. ' '5 ”_.”;____'u,; G!-'O'&§r'i*"4-_'v ‘; ".ll‘1lll|lllllll‘l'lr to l‘It'T song» The fir»! r‘-gulzti‘ ll‘*‘~()ll> hi» 7 ' r_y_. ("mm Sfl~_5-cod p"t;"m,_ l—"('l'l\ (‘fl ‘Vol C lrfll" itn ll.lYH'f‘Ulil ‘\~(’m..'!.$ I-ni"n .“(_“‘ - ‘r - is Sc“. (‘rap mull‘: Uhilchllr lurmgt me. ‘.;u'_nmW The \‘.oim-n'.~. .‘~li.-~ion:H‘,\' L'mon “If Better Seed “ere PM- Of hi: bib year‘ tracheal‘) lhlf of the i‘:r—! f3p~'.i<: (‘it-in-h .-:31 duccd. We \\'ould lla\cTht'ni." .. c ‘p 'ml~\_. lnfirumhr he hm! aft”. Um‘ mu.‘ ii‘. ll o‘cl~»cl'. iriiim l'v~_i- ' . J’? “M” he "'7" L'r"W" Cum" {Wm .\l:ir .N‘tt'hh(~."..-‘ Circe xv‘! ~ . good music. ‘/:xi;.'azini.,< \.t'l'll{~'[l iii. lwwh 3, 1.,.‘-W ,_-(.i,,.i,;‘ Tm. P,-.,- __ ' I ‘ ‘vud lllld .~l'u'lllt't'l ti.--itluU~l}'. The ‘ l'l’l0Yl(‘ :4 -\|l'llll Ind “illnlll i SQIGS 2’? (111105 (7% lllnlth . I P fir~t piano that he }|llt}'('4l ll" llt‘lp(*(l he \\ :1- } ":0 Y 1 i‘. liiul ..-.i;.- with litnn-2-lf. old in tlic llflll‘. \\:i- in the face of the ::r:i‘-v- di.~appro~.;il of hlx faniily who acri- agriculfuiiil pvoplc. that lie di-cidvd to take up mu~ic in his prof:-.~~iri:~.. \\'hi-ii he was 11' _\'('l.lY'.\ old fl!‘ \\'('Yll tn K:n:.~:t~ uliikrv ll!’ lirifl i('lllll‘(‘ and lY'Xt\0lt“l :«.ioi:r.d lll" -into on l'.ur.-t-b.'i("r; git‘ It--‘ in’ to liuy mom-_\‘ lit- ~¢i"i* .l,_ i:'H'_’ lit’ L-it :i l\\'() _\t'iil.~. lfi plomii in niu~.c fr-an (‘:i:- ;~l"'" l'v' \(l."ll_\ ltl li'»»l'--ti. Kim, xi}:-To: hi‘ hiivl ri:i_\‘i~ii hi- t«.:'ti:»r; l~7. ("Ii(‘ll1UL'. lie \\;1.* ll|3il‘l.‘|‘vl i--_ !‘.'H4I to Florzi lloiiiiltl. A’.-tt*l' lit‘ l\'llIi'll'l.l‘fl lii. ttmlt ltl l‘.'. l'm*.i-r:i1_'. lllvll‘ .'olliiwt~c| it numbcr of }t'iii‘~ of haul work and (‘(iflllflUt‘ll _~tuv1_\. llo- was ilin-clor Hf music in .~i-vi~i'.-«I ilif:'i~i‘i-nt _~i‘hnol.~‘ and yet nlltllHL'l'¢l to ill"l tinw to study with viirioiisi (lI.\'llllfiLll.~l1Ul Slltil-I RI-Jl‘Alllll\'G That's Expert We (‘all—l)t-liver Call 63 Broadway at Eighth l)\'ll\'G POOR Avoid this by ‘saving some- thing cach month and in a few years you will have an in- come. ‘ Interest works while you sleep. I repreatdt the largest Building and Lohn As- sociation in llissouri.‘ If you don't want to start and ac- } count yourself. start one for THE COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN, MONDAY, MALIQL-Ii7.y1‘9_2y4. y- y - EDl;(:R”A:'0lDS 'l'El.El’ll0.\'E 0 ti; Method of ‘ r :Bloomfield Zeisler. one of the fore- tors study at 7:30 °'°l°¢'1~' 9“-* """" Tm‘ l>ur;io.~<- ot_t;ie association hh wt‘ ‘lg! °"rh_"“.n packing “ml ll" om. (‘ll of line t-o1ntr.\' to thi- 'co-o»cr;.ti'.'c shi ing. Farmers w i» not han e (‘a NW1 59‘ - Hl.li(‘l'. lt I.‘ bull .'or laugh lIl.‘l'- \t".Sli to .~~IriEp stlifk but have not 2 Our custonu-rs know Ihiii "1" 14,‘... ,,,,1_\-_ Ti... Pin}. ,,.,,,,.