""r.-;~.-‘“;r2"«“"“'.I‘T'." ‘.-a:f:§p-3. . . l--e» * « Q: ‘kl’: I ‘ .‘ -.,."j,. - ‘T: V.£:;“__‘_;‘.Y;-V _ hive "ff 7 ~ U .> A . ‘ - E‘ _>“‘ . ' A», .1. _ _._s-5-_t‘. . H ‘ ___7 ._vv‘.‘‘_'_' ._ ‘ >. ._.-ts.‘ 2. - _ ‘ “——-wf . ,_ _ T 7" ‘ _ 4 -_- . . - -» ’ V"? um i e e . l)lcBalne‘Iv¢nehere last 'l‘uesdaYi' - _ , -8tataIarketiu8Il$.‘_l".'fi#%“c3"‘i9” '0“. ‘P3 r . . . - - . _ ' . mount mono - 3 . . . ~ _' _. _ivoiiel_tos_sr;nai.i.anclils. I11 and B007l”.C0102tV j¢“;°";'N',ll'M='-I k d? semngoflflggndnu -. . " 2 - - ¢ .. . . Id gfllll ‘$7’: .-'*i'7"§w'“ Bantu“. 4'1.‘ ii“ r. anus: s‘phe;it ‘l:::‘W:ef -:1“; Phone 392 S ‘mg’-'::?5,L13_ -11.". .3‘, ‘m ' ‘O U""°"“’ -. Linden 3"“ °f 1“ 8' Burk’ 1”‘ T"°“ "daughter. Mrs. Lewis Brushwood. i XLASS (X331. 00. ' t . U A A i::NOIlcIflfllN¢Ihwo&‘b~§“ “wt: of campaign for! 3 game mu, 5. “L A Cmuwhuc { Col b, = William Ante! and Brian Roberts: . l . CII. . : W... .g.u...¢;¢a~.‘ i - V ' _; ."‘- ‘ » ~ _ . ° ‘"“ ‘“ “lot Roebeport hm.-hood the ;-—----— g Q . . ;.~‘ _ I ‘on C”. V . gall wen Elven $ i‘n:|§° gave a corn shock theM’orfu:e;:dster. igivgll by J. M. Clay last Friday‘ : § - _ . . -—————- ' ‘manager “I - » .‘ . . . . . 3'” ° 0111- ' t. 4 . . '1//;~' ; Will Be Held ill Connec- “Paw x.&",,ud'a.:u3.:1dg-dq*“',mnHl:'“}h° w- 5- 0- 5- °m°° is suffering from his visited relatives here last Fri. lm‘ ' i - /3 4/‘. 5 5. , ‘ . _ . . n n u V . y‘ . p . -_-_ tion' . W1u1- State 'Co..fi:ol;ohu Pgmhubd ;0r"¢:':“¢¢*” % 7, urgent of a regs- i‘ J. R. Dolltllllglll recovered from *u,._ ",5 gm ;_ M_ cm. ,,,;.._,..,§ employ an expert Ilvizlto . _ V.‘ Engineers’ Con- ‘operator’to take charge ouhebmd- "*3"-‘ .°' "’““‘““ "‘ “’°'“°" ' '°"°’° ““°*° “WW, _ tuned with a dim last rrhh'ay“ . stcrer and can sll’¢ mi . . . _ . A in no doing postgraduate wot-ll Beatrice C-ooh spent last ,,5‘m_ . ‘luugm . . “L we ‘in 3 _R’epau-Ins... vention. l - A _____. «i London. Every var - ln|'t.'t[weel:-end with nu: Frank Cook. ' W‘ ‘"“""‘ .'°" ' ‘ ._.*._— ioowiuiis ssnssraorns dlimber of women so to London to: lira. Wand Yarnell visited rela- h_f;‘°’°,;:“,‘°d ’:°“-u:*‘§;';:" Ifllflbleg .« _ _ ' A‘ have I fall I-he or uoestrles } .Called it£:;uil1|ltli|HIe>::iv ‘i ‘ - BALL Is Fawn N lcirr; sruov nlmno iissri~s_ao neat: work and zuorzdtlza e' ‘° “'°”‘ -"‘ °"w'm' ‘C 0 cs.Ca "5 - i Emu with ‘n “mm” of welcome times he has noticed the ‘irritable “in; .3 wen u mpcntim booth Samuel Baldwin has rented Chrifufifl C0ll¢i!0- r°°m' Pen’ Beets’ now’ - ’ ‘°'“’‘ "’“°“ °“"’ “’°"“5" ‘" fellow.’ turn to the comics first try-’ d ' f tti stands ‘ ‘Geonzc Baldwin's place and moved‘ Mrs. Myrtle Snodzras: of <2» Gm" P-°"‘.’°"' C“"""°""' 1 to k w- T- Cor‘! ‘mi now wnh qt: - to Americ‘ i‘ no. ‘n cog’. h éo . ~ ~ ‘(here 1.5‘ Sgtugfigyg llllfllbll “'85 the guest Of cl. Clfl\' Sp‘ni‘h omens ind Cucunh °°"“""’“"' ”°“"’ °°' °‘ 5'" “°‘""'l mg tam“! finarlcicrs if ch-meter b ncfh rielhmin W (r3nn.:s‘'¥'l‘'l *5 a Mm W-mu Coleman visited Wil- Jim Smrd-5' nix - ' b'-‘”- = -. '5" '1" muk ‘'1 uw..Pub.