1, >: SIX PAGES, 48 COLUMNS . __—¢—.. ”~ A SIXTEENTH YEAR 1 . RIGH'l'-0I-‘-\VAY 7 k D ........?FL1t§HT A’R61T\7 ______ :=..l‘l€“ofl'59ér: snow ir1re¢>.f- Guns ‘ARM FOR CIT‘ HOME Least Amount Since I890 Wu 4.9 01' the D€’PIl'lm€'nl 05 Justice hi!- this forcefulgoccupotion of the Ruhr,“ , 0 created a i'\pinY'or‘rerertge"in Ger- '9» 3“ :.8laming a federal dry age '_ ‘ killing of his son, Sam halb of delegnions mg‘. ' a Ill! in court here against_ ition Commissioner Ro ' and three federal office _KaIb. 22. was killed in a raid on the Kalb home near here two months proposed changes in valua-‘practice medicine, and GOV. M’CRAY or i D INDIANA TRIED“. To Answer Charges . 1) ° -———-——————— - . - . - I t FROM COLLEGE Kansas City have exchanged their 35 antagonizing her u\\'n allies. , _ rl CRURCBES MEET "Ens I6-I-acre farm, eight miles northeast ‘M99 "'°"U"‘ °f 1924 “'35 b°°5“‘d *0. octor Smith is survived by his rmerly Miss May Woods of -138 . . . _ , - ~ .. : The ministers of Baptist Churches “-3,. 3 fm-,,,,.,. _.;,_ud,.m H, the L "M... the opinion of \.i!'l0uS persons that, in many parts of the United Statcs.5ll."- ' for the af- are here in convention to studv the‘ The Dl8l!l<' ll0m(‘- “'l"€‘h { H firmam.(, den\.(,,.(,d the bane, m,,_l method, used by 3,155,; 3.335;? Bun-an brick structure. is built In resemble 3 - negative in teaching Sunday Scho . _ , I I 1 an; yewmn C_ [:e“e,. Of'Blt£'1(Kl by-.200 feet. The purcha:-e “*-"h‘‘'' B"'’““ "h°"' the ma aid llepping, second speaker for the 3031071. John D. W. Fetter of Co,-. price of whlC‘l,l the farm made u ncll University, Omar P. Goslin of Wlko “*5 ‘3-- 00- bmversit.\‘ 919703905 were sug- Bcrl:'eley, Cal., F. E. Witcroft of the L. Robinson III. was elected « ._l’ikea Peak ‘Ocean-to-Ocean High- any at a recent in tar, Ill. -nu:uAr'),Schne'd"’ Huimb." Mo ' Katherine. who received a B. J .*’h' ______ lly llniud rm... ,0!’ ‘z, Ninety judges and clerks for the INDIANAPOLIS. March 17.—’I'he lum ' re on the ‘case of the State of Indiana against state constitu- the governor of Indiana was called this If ty_on for trial today in Marion Countyzlf peiided from 10 to 12 o'clock this Unl\'t'!‘Si!)' Of K8n888- 3- 51- “'08 _ h morning to enable students and in- {mm Lemnburg, Pa.. B. W. Dickson .-“'1 DUN‘? “5 3 ‘‘°“"‘‘'3 °'“‘‘- structors to attend the debate. ._ -. 1. Ln rsity i 1 , mg. 1. mm .50" 5,15; 0 , » . y mall amounts . who" the Chf£°sE,:e',.,T_;'f’"§f,f,J,f°§':,,£°‘g:’:[,;.COUN of sii?»::fa(ll xii:-)re: 18931, 11.6 inches: Holdridse dfl-‘«l8l'?d 380)‘ U181 hf‘ Qacial election held to v0 The funeral was held at Fayette «amendments to the - flan. who did not report for do dection day, face prosecution in St. fcourt Louis County. nding from Columbia were Mrs. Virgil Blakemore, Mr. and Mrs. T. ‘ - debate took place. was filled almost (L-3° LIEUTENANTS KILLED IN AIR ~~ ff Planes Collide L Victims M}; Are C. D. Porter and ‘ Governor Warren T. McCray. the‘ Ha ‘es H" of ‘be seven members of theflirst governor of. Indiana ever to; 5 ‘ an of the R0,,“ Ml" “Mr ovdum stand trial on a‘ criminal charge, an-: ind 1”, week just outaiwered to an indictment charging nd 0! ‘.i°_.embezzlemcnt and larceny of $I55.