- .‘_,'(A.,, full c:-.zl«-nd or ciiiiblcil to CIillllill‘( {letters and plant.-‘h arc 5*‘ Y”"' 4” l|:ll1lil.t Tiiciiu-1 on \\'i-{int-_-ri:i;v. vi‘ «(ht-r ini-iiilwr- ufid l’W‘l'3'*" l.l’l0S(* lIl'0‘-"N -'1“.‘'‘‘' ‘'l"‘’' .\lar;“ii ii‘. the LnxF(n!I§tI§ 1“-ciirflllifi [ii Tl‘Jnll)0l' til “'1' lift‘ L'TU“'lnK '‘‘‘'l ''“l' ll“ ‘ Tn‘ ‘UHV "f ..Ju‘..l _\1:”.!.i!_d" hpad ,-hipped and the pountiagc. 1im~ {lower and vi-gem!-ii» pl:ir.t~ Hm?“ M“L’_'nd H ‘l”__m;'\, m“hnm,_.i ShiplllL‘n'.!~’ are niadc cach Tue-iliij~' this spring. _ ,‘”u...,”, mm: Ry‘, },0a,..i, 3..., or 1;: other tiim-.~ when there i: bUl- Our hhru§ibt~ry :- t‘X"'-llc-1:‘. z-ml j;n_m,»“ L,‘ ‘,_(,um‘m:_ ..Ln.,“.“_,t:[_... ficii-tit =to;-I»; to warrant It. ‘ can lav :~t*(-1'. tzrovxmg :':1:h1 or‘. our "T n”_1._l_;(’ }u_t Prim. 1“ ‘hr _mp-‘ -ll‘). ‘“hll’“"r may “hull”. h.{c-lflng f"r"und5 when‘ it rmwwl“ flu‘ “"1 .*‘tlllf‘.'.' "mitt H--ri':'i-;iu.r. l"r’:*.r‘.t‘i-. for r‘.‘.cn‘.lN"r.~hip in lnt asS(!('llt'tlOll M’ of can-. _\,._\ 3,”, L;,;,., ,, -5,. ,—.H.,_;_,_~. 3... pf\l‘!‘.(~fll of 51 from the proct-00> i:.f \\',. do not .11: 4.,-,,i,i,‘.,_, H,_,_,i fix‘ mm “W “mm ._‘ML_mhn] “W; lll tir~'. 't\lll‘1 UH’ 0l’$!3m- it 1. ,-old; tht-rt-fore. \'f'f'_‘.' :'..rv-l;»' If H V I A i I J _ W Church Conference 'l'oni|!l|l- lx‘ "¢'7‘}' in"-’“‘-‘”~ll“-S! 10 )'UvU- Cami: the peace of t-vt-ryom- Bowman D. Sitiplc. P|’(‘$llll"fY Vlll” (‘UL Y0“ 3"‘ 3l“"3)‘5 ""~'l"°m€‘- tbrt cn ed. Old and COl.l.'-MBIA FLORAL CGMl’.\.\'\"scdnte married couple-_~: and growers of bedding plant.-' stts of ‘hoot-_vmoon.. in Central Missouri— -12 grecn- unvvilli‘_i;_v_a,(. houses—20 acres of :,'roun . ti.-r ctnfu.-ion that Storc——Across from I‘. 0.. l’honc ently 366. (Stet-nhouscs—66 “'1-.~t and Ash. Phone 920. Clint Batcman. Manager. ——.-1. teachers, including Alton Spencer in e merican Conservatory. Then _ _ _" h Id came the opportunity. of nealizfng,of the l"a.\'€110 l3IS.trI;_’t. W111‘ what amounted to a life-long ambi- quarter-l)’ '-‘°‘_1l‘-”‘°“‘€‘ ‘"'_l' ‘ V with 1'-‘gmnie way Methodist Church in the pos- stirqfl T- — Willing M E‘ -1 71 to ‘A tion. that of studying llit-."(‘ is am. ‘no \vzr_v mzt‘ of theiy dim Blvd. culti,-g-. But 0:'.(-r l: i~.~-:ort-d g-van, All stewards, trustees of the the Sunday school superin- most pianis in the world W _ . president is . hen he had completed his stud- Church» ies with her he went to Atchison, U-'Nl"“lo Kan.. where he established a music ‘*'°T1l‘ 1 school of his own. He was there 0i W" Senior lup- in-aguc. lay leader. Wt‘: "“'"'~ \\'om(-n's .\ll.~'>'l(illfll'j' .‘i0t'||l:-' rT'.9CC't .<. \ . fire-ats on sale 1:. '.li-. nu.:'ning gt until he came to Christian College “ml l'“*""~“ °f “I 10”” ”“”“h“" ' —' “‘ "‘ zwx of,-5u,_ _Ad' to become head of the Conserva- Will attend the The'ateFS / _ tory of Music there. Mr- Loud?