“.c.R’e: olythis kind cab be depended .33.; wohicheml. b;,¢°'mc°,m ,°,,,f:;} liam Coleman and family last‘ Carlie Tl'°"1l»°" and l=|mll.\' Of’ Nmsv Fl3~'3- 03”‘ ‘"‘d 33”’ l hum“ 0‘ we-the Pub“: Umme8' " “P071 The dfillt? “Y8 D01 M031 event if this one? is successful is to l‘“'°l‘ Th“"’d'3' ""1 Fddn” v . .. ins‘ Ind 3- 3- F9“ 0‘ “'9 S°“”“"°“',_ha,,'°ne out of fifty mm, immedi. ‘ "he funds for Y_ w_ C_ A_ Pm:p(;5e3' ' Mrs. Nan Hudson returned to her - Special for Saturday Only ‘ 3;lil>aeT:ilil3::tn “'13 ‘O ill‘ fimncill 334 *9 The carnival will last from 7 un- ':_‘;"‘° ‘figs: Vifiitdxml h‘a°l’°"5 Dfi C“‘RS FOR PHJR-E Nice Til)‘-‘ blnlnflfi. 2°C. '35. " ’ .- - ‘ - ‘ win an m u n, in um vein 0 — 1 "3. ma... spgm ma mine“ m ‘bout awn! 12 oclo_:l:_“_____fi Mm p Fords_>'DmeHodns_mc;r;:d1l:oo and 80¢ a dot. { I. R. Kclso. of the_ Keiso-Wurdock..,,;,. .,.;.,,..,d in th. ..;...; 0; u.._. umrlwcrivs was is TRASH .l~‘.lichard cenm-hormzvhinut Grove l1udson—Oldsniobile University Fruit 1 I i the U ' 't' A -. . diwflnm. upglgn‘ on"'z,l°,:‘e' ’Rd" thcn dwells there, the dealer be- Hagan‘. h Rnbbkh B'min‘_ . , lieves. Many of the male reader-s_ . b'- _ _ “ “‘ “ ‘ "“ '“‘” ' " *—" - ; We deliver to any part of -‘ (H :?lIIlolln"hip cU§ihl,§.'9o1;n; “"3" this counetllhe “ya. ‘women E ::::°:°!::n:‘i:‘;Ee::::?:E Lalnletfangeoobngngalhllgullhtguiiofclg 1‘ Exactly What )‘ou need is a Rem» ""3 “"33 ml?“ "5 3'0"’ °" L other speaker is lliecrrill Otls.C;l0., rnetfist tlllrsntaliocu Q game" 2, H1‘ :ordit.!Pa:1lfe;seor nlgonatrd fliaiiemalll. to Ed Cook.‘ puma‘ The}, up.“ to U ington Portabl: Typgtwriter. Tit: .. * Phéne Q21 chairman of the Pub ' Servi‘ ‘co m- ' f -2 ea o e pa en o cn omo -' i C 3 hr“ tobnco am, this ye”. ' us give you a emons ra ion. e ‘ _ ’ °‘ m”°"fi' Vb‘? ten at:ra.yvears.8:o¢: Taoslhg p?;eu;: 0"’ an ‘“ mbbhh ‘ad ”““h n 3 ————-?——- Co~0p Store. Phone 879. Author- 815 B'°“d‘“‘5 _ of‘: worm“ of the c0!lllIllS8l::.held is in their mud; ;l:ou£bet'hbu1ned 0:. _ Sh? _se Hunbdau ;. ‘ ind gem;,,L.wn service. _ ‘ ' ‘? orh -dc: t rr ' h 3 I) C Ollie urlng‘ ' ‘VH1’ ' I . ~__ V - ' —_ ' 1 1 evening at the Daniel Boone mulifigta: ilgfhyfiiien .°m;: ter months of many varieties of L‘ R. Mcuon W“ m comma‘ but ‘ ~ -~ 1 Tavern. J C.. Hall, an attorncyfims mp" ‘us the observing dad" ‘ bugs which destroy garden prod- Q mndr . l Loni will speak on “ii an ' _ ' ucts. Gardens should be thoroughly "“ 3' l t 1 Mhl;:” Formal -mere i “"1? 10‘, who studs cleaned before any ground is broken. 3151' CB!“ 3"" ‘pcm lul ?“:°°l", .‘ o o o a 5 I ‘ o ' ‘ l '.*"*‘°“"....""°;':"::.'.'.°::.‘""'"' um um ' w M h-tZ.‘.'.:.':'.:"‘.?:‘..‘*“°**.‘::.,‘::."*°.‘:.‘:':’.:.:': moved to Dwldmg The Profits . OTHICT I ll 0 0W. 0 d -1!‘ ' H - _. ‘ . - ‘ -. ft *’-.¢'- 5-11 *' *0 ‘°“°" " °°’¢.:itls- w'na.'°"'°°"° ,..';', ‘,',,";§..