—~ ed ad 000 of the funds of the state board ‘.9 pleaded guilt’. to of agriculture a smuggling charge. Th United States Senator Selden P. Spencer has been appointed a mem- ber of the Public Lands Committee, is conducting the oil inquiry. laws Re takes the place of Senator Len- {mud Not. who resigned. MRS. ROBERTS IS BURIED S T h C n - -H S G -——-———- tate eac ers oege. . . axte University of Ohio. C. J. Pope. Un ""°“-" °‘ N°b’”"" T‘ J‘ "°""i""‘ ' Allowed to Take inches‘ 1911 with'so.7 inches; and: precedent where an event of the DP- from Columbus. Ohio. .and_ . R. ‘ ' , lm,_,""m-th 35 im,hes_ ‘ from the University of R9S€l'\€ 011- _________ torney General of the United States, ‘Ilileli was ac C New York 0 { Columbia Was 33 Years old. "liquor laws ha Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, 83 years ' t :f'f een others pending against Me-Z r. Frank W. Padelford, of the“! U"""4 f"""-- __ ______ I Union. is at the 1'05 ’‘*‘GELE5- 0”" M"h°h 1"‘ 9 Baptized at Methodist Church— to.- “hunt “kt-d, head of the convention. Dr. H. S. 13"‘-if b°f°’f °°’-mt °:’f."°d Eire ‘°_°_‘ Children Join April 1.3. “I certainly do." Hold:-idzc rc- Baker, assistant secretary ’of the. _ 3}. I .80"-’l'l“l}°" ‘E ’°I:’ “gags” ff; Adults who made applications for sponded immediatel5._ board of education of the horthernl l"-l"_‘"¢l'°_“ 3-8‘"“t _ - ' 9 5 membership in the Broadway Meth-, -—-__——-— _ . assisting Dr.*“k"'8 0" ‘Wm 39990“ 1 0’ iheffilg Odin Church dufing the man. ,.e_f Says Evidence “ill “Shake Nation” e P"~’55- 0'-ll‘-’l‘F charged 7072913’ Ind‘ terdav at Red Top, a mile and a half rcer had charge of the services at B . r>r:xsAcoi..-x, i~‘1a.. March 17.— Balm!‘ Two navy lieutenants were killed; P‘dJ°f° here today when their airplanes col- lided in midair. 1,500 feet above the WILL GIVE PLAY SATURDAY ,' istered at the American comulgtg “Aaron Boggt. a Freshman” WWII T°p Ch ’ It Kovno. Lithuania. ,w beco _ Hunted! "Bltrants to the United States. that . of the country is filled for P“ re. So many Lithuanians % b I 73.,” ‘n gnndwn, of Mn_ Robena COLUMBIAN CHANGES HANDS,ereiie and Owen J. Roberts, presi- The Huntsdale High School wll . um ‘ pk). suurdny nigym en___abeth Colvin, married A. J. Roberts d 3 ,.“hm.n_--,in 1855. They moved to a farm be cast of characters is as fol-,"'-‘Ti the quota ‘ seven yea General De Rosey Carroll Cabbql. ‘low Ntlncd, former commander of the Aaron Bogga Southern Division’ of the United “'99 sou Army. died Saturday i ”°" °""' VA t -Charles D. Porter and Olin Rainer.