“-. ,.LA\-T’-mi; 312331" SE}-II).\' "J0?! -‘ll-‘"'°‘.f‘\("!':tl' |ll(.'Ll." the Comedy has been. playing for Mr. Loudonback is a Methodist. and dollars worth Ouch }(~.i| in our nmfly {Mr yea“ steadily. hi‘ a member of Phi Mu Alpha and ll“Fl¢‘<’fl l!Tt‘£‘f'-‘T011-V‘: 31'“ 03' 7 with ‘mum _...(.n, W have ,_..,mc. 0f “I9 ll0l-3")‘ Cl"l’- He likes C0’ ‘wm?t'v acres of “wand. ii.-.- ijurjiif two-_w-zir rui: ll’ Ynil: 'n;i.< mzide it we-lI i;l'.H\\’ll from > T...-.j—o--— ‘ wr- lose if shrub that we plan: a--..:. '. can ntalac fl(‘ll\'|'l_\‘ ii {mi hour. after receiving your «mi: 3'. ioznpi ..~ii'.-.- niciiilicrh when stotl. 1:- vzjnritl in t.'ai.e-it. Shi ments in. . _ lllItf‘lt* t«.. :in.\‘ «»..nin1:.<.~i«m house (lt'- “ V lli"”‘ll*' l”'3“'ll“31ll.‘~ “\""~' “vhf” H“ P”, thing you may need in tl'.i~ l.-zii in the \\Jt_\’ of 1'lo'.\'cr.~. plzirtr. ~ .-in-cl li_\' -.h.« -cniicr. alterggvery meal fiulr made 1 ft-y-1-n;‘e 1- Lflttrfl they are p the li(iu_.t' gixzizg l>c~t price and .~t-r\- -l'"'Ul'l'('l')~' “ml llflrdl‘ l‘t‘="'“~'114*l‘— c|¢.ns¢g $4331]; 33"] ‘[1,. A visit to our grt-cnhou.~'c>: v. M [¢¢[h .n¢| ‘figs gjgcguon T}-.i— .'i.~.«uciation is governed by in Relieves that over- 1.4 .'.rr‘il: ll!‘ plant. ' lluiixig Builifzng, liightr. and ~ ;.'_ri-t~'.~. value In the benefit and pleasure V“ .-t-ed in (‘cnlral .\li.~mouri. ‘ l C‘. Lawn (£ra.~.~ ’ "it" : ~: ll u f m:n;- . - - 5 died in its F ° . "ML ll) t n“ gm P H l.. lu-ntucl-." Blue (.ras.-. lb, fir Pcoclc mu’ 'I‘}'_~ ¢.l‘..'.".lll7.I"l .'l .-iinilar -‘tflfl .~4.-.hi- . . . , 13- i I it: nir.i'i i P mwn 'i thi to “ ml" (l'“°r' lb’ 'mc A \ vu 1- f‘ 1: .'i ii? .1 e " ‘ ' , , - V , _ . i .\ l'.ngIi.~l'i Rye. ll). Jar ,u~.;l.i.~. 1 'i-HlN‘Y'.'tll\(‘ .\hippiiig .» ~— . q_ ’ Italian Ryc. Ila. ...-r ,.llI xnlltifi. gram for the afternoi li meeting will begin at 1:30 «frloc ‘. as that u/any other brand ALPHA CONCERT SERIES A Feast of Stirring Music--- Brings to all a relaxation that is in itself 21 tliing for ci1_io_vment. Like zi great organ. the St. Louis Symphony 0i°chcsti°_a brings its Iic-:ii'er.< to a new appi-eciation TOMORROW ‘Of things musical. thm-.\*r into such 33, lUfl'.l_\'. and l.l‘.«t- t'-.}';tL't- peacgfml’, D aboard 1. A fternoon Night 8:l5. The T. L O U I S Y M P H O N p ORCHESTRA . University Auditorium A JOHI§I0l((;f3:URZ u Buy Your Seats 'lAomorrow Morning S R - t 1 4 the youngsters. ‘I will loan universities in is- , . ~ - in Fulton ‘at week : you money to buy or tted cabinet tuemberr Weathers Bealtgflggg . . t Phenol?! TAYLOR's MlSSOURl .s"I‘(iRE Unreserved. $1 Reserved, :52 PH! MU. ‘ALPHA CONCERT si~:RiEs‘ i ‘ K’ 9. IT . £ . i: ‘J 3. l . -~ v- -4...-... I !’l-llllll‘ ”_.\i