$,‘:'., °‘="'°h bun -"'3 “P"'*"‘” mill:-ncdig Ilihfieg Orleans visited‘ ‘ Giving the Customer the Lion’s Share '~ “nth . . . Wholll Colflmeflt “WY '9‘ 95°» ’ »his parents here'last Sunday. ' . Saturday's session. In the Univer- flooding kind. some hush at one ‘M’ ‘"’‘""l h” M" b'°“°"' 9 w ll t f Columbia visitcdl Small smoked skinned hams lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..]9c 1 ‘W a“'d"°”“"" i’ "° b‘ °p°"°d ' thing that other! frown om Th"!-'1 f"lfl’°" ’"°°”"°""‘ ‘h°"m b” “'E:"' his mother ullicreolast ends)‘. 1 “ Breakfast bacon. sliced. no waste. 5 lb. . . . . . . . . ..95c I Percy Baeduiund, general manager I“ tcmpenmennl. bout 00 P" 8IId‘Pl'0f¢B8o!' liaacinan to see at. P N Hum ma 1‘ mny were , ‘. Breakfast bacon sliced no waste 2 lb‘ 45(_ I ' °' “‘° 8°"“"'°" T““"'°"" cent of them are fairly practical and ll" ""°°" ‘hid’ ll“ "‘ um “’°""d ‘thohping here last Sal.ul1lI}' ' 50 lb - r‘ lard ‘ ' ~ ' ' ' ‘ . . I . O 9 U of apeaki{iJ§mi;.:Tbo‘‘I,)evl:lopmleii . pmm,c“i”_ They so our the from, and‘ arcedharniful to plant life. are _ W Ffiupufick ‘imfl-i Elm ‘ 10 lb . pcgiillri pg:-leelard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ." ' _ J u. . . es . I . . ' ' ' ‘ ‘ L . I o o . . - . h . . . o - . o . u - o . . . . . . n . ': l ._ 4-l-Id enrinaé of the Missouri Elec-I "$5 f;"zt;.u,_ ‘may an the new, The gardener should use a good t"; ‘“HEl‘:°"“§°d we V 5 lb. poll pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Or: up, u.“ “,1 pm", co" 1. ex. dam. ' imecgicidg for this purpose. Though :Sun;'_ snug‘ of ‘gm “lock” 1 3 lb. pail pure lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Qc . to talk on the new power. ____._._.__. lthese precautions may seem super-' rs.’ Ed" Faber“ ‘mi chndmn. Dry salt slde, lb. . . .. . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . ml?‘/L_oC ‘ ’ Plant at Cahokia. Ill. To Nominate Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. fluous to persons who make gardens‘; at no Poem‘ rt hm Wad.’ _ our usual low prices on chmce fresh home klucd ‘ 750 Glllmtflfll llllofllvoricl 8|’? A committee of the Y. W. C. A. regularly. many gardens do not ‘J B P‘°wc"p°h“ moved to lghc‘ beef and pork 1 . l0 "9 ON“ 101’ Stunt! from 4 \Inlll‘of the University will meet at thepflouriah because of the neglect of Nsihenée of Mn Emu“ Do In ‘ Greatest meat vames in Central Missouri regard; '1‘ 1?’ . 0 o'elods in'tlie afternoon and again» home of ' s Kaslierine Quiseii- these two preliminary precautions. L E Burk‘ M R S "5 of‘, less of price. A ""'“ 3 ""‘" ‘° °'°’°°‘‘ "' W" "'°“‘3"°"” S‘"""" “’°““" ‘° "°""“"°- in i. - .1 F‘ -T]. - «-. mules from Mr Pill-lfcfin rolrssoo 4: » in: when I email admission clurre the members of the cabinet for the K I" “ " °F‘."‘ °"“f,“..“ ' ,, 5 3 R ' Dd , “H ,,c,,;’ 0. ‘ _ ~ , '3“ 5. nude a "wry m the “.35,-rmming ya“ isfactory and efllcient. On ,2 54.00 g - .‘ . ur a am Y ‘ . ; ml new fun ‘A Frmcis _ or 1\EWmAN HARDWARE 0).. .LU(‘.\L‘( of Robert Burk last Sunday; l ’_ Quanuk ‘in be u“. scene of moi Try a Missourian want ad. 3904 Broadway, l’bonc_234. Ad. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Burks were . Row-lbw and kniahting ceremony.‘ V __ Me“. -_ _____ _-_ __ _ -_ _- _ .- .--...--- .__.... 9 . d M k 1 which will take place at 7 o'clock. - _A _ . , all 31' Ct Old grads who cannot be present. 'i"’”‘ l 1 _ will have an opportunity of ‘filial- 4: ‘ tuning in” at the ball. The music. }; _ _ __ _ _ .. 1 - will be broadcast through WOS. the‘. ill 1 ._ _ -_ __ . . 1 We Hold No Clearance Sales p ‘ Al ‘ I I . . J o ats *- A 00d 4 t g mixer I V‘ . . H at the club or at home . . 3: ~ - ‘ ' W Wheremengathertotalharidplay mm. W N _ nus =t —to dine and dance-at clubs. I _ ° " "'°‘“' hotels. and lnelefiant -Hats ‘ Hats 1 homes. enjoy A-B or Ale-—at ' °f"“' swag ‘ 1 ' ripened —a mellow flavor—a ill“! mm 0, SM, Hats i ’ ptquant taste thatmbeaa woll—the - ; beverage of social acceptance 3“? ,0. .3‘ .u,.,, 5'“ § .. ‘ wherever sports. and hospitality ;. - ' ‘ ' ‘ at rule. i 3 Hats " Hats A; ‘ makes of head- 1 : il- .“‘.l' was ‘A __p , " "“- taut.» H-rs . = ' , , w 1: Rats . - M flats ll 4 z 1 ' ‘ l j Ask to one the I i " l = ‘ ‘ . " I l all] ‘ . ‘ . “I V. I . a _ E ‘ l::;.; n.¢A‘8'||'0I‘1ll0_7lp‘ H“. I; . . l _ . ‘ .5‘ - ' . . ‘ . ‘ -‘ - j l . _ _ . ~ t ’ ‘.¥l.tn.ia".I"*"l".'lt"!*‘iihi.. 2 t t . . ' a . y .. V: p 0 _. i u we - t The _, tsfor spriugldesigned by Dobbs&Co, E 2 s : ' “_ ’ I " v I ~ ' U 1 . , ;—e'..,'-. 5'; W -t om‘ - 1 -Yorks HATTERS, bear the im— ; I _ . one r We . pi-ess.ofDobbsas efoiemostaudaoncynxon s 2 .7 J ' __ _ .‘:_ J: I ’ ., . _ ._ ‘ , .— ‘ . t __ , ...1’fi°°. 1 _n.t.p «linens They are here exclusively _ v , no‘ .~ _ H: V, I I T‘ . . I ‘ . ‘ " 2.’... i. . lent! ’ - , - 433 fy .- t .-- r_ V 4 — i r g.‘ 2 i’. I " I F . ' . 1 1' l ‘ F gr. . 7 E‘ , A , ‘.3a‘f§§'.-i- . s. x l 4 l I no N ‘.3: , A l'4ir_?«rt§‘+"o~1t1é7sri~."*”-ZFsr&¢*ix~s ‘Fins 1 iv. ' r, [J ‘ z 4’ thing you have ever seen on the screen 7:15--9:00 l.:i:.»cm¥m1r.i;..if ‘gr-"'I PICTURES r v 1 a - ‘K. ‘DOWN TO THE. SEA IN SHIPS A é. \ We promise you something entirely different from A -._l'".. an A'Most Entertaining Picture Also ‘THE BUSHER” A Christie Comedy Business Career A 5 what every ambitious senicr is thinkihg about at the present time. Life insurance is -one of the- best, one of the most desirable, and one of the most satisfactory as a permanent calling. 7 7 In assets and volume of business, life insurance is one . of the three leading businesses of this counm/, yet the field is comparatively under- developed. Only 7 per cent of the economic value of human life in the ‘United States is covered by insur- ance.This gives ‘an idea of the big field still to be worked, business insurance for firms and corporations. A5 to remunetntionr-Re'p"ort:s' of C°l1¢8¢_ gcad _ who have entered ' ‘ tl.latli6einsu'ranceist' 3‘ th¢_V¢.1'Y..t0p as a_$0_l.l.I_c,c of income Now is the time you to ‘consider Wlfat Y0“ 3'3 €0,910 after gradu- ation. If you are and win. ingtoworkhsrdandaoeinterestedco » know about life’ ill'n.1£a_noe,‘addr¢ss ¢:'.j'