‘ stuck?" wnh P"-uni. “ween compartments were slightly injured. Saturday by Victor Hvnttwith Mrs. 1C. W. H "‘t r:. n. SKINNER BEGINS HIS ., _ , WORK AS FARM AGENT This is the second time that the America; Co, relating to the Har- ‘Th? f°1l°“lllt _ ‘'0?!’ bill!‘ __ , "*’ . . . hotel has changed hands in the last? hot oil Refueling Base at Honolulu. "'39 D935‘ "*5 “'9' -79"?" C'°“¢l"-qstate of hysteria: as a result of the J8 Fm‘ ‘O Thu ‘n e‘- the was? _....__2__.__.—_._. '- t announced. it is understood to Fire Kills Six in Family. Price avenue; Hrs. 5- 3- 3l"‘~'“'- ‘ claredfit is as yet almost in a state United Pra-. ' . cut a message lllhlon It 0 New York The nationwide referendum the taittee The I:Cor-mack G. R. Skinner, who was recently, ,,,,.',,,,,,,_.,,t t,,..,.,_.,,,, the g,,,.; INDIANAPOLIS, March 17._.' _ _gare Bo mer proprietors and um 10“; Am,:Mra. Susie ‘Sacral, 41. negro. Illtllphilip [-2. Chandler. 607 \t"sl’l.lng- COLUMBIA COUPLE MARRY can Lotion in regard to rrivina. 5" 5"’ °h"d'°". ':""i"“ m ""°1‘°" ”°'“'°‘ "M "'l_’°‘ su“:'.Mar1 Lee Plillllnu and J. P. White- an office room free of rent for "'°"‘ 2 ’“°"u";h ‘P1 fi3’°“’;-_ch“':;”:4Q3 35915097“? 3""»“~'.‘- G°°"3°uiu. .3‘. ".4 ya“.-4.,“ . Sm, g,,,d,.burncd to den in I re a I e- :\\ood, ioio Conley menu! '0‘ * John Floyd Whitesideu and lfary 7995- PT°"ldll‘-K rgedmggs hPawcytmyNlSto‘i"‘a¢li,rth}c,°uf:ther, and one “ h. pod‘ . BIDS ‘I0 BE OPEIWED TONIGHT l lstartcd work here today. He is the farm agent in Boone County. ‘fie ‘ad dw‘b‘" of John NE“ YORB ART IS EXHIBITED Commercial Diqlay Being Shown - ‘R “P°_“d__ M An exhl The imperial household of Jap»-*st ideriag plans for two sons‘ of _°f #59 emperor to visit America next: ll ids wiiilbe opened-for the im- a ted f fprovenient ;of Turner avenue fromithe College of Agriculture here in q a meeting of the City Council to--, in St. Loui E. C. Johnson Construc- last year h v_ ‘might. The maria of the he" York sch” Cari-ollton has submit» fruit farm in St. Louis County Fine Arts is on display in nu.-i“°"' °°~ °‘ are deplrtnicnt in Jesse Hall. .‘ hig.:;d race Bar-knell and John N. Pel-5 gm, 8peaeer'a Nomination Confirmed. ' ,3! U530‘ - I . . noon and formed a class for in-; M 0”," L __ ed t, , _ _ , o y person: preaen wAS“mm§1.?.iia'm.a”'"ti. ‘Sufi? ? 3°.“ 315. i.”'"'v'”v‘."?>.i'i°o§° .'I"§’.'.-.1...-Z ~ -tmcw vmggw 51° d_"°‘;§;;';» ur. white-nu is use -on or Fwd is ; . . ‘ I11 I11! I. ’l1l°l:s:xii-ls’: fl saddwmempbesrpubeffltlg 5 gnwshdrumd 11:. '11. Neal mi*‘3~ . * fC°nntr- The cowle will with in 9 g ’ J I small can at Harris‘ Sunday. W-""3 in Wfimorc gun luatration. caused .3 ipublic lands com:ii!;:ee. to succeed l mu Proctor u the daughter of iin.0m,'d ma Atmflh‘ u,,,,,_,_, t _ ‘ The pictures will be exhibited all ________’ _ .. Frank sue for an. a. A. ac-item ———-———-—-— Ed-1,1» the A ‘MM NR," . * a‘,5,momin;gtiGaadeBaIhIIW& Kellettgag-ainatlahel neS1’0.Cl|II'¢-like circuit derksofiica W eaterday morniiu. fin ‘"'i"°d° L ' ' N beat wed here I ing manual larceny. It is ,1. Burner-against Lulu Hay . lite 816$ 38!