dW% ;g::h_(”I‘°" “u u . party tume in the modes Crystal bowls of pink hyacinths and '3 T tn Pahicol (Sicilian Vespers--Oh.‘ _ ' I I of: candles of the same shade will deco» } { ‘Dion Palermo!) (Verdi) In Italian . . Joaé Mardonea f . hef el¢g’an% of ‘ _ ’°‘° """ ““'°' *3 MELODIOUS lNS'l'RUMl-ZNTAL Silm CW0" dress, feet per- fectly fitted in 3 1i p p e r s of cloth of gold, The guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Bain, Maj. and Mrs. John I). van lioltzendorfl. Capt. and M_r.--. William C. Dunckel Mr. and Mrs. W. D. A. Westfall, ieut. and Mrs. Arthur R. Wilson. Miss Louise Jones and Miss Thelma McCully. Gold chiffon Atmosphere chiffon Peach chiffon . Banana clliffon Sunset chiffon Poetaadlhaaafl-—0vuhre (vonsuppe) " Pryer'aBand}35-B3 12 I Cli'IieaoiNuIianily—Seleditin (Plancioettc) __§oor’gB-nd § VOCALSI-'.l£Cl'l0NS Du‘ltim.(i~i....s,.a.-a:u.i)(An.i3uxiea¢i.) ‘ My afaflaudy Iain. Burleagh) ism to l I as ‘one!’ “Gout” "tau -5- .2’- ’IO0... .’0COg‘ muti; of the I‘ . :0‘ry"ClI(l;1:;llId '5iii"'°i..CI§i.-i¢i".iE2"':i‘o ‘,3! 1. i cloth of fllver’ Sunburn chiffon "“""‘°°" “ """ ‘gt’ lg” 1'I|G|il'5°'*1' <"°°"3°°*’°G . mu ‘in-I.n*v .5 I black satin—— Dawn ehiflon -- -._____ --.---.--.....-... -2. , M,_g.,5,m., ‘ 'lgwisJuaes}1,5z 1. f[ -‘\|F¢d8l¢ €1ll“0ll ~ I I; { wacunuiuuuuiiiu Pee-lusQu-rut N Jack Rabbit chil'l‘onI\ one 'r-._ nlncs RECORDS I. t P ow - Black chiffon K .3 ' ' - . i:...i...iii..J—i=..rni «m-°A-a~c-uio'- ’ 9"" W8‘ ‘W0!’ lg‘ ./\{ E//7 SPWQ _7}4S['III0..7(eI_$' fl’ n¥:n_.'.aii9z£)IIk 10 I I Lislelfll, #5 ° "- °"" "' i-...-:«..o.i...o..l..... W ° ‘ *2. ' 3} , ’.};“‘;;e‘;’ 9“; F‘‘'’° 2'3 3'..'i”"t.a.°"‘“u.4.I'i'..U i-i...'Ii~i.. o.i....o..i...i.. l "'55 " ; c All Silk .. '°"' ° as 0* ¢.P=r- ‘- c ~ 1 1 -FuTrot - A ~.':1 ‘ ' :5 Q‘-9 manent? The new in name ‘Eb l'.“'b.‘n-Qw“ . O-““nill*lis0rehdra}l!& 10 33°00 ' .t or the new in fact? Select wisely G9!’ and yonIwill select here! ‘ ’:is.""“:ii'."" .2 it . l E, i E W... 5...... 1 .EVY’S mn»u;e [Is A-and 7“(i:UALITY FOOTWEAR" 0"-W New V'netor.Roi:oI'da,Onea¢«Wu5o e 5'-r,vW.~*-"F40 Shoe Repairing ‘ Called for and Delivered Shoes Rebuilt Here Look 3:-'~ afternoon by Mrs. Roberts’ mother- '_:‘I‘I‘I':I1;'I-:hlI"°1If‘I‘I‘I*;III‘I’I‘I’I‘_" 1§I