‘! Catholic @8511! 3" 7”" on . 0” 12,3“, and. aura.‘ A :~1"."'Q!‘E's recommendation for a 1*! cent increase in taxes 1,. _“°l>t¢d by the French aeaau-.‘art students in the University. SSOURIQE - __..___ ,_,_ __ __ ____V _ __ __ SSOURI, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1924. = LAST EDITION ’’“‘’NUMBER 167 g..—{_.—-— _2_- -—.—.. _.é..—.‘_..;- " o——.——--——- -. , __. _.. ., j__, j_.. 1-._ _. . .....;c0.\*sP1R_AcY LN we Couuecnufhe annual’ N T 7 l X“ stop‘ ..«.... Club ....; S1l0R7.\lT\C Jon nm as we-ton. - r--h- FILM CHARGED week on the {ma conxted to my. gran in tihc Ul;.lvfirs :3: run. ' ' : """“_ . own am pain u y rui. l t : """"_“‘ on thr°epco.°'Thpee Anny Airplanes Saturday night on University at:-c-£:'F0nn9r J1-lstlce Age!“- 3. 'I1ie rt , was ayent for’ Take Off From Cl0- "W b-" “ °“’ “'*‘°“= """’°' “P994”? Calls Dau hertv and E . "° *“*"""’ ver Field at San- ' 3" tmltd ‘at? "'t°.,..m"°. of uw;n.m° Burns “Crooke" in '3. (‘fl esp 0 pro (‘S 8 0 W0 - r the road were paid by Dr. .4. y ta Monica, Cal. --“W -~Wd°“**' “'0 *8" -W‘ "W Testimony. chine hit I-‘arra and who came to- . '#j_""""" . . .. I "“.""'j“‘ says. turned'FOURTH TO LEAVE LATER 3;§Wj‘d ““"‘” “"""‘ ‘° *"°” ""’ EVIDENCE FROM MUMA e per-' ' - ' ' ' rt 6 which h ly solicited for pa nt f: ‘ ‘ . ' F h d ' .t lft ‘t -: , , Rm Th "pm ton“; ° 3M8]. Frederick L. Martin “I” “ 1"‘ ° " “°""'5rSa_\s Nettspapep Man mi-rs ' . house and was walking across the ‘ _ in Charge of F‘lyers—— , street followed by \v..it..-r ‘frank.’ Gave Information of ‘ L and John Montague. University . - - First Stop to Be freshmen, when I-‘arra. nearing the Plot to Exhlblt‘ 8 it-2.‘-.00 S3Cl‘3I'l'lf:I'ltU. curb, was struck and thrown to the Pictures, ":"”‘°°° -—-.———~.. A pavement by the passing automo. M.H is «too BlYl'LET'-\'- bile. He suffered bruises about the n’ U'”""’ I’-‘"1- ’ ' l‘ D . . . . ' V ' 0- . ‘‘*-“"‘“"°*- W . ties did not necessitate medical at-,°l°"'"3 3"“ ll" b"”"""‘d -Au°""‘5' The round-the-world ll\'lufOl‘\’ u,mi,m_ General Daugherty and William J. were .~____ Senatg ¢gmm§tg¢.(. investigating All :g_go 50?)‘ 0\:¢'r the summit of Tech- Daugherty. that Jap Mama, one of 0 ..__ achapau Mountain. D 4 the men who promoted the deal. told ‘3.0"-5--‘C, Their route DOW lies .'lluflL' Illa‘ I tn) that Dang-hcrgy “'5 at ‘he head 3- 437.42; Sm‘ J““‘ll-‘"1 Vullvy. of it and that Burns aided him. 8. T.'I_!.ll _ ll)‘ Cnibvl l're<-—‘—:-- I. J; .1 ‘ unldridge Charged: ‘i_wIELD' Tllfll hf.‘ hllfl TI_.‘l15OIl Ill l)(‘lll’\'f‘ law by showing the fight films. ators since man first tlew~-.